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Alumni Comments

This newsletter section has two parts (scroll down for each one):

Part 1: Comments received since last newsletter edition
Part 2: Comments published in previous newsletters

PART 1: Recent comments, received since last newsletter edition

"Thanks......for continuing this great association!"
Jane Ross (Prof. d’Anglais & American History)

"Je lis vos news letters avec toujours beaucoup de plaisir !"
Jacques Baron (Prof. de 7eme, annees scolaires 1970 - 1972)

"Je tiens aussi à vous féliciter de la newsletter que vous avez organisée en Novembre dernier et que j'ai trouvée très bien faite."
Claudine Herrmann ('44)

"Bravo! Merci pour votre travail."
Perry Gaskell ('47)

".....thank you for the work you’re doing. I do look forward to reading the next newsletter....."
Rosette (Winger) Tucker ('59)

"Congratulations on a great job."
Théodore de Wyzewa ('60)

"Thank you for the good job you do in always keeping us informed."
Chantal Sironneau-Rodriguez ('64)

"I take this opportunity to thank AALFNY.....for the tremendous work done to keep us informed, thus preserving the memory of these lost days."
Antoine Comte ('64)

"Merci pour tout le travail que vous faites pour nous tenir informés."
Clio Exchaquet-Cherpillod ('64)

"Thanks again for all the wonderful work you do to keep us Alumni close together, it is a great gift for everybody."
Evelyn (Wahl) Soum ('64)

"....BRAVO pour cette initiative et cette persévérance ! C’est grâce à ..... l’association, que l’un de mes meilleurs amis m’a retrouvé, je crois l’an dernier.....Merci, de contribuer à maintenir ce lien inestimable."
Pierre Allain ('65)

"I just spent the last couple of hours perusing the latest newsletter. T’was another gargantuan piece of work. Thanks so much for the entertainment and information."
JJ Lamarche ('67)

"Merci pour tout ce que tu fais pour ce groupe. J’apprécie énormément. Je crois que je ne suis pas la seule, d’ailleurs."
Nadejda M Kondratiev ('74)

"Thank you for this hard work you are doing in putting everything together."
Odile (Baillargeat) Plegat-Kerrault ('74)

"....You are doing a great service for those of us who tend not to stay in communication with our colleagues as much as we would like (or should!)...."
Luc Droal ('75)

"Je n'ai pas pu être présent [à la réunion du 7 novembre, 2015] mais je tiens à m'associer aux remerciements à [l'Association des Anciens]. C'est un travail extraordinaire que de maintenir cette Alumni, et la tâche doit sembler parfois bien ingrate. C'est au cours de réunions telles que celle-ci que l'on peut prendre la mesure de l'importance du travail réalisé. Donc merci !"
Marc Anger ('76)

"Thank you so much for ...... continuing this noble work of keeping us connected."
Mokha Laget ('77)

"Merci de ce merveilleux travail que tu fais depuis des années pour les alumni. Malheureusement il est aussi fait de mauvaises nouvelles [décès d'une classmate]. Je te félicite pour ton engagement."
Nathalie (Caste) Calmettes ('78)

"Thank you for all your work. You are a godsend for us all."
Carla Rosen Vacher ('78)

"Many, many thanks for this. We should all tip off our hats to you and the fantastic work you do. I have had a really good time (with a bit of unavoidable nostalgia) going through the newsletter and seeing what some of my former class mates have become."
Ignacio Pérez Caldentey ('79)

"Merci beaucoup pour tout ce travail de rassemblement."
Cinthia Levy ('85)

"I went through the whole wonderful endeavor and wanted to congratulate you on your amazing result. It is a Herculean task, and you produce such a heart-warming and interesting newsletter. A big Bravo, a bigger Thank You."
Alessandra Gagliardi ('86)

"Thank you for the great job on the Newsletter, always a pleasure to read it."
Sophie Gest ('87)

"Thanks so much for your time and effort in staying connected to all of us, and helping to keep us all connected as well. It's greatly appreciated."
Joëlle Tahindro. (’99)

"Je trouve cette newsletter une bonne occasion de donner et d'avoir des nouvelles !"
Sophie Fortier Beaulieu ('99)

PART 2: Comments published in previous newsletters

From Newsletter #33 (December 2014)

“I am most grateful to you and all the other volunteers who keep the association so vibrantly active and alive.”
Gabrielle Griswold (’44)

“Ton rôle est important --celui de liaison entre les anciens du lycée. Quelle surprise en 2009, 50 ans après avoir quitte le lycée, de recevoir des emails de ces ex copains d'école. Très sympa. Depuis j'échange encore quelques emails de temps en temps avec certains. ”
Jean-Jacques Richard (’60)

"Thank you for the excellent job you do with the AAFNY! Best wishes and keep up the good work.”
Edward Darell (’63)

“You really are a fantastic resource and thanks again so much for having taken this project upon yourself so many years ago and devoted so much time, thought and energy. It's really invaluable. I am sure you don't get enough accolades.”
Jackie Tolkowsky (’63)

"Thanks for all the work you do on behalf of LFNY Alumni and in particular tx for your work on the newsletter."
Yveline Arnaud ('63)

« .....un grand merci pour votre dévouement à la cause des anciens ! »
François Francisci (’64)

« Votre démarche est proprement merveilleuse… ! C’est extraordinaire de voir mon passé ainsi ressurgir ! Que de souvenirs émus de cette période de ma vie qui a beaucoup compté pour moi. Je vous félicite d’avoir créé cette association. J’imagine le travail gigantesque que cela requiert de votre part ! Merci ! »
Viviane Guerdan (’64)

"You deserve every accolade for all your hard work!"
Diana Henry ('66)

“Many thanks for your efforts in reuniting classmates and friends. A touching sentimental journey.”
Suzanne Dache (’69)

"Thank you for your efforts to keep our class connected."
Claudine (Clarke) Elian ('69)

“I would like to thank you for all the work you do for AALFNY. I don't keep in touch with many people, but it is great to know a little of a world I left so many years ago.”
Will Weaver (’72)

"Thank you for your diligence in keeping all of us connected over the many years. Your work is appreciated."
Liliane Morin ('73)

"Thank you for all the great work you're doing and bringing us."
Claude Blanc ('73)

"Merci pour les mails et tous les efforts accomplis afin de nous permettre de garder le contact."
Elisabeth Ignacio-Pinto ('73)

"I wanted to thank you for your hard work and dedication in setting up and maintaining the Alumni Association of the anciens eleves. Keep up the good work. What you do makes a difference for all of us.
a bientôt,"
Philippe Geraud (’74)

"Congratulations! Thanks to you, so many Anciens du Lycée Français de New York have reconnected. Hope we meet again at some point this year."
Brigitte Briand (’76)

".....I thought would wish you well and thank you for keeping the newsletter going. It is sometimes an arduous task— lots of follow ups and very little feed back. So this was just to let you know that I appreciate it"
Nina Gerassi Navarro, '77

« Merci beaucoup pour cet immense travail. »
Jean-Christophe Turot, ('78)

"Grace à vous et vos efforts j'ai pu renouer avec la class '83. Avec mes remerciements."
Clément Houssin ('83)

"I am really floored by what I found on the site!! What an amazing job you have done. Thank you soo much !!...... I have spent the last 3 days on my vacation going thru all the news, and it is an amazing trip I just took. So many wonderful memories."
Luca Pizzo (’86)

“It's really a pleasure to read your newsletters since they give me the opportunity to find out who is doing what. Keep up the spirit !”
Mohamed Niaré ('89)

"Thank you so much for taking care of the LFNY community, you are doing an amazing job!"
Ivan de Quercize ('08)


From earlier newsletters

“Just want to congratulate you on the impressive issue of the current newsletter. I can see what a tremendous amount of work went into it. Lycee alumni are lucky that you have the time and interest to do this!”
Yoka Verdoner, (Prof. d'Anglais, années scolaires 1962 à 1967)

«...mes félicitations et mes voeux de succès pour votre magnifique entreprise...»
Marie-Dominique Loustalot, Chef du Service des Bibliothèques (1984-1986)

