Class NotesClick on a class year or scoll down.
-- Class Notes -- -- Class Notes --If you can't identify someone mentioned under your class year in Class Notes, it's probably because that person left the LFNY before you started attending the school, or vice-versa. To assist you, each entry now includes the "LSY" (last school year) for each alum for whom we have that information. Back to Top -- Comments and Feedback--Please tell us how we are doing, and/or what we could do better! If an item appears here that you would like us to remove or edit, let us know and we will do it right away. Send your comments to aalfny@gmail.com. Merci!! Back to Top -- FORMER PROFESSORS AND STAFF--............................................... In Memoriam: ● Mme. Rosa Anidjar († May 3, 2014) (Prof. de Classes Elementaires & Surveillante --1981-1997) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Blast from the Past: Michael Rywkin (Prof. de Langues, années scolaires 1962-1981) contributed a photo from his personal collection, of him teaching a class in the late 70's or early 80's. (Click on PDF file below to see the photo) ● Michel Alix (LSY: Terminale in 1969) shared a very touching story he wrote, about his school days in 1966 (the year his mother passed away), with détails about his brothers (both LFNY alumi) and his mother --Mme. Nelly Alix-- who taught Classes Elementaires from 1959 to 1966. (Click on link below to read his story) ● M. Waldemar Kasriels (aka 'Mr. K', class of ’56 as well as Directeur des sports , 1959-1971) wrote: "Every year at this time I receive your newsletter. It certainly brings back great memories, they seem so fresh in my mind. The old expression that times flies is so true, but it does not disappear. I am glad to see that you are still with great consistency doing the job and trying to maintain something that would be lost without you. My family in France is doing well in Rouen. Obviously, some are dying and others are growing older. My wife and I live in Westport, NY 300 miles from the Big Apple. We have been here since 1971 and I am now 77 years old. My wife is a psychologist in a school is much younger, 54. Have you ever looked at our site www.normandiebeachresort.com in the Adirondack Park, on Lake Champlain? It is a great spot, really ....." ● M. Renaud Redien-Collot (Prof. de Lettres classiques et modernes, années scolaires 1995-1998) nous écrit : « J'ai été nommé en 2008 directeur délégué d'une école de commerce parisienne puis nommé en 2012 directeur des Affaires Internationales d'une autre grande Ecole de Commerce, Novancia Business School. J'ai coordonné le lancement du MSc International Business Development and Consulting au sein du consortium IBSA qui réunit 7 business schools de 1er rang. Cette année universitaire 2015-2016, je suis en congé sabbatique chercheur invité au Centre d'Asie du Sud Est, laboratoire du CNRS/EHESS. Je travaille sur un projet de comparaison des motivations de création d'entreprises à Singapour au sein des trois communautés indiennes, malaisiennes et chinoises. Je garde un souvenir très cher de mon expérience au Lycée Français de New York: une grande stimulation intellectuelle et une communauté de personnes très attachante! » ● M. Gérald Mazzalovo (Prof. de maths, année scolaire 1974) told us that he has a website. (Click on link below to access it.) “.....I teach (or have taught) at ESSEC, Université Paris-Dauphine, Lyon 2, ISC Paris, Instituto de Empresa, Istituto Europeo di Design, Jiao Tong University, etc. I am currently consulting in strategies, brands and in the education field. Based on the belief that brands are complex systems of production of meaning, my methodological approach makes an intensive use of semiotics.” (http://www.mazzalovo.com/) ● « Au début des années 90, Isabelle Lesquerbeau-Samara [Prof. de Kindergarten-Grande Section, années scolaires 1997-1999] obtient un diplôme en communication dans la prestigieuse Université de la Sorbonne à Paris tout en se consacrant à l’organisation d’événements. Passionnée par l’univers du spectacle et de l’événementiel, Isabelle n’a jamais cessé de se consacrer à l’événementiel artistique. Cette passion se poursuit durant son passage à NY, à la fin des années 90, ou elle participe à l’organisation d’événements pour des personnalités du monde de la musique francophone (soirées caritatives, événements ponctuels français, dîners). De retour à Paris, elle réalise que la France a un réel besoin de développer les métiers du service dans le cadre du luxe et de la beauté. C’est dans cette perceptive, qu’entourée et inspirée par des amis artistes maquilleurs, elle décide de créer une agence de maquillage de luxe destinée aux différents corps de métiers du monde artistique.. Her Make Up Paris est née [.....] » (http://www.hermakeup-paris.com/notre-equipe/) ● Betsy Stix (Prof. d’Anglais-Classes Elémentaires, années scolaires 1991-1992) : “As a child Betsy watched animals bend and stretch and tried to imitate their flexibility, agility, economy of movement, and grace. She was a tree climber, horseback rider, runner, soccer player, and gymnast, and by the time she began studying the asanas in college she had already acquired a list of injuries and imbalances. She quickly noticed that yoga made her feel better. When she grew up, she became an English, French, and yoga teacher. Betsy has completed 3 yoga teacher trainings ..... She holds a B.A. in English from Williams College and an M.A. from Stanford in Curriculum Development and Teacher Education. As a teacher Betsy tries to love all her students and to help them to connect to their breath, their bodies, and their beauty. She currently teaches yoga and French (and occasionally yoga in French) to children and adults in Ojai, California. She is on the faculty of Lulu Bandha's and trains teachers to share yoga with children ..... ” (https://www.yogaanytime.com/instructor-bio/36/Betsy-Stix-Yoga-Teacher) ● Kelly Herrity (Prof. d’Anglais & American History, années scolaires 2002- 2004) is an "education professional with 17 years of experience in varied types of schools." She is currently the "Assistant Head of School and Head of Upper School [at] Austin Preparatory School." (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/kelly-herrity/1/4b3/657) ● Pierre Crilat (Prof. de Classes Elémentaires-Informatique, années scolaires 1997- 2003) : « Sep 5, 2012: Mardi, l'école de Manéhouarn a repris vie avec ses 202 élèves ..... Outre ses fonctions d'enseignant, Pierre Crilat est également le nouveau directeur de l'école de Manéhouarn. Pierre Crilat est né à Nice de parents russes. Cette particularité fait qu'il a toujours privilégié l'ouverture culturelle et le bilinguisme. Avec ses trente ans d'ancienneté au sein de l'Education Nationale, il a notamment passé huit ans au lycée français de New York (Etats-Unis). Coordinateur TICE (technologies d'information et de communication dans l'enseignement scolaire) tant en Amérique qu'en France, il s'est attaché à adapter l'outil informatique au service des projets au sein des établissements qu'il a dirigés. De retour en France, il a enseigné dans les Hauts-de-Seine avant de s'installer dans le Morbihan en 2006. Une année à Lanester puis deux ans à Hennebont, il a enfin rejoint en 2009 l'école élémentaire Romain-Rolland, établissement bilingue, avant de prendre ses fonctions à l'école de Manéhouarn. » (http://www.ouest-france.fr/un-nouveau-directeur-lecole-de-manehouarn-1211184) ● Jean Macary (Prof. de Lettres Classiques et Modernes , années scolaires 1982- 2001) is a Professor Emeritus of French at Fordham University. He obtained a PhD in Latin, ancient Greek, French literature (18th Century) from Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne in 1953. ● Michael Rywkin (Prof. de Langues, années scolaires 1962- 1981): “Professor Emeritus CCNY of CUNY and President Emeritus, Association for the Study of Nationalities, [he was] born in Poland, brought up in Poland, France, and Uzbekistan, [and] started his university education at the Uzbek State University in Samarkand. He continued his studies at the University of Lodz (Poland), and Ecole des Hautes Etudes Sociales (Paris, France), before completing his MA in international relations at CCNY and his PhD in Political Science at Columbia University. After teaching at Colgate and NYU, and a spending year as Research Fellow at Harvard, he joined the City College of the City University in 1963 as Professor and director of Russian Area Studies, and remained there until his retirement in 1993. Afterwards, he taught many summers at the University of Warsaw, joined the National Committee on American Foreign Policy as Central Asian Project Director, and took active parts in numerous domestic and international conferences. From 1984 and until 1994 he was President of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, guiding the organization through the most intense time, as the field of Soviet Studies was rapidly changing with geopolitical transformations in Eastern Europe. He remains an active board member in the Association. Prof. Rywkin’s publications include Russia in Central Asia (1963), Moscow’s Muslim Challege (1982), Russian Colonial Expansion to 1917 (ed. 1988), Soviet Society Today (1989), Moscow’s Lost Empire (1994), as well as over sixty articles in numerous publications.” (http://nationalities.org/about/advisory-board/michael-rywkin) ● Isabelle Bezançon (Prof. de Dessin, années scolaires 1993-1995) has been the Head of the Art Department at the French International School of Hong Kong since 1995. ● Philip Tedeschi (Prof. d’Anglais, années scolaires 1974-1988) has been an English teacher at the Calhoun School (NYC) since 1988. ● Annie Vanrenterghem-Raven (Prof. de Mathématiques, années scolaires 1986-1988) is Managing Director at infraPLAN (a New York City-based consulting firm involved in the rehabilitation planning of buried water and waste water networks.) "Dr. Vanrenterghem Raven received undergraduate education in Mathematics and Physics and holds an M.S. in structural engineering from École Spéciale des Travaux Publics, Paris, France, an MPH in Environmental Sciences and Engineering from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering with a concentration in water engineering from Polytechnic University, New York, NY. Dr. Vanrenterghem Raven is the main author of research studies funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on water distribution infrastructure management systems....." (http://www.infraplan-llc.com/associates.html) Videos of former profs. and staff on the internet: ● Betsy Stix talks about teaching Yoga (Click on link below) -- Archives, former professors and staff -- Prof Rywkin teaching a class --In Memoriam: Mme. Rosa Anidjar -- 'March 8, 1966' by Michel Alix -- Gérald Mazzalovo's website -- Betsy Stix on YouTube Back to Top 1940-1946............................................... In Memoriam: ● Dorrit (Zucker-Hale) Cohn ('42) († March 10, 2012) ● Rudolph Frenville ('42) († April 14, 2014) ● Ludmila Svetlana (Alexeieff) Rockwell ('44) († January 15, 2015) ● Mario Maurin ('45) († September 20, 2014) ● Cécile Pénette ('46) († October 17, 2014) ● Izaline (Doll) Davidson ('46) († September 27, 2014) ● Consuelo (Eames) Hanks ('46) († December 1, 2015) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Betsy Jolas ('43) (LSY: 1ere in 1942) shared her latest newsletter and concert schedule, including her 2016 season, during which she will celebrate her 90th birthday. Joyeux anniveraire, Betsy!! (Click on PdF file below to access it) ● Gabrielle Griswold ('44) (LSY: 3eme in 1941) tells us how the LFNY taught her to love and appreciate poetry in an article she contributed --"A Poem Is Good Company" (Click on PDF file below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1940 to 1946 -- Betsy Jolas' newsletter and concert schedule -- A Poem Is Good Company, by Gabrielle Griswold -- In Memoriam, classes of 1940 to 1946 Back to Top 1947............................................... In Memoriam: ● Gonzague D'Eté († December 19, 2013) ● Jacqueline Lucie (Goldschild) Crater († December 31, 2014) ● Michel Compagnon († June 12, 2015) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Audrey (Clark) Kelm (LSY: 4eme in 1943) wrote: "“Here is a tidbit of information about one of my classmates whose name was Tanaquil LeClercq [LSY: 7eme in 1940] . The name George Balanchine is well known in the ballet circles. Recent local postings of Balanchine's version of "The Nutcracker Suite" brought this item to mind. You see, Tanaquil was hereself a ballerina and eventually married George Balanchine. Sadly, it was reported that she developed [paralytic polio] and passed away at an early age. I am unable to give you any further information about her except that she appeared to be very fragile, slight, and very sweet. Perhaps there are others of those years who knew her more in depth and the details of her career, marriage and demise.” ((Editors note: Actually, Tanaquil Leclercq contracted paralytic polio in 1956, and died in 2000, at the age of 71. See NY Times obit below for further details) Classnotes Archives, 1947 -- In Memoriam: Gonzague D'Eté, Jacqueline Lucie (Goldschild) Crater, and Michel Compagnon -- Tanaquil (Leclercq) Balanchine, bio and obit Back to Top 1948● Paul Berçot (LSY: Terminale in 1948) nous écrit: "J'ai cédé la société Lonsdale Design en 1987 ,dont j'étais PDG depuis 1966 ,puis principal actionnaire . Depuis, je partage le temps entre París et notre résidence à Fayence, centre de vol à voile .....et quelques croisieres. Je reste membre du Comité Directeur du Cercle de la Mer à París (péniche sur la Seine située entre les ponts d'Iena et Bir-Hakeim) et membre de deux associations européennes au Pays de Fayence. Avec Jehanne, ma femme, nous voyons souvent Nicole Minor-Rivaud ('48), camarade du Lycée entre 1943 et 1948, devenue elle-même membre du Cercle de la Mer. Nous avons gardé le contact avec Françoise Deloraine-Revuz ('48) et avec Michèle Delahaye-de Groot ('48)." Classnotes Archives, 1948 Back to Top 1949● Dr. Francis Baudry (LSY: Terminale in 1949) wrote: "It is hard to believe that 66 years have passed since my graduation. My French wife Christianne and I are enjoying good health. We are giving a concert of mostly French songs. Christianne plays guitar and sings and I accompany her on recorders. A year ago we did a 125k walking tour of the Santiago de Compostela route with other pilgrims. We have 3 children including a daughter Isabelle [Isabelle (Baudry) McDonald ('76)] who went to the lycée as well. We are blessed with 7 grandchildren. We hope to continue as long as possible. Notice to alumni: I am in private practice in psychiatry and psychoanalysis and half of my patients are French speaking. I am also affiliated with Mt Sinai Hospital in NYC." Classnotes Archives, 1949 Back to Top 1950Classnotes Archives, 1950 Back to Top 1951Classnotes Archives, 1951 Back to Top 1952● Robert Kaiser (LSY: Terminale in 1952) shared this with us: " My wife, Madeleine, and I are now sleeping in Seattle. We moved to the Pacific Northwest in 2009 to be closer to our children who both live in the area. The Pacific Northwest is a delightful area to live in. It is culturally vibrant, as well as being a land of great physical beauty that is blessed with a benign climate. We have also had the pleasure of sharing the eclectic cuisine of the area with Peter Herford ('53), a LFNY alum from my vintage, who has had a stellar career as a well respected newshound." -- Classnotes Archives, 1952 Back to Top 1953............................................... In Memoriam: ● Catherine (Nebolsine) Coulter († February 24, 2014) ● Jean-Paul Quinson († December 5, 2014) ● Philippe D. Radley († November 17, 2015) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Philippe D. Radley (LSY: 1ere in 1952) “practices in the areas of corporate business, intellectual property and immigration law. Mr. Radley's fluency in Russian, French and Spanish is an integral component of his legal practice. He has a special expertise in trademark prosecution with worldwide application as well as licensing and business immigration. He has for the past twenty-five years assisted foreigners adapt to the requirements of American business law. He works with both individuals and companies seeking to establish a presence in the United States and with American ventures expanding into global markets. Mr. Radley is practiced in the realistic issues of everyday business management: contracts, business structures, employee/employer relations, business and personal tax structures. French-born and lycee educated, he was a former professor of Russian language and literature at Amherst College with a Ph.D from Harvard University, where he was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow before becoming a lawyer. He attended the University of Chicago Law School and graduated from New York Law School. He belongs to numerous New York City civic and commercial organizations. He is the current Chairman of the Mid-Atlantic Association, an organization which meets to address issues of global and domestic importance to the future of the United States.” (http://www.randrose.com/Bio/PhilippeRadley.html) (We learned that Philippe passed away just as this newsletter was about to be published, but decided to leave his bio here nonetheless) -- Classnotes Archives, 1953 -- In Memoriam: Catherine Nebolsine, Jean-Paul Quinson, Philippe D. Radley Back to Top 1954● Guy Weyl (LSY: 6eme in 1948) “was born in Strasbourg, France. He came to America with his family at the beginning of World War II and they became American citizens. Homesick for France, Guy returned to attend the prestigious Physics and Chemistry School of Paris in 1960. After his graduation, he returned to the U.S. to begin his career in infrared physics, and then pursued a PhD in theoretical plasma physics at UCLA as a Hertz Fellow (1967). Guy worked for several decades as a physicist in companies doing government funded research, where he specialized in the interaction of high intensity laser beams with materials. In addition to his passion for math and science, Guy always has been (and still is) an avid skier. Weyl’s skiing claim to fame is to have beaten the future world ski champion, Jean Claude Killy, in a slalom race in Val d’Isere, ‘I was 22 and placed 3rd; he was 15 and fell.' " (http://www.hertzfoundation.org/dx/fellows/fellow_profile.aspx?d=10289) Editor’s Note: We wrote to Guy to confirm that the above article was about him, and he replied: « C’est bien moi. Tout est vrai, sauf que la raison de notre retour en France est que la société de mon père a fait faillite et que, grâce aux dommages de guerre, il a pu reprendre ses affaires en France. Il n’aurait pas voulu quitter New York car il se sentait bien Etats Unis. » -- Classnotes Archives, 1954 Back to Top 1955............................................... In Memoriam: ● Pierre Noth († January 3, 2015) ● Rita Copelow († August 4, 2012) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ................................................ ● Bruno Quinson (LSY: 1ere in 1954) wrote: "In retirement from book publishing, I have taken up watercolor painting and I will have my 3rd one man exhibition for the month of April, 2016 at the Norfolk Library in Norfolk, CT. My website is listed below. My wife, Mary Ann, and I share 12 grandchildren, ages 6 to 29." [Click on Link below to access Bruno's website] ● « Gala (jeudi 8 août 2013): Françoise Gaspard et Claude (Sadoc) Servan-Schreiber (LSY: 2nde in 1953): le mariage n'a pas d'âge. Les deux célèbres grands-mères se sont mariées à Paris fin juillet. Ce sont leurs huit petits-enfants qui l'ont annoncé dans les carnets du Monde. Françoise Gaspard, 68 ans, et Claude Servan-Schreiber se sont dit oui à Paris, le 30 juillet dernier, après avoir été pacsées pendant 13 ans.....à la mairie de Paris devant l'adjoint au maire et porte-parole d'Anne Hidalgo (candidate à la mairie de Paris).....Mais qui sont-elles? D'accord, nous vous donnons quelques indices. La première est une grande figure de la lutte féministe. Toujours pas? Elle milite aussi pour les droits homosexuels. C'est Françoise Gaspard, ancienne maire de Dreux, avec le Partis socialiste. Aujourd'hui, loin des fonctions politiques qu'elle avait occupées avant, Françoise Gaspard fait de la recherche à l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales. La deuxième est journaliste, ex-femme d'un grand patron de presse appelé Jean-Louis, née Sadoc, et porte toujours le nom de son ex-mari. Une idée? Il s'agit de Claude [Sadoc] Servan-Schrei¬ber, journaliste et co-fondatrice de Parité-infos avec sa future femme, Françoise Gaspard. Claude a dirigé la rédaction de F Magazine, crée en 1978, destiné à un public féministe, mais qui s'est arrêté en 1982..... » (http://www.gala.fr/l_actu/news_de_stars/francoise_gaspard_et_claude_servan-schreiber_le_mariage_n_a_pas_d_age_295752) ● Hubert Leven (LSY: 3eme in 1952) “is President of the Rashi Foundation, one of the largest private foundations operating in Israel. Focusing on “venture philanthropy,” the Rashi Foundation establishes programs and creates the infrastructures needed to reduce educational gaps, promote young leadership, and find solutions for children and youth at risk. The Rashi Foundation is a Founder of the Bar-Ilan University Faculty of Medicine in the Galilee. Head of the Rashi Foundation since its establishment in 1984, Leven also serves as Vice-President of Alliance Israelite Universelle (AIU) in Paris, a charitable organization established a hundred and fifty years ago by his great-grandfather in order to provide educational opportunities and aid for Sephardic Jews in the Middle East. Leven also serves as Executive Vice-President of KIAH (Kol Israel Haverim) in Israel, and is Director of both the Israel Center for Civil Society and the Jewish Funders Network in New York. Born in Paris in 1938, Leven escaped to Switzerland together with his mother and sister, while his father served in the French resistance. After the war, Leven attended high school in both Paris and New York and completed a degree in physics at Middlebury College. After joining his father’s brokerage firm in Paris, Leven raised funds for the French United Jewish Appeal and took on a leading role in the AIU. In the mid-80s, he left Leven S.A. – where he was then CEO – to join the executive Committee of the Perrier Group, the mineral water company run by his uncle Gustave Leven, the Rashi Foundation’s founder. He later returned to the brokerage firm, directing its operations until 2000. Today, Leven lives in Geneva, Switzerland. A father of four and grandfather of eight, he devotes most of his time to running the Rashi Foundation, traveling frequently to raise funds for its various projects, and bringing a message of Jewish unity wherever he goes. ‘It is only natural for those who benefitted from the Alliance’s activities two or three generations ago to support the same organization, which is still fighting to save those who are at the bottom of the socio-educational ladder,’ he says.” (http://www1.biu.ac.il/indexE.php?id=33&pt=20&pid=4&level=1&cPath=4&type=1&news=1660) ● Monique Harpignies (LSY: Terminale in 1955) has been living in Italy since 1959 and is now retired and self-employed. Prior to retiring, she worked for an engineering firm where she was a manuals translator. Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● A video clip on Hubert Leven's achievements, presented at the 2012 Honorary Doctorate ceremony at Bar-Ilan University. (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1955 -- In Memoriam: Pierre Noth and Rita Copelow -- Hubert Leven on YouTube -- Bruno Quinson's website Back to Top 1956● Dr. Edward Tarlov (LSY: 8eme in 1948) shared this with us: “I was at the Lycée from 12eme to 8eme, during and right after World War II and have many wonderful memories of the experience. M. de Fontnouvelle was the head of the school and M. Durand, M. Habert, Mme Durieux and others were my fearsome teachers. Grading was on a scale of 20. One mistake on Dictée earned a 15, two errors 10 and three- ZERO. High standards which helped set the scale for subsequent years. We lived across the street and could see over into the schoolyard from our windows. In Central Park where we went as a group on outings, military exercises were ongoing. M. Habert and M. Durand had red ribbons in their lapels - the Legion D'Honneur for brave deeds in the War. I joined the French Boy Scouts where we went on lower Fifth Avenue to learn the system of using signal flags. The girls in the class were all beautiful and I fell in love many times. After becoming bilingual and learning enough about Charlemagne and Vercingetorix and the Rivers of France to last a lifetime, I went to Trinity School across the Park and after that to Phillips Academy in Andover Mass for 4 years, then on to Harvard College, graduating in 1960. I was President of the Harvard Lampoon, one of the best jobs ever created. I then went on to the University of Chicago for Med School, the Johns Hopkins Hospital for training in Surgery, the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda where I was a Lieutenant Commander, and after that to the National Hospital for Neurological Disease in London. Then, to research in Neuroanatomy at the Anatomical Institute in Oslo, a period visiting Neurosurgical centers in France and the Residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital where I was on the Neurosurgical Staff for some years before joining the Lahey Clinic Department of Neurosurgery in 1977. I was President of the Neurosurgical Society of America and other Neurosurgical organizations, authored many papers and wrote a book on the back as well as editing several Neurosurgical books. I retired from Neurosurgery in 2012. Since then, with my wife Suzanne, a Professor of Neuroscience, we have traveled twice around the world, sailed a small boat across the Atlantic to the Azores and Ireland, manage beekeeping at our home by the sea in in Nahant (Mass.), still do some teaching and mentoring med students, involve myself in Book Clubs and amateur theatricals and generally enjoy myself seeing and being in touch with my old friends, including one of my best friends Yves Feder (’55) who was a year ahead of me at the Lycée and has had a great career in radio and music. My years at the Lycée were a very important part of my education and life and cultural experience.” Classnotes Archives, 1956 Back to Top 1957Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Danielle Haase Dubosc (LSY: Term. in 1957) at the 50th anniversary of Columbia's Reid Hall in Paris (at minute 1:04) (Click on link below) Classnotes Archives, 1957 -- Danielle Haase Dubosc on YouTube (at minute 1:04) Back to Top 1958............................................... In Memoriam: ● Boris Frenkiel († February 25, 2014) ● Claude (Beliansky) Perrin († December 12, 2014) ● Roselyne (Trouart) Ragnoni († September 27, 2014) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Alexander N. Rossolimo (LSY: 1ere in 1957) told us that he "has been appointed Director of the Harvard Alumni Association for Southeastern New England, and elected president of the Harvard Club of Cape Cod. The picture shows him with Michael S. Dukakis and and his wife Kitty D. Dukakis at a dinner meeting held by the Harvard Club in Hyannis. Former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis gave a riveting speech on the topic, 'My growing concerns about national security policy and where it is taking us'." Classnotes Archives, 1958 -- Alexander N. Rossolimo with Michael Dukakis -- In Memoriam: Boris Frenkiel, Claude (Beliansky) Perrin, and Roselyne (Trouart) Ragnoni Back to Top 1959● Roger H. Lourie (LSY: Term. in 1959) told us that he is "the Managing Partner of Seagrace Partners LP, a private equity investment partnership. Seagrace owns a book publishing firm, a manufacturer of construction equipment, a manufacturer of picture frames for museums, and is an investor in diverse real estate properties. Prior to creating Seagrace Partners, Lourie worked in corporate management for thirty years. He held executive positions with Mead Data Central, creator of the LEXIS and NEXIS databases, Time Inc., and Procter & Gamble Co. He was a member of the Greenwich, CT Representative Town Meeting for 25 years, President of ABILIS (the Association for Retarded Citizens in Greenwich, CT), a Connecticut Justice of the Peace, and the U.S. Chairman of the Paris Opera Children’s Choir. Lourie is an Expert Witness in Fraudulent Practices for the United States Postal Service and a consultant to a U.S. government agency on underwater demolition procedures. Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (B.S.), Columbia University Graduate School of Business (M.B.A.), and Columbia University Graduate School of International Affairs (M.I.A.), he is fluent in several languages." ● Michael Bleier (LSY: 2nde in 1957) wrote: "I met my wife in Washington DC in December 1965 and we were married on October 9, 1966. We have three children, Tommy, Lisa and Mark, and eight grandchildren. We are still married and while I still practice law, primarily bank regulatory law, we also take time to travel in the US and overseas. After Georgetown Law, I started working at the FTC. In 1971 I joined the Federal Reserve Board's Legal Division and left in 1982 as an official of the Board, as Assistant General Counsel responsible for the bank holding company/banking structure group in the Legal Division. In 1982 we moved to Pittsburgh and I started working for Mellon Bank. I stayed there until October 2006. I was General Counsel for Mellon Bank and its holding company for 14 years, working for five different chairmen. I oversaw not only the legal function but also our Government Affairs area. During my time at Mellon I was responsible for our dealings with the banking agencies at both the State and Federal levels, as well our dealings with the State legislatures and governmental authorities. While at Mellon I developed our good-bank bad-bank strategy as well as did all the regulatory work and government interactions for its transformation into its restructuring into its current asset management form." ● Antoine J. Polgar (LSY: 1ere in 1958) wrote: "Antoine J. Polgar, ajunct French instructor at CDL and an Empire State College alumnus, has self-published a volume of poetry. Titled "Chronicles & Elegies," the work by the French-born American poet is, in his own words, "an anachronistic narrative of transatlantic memoir, nostalgia and a Euro-American sensibility forged out of a convergence of poetic genres and forms; the epic of contemporaneity shaped by the historical imagination, the lyric of experience and elegiac allusion - with the classical rhetoric instruments of apostrophe, imprecation and synecdoche. Polgar lives in East Middlebury, Vt. He was educated at the Lyçée Français de New York, Hofstra University, the New School, Bard College, Empire State College and the University at Buffalo. He has taught at Niagara University, Buffalo State College, Medaille College and Champlain College. He now teaches at Southern New Hampshire University and Empire State College. His poems have appeared in The Literary Review (TLR), Kiosk and Prelude. Other work has appeared in theory@buffalo (link sends e-mail), the Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, Les Cahiers du Celat (Univ. of Quebec at Montreal) and CLC (Comparative Literature & Culture) Web (March 2014). The work is available from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Chronicles-Elegies-Antoine-J-Polgar/dp/0692321713” ● Barbara (Gabes) Longwill: "My interest in art began while I was a child at the Lycee Francais in New York. I excelled at it, but my talent was not channeled until after I had three children. I studied at the University of Delaware in continuing education, where I began painting. Eventually, my work was accepted for exhibition at the Delaware Art Museum. I abstract from reality, filtering what I see through the prism of myexperience as a wife and mother; my travels to Europe, the Caribbean and Israel; and my imagination. But the genuine root of my inspiration is an unknown source, giving my art a profound spiritual dimension. I strive to express the soul of the people and places I paint in a loose, emotional style that bears comparison to Impressionism. Art is my Zen. I lose myself in the process of creation. There is a symbiosis between my painting and me; it speaks to me and we work together. When I paint, time passes and I don't know where it has gone. Some spirit enters me. I put myself in the painting." (http://medicine.fiu.edu/art/2013/artists.php) Classnotes Archives, 1959 Back to Top 1960.............................................. In Memoriam: ● François-Paul (Frank) Ferran († August 31, 2015) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) .............................................. ● Sally Hess (LSY: Terminale in 1960) wrote: "Chers amis, All I have to share this month is the news of my soon-to-be-published essay (went to press last week) in the British outfit Intellect (can be purchased for reading online or hardcopy), the special edition of the Journal of Dance, Movement and Spiritualities." [The essay is entitled "Taking the Backward Step.” Click on link below to read it] ● Jean-Jacques Richard (LSY: 1ere in 1959) nous écrit: "Depuis 12 ans maintenant je suis agent immobilier à Sacramento CA avec Coldwell Banker, pour achats et ventes maisons. Avant cela j'ai eu une longue carrière à Air France, services commerciaux, à New-York et Los Angeles. Voici donc l'adresse du site web avec Coldwell Banker: [click on link below]. Le site en anglais à aussi un index "En Francais" qui relie avec un autre site "French District" qui donne en Français détails sur mes services à la clientèle. Le French District est une organisation intéressante spécialisée pour francophones et publiant toutes sortes d'informations." ● Martha (Neustadter) Mendelson shared this with us: "After years of countless mauvais points and heures de retenue but a lot of fun, I switched to Brearley for eighth grade. Next I went to Sarah Lawrence, along with Cathy Temerson ('61) and Sybil Littauer ('62) (who both died way too young). The summer after college I worked for the Cultural Service of the French Embassy (in NY), translating De Gaulle speeches. There, I bumped into Charles Durand, who now worked for the embassy but was my teacher in septieme days. He once punished me for a dubious infraction by making me run around la cour 25 times in freezing weather. The embassy stint was followed by a string of low-paying jobs, marriage, a son, and divorce. I met my second husband, who was also divorced, at a parents' meeting at the school my son and his daughter attended. He proved a keeper! We had a child together and are now the doting gramma and grampa of four grandkids. When we were both very pregnant with our first children, I ran into Jackie Buchman Botwinick ('60) in a Macy's elevator and we've gotten together regularly ever since. Following more than a decade of fulltime parenting, I became a regular freelancer for The Jewish Week and wrote for other publications. This year, my first book, Bromley Girls, a young adult novel about ninth graders at a Manhattan girls' school in the '50's, was published by Texas Tech University Press. I was 72!" (Click on link below to access Marth'a website) ● Dr. Gérard Sunnen (LSY: 3eme in 1957) wrote and suggested that "the AALFNY readership may be interested in a couple of articles recently published on my site. Also there, are some articles in French there." (Click on links below to access two of Gérard's recent articles) (Editor's note: "Gérard V. Sunnen, M.D., received his medical degree from the State of New York Medical School, Downstate Medical Center. Following an internship in surgery and medicine at Bellevue Hospital, New York, he was appointed resident, then chief resident at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital. He has practiced medicine and psychiatry in general hospital, academic, Air Force, forensic and hospice settings.......") (http://www.triroc.com/sunnen/index.htm) Classnotes Archives, 1960 -- In Memoriam: Frank Ferran -- 'The Neurology of Meditation', by Gérard Sunnen -- 'The Awareness Connectome' by Gérard Sunnen -- Jean-Jacques Richard's website -- Sally Hess' essay -- Martha (Neustadter) Mendelson's website Back to Top 1961.............................................. In Memoriam: ● Barbara (Bailer) Smiley († November 25, 2013) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) .............................................. ● Bernard Edinger (LSY: 4eme in 1957) wrote: “LFNY Alumni president Roger Liwer (‘68) , Tony Polgar (‘59) and I have been meeting once or twice a year over the past few years, sometimes with other former Lycée pupils, for very pleasant lunches just opposite the leafy Jardins du Luxembourg in Paris' Latin Quarter. The venue is the vast café "Le Rostand" which has a wonderful, original Belle Epoque décor and typical, old-style Paris brasserie food, i.e., harengs à l'huile, paté de campagne, boeuf bourguignon etc. We usually meet in summer when Tony comes in from the U.S. where he resides, and have been joined then or at other times, by Mike Bleier (‘59) , also a U.S. resident, and Harold Hyman (’77) who now lives in Paris. A regular until her untimely demise in February this year was dear Catherine Temerson (‘61) who lived in New York but had a Paris holiday apartment. We miss her. Anyone who wants to join one of our lunches (and the simultaneous banter as we reconstruct the world) is welcome. Please let me know (edinger@wanadoo.fr) and I’ll advise you the next time we meet. I took early retirement from Reuters news agency in 2001 after 32 years as a journalist based on four continents and reporting from more than 50 countries. I’ve done journalistic freelance work since then and my favorite “string” is writing the monthly history pages of Terre Information Magazine, the main French Army monthly. I’m also a member of the board of the “Association des journalistes de defense” where I’m in charge of organizing at least one annual visit to foreign military establishments. The trips usually last a week and about a dozen French journalists specialized in defense affairs participate, representing the general press (Le Monde, Le Figaro etc) or specialized publications (Air et Cosmos, Aviation Week, etc). I’m the tour leader and have had the privilege of taking groups to see foreign armies, bases, vessels etc and meet defense ministers and other top officials in: the U.S. (three trips), China, Britain, Israel, Germany (two trips each), Japan, South Korea and Mongolia. It’s very interesting..... and great fun!" ● Michel Demonfaucon (LSY: Terminal in 1961) shared this with us: "Retraite calme sur Oléron, retape vieux bateaux, musique, chant, et bénévolat divers. Je suis joignable sur Skype." ● Beata (Phillips) Ballard (LSY: 1ere in 1960) told us that she was a featured reader at a poetry reading in July 2014 for "Poets of the Palm Beaches." (Click on link below to see her video) ● Justice Eileen Bransten (LSY: 9eme in 1952) “was elected to the New York State Supreme Court in November 1999. In 2008, she was assigned to the Commercial Division after having spent seven years presiding over a Medical Malpractice Part. Before that, Justice Bransten was elected to the Civil Court in 1993 and was appointed an Acting Supreme Court Justice in 1996. As an Acting Justice, she presided over a General Trial and then a Matrimonial Part.....Throughout her legal career, Justice Bransten has been active in numerous bar associations and organizations.....Justice Bransten served as the Presiding Member of the New York State Bar Association’s Judicial Section in 2008. Justice Bransten is currently a member of the City Bar Association’s Council on Judicial Administration. She also previously served on the City Bar Association’s Committee on State Courts