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Bienvenue sur le site de l’Association des

Bienvenue à notre bulletin No. 36 (December 2019)
Much information has been accumulated since our last newsletter and, in addition to our own research (Google and other social media), 199 people have shared their updates and/or photos for this newsletter. We hope you will enjoy catching up with your old friends. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Social and Professional NETWORKING: The AALFNY belongs to several associations, offering you many ways to stay in touch with your classmates --professionally or socially. We also have a LinkedIn group and Facebook 'private' group --both called LFNY ALUMS. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ARCHIVES: Lorsque vous visitez les pages de ce bulletin, n'oubliez pas que toutes les nouvelles et autres articles affichés dans les bulletins précédents sont archivés et facilement accessibles.

Our newsletter/bulletin is access-restricted. It is intended for viewing by registered former students & former professors/staff of the LFNY,and requires login for access. THE ACCESS CODES WERE CHANGED ON DECEMBER 20, 2019. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Already registered? Email <aalfny[at]gmail.com> to request a user name and password, or re-register and just fill out the required fields of the registration form. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Not yet registered? Click on 'Register/Update Info' at http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/yourinfo, and fill out out the form. (Registration is free, as are all our other services.)

Directory / Find-a-Classmate
A project that has taken well over a decade is complete, and our directory now includes the names of all former students (totalling 13,195) who were ever enrolled in the school, from the classes of 1940 (and some from before) through 2018. Email addresses (but NOT other contact information) of 6,587 of them are available at 'Find-a-Classmate' to LFNY alumni and former professors/staff upon request.
2020 Voluntary Membership Dues
If you have enjoyed our services --all free-- please help us with your $35 voluntary membership payment (or more, if you can), which can be made easily by credit card or by check. Merci!