"Bravo for all your work for AALFNY"
Brigitte Nahon, Prof. de dessin (1996-1997)

"Yesterday I had the great pleasure of seeing [a former student] again about forty-four years later! I really want to thank you for all you do to keep Lycee alumni and former teachers connected. You were the one who made this possible. We had a most enjoyable lunch and more or less caught up on many years of personal and professional history."
Yoka Verdoner, (Prof. d'Anglais, années scolaires 1962 à 1967)

« Comment vous remercier de votre excellent travail? C'est un tel plaisir que de naviguer sur le site de la ‘LFNY Alumni Association’. Tous ceux qui sont passés par le Lycée Français de New York ont sans doute vécu là un temps riche et émouvant, ce fut du moins le cas pour moi, et j'apprends toujours avec un immense intérêt le devenir de mes anciens élèves qui m'ont laissé de merveilleux souvenirs. Bien cordialement de Rome, et tous mes vœux pour l'avenir! »
Benoît Anger Gréan, Prof. de Français (1985-94)

"Congratulations on the excellent work you have clearly been doing for the AAFLNY."
Pierre de Ferry de Fontnouvelle (son of LFNY's founder and first President)

"Merci, pour avoir créé [AA]LFNY car il est toujours très agréable de se souvenir de merveilleux moments de vie."
Gabriel Moss (Surveillant (1974-75))

« Merci à tous ceux qui contribuent au bon fonctionnement et à l'efficacité de l'association des anciens du LFNY. »
Roger Boudeile, Prof de maths (’72 to ’74)

"What an excellent idea to contact me and give me the web site of LFNY Alumni Association. I have spent already two nostalgic hours searching for my former students and colleagues. But it's quite rejuvenating and fascinating. Thank you for this enormous amount of work. If I can make a suggestion, more pictures will be welcome."
Odile Degail (Former Prof. of Economics)

"Great job, thank you so much!"
Gautier Willm (Former member of Administration)

"I just went to see the Alumni website, and I spent hours going from one link to another! Its priceless to be able to have news from people who shared a very special time in a so particular and multicultural place as the LFNY. Merci d'être un relais aussi précieux!"
Cécile Bourlange, former librarian for the primary school ('96-'05)

"I'm glad to see this newsletter thriving!"
Jane Ross, former Prof. d'histoire.anglais

"Thanks, as always, for keeping us all so wonderfully in touch."
Gabrielle Griswold ('44)

"You are to be heartily congratulated for having put new life in the LFNY Alumni Association. I know how difficult it is to pump life into such an organization and you and your colleagues have done a great job. Keep it up and keep it going. All the best, Un tres Ancien Ancien!"
Maurice Raviol ('44)
Editor’s note: Maurice is one of the founding members of the AALFNY. The other five are: Kevin Egan ('48), Ellen (Ehrlich) Mimran ('51), Pierre Lorsy ('53), Esther Asper ('44 --deceased), and Jean Arabo ('46)

"I greatly admire what you have achieved and hope that you will continue in the future. I do know something about the difficulties of running an alumni association and, not only sympathize, but can truly appreciate the effort you have put in to keep it going !!"
Maurice Raviol ('44) [Founder of the AALFNY]

"I think you're doing a fantastic job for both the Lycee and its alums."
Gabrielle Griswold ('44)

"Je serais tout à fait contente de participer à votre association et de recevoir la "newsletter" que vous adressez aux anciens élèves du lycée dont je garde un souvenir inoubliable. Je vous félicite de votre initiative."
Claudine Herrmann ('44)

"Thanks for keeping in touch and bringing us all the News from the Lycee."
Audrey (Clarke) Kelm ('47)

"Congratulations to you on your email and the magazine."
Edward Gaskell ('47)

"Magnificent newsletter. Nostalgia envelopes me when reading the names of old classmates like Jean Arabo, Kevin Egan, Consuelo Eames, Anne Boulin, Mr. Brodin. .........Many thanks for your loving efforts."
Audrey (Clarke) Kelm ('47)

"You did a great job! Thank you. And I have forwarded the newsletter to the members of Alix Deguise`s family."
Eléonore M. Zimmermann ('49)

"Thank you for what you do"
Anne (Benech) Cirier ('50)

"You are producing a terrific newsletter...full of interesting documents. It must take an enormous amount of work to get all this together. Thank you."
Denise Bystryn Kandel ('50)

"Pour ne pas être un trouble-fête, mais . . . j'ai devant moi la brochure du
LFNY, Automne 2005, digne de celles des grands magasins de la 5e avenue. Le grand problème dans ce bouquin est l'existence d'une autre association des anciens régie par un C.B. Kende, tête du comité d'anciens élèves. Il y a aussi une longue liste d'anciens perdus. Le format - prénom/nom de famille - fait une comparaison avec le votre très penible. En plus, les recherches commencent en 1968. Est-ce qu'on nous considère comme croulants ou macchabées? :-) Et le site, alumni@lfny.org , est criblé de messages, 'en construction' ou 'page demandée est introuvable' Je m'excuse mais tout ceci m'a un peu tracassé car l'esprit cartésien est un legs de la 95e rue et les complications inutiles sont toujours de trop."
John Clarke ('51)

"Keep up the good work and thanks."
Peter Herford ('53)

"I am delighted to hear from you and read about the Association. It's like the distant past catching up with you. I shall look forward to reading your newsletter. Thank you for getting in touch."
Michel Strauss ('54)

"Je voulais juste vous remercier pour tous vos efforts, qui permettent à l'Association de (sur)vivre! J'aimerais que d'autres anciens de mon année se manifestent mais ils semblent introuvables."
Nadine Vitols Dixon ('55)

"I sure appreciate all the great work you are doing."
Waldemar Kasriels ('56 et Prof.)

"The newsletter looks not only terrific, but informative and relevant! Congratulations!! I have been considering offering a similar service to my
college class Columbia '61 and you are an inspiration."
Philippe de la Chapelle ('58)

"You're doing great things for the Alumni, congratulations!"
Philippe de La Chapelle ('58)

"Superbe! Bravo et encore, merci!"
Philippe de la Chapelle ('58)

"I read with great interest the "Alumni and Prof's on the Internet" column in your latest issue."
Dr. Alexander Rossolimo ('58)

« Merci beaucoup (vraiment beaucoup) for doing this ! »
Laurence (Thiollier) Moscato ('59)

"Grace au mail que je vous ai envoyé et que vous avez publié j'ai été contacté par plusieurs anciens et anciennes du Lyçée. je vous en remercie vivement car cela me fait un immense plaisir de retrouver le passé sans nostalgie!!"
Colette (Maluski) Touchon ('60)

« Félicitations pour votre publication de novembre. Très bonne réalisation et édition. De même pour les infos alumni en ligne. Il est facile de naviguer et de trouver ce que l'on cherche. C'est très bien organisé. »
Jean-Jacques Richard (’60)

"Thank you for your efforts in trying to find us (my sister and myself). It is most appreciated. I will be visiting the site and taking advantageous of the offer to find our classmates... Bravo pour l'excellent travail."
Catherine Loudes ('61)

"You are doing a wonderful job of helping us all to keep in touch with old friends--or, as in my case, to get back in touch with them. Hats off to you. I'm grateful to be able to peruse the whole web site."
Michel-André Bossy (’61)

"Thank you so much for sending me this. I read it with great alacrity--and appreciation."
Jill Newman Iversen ('61)

" 'Bravo' for [your] web site qui réunit les anciens élèves du lycée français de NY."
Hervé Ségalen ('61)

"Congratulations on all your work."
Nicole (Hervé) de Montmorin ('61)

"I enjoyed looking at the newsletter and finding some updates about old friends."
Annette Somers ('61)

"Thanks for these updates. It's always a pleasure to hear about my old classmates. Keep up the good work."
Dyllia Zannettos ('62)

"Many thanks for keeping this alumni association active!"
Jean-Michel Cousin ('62)

" J'en profite pour vous complimenter pour le travail effectué avec les anciens du Lycée Français de New-York. C'est dans cette école que j'ai vécu les meilleures années de mon enfance."
Paule (Magloire) Bernardin ('62)