Of Superior Jurisdiction and on the City Bar Association’s Medical Malpractice Committee.....Justice Bransten is a graduate of Hunter College (summa cum laude, 1975) and Fordham University School of Law (class of 1979). After law school, from 1979 to 1984, she served in the Queens County District Attorney’s Office and then worked as a solo practitioner for seven years. In 1992, she became the Principal Court Attorney and Law Secretary to Supreme Court Justice Jacqueline W. Silbermann.....In 2000, Justice Bransten was inducted into the Hunter College Alumni Hall of Fame and presently serves on the Board of Directors of Fordham University Law School.....Justice Bransten and her husband, John Simpson--former Director of Constituent Services and Senior Affairs to Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer--are long-time residents of Manhattan. They thoroughly enjoy traveling, reading books, going to the theater and spending time with their family: their two sons Richard and John, Richard’s wife Sarah and their grandchildren Brendan and Erin.....” (http://www.nycourts.gov/courts/comdiv/ny/newyork_bio_Bransten.shtml) Classnotes Archives, 1961 -- In Memoriam: Barbara (Bailer) Smiley -- Beata (Phillips) Ballard at poetry reading Back to Top 1962............................................... In Memoriam: ● Joël Coigney († August 30, 2013) ● Michel Doreau († September 11, 2011) ● Colette (Barbara) Friedlander ((† April 3, 2015) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● François Courtines (LSY: 1ere in 1961) is retired from the New York City Board of Education, and now lives in Lasserre (Midi-Pyrenées) France. ● Dyllia Zannettos (LSY: 2nde in 1960) wrote: " I am well and living in Athens, Greece. Am still working as a real estate agent despite the economic crisis, and can be found via my Facebook page. I would love to hear from old Lycée friends." ● Juan Francisco (Jean-Francois) Lloan-Reyssi, Esq. (LSY: 4eme in 1958) “is the founder and Senior Partner of ESCRITORIO LLOAN & ASOCIADOS. Lawyer and also Doctorate (1969) in Public Law (Universidad Central de Venezuela), he has been a Professor of Constitutional Law at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello since 1972. [He is] arbitrator and mediator of the Centro de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Caracas and the Centro Empresrial de Conciliación y Arbitraje, created by the Venezuela-U.S. Chamber of Commerce [and] member of its Legal Advisory Committee.....Aside his native Spanish he is fluent in English, French, and Italian and has working knowledge of Portuguese. [He] is married and has two daughters. He has been an ad honorem lawyer for the French Embassy for the last 25 years and is Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite of France." (http://www.lloanabogados.com/ENG/lloan.html) ● Jean-Michel Giraud (LSY: Term. in 1962) « ingénieur Civil des Mines, diplômé d’un Master of Sciences de Berkeley et de l’Executive MBA d’HEC, a effectué l’essentiel de sa carrière au sein du groupe ELF puis TOTAL entre 1976 et 2006. Il y a successivement exercé les fonctions de Directeur de Projets, Directeur Industriel Polymères, avant d’être nommé Directeur du Contrôle de Gestion d’Elf Atochem (1992-98), Directeur de l’Audit Interne en 1998, puis Directeur de l’Audit de la Chimie du groupe Total en 2000. Il est à l’origine du développement de l’Audit Interne au sein de la chimie industrielle du groupe, worldwide, ainsi que de la mise en œuvre d’un programme de sensibilisation et d’appropriation du contrôle interne par le management dans le cadre des nouvelles lois sur la sécurité financière. » (http://www.finyear.com/SMG-Group-renforce-son-management-avec-l-arrivee-de-Jean-Pierre-Carlin-et-Jean-Michel-Giraud_a5446.html) ● Patrice Berger (LSY: Term. in 1962) is a Professor of History and Director of the University Honors Program at the University of Nebraska. ● Béatrice (Wellner) Sikon (LSY: Term. in 1962) “founder of Designs That Work, holds a degree in interior design from the Parsons School of Design and is an allied member of ASID. She has earned a reputation for the impeccable quality and expert management of her residential construction projects. After a 15 year career on Wall Street in systems planning for Chase Manhattan Bank, she turned her talent and experience to major home renovations in both San Francisco and New York City. With her background in systems planning, Bea focuses on infrastructure as well as interior design. In addition to new gourmet kitchens and marble-tiled bathrooms, rebuilt wood-burning fireplaces, expanded garages, extensive closet and storage space, new roofs, copper eaves and media centers, every house she restores features state-of-the-art electrical and plumbing systems, including complete wiring for computers, cable televisions, and intercoms in every room..... As hands-on project manager for her own and other projects, Bea’s strategy is to invest in the highest possible quality, stay on schedule and create a beautifully updated “old” home that any family can move into in comfort.” (http://www.designsthatwork.com/Designs_That_Work/About_Bea.html) ● Geoffrey Morson (LSY: Terminale in 1962) told us that he has "a lovely and smart grandchild: Saskia, born 16 March 2015." He also sent us an article that he co-authored on the recent FIFA scandal, and addressing the question "What restraints are there on the power of the on the United States (or other countries) to impose their criminal laws around the world?" (Click on PdF file below to read the article) Classnotes Archives, 1962 Georrey Morson's co-authored article on FIFA -- In Memoriam: Joël Coigney, Michel Doreau, Colette Friedlander Back to Top 1963............................................... In Memoriam: ● Jacques Giraud († August 29, 2014) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Eliana (Pearse) Houstoun-Boswall (LSY: Terminale in 1963) wrote: "I attended the Lycée in New-York from 1958 to 1963. It is in great part the fond memories I have of my time there that have inspired me to create Hampton Court House." Editor's Note: "Hampton Court House is an 18th-century building on the edge of Bushy Park, the second largest of London’s Royal Parks located in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. [Today, it] houses a co-educational independent school popularly known as HCH." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hampton_Court_House) ● Daniel Bollinger (LSY : 1ere in 1962) wrote : « Merci pour ce rappel de contribution au profit de l'association des anciens élèves du Lycée français de New York où j'ai suivi la classe de première d'Octobre 1961 à Juillet 1962, à la fin de laquelle j'ai eu mon bac 1ière partie. Je suis en train de rédiger mes mémoires et je vais bientôt terminer le chapitre sur cette merveilleuse année que j'ai passé au lycée français de NY. En attendant (je ne sais pas si cela est intéressant?), voici en une page un résumé de ma vie pour ceux qui voudraient savoir ce que je suis devenu. Cela me fait toujours un grand plaisir d'échanger avec ceux qui sont en relation avec cette institution scolaire qui m'a tant apporté au début de ma vie d'étudiant. » (Click on PdF file below to read Daniel’s bio) ● Peter Caranicas (LSY: Terminale in 1963) wrote: "I'm still living in Los Angeles, happily married to Xiaoyun (Manny) Zhang, working as deputy editor at Variety. I recently traveled to the Camerimage International Film Festival in Bydgoszcz, Poland. On Saturday [Dec. 12, 2015] I'm off to London for Focus - The Location Production Event. Kids are both in New York. I miss them and the city, but when it's winter I'd rather be here. If anyone wants to write, my email is peter.caranicas@gmail.com." ● Timberlake Wertenbaker (LSY: 2nde in 1961) wrote a new play --Jefferson’s Garden-- that opened on February 5, 2015 at the Watford Palace theatre in London. ".....The play captures the contradictions within both the characters and the foundation of the United States. Jefferson himself is both a libertarian and a paternalistic slave-owner who fathers children with the women in his power. Christian meanwhile is a passionate advocate of freedom who shuns fighting and ends up a Virginian plantation owner. Behind this lies the larger tragedy of a country that refused to enfranchise the enslaved at the moment of its formation....." (Full review here: http://www.theguardian.com/stage/2015/feb/10/jeffersons-garden-review-timberlake-wertenbaker) ● « Archéologue et interprète, auteur d’ouvrages régionaux, Catherine Ungar (LSY: 1ere in 1962) se passionne pour le passé [.....] ‘J'aime me passionner. Je crois que c'est ce qui manque aux jeunes aujourd'hui. Alors qu'on peut se passionner pour n'importe quoi !’ Catherine Ungar aime apprendre. Son truc à elle, c'est l'histoire. Celle de l'homme, des sociétés et des pyramides. Celles d'Egypte évidement, mais pas seulement. Pyramides séculaires, contemporaines. Tombeaux, fontaines, immeubles. En pierres, en métal, dessinées. A l'autre bout du monde ou chez elle, sous ses fenêtres de Falicon [.....] ‘J'aime approfondir les choses. Savoir pourquoi’ résume cette diplômée d'archéologie de l'Université d'Arizona. Une curiosité héritée de ses parents sans doute, érudits et voyageurs. Londres, New York, Chicago --elle les a suivis un peu partout avant de venir s'établir à Falicon, village natal de son compagnon, et de se passionner pour sa pyramide [.....] Outre les pyramides, ses études et activités l'ont menée sur différents domaines. Et elle qui a d'abord voulu embrasser une carrière de flûtiste ne s'est finalement pas trompée en optant pour la recherche. Etudiante, conférencière au Palais Lascaris à Nice, enseignante à l'école municipale d'arts plastiques niçoise, auteur d'ouvrages régionaux, interprète. Quoiqu'elle fasse, Catherine apprend. Sa soif de savoir ne s'arrête jamais. À 20 ans comme à 65, Catherine a toujours envie de découvrir. ‘J'aimerais mourir à la tâche’, plaisante-t-elle. ‘Je continuerai à travailler tant que je le peux et si je dois prendre ma retraite, je continuerai à chercher.’» (http://www.nicematin.com/article/catherine-ungar/falicon-catherine-ungar-histoire-dune-tete-chercheuse.712504.html) ● Gail Dana (Dauterman ) Ricciardi (LSY: 9eme in 1954) is the Curator of the Framingham Historical Society. ● Lorca Massine (LSY: 7eme in 1956): “Born in New York, son of Leonide Massine, he has studied and collaborated with the greatest choreographers of our time: Balanchine, Bejart, and Leonide Massine. He has inherited his father's penchant for story ballets and combined this with his unusual ability of illustrating contemporary themes in dance using the classical idiom. He has choreographed more than fifty ballets and musical productions. The original version of Zorba, which premiered at the Arena of Verona, has been seen in more than thirty countries by over three million enthusiastic spectators. Massine's undertaking of the APASSIONATA-Ovations Tour, an equine choreographic extravaganza, set new standards! His works have been in the repertoires of internationally acclaimed companies such as New York City Ballet, American Ballet Theater, the Birmingham Royal Ballet, Bejart's Ballet of the Twentieth Century, and the Paris Opera Ballet, and have been performed on the stages of international opera houses from the Metropolitan Opera House in New York to Teatro alla Scala i(Milan), Teatro la Fenice (Venice),Teatro San Carlo(Naples), Teatro dell'Opera (Rome), Teatro Carlo San Felice (Genoa),Teatro Massimo (Palermo), the Royal Opera House at Covent Garden (London), and the Arena di Verona. Lorca Massine is also the heir to Leonide Massine's vast heritage. His stagings of his father's ballets have been performed at the Paris Opera, American Ballet Theater, the Pennsylvania Ballet, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, the Birmingham Royal Ballet,The Royal Winnepeg Ballet, Bavarian State Ballet, Vienna State Ballet, and in 2005, three works of Leonide Massine entered the repertoire of the Bolshoi Ballet.” (http://lorcamassine.com/) ● Iréne (Brun) Bowers (LSY: 2nde in 1961) “is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner® who has studied many forms of dance, yoga and movement for over 30 years. She is also a Certified and Licensed Lebed Method® Instructor. She has a private practice in her home and has taught Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® classes throughout Los Angeles. She also gives workshops centered on various themes and aspects of movement. At Women's Physical Therapy Rehabilitation, she works individually with clients with both the Feldenkrais® and Lebed Methods® and teaches group classes.” (http://womensphysicaltherapy.com/irene_bowers.php) ● Sandra (Shaw-Lawrence) Boselli (LSY: 2nde in 1961) is a freelance journalist, writer and editor, specializing in articles on Lucien Freud in the 1940's. Classnotes Archives, 1963 Daniel Bollinger's bio -- In Memoriam: Jacques Giraud Back to Top 1964............................................... In Memoriam: ● Patricia (Laurence) Gorokhoff, († June 8, 2013) ● Michel Vonderweidt († September 12, 2014) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Evelyn (Wahl) Soum (LSY: Terminale in 1964) nous écrit: « Fin d’année si particulière à Paris, entre l’après-attentats du 13 novembre et ce premier tour des élections régionales où l’abstention risque d’être premier parti de France. Comme vous tous, j’ai vécu les fusillades au Bataclan et aux terrasses des bistrots. Appris que des personnes que j’aimais bien ont été tuées et d’autres blessées. J’aurais pu y être – étant fondue de rock depuis toujours et habituée du Bataclan. Comme ceux d’entre vous qui sont parisiens, la résilience, la résistance ici, toutes générations confondues, m’a bluffée, réchauffée, entrainée; devant les hôpitaux pour donner son sang, à la place de la République où les familles bravaient l’interdiction de s’assembler pour signifier leur liberté et le refus de la peur. Je ne pensais pas revenir sur cette place une deuxième fois en 2015, ni perdre d'autres amis. Jean CABU était marié à une de mes amies, c’était le personnage le plus exquis qui soit de gentillesse et de drôlerie. Je viens partager avec vous une image qui me touche fortement, l’un des symboles visuels qui s’est répandu au lendemain des attentats : c’est le logo de la République, Marianne qui pleure (cf image jointe). C’est mon logo, je veux dire que je suis à l’origine de la création de cet identifiant que mon agence de communication a créé et mis en œuvre en 1998 pour l’état français. Il est rare de créer un signe visuel aussi important, rare de le voir s’installer et rayonner comme une évidence. C’est une petite fierté mais aujourd’hui, pour moi, surtout une émotion plus violente de voir ce signe se faire message de souffrance. A New York, en 1964 avec un bac en poche, j’ai fait le choix de la France, de Paris en conservant un ancrage fort à NYC. Cette permanence multiculturelle m’a portée dans ma vie privée et professionnelle, elle éclaire mes choix et ma liberté de pensée. I keep moving on. Amis alumni du Lycée Français, où que vous soyez, nous avons la chance d’avoir en nous ces années fondatrices, que je ne ressens pas "long lost" mais au contraire source d’ouverture, de résistance et de mouvement perpétuel. Ca fait du bien par les temps qui courent. » ● Chantal Sironneau (LSY: 1ere in 1963) “was born in Paris, France and moved to New York City as a child. With dual citizenship, she truly has a foothold in both cultures. During her long career in the tabletop and home industry, she worked for many prestigious brands carried by Michael C. Fina which she is very passionate about and has a thorough knowledge. Chantal has traveled throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia where she was involved in sourcing, product development, sales, and marketing. [She has a] rich background in wholesale, retail, and bridal.....” (http://www.michaelcfina.com/CustomerService/ChantalSironneau/#) ● Léon Attila Cheyssial (LSY: 5eme in 1959) « architecte DPLG et docteur en sociologie, est né le 13 mars 1947, à Paris. Fils d’un médecin, il se rapproche de son oncle Georges Cheyssial, artiste peintre, qui l’initie au dessin, à la fresque et à la peinture à l’huile. En 1968, Il fait partie d’un petit groupe à l’origine de l’école UP3 Versailles dont il est un des leaders étudiants. Sa rencontre avec Henry Raymond puis Henri Lefevbre, est déterminante : il poursuit des études de sociologie, qu’il met en application de l’analyse urbaine à la conception de logements ou de quartiers urbains. Il complète sa formation en se rapprochant des Compagnons du tour de France avec qui il s’initie à la charpente. De 1978 à 1992, Mayotte lui offre la possibilité de mettre en application, sur les constructions publiques dont il est l’architecte, des principes radicaux : utilisation presque exclusive de matériaux locaux (pierre, bois, raphia, cocotier, bambou, brique de terre stabilisée), stricte adaptation au terrain (sans terrassements mécaniques, et sans grue) développement autocentré de l’artisanat du bâtiment, climatisation naturelle, recours à l’énergie photovoltaïque. A partir de 1993 il est sollicité par la DDE de la Réunion pour intervenir comme architecte et comme sociologue sur les questions de l’habitat populaire. Il intègre l’école d’Architecture de la Réunion en 2004, puis l’école des Beaux Arts où il a la responsabilité de la plateforme de recherche en paysage, architecture, habitat populaire et développement durable. » (http://lihp.info/tag/article/attila-cheyssial) ● Louis Slesin, Ph.D., “is the editor of www.MicrowaveNews.com; and the founding editor and publisher of Microwave News, a bimonthly newsletter on the biological effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, with special emphasis on power lines and cellular phones. He received a MA in Chemical Physics from Columbia University, New York City, New York and a Ph.D. in Environmental Policy from M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts. Prior to founding Microwave News he was a scientist for the Natural Resources Defense Council, specializing in regulations of toxic chemicals, recombinant DNA technology and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. Slesin is widely published, with articles in journals such as Technology Review, Columbia Journalism Review, Family Circle, Computerworld, The Nation, Whole Earth Review, Amicus Journal, Ecology Law Quarterly, Mothering, Institutional Investor, Environment and Architectural Forum.” (http://www.ics.ul.pt/instituto/ev/meenv/print.asp?theaction=4) ● Patricia Feinberg Stoner (LSY: 8eme in 1956) “joined the Liverpool Daily Post as a graduate trainee in 1969. Quickly discovering she was a terrible reporter, she switched to feature writing and since then her career has revolved around the written word, as a journalist, advertising copywriter and publicist. For many years she was international press officer for Granada Television, leaving to set up her own publicity business, The Good Word. Now retired, she devotes her time to writing short stories and poetry (mainly humorous verse) which have been published in various print and online anthologies….. Patricia lives in West Sussex with her husband Patrick, author of the science fiction series ‘The Jabberwock Continuum', and a lunatic Brittany spaniel who loves cats. She is also a volunteer with WADARS, a local animal rescue charity, and donates the profits from 'Paw Prints in the Butter' to their cause.”(http://www.amazon.com/Patricia-Feinberg-Stoner/e/B00O36LKRE) ● Dominique Plihon (LSY: Term. in 1964) « est professeur d'économie financière à l'Université Paris XIII et participe à l'édition de plusieurs revues. Militant altermondialiste, il est porte-parole d'Attac France depuis 2013 après avoir été président de son conseil scientifique. Né en 1946, [il] a obtenu le diplôme de l'Institut d'études politiques de Paris en 1969. En 1970, il est parti travailler aux États-Unis où il a produit et soutenu un doctorat en économie financière en 1974 à l'université de New York. Après avoir travaillé pour la Banque de France de 1974 à 1983, puis pour le Commissariat général du Plan jusqu'en 1988, il a réussi le concours de l’agrégation de l’enseignement supérieur en sciences économiques et est devenu professeur d'université [.....] il s’est investi après 1998 dans l’organisation altermondialiste Attac. Il participe activement depuis 1999 à son conseil scientifique [..... Il ] publie régulièrement des articles dans l'hebdomadaire Politis [.....] » (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominique_Plihon) ● François (Francisci) Calzola (LSY: 1ere in 1963 nous ecrit: "Bonjour ! En mettant de l'ordre dans de vieilles paperasses j'ai eu l'agréable surprise de tomber sur des photos de mon séjour au Lycée de NYC que je n'ai pas dû revoir depuis bien une quarantaine d'années ! Elles ont été prises (pour celles dans la salle de classe) par je ne sais qui ; il me semble en tout cas reconnaître Monsieur le Professeur PICHON. Les élèves qui y figurent auront le plaisir de s'y reconnaître ! Pour les photos prises au-dehors , elles s'ajoutent à celle que je vous avais déjà adressée , all shot devant la librairie française ! " (Click on PDF file below to see François' photos) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Louis Slesin discusses the politics and science of Electromagnetic fields (EMF.) (Click on link below) ● Antonio Donini (LSY: 3eme in 1961), a senior researcher at the Feinstein International Center, is interviewed by IRIN (Integrated Regional Information Networks) -- Photos de Classe courtesy of François (Francisci) Calzola (’64) -- Classnotes Archives, 1964 -- In Memoriam: Patricia (Laurence) Gorokhoff & Michel Vonderweidt -- Antonio Donini on YouTube -- Louis Slesin on YouTube Back to Top 1965● Pierre Allain (LSY : Terminale in 1965) nous écrit : « ..... BRAVO pour cette initiative et cette persévérance ! C’est grâce à [l’AALFNY] ..... que l’un de mes meilleurs amis m’a retrouvé, je crois l’an dernier, : Lionello GASPARIN (’65) , qui vit à Rome. Nous nous sommes longuement parlé à cette époque pour la première fois depuis des années avec, je crois, un plaisir certain partagé ! Je n’avais, en revanche, jamais perdu le contact avec un autre « classmate » et ami Yves LE SCIELLER (’65) qui vit à Madrid (où je suis allé le voir il y a quelques année.) Le veinard : il est voisin de Penélope Cruz dont je suis « amoureux », comme je le fus, il y a quelques décennies de Claudia Cardinale ! (Comme ça, « un partout » !) Bref. Ce qui m’a le plus ému, il y a très peu, c’est leur réaction après les attentats de Paris le vendredi 13 novembre. Tous deux (Yves et Lionello) m’ont gentiment appelé ou écrit pour prendre des nouvelles et faire part de leur compassion. J’ai été très touché par ces manifestations d’une si vieille et réelle amitié, contractée à New York il y a un demi-siècle ! Bien sûr, nous restons en contact ! Merci, cher [AALFNY] de contribuer à maintenir ce lien inestimable. » ● Lynn (Bernstein) Brenner (LSY: Term. in 1965) “has been a personal finance columnist and business reporter for more than 20 years. Her award-winning ‘Family Finance’ column ran in Newsday every Sunday from 1990 through 2008. She is currently Newsday's weekly 'Ask the Expert' personal finance columnist, a Reuters contributor, and a contributing editor to AARP Magazine. A writer for both general circulation and trade publications, her work has appeared in a wide range of newspapers and magazines -- everything from the New York Times, BusinessWeek, Newsday, Working Woman, AARP the Magazine, Parade, and Martha Stewart Living to CFO, Bloomberg Wealth Manager, and Global Investor.) .....She is also the author of several books, including ‘Smart Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisers’, (a Small Press award winner) and ‘Building Your Nest Egg with Your 401(k)’.” (http://www.lynnbrennersfamilyfinance.com/lynn-brenners-profile.html) ● Marie-Madeleine (Giraud) Guille (LSY: 3eme in 1962) « est actuellement directrice d'études émérite à l'EPHE. Ses recherches sur les analogues biologiques des cristaux liquides l'ont conduite à une démarche interdisciplinaire dans les domaines de la biologie cellulaire, de la physique de la matière condensée, de la biologie marine et des biomatériaux. Ces travaux furent menés au Centre de Cytologie Expérimentale d'Ivry sur Seine (1974-1988) années de thèse et post-thèse sous la direction de Yves Bouligand, puis à l'Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls/Mer (1989-1999) animant l'équipe "Morphogenèse et Cristaux Liquides", enfin au Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris (2000-2014) y créant l'équipe "Matériaux du Vivant". Le sujet au départ théorique et fondamental a ouvert des perspectives en réparation tissulaire, liées à l'élaboration de matrices ordonnées de collagène. Des perspectives d'applications comme substituts osseux sont aujourd'hui développées grâce au soutien de l'UPMC et de la SATT Lutech en liaison étroite avec des équipes médicales et des industriels. » (http://www.obs-banyuls.fr/fr/la_bibliotheque/pour_le_grand_public/conferences/s_inspirer_de_la_nature_pour_reparer_le_corps_humain_l_enjeu.html) ● Dominique Ferran (LSY: 5eme in 1960) « est né à Paris. Il passe son enfance à New-York. Il fait ses études d’orgue à Bordeaux avec Marcel Carme, puis au conservatoire de Toulouse dans la classe de Xavier Darasse. Il s’installe à Poitiers où il obtient une Licence d’Histoire de l’Art puis une Maîtrise de Musicologie [.....] Dominique Ferran est organiste co-titulaire de Notre-Dame-la-Grande de Poitiers [.....] depuis 1975. Il est nommé titulaire en 2007. Il enseigne au CESMD de Poitiers (Pôle supérieur), l’orgue, le clavecin et la basse continue. Titulaire du Certificat d’Aptitude à l’enseignement du clavecin, il a été professeur de clavecin, d’orgue et de musique de chambre au Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Poitiers de 1977 à 2013. Président les « amis des orgues de Notre-Dame et de Montierneuf », il anime depuis 1996 la saison culturelle organistique de Poitiers autour de ces deux instruments [.....] Dominique Ferran accomplit une carrière de soliste et de claveciniste et d’organiste à travers l’Europe : Rome (Villa Médicis), Festival Estival de Paris, Saintes, Ambronnay, La Chaise-Dieu, Sablé sur Sarthe, Sully, Lourdes, Sarrebourg, Lanvellec, Corse, Uzès, Vieux Lyon, Festival de Wallonie et des Flandres, Coburg, Festival de Marburg, Festival d’Utrecht, Festival de Santander [.....] Il enregistre et joue en Argentine, au Mexique et au Festival d’Orgue de Montevideo. Il se produit en Turquie, en Israël, en Slovaquie, au Canada, au Portugal, au Danemark. Dominique Ferran a crée des oeuvres contemporaine pour orgue ou clavecin de Bosseur, Etienne, Fulminet, Garcin, Laureau, Godard, Sprogis, Lancino, Le Meur. [.....] Il a participé à plus de 30 CD, dont 12 en soliste. Ses enregistrements ont été accueillis très favorablement par le public et la critique. » (http://dominique.ferran.free.fr/page7.html) ● Carolle Thibaut Pomerantz (LSY: 1ere in 1965) "trained as an art historian, deals in the decorative arts, with a specialty in fine vintage wallpapers from the XVIII century to the 1950’s. She has pioneered the rediscovery of this unique mural art from, known as “Papiers Peints” and is known as "the" specialist in this field. Bi-cultural, Franco-American, she is based both in Paris and New York. As a private dealer, she advises collectors, designers and corporations both in Europe and the United States. She also exhibits in major International art fairs, such as TEFAF, Maastricht; Winter Antiques Show, New York; Masterpiece, London. Many of her rare vintage papers have been acquired by major museums such as, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Philadelphia Art Museum, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Chicago Art Institute, Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, Kunstgewerbemuseum Staaliche in Berlin ….. She is a member of the Compagnie Nationale des Experts and the National Art and Antique Dealers Association of America.” (http://antique-wallpaper.com/about-carolle-thibaut-pomerantz/) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Willet Weeks (LSY: Term. in 1965) is interviewed by Development Alternatives Inc. (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1965 -- Willet Weeks on DAI Back to Top 1966............................................... In Memoriam: ● Dunstan Coleman († December 2, 2015) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on PDF file below) ............................................... ● Monique (Bérard) Kinsolving (LSY: 4eme in 1962) wrote: "I retired in November 2014 after working for 40 years pretty much non stop in banking. My last job was heading the anti money-laundering unit at Mizuho Bank in New York. I have since moved to New Hampshire near Dartmouth University and am almost fully settled. Retirement sparked several fun trips, so unpacking took quite a bit of time. I now have three grandchildren and a fourth on the way. Life is good, but the presidential election politics are depressing and scary." ● Robert Ayache (LSY: Terminale in 1966) shared this with us: "J’ai poursuivi une carrière comme actuaire/management consultant. Les derniers 30 ans à TPF&C (maintenant Towers Watson) en tant que « Managing Principal ». Après avoir voyagé un peu partout pour affaires, récemment j’ai pris ma retraite à South Palm Beach en Floride. J’ai 3 enfants, Simone, 31 ans, qui demeure à Seattle, Nicole, 29 ans, à Washington DC et Philippe, 27 ans, à Dallas. J’ai gardé de bons contacts avec mes anciens amis du Lycée: Andre Cappon ('66) et Jean-Pierre Marchand ('66) et plus récemment avec Charles Pinto ('66). Il y a quelques années, j’ai revu Hervé Gambliel ('66). Ça m’a fait beaucoup de peine d’apprendre le décès récent de Dunstan Coleman.” ● Sylvia de La Montaigne (Doreen Hansen) (LSY: Terminale in 1966) wrote: "Bonjour from my home in Mazama, Washington State. The photo shows me after one of my daily tours on nordic skis in my neighbourhood where I glided over a total of 929 kilometers last season! Soon my new grandson " Marseil" will be joining me! My goal for 2015-16 is 1000! Let it snow......" (click on PDF file below to see the photo) ● Irène Finel-Honigman (LSY: 1ere in 1965) wrote: "My good news is that my new book "International Banking for a New Century" (by I. Finel-Honigman and F. Sotelino; Routledge, 2015) appeared this summer and we are now using it in the International Banking courses at Columbia University. My daughter Ana received her D.Phil in Art History from Oxford University. Despite the tragedies in Paris and the US, I wish for all of us a truly happy and safe coming year." ● Francis Poliat shared this with us: "I live in Vancouver Washington, work and play in Portland Oregon. I am single and consider my closest friends as my family. Interests are progressive politics, education, art, film, music, social dance, social media, technology and literature." ● Catherine (Dhery) Mathelin-Vanier (LSY: 6eme in 1960) « est docteur en psychologie et psychanalyste. Elle travaille au service de pédo-psychiatrie et en service de réanimation néonatale dans les hôpitaux de Saint-Denis. Elle est auteure de nombreux ouvrages tels que Qu’est-ce qu’on a fait à Freud pour avoir des enfants pareils ? , Comprendre votre enfant de 3 ans à 6 ans ou encore Comment survivre en famille » Elle « travaille dans le domaine de la psychiatrie d’enfant et de la psychanalyse depuis 1970. Elle a une expérience professionnelle particulière, car depuis 20 ans elle fait partie de l’équipe du service de réanimation pour nourrissons dans l’hôpital Saint-Denis à Paris. Elle a transmis ses observations et sa pratique approfondie dans son livre: Le sourire de la Joconde. » (http://www.psychologies.com/Auteurs/Mathelin-Vanier-Catherine) AND (http://psychanalyse-journalisme-humour.blogspot.fr/2007_10_01_archive.html) ● Béatrice (Blankiet) Abitbol (LSY: 5eme in 1961) est médecin spécialiste en gynécologie médicale et obstétrique à Paris. ● Diana Mara Henry (LSY 1ere in 1965, and Prof. d'angais 1973 & 1974) told us that she “presented a paper and powerpoint on the topic of "Pain the memoirs of survivors of the KLNa" at the conference Translating Pain: An International Forum on Language, Text and Suffering a forum in Melbourne, Australia focused on the translation of pain across multiple historical and disciplinary perspectives on 10-12 August 2015 at Monash University in partnership with the University of Warwick. Her website created a decade ago about the KLNa is www.natzweiler-struthof.com Her review of European Resistance in the Second World War .....was published in the Journal of MIlitary History, April, 2015. She continues to seek a publisher for the memoirs of André Joseph Scheinmann, a spy in the French resistance for the SIS, secret Jew and Nacht und Nebel prisoner at the KonzentrationslagerNatzweiler/KLNa. Website: www.callmeandre.com.” -- Classnotes Archives, 1966 -- Sylvia (Doreen) at home -- In Memoriam: Dunstan Coleman -- Diana Henry's natzweiler-struthof website Back to Top 1967● "Blast from the Past": Marie-France Prosperi Forbin (LSY: Terminale in 1967) sent us a photo of her and Jane Trigère (LSY: 1ere in 1966) at a Bal Masqué at the Lycée. When she saw the photo, Jane wrote: " I remember that poncho very well. I got it from the mother of a summer boyfriend in Mexico City. I gave it away to my sister in law. And the hat! I bought that myself: A souvenir from Mexico of course. Gone, gone, all gone." (Click on PDF file below to see the photo) ● Mira Schor (LSY: Terminale in 1967) wrote: "I’m living in New York where I teach art at Parsons the New School for Design. 2016 will be an exciting year with an exhibition of my paintings in New York City at Lyles & King Gallery and one at CB1 Gallery in Los Angeles. There are a couple of recent videos online of lectures I’ve given in the past year or so, one of them at RISD, “Mira Schor / Living between Visuality, Materiality, and Language” (Click on link below) I am still friends with my LFNY friend Michele Moss ('67) and Oudi Recanati ('67) , and have also reconnected via Facebook with some people who passed through our class for short times such as Onyx Orton ('67 -LSY: 6eme in 1961)." ● Nancy (Kleinman) Shaw (LSY: 3eme in 1964) shared this with us: “ I retired from teaching in June and I now spend my new found free time singing in a choir and volunteering my computer skills. I teach one class a week: an after school program for middle school. We are expected to put on a play in the spring. The happiest day in my week is spent with my grandson Abraham, just 6 months old and already has 7 teeth! (See picture attached) Here's a funny anecdote: I started singing him the songs my mother used to sing to me like Il pleut, il pleut bergere but my specialty is not remembering lyrics past the first few lines. So I discovered all these comptines and learned a bunch of new ones. Abraham's favorites are Pirouette Cacahuete and Ah Les Crocrocro Les crocrodiles." ● Christopher Delgado (LSY: Term. in 1967): “I have spent my career working on the economics of agricultural development and more broadly food security issues in poor countries in Africa and Asia. I have become convinced in recent years that we have a much bigger problem for global food security and peace from climate change than is commonly acknowledged. The big picture is that we need 50% more food by 2050 to feed a global population of 9 billion. We would probably muddle through to meet this goal if climate were unchanging. As it is, we are at least as likely to see an aggregate decline in global food production that exceeds 10 % under current trends in climate change. In addition to much stronger international efforts to mitigate climate change, there is a massive need to increase broadly the productivity and resilience of food production systems and the livelihoods of the rural poor in poor countries. I am very happy to have had the opportunity to join the World Resources Institute this week as a regular staff member, based in Washington, D.C., to work on the above issues.” (www.linkedin.com/pub/christopher-delgado/2a/b1a/931) ● Gérard Bédat (LSY: 9eme in 1958) nous écrit: « Je suis un peu hésitant à contacter l'Association des anciens dans la mesure où mon passage au Lycée Français est très ancien, et que je n'ai aucun contact avec d'autres anciens. Malheureusement, lorsque je suis revenu habiter à Washington et New York en 1973 - 1976, les réseaux sociaux n'existaient pas encore! et je n'ai repris contact avec personne. Je vous fournis une information qui pourra peut-être trouver sa place dans le prochain bulletin: Etant le petit-fils d'un peintre franc-comtois de réputation, j'ai créé en 2007 une association www.robert-fernier.org [cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous] pour qu'il ne soit pas oublié et organiser des expositions. J'en ai profité pour faire éditer plusieurs de ses écrits inédits consacrés à ses séjours aux Comores et à Madagascar qui présentent un réel intérêt ethnographique, et sa correspondance pendant toute la guerre de 1914-18. Un livre de peintures est en préparation et sortira au printemps. Comme vous le voyez, la retraite est bien occupée. Accessoirement, j'aide aussi des start-ups issues de l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne dont je suis diplômé et je suis instructeur bénévole dans un aéro-club. » ● Michele Moss (LSY: Term. in 1967) “is a partner in the Financial Services Practice Group [of Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP’s] New York office. Her transaction experience covers a wide spectrum of both domestic and cross-border financing transactions, including sale and leaseback transactions, leveraged buyouts, multi-currency syndicated senior secured and unsecured credit facilities…..mezzanine and holdco PIK financings, commercial and asset-based lending, intercreditor agreements, asset-backed securitizations, currency and interest rate swaps, defeasance structures and other structured finance products. In the capital markets area, Michele has acted on behalf of issuers and underwriters in Rule 144A private placements into the United States and Regulation S private placements outside the United States. Prior to joining Osler, Michele practiced for more than two decades at a New York based international law firm, both its New York and Paris offices. She is fluent in French and has taught courses at law schools both in France and in the United States.” (http://www.osler.com/ourpeople/Profile.aspx?id=1047) ● Layla (Soudavar) Diba (LSY: 2nde in 1965), “Ph.D. is an independent scholar and art advisor. She has held positions as the director and chief curator of the Negarestan Museum in Teheran (1975-79) and as an art advisor for Private Secretariat of Her Majesty Queen Farah of Iran. She was formerly Hagop Kevorkian Curator of Islamic Art at the Brooklyn Museum of Art and adjunct professor at the Bard Graduate Center. In 2006, Dr. Diba was invited to develop programming and strategy for the future Guggenheim Abu Dhabi Museum and to serve on the Museum’s Asian Art Council. She has curated exhibitions at the Lehmann-Maupin and Leila Taghinia Milani Heller Galleries in New York and served on the advisory panel of the Islamic World Arts Initiative of the Doris Duke Foundation. Her most recent publication is Turkmen Jewelry: Silver Ornaments from the Marshall and Marilyn Wolf Collection (Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2011). Most recently, she co-curated the 'Iran Modern' exhibition held at the Asia Society Museum, New York, September 6, 2013 - January 5, 2014. She was also co-editor of the associated exhibition catalogue, Iran Modern, published in 2013. Her articles have appeared in numerous artistic and scholarly publications, she serves on the Board of the Soudavar Memorial Foundation, and advises various philanthropic organizations related to Persian Art including the Iran Heritage Foundation. She