"Many thanks for all your work to sustain the community."
Patrice M. Berger ('62)

"Thanks for all this excellent work!"
Geoffrey Morson ('62)

"You have no idea what a present you have given me! I have been looking for ....my long lost friend since 1968. I can't wait to mail her, I am beside myself with joy! Thank you so, so much. And through your email [service] I have been contacted by other long lost friends....who found me only through you and we are all meeting for a 40 year graduation reunion on June 21 in Provence!...So this Lycee network you organized is fantastic. OUT of this world!"
Alda Popa ('63)

“Thank you again for a wonderful newsletter. So many nice memories.”
Jan (Arnold) Broecker ('63)

"Thank you for a very wonderful newsletter. Because of you I found [two dear friends]. I loved the lycee.....very great memories."
Jan (Broecker) Arnold ('63)

"Wonderful work on the Lycée Alumni web page!...Fun to see names of classmates that I had forgotten about."
Michel Vonderweidt (‘64)

"Thanks for this, it is absolutely great to see the great work AALFNY does. I have discovered it yesterday just par hasard!!.......Je suis éblouie d'avoir retrouvé des noms familiers sur ce site."
Evelyne (Wahl) Soum ('64)

"....spent 2 hours surfing the site. WOW!! very nice site. I often wonder where all the copains went to...first loves and best friends forever.... A few tears for those I see are no longer with us. Keiffer, Cerisoles (Nanette).
I could not find any news on Kastriels(staff-PE), we were at Mrs Mount's camp together for many,many years. So many have scattered in the winds....I hope your work will bring us back together."
"You are truly devoted to this and I thank you for the goose bumps I get when I visit the Alumni site."
Christian Helfer('64)

"J’ai été très ému de voir les photos....Que de souvenirs!.....Toujours très intéressant de voir les parcours variés des anciens amis, surtout après presque un demi siècle!"
Patrick Desplanque ('64)

"The site is vastly improved! Your tribute to Tibou is excellent - Thank you."
Sandra Haas ('65)

"Je viens d'apprendre la nouvelle de la mort de M. Claude Choquet, et en lisant les lignes que lui dédie Gabin Christian Langue Tsobgny ’85, je demeure frappé en y retrouvant exactement les mêmes traits que j'avais remarqués et appréciés comme élève de M. Choquet... vingt ans auparavant! Cette constance dans l'effort didactique et intellectuel de ce professeur exceptionnel, certainement celui dont les enseignements m'ont le plus marqué au cours de mon passage au Lycée, me semble digne de mention en ce moment où plusieurs générations d'élèves de Philosophie du Lycée new-yorkais lui rendent ce dernier hommage."
Victor de la Serna ('65)

"I can't tell you what an emotional moment it was to read about some of my classmates mentioned on the website. When I started in 1953 (I have all the yearbooks if you need them) the classes were small and we all new each other. I knew Naomi Schor even though she was two years older. I was very sad to hear about her passing. I remember you [Roger Liwer ‘68] as being the tallest in your class (two years younger). Robert Ayache is the only person I kept in touch with on and off. I will now be keeping in touch with the Alumni."
David Passigli (’65)

"Just wanted to thank you: With the help of your newsletter, I was able to get in touch again with two old classmates."
Tuyet Ha Vinh ('65)

"Thanks for you efforts keeping happy memories alive!"
Dominique Pettit ('65)

“If no one has told you lately, I will tell you that you are doing a fabulous job juggling all of us and producing this newsletter. In effect, you are in charge of what was promised to me, back in 1964: an alumni association that would keep us in touch no matter where we roamed on this planet. Thank you.”
Sandra Haas (’65)

“Thank you for an outstanding newsletter.”
Irène Finel-Honigman ('66)

"Thank you for all your hard alumni work. It is much appreciated."
Elizabeth (Loudes) McLaughlin ('66)

"Thank you for your very valuable work."
Dominique Pettit ('66)

"Encore félicitations pour le site."
Henri-Armand Kohn ('66)

"I have looked forward to your emails over the years and enjoyed reading about my fellow alumni.....You are doing a great job!"
Elizabeth (Loudes) McLaughlin ('66)

"Congratulations on a job very well done!"
Diana Henry ('66)

"Seeing [the pictures of Martin Kieffer] and reading the related articles actually brought tears to my eyes! He really was one great guy and amply deserved the award. The world needs more of his kind.
[My sister] Jacqueline will be very touched by his words because I know she cared for him very much."
Raymond Morini ('66)

"Just wanted to thank you for all your efforts in trying to locate my long lost friends. By the same token, I take this opportunity to compliment you on your excellent job performance in giving so many of us the opportunity to renew our old ties and friendships."
Yola (Magloire) Lanzlinger ('66)

"I tried out your "find a classmate" What fun! You are doing a great job. Thank you."
Elisabeth Loudes ('66)

"Nice to see the pictures, and the Kieffer speech brought a tear to my eye."
Chris Kende ('66)

"Thanks for the great work you are doing!"
Paul Oppenheim ('66)

“Awesome job on the newsletter, as always. It seems more and more alumni are popping up.”
JJ Lamarche (’67)

« Avec mes félicitations pour le travail effectué et mes cordiales salutations.» Gilles Maluski (’67)

"The site is wonderful and I'd like to congratulate you on a job well done. I enjoyed every minute I spent reading and catching up with old classmates and teachers. Thanks for accomplishing such a 'labor of love'!"
Marie-France Prosperi Forbin (’67)

"You are doing a great job."
Camille (Nathan) Maseda ('67)

"I always enjoy reading the new editions of the newsletter, class notes in particular."
Gerard ("JJ") Lamarche, ('67)

"Thank you for this trip down memory lane. I enjoyed every minute of it!"
Marie-France Prosperi Forbin ('67)

"Thanks and congratulations for an unabated dedication to the news
letter. It keeps them young, as they say.... Keep on trucking."
Dominique de Ziegler ('67)

"Kind regards and congratulations for the good job your are doing."
Camille (Nathan) Maseda ('67)

"Thank you for the wonderful job that you are doing in keeping in touch so many old alumni of the LFNY."
Alberto Cordero di Montezemolo ('67)

"Thanks for all the Hard Work!"
Alexandre de Bordes ('67)

"Bonjour et merci pour ce dernier numéro du Journal des Anciens: vraiment très sympa à lire."
Gerard Chetrit ('68)

"Have just spent a good hour browsing on the site! The contents are fantastic!"
Nicole Perrier ('68)

"You have done an outstanding job with this alumni site...It is truly a labor of love."
Greg Gould ('68)

"Thanks for keeping the alumni in touch."
Valerie (Pierce) Dornan ('68)

"Merci pour tout le travail que tu fais et ta dédication. Nous en sommes tous les bénéficiaires!"
C.C. (Claudine Clarke) Elian ('69)

"[I went to your] website and was amazed to see familiar faces from the very start. It is very touching to read news that is 40 years in the making. I look forward to the newsletters......We who have let ourselves get lost from the school crowd owe a debt of gratitude to you and those who maintain such a point de rencontre."
Claudine C.C. (Clarke) Elian ('69)

"Thanks for doing a great job!"
Jean-Marie Clarke ('69)

"...thanks again to you and the others who help make and keep the alumni and alumnae a community."
Alexandra Bonfante-Warren ('69)

"Thanks to you and everyone involved in the web site and newsletter--great job!"
Alexandra Bonfante-Warren ('69)

"J'adore la photo de notre classe sur le site internet. Cela m'a permis de me souvenir de beaucoup de gens que j'avais oubliés."
Carole (Vonderweidt) Hansen ('69)

"What a wonderful site! I've periodically searched the Internet for info about the Lycée, and this time I hit the jackpot. You are doing a great job. I can't believe all the names I still recognize. I left the Lycée after Troisième as I left NYC, but I still have very fond memories of skating at Wollman Rink, fencing in the ballroom, New Year's Eve dinners at Patrick Jacques', parties in Glen Cove at the Marescot's, going to camp at M. Kasriels and on and on..."
Puck Wullenweber (’69)

"What a wonderful accomplishment! Here I was, sitting down at my desk trying to figure out shortcuts so I could let my staff out early, and waiting for some documents, and I become mesmerized by the Classnotes for the Class of '69, each name a memory, figuring out how to get in touch, etc. Just a note, though, is in order first to thank you for all you've done and are doing."
Steven O. Goldschmidt ­('69)

" 'La nostalgie n'est plus ce qu'elle était,' some say. Well, to judge from the AALFNY website, nostalgia is certainly alive and well with the Lycée alumni. It brings back wonderful memories. I unfortunately haven't kept track of many of my classmates, apart from one obvious one - my wife, Jacqueline Moreau '69!- which is why it was such a joy to have discovered this website.Thanks and congratulations."
Alphonse Bernard ('69)

"I was delighted and astounded to get a call last week from Peter Laurence '66,with whom I hadn't spoken in more than 30 years. I have since looked at the alumni web site and the "Find a Classmate" feature. Congratulations on setting all this up. It was a great idea. I plan to contact some other old classmates - people I had given up hope of ever locating."
Paul Bernstein ('69)

"Bravo on the website and all the efforts you have put into this. I used to be part of the AALF and it has come a long way."
Denise (Raab) Jacobs ('69)

"I've spent well nearly an hour looking at all of the various sections in this latest newsletter...This site must represent something different for each alumnus, but I've no doubt that each of us who views it goes back to that place when we were all together, youthful and undifferentiated as to where we were all headed. Thank you for the fine work, the going above and beyond that it clearly evidences, and the added bonus of the artist's section. We just don't know what is inside of a person until they show it to us."
C.C. (Claudine Clarke) Elian ('69)

"Nice job on the newsletter and the pictures"
Remy Ayache ('69)

"I really enjoying all the new content on the AALFNY site."
Francis Dumanoir ('69)

"Thanks for putting together such a nice exhibit."
Peter Laurence ('69)

"Thanks for organizing the Alumni Association and its e-newsletter."
Nadine Joseph ('69)

"As always.... Great job!!"
Jacques Luben ('70)

"I love reading the newsletter. Thanks for putting it all together!"
Polly Estabrook ('70)

"Bravo - great job re-organizing us all!"
Sherry Morse ('70)

"Congratulations. The newsletter looks great!"
Jacques Luben ('70)

"By the way, that is quite a database you have there!"
Karin Link ('70)

"Once again... Great job!!"
Jacques Luben ('70)

"I just looked at everything that has been added to the site. This is far from a typical French response, but.... WOW!"
Karin (Link) Murr ('70)

"I'm just going through the "In Memoriam" section and a couple of other lists/alum pics you've newly updated/set-up.....Thank you! Merci infiniment! You have done a superlative job!"
Victor Aboulaffia ('70)

"Thank you for keeping this going."
Suzanne Singer ('70)

"I am so impressed. I have just spent an hour looking through all the photos, reading everything, and just generally visiting your Alumni site. You have done a wonderful job. It was certainly a journey back."
Romana Lowe ('70)

"J'ai été très ému …..de recevoir les photos de notre passage au Lycée Français et remercie votre Association et votre dynamisme."
Cyril Pervilhac ('70)

"Thanks for the great job you do with the newsletter and keeping us all in touch. Much appreciated!"
Sherry Morse ('70)

"As usual, really amazing job."
Karin Link ('70)

“I enjoy the newsletter and appreciate your sending it.”
Kem Knapp Sawyer ('71)

"Tu persévères à maintenir et entretenir ce lien fort et c'est très méritoire."
Jean-Loup Taieb ('71)

"Once more I can only reiterate all my congratulations for the AALFNY website which I always look at with a lot of pleasure.....thank you and all the members of the alumni association for the good job you’re doing."
Manoële Jacques ('71)

"Once more I can only reiterate all my congratulations for the AALFNY website which I always look at with a lot of pleasure....Thank you again for the good job you’re doing."
Manoële (Jacques) Dochy ('71)

"Thank you very much for this initiative."
Anna Welsing ('71)

"Great job! Pictures are great."
Ronald Grelsamer ('71)

"Your site is great, found lots of treasures.....Nous voila bientot 20 sur une même liste de diffusion à vouloir nous revoir prochainement sur NY. [Votre] aide aide nous est précieuse et sans [votre] site nous n'y serions pas arrivé. Un grand merci."
Jacques Vittori ('71)

"Un tout grand merci à toi et à toute l'équipe de l'AALFNY ainsi que tous mes meilleurs voeux en cette fin d'année......C’est toujours avec autant de plaisir que je consulte le site des anciens"
Manoële (Jacques) Dochy ('71)

"Thank you so much for that new service you have established. You're doing a really great job!"
Helene (Nathan) Ikonicoff ('71)

"Just visited the AALFNY site and I want to congratulate you folks for the terrific redesign - I was deeply moved by the tribute to Martin Kieffer, the picture of Brodin in 1946, and all the other stuff."
Jonathan Mandelbaum ('71)

"Thank you so much for your information. Best wishes for all of you who are doing such great work!!!"
Hélène (Nathan) Ikonicoff (‘71)

"Keep up the good (no, great) work!"
Jonathan Mandelbaum ('71)

“Thank you for a great job.”
Andre Decamps ('71)

"1000 félicitations for the wonderful Alumni Class Notes, as always. Amazed to discover the truth about [some people] and sad to read the obits of some people I knew."
Jonathan Mandelbaum ('71)

"The additions and enhancements on the AALFNY site are simply incredible! Infinite congratulations to all."
Jonathan Mandelbaum ('71)

"You're doing a great service."
Kem (Knapp) Sawyer ('71)

"Great job."
Charles Buchet '71

"I really enjoyed browsing through the most recent newsletter and the old
school pictures."
Anna Welsing ('71)

"I just wanted to let you know that I spent the past hour pouring over the bulletin and in particular the sections that you've added, In Memoriam and Yearbook class pictures. It is deeply moving to read through this, look at all the pictures - past and present - and just reminisce. Congratulations on a job well done."
Vivian (Wayne) Henderson ('71)

“Merci infiniment and keep up the great work you're doing for us all.”
Annabel MacGowan ('72)

“Thanks for the great work you do!”
Vivian (Belmont) Rosenfield (’72)

"Bravo pour ce que vous faites."
Patricia Nagler ('72)

"Thanks for pulling all of this together yet again. It's always a trip to hear about all these former friends and acquaintances."
Patsy Baudoin ('72)

"Congrats on your performance for the alumni community."
Bruno Combe ('72)

"Very surprised that Promotion ’72 is missing! Maybe with the help of the rest of my gang - Gerald (Sampson) or Arthur (Kulick) we could cover up that big blank. Hey guys have you lost your computers to write?"
Gerard Salomon (‘72)

"Thanks so much for all your good work. I enjoy the newsletters so much."
Dr. Walter (‘Wally’) Weiss ('72)

"Chapeau bas for all the time you spend on the alumni work."
Hala (Tomeh) Ibrahim ('72)

"Good work! Thank you for everything."
Annabel MacGowan ('72)

“Thanks for all your hard work.”
Dominique Noel (’73)

"Thanks for your work keeping up with everyone."
Dana (Sloab) Scanlon ('73)

"Je suis enormement contente d'avoir trouvé mes anciens collegues."
Liliane Morin ('73)

"I very much enjoyed reading your newsletter, though sad to read so many untimely deaths. Perusing my yearbook, I saw that Gerard Crouzillat had signed it with his inimitable wit! And I saw that Dominique de Villepin, France's present minister of the interior, was two classes ahead of me! Now isn't life funny!"
Rachel Kaplan ('73)

"Thank you for all the effort of the association."
Dominique Noel ('73)

"Merci encore de tout le travail que vous faites pour nous garder tous en contact."
Laurence (Bastidon) Gallu, ('73)

“Thanks for your hard work on this newsletter – you do such a splendid job!”
Luisa Skoble (’74)

"Thanks for this great initiative and the work you put in."
Han-Maurits (Hannibal) Schaapveld ('74)

"I want to thank [the AALFNY] for the fantastic work [it] is doing in keeping us all together."
Monika Skowronska ('74)