holds a B.A. from Wellesley College and a M.A. and Ph.D. from the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University.” (http://www.iranicaonline.org/pages/eif-board-trustees) ● Edouard Conte (LSY: 1ere in 1966) is a "Full Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Bern (Switzerland) and Directeur de recherche at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)" (http://www.snis.ch/system/files/biography.pdf) ● Alfred Vanderbilt (LSY: 10eme in 1957) is “a veteran public relations executive and winner of the PRSA Silver Anvil, dedicated to providing clients with valuable insights and strategy-driven results.” He is President and CEO of the The Vanderbilt Agency. (www.linkedin.com/pub/alfred-vanderbilt/27/885/316) ● « Né à Nice, le Pr Dominique de Ziegler (LSY: Term. in 1967) dirige l’Unité d’infertilité et AMP de Cochin Port-Royal [Paris] depuis 6 ans. Le Pr de Ziegler a fait son internat et clinicat à l’Université de Californie à Los Angeles. Il est diplômé des Boards Américains de Gynécologie et Obstétrique et d’Endocrinologie de la Reproduction et Infertilité. Avant d’être à Cochin, le Professeur de Ziegler était à Genève où il dirigeait le centre Universitaire d’Infertilité et AMP de cette ville. Le professeur de Ziegler a publié plus de 200 articles référencés dans le registre international des publications PubMed. Il est ou a été membre du comité éditorial des deux revues les plus en vue dans le domaine de l’infertilité et AMP. » (http://www.gynecochin.com/decouvrir-l-equipe-de-medecins/38-dominique-de-ziegler) ● Tatiana (Rojankovsky) Koly (LSY: Terminale in 1967) recently co-authored a biography & catalogue raisonnè on Feodor Rojankovsky (her father). It is "The first and only book on the career and illustration art of Feodor Rojankovsky (1891-1970), the prolific Russian-American children's artist and one of the most interesting personalities among modern children's illustrators." (http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/feodor-rojankovsky-irving-allen/1118977437?ean=9780578135588#productInfoTabs) -- Classnotes Archives, 1967 -- Marie-France Prosperi Forbin and Jane Trigère at Bal Masqué -- Gérard Bédat's website -- Mira Schor / Living between Visuality, Materiality, and Language Back to Top 1968● Andre Spears (and spouse Anne), JP Harpignies, Roger Liwer (and spouse Dori) and Francoise Rouillon dined together in Paris in September, 2015, along with Gilles Gelzer ('70) and spouse Manouche (Remy) Gelzer ('69), and Sylvain Chayet ('70). [Click on Classnotes archives file below for a photo of the event] ● Jean-Pierre Harpignies (LSY: Terminale in 1968) is a loyal contributor to our newsletter, and once again he had outdone himself with a fascinating review of various topics related to the year 2015. (Click on the PDF file below to read what he sent us.) ● Maria Oppenheim (LSY: 2nde in 1966) wrote: “I have had a lively year. I’ve been taking trips to London to see my daughter Evelyne and my grandson Tuffel. He was born without a thin bowel almost 4 years ago and is doing fabulously well on parenteral nutrition, but hoping for help through stem cell research. A European 7 million Euro project has been started to research the possibilities and we hope they will come up with a solution within his life span. This summer, Evelyne had a second child and needless to say we were holding our breath. The birth – a home birth – with two fabulous midwives was just great. It seemed we’d made it without catastrophes when things turned dramatic. Little Momo wouldn’t drink and made strange noises. When they finally brought her to the hospital, they found holes in her heart and her blood going both ways and making her heart beat like a jungle drum. It took about five weeks to really find out what her problems were – there were several – but finally they was solved through medicine, and now the little girl is doing well and the family is living a bit of a normal family life. I could return to my occupations between teaching, painting , taking care and speaking French to my other two grandchildren and animal friends: My horse which is going on 27 and quite fit, my companion’s dogs who need lots of exercise. My daughter Jessica is trying to sell portable dwellings or trailers for the many refugees coming to Germany and so I see my grandchildren quite often. I hope to read about your occupations soon and hope we can find a time to meet live in the coming year! Big Hug!!!!” ● Roger Liwer (LSY: Terminale in 1968) and his wife Doris Speer are looking forward to a big life change starting in mid-December. Doris, who ran Mergers and Acquisitions for Alstom, and who worked her tail off during the past two years while a merger with General Electric was being implemented, has decided take a break from work. She plans to take up piano again (she was a professional percussionist before she became a lawyer) and to spend much more time on her favorite hobby --tap dancing. Roger, who has had full use of their living quarters all for himself for the past 11 years (during the day while Dori worked) will have to adjust accordingly. :-) ● Eric Sliman (LSY : Terminale in 1968) nous écrit : « Après avoir exercé pendant plus de vingt ans dans le milieu du long-métrage, du téléfilm, de la pub et du documentaire je serai ravi qu'il soit fait mention dans la prochaine newsletter de mon engagement dans l'association Passeurs d'Arts pour laquelle je mets bénévolement mon expérience professionnelle en réalisant leurs films depuis sa création en 2013. Il ne m'a pas fallu attendre les dramatiques événements de ces derniers temps pour être convaincu que c'était par l'éducation que l'on pouvait efficacement lutter contre l'exclusion et le rejet de l'autre : Ma plus grande récompense est de voir le nombre d'enfants que nous avons déjà réussi à sauver d'un probable échec scolaire. Adresse de notre site pour plus d'info: http://www.passeursdarts.org/ » ● Myriam Braunschvig (LSY: 8eme in 1960) "currently divides up her time between America, France and Israel. Born into a French-American bilingual household in NYC with Spanish speaking grandparents, Myriam speaks many languages including; French, English, Spanish, Italian and Hebrew. She taught philosophy in Paris, and body-awareness in America, as well as working in experimental theatre and film-making. Myriam has a deep and heartfelt connection to Israel, and feels that it is a blessing and a gift to live here. "I feel my core, I get a sense of the fabric of my being, and I do not feel conflicted with my Diaspora journey." There are so many things she loves about living in Israel, as she expresses, "I can listen endlessly to a child speak Hebrew, and I can discover the newness of a holiday nationally shared". Deepening her knowledge and understanding of Hebrew is a life-long project which we are happy to be a part of. Arriving at the ulpan with a high level of Hebrew, Myriam entered our doors with self-confidence and a desire to enrich her Hebrew, to progress to a more advanced and academic level of fluency. In her two courses at the ulpan, Myriam's course materials include watching documentaries, reading literature and poetry, and analyzing these in depth. In her classes, they have deep conversations about current events and philosophy, while learning complex grammar and new vocabulary. Her current teacher, Elinor said that, "Myriam is a wonderful student, and a free spirit, and I have learned just as much from her as she has from me". We wish Myriam the best of luck in her continuing Hebrew journey!” (http://www.ulpanaviv.com/myriam-braunschvig.htm) ● Marianne Sauvage (LSY: Term. in 1968) shared this with us:: “I have dedicated myself to working only with professional "latino" actors (mostly from Mexico) and helping them cross over into the English market. I am also currently developing projects in English of Spanish product I have gotten the rights for. My son, Marc Fiorentino, ex student of the Lycée Français de Los Angeles (douzième to septième) opened L'Assiette Steak Frites in Los Angeles with his father. They are about to celebrate their second year and have gotten great reviews. (http://lassiettesteakfrites.com)" ● Robert Silhol (LSY: 1ere in 1967) “lives in Arles and part of the year in Corsica. Professional Mathematician, started photography --or maybe restarted after a 30 year interlude-- in 2008. Mostly interested in ‘street photography’, the ever changing sea and things how they come and interact.” (http://www.urbanportraits.it/portfolio-view/robert-silhol/) ● Dan Morgenstern (LSY: 2nde in 1966) "MD, MBA is a Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeon by training with 25 years clinical practice experience including cardiac, thoracic, vascular, general and trauma surgery. Since 2003, he has been involved in Clinical Information Technology consulting and has worked with large academic institutions, large hospital systems as well as smaller community health care organizations. While focusing on physician adoption of electronic medical records, physician executive leadership education, workflow analysis and process re-engineering, he has also dealt extensively with clinical transformation and change management, implementation planning and support and content development." (http://physiciantechnologyservices.com/?page_id=28) ● Samer Subhi Khanachet (LSY: Terminale in 1968) is the Group Chief Operating Officer of Kuwait Projects Company (KIPCO) which he joined as “as General Manager in 1990. He moved to the United States in 1991 to head United Gulf Management, KIPCO’s US subsidiary, and identify strategic resources to support KIPCO’s activities in financial services, media and other sectors across the MENA region. He was appointed KIPCO’s Group Chief Operating Officer in 2008. He is Chairman of Takaud Savings & Pensions and a Board member of Burgan Bank, United Gulf Bank and United Real Estate. He holds board and committee positions with the American University of Kuwait and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He holds two BSc degrees from MIT and an MBA from Harvard University.” (http://kipco.com/KIPCO/Executive-management) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Myriam Braunschvig talks about learning Hebrew at Ulpan Aviv ● André Spears reads excerpts from his poetry (Click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1968 -- 'My 2015' by Jean-Pierre Harpignies -- Myriam Braunschvig on YouTube -- André Spears on Gloucester Writers Center Back to Top 1969............................................... In Memoriam: ● Peter Laurence († August 12, 2013) ● Maxime Tawil ((† January 13, 2012) ● Julianne (Lloyd) David ((† May 3, 2015) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Michel Alix (LSY: Terminale in 1969) shared a very touching story he wrote, about his school days in 1966 (the year his mother passed away), with details about his brothers (both LFNY alumi) and his mother --Prof. Nelly Alix-- who taught Classes Elementaires from 1959 to 1966. (Click on PdF file below to read his story) ● Francis Dumanoir (LSY: 2nde in 1967) sent us this update: "“Another year gone by. Both Mariam and I are retired now, and loving it! Don't know how we had time to work before. We plan on staying in Texas -- good base of operation to travel to the many places our family members are located (Hawaii, California, Oregon, Germany). Our younger daughter Katherine graduated in May from U. of Arkansas. She went on several "visits" around the country to see where she wanted to live - this included NYC, Portland, San Francisco and Seattle. She settled on Seattle where she got a job and is ecstatic with her decision. We like it too so we can go visit a new area! Oldest daughter Danielle and her husband left Abu Dhabi after three years working at NYU A-D and are now in Munich where our son-in-law Bailey is going back to University for a graduate degree. We had the chance to see them in early November and we took the opportunity to spend a few days in Colmar (Alsace) where my mother was born. We returned home on Nov 11, two days before the horrific events in Paris. I am still doing a bit of consulting and volunteer work with the Geophysical Society of Houston. I try to help out colleagues who have been laid off in the downturn in the Energy industry, and especially in exploration. Wishing all a very happy holiday and new year!” ● From Montréal, where he was visiting his son, Jean-Marie Gleizes (LSY: Spec. IV in 1964) told us that he now has a blog, which describes his artistic activities, and which says, in part: « Après des études au KEDGE Business School de Marseille (1972-1974) et au Centre d’Etudes Supérieures Industrielles CESI de Paris (1992), [Jean-Marie] a mené un carrière bancaire internationale jusqu’à son départ à la retraite en 2014. Il continue maintenant de voyager en Afrique, en Amérique Latine, en Asie et en Europe, et pratique par ailleurs la sculpture à l’atelier des Trois Terres (Paris) et l’aquarelle à l’atelier des Marches (Paris). » (To view his blog and samples of his works, click on link below) ● Andre de Nesnera (LSY: Term. in 1969) “is senior analyst at the Voice of America, where he has reported on international affairs for more than three decades. Now serving in Washington D.C., he was previously senior European correspondent based in London, established VOA’s Geneva bureau in 1984 and in 1989 was the first VOA correspondent permanently accredited in the Soviet Union.” (http://www.voanews.com/author/23881.html) ● Francis Steier (LSY: Term. in 1969) « est le directeur du département de l'éducation du Centre international d'études pédagogiques [2004-2007]. Ingénieur civil des Mines et titulaire d'un Ph. D. en économie de l'Université Columbia à New York, il enseigne d'abord à l'Université Fordham et à la City University de New York, l'économie et les mathématiques appliquées à la gestion, puis il devient directeur académique du programme " Economic Policy Semester " de l'American University à Washington. Il entre à la Banque mondiale en 1988, où ses fonctions de responsable de projets dans les secteurs de l'éducation et de la formation le conduisent dans de nombreux pays d'Afrique, d'Europe, d'Asie Centrale, d'Amérique latine, du Moyen Orient et d'Afrique du Nord. Dans le cadre de ses responsabilités, il fait partie notamment du groupe de spécialistes chargé du suivi des politiques d'enseignement supérieur. Il a ainsi l'occasion de travailler sur les enseignements supérieurs professionnels courts (ESPC). » (http://www.ciep.fr/ressources/les-enseignements-superieurs-professionnels-courts-espc-defi-educatif-mondial) ● Benjamin Bergery (LSY: 7eme in 1962) “is a Franco-American media artist based in Paris..... [He] grew up in Paris and New York, and notably worked as a magician in his mother's small New York city circus at the age of 11. Benjamin has a BA in the History of Ideas from Saint John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico and a MS in Media Technology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology..... and went on to teach video courses at MIT for six years. Benjamin's early video art earned him fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, and the California & Massachusetts Arts Councils…..After 1987, Benjamin turned away from media art to focus on filmmaking. He studied with some of Hollywood’s leading cinematographers and wrote a book on cinema lighting entitled Reflections. He made a series of short films, taught cinematography at USC in Los Angeles and worked in the film industry at Lucas Film, and then at length for Panavision..... Benjamin is interested in putting art in sacred spaces. His installation work seeks to renew the Renaissance tradition of church art, creating contemporary biblical frescos that use digital textures, and light installations informed by cinematic techniques..... Benjamin has exhibited his work regularly in the vast church of Saint Sulpice since 2006. Saint Sulpice is a Parisian landmark known for its Delacroix frescos..... Nine years into his renewed career as a media artist, Benjamin plans to continue exploring media with light and video installations alternating religious and secular themes.” (http://bergery.net/Benjamin-Bergery-CV.html) ● Gaynor Cauter (LSY: 11eme in 1958) is a freelance Motoring and Travel journalist & photographer. ● Denise (Mermet) Lilette (LSY: Term. in 1969): "Born in New York City, I was raised in both New York and the Jura, France. I was educated in the two systems and have lived and worked in both countries before moving to Orlando. I love languages - I speak French and English (my native ones), a little German, but sadly have forgotten almost all my Russian. I adore teaching: sharing knowledge, cultures, and life experiences; sparking interests; the thrill of seeing someone “get it”..... I love my family, people, my little Jack Russell rescue, antiques, art, decorating, auctions, discovering new interests, dinner discussions, and simply getting lost. I’m a Gemini so draw your own conclusions! Music interests include Rock and Roll, the Big Bands, and French chansonniers like Brel, Brassens, Montand, Aznavour, Cabrel… I’m a diehard foodie: French cuisine of course, but basically anything good as long as it’s not spicy. Favorite dishes include blanquette de veau, brandade de morue, chevreuil “grand veneur”, foie gras mi-cuit façon Joël Robuchon, paella, barbecued ribs, my Mom’s incredible macaroni and cheese. And let’s not forget desserts! My most interesting and valuable life experience? Without a doubt the international ambiance and fellowship of the Lycée Français of New York. I love being bi-cultural, a mother, a wife, and a friend. My life has taken many unexpected turns and I’m the richer for it! In my future I see many new encounters, some more travel and of course more of the same.” (http://www.aforlando.org/denise.php) ● Margaret (Bergen) Tao (LSY : 3eme in 1966) “was named Executive Director of Asia Week New York 2016 ..... Held annually in March throughout the metropolitan New York region, Asia Week New York is the collaboration of approximately 40 top-tier Asian art specialists, major auction houses, museums and Asian cultural institutions. The nine-day celebration, which is scheduled for March 2016, is filled with a non-stop schedule of simultaneous gallery open houses, Asian art auctions as well as numerous museum exhibitions, lectures, and special events. Margaret Tao has had a distinguished career in the Asian art world, first at Sotheby’s in the Chinese department and then as the U.S. representative for Orientations, one of the leading Asian art publications. As a journalist covering the field for the past 25 years, she has been a regular contributor to Orientations, Art + Auction, Asian Art Newspaper and has also written articles for Architectural Digest and Departures, among other publications. Prior to becoming a journalist, Ms. Tao was the Gallery Director at the Didier Aaron, Inc. in New York. Born in New York, Ms. Tao attended the Lycée Français in New York and in London, followed by Wellesley College, where she received a B.A. in Asian Studies. She is bilingual in French and fluent in Mandarin.” (http://don411.com/) ● Suzanne Dache Gauld (LSY: Spec. IV in 1964) shared this update with us: "My home in Westport sits on a hill at 110 feet elevation, with pretty water views and gardens and is for summer rent and for sale. I am working mostly with paintings from artists my mother exhibited at Gallery Dache on 56th Street in the 1960's ( Taisuke Hamada, Elizabeth McFadden, Gandy Brodie, Lester Gaba, Soishiro Tamioka). The Gallery closed when the 1935 award winning building she commissioned to architects Shreve Lamb & Harmon was sold in the late 1960's and subsequently demolished in 1987. My son artist John Gordon Gauld just returned from Art Basel Miami.....My other son, Dr. Douglas Gauld, has his internet electronics business in Long Island (blueproton.com), a beautiful wife and three children. I look forward to visiting Paris soon and wish you and the Lycée community a happy, healthy, successful and peaceful 2016.” ● Rémy Ayache (LSY : Terminale in 1969) wrote : « Je voulais partager de bonnes nouvelles de famille. Mon jeune fils Gabriel, 30 ans s’est marié en Octobre 2015 et nous sommes très heureux pour lui et son épouse Francesca. Mon fils ainé Maurice, 33 ans s’est fiancé et va se marier en Juin 2016 avec Gina en Californie. Mon épouse Hedy et moi travaillons toujours mais je pense prendre ma retraite l’année prochaine. Je veux souhaiter mes meilleurs vœux de bonne année 2016 à tous les anciens amis, en espérant de se revoir à une autre rencontre de la classe de 69! » Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet (Click on links below): ● VOA senior analyst Andre de Nesnera discusses the effects of the revelations by U.S. intelligence leaker Edward Snowden. ● Joshua Wattles (LSY: 8eme in 1961) on YouTube -- Classnotes Archives, 1969 -- 'March 8, 1966' by Michel Alix -- In Memoriam: Peter Laurence, Maxime Tawil, and Julianne Lloyd -- Jean-Marie Gleizes' website -- André de Nesnera on YouTube -- Joshua Wattles on YouTube Back to Top 1970............................................... In Memoriam: ● Karin M. Link († March 27, 2015) ● Maria ('Masha') Rusanovsky-Gavigan († September 10, 2013) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Catherine Warnis (LSY: 3eme in 1967) wrote: "J'ai été élève du Lycée de New York entre 1962 et 1967, puis du lycée de Mexico avec le bac en juin 1970. J'ai gardé mes contacts avec mes ami(e)s de NY grâce à Facebook qui m'a permis de les retrouver. Les amis d'enfance demeurent un lien inoubliable!" ● Jessie Pinkham (LSY: Term. in 1970) “is a licensed Managing Broker, owner of Ultimate Realty Group, LLC since October 2011. She has been a licensed broker in Illinois since 2004, and has received both the 2010 and 2011 Chicago of Realtors Top Producer Award, along with the CAR 2010 award for Most Units sold in the Hyde Park area….. A long time resident of Hyde Park, where she moved in 1984 with her husband John Goldsmith (who is a faculty member at the University of Chicago) she has also had a research career in French Linguistics and Computer Science, as a professor at Indiana University, DePaul University and Microsoft Research. Jessie holds a BA and PhD from Harvard University, and has taken business classes at the Booth School.” (http://www.ultimaterealtygroup.com/profile_jessie.html) ● Nader Farman (LSY: 6eme in 1964) “graduated with a degree in Theatre from the University of Colorado, USA, and further studied, in Paris, at l’Ecole Jacques Lecoq, after which, parallel to his acting work, he developed his interest for teaching, making the pedagogy of Lecoq his reference.....In the early eighties he started giving workshops in Switzerland, Holland and France with a special interest in opening perspectives towards personal theatre making. Meanwhile, he trained in the method of Dr.Moshe Feldenkrais: “Awareness Through Movement” and “Functional Integration”, studying with François Combeau in Paris on how to integrate the principles of the Feldenkrais Method in his work as artist and pedagogue. This broadened his workshops for actors, singers, performers, or teachers, to a deeper and larger process of personal development.” (http://naderfarman.com/nader-farman/) ● The works of Elisabeth Borch (LSY: Terminale in 1970) “explore the encounter between nature and mankind. The sea, the fjord and the moor surround her home on the west coast of Denmark, and that is where she finds her inspiration and materials. With driftwood, willow bark, deer hides, sheep horn, and pen and paper, Borch explores deeply the detail of a movement or the magnificence of the landscape and creates an aesthetic experience that seeks to open the viewer's eyes to the power of nature and the beauty of the organic. Elisabeth Borch was born in 1952 in Copenhagen, and has lived in Western Jutland since 1986. She has exhibited at Tuskaer, Silkeborg Bad, The Hunting and Forestry Museum, Morsø Art Society as well as at Gimsinghoved. At the moment she is working on a series of sculptures of boat refugees, influenced by the political situation in Europe.” (http://elisabethborch.com/index.php?/om/ --translated from Danish) ● Xaypladeth Choulamany is the Director General of the Department of Planning and International Cooperation at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Laos. (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/xaypladeth-choulamany/9a/523/b75) ● Corinne (Poujol) Golding (LSY: 4eme in 1966): « Je me consacre maintenant à mes proches (ma mère, mes deux enfants et trois petits enfants), à la lecture, au piano, à la danse, j'exerce une activité de soutien scolaire, une autre activité caritative, je "cultive mon jardin"... au sens propre comme au sens figuré. » (https://plus.google.com/116825344895596612391/about) ● Ariane (Bailey) Hiribarne (LSY: 2nde in 1968) "earned her BA from Middlebury College and a DEA from the Sorbonne Nouvelle in American Literature. She also has a DESS from the Ecôle Supérieure d’Interprètes et de Traducteurs (ESIT), Paris, in translation (English, French and German). During her 30 years at UNESCO, Paris, she worked as Picture Editor for the UNESCO Courier magazine, Chief of the UNESCO Photo library and English editor for the Bureau of Public Information. Since 2009 she has been active at the Alliance Française de Charlottesville contributing to the Central Virginia tour of the Compagnie Bacchus in 2010, and organizing with her husband Henri Hiribarne the three day Bastille Day Festival in 2011. Both an American and French citizen, she travels between Paris, where her husband and children live and Charlottesville, where she has her home.” (http://www.afcville.org/meet-the-board.html) ● Catherine Warnis (LSY: 3eme in 1967) « artiste peintre [.....] Installée à Bannalec depuis 1996, elle a vécu 25 ans aux États-Unis. Son père, qui travaillait dans la haute joaillerie, a quitté la France en 1960. Elle-même est naturalisée américaine. Portraitiste, restauratrice de tableaux, illustratrice et graphiste, elle a même travaillé dans une grande galerie (80 peintres) pour vendre les tableaux d'autres artistes. Sensible, curieuse, elle traduit ses émotions dans ses toiles et espère les transmettre aux autres. À Bannalec, elle a ouvert des ateliers d'art destinés aux enfants et aux adultes. Parallèlement, elle expose en Bretagne (Quimper, Quimperlé, Lorient) après avoir exposé à Carmel (Californie) [.....] Elle s'intéresse aussi aux fresques et à la mosaïque. Elle a réalisé la fresque qui orne la façade (21m²) du centre culturel de Bannalec. Cette commande lui a demandé neuf mois de travail [.....] » (http://www.letelegramme.fr/local/finistere-sud/quimperle-concarneau/qleregion/cloharscarnoet/expo-catherine-warnis-et-ses-voyages-interieurs-17-07-2010-992750.php) ● Jorge Castañeda (LSY: 8eme in 1962) “is a renowned public intellectual, political scientist, and prolific writer, with an interest in Latin American politics, comparative politics and U.S.-Latin American relations. He was Foreign Minister of Mexico from 2000 to 2003.....Born in Mexico City in 1953, Dr. Castañeda received undergraduate degrees from both Princeton University and Universite de Paris-I (Pantheon-Sorbonne), an M.A. from The Ecole Pratique de Hautes Etudes, Paris I, and his Ph.D. in Economic History from the University of Paris. He has taught at Mexico's National Autonomous University (UNAM), Princeton and U.C. Berkeley. Dr. Castañeda was a Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1985-87), and was a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Research and Writing Grant Recipient (1989-1991). He is a member of the Board of Human Rights Watch, and since 2003 has hosted “Voices of Latin American Leaders” at NYU, a series of conversations with prominent politicians, intellectuals, and businesspeople..... Currently, he teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate levels at NYU. Among his many books are Utopia Unarmed: The Latin American Left after the Cold War (1993); The Mexican Shock (1995); Compañero: The Life and Death of Che Guevara (1997); Perpetuating Power: How Mexican Presidents Were Chosen (2000); Somos Muchos: Ideas para el mañana (2004); La diferencia: Radiografía de un sexenio (2007); Y Mexico Por Que No? (2008); and Ex-Mex: From Migrants to Immigrants (2008). Dr. Castañeda is a regular columnist for the Mexican daily Reforma, and Newsweek International.” (http://as.nyu.edu/object/aboutas.globalprofessor.JorgeCastaneda) ● Christian Zerbib (LSY: 6eme in 1964): « Réalisateur et scénariste méconnu, Christian Zerbib est l'auteur de LA FUITE EN AVANT (1983) avec Bernard Blier et Michel Bouquet, et de la chronique dans le milieu sportif DERNIER STADE (1994) avec Anne Richard, Philippe Volter et Charles Berling. Il est également scénariste pour la télévision, avec les téléfilms « À titre posthume » de Paul Vecchiali (1986) et « Un nouveau dans la ville » de Fabrice Cazeneuve (1987) d'après Simenon, et deux épisodes de la franchise « Le Grand Patron » avec Francis Huster (2004), tout comme il coécrit pour le cinéma CHEB de Rachid Bouchareb (1991). Enfin, producteur ses propres films, comme du court métrage COLIS POSTAL de Joseph Kumbela (1996), il filme le documentaire EN TERRE ÉTRANGÈRE (2009), portraits croisés de travailleurs sans papiers en France, de leurs défenseurs, et d'êtres qui attendent et espèrent, de l'autre côté, en Afrique. » (http://www.canalplus.fr/c-cinema/pid1748-cid267890-christian-zerbib.html) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Polly Estabrook (LSY: 4eme in 1966) tells the stories of the remarkable women at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory who are pushing the boundaries of human knowledge) ● François Vescia (LSY: Term. in 1970) discusses the model of science centers and their public ● Eva Tabor (LSY: 3eme in 1967) at a conference on ageing in Ghana ● Nader Farman au Festival des Films du Monde de Montreal en 2012 ● Jorge Castaneda interviewed by Charlie Rose ● Christian Zerbib interviewed on TV5MONDE : L'INVITE (Click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1970 -- In Memoriam: Karin M. Link and Maria Rusanovsky-Gavigan -- Polly Estabrook on YouTube -- François Vescia on Vimeo -- Eva Tabor on YouTube -- Nader Farman on YouTube -- Jorge Castaneda on YouTube -- Christian Zerbib on YouTube Back to Top 1971● Nicole Schless (LSY: 9eme in 1962) wrote: "I am looking at the year book of 1962! Très mignon! I left the Lycée many years ago but wonder where everyone is and, of course, my childhood friend, Jean Marc Caute ('70). Most of my family is in France with many in Gascony where I have a house. I finished schooling at Yale and returned to CT for family reasons after working in rural development. I currently do some sculpture and writing, work on environmental issues and consult a bit. And yes, of course I cook without a cookbook but with a glass of wine... That is genetic!" ● Alain Beaudeau (LSY: 4eme in 1967) “is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and New York State Certified School Psychologist with more than 20 years experience working in the New York City Public Schools. He also has extensive experience working as a Special Education Teacher, Educational Evaluator and Early Intervention Special Education Provider and Evaluator.” (http://www.longislandtherapyandlearningcentermindatease.com/AboutUs.en.html) ● Dominique Eichi (LSY: 7eme in 1964) wrote: "I just wanted to inform you that my art work is on display at the San Diego International Airport Terminal 2 (ground floor, pre-security ). These are pen and ink drawings with accents of watercolor of Balboa Park here in San Diego. This exposition is a display celebrating the commemorative centennial of San Diego's Panama- California exposition. I hope [my classmates will have] the chance to visit this display before it will come down early next year and to visit this beautiful park. Here are a few of the pieces I have on display.My work can be found at www.dancingstrokes.blogspot.com" (Click on PDF file below to see samples of Dominique's art) ● Marc Ruskin (LSY: 8eme in 1963) has been an attorney at Ruskin Law Office LLC since 2012. Prior to that, he was an FBI Special Agent from 1985 to 2012. ● Edward Korry (LSY: 9eme in 1962) “is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Beverage & Dining Service Department in the College of Culinary Arts at Johnson & Wales University in Providence, RI. Edward carries many certifications as well as being an executive member of the board of directors for Society of Wine Educators; and an executive board member of the US Bartenders Guild Master Accreditation program.” (http://inthemix.on-premise.com/contact-info)/http://www.lfnyalumni.org/webadmin/article_detail_edit.php?recid=1962&tID=35# ● Ronald Grelsamer, MD (LSY: Terminale in 1971) told us that he “has just published A Patient Guide to UNNECESSARY Knee Surgery (2015) available in all the usual places. He's hoping none of you need this! (but can be reached at RGrelsamer@gmail.com).” He also wrote: "Vivian (Wayne) Henderson ('71), Philippe Soriano ('71) and I first met in September 1959 - the start of 11eme. 56 years later, here we are!!!!" (click on PDF file below to see the photo Ronald sent us) ● Charles Buchet (LSY: 3eme in 1968) is a Senior Advisor at Fredericks Michael & Co, based in Paris. “He has advised clients on domestic and cross-border acquisitions and divestitures, both public and private, as well as buy-outs and restructurings, across a wide array of industries, geographies and situations.....Mr. Buchet is a US and French dual national. He holds a Certificate in Law from the Catholic University of Paris and an MBA from ESSEC, Paris. He is fluent in French and Italian." (http://www.fm-co.com/node/75?id=51) ● Margaret (Block) Walker (LSY: 1ere in 1970) “joined Columbia Health in 1986. She received her B.A. from Boston University, M.A. in French Poetry and Counseling Psychology from Tufts University, and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from The Derner Institute at Adelphi University. While at Tufts, she taught French to undergraduates and worked for two years as an intern at the Tufts University Counseling Center. She completed her doctoral internship in clinical psychology at The Bronx State Psychiatric Center. Maggi's interests have always focused on late adolescent development. She is particularly interested in the issues associated with leaving home for college and forming a separate identity from parents, which was the subject of her doctoral dissertation. She specializes in individual, couples, and group counseling, ADHD screening, body image issues, and relationship issues.” (https://health.columbia.edu/margaret-b-walker) ● Kem (Knapp) Sawyer (LSY: 3eme in 1968) wrote: “Our granddaughter Madeline Sawyer Keane was born on February 26, 2015. We now have seven (!) grandchildren all living in the D.C. area. Our youngest daughter Ida continues to live in the Democratic Republic of Congo where she works for Human Rights Watch. My new book is out! Read more about Grace Akallo and the Pursuit of Justice for Child Soldiers at kemsawyer.com. I met Grace Akallo several years ago when she was a college student living outside Boston and have wanted to tell her story for a long time. It finally happened! A year ago classmate Mary Deschamps (’71) translated Congo's Children, an e-book that my husband Jon and I wrote. Please download!" (Click on links below to access Kem’s website and to download (free) her book in either English or French) (Editor’s note: “In the Democratic Republic of Congo, children's lives have been threatened, their families torn apart, their schools destroyed, and their futures compromised. Many are homeless—abandoned street children and others born of rape or orphaned by war. But while children are the most vulnerable segment of a broken society, they are also among the most resilient. Congo’s Children ..... tells their stories, accompanied by vivid photography and video, drawing on reporting by Jon and Kem Sawyer that has appeared in PBS NewsHour, The Washington Post, The Christian Science Monitor, TruthAtlas, and Dowser.") (http://pulitzercenter.org/blog/africa-DRC-congo-children-ebook) ● Suzan (Uchitel) Lewis (LSY: 3eme in 1968) told us that she is currently negotiating her autobiography with a publisher, and that she has a website where several of her videos can be seen. (Click on link below to access her website) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Interview avec Nathalie Moliavko-Visotzky (LSY: Term. in 1971), directrice photo du film Rouge Sang (2013). (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1971 -- Ronald Grelsamer, Vivian (Wayne) Henderson, and Philippe Soriano -- Samples of Dominique Eichi's art -- Nathalie Moliavko-Visotzky on YouTube -- Kem (Knapp) Sawyer's website -- Download Kem's book, Congo's Children -- Suzan (Uchitel) Lewis' website Back to Top 1972● Patricia Charton (LSY: Terminale in 1972) told us that "she will be in New York from May 10th to July 6th, 2016. This is her first visit to the US since 1983 !! If you wish to meet up with her, just contact her before she leaves. She would love to hear from you by email at pcharton@outlook.com." ● Iva Kaufman (LSY: 1ere in 1971) “specializes in collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches to philanthropy, grant-making, and not-for-profit management. She also advises socially responsible businesses on the design and development of programs in the public interest. Her work spans years for a far-reaching expertise in areas of women, environment, community, arts and culture and economic development, often using collaboration between these areas for innovative solutions and connections.” (http://www.ivakaufmanassociates.net/team.html) ● Claude Haussman (LSY: 4eme in 1968) is “president and owner of Systemic Solutions Inc.,..... a technology services company that specializes in technology support for small to medium sized businesses located in the New York, New Jersey and the Long Island Metropolitan area.” (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/claude-haussmann/29/87a/167) ● Karin Annabel MacGowan (LSY: Term. in 1972): « Journaliste bilingue, experte en médecine esthétique et intégrative : Forte d’une longue expérience dans la presse écrite dans les domaines de la médecine et chirurgie esthétique, beauté, santé, et art de vivre, rédactrice en chef, co-auteur d’ouvrages sur le bien vieillir, Annabel pilote dans nos pages la nouvelle rubrique "Pro-aging et Médecine intégrative". Son expertise dans les dernières avancées et techniques alliée à une grande connaissance des acteurs mondiaux du secteur lui permettent de livrer enquêtes et interviews d’une voie objective et pertinente. » (http://www.emotionspa-mag.com/qui-sommes-nous_1.html) ● “Born in Brussels, Dr. Jean Francois Eid (LSY: 4eme in 1968) received his Bachelor of Science in Bio-Engineering from Brown University in 1976 and his M.D. from The Medical College of Cornell University in 1982. He completed his urological training at the New York Presbyterian Hospital and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in 1988. Prior to founding Advanced Urological Care in 2001, [he] was Associate Professor in the Departments of Urology at both Weill-Cornell and Sloan Kettering (cf. above). During his 10-year tenure at these institutions, Dr. Eid was exposed to the most challenging cases of ED, acquiring a focused, unparallel surgical experience.” (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/j-francois-eid/2b/393/582) ● “July 9, 2014: The Board of Trustees at Southern Vermont College appointed Marjorie (Gregg Deane) Swain, Psy.D. (LSY: Spec. II in 1963) as a new board member at its recent meeting. A resident of New York City and Vermont, Swain has a strong history of involvement with non-profits. A graduate of Smith College, Swain received a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Baylor University. She has served on numerous boards and committees for organizations in the New York area.....Swain has served as a Board Member of the Board of Managers at West Side YMCA in New York City since 2003. In addition, she and her husband are Board Members of the Bronx Charter School for Better Learning in New York City. Swain served on the board at Grosvenor Neighborhood House where she was Board President. She was instrumental in the merger of a post 9/11 struggling Grosvenor with the West Side YMCA, which allowed Grosvenor to continue as a strong presence in Manhattan Valley. She also was a former Women’s Committee member at Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club. As a member of various committees at New York’s St. James Church, Swain ran the Soup Kitchen for the Homeless from 1986 to 1990. She recently was a member of the Vestry at Church of the Epiphany in NYC. In addition to her Board work, Swain enjoys being a Mah Jongg art historian whose book, “Mah Jongg: The Art of the Game” will be published in October by Tuttle Publishing.” (http://www.vermontbiz.com/people/july/southern-vermont-college-trustees-name-gregg-swain-psyd-and-author-board) ● Sonia Simon Cummings (LSY: Term. in 1972) “has been an activist and philanthropist for the past eighteen years, focusing on the environment, the arts, coexistence and Jewish life. She is a past trustee of the Santa Monica Museum of Art, Friends of the Tel Aviv Foundation, the Institute of Contemporary Midrash, the Medici Archives Project and the Los Angeles Jewish Community Foundation. She founded the Arts in School! giving circle and was vice chair of the Los Angeles/Tel Aviv Partnership Visual Arts committee. She currently serves on the board of the Nathan Cummings Foundation, Friends of the Arava Institute, and Artis Contemporary.” (http://jfn2013.sched.org/speaker/sonia_simon_cummings.1qic5b3o#.VYQiyUZ8tsg) ● Vivian Belmont (LSY: Term. in 1972) “grew up surrounded by the culture of Manhattan and was fostered by the independent minded educators at Bennington College. She has served as a trailblazing educator in the field of early childhood education for more than 20 years. From 2006 to 2013, Vivian created, developed and directed the Outdoor Science Curriculum at the Rose Engel Early Childhood Center in Los Angeles. [She is] a two-time winner of the Innovation Award for her Reggio-inspired program..... She also was awarded the Smotrich Family Educator Award for creating and implementing curriculum that inspired compassion and empathy towards animals. In 2011, Vivian joined forces with Para Los Niños (PLN), a nonprofit organization that provides education centers for thousands of at-risk youth in Los Angeles County. As Curriculum Coordinator for PLN’s Reggio-inspired preschools, Vivian worked closely with school directors, overseeing classroom design, material selection and curriculum for more than 800 children.....Vivian is presently writing a book to be published on her innovative approach to early childhood education entitled, No Fancy Toys, and is the founder of the Dream Big Science and Art Foundation, providing opportunities for hands-on work in both in science and art.” (http://www.dreambigscience.com/meet-vivian/) ● Patricia Nagler (LSY: Term. in 1972): « Lyonnaise de naissance, je suis Issue d'une double culture franco-américaine. Au fil des années, j'ai développé toute une activité professionnelle dans le champ de la formation. Les thématiques de mes stages touchent à la gestion du stress, au travail en équipe, à la gestion des relations. J'ai pendant cinq ans accompagné des individus et des équipes suite à des agressions sur leur lieu de travail. Debriefing d'équipes, suivis individuels, gestion des stress post-traumatiques. Formée à la Méthode Potentialis, j'accompagne des adultes et des adolescents afin de les aider à déterminer des pistes d'études et de métiers. Cet accompagnement se fait aussi bien en groupe qu'en individuel.. Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur moi, visiter mon site : http://www.patricia-nagler.fr » (https://fr.linkedin.com/pub/patricia-nagler/a5/877/18a/en) ● Jonathan Mamelok (LSY: 9eme in 1963) is the Director of Tecnology at the Chapin School. "[He] earned a bachelor of arts degree in political science from Columbia College of Columbia University and is a Microsoft Certified Professional. Prior to coming to Chapin [in 2006], Mr. Mamelok served as director of technology at the French-American School of New York in Westchester. He has more than twenty years of experience working with technology in business and education. Mr. Mamelok is also fluent in French. His hobbies include photography, film, classical music and traveling." (http://www.chapin.edu/page.cfm?p=2616&viewdirid=1866&directoryStart=101) ● Giles Bergne (LSY: 10eme in 1962) is a "financial accountant in general practice for micro business start-ups, small charities and sole traders." He attended the Sevenoaks Academy from 1965 to 1972, and then North London Polytechnic." (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gilesbergne) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet (click on links below): ● Marjorie Gregg (Deane) Swain talks about Mah Jongg: The Art of the Game ● Bambi Sloan (LSY: Term. in 1972) : « Du beau, du bien, du bien être » ● Vivian Belmont talks about "Rock Science" for preschoolers -- Classnotes Archives, 1972 -- Marjorie Gregg (Deane) Swain on GoodReads -- Bambi Sloan on DailyMotion -- Vivian Belmont on YouTube Back to Top 1973● Dominique Noel (LSY: Terminale in 1973) shared this with us: "Living in Ridgewood New Jersey with my wife of twenty years Odila. We have two young adults -- Sophie who is at McGill and Alex a senior, getting ready for college. My brother Xavier and I are importers of Specialty Food and have been at it for 30 years." ● Lisa Barlow (LSY: 1ere in 1972) wrote: “It’s been so long. I have remained close friends with one other Lycée person, who is the only person in my entire life I have known for this long. It’s Dinah Louda (’73). And I recently saw Claude Blanc (’73). People find it amusing that I am a pure American but the Lycée is the only school I ever attended (until one year at prep school before university). Another funny coincidence is that our three kids attended the Lycée International de Saint Germain-en-Laye, where Sean Lynch was the Director of the American Section. And now look where he is! Life is funny.” [Sean Lynch is the current LFNY Head of School] Editor's note: Lisa is "based in Paris, leads Egon Zehnder’s Retail and Consumer Practice in France, and is an active member of the firm’s global Consumer Practice. Lisa is bilingual and supports the recruitment and development of highly international senior executives, serving global clients in the consumer, retail, and service sectors. Lisa also advises management and supervisory boards on strategic issues such as leadership team effectiveness, CEO succession, and sustainability strategy.....Prior to joining Egon Zehnder, Lisa served in the Peace Corps in Senegal for three years, then pursued a career in strategy consulting, co-founding ASSET, a consultancy in San Francisco.....Lisa earned an MBA from the Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania and a BA from Brown University. She attended the Lycée Français de New York, among the most renowned bilingual French schools in North America, and earned a CEP, Sciences Politiques from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris.” (http://www.egonzehnder.com/consultant/lisa-barlow.html) ● Charles Masson (LSY: Terminale in 1973) “NY TIMES: May 15, 2015: It has been little more than a month since the opening of Chevalier, the restaurant in the Baccarat Hotel & Residences in Midtown. But that appears to have been enough time for Charles Masson to decide to step down as its genial restaurant director.....Mr. Masson has been involved for about a year in planning and opening Chevalier, across 53rd Street from the Museum of Modern Art.....For many years, Mr. Masson ran La Grenouille, a haute cuisine establishment just a block away that was founded by his parents.....[His] younger brother, Philippe (’79), now presides there. Charles Masson’s decision to join the management of Chevalier — and to continue arranging the floral displays for which he was famous — was cheered by his many fans.....Mr. Masson said he needed to take some time off, having never taken a break after leaving La Grenouille. His departure from Starwood Capital Group, which runs the Baccarat Hotel, was “totally amicable,” he said. ‘They know they can call me any time for advice; the door is not closed.’ As for his next move, he has said more than once that opening and running a more informal downtown restaurant may appeal to him. Or, he said, ‘I may become a bohemian and just paint.’" (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/04/dining/charles-masson-is-leaving-chevalier.html?_r=0) ● Isabelle Tabah-Fisch (LSY: Terminale in 1973) “is a MD specialized in Internal Medicine and Oncology ; she is in charge of the Clinical Research platform at CleveXel. She has 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, especially at SANOFI with various international management positions in oncology (R&D, medical affairs, strategic marketing and oncology global franchise). She has been actively involved in the Clinical Development, the launch, the patient market access and the global marketing of major anticancer drugs (oxaliplatin-Eloxatin, docetaxel-Taxotere, cabazitaxel-Jevtana, aflibercept-Zaltrap). Isabelle was assistant to professor at Hotel Dieu Hospital in Paris.” (http://www.clevexelpharma.com/management-board/) ● Jean-Yves Baudoin (LSY: 4eme in 1969) “is a Managing Director at at Ecoban Finance Limited. He joined Ecoban in 1987, and today oversees the company's activities in Latin America. He is a member of Ecoban's Credit Committee and serves on the Board of Directors of Exporters Insurance Company, Ltd. Previously he was the Assistant General Manager at Chase Manhattan Bank. Jean-Yves also served as the Vice President of Petroleum Division at Chase Manhattan Bank.” (http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/person.asp?personId=6439017&privcapId=4382637&previousCapId=4382637&previousTitle=Ecoban%2520Finance%2520Limited) ● Olivier Lenormand (LSY: Terminale in 1973) est Président-directeur général du Goupe SVP. Basé à Saint-Ouen, Groupe SVP emploie 450 salariés et sert environ 9000 clients (entreprises, collectivités territoriales et professions du conseil). ● Marion Fourestier (LSY: 2nde in 1971) is the Director of Communications at ATOUT FRANCE (France Tourism Development Agency) : « Apres avoir été élevée aux Etats-Unis, j’ai passé neuf ans en Europe de 1971 a 1980, période pendant laquelle j’ai passé mon bac et obtenu une license en droit de l’Université Paris I-Sorbonne. Pendant mes études de droit, je prenais aussi des cours de théâtre au Cour Florent. Après mon retour à New York en 1980, j’ai été engagée en 1983 par “The French Government Tourist Office” pour travailler à l’information du public. J’ai ensuite été affectée au services marketing en 1985 et 10 mois plus tard au service de presse. Le service de presse—tout comme notre organisation—a vécu de multiples incarnations et pendant l’une d’elles, j’ai eu la chance pendant quatre ans de travailler sur notre site web (démarré par un autre service en 1996: le premier de notre organisation), ainsi que de lancer notre première lettre électronique. Apres des responsabilités très variés au sein de mon service, je suis devenue Directeur de la Communication en 2004. » (http://www.atoutfranceusa.com/?team=marion-fourestier) ● Pierre Ganem (LSY: 8eme in 1965): « S'il opte pour l'alto sur le tard, c'est tôt que se forment ses goûts musicaux. La partie de son enfance qui se déroule aux Etats-Unis semble avoir été déterminante : dans l'euphorie des années 60, Pierre se gave de jazz, de rock, de chansons de charme qui collent au palais, et dont les Américains ont le sirupeux secret. Revenu dans l'Hexagone, avant de faire à son tour des « crooneries », il fera, deux étés durant, le tour de la Drôme avec l'inévitable Laurent Vercambre et le Théâtre de La Chiffonie [.....] Etre ou ne pas être artiste ? Voilà la question bien shakespearienne qui ne se posera pas à Pierre pendant des années, celui-ci préférant à la spéculation métaphysique, l'action : il est machiniste dans un théâtre parisien, délégué aux rideaux auprès du groupe « Malicorne » [.....] il travaille à la fondation de la « Confrérie des Fous », puis à celle de son rejeton, Le Quatuor, auquel il se donnera sans demi-mesure.. Empruntant parfois des voies parallèles sans pour autant perdre la sienne, Pierre est resté avant tout un chanteur, chez qui la découverte, grâce au Quatuor, de la musique classique a fait vibrer une corde de plus, riche en émotions. Recordman du monde musical pour le nombre de représentations au sein du Quatuor, ce crooner pour rire, doublé d'un artiste sérieusement doué, brille par une authenticité artistique qui ne court pas les scènes : celle de l'autodidacte. » (https://sites.google.com/site/classiquenprovence//magazine/biographie-des-artistes/instrumentistes/ganem-pierre-alto-chant-le-quatuor) ● Marina (Castaneda) Gutman (LSY: 11eme in 1962) « psychothérapeute, auteur et conférencière, est née à Mexico City en 1956. Elle a vécu au Mexique, aux États-Unis, en France, en Suisse et en Égypte. Trilingue et de formation interdisciplinaire par goût aussi bien que par conviction, elle a fait des études de lettres, d'histoire, de psychologie et de musique aux universités de Harvard et de Stanford et à l'École Normale Supérieure de Paris, entre autres. Depuis 1988, elle se consacre à l'exercice privé de la psychothérapie à Mexico et à Cuernavaca. Elle a publié plus de 300 articles sur des thèmes psychologiques, politiques et sociaux, et présente régulièrement des cours et des conférences à travers le Mexique. Elle est une invitée fréquente à la radio et à la télévision. Son livre sur la psychologie de l'homosexualité a été publié en France par Robert Laffont sous le titre Comprendre l'homosexualité (1999), ainsi qu'en Italie et au Brésil; sa version en espagnol, La experiencia homosexual , a été publiée au Mexique par Editorial Paidós (1999), et est actuellement dans sa 10ème édition. Dans El machismo invisible [.....] elle aborda un autre thème controversé, d'intérêt social aussi bien que psychologique. Ensuite, La nueva homosexualidad (Mexico: Paidós, 2007) a examiné divers aspects sociaux, économiques et culturels de l´homosexualité actuelle. En 2010 est apparu Amores virtuales, un thriller qui explore les aspects psychologiques de l'internet [.....] » (http://www.marinacastaneda.com/francais.html) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Pierre Ganem of Le Quatuor is interviewed on RTL-TV1 ● Interview de Marion Fourestier, directrice de communication d'Atout France ● Interview d'Olivier Lenormand, Pdg du Groupe SVP (Click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1973 -- Pierre Ganem on RTL-TV1 -- Marion Fourestier on YouTube -- Olivier Lenormand on YouTube Back to Top 1974● The classes of '74, '75, and '76 had a class reunion on Saturday November 7, 2015. See Class Reunions section of this newsletter, or click on link below. ● Nadejda Kondratiev (LSY: Terminale in 1974) wrote: "My piece of news is that I had a painting exhibit in Cognac this summer. One other alumnus did come - Jacques Fages ('66) from my brother’s year. Other news - my son Vsevolod Kondratiev-Popov (also an ex-lycéen who would have been from the 2008 batch) got his M.Arch. from the University of Edinburgh in June this year. He is now teaching and tutoring at said university as well as doing some contract work." ● Michèle (Schenck) Zefferi (LSY: 2nde in 1972) posted this message on the Facebook page "LFNY ALUMS" : "Liliane Carriglio, ma maîtresse de 10ème en 1963, vient de m'envoyer ce petit film tourné avec sa caméra super 8. On y reconnaît notamment Mlle Hue (ma maîtresse de 11ème), Raoul, Coco Duval, Antony de Angelis, Stephen Samson, Patricia von Karkoch. Si certains d'entre vous se reconnaissent ou identifient d'autres élèves que j'aurais oubliés pouvez vous les tagguer en commentaire ? Merci pour eux & enjoy !" (Click on link below to view the video. Note: You have to be a member of the group. If you're not, just ask to join)) ● Catherine Blanc (LSY: Terminale in 1974) is the President of the English Speaking Cancer Association. She "joined ESCA and became a volunteer in the autumn of 2009. She was elected Vice-President, External Affairs in March of 2010 and then President that summer. Catherine’s family is originally from Geneva but she has spent most of her life in the United States and Canada, so that she is fully bilingual. Her professional background is in industrial marketing and human resources; her most recent educational background is in linguistics and translation.” (http://www.cancersupport.ch/who-we-are/directors/) ● Duncan Youngerman (LSY: 3eme in 1971) est un « compositeur franco-américain. Études à Berklee College of Music à Boston, assiste à des cours de Gérard Grisey, Tristan Murail, György Ligeti, Pascal Dusapin […..] Guitariste électrique avec l'Ensemble Rhys Chatham entre 1988 et 1991. Reçoit la Bourse Léonard de Vinci pour la composition en 1989. Oeuvres créées en Europe, aux USA, et au Japon par Group 180, Ensemble Modern, Ensemble Asko, North-South Consonance, Arte Quartett, Trio Lepic, Masataka Hirano, Joan Jeanrenaud (ex-Kronos Quartet), Quartetto Paul Klee, Colors of Sound Ensemble. » (http://www.c-royan.com/les-gens-d-ici/personnalites/entry-80-youngerman-duncan.html) ● Juliette Rouillon (LSY : 6eme in 1968) is a journalist at Thomson Reuters, specializing in business (commodities, financial markets, real-estate, companies, macroeconomics, etc.) ● Gina Kovarsky (LSY : 7eme in 1967) is an Assistant Professor of Russian at Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of World Studies. Her interests include: “Russian literature, language pedagogy, human rights education and literature, the Russian novel and the West, Tolstoy, Russian cultural history, St. Petersburg, contemporary Russian society, French literature.” (http://worldstudies.vcu.edu/faculty/kovarsky.html) ● Michèle Pouget-Drum (LSY: Terminale in 1974) “received a MS in Developmental Psychology from Université de Paris, France, a MS in Counseling Psychology from UB in Connecticut and subsequently attended The Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. Michèle served on several boards including: The International Institute, The Massachusetts Coalition of Battered Women, and The City of Boston’s Homeless Planning Committee, during her tenure as Director of Operations for New England’s largest organization for battered women and children. Since, moving to Santa Barbara with her husband and daughter, she has been involved in fundraising in various local organizations.” (http://www.royalpridefoundation.org/about/board.php) ● Etienne Danois-Maricq (LSY: Terminale in 1974) wrote: "Just wanted to let you know, for the next alumni news, of an impromptu reunion on December 2014 in LA where Gilbert Dumontet ('74 -- LSY: 2nde in 1972) and Etienne Danois-Maricq had the opportunity to retrace their last 40 some years since the LFNY!" ● Mary Bowden (LSY: 1ere in 1973) is a Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland' Scool of Engineering. "Her research interests include assembly of structures in extravehicular assembly, large space structures, and the dynamics of space structures..... Dr. Bowden graduated with Sc.D. and M.S. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a B.A. from Cornell University. She was named Space Educator of the Year in 1995 by the Western Spaceport Technological and Educational Council and awarded a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Group Achievement Award for the Experimental Assembly of Structures in EVA (EASE) Flight Experiment......" (http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?) ● “Born and raised in France, Chef Jehan de Noüe (LSY: 7eme in 1967) realized his passion for cooking at a very young age. When he moved to the U.S. as a teenager he honed his culinary as well as managerial skills at some of the finest restaurants in New York and Connecticut. In 1995 he opened his own restaurant, Chez Noüe, in Ridgefield, CT. The restaurant received rave reviews from acclaimed food critics such as Patricia Brooks of the New York Times who gave Chez Noüe a "Very Good" not once but twice (1996 and 2000).....Much to the dismay of his loyal customers, Chef Jehan sold the restaurant in 2001 but he continued his passion for the business first as General Manager of Terra Restaurant in Greenwich, CT and then as Executive Chef and General Manager of Spy Rock Grille (Now North Star Restaurant) in Pound Ridge, NY. In 2003 [he] took the position of Resident Chef at Albano Appliance also in Pound Ridge. He has been there now for 12 years, sharing his passion for cooking through manufacturers sponsored demonstrations, cooking classes and corporate team building events.” (http://www.jsncatering.com/About-the-Chef.html) ● Odile (Baillargeat) Plegat-Kerrault (LSY: Terminale in 1974) “is a French lawyer-attorney specialized in maritime law with 25 years of experience in international, maritime, European law and knowledge of US law ( she has an LL.M from New York University). Bilingual and bicultural, she has lived in the US and is a French citizen. Most of her experience has been gained working for international foreign and French law firms. Her most recent job involved creating and running a marine survey firm.” (http://www.wavyline.com/current.php?issue=290) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Jehan de Noue gives a cooking demo at Albano Appliance, Pound Ridge, NY (click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1974 -- Jehan de Noue on YouTube -- 40 year class reunion -- Video posted by Michele Zefferi on Facebook Back to Top 1975● The classes of '74, '75, and '76 had a class reunion on Saturday November 7, 2015. See Class Reunions section of this newsletter, or click on link below. ● Darwin (Fleischaker) Eton, (LSY: 6eme in 1969) wrote: "I was in the class with Marco Elser, Lili Lidji, Ludmila Decastieaux Hugo, Jane Danto, my twin brother Omar Eton. I went on to Horace Mann after sixieme, then to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, majoring in Chemical Engineering. I eventually became a Professor of Vascular Surgery at the University of Chicago. I had the privilege to operate on thousands of patients. My research continues to be in Arteriogenesis, restoring the body's ability to make new vessels as they get blocked by vascular disease. I fondly remember my days at the Lycée. It was an amazing school. Wonderful classmates. Thank you so much for doing this update!" ● Seth Lewis (LSY: Terminale in 1975) sent this message: "A pleasure to see everyone at the dinner in NYC in November! Lecturing in hospitality and business and consulting in London for the past 8 years. Looking forward to staying in touch always!" ● Marina Coblentz (LSY : 6eme in 1969) is a humanitarian/development worker, and is currently the Deputy Director Programs at the International Rescue Committee. Click on the link below to read her article in the online magazine afganscene.com on the internal family life of an Afghan family. ● Marie-Aline Doo Kingue (LSY: Terminale in 1975) told us she would be unable to attend the class reunion held in November because "I am in Florida all November. I have raised my two children there, and they both graduated from Winter Springs High School in Seminole County. I won't travel to the 40th High School reunion and wish everyone a good celebration." ● Richard Andersen (LSY: 1ere in 1974) is a partner at WilmerHale. He “is the firm’s principal international tax lawyer, with more than three decades of experience providing solutions to the global tax challenges faced by international investors and multinational companies. Drawing on his background in the M&A, finance, investment fund and real estate sectors, he assists individual, family, corporate and institutional clients—worldwide and across all industries—with their compliance obligations .....[and] advises clients on the legal and tax aspects of international investments and business transactions. He possesses expertise in international and tax law, which enables him to counsel US and international clients on a wide variety of tax, transactional and financing issues. Mr. Andersen has extensive experience representing clients in domestic and international corporate reorganizations, acquisitions and divestitures, and joint ventures and fund formation matters. Additionally, he regularly counsels clients with regard to general corporate, partnership and financial matters.....“ (https://www.wilmerhale.com/richard_andersen/) ● Patrick de Villepin (LSY: 4eme in 1971) « est normalien, docteur en Histoire. Il est le frère cadet de Dominique de Villepin ('71). Les trois enfants Villepin vont tous faire l'ENA. Patrick sortira magistrat à la Cour des comptes. Il est PDG de la Banque de Bretagne. Fondateur de L’ARMENTIER, association à but non lucratif, dont la vocation est de "valoriser les lieux de mémoire" et de "promouvoir l’histoire locale" des îles vendéennes. Patrick de Villepin, historien et écrivain, offre, chaque année, le fruit de ses recherches et de ses passions au travers de livres d'exception. Il y dénoue les fils de l'histoire, qui s'ancrent sur l'Île de Noirmoutier, y amène ou y ramène. » (http://www.babelio.com/auteur/Patrick-de-Villepin/272149) ● Jean-Michel Eid (LSY: 7eme in 1968) “is a co-founder of Space Partnership International (SPI) with 22 years experience in space and telecoms. [He] began his career with Arianespace marketing the Ariane family of launch vehicles to U.S.-based telecomm companies.....Subsequent to Ariane, Mr. Eid was engaged in space insurance and risk management activities and a co-founder of International Space Brokers.....In all, Mr. Eid has been integrally involved in more than 90 risk management / insurance programs with established and new entrepreneurial service providers and satellite operators. Mr. Eid has also been involved in several entrepreneurial ventures, which include co-founding Global Radio in Luxemburg (European based satellite digital radio), acquiring Radio Woodstock in the US, and advising investment banks on telecom and aerospace company acquisitions. Recently he was instrumental in arranging a $350M debt facility in support of PlanetSpace’s bid for the NASA Commercial Re-supply Service contract. Mr. Eid holds an M.B.A. degree in International Finance from George Washington University and a B.S. in Business Administration from Georgetown University.” (http://www.spacepi.com/pages/team/JeanMichelEid.html) ● Elka Gould (LSY: 11eme in 1964) is a teacher at Stuyvesant High School in Brooklyn. ● Genia Gould (LSY: 11eme in 1964) is a freelance journalist based in New York City and the publisher of the community newspaper Williamsburg Greenpoint News + Arts ● Bertrand Tavitian (LSY: 7eme in 1968) “studied medicine in Paris and Biochemistry at the Ecole Normale Supérieure. He became a teacher in Biochemistry & Physiology in 1982 and received his MD in 1985. He joined the Life Science Division of the CEA in 1987 in Saclay to study the neurobiology of axonal transport. In 1990 he founded the ‘New Tracers’ team in the newly created Inserm unit 334 ‘Neurobiology-Imaging interface’ at the CEA in Orsay ..... In 1996 he began a research program on oligonucleotide imaging ..... In 2001 he created the Inserm Unit 803 ‘In vivo molecular imaging’ ..... The main areas of research of his team are molecular imaging of experimental cancer and neurological animal models using nuclear and optical imaging techniques. Bertrand Tavitian was a laureate of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris. He received the Prize of the American Nuclear Society, Special Award for Nuclear Techniques in Medical Diagnosis and Treatment in 1999, and the Great Scientific Prize EUROCANCER in 2005. He is coordinator of the EMIL (European Molecular Imaging Laboratories) Network and President of the European Society for Molecular Imaging..” (http://faid2006.france-science.org/bio_Tavitian.htm) ● Jean-Pierre (JP) Lantieri (LSY: 2nde in 1973): “Known to most, simply as JP, in 2012 French music producer, remixer and club DJ Jean-Pierre Lantieri took home the Gold VIMA Award for Best Electro/Dance Act. Drawn to the rich cultures of Asia, JP has performed at some of the region’s most high profile and prestigious venues. His melodic techno DJ sets with some incursions towards tech/deep/progressive house get the appreciation of the clubbers. He has recently relocated to vibrant London with his Asian heart. JP’s passion for music began in his teens with the arrival of a dusty old piano to the family home. This magic piano started him on the road of a life-long musical journey. As an adult, lured by its rich culture and mysticism, he came to Asia to produce music and develop his talents.....With an equal passion for sizzling hot Electronic Dance Music, JP has performed live as a DJ at some of the most high profile and prestigious venues in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Paris, London .....” (http://www.residentadvisor.net/dj/jplantieri/biography) ● Francois Maisonrouge (LSY: 1ere in 1974) “is a Senior Managing Director in Evercore Partners' advisory business with 29 years of relevant experience….. Prior to joining Evercore, [he] was a Managing Director and Chairman of Life Sciences at Credit Suisse where he worked extensively in the fields of pharmaceuticals, specialty pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and medical technology. At Credit Suisse, Mr. Maisonrouge was responsible for leading the firm's relationships with large healthcare clients such as Johnson & Johnson, Schering-Plough, Wyeth, GlaxoSmithKline, Roche and Teva, most notably in executing mergers and acquisitions and capital raising transactions. Mr. Maisonrouge has an M.S. in Engineering from Ecole Centrale de Lyon and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. He is a member of the Board of Advisors of the Harvard Business School Health Care Initiative, and the Chairman of the Pasteur Foundation. In 2014, Mr. Maisonrouge was awarded the rank of Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur.” (http://www.evercore.com/team/3/all/all/bio/52) -- Classnotes Archives, 1975 -- Only Family by Marie Coblentz -- 40 year class reunion Back to Top 1976● The classes of '74, '75, and '76 had a class reunion on Saturday November 7, 2015. See Class Reunions section of this newsletter, or click on link below. ● For last year's December 2014 AALFNY newsletter, Marc Jensen (LSY: 1ere in 1975) sent us a write-up describing his year of training on l'Hermione -- the replica of the 216 ft frigate that brought La Fayette to the American Colonies with word of King Louis XVI's support of the revolution. For this year's newsletter, Marc was kind enough to send us another write-up, this time describing his actual voyage on l'Hermione. He left Grand Canaria on May 6th and landed in Yorktown, Virginia on June 5th, 2015. (Click on the PDF file below to read Marc's story) ● Michèle Huff (LSY: 7eme in 1969) wrote: "I now have my book published, The Transformative Negotiator: Changing the Way We Come to Agreement From the Inside Out (Unhooked Books, 2015) available at Amazon and other bookstores, as well as a new website. Just returned from a fabulous 3-week trip to Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan." (Click on link below to access Michele's website) ● Isabelle (Baudry) McDonald (LSY: Terminale in 1976) shared this with us: "I have three children: Alex age 28, Katherine 26, Emily 23. Sadly none of them speak French very well. I have a wonderful private practice coaching and working with children and adults who struggle in school or on the job. Much of my drive to do this work comes out of my educational experience at the Lycee (even though I was only there for 4 years). I am very bad at staying in touch but am certainly open to helping anyone who is interested in this field as it is fascinating and very rewarding work. We moved to the Boston area about 6 years ago when my husband got a job there. My parents Christianne and Francis (a lycee alum as well) still live around the corner from the old high school building when it was on 95th street and are going strong at ages 81 and 83! Classmates I remember especially well are Frederica Adelman, Jean Baum, Isabelle Bassette, Emmanuel Jaeger, Denis Logerot, Alex George to name but a few." (Click on link below to access Isabelle's website) ● Jenny Skoble (LSY: 4eme in 1972) told us that "effective immediately, I am relocating from Los Angeles to an oceanfront abode in Half Moon Bay, California, a small town on the beautiful California coast just a few miles from San Francisco and Silicon Valley I encourage all my former classmates to come visit!" ● Charles Dale (LSY: 3eme in 1973): “Born in France of American parents, and a graduate of Princeton University with a combined degree in Romance Languages and Art History, Charles Dale has worked with many of the best chefs in the United States and beyond, including Daniel Boulud, Barry Wine, Jean-Paul Lacombe and Georges Mazraff. In 1988, he left a position as Sous-Chef under Boulud at Le Cirque in New York to open his own restaurant, Renaissance, in Aspen, Colorado.....In 2000, Charles opened Rustique Bistro, winning Esquire Magazine’s prestigious Best New Restaurant in America Award.....Charles is also the author of the Chefs’ Guide to America’s Best Restaurants, has launched a line of all-natural marinades for consumers under the St. Dalfour label, and has contributed recipes to more than a dozen cookbooks nationwide.....In 2008, Charles joined Auberge Resorts to develop and open the brand new Encantado Resort in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Featuring his trademark “Modern Rustic” cuisine, the signature restaurant, Terra, was named to the “20 Best New Restaurants of 2008” by esteemed food writer John Mariani…..In June 2012, as Auberge Resorts ceded management of the property to Four Seasons Hotels, Charles moved on to pursue his own project, culminating in the opening of Bouche Bistro in March 2013. Bouche has already garnered substantial acclaim and press, and is currently the only restaurant in Santa Fe to hold a coveted 4-chile rating.” (http://www.bouchebistro.com/about/) ● Karin Lestelle (LSY: Terminale in 1976) “ has practiced immigration law with Fragomen for approximately 20 years. She provides immigration policy guidance, strategic planning and advice and program support primarily to international corporations, including numerous French companies. She also provides counsel on all major employment-based temporary and permanent visa categories to small, medium and large sized companies. Karin represents a broad array of companies in the financial, energy, information technology, education, scientific, entertainment, luxury goods and consumer packaged goods industries, among others. A native French speaker, Karin is active in the French business community in the New York area and is a frequent speaker on immigration law topics.” (https://www.fragomen.com/people/karin-lestelle/about) ● Erol Bayar (LSY: 2nde in 1974) “has been an avid sailor since childhood. As a teen he learned from Captain Jean Lacombe on Long Island Sound who was among the first to enter in the single handed trans-Atlantic race on his 24’ cruiser.....in 1964. Erol has sailed on oceans from the Aegean, North Sea, Bay of Biscay, to Maine’s beautiful Down East coast and has logged over 20,000 nautical miles. He holds a US Coast Guard Master's Captain License with Sailing endorsement. When not sailing Erol runs a CAD/CAM software consulting business in Vermont.” (http://www.greathudsonsailing.com/sailing-school-staff.html) Editor’s Note: It is probable that Erol’s sailing instructor --Jean Lacombe-- was the LFNY yearbook photographer in the 1960’s through the 1980’s. ● Veronique Chopin de La Bruyere (LSY: 5eme in 1971) “has completed her first year in [the Long Trail School’s] World Languages Department teaching Spanish and French. Veronique is a graduate of the University of San Francisco where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Linguistics. She also holds a Masters in Early Childhood Education from George Washington University. Veronique is a veteran classroom teacher who most recently taught for several years at an independent school in New York City and also has years of experience with program development for international students. Veronique makes her home in neighboring Washington County along the Battenkill, where during the summer months she runs Gallery 668 in Battenville, NY. She is enjoying her recent move to the area and teaching at Long Trail School this year.....” (http://longtrailschool.org/staff/veronique-chopin-de-la-bruyere/) ● Catherine (Tabah) Bosler (LSY: 3eme in 1973): “After graduating from the Atelier d'Arts in Paris, Catherine moved to Los Angeles to study at UCLA. She graduated with a BA from the Department of Theater Film and Television and had a fulfilling 18 year career working as an Art Director/Production Designer for TV commercials and film productions. When it was time for a change, she combined her design skills with the love of architecture and gardens to return back to UCLA and studied Landscape Architecture in the Landscape Architecture Program at UCLA Extension. Catherine presented her thesis in 2008 and graduated with distinction from the department for her presentation, "Baldwin Hills - The reclamation of an oil field into a multi-beneficial energy space". Since graduating from UCLA, she has assisted in teaching Autocad in the UCLA Landscape Architecture program and freelanced with landscape designers/architects before founding Bosler Earth Design.” (http://www.boslerearthdesign.com/about-1/) ● Eric Petermann (LSY: Terminale in 1976) is the Executive Director of EUMETNET, a collaborative network for 31 European meteorological services. (https://fr.linkedin.com/pub/eric-petermann/88/636/737/en) ● Edward Kohtio (LSY: 5eme in 1971) "founded Alter OmniaSource LLC in 2012. Prior to its inception, Ed had a distinguished 22 year management career working as the Managing Director for Adept Technologies Inc. in New York City, Corporate Governance for Hewlett Packard Inc. and Field Manager for Electronic Data Systems (EDS). A native New Yorker, Mr. Kohtio holds degrees from the University of Toronto and the ITT Institute. Ed has been invited to teach numerous Technology courses and served as President of a self managed New York City cooperative board." (http://www.alteromniasource.com/4.html) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Charles Dale from Santa Fe’s Bouche Bistro creates a chilled avocado soup with cucumber and tomato salsa.(Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1976 -- 'Sensations a’sea' by Marc Jensen -- Charles Dale on kasa.com -- Michele Huff's website -- 40 year class reunion -- Isabelle (Baudry) McDonald's website Back to Top 1977● Jordan Stern (LSY: Terminale in 1977) told us that his "son Lucas is now a pilot for a private subscription airline "Beacon air"; flying shuttles from Westchester airport to Boston. Lucas graduated from LFNY in 2010. Jordan's daughter Mia (left the LFNY in 2010) and has been selected for the concours general in 1ere at the Ecole Jeannine Manuel in Paris. Jordan's career in medicine brought him to Lille for a head and neck surgery fellowship after training in the US. He is currently founder and medical Director of the BlueSleep Snoring and Sleep Apnea Centers. He has written a New York Times Best Seller: "Dropping Acid, the Reflux Diet cookbook and Cure", and has produced "Music for Dreams", a three volume set of piano music to treat insomnia and other sleep disorders. He lives in NYC with his wife Magdalena Stern-Baczewska, a world class concert pianist, currently director of the music performance program at Columbia University. Jordan has been in touch with Alain Cloarec ('77) who currently works at the BlueSleep center, Harold Hyman ('77),a journalist in Paris, Thierry Jahan ('77, Director of Thoracic oncology at UCSF, and Christelle Peterman ('77), a French teacher in DC. Jordan can be contacted at: www.linkedin.com/drjordanstern/en or jstern@bluesleep.com ● Danielle Schanz (LSY: 3eme in 1974) shared this with us: "After raising two children in Larchmont, I moved back into Manhattan 2 years ago. I work as an attorney regulating the stock market. This summer I went to Nantes to see Sonia Perrin ('77) (née Jacqueline), my best friend from the Lycée. The older we get, the stronger the bond, even though we don’t live near each other. I am in touch with Marc Hyman ('77) also, and occasionally Etienne Boilot ('77) , who lived in Larchmont for a short time. I take French classes at the FIAF to keep up my French, but would love to reconnect with real bilinguals." Editor's note: Danielle is Senior Litigation Counsel at the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) where she spepcializes in commercial litigation, securities regulation, admiralty, settlement, and negotiation. (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/danielle-schanz/22/5a4/15) ● Patricia Lane (LSY: Terminale in 1977): “Once upon a time I was born in Vietnam. The sounds and scents of bustling Saigon are my earliest memories. Both my parents were French and became American. I was born a dual national and grew up as a compound bilingual. My early years were shared first between Saigon and Phnom Penh (Cambodia), and then followed by a stint in France, before settling in the US and splitting my time between New York and the family homestead across the Atlantic.....At home, I was raised à la française. At the [LFNY] I had a French education but with classmates from all over the world. All the while living in the Big Apple and influenced by American popular culture. My first instance of culture shock came when I went off to university to study political science, first at Wellesley, then at NYU. The educational style was so different from the French, I had a lot to adapt to and learn. Scent and sound are early memory triggers – and I felt how powerful they are when I moved to Hawaii in 1989 for my PhD at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.....In 1995, I moved to France, where I have lived since, working with mainly Western European and North American business cultures in French and English every day.....” (http://www.francoamericanquill.com/about/about-me) ● Etienne Madelin (LSY : 3eme in 1974) : « Les 30 années environ de vie professionnelle d’Etienne se sont déroulées en trois étapes : Banquier, Dirigeant puis Coach, avec un "fil rouge" : la réussite humaine individuelle et collective. Il a quitté le monde bancaire en 1998, après avoir développé des compétences relationnelles, financières et commerciales, et une compréhension approfondie du tissu économique, de l'industrie (Automobile, Pétrole, Chimie…) et du grand commerce (Grande Distribution, Distribution spécialisée, Holdings). Il est devenu ensuite Dirigeant d'entreprises, dont une société cotée, des filiales de groupes français et américain. En 2008, il décide d'accompagner des cadres supérieurs et des dirigeants en devenant Coach et Consultant [.....] Ses sources d'inspiration et d'énergie : Lecteur de Romain Gary, Etienne s'émerveille justement des promesses de l'aube au Refuge de Leschaux, au pied des Grandes Jorasses, comme de la chorégraphie d'Alvin Ailey en hommage à Ottis Redding ou de "Match Point" de Woody Allen. » (http://www.lhh-dbm-dirigeants.com/notre-equipe/etienne-madelin) ● Etienne Boillot (LSY: Terminale in 1977) “is a private investor with over 25 years of investment experience. He is currently General Partner of Shepherd Capital a Luxembourg-based single family office which he founded in 2010. Shepherd is an active participant (through debt and equity investments) in the alternative finance lending markets in the US, UK, France, Spain, Italy and Africa. Prior to that, Mr. Boillot co-founded two early-stage venture funds in the United States. From 2003 to 2008, Mr. Boillot was a partner in a global publishing business which he helped grow five times in value. Mr. Boillot’s background in finance originated at the First Boston Corporation, where he worked both in the mergers & acquisitions department and fixed income sales and trading. Mr. Boillot received an MBA from Stanford University (1986) and a BA from Dartmouth College (1981).” (https://www.harmoney.com/about-us/advisory-board/etienne-f-boillot) ● Julie Bloom (LSY: 1ere in 1976) “says her favorite part of being a 1st Assistant Director is visiting places she’s never been, whether it’s five different countries in 13 days [for The Rebound], or a period street in Upper Manhattan [for Boardwalk Empire].....In 2004 Bloom began work on HBO’s award-winning series Rome, a homecoming as she grew up in the Eternal City with her filmmaker father.....No production has captured Bloom’s love for discovery as much as Boardwalk Empire, which is shot mostly on location with exhaustively researched period details. “I’ve run sets in upscale period brothels and tiny church basements, where you walk down a flight of stairs and the pastor unlocks the door to a room that is stopped in time,” recalls Bloom. “We shot in a mansion [built for Bailey of the Barnum & Bailey Circus] that I didn’t even know existed way up on the West Side.....People walked much differently during that era,” she explains. ‘Holding hands, strolling with walking sticks down the boardwalk, during different seasons. I try to know each extra by name and give them bits of business that is unique to the characters in that time…..’ " (http://www.dga.org/Craft/DGAQ/All-Articles/1302-Spring-2013/On-the-Job-Julie-Bloom.aspx) ● Cédric Noël (LSY: 3eme in 1974) "est né à New York où il poursuit ses études avant d'entrer au Conservatoire d'art dramatique de Montréal. À sa sortie, on l'engage pour jouer dans des téléthéâtres à Radio-Canada comme Cyrano..... où il interprète ses premiers rôles. On le remarque dans plusieurs séries télévisées mais c'est le rôle d'Etienne Dumas dans le populaire téléroman Chambres en Ville qu'il jouera pendant sept ans de 1989 à 1996 .....qui le fera connaître du grand public.....Au cinéma il a joué dans Jésus de Montréal, Maria Chapdelaine, L'HommeIdéal, LaComtesse de Bâton Rouge, Les États -Unis d'Albert, Gargoyle, Sister. Au théâtre, il a entre autres interprété des œuvres de Shakespeare (Hamlet), Molière (Le Misanthrope, Les Fourberies de Scapin), Corneille (L'Illusion Comique). Il s'est également illustré dans de nombreuses comédies musicales (Napoléon-Lama, Gigi, Les Folies d'Offenbach, Irma la Douce). Il vient de terminer l'enregistrement de son tout premier album pop francophone où il signe les paroles et la musique." (http://www.denise-pelletier.qc.ca/spectacles) ● Pierre Glynn (LSY: Terminale in 1977) : “I currently serve as Branch Chief for the Eastern Branch of the US Geological Survey National Research Program in Reston. The scientists in my Branch conduct research in many fields and on many issues [including] numerical modeling of water flow and solute transport, environmental isotope forensics and characterization, groundwater dating, water and sediment contamination problems, nutrient cycling, ecological habitats, geomorphic processes, and the application of molecular and other techniques to the study of microbial processes. Beyond my Branch responsibilities, I have undertaken a wide diversity of assignments for the USGS. Recently, these have included the advancement of integrated environmental and ecological modeling across a range of organizations and disciplinary interests. My research efforts have focused on geochemical modeling and characterization of groundwater contamination, nuclear waste disposal, and groundwater dating studies.....My academic background includes a B.A. (with a major in Geological Sciences) from Columbia College and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, an M.Sc. from University of Quebec in Montreal in isotopic environmental.....and a Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo, where my studies focused on groundwater studies and the thermodynamics of water-rock interactions.” (https://profile.usgs.gov/pglynn) ● Mokha Laget (LSY: Terminale in 1977) told us that she exhibited her work at the Salon des Arts Contemporains at the Grand Palais in Paris in October, 2015. Editor's note: Mokha “was born in Algeria and spent her early life in North Africa, France, and the United States. Of the kind of cultural integration acquired by those who spend time abroad, Laget has said 'as I travel from country to country, I am gathering color, texture and design ideas. What eventually evolves into a piece of art has been influenced by this collage of life.' Pure, resonant, and rich colors populate her latest paintings, which are balanced with angular elements that simultaneously divide and unite the compositions. Describing her work, Laget says it 'pushes the boundaries of complex relations between color and composition.' " (http://peytonwright.com/modern/artists/mokha-laget-2/) ● Thierry Folliguet (LSY: Terminale in 1977) wrote : "I am a Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the University of Nancy (France). I have included a recent picture of me. I don't think many will recognize me, but you never know. Hello to all my ex-colleagues of the French Lycée." -- Classnotes Archives, 1977 Back to Top 1978............................................... In Memoriam: ● Corinne (Cléjan) Kerz († November 30, 2015) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Paul Rachman (LSY: 6eme in 1972) wrote: “It's been a very long time since I've really been in touch with anybody from the Lycée Français de New York. I attended from 12eme through 6eme and then went off to a boarding school in France through 3eme, until I returned to New York and attended a prep school upstate New York to finish High School. While I have come across many recent Lycée students, I have rarely if ever run into any former classmates from the class of '78. I do remember hanging out with one old friend Sacha Lichine (’78) while I was at Boston University in the early 80s but that's about it. My Lycée memories only get better with time --it was New York City in the mid to late 60’s and early 70’s -- how much better a memory scope can you have! I'm a film director. Started my career making music videos (Bad Brains, Kiss, Alice in Chains, Temple of the Dog, The Replacements...), I made a documentary , about early 80’s Hardcore Punk music and youth culture in the Reagan 80’s, called “American Hardcore” which went to the Sundance Film Festival and was distributed by Sony Pictures Classics. I recently edited a Jimi Hendrix documentary for Showtime from mostly archival footage. I occasionally make commercials. I also co-founded the Slamdance FIlm Festival --a sort of Sundance side bar festival focusing on first time filmmakers. Indie filmmaking is tough but I love it. I'm currently setting up another narrative feature, my second, and it was inspired by my childhood in NYC; there is a French connection in there :-) Would love to hear from any alums in the film business or creatives. I can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and can be contacted through my website www.paulrachman.com" ● Karine Sheffield Saleck (LSY: 5eme in 1973) asked us to share this with her classmates: "I teach at the Lycée Francais in Athens and I do want to tell my classmates that I am organizing events around poetry and literature, so if they are poets and they wish to come to Greece, they can send me their poetry and we can have them speak at our AGORA. However we are not rich enough to invite them, all we do is create a conversation around a theme --the theme for our last poetry reading in November 2015 was ‘MUTED’. I’ll send the invite and the booklet for whoever is interested." (Click on PDF file below to view the invitation from the last reading) ● Carla Rosen Vacher (LSY: Terminale in 1978) wrote: "Looking forward to seeing classmates and dear friends Natalie Yates and Beck Lee during my week "home" in NYC, and Annabelle Cone in Boston, where I will be for a college volunteers' meeting mid-March. Waiting to announce big distribution news for the first film of the production company in which I am a financial and producing partner, Royal Road Entertainment - exciting but crazy hobby! At least good fringe benefits, like accreditation at film festivals (attached photos from Venice Biennale, September 2015) Anyone care to join me in this venture, please let me know! Wishing all a peaceful (above all else), healthy, and joyous New Year, with love from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg." (Click on PDF file below to see Carla's photos) ● Riccardo Guariglia (LSY: 3eme in 1975) shared this: "After being posted as Ambassador of Italy to Poland, from 2011 to mid 2014, I left Warsaw for Rome. I had an amazing and interesting experience in Poland, a very hospitable country. With my wife Nelly we left it with a bit of sadness! But at the same time we were very happy to be back at home, where I was appointed Chief of the Diplomatic Protocol of the Italian Republic. A challenging experience that puts me in contact with the whole world! I travel a lot and, among other, I am responsible of the organization of the foreign trips of the Italian Head of State: only in this year, we touched 17 different countries! All our three sons, two boys and a girl, have taken huge profit of their studies in the French scholar system: two of them, 24 and 25, after finishing University, are already working in Milan, while the youngest one, the girl, now 22, decided to remain in Warsaw to finish the Faculty of Design over there. Really a cosmopolitan family! I look forward, after missing for almost five years, to come back to NY twice, in January and February, for the forthcoming visit to the US of the Italian President. Friendly regards to all classmates: the period I spent in the LFNY (1971-1975) is always in my heart! “ ● Andrew S. Penson (LSY : 4eme in 1974) : “The son of a businessman who specialized in converting rental apartments into co-ops, Mr. Penson, who grew up on Manhattan’s East Side, is a graduate of New York Law School (he sits on its board of trustees and is a prodigious fund-raiser for the school and for the United Jewish Appeal) and a former lawyer at Jones Day. He plunged into real estate in earnest in the mid-1990s by buying the debt on distressed properties, especially mortgages owned by Japanese banks. In 1998, he made an unsuccessful $450 million bid for the Washington Redskins football franchise. He is the managing member of a Delaware-based limited liability company, Midtown Trackage Ventures, which includes his partners in Argent Ventures and two outside institutional investors..... Argent has invested more than $2.5 billion in real estate, primarily in New York, California, Florida and Washington, D.C..... His interest in buying Grand Central was piqued in 2002 when the Roosevelt Hotel over the terminal’s tracks was put up for sale. In 2006, Midtown Trackage Ventures..... bought Grand Central and 75 miles of track to Poughkeepsie and 82 miles to Wassaic, in Dutchess County…..The Metropolitan Transportation Authority..... pays $2.24 million in annual rent on a lease that expires Feb. 28, 2274. The authority has an option to buy the terminal and the tracks in 2017, which it is expected to exercise, although the landlord can extend that date to 2032..... while he has not framed the deed (“It’s just a piece of paper”), the thought of owning Grand Central Terminal had instantly appealed to him. ‘It was the right time when the opportunity presented itself,’ Mr. Penson recalled, ‘although I immediately thought of the old joke about buying the Brooklyn Bridge.’ " (http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/01/29/grand-centrals-flesh-and-blood-landlord/) ● Caroline Harcourt (LSY: Terminale in 1978) “is a partner [at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP] in the Real Estate practice.....[and] represents developers, owners, investors, lenders and tenants in all aspects of real estate.....Ms. Harcourt has also represented large institutional investors in connection with complex commercial real estate financing transactions affecting all types of properties, including office buildings, hotels and gaming facilities, hospitals and health care facilities, regional malls and shopping centers, commercial and residential condominiums and mixed use properties…..Ms. Harcourt is the former President of WX, New York Women Executives in Real Estate.” (http://www.pillsburylaw.com/charcourt) ● Richard Hertling (LSY: 6eme in 1972) “provides regulatory and legislative advice and guidance and lobbying [at Covington & Burling LLP] to a diverse set of clients in a range of industries. He joined the firm after more than 27 years of federal government service that included senior positions in both Houses of Congress and the Justice Department, during which he was respected for developing strategic and tactical approaches to advance legislation.” (https://www.cov.com/en/biographies/h/richard-hertling) (Editor's note: Richard is the only person in US history to have run a Senate committee, a House committee, and a Cabinet agency's legislative affairs office for the Department of Justice). ● Aline Newton (LSY: 2nde in 1976) “is an Advanced Certified Rolfer, in private practice in Cambridge, Massachusetts for over 20 years. She served for many years as Chair of the Board of Directors of the International Rolf Institute..... She holds her BA from Johns Hopkins University and her MA in Education from the University of Toronto..... Aline has many years of experience with body-oriented approaches to psychotherapy as well as meditation. She also has studied cranio-sacral manipulation, visceral manipulation and energetic osteopathic techniques..... She has written and published many articles on aspects of movement, biomechanics and psychodynamics. In 2005, Aline developed the Physical Intelligence Program at MIT with the coach of MIT’s gymnastics team. More recently she has been invited to consult with companies such as IDEO and to teach experiential anatomy workshops at Boston Conservatory and for yoga teacher training programs. Aline’s research and writing interests span the range from the effect of touch on the brain to the parallels between Buddhist thought and the perspective of Rolfing. In her free time she studies music, and has recently co-authored Knowing the Trees of Cambridge. (http://alinenewton.com/biographical-information/) ● Eric Maerten (LSY: terminale in 1978) est Rédacteur en chef au Groupe France Agricole ● Isabelle de Geofroy (LSY: terminale in 1978) “is an experienced project manager [at Insignia Environmental] who has overseen the environmental permitting of large construction and utility repair projects throughout Northern California. She is trained as a botanist, with over 20 years of experience in plant identification and taxonomy. Isabelle has worked for environmental consulting firms for over 13 years, conducting ecological impact assessments and constraints analyses, protocol-level special-status plant surveys, and wetland delineations. As a project manager, she has taken multiple projects through the CEQA review process, including the preparation of the Biology section of Environmental Impact Reports, Mitigated Negative Declarations, and responses to agency comments. She has prepared permitting packages for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Isabelle has also implemented extensive mitigation and monitoring programs for special-status plant species, and has developed and implemented preserve management plans, wetland mitigation and monitoring plans, and riparian planting plans. Isabelle holds an M.A. in Conservation Biology from San Francisco State University.” (http://www.insigniaenvironmental.com/keystaff.html) ● Alexis Poinsard (LSY: 1ere in 1977) est avocat associé au cabinet d'avocats Fidal. Il est « spécialisé en droit des sociétés et intervient principalement dans des opérations nationales et internationales de fusions / acquisitions, partenariats (joint-ventures), et restructurations de groupes de sociétés. » (http://www.fidal.com/les-avocats/alexis-poinsard,0890095.html) ● Lutgarde Schrijvers (LSY: 5eme in 1973) est Maître de Langues Principal à l'Université catholique de Louvain à Bruxelles. ● Marc De La Bruyère (LSY: 8eme in 1970) “serves as the Chairman and Managing Director of Maclab Enterprises, Western Canada's largest privately held residential real estate development and management company. [He] is a former consultant with McKinsey & Co. He has been the Chairman of Viewtrak Technologies Inc. since August 2012. He holds an MBA from the European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD) in Fontainebleau, France.” (http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/person.asp?personId=215809897&privcapId=215556709&previousCapId=215556709&previousTitle=Viewtrak%20Technologies,%20Inc.) ● Eric Jacobsen (LSY: Terminale in 1978) "joined Harvard University as full professor in 1993, was named the Sheldon Emory Professor of Organic Chemistry in 2001, and has served as Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology since 2010. He directs a research group of 20 graduate students and postdocs dedicated to discovering useful catalytic reactions, and to applying state-of-the art mechanistic and computational techniques to the analysis of those reactions. Several of the catalysts developed in his labs have found widespread application in industry and academia. These include metal-salen complexes for asymmetric epoxidation, conjugate additions, and hydrolytic kinetic resolution of epoxides; chromium-Schiff base complexes for a wide range of enantioselective pericyclic reactions; and organic hydrogen bond-donor catalysts for activation of neutral and cationic electrophiles. Eric's mechanistic analyses of these systems have helped uncover general principles for catalyst design, including electronic tuning of selectivity, cooperative homo- and hetero-bimetallic catalysis, hydrogen-bond donor asymmetric catalysis, and anion binding catalysis." (http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~minotti/about_ENJ.html) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Eric Maerten rédacteur en chef de La France Agricole commente la manifestation des agriculteurs, éleveurs, et l'intervention de Manuel Valls. (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1978 -- Invitation to Karine Ancellin Saleck's previous poetry reading -- Carla Rosen Vacher at the 2015 Venice Biennale -- In Memoriam: Corinne (Cléjan) Kerz -- Eric Maerten on Vimeo Back to Top 1979............................................... In Memoriam: ● Ines Tracey (Thompson) Compton († March 20, 2015) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Dominique Mai Tam (LSY: Terminale in 1979) nous écrit: "Bonjour à tous mes anciens amis du lycée: J'habite à Saint Lo dans la Manche, divorcée et j'ai trois grands enfants, 29, 25 et 23 ans." ● Frédéric Fougéa (LSY: Terminale in 1979) « est un auteur, réalisateur et producteur de cinéma et de télévision français né le 4 mars 1961 à Paris. Il est le gérant de la société de production Boréales, qu'il a fondée en 1987. Ses films sont reconnaissables à un style particulier mêlant documentaire et fiction : construits comme des « histoires » plutôt que comme des documentaires classiques, ils sont souvent décrits comme des « contes » {.....] Parallèlement à un parcours classique (études secondaires puis Sup de Co Paris), il consacre chaque année plusieurs mois à voyager : en Amérique du Sud, en Asie, et passe une année aux États-Unis et une année à l'Indian Institute of Management de Bangalore [.....] Il commence sa vie professionnelle en créant une société de services en Guinée équatoriale, où il reste trois ans. De retour à Paris, il se lance dans la création audiovisuelle : il fonde en 1987, avec sa mère et son frère Barthélémy Fougea, la société de production Boréales. Les compétences de Frédéric Fougea en éthologie et en anthropologie, son goût pour la tradition orale, pour les légendes et les destins singuliers se retrouvent dans ses films. De 1989 à 1999, il écrit et produit, avec sa société Boréales et Canal+, la série de treize films intitulée Les Seigneurs des animaux [.....] Frédéric Fougea a toujours été très attiré par la musique : il joue du saxophone et a animé pendant plusieurs années un groupe de jazz, Messe Câline [.....] Il fait une première incursion dans le cinéma en 1998, en écrivant et en réalisant le long-métrage Hanuman, en coproduction avec Gaumont. Le film met en scène l'amitié exceptionnelle entre un jeune Écossais et un macaque qui l'aide à lutter contre le traffic d'œuvres sacrées qui sévit en Inde [.....] Diffusé le 17 décembre 2013 sur France 2, Le Plus Beau Pays du monde, qu'il a écrit, produit et réalisé en collaboration avec Jacques Malaterre est un immense succès : il réunit 6,5 millions de téléspectateurs [.....] soit la meilleure audience (hors sport et politique) de France 2 pour 2013 [.....] En 2015 sortira au cinéma Pourquoi j’ai (pas) mangé mon père, dont il est co-auteur et co-réalisateur [.....] » (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric_Fougea) ● Pascal Girot (LSY: Terminale in 1979) is senior policy advisor on climate change to the Minister of the Environment of Costa Rica, and UNDP project coordinator. ● Caroline du Pin de Saint-André (LSY: 2nde in 1977): « Mars, 2013 : Précédemment chez Clinique, elle prend la direction de la communication internationale de Darphin (autre marque d’Estée Lauder). » (http://www.cosmetiquemag.fr/Emploi-Carrieres/Nominations/2013/3/Caroline-du-Pin-de-Saint-Andre-2004045W/) ● Michel Gelobter (LSY: 1ere in 1978) “has over 25 years experience in energy, sustainability, and social justice work in policy-making, research, advocacy, and business. He is presently working with the Packard Foundation on sparking innovation in climate policy-making, and was most recently a founder of BuildingEnergy.com, a cloud-platform for the world’s building energy data. Prior, Michel Gelobter served as the Chief Green Officer for Hara, the leading enterprise energy and environmental management software startup, and remains Chairman/Founder of Cooler (www.climatecooler.com), a company whose mission is to connect every purchase to a solution for global warming. Michel also has a long history in research and teaching, policy, and advocacy. He is a lecturer at U.C. Berkeley and presently serves on the Boards of the Natural Resources Defense Council and Ceres [.....} Michel earned his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D at U.C. Berkeley (where he wrote the first dissertation and taught the first-ever class on environmental justice) and is an alumnus of Deep Springs College [.....]” (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gelobter) ● Marc Bengualid (LSY: Terminale in 1979) “ is the principal and founder of EJMB Realty and EMJB Commercial. After graduating from Cornell University in 1983, he started his real estate career with the Ziegelman Organization working in all facets of real estate including, converting properties to cooperatives and condominiums, advertising, canvassing buildings, buy-out tenants, aided in managing properties with Zeal Management. In 1987 Marc started his own company and prepared syndication of real estate, aided in acquisition and conversions of properties for various owners before obtaining his law degree from Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in 1990. Upon graduating from law school, he worked at Bower & Gardner.....In 1994 he joined Dienst & Serrins, LLP as a trial associate, head of the defense trial and legal department.....In 1996, Marc left to start his own law firm as a trial attorney in areas of medical malpractice, legal malpractice, personal injury and police.....Marc has expended his real estate holdings as his company owns, manages and operates about 300,000 sq ft of commercial real estate ......Marc currently sits on the board of the Garment District where he maintains his office. He lives with his wife and three children in Manhattan.” (http://www.ejmbcommercial.com/#!marc-bengualid/c19g2) ● Magali (François) Gresham (LSY: Terminale in 1979) is a Superior Court Judge (Family Division) in Bergen County, New Jersey. ● Emmanuel Lefèvre (LSY: 5eme in 1974) : « J’ai créé mon propre cabinet de conseil international et de coaching opérationnel afin d’optimiser mes 25 ans d’expériences professionnelles pour le bénéfice de dirigeants d’entreprises. Je suis diplômé de l’EDHEC – Master en Management, promo 1985. J’ai exercé de nombreuses responsabilités dans le secteur bancaire au sein du groupe Crédit Agricole (Banque Indosuez) et du groupe Barclays (Barclays Capital), en France comme à l’étranger (Moyen-Orient, Asie, Europe). J’ai également travaillé au sein de l’administration française, comme Directeur pays à l’Agence française pour les investissements internationaux (AFII) et, plus récemment en tant que Directeur financier à la Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l’autonomie (CNSA) qui gère un budget annuel de 21 milliards € dans le secteur médico-social [.....] J’ai nommé mon cabinet « Outside Centre ». Il s’agit de faire référence à une attitude que je trouve souvent très pertinente pour progresser : « think outside the box » ! C’est aussi un clin d’œil au rugby et au poste de numéro 13 (deuxième centre) auquel j’ai joué pendant de nombreuses années. Je chéris les valeurs du rugby : le jeu d’équipe, le respect d’autrui et l’humilité, mais aussi le goût de la performance et du défi … et j’y fais souvent référence dans la vie professionnelle. » (http://www.outsidecentre.net/) ● Sophie Lallement (LSY: Terminale in 1979) “is the Vice President of Omni Tech Translations. She was born in Italy, spent her teenage years in the US, after which she went to college and “commuted” between the US and France most of her adult life. After studying just about everything she could study, including 5 years of Spanish, and a Master’s degree in psychoanalysis, in computer programming, pharmaceutical marketing and communications, she started working for the pharmaceutical and medical device industry. She managed teams of medical sales reps for 10 years at Johnson & Johnson and KCI. She also spent a number of years in the marketing departments of those companies as Product Manager. After a long stint in the corporate world and resuming her studies, Sophie practiced psychoanalysis for a number years but realized the she missed the excitement of working in the field and being part of a strong team. (Which is why she joined Omni!) Her two daughters, Allison and Audrey, are her pride and joy. Sophie is inquisitive, quick, multitasking, tenacious, enthusiastic and sometimes unintentionally funny. She is responsible for Sales and Marketing at Omni, and also oversees Omni Tech’s European branch office.” (http://www.omnitechtrans.com/our-company/leadership) ● Nadine Orenstein (LSY: 4eme in 1975): “December, 2014: George R. Goldner, who has been chairman of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s drawings and prints department for 21 years.....will step down next month to become a private art adviser.....Nadine M. Orenstein, a curator in the department, has been chosen as Mr. Goldner’s successor.....Ms. Orenstein became an assistant curator at the Met in 1993 and has organized several exhibitions, including “Pieter Bruegel the Elder: Drawings and Prints” in 2001 and “Infinite Jest: Caricature and Satire from Leonardo to Levine” in 2011.” (http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/12/11/chairman-of-met-museums-drawings-and-print-department-to-step-down/?_r=0) ● Elizabeth Wishnick (LSY: 1ere in 1978) “is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Montclair State University and has been an Adjunct Associate Research Scholar at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute since 2002. She previously taught undergraduate and graduate courses in international relations, Chinese politics, and Chinese foreign policy at Barnard College, Columbia College, and SIPA. Professor Wishnick's research focuses on Chinese foreign policy and non-traditional security. Her current book project, China as a Risk Society, examines how transnational problems originating in China (rising energy demand, air and water pollution, epidemics, food safety, and migration) shape Chinese foreign relations with neighboring states and involve Chinese and international society ..... Professor Wishnick was awarded a National Asia Research Program fellowship in 2010 to pursue her research and participate in conferences organized by the National Bureau of Asian Research and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars ..... She received a Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University, an M.A. in Russian and East European Studies from Yale University, and a B.A. from Barnard College, and speaks Chinese, Russian, and French fluently. (http://www.columbia.edu/cu/weai/faculty/wishnick.htm) ● Martin Bisi (LSY: 4eme in 1975) “is an American producer and songwriter. He is known for recording important records by Sonic Youth, Swans, John Zorn, Material, Bill Laswell, Helmet, Unsane, The Dresden Dolls, Cop Shoot Cop, White Zombie, Boredoms, Angels of Light, J.G. Thirlwell, and Herbie Hancock's Grammy-winning song "Rockit". [He] was born in 1961 to Argentinian parents and grew up in Manhattan. His mother was a concert pianist who specialized in Liszt and Chopin and toured extensively, and his father played tango-style piano as a hobby. As a child in the 1960s his parents sent him to a French school, gave him music lessons, and took him to performances by the New York Philharmonic and the opera, all of which he rebelled against.....” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Bisi) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Frédéric Fougéa à l'occasion de la diffusion de son documentaire Le plus beau pays du monde ● Pascal Girot talks about CARE International ● Michel Gelobter talks about 'How to power Planet Earth' ●Several Martin Bisi videos (click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1979 -- In Memoriam: Ines Tracey (Thompson) Compton -- Frédéric Fougéa on Europe1 -- Pascal Girot on YouTube -- Michel Gelobter on YouTube -- Martin Bisi videos Back to Top 1980............................................... In Memoriam: ● Janine Rofé († December 2, 2014) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Carolina Benalal (LSY: Terminale in 1980) is a “dental surgeon with extensive clinical experience in Spain and Tanzania. [She is the] Founder of One World One Smile, an International NGO in Tanzania aiming at creating mobile clinics that will help bring oral health to deprived areas in Tanzania.” (https://tz.linkedin.com/pub/carolina-benalal/15/40a/a61/en) ● Minh-Tam (Nguyen) Janssens (LSY: Terminale in 1980) “is an independent education consultant, having set up her consultancy in 2011. Her expertise is in advising international students on the selection and application process at colleges and universities in the UK, US and Canada. She earned her MBA at NYU Stern Business School and her bachelor degree at Barnard College (Columbia University). Minh-Tam maintains her ties with US higher education through her commitment to the Barnard Alumni Club as an officer and interviewer. She is on the Board of the London Chapter of the Seven College Conference (a consortium of seven American all-women colleges: Barnard, Bryn Mawr, Harvard, Mount Holyoke, Smith, Vassar and Wellesley). Her son is currently a student at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to becoming an education consultant, Minh-Tam spent 25 years as an IT and Business Consultant managing global projects for major institutions including Salomon Brothers, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch and Shell in New York and London.” (http://janssensconsulting.com/about-us/) ● Nicolas Roux (LSY: 6eme in 1974) “PhD [is] Senior Scientist [for] Genetic Resources and Genomics, [at] Bioversity International. For the past 25 years, Nicolas has been involved in projects related to the conservation, safe exchange, characterization, evaluation, improvement, and distribution of vegetatively propagated crops, with an emphasis on banana and plantain. With experience in both the field and laboratory, he has applied expertise in transferring modern techniques to support conventional breeding programs. He has conducted training in this area and missions to Asia, Africa, and Latin America. In 2003, Nicolas joined Bioversity International as Global Musa Genomics Consortium (GMGC) Coordinator and soon after became the Project Coordinator for Genomics and Genetic Resources. The work of the GMGC was one of the major drivers behind the recently concluded sequencing of the Musa genome. Nicolas holds a PhD in Plant Biology from Palacky University in the Czech Republic.” (http://www.rtb.cgiar.org/who-we-are/) ● Remi Bellocq (LSY : 9eme in 1971) is the Executive Director of Equine Programs at the Bluegrass Community & Technical College in Kentucky where he is “as likely to be leading students on a two-mile run across a pasture on Paris Pike as he is teaching a course, sitting in a faculty meeting, keeping in touch with industry professionals or working on fundraising efforts. ‘I’m at the barn, teaching a kid how to shovel manure,’ he said, ‘and a half hour later, I’m in a curriculum meeting, with people saying, ‘What’s that smell?’’.....He comes from a long line of European horsemen. His dad, Pierre ‘Peb’ Bellocq, the equine cartoonist for the Daily Racing Form, moved the family to the United States from France in 1954. Three of the children, including Remi, were later born in New York, with dual citizenship. Growing up on Long Island, Bellocq’s high school was so close to Belmont Park that he would often go to the track after school. ‘I wanted to be a professional jockey,’ he said. He wasn’t able to get below 118 pounds, though and wound up studying racetrack management at the University of Arizona. A couple of years after earning a bachelor of science degree in 1984, Remi and Peb Bellocq formed the Amateur Riders Club of America.....[He] worked in various management positions at racetracks across the country for 15 years….....In 2001, he was named CEO of the National Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association in Lexington.....”