"Thanks for keeping us all linked!"
Nadia (Kondratiev) Popov ('74)

"Sorry I could not make it to the reunion, it sounded wonderful.
Anyway, you have done a great job of sparking enthusiasm
amongst the 'anciens'."
Lizanne Siccardi ('74)

"It was so much fun looking through the database and seeing the names of people I knew so well once upon a time.....Thanks for doing a terrific job with this!"
Francine (Benzaken) Glick ('74)

"Nice to hear from you and to know you're doing so much. I'm always visiting your website."
Helene (Nathan) Ikonicoff ('74)

"Thanks for organizing this wonderful list. I was contacted by one of my best friends."
Odette Springer ­('74)

"By the way, thanks for the good work you guys (and girls) all put up, and for the initiative of the website. Overall, very convenient."
Olivier Paul ('74)

"I'd like to thank you for the many hours you devote to our alumni association. I really do appreciate the generous contribution of your time."
Avram (“Butch”) Kaplan ('74)

"Your web site is dynamite."
Diane Rivers ('74)

"I certainly enjoyed the letter. The site is really well set up, interesting information. The list of (so many young) deceased people is quite confronting, in a sense shocking."
Jan Willem Van Der Klaauw ('74)

"Merci pour votre aide et pour le bon travail de l'association des anciens."
Michèle Laguerre ('74)

"Thanks for all your work on our behalf."
Sylvie Kleinman ('74)

“Many thanks as always for keeping us together as a community. “
Seth Lewis (’75)

"Thanks again for the excellent work you do in preserving the contact and the 'spirit' of the AALFNY."
Jean-Gilbert Fabri ('75)

"Great job with the site!"
Jean-Claude Chaouloff ('75)

"Thank you for all your assistance and feedback regarding our alumni."
Luc Droal ('75)

"Thanks for the good work and keeping in touch!"
Guilaine Auguste ('75)

"I think it's great that you have tried to keep the alumni connected in some way!!!"
Lisa Jordan ('75)

"Congratulations for the LFNY Alumni website, its very existence is a powerful statement and link."
Jean-Marc Jacot ­ ('75)

"Bravo – and congratulations for your great work! It’s always so nice to go back to the ”good old time” and lovely “memory lane”. Endless thanks to you and all the ones who contribute to give me the shivers…!"
Guilaine Auguste (’75)

"I appreciate your efforts and admire your work."
Baina Masquelier ('75)

".....seeing Béatrice (and spending a few days in her company) after 40 years, was just wonderful. A big thank you to your LFNY alumni site which made this possible."
Brigitte Briand ('76)

"Thank you for the work you do with AALFNY and for keeping us all in touch."
Veronique Dickhaut ('76)

"Thanking you and the team! I cannot believe I am once again in contact with my friends d'il y a 30 ans. It's too much and too wonderful at the same time!! Et tout ceci parce que je surfais sur le Net en repensant au bon vieux lycée français de NY! Merci de transmettre à l'ensemble de votre association tous mes remerciements pour tous vos efforts et ce très joli bonheur qu'en conséquence vous m'avez offert!"
Cécile Sylvie Rouvet ('76)

"Thank you for all your wonderful updates!"
Christine (Guillou) Chirol ('76)

"Merci pour les informations des anciens, cela fait chaud au coeur d'avoir des nouvelles."
Béatrice Gassie ('76)

"Merci pour le tout le travail que vous avez fait sur le newsletter."
Jenny Skoble ('76)

"Tout d'abord merci pour le travail réalisé avec l'AALFNY. Les 30 ans de
'76 approchent et c'est agréable de se reveiller un matin, se demander
"que sont-ils devenus?" et de voir qu'une équipe a tenu la boutique et
a fait tout le travail, même si on se sent un peu coupable de ne pas
y avoir participé.......Meilleures Salutations."
Marc Anger ('76)

"I would also like to thank you for creating such a wonderful data base available for all alumni to use, for it is a great tool for other alumni to get in touch with each other."
Audrey Bodner ('76)

"Thank you for your efforts in putting this newsletter together."
Michel Cariou ('77)

"I very much appreciate the Lycee updates.... Thanks for the efforts you put into keeping us up to date."
Clarissa (Gyorgy) Fetrow ('77)

"Thanks for doing such a great job at keeping all of us sprinkled throughout the world somewhat linked and focussed!"
Patricia Lane ('77)

"I can't tell you how much I look forward to receiving the announcement of
the latest newsletter. It's a great way to keep up with news about friends
from the past."
Marc Hyman ('77)

"Good work, thank you!"
Jordan Stern ('77)

"Merci de permettre aux anciens de se retrouver."
Beatrix (Peponnet-Morlot ) Fougeron ('77)

"I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoy receiving your updates on the LFNY and how professional the newsletter is! Well done!"
Cathy (Mandi) Schreiber ('77)

"Merci encore pour tous vos efforts relatifs a l'association, c'est precieux!"
Virginie Laget ('77)

“I do appreciate all the work you do for all alumni of the Lycée. Glad we can - thanks to you - stay updated throughout the world!”
Marie-Christine (Speyart) Van Hövell ('78)

"Thanks for such an enormous and selfless labor of love!"
Natalie Yates ('78)

"Congratulations on a wonderful newsletter! Thank you so much for including my news. I greatly appreciate it."
Carla Rosen-Vacher ('78)

"Congratulations, the revamping of the site is great. You'll be getting swamped by requests to find old classmates."
Stéphanie Carson-Parker ('78)

"J'ai eu connaissance de votre association et de votre site grace à Marie Christine (Fontanet) Gooseland '78 qui m'a retrouvé en Touraine 25 ans après mon départ de NY. C'est avec plaisir et émotion que je redécouvre des noms familiers faisant surgir des souvenirs et des visages que je croyais enfouis à jamais dans ma mémoire. Bravo pour votre dynamisme et continuez!"
Jean Christophe Turot ('78)

"Thanks so much. A great issue."
Beck Lee ('78)

"You are all doing a great job."
Regine Benjamin ('78)

"Thank you for all the work you and your team are putting in this big project."
Dara Sourinho ('78)

"[Le] site des anciens est formidable! Cela doit représenter un sacré boulot!
Louis-Eric Durand ('78)

"I really appreciate the opportunity to go down memory lane from time to time thanks to the AAFNY web site. I can imagine the work and commitment it takes to keep it active."
Stéphanie Carson-Parker ('78)

"Thanks again for keeping the alumni news alive and lively."
Annabelle Cone ('78)

“Congratulations once again on a fantastic job. We all owe you a quite a lot.”
Ignacio Perez ('79)

".....I heard friends say how dedicated you are and what a great job you're doing for the alumni. I couldn't agree more so, again, thank you very much!"
Jean-Eric Lavenir ('79)

"Merci comme toujours pour votre travail!"
Mathieu Arndt ('78)

"I've just read the January newsletter. Congratulations, you've done it again. Needless to say, the new section "Now and then" is great. I'm sure more than one will scroll down the years to find old friend and former class mates."
"Just to congratulate you once more on a fabulous job! I'm sure many of us will spend part (or most) of the weekend browsing through the pictures, laughing, being nostalgic at times and reminiscing".
Ignacio Pérez Caldentey ('79)

"I love your publication. Thank you for providing us all with a wonderful forum that allows a glimpse into the lives of our fellow Lycee students....keep up the awesome work you are doing."
Philippe Gouamba ('79)

"Thank you very much. It's a pleasure to contribute albeit in such a small way to the Newsletter and keeping in touch with former 'lycéens'. Thanks for all your effort and enthusiasm and all the best to the whole team."
Ignacio Pérez Caldentey ('79)

"All our thanks to you for keeping the fire alive!
Jean-Eric Lavenir ('79)

"That looks really good!"
Marie-Pierre LeBris ('79)

"Congratulations on your work and the expansion of the database. I think it's a great way to get and keep in touch with former Lycée classmates."
Ignacio Perez ('79)

"Thanks so much for this information........ No excuse for not contributing to as helpful an organization as yours!"
Laura Jereski ('79) [in response to assistance we provided]

"Keep up the good work."
Denis Masquelier ('79)

"Congratulations for all the great work."
Ignacio Pérez Caldentey ('79)

"Many thanks for your hard work with the newsletter!"
Hillary Ray ('80)

"Fantastic newsletter. Thank you. This is a wonderful edition, a huge amount of work on your part, I am certain."
Stephen Allen ('80)

"Thanks, team, for putting together the "Find a Classmate" service. It's great to see that so many alumni are listed!"
Eve Greenwood ('80)

"Je vous félicite également pour tout le dévouement que vous démontrez dans le cadre des activités de l’Alumni, et qui me permet d’avoir des nouvelles du lycée que j’ai tant aimé."
Francis Mensah ('80)

"This is a terrific newletter. Thanks so much for your trememndous efforts in bringing this together."
Stephen Allen ('80)

"Thanks for keeping us all up to date on everybody!"
Donatella Lorch ('80)

"Wonderful newsletter, thanks!"
Steve Allen ('80)

"By the way, great work ! Makes us feel a little old, but hey, that's how it goes!"
Jean-Marc Monti ('80)

"Thank you for keeping the newsletter going and all your efforts."
Hillary Ray ('80)

"Thank you so much for attending to the request of my dear friend to contact me.....Alumni Associations are so very important in making these kinds of wonderful connections happen over the years, in spite of the conflicting feelings we might sometimes have about them. I thank you very much for the good work that you are doing at The Lycee Francais of New York Alumni Association as it demands a lot of caring and dedication."
Paule-Sylvie Yonke ('80)

"I just wanted to thank you for the great job you're doing and for keeping us all connected through the Newsletter. Thanks for all!"
Natacha Rajakovic ('80)

"Thank you as ever for keeping the newsletter and group going!"
Hillary Ray ('80)

"[Regarding the AALFNY's assistance in organizing our 30 year reunion]... accept my sincere gratitude for all the work, patience, and ideas that have emanated from you. You know that such a task would be much more difficult without the service you provide, and much less pleasant without your caring and warm attitude."
Christine Auclair ('80)

"Merci pour tout le beau travail cette année."
Hillary Frances Ray ('80)

"...you've been doing a wonderful job in making the LFNY website work and it is highly appreciated!"
Ghislaine (Carson-Parker) Desbois ('81)

"Un grand bravo & un énorme merci pour les nouvelles sections de newsletter. Quel sombre plaisir de revoir les photos de classe."
Tuki Chabou-Péladeau ('81)

"Thank you for all of your hard work."
Alessandra (Kelmans) Bozzo ('81)

"Merci pour votre engagement auprès de nous les anciens."
Tuki Chabou-Péladeau ('81)

"What a project you have undertaken! I must commend you on your excellent work --the website is excellent. Thank you for sending the latest newsletter."
Baret Boisson ('81)

"Bravo pour le travail accompli sur le site."
Beatrice (Callens) Gairin ('81)

"I really enjoyed looking around at the new web site, and it brought back some good memories."
Philippe Massonet ('81)

"These email/internet communications for the Lycée Alumni Association are terrific, especially with, as you well know, former Lycéens spread out allover the world. In our family, we 3 sisters (Nadine '81, Isabelle '79 and Viviane '81) are in 3 different countries! It is really a perfect global medium for us alumni to stay (electronically) connected. Because the Lycée was such a special experience, it makes you want that much more to stay connected and be kept informed on what's up with other alumni- strangely, even more so as the years go by. Please send me absolutely anything and everything having to do with Lycée alumni news. I'd be interested in a reunion in Paris of Lycéens too ­ I would expect there's quite a bunch of us here, mine de rien."
Viviane Schiavi ('81)

"You continue to do a truly remarkable job with the Lycee newsletters. I applaud your efforts; I'm sure it's not an easy task!"
Baret Boisson ('81)

"Thank you so much for doing such a wonderful job."
Baret Boisson ('81)

"It’s great you’re very persevering in your communication outreach....Keep up your great work on Lyçée connections!"
Viviane Schiavi ('81)

"Thank you again for your great job, I appreciate it very much."
Sophie Dupiech (’81)

"Thanks again for the great work done."
Alice Croisier ('81)

"Thanks for your efforts in putting this association together."
Gilles Rollet ('82)

"Many thanks for your energy to keep contact with all of us."
Caroline Danois-Maricq ('82)
"Thank you for all your energy to keep contact with all of us. I'm very grateful."
Caroline Danois-Maricq ('82)

"Great work on the site, restarting the newsletter, etc."
Daniel de Segovia Gross ('82)

"Merci pour tout ce gargantuesque, mais néanmoins fantastique travail."
Emmanuelle (Munera) Van Vleet ('82)

"Good job, as usual! It's appreciated."
Jerome Pineau (’83)

"Thanks for this great work you continue to do so well."
Charles Lwanga Yonke ('83)

"Thanks for the info and all the work to keep us connected ;-))"
Julia Roederer-Paretti ('84)

"This is a great initiative. Just finding the names of old classmates by
browsing your site was great fun."
Stéphane Massonet ('84)

"I give you again many, many thanks and really lots of appreciation for your hard work keeping everyone networked, it is wonderful to have this net to fall back on, especially with events like this."
Cornelia Messing (’84)

"Thanks for all the work you are doing in keeping us all in touch! Isn't it wonderful that the distances and the timezone are no longer borders for us to reach each other?!"
Geneviève Bax-Mejia ('84)

"Thanks for giving us the opportunity to get in contact with old school mates."
Raffaella Salerno ('84)

"Excellent initiative - well done."
Christian Waldvogel ('84)

"Thank you for this great initiative."
Olivier Serot Almeras ('84)

“The newsletter looks great. Thank you for all your efforts & time in putting it together.”
Peter Moore (’84)

"Thank you for all the work you do to keep us informed. It is very much appreciated!"
Sophia Heller (’84)

"You have been doing exceptional work to put all of these together and I admire you."
Irene Remi-Lekun Ogouma ('85)

"I must thank you again, for all you do. As much as life moves, every now and then, I go to the LFNY website, and I am always aware of how much work must go into keeping everything in place and growing!"
Sabrina (Ray) Valli ('85)

"Un grand merci pour votre travail pour faire vivre ce site qui permet aux anciens du lycée de rester en contact."
Catherine (Smith) Seutin ('85)

"Thank you! You've done a wonderfull job as always!"
Gabriel Sylla ('85)

"C'est toujours avec plaisir que je reçois de vos nouvelles, et de par
votre travail, des nouvelles de mes camarades."
Stéphane Bailby ('85)

“Congratulations on the nice job your are doing with the newsletters and the alumni association as a whole! Because of you, many of us can reconnect……thank you Roger and all the volunteers!”
Gabriel Sylla (’85)

"Thank you for all your work for the alumni association."
Jean-Edouard Courcier ('85)

“Thank you and all the members of the Alumni Association for the good work you've been doing the past few years!”
Olivier Nida ('85)

"You guys are doing an amazing job! Thank you again!"
Gabriel Sylla ('85)

"I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the new website - it is user friendly and contains enough information to come back for a few more helpings. So much of the world uses computers and emails now, that establishing this new line of communication makes is easier for a lot of us to keep in touch.
…I have stayed here in New York since graduating, and even though this city is not my place of birth, at this point in my life, I consider myself a native New Yorker. I had many friends working in the Towers, and I thank God on many occasions that every single one of them made it out alive…But as I was reading Pierre Oury (’85)'s class notes, I thought perhaps he was flying over New York yesterday, July 4th 2002, and felt reassurance that someone I had shared memories with so many years ago was taking care of us."
Pascale Maré (‘85)

"First of all let me thank you for the wonderful job you're doing. It's a great thing to get in touch with friends we haven't seen for more than 19 years, but it seems like it was only yesterday, because we had such great moments at the Lycée. Thank you very much."
Fayçal Tadlaoui ­ ('85)

"Thank you for your continued perseverance in providing this valuable service to the alumni community."
Rev. Georges F. de Laire ('85)

"Thank you for keeping this all going. I know it is no small task."
Valérie de Segovia Gross ('85)