(http://bizlex.com/2012/10/equine-academician-serves-as-bctcs-jockey-of-all-trades/) ● Janet Ambrosi Wertman (LSY: 1ere in 1979) “grew up within walking distance of three bookstores and a library on Manhattan’s Upper West Side – and she visited all of them regularly. Her grandfather was an antiquarian bookdealer who taught her that there would always be a market for quirky, interesting books. He was the one who persuaded Janet’s parents to send her to the French school where she was taught to aspire to long (grammatically correct) sentences as the hallmark of a skillful writer. She lived that lesson until she got to Barnard College. Short sentences were the rule there. She complied. She reached a happy medium when she got to law school – complicated sentences alternating with short ones in a happy mix. Janet spent fifteen years as a corporate lawyer in New York .....But when her first and second children were born, she decided to change her lifestyle.....Janet became a grantwriter.....and took up writing fiction. There was never any question about the topic of the fiction: Janet has harbored a passion for the Tudor Kings and Queens since her parents let her stay up late to watch the televised Masterpiece Theatre series (both The Six Wives of Henry VIII and Elizabeth R) when she was eight years old. One of the highlights of Janet’s youth was being allowed to visit the Pierpont Morgan Library on a day when it was closed to the public and examine books from Queen Elizabeth’s personal library and actual letters that the young Princess Elizabeth .....had written. Janet currently is happily working on the first two books in The Seymour Dynasty series: Jane the Quene and Edward, Proud Duke of Somerset....." (http://janetwertman.com/about/) ● Mary Kraus (LSY: Terminale in 1980) “ is a principal of Kraus-Fitch Architects, Inc., a firm specializing in sustainable design and internationally recognized for its work with cohousing communities. She uses a participatory process to help large client groups reach consensus on design decisions. She emphasizes a common-sense approach to ecological architecture, including strategies that dovetail well with affordability. She has served on the boards of the Cohousing Network and the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association. Her work has been featured in green design books and on national television, and she was named one of the “Top Ten Green Architects of 2005” by Natural Home and Garden magazine. Mary lives at Pioneer Valley Cohousing, the first cohousing community to be completed on the east coast (in 1994); her daily experience living in her ecologically-designed neighborhood lends inspiration to her work with sustainable development.” [Education: University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI – M. Arch. 1987] (https://nesea.org/users/mary-kraus) ● Dr. Norah (Lincoff) Cohen (LSY : Terminale in 1980) : “I am a neuro-ophthalmologist with a primary clinical interest in optic neuropathy and vasculitis. I see a full range of neuro-ophthalmologic conditions, but I specialize in adult autoimmune optic neuropathy syndromes, diplopia, headache and multiple sclerosis (MS). I am also a board-certified ophthalmologist and conduct vision tests such as visual field testing, ocular coherence tomography (this assesses the health of the retina and optic nerve), sensorimotor examination and prism measurements. I see patients five days a week at UBMD Neurology at Buffalo General Medical Center. My main research interests include preventative treatment trials for autoimmune optic neuropathies and neuroprotection. I present annually at national and international conferences regarding MS and the use of ocular coherence tomography and imaging in my field. I am also involved in the “Hopeful Ways Nicaragua Eye Care Mission Project,” an annual medical mission to Nicaragua to prevent blindness. I work together with a group of medical professionals, local interpreters and Peace Corps volunteers to provide free vision care to over 2,600 patients a year. I am actively involved in training medical students, residents and fellows. I lecture weekly to students in small group sessions as well as larger lecture settings at UB.” (https://medicine.buffalo.edu/content/medicine/faculty/profile.html?ubit=lincoff) ● Florence Bauchard (LSY: Terminale in 1980) is a reporter at Enjeux Les Echos. (Publié depuis 1992, Enjeux-Les Échos est le supplément magazine du quotidien Les Échos.) ● Juliette Feeney-Timsit (LSY: Terminale in 1980) "is based in Paris and board member and director (France) of the French-American Charitable Trust (FACT). She graduated from Cornell University and has a Public law degree from the Assas School of Law (Paris). She is Chair of the United Nations Association Film Festival at Stanford University and co-produces social change documentaries. Her recent initiatives center around strengthening the philanthropy sector in France and developing a collaborative network of family foundations." (https://goodpitch.org/users/juliette-timsit) ● Martine Gorce-Momboisse (LSY: Terminale in 1980) “is a graduate of Harvard University, Sciences-Po Paris & holds a MBA from INSEAD (France). For the first 10 years of her career, she worked in advertising (Saatchi& Saatchi; CLM BBDO; Australie) and as a consultant (McKinsey Paris). She joined Renault in 2000 as Advertising Communication Director (Renault France) then Brand Identity Director. In 2009, she was appointed as Marketing & Communication SVP for Sncf TGV brand. [She] has joined Accor in June 2011 as SVP Brand Marketing & Communication, in charge of all Global Marketing expertises (advertising, media, research & quality, consumer technology, sponsorship and events, art direction).” (http://www.womens-forum.com/speakers/martine-gorce-momboisse/137) ● Valérie (Wernicke) Corbia (LSY : 5eme in 1975) : “JULY 19, 2015: Valerie Edithe Corbia, a daughter of Josiane S. Cabrera and the stepdaughter of Robert Cabrera of New York, was married Saturday to Philip Andrew Galinsky, the son of Ellen M. Galinsky and Norman M. Galinsky of Palisades, N.Y. ….. Mrs. Galinsky, 51, and Mr. Galinsky, 45, work at Samba New York, a samba music and dance company that offers classes and performances. The bride is the company’s manager; the groom is its owner, director and principal percussionist. The bride is also a holistic health coach. She received an associate degree in travel-tourism and hospitality management from Johnson & Wales University. The groom graduated from Columbia and received a master’s degree in world music and a Ph.D. in ethnomusicology from Wesleyan University.” (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/19/fashion/weddings/valerie-corbia-philip-galinsky.html) ● Dr. Laurent Fairhead (LSY: Terminale in 1980) holds a PhD in astronomy from the Observatoire de Paris (1989). He joined the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD/CNRS) in 1990 as a research engineer in scientific computing. He has since been involved in the development of the LMD atmospheric model (LMDZ) and the IPSL Earth system model and has participated in the various intercomparison programs (AMIP, CMIP, ...) the LMD and IPSL have been part of, acquiring HPC expertise for the last 20 years and porting the LMDz model on the different HPC structures at his disposal. He also leads the technical team handling support for LMDZ, is a member of the scientific committee of the IPSL global climate modelling group and has been a member of the IDRIS users' committee." (http://emc3.lmd.jussieu.fr/en/group-members/lfairhead) ● Dr. Laurent Lantieri (LSY: 7eme in 1973) "est un chirurgien plasticien français d'origine corse. Il est connu pour avoir effectué en juin 2010 la première greffe totale du visage en France. En 2012, il quitte son poste de chef du service de chirurgie plastique et reconstructive au CHU Henri-Mondor de Créteil pour diriger le service de chirurgie reconstructrice et esthétique à l’Hôpital européen Georges-Pompidou à Paris." (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurent_Lantieri) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Susan Fales-Hill gave an informative and touching speech "In praise of complexity" for TEDxMet in September, 2015 ● Harriet Gerard Clark talks about the "Pearls of Oyster Bay" ( ● Dr. Laurent Lantieri est connu pour avoir réalisé dès 2010 les premières greffes totales du visage. Il présente ces exploits récents, et retrace l'étonnante histoire de la chirurgie reconstructrice. (Click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1980 -- In Memoriam: Janine Rofé -- Harriet Gerard Clark on YouTube -- Laurent Lantieri on Daily Motion -- Susan Fales-Hill on YouTube Back to Top 1981● Viviane Schiavi (LSY: 2nde in 1979) told us that she "continues to live and work in Paris as an Attorney with the International Chamber of Commerce. She has two Franco-American daughters (Sophie, 11 years and Anita, 9 years) with her French husband Jerome. Her daughters attend the Sections Internationales de Sevres, right outside of Paris. She is always happy to hear from LFNY classmates in the Paris area. Her twin sister Nadine ('81) continues to work at the Inter American Development Bank in Washington DC and is the proud mother of twins Luke and Claire." ● Magali J. Fontaine (LSY: 5eme in 1976) “(MD ,PhD) is Associate Professor of Pathology and Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Director of the Transfusion Service and of the Cellular Therapy Processing Laboratory at the University of Maryland Medical Center. She received her MD degree from the University of Paris, Rene Descartes, and her PhD in Immunology/Cell Transplantation from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She completed her Clinical Fellowship in Transfusion Medicine at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN. Her research interest lies at the frontier of Transfusion Medicine and transplantation research. While her efforts in blood transfusion therapy are aimed at optimizing the quality of the blood supply chain and minimizing post transfusion adverse events, she leads national committees on developing standards for novel cellular therapies. Her research interests are focused on clinical applications of cellular therapies for the treatment of type 1 diabetes.” (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/magali-fontaine/8/591/90) ● Hogi Patrick Hyun (LSY: 6eme in 1975) "is the Chief Financial Officer of Vasunas. He is the founder and Director of Abacus Capital, an Asian investment management group. Formerly a Managing Director at Bankers Trust Company in Singapore where he established and managed the bank's corporate finance, risk management and investment management businesses for Southeast Asia. Hogi graduated Magna cum laude from Yale University in 1985 with a BA Degree in East Asian Studies. He has studied at the Beijing Foreign Languages Institute and Fudan University in Shanghai." (http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/person.asp?personId=4183757&privcapId=18525) ● Ketleen Florestal (LSY: Terminale in 1981) is an Advisor to the Executive Director of the World Bank, for Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Panama, Philippines, Suriname (informally) and Trinidad & Tobago. She was appointed to that position in November 2010. (http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTEDS15/Resources/Ketleen_FlorestalCV.pdf) ● Oscar Bleetstein (LSY: 3eme in 1978) “ is the Head of Commodity Investor Product Sales in the Americas for the Investment Bank at Credit Suisse. He has 20 years of hands on-experience trading and marketing precious and base metals, energy, index and related commodity derivatives. His primary focus is on commodity indices and other structured products that harness the performance of commodities as an "asset class" ..... Prior to joining Credit Suisse in 2009, Oscar created and then headed the institutional marketing arm of Merrill Lynch's Commodity Investor Business. Oscar began his career in commodities at AIG Trading Group in Asia where he ran the metals desk and was in charge of trading a wide array of commodity products with hedge funds, mining companies, industrial hedgers, central banks and other sovereign entities ..... Oscar has a degree in International Relations from the Georgetown School of Foreign Service and holds a Certificat d'Etudes Politiques from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po).” (http://forums.capitallink.com/cef/2014/bios/bleetstein.htm) ● Franck Bauchard (LSY : Terminale in 1981) « est directeur artistique de la Panacée [un service de la direction de la culture et du patrimoine de la Ville de Montpellier] depuis juillet 2014, après en avoir été le directeur depuis mai 2011. Il fut précédemment directeur adjoint à la Chartreuse de Villeneuve-lez-Avignon et responsable du Centre national des Ecritures du Spectacle. Après un parcours en dramaturgie (théâtre et cinéma) et mise en scène, il a travaillé au Ministère de la culture comme inspecteur pour le théâtre (1998 – 2003), puis comme chef de l’inspection théâtre au sein de cette même direction de la musique, de la danse, du théâtre et des spectacles (2004 – 2006). Il publie régulièrement sur la question du théâtre et des nouveaux médias dans des revues françaises et étrangères et poursuit une réflexion entre numérique, texte et scène. » (http://lapanacee.org/fr/equipe) ● Baret Boisson (LSY: 3eme in 1978) wrote: “I spent another beautiful summer in Europe! I was based in Versailles where I set up a little studio, and from there took wonderful trips to the Médoc and Bordeaux, Biarritz, Normandy and Arles. I'm back in the states preparing for a solo show of my work at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee this summer. It's called INSPIRING GREATNESS: The Words and Deeds of the Civil Rights Movement. It will be up from June 1- August 31, 2016. One last thing: I just sold my painting of New York to my fellow classmate Nicholas Gleckman ('81) who now lives in Corte Madera, California. So I guess you can take the boy out of New York but you can't take the New York out of the boy! “ ● Sylvain Pascaud (LSY: Terminale in 1981) "a fait ses études de cinématographie au New York University, à l’Institut National des Techniques de la Mer. De 1986 à 1982, il exerce le métier de plongeur professionnel et photographe, participe à des expéditions scientifiques et fait notamment trois plongées sur le Titanic. De 1987 à 1988, il rejoint le Cousteau Society et participe en tant que plongeur, photographe et marin sur Calypso. En 1988, il réalise des documentaires pour TF1, pour France 2, France 3 et bien d’autres chaines. En 1997, il intègre l’Ellipse programme où il n’hésite pas à mettre en valeur ses expériences précédentes, notamment en participant à la réalisation du documentaire Titanic : Anatomie d’un Naufrage. [.....]Sylvain Pascaud multiplie les expériences dans la réalisation et la production et devient Directeur Général et producteur exécutif de Libre comme l’air où sera réalisé le reportage l’A380: l’aventure des essais en vol." (http://prixroberval.utc.fr/outils/interface/?menu=auteur_details&id=2278) Sylvain Pascaud "is a producer and writer, known for La Route: Titanic au delà du naufrage (1998), World's Biggest Airliner: Building the Airbus A380 (2005) and Titanic au delà du naufrage (1998)" (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3123092/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm) ● An article by Bernard Harcourt (LSY: 1ere in 1980) was published in the NY Times (opinion pages) on November 30, 2015. Entitled "Cover-Up in Chicago", it discusses the murder of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald by a police officer and the subsequent cover-up by City officials. (Click on link below to read the article) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Franck Bauchard, directeur de La Panacée, explique le rôle du centre de culture contemporaine. ● Sylvain Pascaud: "D-Day: ils ont inventé le débarquement" - l'interview de l'auteur (Click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1981 -- Franck Bauchard on YouTube -- Sylvain Pascaud on YouTube -- 'Cover-up in Cicago', by Bernard Harcourt Back to Top 1982............................................... In Memoriam: ● Michel Mahé († July 21, 2015) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Bruno Brochenin (LSY: 2nde in 1980) nous informe que « sur un sujet malheureusement d'actualité, Jacques Delga - également avocat et qui fut un de mes professeurs de droit à l'Essec - a coordonné un ouvrage auquel il m'a permis de contribuer. » (Click on link below to see the book --Penser et repenser le terrorisme-- in which an article by Bruno appears) ● Agnieszka Preibisz (LSY: 1ere in 1981) “founded apcon cps in 2010. She laid the foundation for the development of her own architectural and project management office with her education at the renowned AAP (Cornell College of Architecture, Art and Planning) in Ithaca, N.Y. [In] 1991-2002 she was active as an Architect in acclaimed German architectural offices such as Prof. Kleihues, gmp Architekten in Berlin and RKW in Düsseldorf. Later she provided services as Senior Project Manager and Architect to investor- and consulting firms, among others Jones Lang Lasalle GmbH, Gardiner & Theobald GmbH, Freiberger Projektentwicklung GmbH, and expanded apcon portfolio and networks on a national and international level. Apcon pursues research projects and design concepts on urban farming, green architecture and the associated innovative building technologies. Ms. Preibisz is member of the German Associations of Architects.” (http://www.apcon-berlin.de/de/team/teamdetail/with/Team/member/1/do/show/?cHash=cb83fe8bcd7e2afeb06ca7cf836112f7) ● Dorka Keehn (LSY: 8eme in 1974) “is an award winning conceptual artist and social entrepreneur. As the Chief Muse of KEEHN ON ART, she works in diverse mediums including radio, film, and sculpture. Her recent projects include ECO AMAZONS: 20 Women Who Are Transforming the World, the first illustrated book on American women environmentalists and Language of the Birds, the first solar powered sculpture, voted one of the best public artworks in the U.S. by Americans for the Arts. A leader in the women's movement, she is a founder of EMERGE AMERICA, the premier training program for Democratic women who plan to run for political office, and a founding board member of IGNITE, which provides political and civic education for high school and college women. Dorka is currently a Commissioner on the San Francisco Arts Commission; and from 1999 to 2010, she served as a Commissioner on the San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women and chaired the Justice & Courage Domestic Violence project.” (http://www.amazon.com/Dorka-Keehn/e/B004DWZPYM) ● Isabelle Rahman (LSY : 9eme in 1973) is a Partner at Dechert LLP. She “serves European and international clients in Brussels, providing strategic advice regarding merger control and cartel investigations, representing clients throughout the EU investigation process ..... She also handles complaint procedures with the Commission, acting on behalf of clients both as complainant or defendant in relation to claims for abuse of dominant position. Ms. Rahman regularly guides clients through the EU merger filing process and coordinates merger filings with national competition authorities in Europe and in other foreign jurisdictions ..... Education: Université Panthéon Assas (Paris II), Licence en droit, 1985, with distinction ; University of Oxford, B.A., Jurisprudence, 1987." (https://www.dechert.com/isabelle_rahman/) ● Marie-Laure (Brenez) Fourier (LSY : Terminale in 1982) : « C’est en jeune fille passionnée que Marie-Laure Fourier évoque un jour, avec ses parents, la possibilité d’effectuer une formation artistique, ce dont elle a toujours rêvé. « Ce n’est pas un métier pour toi ma fille » s’entend-elle répondre, frustrée. Elle suit alors des études juridiques et décroche son diplôme cinq années après son baccalauréat. Pourtant Marie-Laure a toujours aimé dessiner et peindre. Née en région parisienne, notre quinquagénaire a vécu à l’étranger dès son plus jeune âge. La Mauritanie, Tahiti, le Côte d’Ivoire, Haïti, l’Afghanistan ou encore les Etats-Unis n’ont plus de secrets pour elle. Mariée, elle continue de voyager à travers l’hexagone et découvre de nombreux domaines artistiques : la peinture sur soie à Lyon et Grenoble, la peinture sur porcelaine à Rennes, l’aquarelle et l’encadrement à Paris et la terre à Nantes. En 2006, afin de compléter son cursus artistique, Marie-Laure souhaite s’inscrire aux Beau-Arts à Nantes. Le verdict tombe : « Vous êtes trop âgée pour suivre cette formation ! ». Résignée, elle prend des cours du soir de peinture dans un premier temps puis de terre, matière à laquelle elle consacre tout son temps depuis trois ans. Après la découverte des bases que sont le colombin, la plaque, le travail dans la masse, elle s’initie à l’émaillage en faïence, en grès. Elle fréquente assidument plusieurs associations, Terre et Céramique à Sainte-Luce-Sur-Loire, un atelier de modèles vivants à la Haye Fouassière, le Moulin Gautron à Vertou où elle découvre le Raku. » (http://1jardin1artiste.fr/2012/03/marie-laure-fourier-sculpteur-sur-terre/) ● Nganti Towo (LSY : Terminale in 1982) : « Née au Cameroun, Nganti est l’un des membres fondateurs d’ImagiNation Afrika et travaille avec les enfants, l’art, la danse et la thérapie en Europe et en Afrique depuis plus de 15 ans. Après avoir créé un atelier de danse thérapie pour les enfants de la rue et co-fondé le fameux festival international annuel Kay Fecc, consacré au développement de la danse au Sénégal, Nganti a travaillé comme art-thérapeute et psychomotricienne auprès des enfants handicapés au Sénégal et en France. Nganti croit fermement que les arts créatifs sont de puissants outils pour aider les enfants marginalisés à s’en sortir. » (http://www.imaginationafrika.org/a-propos-dimagination-afrika/notre-equipe/) ● Dr. Michael Kasselian (LSY : 1ere in 1981) “[is a pediatric dentist who] graduated with a bachelor's in science from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck New Jersey. He attended the New York University school of dental medicine and proceeded to a post graduate residency program at St Luke's Roosevelt hospital. Dr. Kasselian spent the following year completing an oral medicine fellowship at the prestigious Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. He then dedicated two more years of study to complete a residency in Pediatric Dentistry at the New York University school of Dental Medicine. Dr. Kasselian is constantly attending continuing education courses to stay at the forefront of his specialty ..... Dr. Kasselian is also part of a dedicated team of traveling dentist that bring dental care to children who are less fortunate worldwide. Dr. Kasselian is a member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the American Dental Association and the New Jersey Dental Association." (http://www.njpediatricdental.com/meet_team.htm) ● Lisa Bialkin (LSY: 5eme in 1977) “L.C.S.W., J.D., is Faculty and Co-Chair at the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, and Faculty at the Institute for Psychoanalytic Education, formerly NYU Psychoanalytic Institute. She is co-author of “Shared Trauma: Group Reflections on the September 11 Disaster” (2003); and co-author of “Mass Violence and Secondary Trauma: Issues for the Clinician” in Understanding Mass Violence: A social Work Perspective (2004).” (http://ipssny.org/about-ipss/coord-com/) ● Mauro Gabriele (LSY: Terminale in 1982) is a partner at VisVires Capital. “[He] is based in Paris. He is responsible for investment analysis and execution and overall portfolio management of VisVires-sponsored investment companies, with a focus on Luxury, Entertainment Media and Europe. As CEO of Banque AIG from 1997 to 2009 (and Chairman from 2001) he was responsible for the bank’s overall operations in Paris, London and Tokyo ….. Mauro has worked for JP Morgan (1987-1990) and AIG Financial Products/Banque AIG (1990-2009). He is an Italian national with a BA and MBA from Columbia University in New York. Mauro is also a CFA® charterholder." (http://www.visvirescapital.com/overview/#ourteam) ● Guillaume Béguin (LSY : 4eme in 1978) : « Né à Paris, Guillaume passa son enfance au Brésil, puis vécu aux États Unis, aux Pays Bas, en Suisse où il apprend la photographie à l’école d’art appliquée de Vevey. Guillaume Béguin, fasciné par la lumière, l’utilise pour transmuter objets, paysages et personnages. Basé à Paris, il travail pour la publicité, le design et la mode, parle français, anglais, portugais et espagnol, et fait d’excellentes caipirinhas! » (http://www.guillaumebeguin.com/#!french-bio/c1mk1) ● Chantal Fabres: “A graduate in International Business and Marketing from New York University’s Stern Graduate School of Business, Fabres began collecting photography in the early 1990s. After completing a Master’s Degree at Sotheby’s in the History of Photography, Fabres went on to specialise in the Pinochet Legacy on Contemporary Chilean Photography. She became a Patron on the Photography Acquisition Committee (PAC) at Tate Modern in 2011/12, advising on their acquisition programme for Latin American Photography. As a nominator for the Prix Pictet in 2015, she took advantage of the platform to promote Latin American artists. Fabres’ knowledge of Latin American Photography has led to productive collaborations with photographers, galleries, curators, critics, and private collectors. She has promoted a wealth of Latin American artists whose work defined the artistic scene in Latin America from the seventies onwards. The important role photography played in this period became the catalyst for an exhibition she curated at the Michael Hoppen Gallery entitled “VOCES: Latin American Photography 1980 – 2010” (October 2015).” (https://uk.linkedin.com/pub/chantal-fabres/22/272/3b5) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Pierre Bonenberger (LSY: Terminale in 1982) talks about working for Viadea (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1982 -- In Memoriam: Michel Mahé -- Pierre Bonenberger on YouTube -- Book with contribution by Bruno Brochenin Back to Top 1983● Kourosh Mahboubian (LSY: 6eme in 1977) "was born in 1965, in New York City. He is an artist, an explorer, an art dealer, and an educator. He is the founder of a children's education company called Wild Blue and the owner of Kourosh Mahboubian Fine Art. He is also a board member of the non-profit Ocean Outreach. Prior to that, his life experiences took him down two distinct paths − one as a professional underwater explorer and the other as a successful art gallery owner." (http://www.naymz.com/kouroshmahboubian791033) ● Jerome Pineau (LSY: Terminale in 1983) told us that he has a new website (click on link below) where it says, in part: "I was born in Paris, grew up in New York City, then lived in New Jersey, California, and Switzerland. I've been an engineer, entrepreneur, sales enabler, technical evangelist, community manager, product marketer, and digital strategist. Yes, all in the same lifetime....." ● Gilles Fontaine (LSY: 7eme in 1976) is a journalist and the Managing Editor of Challenges magazine in France. His articles can be viewed online by clicking on the link below. ● Stephanie von Watzdorf (LSY: 11eme in 1972) :“Born in Neuilly-sur-Seine to a German/French father and a Russian mother, Stephanie moved to New York at age six for school, while continuing to travel back and forth to Europe. After graduating from Parsons School of Design—where she was awarded the prestigious Golden Thimble award by Calvin Klein—she landed her first role as an intern at Yves Saint Laurent in Paris. She spent the next twenty years working with some of the most respected fashion luxury brands including Giorgio Armani, Ann Taylor and Ralph Lauren. In 2004, Stephanie joined Tory Burch where she guided design development and ready-to-wear accessories for over seven years. Now, at last, Stephanie has emerged with her own collection that’s a natural extension of her personal style. The result is Figue: a seasonless brand for women who travel—or dream of traveling—to exotic destinations and who enjoy a lifestyle that is every bit as luxurious as it is bohemian.” (https://www.figue.com/about) ● Paul Joubert (LSY: 2nde in 1981) "is the Head of the French office and Head of European Transactions at Invesco Real Estate Limited. Mr. Joubert works closely with the company's team of portfolio managers, asset managers, and research department to formulate cross-border property investment strategies for clients. He joined the firm in 2004. Previously, Mr. Joubert was a Senior Asset Manager at AWON and a Financial Analyst at Franconor. He is a Director of INVESCO Asset Management Limited. Mr. Joubert has extensive experience of acquisitions, structuring, finance, and development. He has a degree in Architecture and an M.B.A. in International Finance from Beaux Arts - Paris La Seine." (http://www.bloomberg.com/research/) ● Sabrina Birner (LSY: Terminale in 1983) : "Since 1997, I have been consulting to the International Finance Corporation and other clients, on the design, management and evaluation of international projects on water, climate change, and biodiversity & markets. These projects leverage private sector know-how, networks, and resources in order to reduce environmental impacts and risks. Clients: World Bank, 2030 Water Resources Group, International Finance Corporation, Global Environment Facility, UNDP, International Energy Agency, Wild Salmon Center, New Forests, UNEP, various small firms." (https://fr.linkedin.com/in/sabrina-birner-2279483) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Maude Eaton (LSY: 9eme in 1974) , owner of Love of Food, gives a cooking class. (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1983 -- Jerome Pineau's website -- Gilles Fontaine's articles in Challenges -- Maude Eaton on YouTube Back to Top 1984● Dr. Nadine A. Pantano (LSY: Terminale in 1984) “After graduating from the Lycee Francais de New York, [she] completed her Bachelor's Degree in Art History at Bryn Mawr College. She received her Masters Degree from the Courtauld Institute, University of London and a Doctorate from the University College of London, both in Art History. While pursuing her Doctorate, she lectured periodically at the University College of London and then taught as an adjunct Professor at Birkbeck College, University of London for five years. Upon returning to the United States, Dr. Pantano became a docent for the Polk Museum of Art.....as well as an adjunct Professor at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Florida, where she taught for 14 years.....Her work has been published in the Oxford Art Journal, and by the International Congress of Art History: "Cemetery Politics in 19th-Century Paris: The Manipulation of Memorial, Memory and Mourning" .....In addition Dr. Pantano has been co-owner and operator of Oak Ridge Funeral Care with locations in Haines City and Winter Haven, Florida since 1999.” (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/nadine-pantano/89/a59/46b) ● Fabienne Zwerling (LSY: Terminale in 1984) is a Purser at United Airlines. ● Corinne le Cam (LSY: 4eme in 1980) « réalise l’ensemble de sa carrière dans le secteur du tourisme et des loisirs, acquérant une large expérience marketing et commerciale auprès de grands groupes œuvrant dans le domaine (Disneyland Resort Paris, La Compagnie des Alpes, Visit France/Visit Europe et CityVision). Avant de rejoindre le groupe CityVision, elle accompagne la mise en place de synergies entre Visit Europe et sa maison mère TravelEurope, qui a acquis le tour opérateur en 2009.....Nommée, en 2012, comme directrice générale adjointe du groupe CityVision, rassemblant les marques Cityrama, ParisVision, Privatours, Paris L’OpenTour et la Marina de Paris, Corinne Le Cam est chargée des affaires commerciales et marketing du groupe et devrait « renforcer la présence de CityVision sur les marchés et développer les points de vente ». (http://www.lechotouristique.com/carnet-des-decideurs/le-cam-corinne,54693) ● Grégoire Tézé (LSY: 7eme in 1977): “After studying in the US in business management, Grégoire benefits today from a financial experience accumulated over more than 20 years. Financial analyst at Paribas from June 1989 to February 1991, Grégoire then joined Arthur Andersen in October 1991, as auditor and financial consultant, up to August 1998. From September 1998 to October 2009, he was responsible for international affairs, then marketing, followed by the Singapore office for EIM. In February 2010, Grégoire took over the responsibility of the Singapore office for RAM Capital, up to July 2013. He co-founded Compagnie des Métaux Rares SA in September 2013.” “ Grégoire holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management from Clark University, USA. He likes to dedicate his spare time to scuba-diving, tennis and skiing. Grégoire was born in 1966 and lives in Singapore.” (http://www.etops.ch/front_content.php?idcat=65 AND http://luganofundforum.ch/en/sponsors/teze-gregoire-partner-cdmr/) ● Anne-Juliette Maurice (LSY: Terminale in 1984) “is the General Manager of Hotel Plaza Athénée New York, a 142-room.....boutique hotel [in NYC that] has created a home away from home for royalty, world leaders, celebrities, executives and sophisticated travelers from all around the world since 1984. With more than 20 years of experience in hotel management, [her] prior roles include the position of Director of Sales and Marketing at the Langham Place, Fifth Avenue.....Ms. Maurice also held positions.....[with the] Morgans Hotel Group, which included opening and launching Mondrian South Beach and Mondrian Soho. Prior to that, she was Director of Sales & Marketing at Swissotel The Drake (NY) and Director of Sales at Le Parker Meridien (NY). Ms. Maurice also worked for the Essex House under Nikko and Westin and was a member of the opening team of Euro Disney in Marne la Vallée, France.” (http://hotelexecutive.com/author/1109) ● Samantha Traxler (LSY: 8eme in 1976) is an English teacher at the Lycée Chateaubriand de Rome, and a 1992 graduate (English and French literature) of the Università degli Studi di Pisa. (https://it.linkedin.com/in/samantha-traxler-3a894216) ● Martin Béchard (LSY: 8eme in 1976) is the Chief Technology Officer at Oceanwide Inc. He “has been in software development for over 25 years, and worked in a number of world-class organizations such as Bell Northern Research, Mitel (now Zarlink Semiconductors), Hydro-Quebec and Equifax Canada. .....Martin joined Oceanwide in May 2005 to lead a group of analysts and developers specialized in the use of integration technologies to build a robust and comprehensive architecture and platform to manage all Oceanwide’s integration projects.....Martin has a degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Waterloo.” (http://www.oceanwide.com/company/management/martin-bechard-chief-technology-officer/) ● Nicolas Zart (LSY: 5eme in 1979) shared this with us: “I signed a book deal with the SA publishing house -- I'm co-authoring it. It will be on how to convert any car to electricity. The book should be out in a year. I'm still covering the world of electric mobility and renewable energy in Los Angeles globally and after a two decade break, I'm back doing Tai Chi Quan and Chi Gong! Besides that, I'm hoping my next books will be more about society and how we interact with each other. I've changed my title to Green Mobility Humanist & Futurist.” (Click on link below to access Nicolas’ website) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Anne-Juliette Maurice: "Une française à la tête de l'hôtel mythique Plaza Athénée" (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1984 -- Anne-Juliette Maurice on BFM Business Back to Top 1985● Matthew Caws (LSY: 2nde in 1983) wrote: "Hi classmates, I'm still busy with Nada Surf, the band I've been in with Daniel Lorca ('85) since 1994. I sing and play guitar and he plays bass. Our eighth album is called "You Know Who You Are" and will be out on March 4th, 2016. We'll be touring through Europe in April and through the United States in May. To see our tour dates go to www.nadasurf.com. The band's Facebook page is also a good place to stayed informed about what we're doing. I'm active on my own Facebook page as well as on Twitter and Instagram. Let's connect there!" ● Cinthia Levy (LSY: Terminale in 1985) sent this message for her classmates: "Salut les amis d’il y a bien longtemps: J’habite à Lausanne, je suis mariée et j’ai 3 (grands ) enfants. Je suis avocate et médiatrice et j’enseigne à l’université de Lausanne et de Genève. Si l’un d’entre vous est de passage à Genève ou Lausanne, faites-moi signe. Même si on prend quelques rides, le cœur d’enfant reste au rendez-vous, surtout quand on regarde les photos de notre fête du dernier jour au Lycée, blouses blanche de labo et farine à gogo. :-)Au plaisir de vous redécouvrir." (Cinthia also sent us a photo of her and her family. Click on PDF file below) ● Daria (Maazel) Steketee (LSY: 4eme in 1981) wrote: "I would like to share the news that I am having an exhibition of my latest artwork and invite all Lycée alumni to attend. It is taking place in Paris, from March 29 to April 17, 2016 at the gallery L'Oeuil du Huit (http://oeilduhuit.com), 8 rue Milton, Paris 9ème. They can also go to my website for more information. " (Click on link below to access Daria's website. Also, click on PDF file below to view two of Daria's recent sculptures) ● Yael Melamede (LSY: 1ere in 1984) "is the co-founder of SALTY Features - an independent production company based in NYC whose goal is to create media that is provocative, entertaining and enhances the world. Melamede’s newest film and directorial debut “(Dis)Honesty - The Truth About Lies” was released to great critical acclaim in May 2015. Melamede’s recent films include INOCENTE, directed by Sean and Andrea Fine, winner of the 2013 Academy Award for Best Documentary Short; WHEN I WALK, directed by Jason DaSilva, winner of a 2015 News and Documentary Emmy; and DESERT RUNNERS, directed by Jennifer Steinman, winner of multiple awards in the US and around the world. Other producing credits include: BRIEF INTERVIEWS WITH HIDEOUS MEN, THE INNER LIFE OF MARTIN FROST, and MY ARCHITECT, nominated for an Academy Award in 2004. Melamede was trained as an architect before becoming a filmmaker." (https://www.linkedin.com/in/yael-melamede-0367765) ● Pascal Pewinski (LSY: 9eme in 1976) is “Chief Commercial Officer at AREVA H2Gen, a European industrial start up, that builds innovative hydrogen solutions for the industry and the renewable energies sector.” (fr.linkedin.com/in/pewinski/en) ● Paulo Pinto Da Silva (LSY: 2nde in 1983) is an International Flight Attendant/Purser at American Airlines. ● Jessica (Gordon) Ryan (LSY: 8eme in 1977) "is a lifestyle writer, photographer and memoirist with a stellar reputation as a trendsetting bon vivant. The stylish and vivacious owner/creative director of The Entertaining House.....has garnered attention from top brands, designers and celebrities from around the world. The connoisseur looks back to early summers and later years spent in Europe for much of her inspiration. For her design prowess, she draws upon the influence of her maternal grandmother, a published designer, who told her that all (decorating) rules were meant to be broken.....Her flair for elegance, grace and sophistication is gleaned from the classics but never in a predictable way, as it is her bent to infuse timeless sensibilities with bright, bold colors and patterns. She believes that all style should have a sense of playfulness and whimsy, and she very much favors the unexpected. Jessica writes dexterously about culture across the board—from lifestyle and food to fashion and décor. Her writing and photography have been featured in both local and national publications. She was recently selected to be a Global Lighting Tastemaker and The Entertaining House was selected as one of the Top 100 Interior Design Blogs for 2014 and 2015.” (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/jessica-moseley-gordon/1a/937/114) ● Marc Svensson (LSY: 9eme in 1976) “ is a random artist with special interest and expertise in comic books. He’s a collector of Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age comics, and everything in between. As a painter, he’s had solo shows in New Jersey and Manhattan, and he has participated in group shows at the APA Gallery in Soho. Marc was born to a Swedish father and an American mother and spent his early years in Canada attending French schools.....He moved with his family to the U.S. when he was seven years-old and attended Lycée Francais de New York.....At the age of ten, he switched to an English-speaking school where all of his creativity and artistic curiosity was promptly extinguished. “Art class was conducted in an unventilated basement at my new school, and it often involved rubber cement. I felt that the teacher was trying to kill me—and the art supplies probably were. I went from being creative and imaginative in the classroom to being a rubber cement fume-induced