“I want to congratulate you on all the hard work that you are doing. I am extremely impressed by it and I realize that it must take a great amount of time to do the excellent job that you are doing. Whenever I read letters that you send or different info on the website it reminds me of the good old times”
Dr. Judith Mlockier Audrain ('86)

“The new newsletter is amaaaaazing! Thank you for all your painstaking hard work. It paid off tremendously.”
Alessandra Gagliardi (’86)

"Congratulations on the wonderful job that you are doing with the association."
Afiwa Amega ('86)

"Thanks! Keep up the great work! We all really appreciate your efforts in getting everybody reconnected."
Sov Leang ('86)

"Thank you for all your hard work on getting the newsletter together. It is always a pleasure to read it."
Stephanie Mulot (’87)

"....Je souhaitais aussi profiter de l'occasion de vous feliciter tous pour le site des Alumni, c'est vraiment un grand plaisir de garder le contact avec le Lycee grace a vous. Merci donc doublement!"
Sophie Gest ('87)

"Thanks for the mail and for including me in the network. Nice website and great initiative by the way! All the best and success for the alumni network."
Armand Virondeau ('87)

"Thank you for ...... your great work with AALFNY. It is much appreciated."
Jean-Michel Huet ('87)

"Thanks very much for....the great work you are doing that enables us to stay connected."
Myriam (Ichbiah) Hajeri ('87)

"....it's always nice to hear from fellow alumni!"
Christine Oury ('87)

"I just had a look at the new web site. I had not been on the LFNY Alumni web site in a while. It looks great! I always have fun reading about old classmates and I was pleased to see there was a message from Christine Oury."
Stephanie Mulot ('87)

"Avant même de lire votre Email je me suis inscrit. J'applaudi votre initiative.......Vive l'Internet ! Cela redonne le moral à l'heure ou Le Pen passe au 1er tour. SHAME on France."
Stéphane Barbé ('87)

"I was googling an old friend from LFNY, when I luckily stumbled upon your link and the names of all students from my class of '87! What a great surprise, and amazing opportunity to thank you for the wonderful work you've done! You even included me, even though I actually left NY after 'la Première'."
Line-Shaza (Bwakira) Gahiga ('87)

"BRAVO !! Je suis ravie d'avoir pris connaissance de l'existence de cette association!"
Carole (Gourlaouen) Baudry ('87)

"Many thanks for keeping us all connected."
Nathalie (de Svastich) Clark ('87)

"Congratulations for taking this on. A fantastic initiative indeed."
Delphine (Giraud) Munro ('87)

"Thank you for getting in touch. It's simply lovely to see all these people from the past."
Astrid Froidure de Kerdanet ('87)

"....thumbs up for all the hard work you are doing!"
Franck Blondel ('87)

"Many thanks for editing such a fantastic alumni newsletter."
Patrick Vincent ('88)

"Thank you for all the work you are doing."
Aida (Wane) Neary ('88)

"The service that you've put together is really fabulous. You've made it really easy to try to find people, as well as simple to pay dues. Thank you. I'm looking forward to making the most of the program and am encouraging some "Lost" friends of mine to register......I am thrilled to be able to reach out to old classmates using your program."
Lisa Gelobter ('88)

« Merci et bravo pour cet incroyable travail. »
Sandra Etienne (’89)

"Thanks again for your precious contribution to the Alumni Association. This site really bonds us back to our past and ties us to the present!"
Ramy Rakotomalala ('88)

"Fantastic job putting all of these contacts together and in pulling the Alumni Association together."
Nadia Altomare ('88)

"Fantastic web site, I have been trying to locate these people for a long time."
Christophe Charlier ('89)

"Congratulations on the continuing and amazing work you have done in gathering information of the anciens and keeping us aware of each other."
Valérie Bouchet ('89)

"Thanks for all your work with the Alumni Association. I always enjoy finding out about old Lycee peers."
Orly (Soufer) Sherman ('89)

"Merci pour ce site très riche."
Benoît Malraison ('89)

"I met an old school friend from the Lycée two days ago thanks to you, and we were saying how great you are to get us in touch."
Iman El-Banhawy ('89)

"Je trouve vraiment très sympathique de recevoir chaque mois l'email du AALFNY! Thank you!"
Sophie Frydlender ('89)

"Thank you for your effort in creating the website and putting out the newsletters. Although I only spent half of Premiere and Terminale at the LFNY it is fun to see that I still recognize some faces."
Melchior Dikkers (’89)

“Thank you very much and thank you for the once again great newsletter!”
Beatrice Varichon (’90)

"Aux noms de tous les anciens, merci pour votre investissement!"
Vanessa (Dubs) Guénée ('90)

"Thank you so much for organizing this newsletter. It has been quite a pleasure to read about former 90's classmates."
Esra Ansay Munnell ('90)

“Thank you so very much for these great newsletters! It's so nice to get them!”
Anne Loewenstein (’90)

"It was so nice to see the lists, it brought back so many memories!!!! I can't wait to get in touch with these people!!! Thank you for this wonderful website and all your hard work!"
Florence (Valle) Hamel ('90)

"Thank you for the terrific job you do!! It's a great alumni program."
Kelly Ackerman ('90)

"Merci d'avoir crée ce site qui,je l'espère,nous permettra après de longues années de retracer le passé, surtout qu'à cette époque, ureusement qu'il y avait les amis. Merci encore."
Gwenaëlle Le Calvez ('90)

"Thank you very much for this great web site, it is wonderful to hear from
the Lycée and the friends we made when we were there!"
Camille Levitte ('90)

"This website is just great! It’s good to read what some of you have been up to, after almost 12 years!!!!"
David Damiba (‘90)

"Bravo pour ce magnifique website!"
Sandra (Boulgaris) Somnolet ­ ('90) et Eric Somnolet ­ ('90)

"Many, many thanks for your incredible work. I'm completely 'retourné' from having been submerged by so many memories from the past."
Thierry Chemouny ('90)

"It was great to find this site. Bringing back lots of great memories even though I was only in the states for one year."
Thierry Fierens ('90)

"I would like to seize this opportunity to thank you, as well as all the contributors of the LFNY Alumni Association who, from what I can sense, are doing a wonderful job!"
Moncef Semichi ('90)

"Your initiative on this alumni project is greatly appreciated."
Issa Lompo ('91)

"The website is fantastic - I had great fun trolling through it today."
Danielle Levine ('91)

"Encore bravo pour la vitalité de votre investissement."
Stanislas Lenack ('91)

"Mes années au Lycée Français de NY sont inoubliables…L’Association peut compter sur mon soutien."
Stanislas Lenack ('91)

"Thank you for your mail. It is nice to have some news from LFNY. I was at the LFNY in the lower classes from 1982 to 1985. This period is one of the most fabulous I ever had. I'll be glad to receive the mails/addresses of the persons I was with during my stay in NY."
Julien Kokocinski ('91)

"Parlez vous encore Francais? English or French is fine with me. Thanks for your mail. Your response was very quick... I'm glad about the lfnyalumni.org site."
Pascal Renucci ­ ('91)

"Thank you for your great work."
Manuel da Graça ('91)

"Thanks for taking the time to maintain the site and these services, it's a thankless and payless job, but know that it's very much appreciated!"
Maite Carcedo ('91)

"Thanks a lot for your work."
Benoît Berthou ('91)

"Thank you for always doing such an amazing job on the running the association! As alumni, we are very grateful."
Françoise Plusquellec ('91)

"Thank you for all your hard work in keeping the Lycée Francais alumni connected!"
Annabel Teiling ('92)

"Thank you again for all your hard work."
Vanina Holasek ('92)

"Thanks for all your work on this."
Windy Gancayco ('92)

"Thanks for your diligent commitment to the LFNY alumni network."
Stanislas Wojewodzki ('92)

"Thank you so much for all your hard work....I look forward to getting the newsletter!"
Laurie Gineys ('92)

"Merci pour vos efforts!"
Vanina Holasek ('92)

"Thanks for all you do to keep the Lycée spirit alive and allow us all to keep in touch."
Stanislas Wojewodski ('92)

"Thanks for the great job you're doing and the connections you provide."
Joëlle Thiemele ('91)

“Thank you for all your work on bringing the LFNY alumni back together!”
Annabel Teiling (‘92)

"I wanted to tell you that I think you have done such wonderful work
with this website and bringing everyone back together."
Annabel Teiling ('92)

"I just got an email from an old friend from the Lycée. He got my address from the alumni bulletin and I wanted to personally thank you for all the work you put into that program. It is a special feeling to reconnect with old ties."
Natalie Sajous ('92)

"The LFNY Alumni Association is doing an outstanding job. I have visited the website and it is so heartwarming to see names of people I have fond memories of. It is my pleasure to have my name on the list. Congratulations on the great work you are doing."
Hadjara Youssoufou ('92)

"Thank you very much for the regular newsletters, they are so informative and it's also a lot of fun reading about the Lycée and its students."
Mariétou Diakité ('92)

"Always enjoy reading the newsletters. I have great
memories from the Lycee Francais."
Annabel Teiling ('92)

"I was indeed very happy to go on your website for the first time last night and spent over one hour on it; congratulations for your work and initiative! It’s exciting to recognize all the names of our former classmates!"
Laure Gineys ('92)

"Thanks again for all your hard work and excellent new site."
Johann Le Calvez ('92)

"Grâce à vous j`ai retrouvé quelques uns de mes amis de classe et je vous en remercie."
Oumou Niaré ('92)

"Thanks for the great website.....Keep up the amazing work!"
Gregory Gineys ('93)

"You are doing a great job, and thank you for doing it!.....Thank you so much for your help, and keep up with this great job!"
Marine (Nouaille) Lesur ('93)

"Bravo pour le site!"
Gael Huser ('93)

"Thank you again for what you are doing with the Alumni website."
Pauline Fraisse ('94)

"....je tenais à vous f éliciter du travail que vous avez effectué pour retrouver les adresses e-mail de tous nos anciens camarades. Un brin de nostalgie ne peut faire de mal à personne."
Xavier Rouvroy de St Simon ('94)

"I have to say I am impressed with the effort you are all putting into this. The school was very different only a few years ago."
Aline Attiyeh ('94)

"I appreciate the e-mail and am glad that someone is doing this work. Keep up the good work. God Bless."
Gilles Seburyamo ­ ('94)

"You do a wonderful job! Thank you for keeping us connected."
Maura Kropke ('94)

"C'est par hasard que je suis tombée sur le site et mon coeur a chaviré!"
Sandrine (Bodereau) Beatrix ('94)

“Thanks for your great work in support of the global LFNY alumni community.”
Daniela Tahindro (’95)

"Congratulations on your work for the alumni association!"
Nicolas Renard ('95)

"Thanks for all your efforts!"
Lucien Lidji ('94)

"Thank you so much for working on this project: I'm really glad to have news from my "old" classmates."
Johann Leclercq ('96)

".....thank you for keeping us all together."
Leila Broukhim ('96)

"Thank you for all the effort you’re putting into this."
Nicholas Harland ('96)

"Thank you for your work!"
Ophélie Juricic ('97)

"Thank you for all the hard work in putting together the alumni newsletters - they are truly great."
Jeremy Landau ('97)

"I have to say I find it really great, what you do at LFNY Alumni :-)
Finding old classmates and friends after so many years is just great, especially when one has travelled so much since then and kind of lost touch. Thanks for your hard work!"
Hélène De Bock ('97)

"As a LFNY Alumni student, I really appreciate the effort which gone into organizing this directory. It is a great idea which was long overdue."
Christopher Lavelanet ('97)

"I wanted also to thank you for all the work that you are doing. I am always happy to read the classnotes and discover what happened to my lycee fellows and that would not be possible without you."
Julien Renard ('97)

"Thank you very much for all the work you put into the association."
Daphne Silva ('97)

"I'm very impressed with the Alumni Association and its commitment to keeping the LFNY community in touch."
Emily Wood ('97)

"Laissez-moi vous féliciter de permettre à tous les anciens élèves du Lycée Français de se retrouver après souvent bien des années. J'ai moi même repris contact avec d'anciens ami(e)s grâce à vous! Alors, encore bravo!"
Yvan Chene ('97)

"Thank again for taking care of this website, it’s great!!!!"
Nicolas Mazuranic ('97)

"Thanks for keeping us up to date and for all the good work you guys are doing."
Stéphane Béchio ('98)

"Excellent job on the newsletter!"
Jean Nicolas Pestieau ('98)

“Thank you so much for the newsletter. We are so fortunate to have one and to have you devote time to it. I am sure this is a big job and I really appreciate you for doing it! Mille mercis.”
Emilie Rosanvallon (’99)

"Mille mercis pour votre précieux travail."
Christine Milleron ('99)

"Thanks for your efforts on behalf of the alums - we may not always provide updates, but we definitely look forward to reading the newsletter!"
Joëlle Tahindro ('99)

"I think it's great that you are doing all this."
Camille Mauger ('00)

"Bravo! le site est formidable: clair, organisé et aesthetically pleasing....Merci beacoup pour les infos et pour tout votre travail; le Lycée nous manque tous mais vous nous aidez un peu avec la peine."
Chizoba Nnaemeka ('00)

"What a comprehensive newsletter!"
Albert Sara ('00)

"Thanks for your great work!"
Maria Livia Brauzzi ('01)

« C'est super que vous vous occupiez de ça. Je trouve vraiment sympa le fait de pouvoir rester en contact avec le réseau LFNY. »
Sarah (Bagley) Sanesi ('01)

"Thank you very much [for forwarding the message from] one of my best friends back in the 90's [who found me at your website] and I'm glad we got back in touch thank to your association!"
Maria Livia Brauzzi ('01)

"I'm a big fan of l'association des anciens."
Guillaume Galy ('02)

"Thank you for this initiative. It is an immense pleasure for me to stay in contact with you and the aalfny."
Cyril Lavaire ('02)

"You're doing a great job with the association, keep it up!"
Ali-Hacen Hadid ('03)

"Thanks for [your] encouraging welcome to the "post-bac" world."
Kimberly Colas ('03)

"Congratulations for the job you're doing."
Nicolas Meijer ('03)

"Thanks for keeping me in touch. Appreciate it, since I'm so far away from home."
Julien Foret ('05)

"Thanks for taking the time to work on the newsletter."
Pierre Carras ('05)

"Thank you for everything you are doing for the LFNY Alumni Association."
Emmanuelle Gras ('05)

“Congratulations for the latest newsletter. Thanks for your hard work and dedication.”
Justine Goy ('05)

"Je tiens à vous remercier pour votre effort et dévotions à maintenir la communauté lycéenne en contact malgré les frontières et a travers le temps."
Jean-Pierre Adechi ('05)

“Lets give credit where credit is due. You are doing an AMAZING job with the LFNY Alumni. It brings so much joy whenever I visit the page and even when I don’t know some of the people there, I still feel this joy because its filled with memories for some people.....You can’t imagine how much joy that brings. Thank you very much. Remain blessed!!!”
Cynthia Senami Sossou (’06)

"Thank you for the time you dedicate to the LFNY Alumni Association."
Chloé Avenas ('06)

“I truly appreciate your work in keeping LFNY alums in touch with one another.”
Delphine Birckel (’07)

"excusez moi , mai vous n'avez rien de mieux a faire ke de nous envoyer
regulierement des mails nous demandons quesqu'on fait de beau dans notre vie ou si on ve comuniquer qulque chose a nos anciens amis ? je suis desole mais je croi que si on a des messages a faire aux autres ,on est sufisament capables de les faires tous seules ,que sa soit avec des anciens eleves ou des eleves qui sont encore la . merci bonsoire"
Nicolo Trambajolo ('07)

« Félicitations pour votre travail à la tête de l'Association des Anciens Elèves du Lycée Français de NY qui me semble être efficace sur les réseaux sociaux. »
Ivan de Quercize ('08)



« Ton rôle est important --celui de liaison entre les anciens du lycée. Quelle surprise en 2009, 50 ans après avoir quitte le lycée, de recevoir des emails de ces ex copains d'école. Très sympa. Depuis j'échange encore quelques emails de temps en temps avec certains. »