zombie. The good news is it stopped me from caring about what other people thought of my art. My art became much more personal.” From the age of five, Marc has had a love of comics in all forms and began collecting whatever he could get his hands on.....His interest in original comic book creators continued into young adulthood when he conjured opportunities to meet many of these artists, some of whom became mentors and close friends.....As a comic historian, Marc has been featured on WBAI’s “’Nuff Said” radio program in New York City. He is also a regular contributor to Interlac, a publication devoted to the DC Comics science fiction superhero team the Legion of Super-Heroes. Marc is also a writer and cartoonist. His two main cartoon creations are Totemhead and Mouse Major.....Marc has an undergraduate degree in visual arts from Bowdoin College and an MBA in finance from Cornell University. He is a Kukkiwon-registered fourth-degree black belt in Tae Kwon-Do; but mostly he is a husband and full-time dad to his three sons.” (http://www.wizardworld.com/marcsvensson.html) ● Annas Allaf (LSY: 7eme in 1978): “.....Despite his vastly diverse musicianship skills in different genres (clearly a direct result of having been raised all over the world), Michael Heart [Annas’ stage name] has an affinity for authenticity and purity when it comes to his music. When he makes a Pop/Rock record, you just know it’s a Pop/Rock record. Such is the case with his debut Pop/Rock CD titled “Unsolicited Material” ..... Michael’s background is as diverse as can be. Born in Syria and raised in Europe (Switzerland and Austria) and the United States, he has lived a multi-cultural life and absorbed the music of different parts of the world ..... He started out on piano and guitar at age 10. Shortly thereafter, he began dabbling in songwriting and eventually made the natural progression towards recording. After earning his audio engineering degree from Full Sail (recording school), he moved to Los Angeles in 1990 and spent the past 20 years working on the local studio circuit both as a session guitarist and a recording engineer ..... Michael’s fluency in French was definitely an added bonus when he also worked in the studio with French artists ..... Although most of Michael’s work has been in the recording studio, he has also done some touring (notably back in the early 90’s, when he toured as a Flamenco guitarist in a guitar trio..... Michael has also written songs in support of various causes. The most recent song, "What About Us" was written about the tragic situation in Syria. The song "Freedom" was inspired by the popular protests in North Africa and the Middle East. His song "We Will Not Go Down" was written about the horrific situation of the Palestinian people in Gaza. Michael also wrote a song called "Help is on the Way", about the devastating earthquake in Haiti, in 2010. These days, when he is not working on his own original music, Michael lends his production skills working with local artists in the Los Angeles area.” (http://www.michaelheart.com/about.htm) ● Sandrine Poitou (LSY: 2nde in 1983) is a Professional photographer in Cagnes-sur-Mer. (Click on link below to access her website) ● Mathias Hautefort (LSY : 2nde in 1983) est Directeur général délégué de Netgem. « Après un début de carrière au Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de l’Industrie, Mathias Hautefort réunit quinze ans d’expérience de Direction Générale d’entreprises dans le secteur Telecoms-Médias : successivement, Lyonnaise Câble jusqu’à sa cession par le groupe SUEZ, Viaccess (Groupe Orange), Pace dans le cadre de l’intégration des activités du groupe Philips pour en faire le leader mondial des décodeurs, et videofutur pour conduire sa mutation du physique au digital. Suite à la fusion entre Videofutur et Netgem, il devient Directeur Général Délégué du Groupe en 2013. Mathias Hautefort, 47 ans, est ancien élève de l’Ecole Polytechnique et de l’ENST. » (http://edition2015.colloque-npa.fr/portfolio-item/mathias-hautefort/) ● Zouera Youssoufou (LSY: Terminale in 1985) “is the managing director and CEO of Dangote Foundation, based in Lagos. In this role, she leads the Foundation’s efforts to improve the health, nutrition and educational outcomes for the less fortunate, primarily in Nigeria and in Africa ….. Prior to joining Dangote Foundation, Youssoufou was the World Bank Country Manager for Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Sao Tomé and Principe. As such, she was the front-line person in the relationship with all three Governments ….. Youssoufou was responsible for developing the World Bank’s engagement strategies and overseeing the implementation of World Bank projects in the three countries. Prior to this, Youssoufou spent 6 years at the International Finance Corporation, where she led the Global Women in Business Program (WIN) ….. creating opportunities for women entrepreneurs in the developing world, specifically in Access to Finance. She joined the World Bank Group in 2005 from Citigroup’s Smith Barney unit in New York and Atlanta ….. Her previous experiences include working with the European Union on private sector development issues, and management consulting with Deloitte & Touche in Ghana. Youssoufou holds an MBA in Finance from New York University’s Stern School of Business and a BBA in Marketing from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst’s Isenberg School of Business. She is fluent in English, French, Spanish and Hausa.” (http://philanthropyforum.org/members/zouera-youssoufou/) ● Adrienne Falcon (LSY: 4eme in 1981) “(University of Chicago, PhD) is a Visiting Lecturer [at Carleton College. She] focuses on urban sociology, sociology of youth and community organizations, environmental sociology and ethnography of Latin America. She has conducted research on a diverse immigrant community in Chicago and on youth and education in Cuba and Ecuador. Her current work focuses on questions of power and social change through community organizing. She teaches courses in introductory sociology, urban sociology and ethnography of Latin America.” (https://apps.carleton.edu/profiles/afalcon/) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Pascal Pewinski discute le « Le défi de l'Hydrogène » ● Yael Melamede talks at a local TEDx event about her (Dis)Honesty Project (Click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1985 -- Cinthia Levy and family -- Sculptures by Daria (Maazel) Steketee -- Pascal Pewinski on YouTube -- Sandrine Poitou's website -- Yael Melamede on YouTube -- Daria (Maazel) Steketee's website Back to Top 1986● Judith (Hoenig) Adelson (LSY: Terminale in 1986) told us that she " has moved to Pittsburgh, PA where her husband Rabbi Seth was appointed spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Shalom, a conservative synagogue. Judith has progressed down to 97 cartons left to unpack from a starting point of 250." ● Elizabeth Tichenor (LSY: 12eme in 1974) shared this with us: "I am working as an investigative analyst for a Pharmaceutical company in Stamford in Corporate Security in the Law Enforcement Education department. Our group works to educate healthcare and law enforcement on preventing prescription drug diversion. I earned my bachelor’s degree in Liberal Studies from SUNY Purchase College and an MBA in Leadership and Management from the John F. Welch College of Business at Sacred Heart University. During a business trip in 2013 to Cleveland, Ohio, I caught up with Lara Benett Adler (’86) , it was so much fun to see her, we reconnected as if no time had passed even though it had almost been 30 years since we had seen each other!” ● Laurent Guengant (LSY: 1ere in 1985) “leads the Global Bid Data and Analytics program for the Communications Media and Entertainment (CME) sector at Hitachi Data Systems (HDS). Mr. Guengant has over 20 years of experience in Telecoms and IT, both as a strategy consultant and as an operational manager. During his career ..... Prior to joining HDS, Mr. Guengant was an Associate Partner at Gartner Consulting, in charge of Go-to-Market activities for Southern Europe, covering both fixed and mobile operator’s technology and business strategies. Mr. Guengant holds an Engineering degree in Computer Science from EPITA in Paris, and an MBA with a specialization in Finance from the SDA Bocconi School of Management in Milan.” (http://networkintelligenceworld.com/speaker/laurent-guengant/) ● Heba El-Abbadi (LSY: 2nde in 1984) is a Professor of Drama in the English Department of Cairo University. She “graduated from the English Department, Cairo University in 1990 and received her M.A from The American University in Cairo in 1996, and Ph.D from Cairo University in 2001….. The title of her Ph.D is "The Cultural Matrix of Modern Treatments of Shakepearean Themes." She is interested in contemporary, modern and classical drama theories, in Shakespearean studies, in modern and contemporary theatre trends, and cultural studies. She participated in many symposia and published papers on gender studies, ecocriticism, metatheatre, intertextuality, the marginalized, and interdisciplinary papers between drama and sociology and drama and legal theories. She has been teaching the following courses since 2001: British and American Drama, Critical Reading & Writing, and Culture. She is also a member of the English Department International Symposium on Comparative Literature organizing committee since 2006.” (http://scholar.cu.edu.eg/?q=heba-ea/biocv) ● Jean-Gabriel Neukomm (LSY: 6eme in 1980) “is a Founding Principal at SPAN architecture in New York. His projects spanning 20 years cover a wide range of luxury residential, institutional, hospitality, urban planning and retail projects. Projects have included residences for Calvin Klein, Ian Schrager, and Fabien Baron; retailers such as Calvin Klein Collection, Pringle of Scotland, Custo, and Frame Denim; and developers Rockrose, Gotham, and Greenland USA. He earned his M.Arch. at Princeton University, and his B.A.in philosophy from Haverford College.” ( http://www.lcdawards.com/ambassadors/jean-gabriel-neukomm-1/) ● Paul Grigaux (LSY: Terminale in 1986) “is vice president of Transmission, Substations and Operations in the Transmission and Distribution (T&D) organization at Southern California Edison (SCE). Elected to that position in December of 2013, he is responsible for all grid operations, substation construction and maintenance, and transmission activities including system performance, reliability, compliance, and emergency response and restoration. Previously, Grigaux was director of Grid Operations in the Power Delivery unit at SCE, responsible for operating the company’s transmission and distribution system that serves a population of nearly 14 million people across 50,000 square miles, as well as responding to all system emergencies.....Prior to joining SCE, Grigaux held management positions with AREVA T&D and ALSTOM T&D, both based in Philadelphia, as well as First Energy and BOC Gases, both located in New Jersey. Grigaux earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York City, and an MBA in finance and international business from New York University.” (http://www.edison.com/home/about-us/leadership/southern-california-edison-leaders/paul-j-grigaux.html) ● Sov (Sovarong) Leang (LSY: Terminale in 1986) is the CEO and Founder of Sun-eee Pte. Ltd., in Cambodia. "We develop and operate renewable energy utilities in rural Cambodia, to provide electricity where there is none and raise the living standard there." He obtained a Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences) from the University of California, Berkeley in 1995. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/sov-sovarong-leang-784124) ● Veronica Pougnand (LSY: 6eme in 1980) “started working for Home Instead Senior Care as a CAREGiver. She proved to be a great caregiver & a good crisis manager, after having successfully handled many challenging situations. This, combined with her good interpersonal skills & prior office management experience, allowed Veronica to transition easily into the Staffing Coordinator position. Her experience in caregiving allows her to understand the clients & CAREGivers' needs & enables her to make the perfect match. Veronica is proud to be a part of the Home Instead Senior Care family because she has seen first-hand and understands the value of home care.” (https://www.homeinstead.com/346/about-us/home-instead-team) ● Yan Moyaux (LSY: Terminale in 1986) “is a fraud detection architect with 25 years of software development experience within IBM. For the past 19 years, he has been transforming IBM's fraud, waste and abuse detection solutions across industries while specializing in healthcare claims and tax compliance. [He] has successfully designed and implemented innovative new solutions with governments and companies throughout the US, Canada, South America and the European Union.” (https://www.linkedin.com/in/yan-moyaux-83134170) Yan is also a photographer, and his work can be seen by clicking on the link below. -- Classnotes Archives, 1986 -- Yan Moyaux's website Back to Top 1987● Nathalie (de Svastich) Clark (LSY: 3eme in 1984) “is a full-time local real estate professional who specializes in lower Westchester County, including Larchmont, Mamaroneck, Rye, Rye Neck, Scarsdale, New Rochelle and Pelham ..... Fluent in French, Spanish and English, Nathalie moved with her family to Westchester after growing up in both Manhattan and Paris ..... Nathalie's prior 20 years of business experience in the financial arena further honed her expert negotiating skills and ingrained in her the real value of developing creative marketing approaches .....“ (http://nathalieclark.elliman.com/about) ● Gregory Noveck (LSY: 4eme in 1983) "served as Senior Vice President of Creative Affairs of DC Comics for eight years. He helped start SYFY Films, through which he produced films and acquired several projects for development including properties from Imagine, George R.R. Martin and Michael Tolkin. He made it his mission to expand the brand beyond Superman and Batman, and worked on A History of Violence, Constantine, Watchmen, Jonah Hex, The Losers, and Green Lantern for Warner Bros..... Prior to that, he worked at CBS Entertainment's Business Affairs and was Senior Vice President, Creative Affairs and Producer of Platinum Studios. Along the way he worked on a number of films and TV shows including Homicide: Life on the Street (NBC), Oz (HBO), Nash Bridges (CBS), The Show (Film), Hard Eight (Film), Highlander: The Series (USA), and La Femme Nikita (USA) ..... He has been Member of Strategic Advisory Board of Rightscorp, Inc. since November 25, 2014." (http://www.bloomberg.com/) ● Alexia Vikis (LSY: 1ere in 1986) is an Assistant Professor of Spanish at George Mason University. She "completed her undergraduate and graduate degrees at George Mason University -- B.A. 1993, M.A. 1996, D.A. 2002." (http://mcl.gmu.edu/people/avikis) ● Armand de Vallois (LSY: 1ere in 1986) is a partner at Kurt Salmon. "Armand intervient au sein de la practice Consumer Goods de Kurt Salmon ou il a la responsabilité des problématiques liées à supply chain. Après des études de gestion, complétées par un MBA à Babson College à Boston aux USA, il démarre sa carrière chez PricewaterhouseCoopers comme consultant en organisation. Il rejoint Kurt Salmon en 2006 ou il traite exclusivement des projets relatifs à la Supply Chain dans le secteur de la Distribution (Grande distribution alimentaire, distribution spécialisée bricolage, culture, meuble, cosmétique, grands magasins) et dans la Restauration....." (http://www.kurtsalmon.com/fr-fr/Retail/vertical-team/Equipe) ● Natasha Labaze (LSY: Terminale in 1987) "is an English teacher at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her parents are Haitian and moved to the United States in the 1960s. Her late mother instilled her with a love for Haiti. She has recently published a prose poem entitled, “Reflections on Water” in the online literary magazine, Tanbou (click on link below). She has also published a piece, “Love Letter to Haiti” in Bronx Biannual, Issue 2." (http://writersofhaiti.com/natasha-labaze/) ● Ali Haddou Ruiz (LSY: Terminale in 1987) is a Partner at Agon Economía y Derecho (a consulting firm in Mexico City specializing in competition, regulatory and international trade issues). He "was Executive Secretary at the Federal Competition Commission (CFC) from 2005 to 2013, where he was in charge of coordinating its technical staff and presenting all investigation, merger and regulated markets cases to the CFC’s board. Between 1996 and 2004, he was Advisor to the Head of the Economic Deregulation Unit of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and then Coordinator of Regulatory Impact Analysis at the Federal Regulatory Improvement Commission (Cofemer). From 1993 to 1996 he worked at the Mexican government’s NAFTA Office in Washington, DC. He has participated in diverse competition and regulatory reform projects with APEC, the World Bank and the governments of Korea and Uruguay. He holds a BS in Industrial Engineering from Columbia University and a master’s degree in international science and technology policy from George Washington University." (http://agon.mx/english/about-us/ali-b-haddou/) ● Julien Sevaux (LSY: Terminale in 1987) "is Founding Partner of Stanhope Capital. He has over 20 years’ experience in wealth management and corporate finance for substantial entrepreneurial families and their businesses. He is a former board member of Worms & Cie, the diversified family group, which in 1973 founded Permal, a pioneer fund of hedge funds. Prior to co-founding Stanhope Capital, he was a principal in Lehman Brothers’ Private Equity Group and Senior M&A Banker in the firm’s New York and London offices. Julien received his MBA from New York University’s Stern School of Business, is an alumnus of Oxford University and holds a BA in History and Economics from Brown University." (http://www.stanhopecapital.com/team/partner-and-senior-directors/julien-sevaux/) ● Sophie Gest (LSY: Terminale in 1987) sent this to us: "I'm writing from Marrakech where we live almost all year round -- except for the summer months that we spend in France, too hot here. Here's a recent pic of me with our new dog James (not even one year old on that pic!)" Editor's note: Sophie "co-founded Navidor Merchant Services in 2007. She oversees the Operations for Navidor, in the United States and in Europe. She supervises budget execution, and develops strategic partnerships. Sophie has 22 years of international experience in general management and operations. She has supervised numerous startups and reorganization projects in a variety of industries in the USA, Europe and Africa. She has served in an executive capacity at several private companies in the medical, automobile, telecommunications, retail, advertising and lodging industries. Sophie holds a Masters degree in Management from The University of Paris Dauphine." (http://navidor.com/aboutus.asp) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Eugenia (Marruzzo) Schalaudek (LSY: Terminale in 1987) co-stars in the 1990 movie "Alberto Express" ● Gregory Noveck is interviewed and talks about the story of DC Comics ● Natasha Labaze talks about her poem "Hunger" ● Astrid Froidure (LSY: Terminale in 1987) talks about banking and investing at MeDirect Bank. ● Danielle Knott (LSY: Terminale in 1987) talks about working at Carmeuse (a Belgian mining company which produces lime and limestone) (Click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1987 -- Eugenia Marruzzo co-stars in 'Alberto Express' -- Gregory Noveck on YouTube -- 'Reflections on Water' by Natasha Labaze -- Natasha Labaze on Vimeo -- Astrid Froidure on Vimeo -- Danielle Knott on YouTube Back to Top 1988● Assia Bedjaoui (LSY: 6eme in 1982) shared this with us: “The LFNY was a memorable experience, even if it was a long time ago from 1979 to 1982 ! As an international lawyer, I worked 15 years for UNESCO in Paris in the Culture Sector where I was in charge of safeguarding cultural heritage, through the international UNESCO Conventions, Committees and worldwide projects. I then studied Communication linked to Culture and Tourism. I am now creating my Bed and Breakfast in the historic Marais district, right next to the Picasso Museum in the heart of Paris. My B & B is called Parc Royal Marais and will open next Spring 2016, most probably in April. The website address is http://parcroyalmarais.com/en/ [click on link below]. You can also follow me on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/parcroyalmarais/" ● Ramy Rakotomalala (LSY: Terminale in 1988) told us that she "is a licensed Realtor at Exclusive Properties Sotheby’s International Realty in New York. Ramy was raised in a diplomatic community in various countries and is an avid traveler. A Bachelor's degree in International Marketing from Baruch College and a Masters degree in Marketing from St. John's University have secured her positions in sales and project management in various industries such as hospitality, Internet Technology, high-end luxury products and mortgage banking." (Click on link below to access her web page at Sotheby’s) ● Jonathan Gomez-Trochez (LSY: Terminale in 1998) “is a manager in the Global Immigration practice of Ernst & Young LLP in Canada. He has more than four years of experience serving and advising mid- to large-size corporate clients in various industries across several continents ….. on business immigration issues. Jonathan’s primary focus is on developing and delivering immigration compliance and advisory services to help clients manage their short-term business traveler populations ….. Jonathan holds a JD degree from Brooklyn Law School and a BA degree in Political Theory from Princeton University. He is a fluent speaker of French and Spanish.” (https://webforms.ey.com/EL/en/Our-people/Jonathan-Gomez-Trochez) ● Gersende Rambourg (LSY: 3eme in 1985) “is a French journalist born in Canada and raised in NYC. She works for AFP (Agence France-Presse), a global news agency. She is currently based in Paris as general news editor, focusing on the judiciary and educational matters. She previously wrote food and fashion features, after taking a year off to go to cooking school and working as a line cook in different Parisian restaurants. Gersende also worked as a reporter in Washington DC from the fall of 2001 to 2006, covering the Pentagon during the beginning of the Iraq war and then the judiciary, focusing on enemy combatant stories, Guantanamo and the Moussaoui trial. She has also done extensive reporting in Beijing during the 2008 Olympics, Cyprus, and covered French politics, covering Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin in 2006-2007.” (http://www.womens-forum.com/speakers/gersende-rambourg/241) ● Sébastien Desnault (LSY : 8eme in 1980) : « Diplômé de l’université Paris Ouest en économétrie, sciences politiques, de l’Institut Français du Pétrole et après des premières expériences chez GFI, Saint Gobain et Atos Odyssée, Sébastien a participé au lancement d’Equinox Consulting en 2004. Spécialisé dans la gestion des risques et les systèmes d’information, il réalise des missions d’accompagnement des directions des risques des institutions financières sur des sujets liés à la prise en compte des évolutions réglementaires et à l’implémentation des dispositifs de suivi des risques. Il co-leade la practice Finance et Risques Management d’Equinox-Cognizant et se concentre plus particulièrement sur l’animation et le développement des offres Risques, notamment sur les sujets liés aux risques de crédit (dispositifs des risques, aspects réglementaires, aspects quantitatifs et systèmes d’information). » (http://www.equinox-cognizant.com/qui-sommes-nous/les-associes/) ● Anya Chenaux-Repond Dupraz (LSY: Terminale in 1988) : « Je suis née à Cologne en Allemagne et – mes parents étant voyageurs – j’ai vécu en France, en Turquie, au Japon et aux Etats-Unis pour m’installer ensuite à Genève où j’ai fait des études de lettres, linguistique et littérature comparée. Tous ces voyages m’ont ouvert l’esprit et ils ont véritablement éveillé en moi un intérêt approfondi pour les langues et la compréhension interculturelle. Je suis parfaitement bilingue du fait que l’allemand est ma langue maternelle et que j’ai suivi ma scolarité dans des écoles françaises pour une large part. Après mes études, j’ai enseigné le français et l’allemand à l’Ecole-club Migros de Genève. En 2000, je me suis installée à Bâle et, depuis, je me consacre entièrement à la traduction. J’ai trouvé ma voie et j’aime ce que je fais: traduire des mots certes, mais surtout un message. » (http://www.chenauxrepond.ch/fr/a-propos) ● David Schulhof (LSY: 9eme in 1979) “joined IM Global in December 2014 as President of IM Global Music. Previously, Schulhof was a Managing Director at G2 Investment Group, an offshoot of New York private equity firm Guggenheim Partners, focusing on the firm's media investments. Prior to G2, Schulhof was Co-Founder and CEO of Evergreen Copyrights which between 2005 and 2010 pursued an aggressive global acquisition strategy, acquiring 26 music and music-publishing catalogs, and signing dozens of international songwriters and composers ..... Before launching Evergreen, Schulhof was Vice President of Motion Picture Music at Miramax and Dimension films, overseeing music, music publishing, music supervision and soundtracks for the Studio. Prior to joining Miramax, Schulhof was a lawyer at the law offices of Pryor Cashman Sherman and Flynn, representing film, music and TV clients. He began his career at Interscope Records and graduated from the NYU School of Law and Georgetown University.” (http://www.imglobalfilm.com/executives/david-schulhof) ● Liliane Bwakira-Rutayisire (LSY: 2nde in 1986) is a co-founder & Managing Member of K2I Global Markets, LLC. “She is multilingual with over 14 years spent working on issues surrounding global investors and investment decisions, including more than ten years of Wall Street capital markets experience..... Liliane was Senior Corporate Governance Specialist ..... at the New York Stock Exchange and subsequently held the position of Principal Analyst ..... before joining Business Solutions – NYSE at the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority in June 2010. Prior to joining the Stock Exchange in 2005, Liliane was a Global Index Manager in Portfolio Services at Standard & Poor’s in New York since 2000 and previously served as an Economist at the United Nations Development Programme. A committed philanthropist and woman of strong faith, she has volunteered tirelessly with organizations such as God’s Love We Deliver and has served on the Advisory Board ..... of Agahozo Shalom Youth Village in New York [helping to] to educate and empower orphaned and vulnerable youth in Rwanda. Liliane holds a Master of International Affairs, International Finance and Business, from Columbia University and a Master of Science, Mineral Economics, from Michigan Technological University. She also holds an undergraduate degree in Economics from l’Université du Burundi .....She now lives in South Florida with her husband and two daughters.” (http://k2iglobalmarkets.com/our-team) ● Carole Dupeyron (LSY: Terminale in 1988) " is an unusual artist; after graduating from business studies (Columbia University 92 - HEC 94), she realised that her attraction to painting was too strong to have a traditional career. She studied drawing and painting in New York, where she lived for 7 years, and London, where she lived for 13 years. That was going to influence her work over the next decade: pure lines, plain colours and the extensive use of lights are reminiscent of some of her favorite skyscrapers. She now works in her studio in Paris where she lives with her husband and her three children." (http://www.caroledupeyron.com/bio.html) (To view her artistic creations, click on link below) ● Nathalie Fabri (LSY: 10eme in 1978) "was born to Belgian parents who traveled extensively around the world, and who collected many works of art. Within the walls of her homes, she was influenced by books and paintings that came from Africa, the Middle East and Haiti. Her early memories of wanting to be an artist stemmed from observing the colors in these paintings. Painting vibrant colors, she has developed her unique style by painting urban landscapes with emphases on Victorian houses in San Francisco and street scenes in Montreal. She has sold her art to patrons around the world and specializes in commissions of "House Portraits". Nathalie also illustrates children's books in bright watercolors. She is currently working on her 4th book. Nathalie spends her time between her homes in San Francisco and Montreal." (http://www.fabrikations.com/about.html) (To view her artistic creations, click on link below) ● Khalil Houri (LSY: 1ere in 1987) "is an American artist of Lebanese origin. He was raised in Lebanon, Greece and France before settling in New York in 1981. He attended Boston University after graduating high school from the French Lycee of New York. He is interested in languages, Arabic, English, French, Spanish and Greek. After several years in a successful restaurant business, he decided to change perspective and focus on his artistic interest. His creations express his involvement in spirituality and Zen living. He is currently residing in New York City after a three years stay in France where he started developing his series of Buddha images." (http://khalilbuddha.webs.com/) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Nicholas Sadron (LSY: 10eme in 1978) promotes Innovation at the Silicon Valley, Baltics Global Entrepreneurship Week. ● Rodrigo Herrera Vegas (LSY: 6eme in 1982) talks about renewable energy. (Click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1988 -- Carole Dupeyron's website -- Nathalie Fabri's website -- Nicholas Sadron on YouTube -- Rodrigo Herrera Vegas on YouTube -- Ramy Rakotomalala web page Back to Top 1989● Giordano Benassi (LSY: 2nde in 1987) sent us this update: “A little story of myself: After the LFNY I moved to Italy and finished school there ( BAC- C ). At that time the BAC exam was held in Chambery (a French town quite far from Milan – half day trip by train ). We all went there and spent some 10 days from the first written exams to the last oral exam. I have a very good memory of that time: Around 40 boys and girls together in a hotel. I’ll let everybody imagine how much time was spent on studies !! After that, I continued my studies at Aeronautical Engineering in Milan. During those years I appreciated a lot the LFNY experience since many books were in English and would have been hard to study otherwise. I then moved to Rome, and then to Carpi, a small town near Modena. Modena is the town of super car: Ferrari, Maserati and Pagani are built tere. But it is also where where all hydraulic equipment is manufactured. I worked for some companies and then set up my own company. Very small but with customers worldwide today we have reached 79 different countries ). You can have a look on the internet --www.euromatsrl.eu-- if you like. For sure, what I have learned in French schools has always helped me. Speaking a good French and English permitted me to have strong relationships with French companies and with those in French speaking countries. Also, the international education that all of us alumni have received is a plus in all what we do. This year, I participated in a meeting of ALFM ( anciens des lyçées français du monde ) which was held in Milan during the EXPO 2015. It was a great pleasure and a very interesting experience to participate actively in this event where we discussed the future of ALFM and how this network can work better. Many countries from throughout the world where represented : ASIA ( Japan ) , EUROPE (Italy, Austria, Denmark), AFRICA ( Maroc, Senegal) and AMERICA ( Colombia,Chile) ! I wish a wonderful 2016 to everyone, hoping it will bring more peace everywhere.” ● Shigefumi Tomita (LSY: 6eme in 1983) told us that he is “currently the Assistant Professor of Jazz Pedagogy and Performance at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.” (To access his website, click on link below) ● Mahery Rakotoarivony (LSY: 2nde in 1987) : "I started my professional career in Guadeloupe working for a restaurant where I learned how to cook Afro-Caribbean specialties and also vegan specialties. At the same time I meet a disk jockey named Kandia who introduced me to the "wheels of steel." Ever since then it as been in that field of work that I've been expressing myself going from Dj to stage show host to artist management to stage technician. Today I have gotten involved in the television industry working for the BBC on a TV series and some video clips." (https://fr.linkedin.com/in/mahery-rakoto-19818639) ● Brice Challamel (LSY: 4eme in 1985) is the founder and CEO of Act One. "When I joined the Boston Consulting Group. , I started teaching Innovation Management at Sciences-Po and HEC, where I have been a professor for 14 years now (at the Msc, MBA and Executive MBA levels)..... Twelve years ago, I founded a consultancy called Act One to deliver innovation methods through training, conferences, seminars and project management.....Early accomplishments from our French clients include Daily Monop’ for retailing or iDTGV for train transportation. Along the way, I wrote 3 books on this topic, one of which has a second edition in libraries since 2013." (https://fr.linkedin.com/in/brice-challamel-2330a920/en) ● Carole Aubert de Vincelles (LSY : 4eme in 1985) « est professeur en droit privé à l’Université de Cergy-Pontoise depuis 2009, après avoir exercé six ans à l’Université Jean-Moulin-Lyon III en tant que professeur, et une année à l'Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2) en tant que Maître de conférences. Après sa thèse de doctorat soutenue à l’Université Panthéon-Assas [.....] elle a passé le concours d’agrégation de droit privé et de sciences criminelles en 2003. [Elle] a co-fondé le réseau européen d’experts en droit « Trans Europe Experts » en 2009 dont elle est aujourd’hui secrétaire générale. Elle a également participé à la fondation de l’Institut européen du droit dont elle est membre du conseil d’administration [.....] Elle est également membre de la Société de Législation comparée et de l’Académie internationale de droit comparé. [Elle] a co-dirigé plusieurs ouvrages de droit européen [.....] et a publié de nombreux articles en droit français et européen des obligations. [....] Elle est aujourd'hui directrice de l'Ecole doctorale de droit et sciences humaines, membre du Conseil d'UFR de la Faculté de droit et membre du conseil scientifique de la Fondation de l'Université de Cergy-Pontoise. » (https://www.u-cergy.fr/fr/_plugins/mypage/mypage/content/caubertd.html) ● Christophe Charlier (LSY : 7eme in 1982) wrote and told us that he and "Alexandre de Beauharnais ('89) have resumed their friendship after many years. However, instead of the judo tatami, their rivalry has progressed to the ping pong table. They are now exploring various interesting projects together in film and environmental issues." Editor's Note: « A 41 ans, Christophe Charlier est, depuis son arrivée au sein de l’équipe NBA des Brooklyn Nets, le premier Français à présider le conseil d’administration d’une franchise de sport professionnel en Amérique du Nord. Arrivé aux Etats-Unis à l’âge de huit ans, l’ancien banquier de Wall Street joue un rôle clé dans l’implantation du club à Brooklyn et rêve d’aider les Nets à atteindre les sommets de la meilleure ligue de basket-ball du monde. Dans l’organigramme des Brooklyn Nets, entre le propriétaire russe Mikhail Prokhorov d’un côté et les actionnaires minoritaires de l’autre, un nom à consonance française saute aux yeux : Christophe Charlier. Et pour cause, le président du conseil d’administration, numéro deux derrière le milliardaire moscovite, est français [....] Né à Paris en 1972, Christophe Charlier a huit ans lorsque son père est muté aux Etats-Unis pour raisons professionnelles : "la société où il travaillait voulait se développer en Amérique du Nord et toute la famille a suivi", se souvient le quarantenaire. Destination New York. "C’était quelque chose de fou pour mon frère et moi de voir des buildings, d'énormes voitures et des gens partout. Au début, j’étais comme dans un rêve", sourit le financier. Il suit sa scolarité au Lycée Français de New York, puis décide de faire des études de finance après avoir vu le film Wall Street avec Michael Douglas et Charlie Sheen. "J’avais 15 ans et je me suis rendu compte après avoir visionné ce long-métrage que je voulais être banquier", souligne Charlier. Parti suivre un cursus universitaire à la célèbre école de finance Wharton, en Pennsylvanie, le jeune Français réalise son rêve lorsqu’il est engagé par JP Morgan au milieu des années 1990. "Aller travailler à Wall Street pour une très grande banque d’affaires était pour moi quelque chose d’énorme. Je me souviendrai toujours du sentiment de fierté que j’éprouvais à chaque fois que je sortais du métro en voyant les plaques "Wall Street" un peu partout", se rappelle encore aujourd’hui le financier [.....] » (http://www.france-amerique.com/articles/2013/03/28/christophe_charlier_au_coeur_des_brooklyn_nets.html) ● Emmanuel Besnier (LSY: Terminale in 1989) est Réalisateur/ Journaliste/Chef opérateur indépendant. Il est diplomé de l'Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme de Paris et de l'Université Nancy 2 (Deug Culture et Communication). (https://fr.linkedin.com/in/emmanuel-besnier-41582b25/en) ● Leila Abrous (LSY: 1ere in 1988) is an Adjunct Professor (of chemistry) at California State University San Marcos. She has a PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/leila-abrous-86710b1) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Nathalie Caplet (LSY: 5eme in 1984) talks about her job at CAP SCIENCES (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1989 -- Shigefumi Tomita’s website -- Nathalie Caplet on YouTube Back to Top 1990● Shahrzad Elghanayan (LSY: Terminale in 1990) is a "journalist with 20 years' experience as writer, op-ed contributor and news photo editor at news organizations including The Associated Press, Bloomberg News, The New York Times, The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times. [She is] writing a book about Habib Elghanian, Iranian industrialist and Jewish community leader, set against the lead-up to the Iranian Revolution. [She is] concurrently working on a photography project, "Dolls & Doyennes," a candid portrait of women in New York streets. [She] graduated from Columbia University with B.A. in political science [and is] fluent in French and Farsi." (https://www.linkedin.com/) (Click in link below to access Shahrzad's website) ● Reza (Saadlou) Bundy (LSY: 8eme in 1982) is an “entrepreneur with a history of leveraging technology to add value and reduce "friction" in established markets. Reza is the founder of IronPlanet, the leading online inspection-based marketplace focused on the $100 billion used capital goods market.....Prior to founding IronPlanet, Reza was lead research analyst at Bain Willard Companies [where] he researched and evaluated investment opportunities across a broad range of industries. Prior to that, Reza worked for The Economist Intelligence Unit, The International Herald Tribune and ABC News. Reza attended the University of London, where he majored in International Studies. He served as a research associate at the Harvard Business School .....Additionally, Reza completed all executive education courses at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School for Government. Reza drives a 1998 Audi A6 he purchased sight unseen on eBay motors while traveling overseas.” (https://www.crunchbase.com/person/reza-bundy#/entity) ● David Critchell (LSY: 10eme in 1980) “Flashing Amber LLC marries the work experience and skills of David Critchell and [his wife] Courtade Critchell. David is a Coast Guard-licensed Captain who has worked on passenger vessels in the New York area for over 10 years. Prior to that he was a print journalist, covering the Bronx for The New York Times and later writing investigative features for Rolling Stone, GQ and The Independent, among others .....” (http://www.flashingamberny.com/galleries/movie-boats) ● Sandrine Cormary (LSY: 1ere in 1989): “LONDON, Feb. 4, 2014 — FleishmanHillard [a global communications firm has] appointed Sandrine Cormary to lead its Paris office. She will assume responsibility for the firm’s business in France and join FleishmanHillard’s EMEA management team.....Cormary has a highly versatile communications background. During the past 16 years, Cormary, having started her professional life as a journalist, has acquired experience in agencies and publishing houses.....She laid the foundation of her communications career with academic studies on Law, followed by studies at the Paris School of Journalism (Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme de Paris) and CFPJ (Centre de Formation et de Perfectionnement des Journalistes). She has lived a substantial amount of years abroad, from as far as West Africa and New York to as close as London.....” (http://fleishmanhillard.com/2014/02/news-and-opinions/fleishmanhillard-appoints-sandrine-cormary-general-manager-paris-office/) -- Classnotes Archives, 1990 -- Shahrzad Elghanayan Photography Back to Top 1991● Aline de Laforcade (LSY: 2nde in 1989) shared this with us: ““I currently live between Brussels and Ibiza, am married to Stéphane Ways, and have 2 daughters, Eva (3) and Stella ( 1 ½). I am a holistic nutrition counselor (www.alineways.be), and have a weekly column in La Libre, one of the two French language daily newspapers.” (Click on link below to access Aline's website) ● Cordelia Newlin de Rojas (LSY: 3eme in 1988) told us that she “is the voice behind Multilingual Mama, where she chronicles her parenting adventures in raising her two global girls abroad. She currently resides in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where she homeschools her children, battles toxic haze, and wields a can of mosquito spray as Brienne of Tarth does her sword. She has appeared in a number of anthologies and is a regular contributor to Blunt Moms*, InCultureParent, and Mamalode*. She can't decide if she is more excited by being quoted in the New York Times* or the Wine Connection shop opening up across the street. In 2016 she is joining the team of bloggers at HappyGoKL.com and, like many New Yorkers, getting her first driver's license now that she is middle age." (*Click on links below to access Cordelia’s articles on BluntMoms.com, and to access the other websites cited in Cordelia's message) ● Geraldine (Thuillier) Lerch (LSY: 5eme in 1986) was widely quoted in the French media in July, when she wrote an open letter explaining why she and her family were leaving France and moving to Canada, because of the great difficuly of doing business as a small entrepreneur in France: « Cette lettre signée par un couple de propriétaires de maisons d'hôtes dans le Vaucluse a connu un succès retentissant sur Facebook. Près de 100 000 partages et 130 000 likes. La tribune de Géraldine Lerch-Thuillier publiée le dimanche 5 juillet a connu un retentissement spectaculaire. Dans ces quelques lignes, la propriétaire de maisons d'hôtes dans le Vaucluse explique son intention de quitter la France pour s'installer en famille au Canada. "La France, c'en est trop, écrit-elle. La coupe est pleine nous te quittons pour un pays où la réussite est bien vue, où la création est encouragée." Un coup de gueule qui en rappelle d'autres et qui a visiblement fait écho. "J'ai écrit ce texte il y a deux mois mais j'hésitais à le publier car je craignais un peu la mauvaise publicité, explique Géraldine Lerch-Thuillier. Mais à un mois de notre départ pour le Canada, je me suis décidée...... » (http://lentreprise.lexpress.fr/creation-entreprise/adieu-france-la-complainte-d-un-entrepreneur-qui-seduit-facebook_1697426.html) ● Guillaume Daudin (4eme in 1987) est Professeur des Universités à l’Université Paris Dauphine. Il est « diplômé de l’ENSAE, [et] a fait sa thèse en économie à la London School of Economics et à Paris-I. Il a travaillé et enseigné à HEC, Cambridge, Stanford, l’OFCE (Centre de recherche en économie de Sciences-Po) et l’Université d’Édimbourg. Il a été professeur des universités en économie à l’université Lille-I et chercheur associé à l’OFCE. Ses spécialités sont l’histoire économique moderne et la mondialisation commerciale. Sa thèse a été publiée sous le titre Commerce et prospérité: la France au XVIIIe siècle. Ses publications les plus récentes portent sur le commerce intérieur français au XVIIIe siècle, le bureau de la Balance du Commerce et le commerce en valeur ajoutée actuel. » (http://www.laviedesidees.fr/_gdaudin_.html) ● Karine (Leonhard) Beers (LSY: 2nde in 1989) "is a litigation consultant and manages client development for Digital Evidence Group. She has more than 10 years of experience advising leading law firms and their clients on the most effective presentation strategies to use at trial and has worked on hundreds of cases over the years pertaining to all areas of law ..... Karine routinely conducts CLE presentations to litigators nationwide regarding the use of digital case presentation in the courtroom. She received a Maîtrise en Droit, the French equivalent of a J.D., at the University of Nanterre in Paris, France, and a master’s of law (LLM) from the Marshall-Wythe School of Law at the College of William and Mary.” (http://digitalevidencegroup.com/about-us/) ● Nathalie Dembele (LSY: Terminale in 1991) "had a longtime desire to be in business for herself, yet her search was hastened by a downturn in the economy. About eight years ago, Dembele moved to Mount Kisco while working in the Human Resources Department for PepsiCo in Somers. Soon after she was out of a job, laid off just as the recession was hitting full ….. Dembele, who was born in Paris but moved to New York with her parents as a child, was always interested in fashion. Several years ago she established her own knitwear company while working various full-time jobs ….. Since April 2013, Dembele has transitioned into the role of independent stylist. She sells jewelry -- Dembele describes the merchandise as “affordable luxury”–and accessories, such as scarves, wallets and handbags …. What Dembele also likes about company [where she works] ….. is that it encourages its partners to engage to be socially responsible. As many as eight times a month she engages in outings for charity ….. Dembele, who still has family in France but hasn’t been back since 2006, said she feels fortunate that she did not follow her first inclination to move out of Mount Kisco once she lost her job at PepsiCo. Her son enjoys going to West Patent Elementary School and on weekends he often accompanies her on her outings to see customers or go to shows.” (http://www.theexaminernews.com/know-your-neighbor-nathalie-dembele-stella-dot-independent-stylist-mt-kisco/) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Benoît Berthou (LSY: Terminale in 1991): "Mangaphilie, mangafolie ?" (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1991 -- Benoît Berthou on YouTube -- Aline de Laforcade's website -- Cordelia Newlin at BluntMoms.com -- Cordelia at Mamlode -- Cordelia quoted in a gun-control article in the NYTImes Back to Top 1992● Orson Alcocer (LSY: 1ere in 1991) is a Partner at the law firm DLA Piper (Madrid). “[He] joined in 2009, and now advises Spanish and international clients on all aspects of real estate investments, development, funding, construction, management and commercialization. He has been involved in a wide range of real estate transactions, including financings, portfolio sale and purchase, structuring and launching of funds and commercial leases. [He] qualified from Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU. ‘’ (https://www.pie-mag.com/no_cache/event-details.html?event_id=84) ● Fabrice Grinda (LSY: 3eme in 1988) “is among the world’s leading Internet entrepreneurs and investors .....Fabrice has served as CEO for three multinational companies and has an impressive track record as an early investor in Alibaba, Lending Club, Delivery Hero and Brightroll. Fabrice is currently investing in startups and building companies through FJ Labs, which he cofounded with business partner Jose Marin .....Prior to FJ Labs and Beepi, Fabrice was co-founder and co-CEO of OLX, one of the largest websites in the world with over 200 million unique visitors per month ..... Before OLX, Fabrice was co-founder and CEO of Zingy, one of the largest wireless media companies in the Americas ..... Fabrice started his entrepreneurial journey in 1998, at 23, when he co-founded and was CEO of Aucland ..... Before his entrepreneurial endeavors, Fabrice worked as a management consultant for McKinsey & Company. Fabrice holds a BA in Economics from Princeton University. He graduated Summa Cum Laude in 1996, and was awarded the Halbert White prize, given to the most distinguished economics student, as well as The Wolfe Balleisen memorial prize, awarded for best thesis. In his free time, Fabrice likes to travel the world, kitesurf, play tennis, and blog about his personal and professional life at www.fabricegrinda.com.” (http://www.fabricegrinda.com/about-me/) ● Clémence Badault (LSY : Terminale in 1992) : « Diplômée du Celsa (promo ‘98) j'ai fait mes premières armes à Radio France puis à France 3. J'ai ensuite rejoint la rédaction de Lundi Investigation, travaillé au Magazine de la santé, réalisé des reportages pour Envoyé Spécial avant d'intégrer l'équipe de "Faites entrer l' accusé" pendant quatre ans. J'ai rejoint la rédaction de Sept à Huit en 2011. » (http://lci.tf1.fr/sept-a-huit/l-equipe-de-sept-a-huit-8482780.html) ● Francesca Geens (LSY: 10eme in 1982) is an IT Support & Infrastructure professional. “As Director of Digital Dragonfly, [she] provides services for self-employed professionals to make their computers function in a cost effective and efficient way. Additionally she is a Director at Nimbulus Consulting, an established cloud computing specialist helping businesses decide whether they should be moving into the cloud. Francesca studied at The Courtauld Institute of Art, London and achieved a BA Honors, MA and PhD in History of Art.” (https://www.besmartaboutart.com/speaker/6/francesca-geens) ● Maya Kabbani Hilal (LSY: 5eme in 1987) is the owner of Spa-Tacular, a beauty salon in Beirut, Lebanon for “trendy boys and girls.” ● Milke Ababiya (LSY: 5eme in 1987) is a Senior Communication Specialist at Delta Airlines in Atlanta, Georgia. -- Classnotes Archives, 1992 Back to Top 1993● Wouter van Daele (LSY: Terminale in 1993) wrote: "I still live in my hometown of Brussels where I work as an architect and try to make a better city for tomorrow. I got married on the 6th of July 2013 to my wonderful wife Christina Draps. My son Matthias van Daele was born on 12/12/2013 and is turning two tomorrow. I am in regular contact with Nicolas Serin ('93) who also lives in Brussels less than a mile away from my house." ● Jean-Louis Richiardone (LSY: Term. in 1993) "is a licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist with a Masters degree from ACTCM in San Francisco, California. Jean-Louis has been a licensed healthcare practitioner since 2005, and has been serving communities in the Bay Area since 2006. He brings to his current practice extensive clinical experience as a New York licensed Massage Therapist, and from graduate and post-graduate internships at hospitals and medical clinics such as the California Pacific Medical Hospital (Division of Post Surgery Rehabilitation), the Haight Ashbury Medical Clinic, and the prestigious Chengdu Hospital of TCM, in Chengdu, China. He also served as an acupuncturist aboard the Holland America Line, M.S. Zuiderdam, and provided over 800 treatments for conditions ranging from acute and chronic pain and illness, to weight management and everything in between....." (http://westberkeleywellness.com/) ● "JLL Hotels & Hospitality Group a annoncé le recrutement de Thomas Krynen (LSY: 10eme in 1983) en tant que Négociateur Hôtels. Il sera basé à Marseille et interviendra dans des transactions hôtelières inférieures à 15 millions d'euros. Il participera également au développement de l'activité Conseil dans le Var et les Alpes-Maritimes. Il dispose de 10 ans d'expérience dans le secteur de l'immobilier. Il a vendu des hôtels pendant 4 ans sur la côte méditerranéenne et a précédemment travaillé pour Century 21 en tant que conseiller immobilier puis manager. Il a ensuite intégré Christie & Co comme négociateur." (http://www.tourmag.com/JLL-Hotels-Hospitality-Thomas-Krynen-nomme-Negociateur-Hotels_a69151.html) ● Gael Huser (LSY: Terminale in 1993) is a scientist at the CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives). He obtained a PhD in Physics from the Ecole polytechnique in 2004. ● Alice Mérieux (LSY: Terminale in 1993) est journaliste à Challenges (un mensuel économique et financier). (Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour voir ses articles) ● Dominique Bolli (LSY: Terminale in 1993) is the Chief of Staff at Coutts Bank in Zurich: “Dominique joined the Bank in October 2011 as the Chief of Staff and was appointed to the General Management Committee on 1 October. Coming to us from UBS where he was Head of Business Support France International and having previously worked at ING and JP Morgan, he brings with him over 15 years of experience in the Private Banking sector.....He is also responsible for the Bank’s Business Risk Management and Strategic Execution teams." (http://international.coutts.com/en/about-us/general-management-committee/dominique-bolli/#) ● Gilberte Cuvilly (LSY: 5eme in 1988) is a Special Education teacher with the NYC Department of Education. ● Nicholas (‘Nick’) Shaw (LSY: 8eme in 1985) “comes to Exetor with 15 years of experience working as an operations and change management consultant. He has worked in a variety of industries, including financial services, retail, higher education and food and beverage.....Nicholas spent the early part of his career implementing solutions to improve processes and increase efficiencies. He developed a knack for using effective facilitation to assist teams in creating improvement solutions. He has repeatedly leveraged this skill while leading numerous companywide change management and organizational development programs. Nicholas is also a certified coach, helping individuals and business leaders maximize their potential. He has helped his clients find personal and professional clarity by building self-awareness and defining their visions. Education: B.S. in Business Administration, Georgetown University and M.B.A., Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California” (https://www.exetor.com/about-us/bios/shaw.html) ● Jessica (Weizmann) Nelson (LSY: 2nde in 1991) is a Managing Partner of CareGround: “Born and bred in New York City, Jessica has always had that knack for all things energetic and fast-paced. Her past experience includes a very long stint in advertising and marketing for big and small brands such as IBM, Intel, Pepsi and BrightZoo (a company she started a few years back). Jessica juggles many jobs with infectious enthusiasm including being a wife, mom-of-two, and now a devout brand ambassador for CareGround --a company she co-founded after struggling for nine years as a caregiver to her mom with Frontal Temporal Degeneration, a dementia better known as FTD. She experienced firsthand the lack of resources and support to help her and her family manage the ever-changing landscape of care-giving. And so Jessica, along with her talented colleagues, created CareGround – an online destination helping caregivers with elder resources. For CareGround, Jessica manages design, content development, marketing and PR, partnerships, web site optimization, CRM and business development.” (http://careground.com/about/meet-management/) ● Gregory Gineys (LSY: 6eme in 1987) is a co-founder of Wingstream and “an aviator and inventor with many years of experience in the aerospace industry.....His goal as an entrepreneur is to bring awareness and simplicity to the exclusive and prestigious aircraft trading industry.....Greg leads the product design team in creating meaningful experiences through intuitive design, focusing on simplifying and perfecting the aircraft sale process. His goal is to create a connection with the end users and enhance the life of every users who uses the Wingstream technology. In his free time, Greg likes to volunteer in restoring vintage warbirds and racing them.” (http://www.wingstream.com/our-team.html) -- Classnotes Archives, 1993 -- Alice Mérieux à Challenges Back to Top 1994● Pierre Daudin (LSY: 7eme in 1987) was kind enough to share with us two of his poems -- "Même pas peur" and "Guillemette." (Click on PDF file below to read his poems) ● Pauline Fraisse (LSY: 8eme in 1986) wrote: “I am still using my website, www.paulinefraisse.com, to show my artwork and to sell art classes and art supplies. I do portraits, paintings and watercolors upon request. For individuals or companies. I teach individual / group / family / birthday and private event classes, teaching people how to draw what they see in a fast and expressive way.” (Click on link below to access Pauline’s website) ● Julien Ponthus (LSY : Terminale in 1994) is a Senior Correspondent at Thomson Reuters. To read some of his recent articles, click on link below. ● Anouk Masson Krantz (LSY: Terminale in 1994): "Born and raised in France, Anouk Masson Krantz moved to New York City in the mid 1990’s. She has since traveled the world to explore and photograph the peaceful elements of humanity, both across cultures and in the natural world. Anouk made her first trip to Cumberland Island over a decade ago and continues to return each year as a source of inspiration and strength. Over time, she has captured the calm and peaceful spirit of the isolated population of wild horses as well as their pristine natural surroundings. “Wild Horses of Cumberland Island” is one of several collections. Her work has appeared in several renowned galleries and has earned accolades from the International Photography Awards." (http://www.anoukkrantz.com/about/index.html) ● Alexandre Albin-Mondoloni (LSY: Terminale in 1994) est « avocat au Barreau de Paris depuis plus de 10 ans, Il défend devant le Tribunal correctionnel ou devant la Cour d’assises [....] Il traite, devant le Tribunal correctionnel, de nombreux dossiers concernant les infractions à la législation sur les stupéfiants, le blanchiment, le trafic d’armes, les associations de malfaiteurs, les vols, délits routiers, escroqueries, abus de biens sociaux, infractions économiques et financières, abus de confiance, violences, etc. Devant la Cour d’assises, il intervient dans des affaires d’assassinat, de séquestration suivie de mort, de viol, de terrorisme, etc. » (http://albin-avocat.com/?page_id=289) ● Isabelle Sajous (LSY: Terminale in 1994) is an Associate General Counsel at Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn. She “joined the firm in 2014. Prior to CRM, she was Of Counsel at Morrison & Foerster LLP. Isabelle began her career as an associate at Shearman & Sterling LLP. She received a BA from Yale University and her JD from Harvard Law School.” (http://www.crmllc.com/our-firm/people/legal-compliance/) ● Dr. Séverine Chavel (LSY: Terminale in 1994) "is a dermatologist in Stamford, Connecticut and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Stamford Hospital and VA Connecticut Healthcare. She received her medical degree from Yale University School of Medicine (2004) and has been in practice for 11 years." (http://health.usnews.com/doctors/severine-chavel-656138) ● Kenneth Winston Wood (LSY: 7eme in 1987) is engaged to marry Giulia Pignatelli in June, 2016. (https://www.theknot.com/us/giulia-pignatelli-and-kenneth-winston-wood-jun-2016) ● Julie Vallat (LSY: 11eme in 1983) : « Après des études de philosophie et un DEA obtenu à l’EHESS en Etudes comparatives sur le développement, Julie a commencé son parcours professionnel dans le secteur de la solidarité internationale au sein d’ONGs agissant en Afrique et en Asie du Sud-est, et au siège de l’UNESCO à Paris. Après avoir été directrice de l’association Agir Pour le Cambodge, Julie a rejoint la Fondation de France, où elle a notamment occupé les postes de Responsable de la collecte de fonds et Responsable de Fondations sous égide. Elle a ensuite séjourné pendant deux années aux Etats-Unis où elle a réalisé, pour l’agence de conseil Faircom New York, des études de faisabilité et de positionnement pour des organismes culturels et caritatifs européens souhaitant se faire connaître et collecter des fonds aux Etats-Unis. Julie collabore avec différents acteurs du secteur philanthropique, dans le cadre de missions variées : mécénat/programmes, études et recherches, fundraising/communication, prestations opérationnelles et rédactionnelles. » (http://www.cerphi.org/qui-sommes-nous/julie-vallat/) ● Christopher Grinda (LSY: 5eme in 1989) “is the online marketing manager of his family’s business, Guarantee Floridian Pest Control, headquartered in Miami. As his career choice would indicate, Chis is an analytical guy ….. Originally from the New York, Chris attended high school at the prestigious Lycée Français de New York in Manhattan and graduated from Connecticut College (2000) , where he was a member of the crew team, practiced karate and wrestled.” (http://kediet.com/chris.html) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Irina Prentice (LSY: 5eme in 1989) talks about UNRWA's services in Syria during the ongoing conflict there (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1994 -- Poems by Pierre Daudin -- Pauline Fraisse's website -- Press articles by Julien Ponthus -- Irina Prentice on YouTube Back to Top 1995● Nicolas Remy (LSY: 1ere in 1994) wrote: "My wife, Heidi, and I resumed our around the world sailing trip, and after visiting Vanuatu (July to October), we have now reached Australia. As always, you can follow our travels on http://journal.belle-isle.eu/ (in French). If you wish to receive our newsletters or simply get back in touch, please feel free to do so through the contact form on our site. We wish all of you the very best for the new year, and send you Southern hemisphere Season's Greetings from Tasmania." ● Caitriana Demmer-Thornberry (LSY: 7eme in 1988) : « Je suis une irlandaise déracinée de 31 ans qui vît et travaille à Marseille. Je suis venue m'y installer en 1999 dans le but de me former à la poterie. Je pensais, également à ce moment là être en route pour l'Afrique, la vie en a décidé autrement ..... J'ai commencé ma formation en apprenant à tourner, au sein de l'atelier de Marouane ABDELOUHED, qui a été mon maître d'apprentissage durant deux ans ..... J'utilise un grès blanc que je mélange à la porcelaine et ce afin de donner plus de clarté aux couleurs de mes émaux ….. J'ai ensuite eu l'occasion de travailler avec, et pour, différents potiers, et des artistes d'autres domaines d'expression.....Le travail de la terre est pour moi un retour aux racines ; j’adopte le métier de ma grand-mère : la céramique. » (http://caitriana-ceramiste.blogspot.fr/) ● Gwenaëlle Gobé (LSY: Terminale in 1995) “is a storyteller, filmmaker, animator and artist. Born in San Francisco to French parents, she grew up bilingual, speaking French at home and English out in the wild. This juxtaposition of cultures shaped her worldview and prompted her to chronicle the search for identity, meaning, and belonging in her art. Using the mediums of documentary and photography, Gwenaëlle’s films capture real-life events and personal portraits with emotion, energy and poetry. Her recent feature documentary This Space Available explores the impact of visual pollution on cities and people on a global scale. The film premiered at DOC NYC and screened in festivals and institutions around the world including at Mumbai Film Festival, Moscow Film Festival, Warsaw Museum of Art, Columbia University and Beijing Design Week. Her short King of the Line follows 5 pioneers of Subway Graffiti Art in New York City as they describe the struggle to inhabit public space with their art and signature. It won best documentary at BeFilm ..... Her work has been shown internationally including in Shepard Fairey’s Subliminal Projects in Los Angeles, French Institute Alliance Française in New York, the Institute of Visual Arts in London and printed in Swindle Magazine, 3x3 Illustration Annual, Desert Island’s Smoke Signal and Obey the Giant Clothing. She is also the creator of the self-published comic book series The Diary of Stephanie.” (http://www.gwenaellegobe.com/about-1/) ● Julien Guyot de St. Michel (LSY : Terminale in 1995): « Boulanger de métier et par conviction, Julien Guyot de Saint Michel, 35 ans, vient de s'installer au Fournil de Vennecy [en 2012]. Après un parcours plutôt atypique, il s'est décidé à franchir le pas pour devenir son propre patron, dans son établissement. Il est toujours possible de faire du pain. Pour lui, le pain demeure une denrée essentielle, c'est quotidien, le pain c'est la vie. Julien Guyot de Saint Michel et la boulangerie ne font qu'un. Le pain c'est universel et peut même constituer un vecteur de rassemblement et de solidarité. Dans le cadre d'un projet de développement, il a mis son savoir-faire au service de jeunes d'Inde et du Vietnam. Il a montré aux enfants de la rue qu'il est toujours possible de faire du pain, de se nourrir, de gagner sa vie et de se faire plaisir et faire plaisirs aux autres. De retour en France, il a passé quatre ans au fournil de Briare avant de s'installer à Vennecy. Julien Guyot de Saint Michel affectionne, avant tout, les farines fines et naturelles que lui permettent de fabriquer des produits sains et de qualité artisanale, et du pain bio. » (http://www.larep.fr/loiret/actualite/pays/pithiverais-beauce/2012/04/13/une-nouvelle-tete-au-fournil_1142820.html) ● Laura Poretzky-Garcia (LSY: 7eme in 1968) “is the Creative Director of Été Swim. Born in France and raised between Paris, Rio de Janeiro and New York, Laura’s international upbringing has strongly influenced her work, which blends French femininity, Brazilian sensuality and American simplicity. Prior to launching Été Swim, Laura founded Abaeté, a complete line of ready-to-wear that embodied her unique spirit and design aesthetic. She has presented her collection at New York Fashion Week, where she received wide acclaim and was awarded the UPS Sponsorship for New Designers. A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, Laura’s designs have appeared in Vogue, Elle and Harper’s Bazaar, and her creations have graced the likes of Kate Moss, Rachel Bilson and Jennifer Aniston.” (http://www.eteswim.com/ETE_Swim/ete_founders_Laura_Poretzky-Garcia_Lily_Maddock_Lauren_Santo_Domingo.html) ● Tim Nutt (LSY: 4eme in 1991) is a “music activist” and the founder of Sutros (a place where musicians can share their music through the creative commons. Listeners can download free music, listen to mp3s, and discover new and local musicians.) “Since his early days in Paris, Tim has been passionate about everything musical. He earned a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University. In 2001, he started Streetnote, a non-profit record label, and has since been involved with many music organizations around the Bay Area. In 2004, he co-founded Chisel Design with Graham Myhre.” (https://www.crunchbase.com/person/timothy-nutt#/entity) ● Dr. Arielle Fenig (LSY: Terminale in 1995) “is board certified in both pain management and anesthesiology. After receiving her medical degree from New Jersey Medical School, she did a transitional internship at Maimonides Medical Center and completed residency training in anesthesia at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital of Columbia University College and Surgeons. This was followed by a fellowship in pain management at the Manhattan Center for Pain Management at the same institution. She has extensive experience in interventional pain management and ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia.....Dr. Fenig is an associate physician at Icahn Medical School at Mount Sinai. A native New Yorker, Dr. Fenig lives with her family in Brooklyn." (https://www.mountsinai.org/profiles/arielle-o-fenig) ● Stephanie Cabrera (LSY : Terminale in 1995) “grew up in New York and studied film at McGill University in Montreal. Her first camera, a purple LeClic, travelled with her to New Orleans, France and Kenya as she discovered a passion for photography and an ability to tell stories through it. It was the influence of her architect father however, that has done most to shape her photographic style. Surrounded by blueprints and architectural drawings at her family home, her photographs have a graphic and illustrative quality that is immediately distinctive. Stephanie’s work is often described as emotional, subtle and truthful. She is a storyteller, but her images are never contrived or predictable. As she herself says, ‘The perfect shot keeps you on the edge of your seat but you don’t quite understand why.' " (https://www.theartfulproject.com/our-artists/stephanie-cabrera) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Ines Chaalala (LSY: Terminale in 1995) présente une dimension clé du Programme Ettakatol 2014, celle du développement durable et de la décentralisation. ● Gwenaëlle Gobé talks about her film "This Space Available" at the 45th Annual Worldfest-Houston Independent Film Festival. (Click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1995 -- Ines Chaalala on You Tube -- Gwenaëlle Gobé on YouTube Back to Top 1996● Dr. Dimitris Xanthos (LSY: 6eme in 1990) is an Adjunct Lecturer at the Medical University of Vienna. He obtained a Ph.D. in Behavioural Neuroscience at McGill University in 2008. ● Gerard Honig (LSY: Terminale in 1996) is the founder and CEO of Symbiotic Health, a company that “leverages the power of naturally-occurring gastrointestinal bacteria (the microbiome) to improve human health based on its proprietary technology for the targeted delivery of therapeutic bacteria using stable oral capsules.” Gerard “is a cross-functional leader who directs and coordinates business development and research activities. Gerard received his PhD in Biological Sciences from UCSF, where he was a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellow. He has trained in pathogenesis and microbiome research in several leading laboratories. In 2013, he founded Symbiotic Health to develop microbiome-based therapeutics to address critical public health challenges. He has received numerous awards for this work, including the FIGHT CDIFF Innovator Award and the NewYorkBIO Life Science Entrepreneur Fellowship.” (http://www.symbioticbio.com/) ● Gustaf Demarchelier (LSY: Terminale in 1996) graduated from Pepperdine University and is currently the Assistant Vice President at Zurich Financial Services. “The financier in love with surfing: Originally, I am part French and part Swedish but I was born in New York where I recently returned to live. This is where I was raised but in a way that was definitely very European: I attended the French school in New York. As a kid, I spent my holidays in St.Barth, which is where I developed a passion for windsurfing first – at the age of 12 – and later on for traditional surfing. Surfing has become a part of what I am today: it is a sport, a philosophy and a way to experience nature, interpersonal relationships and holidays…It was for love of this sport, which has a spiritual connotation for me, that I spent some years of my life in California, studying at the Pepperdine University of Malibu. Today I live and work in New York in the area of finance and insurance. My life has changed a good deal, but my passion for ocean waves has never diminished.” (http://www.tods.com/en_us/portraits/the-picture-of/gustaf-demarchelier-portraits/) ● Emily (Allen) Hornblower (LSY: 10eme in 1986) shared this with us: “As of last summer, I started teaching in New Jersey prisons as part of the NJ Scholarship and Transformative Education in Prisons Consortium (http://njstep.newark.rutgers.edu/). It is "an association of higher education institutions in NJ that works in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Corrections and State Parole Board, to provide higher education courses for all students under the custody of the State of New Jersey while they are incarcerated, and assist in the transition to college life upon their release into the community.....” I taught History 101 (Western Civilization) last summer, at the medium-security Northern State Prison in Newark. This was one of the most rewarding and enriching teaching experiences of my life. In 2016 I will be teaching at the maximum-security East Jersey State Prison in Rahway.” Editor's note: Emily is an Associate Professor of Classics at Rutgers-New Brunswick : “May 2015: Mega-congratulations are very much in order for Rutgers Classics faculty member Emily Allen-Hornblower, who this spring received tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor .... A bit of biography. Emily Allen-Hornblower attended middle and high school in Paris, and earned a double AB (Classics and English) and MA (Classics) at the École Normale Supérieure. She joined Rutgers’ Department of Classics as a tenure track assistant professor immediately after completing her PhD in Classical Philology at Harvard University, in the fall of 2009. A year later she received a second doctoral degree, under a Harvard co-tutelage agreement, from Paris IV-Sorbonne. Since coming to RU, Professor Allen-Hornblower has taught a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate offerings ...." (http://rutgersclassics.com/2015/05/20/for-ru-classics-prof-emily-allen-hornblower-tenure-promotion-and-a-top-teaching-prize/) ● Celine Ottria (LSY : 2nde in 1994) : « Elle a commencé la musique très tôt, le théâtre très tard .....Elle est aujourd’hui musicienne multi-instrumentiste (violon, piano, basse et guitare), chanteuse et comédienne. De son adolescence new-yorkaise, elle a gardé les mélodies de Tom Waits, Lou Reed et Leonard Cohen qu’elle chante dans les bars. Sur scène ou en studio, elle travaille la matière sonore, compose, arrange, cherche des mariages improbables, des pratiques instrumentales singulières qui sauront se mêler, dialoguer ou se cogner (c’est selon) au texte et au jeu des acteurs. Elle collabore ainsi au sein de la Compagnie Air de Lune avec Jean Bellorini (artiste associé du Théâtre National de Toulouse, et soutenu depuis plusieurs années par Théâtre du Soleil d'Ariane Mnouchkine); elle travaille également avec Thomas Bellorini et Sedef Ecer, ainsi qu’avec la Compagnie Voix public et la Compagnie 123 Soleil ..... » (http://www.limitelarsen.com/Limite_Larsen_Theatre/Celine.Ottria.html) ● Maxime Daniel-Six (LSY: 1ere in 1995) : “Fresh Start, New Location: Before opening Ma'tine in 2014 Jérémy (’97) and Maxime Daniel-Six both worked at Micro Resto la Famille, a beloved (and pint-sized) restaurant in Montreal's Plateau neighborhood. But, when the opportunity presented itself, Jérémy jumped at the idea of opening a larger restaurant in the Village. “I've been living in this area for most of the six years I've been living here,” Jérémy says. “I like the neighbourhood. It's eclectic, you have a lot of different kinds of people.” And so a new restaurant was born, with Jérémy in charge of the savoury dishes while Maxime makes the restaurant's mouth-watering pastries, quiches and breads, which are all made in the Ma'tine kitchen.” (http://www.yellowpages.ca/bio/Quebec/Montreal/Restaurant-Matine/100538110.html) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Gerard Honig is interviewed about pressing challenges in infectious disease (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1996 -- Gerard Honig on YouTube Back to Top 1997● Dr. Drahmane Kaba M.D. (LSY: 4eme in 1993) “practices pain management and physical medicine and rehabilitation at The National Pain Institute, a Prospira PainCare Center of Excellence. Dr. Kaba graduated from SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York with a doctorate of medicine and completed his residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia.” (http://www.natpain.com/our-physicians/drahmane-kaba-md.html) ● Larry Cazenave (LSY: Terminale in 1997) "was born in Bordeaux (France) and moved to New York as a teenager. He relocated to California in 2004 and currently resides in San Francisco where he focuses on the art of songwriting. With a background in sound engineering and music roots in gypsy jazz, blues, folk, and electronic lounge, Larry composes, produces, and records all of his own music (guitar, piano, bass) and vocals (in both English and French). He has composed over a dozen albums and performed in different venues in New York, San Francisco, and Paris. In addition, his song “Majority Rules” was used for the trailer of William Weldy’s Outlaws." (http://larrycazenave.com/bio.php) ● Habib Bentaleb (LSY: 6eme in 1991) : “I am a founding partner in the San Francisco office of Willey & Bentaleb LLP. My focus area is in estate planning where I prepare estate plans that are tailor made to meet the client's wishes. I also handle probate cases along with trust litigation and administration matters. I also advise businesses on various legal issues such as corporate structure, contract formation, and intellectual property ownership rights. Prior to forming Willey & Bentaleb LLP I was an attorney in the Drug and Gang House Enforcement Section of the City of Chicago's Law Department where I also handled Federal Civil Rights and prosecuted misdemeanor cases.” (https://www.linkedin.com/in/habib-bentaleb-9b1a6b16) ● Verane de Marffy (LSY: Terminale in 1997) “is Assistant Vice President for Yves Saint Lauren Makeup and Skincare. She is responsible for managing and growing the YSL Beauty business in the USA. In her 11 years with L’Oreal in the United States and France, Ms. de Marffy has led global product development across color cosmetics, skincare and fragrances on multiple brands including Maybelline, Ralph Lauren Fragrances and most recently Lancôme, as the head of the world’s #1 eye makeup business in Paris. Ms. de Marffy’s multilingual and multicultural background allows her to easily cross borders to make YSL the ultimate French couture beauty experience. She was educated in France, and received her Masters in Marketing and Market Research at the Sciences Po Paris." (http://brand-innovators.com/women/class-of-2014-the-profiles/) ● Yasiara Ortiz Moggio (LSY: Terminale in 1997) is an international studies coach and is the founder of Misstudy. She “has lived in nine countries and was brought up in four different languages and cultural environments ..... She has a B. A. in Latin American Studies and Economics and a Master on International Relations both from Columbia University in New York. Yasiara learned from the corporate training programs that she set up for big companies, that candidates on the job market are expected to know at least two languages and be able to work in teams in multicultural environments. The knowledge and professional skills that Yasiara developed working with Universities and schools all over the world, and her six years experience of the internationalization process of MIP Business School of the Politecnico di Milano University are instrumental in her work with young people and with institutions of secondary and higher education.” (http://www.artinkomuns.com/team/yasiara-ortiz/) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Larry Cazenave performs his song "Le vent nous portera" (Click on link below) --Classnotes Archives, 1997 -- Larry Cazenave on YouTube Back to Top 1998............................................... In Memoriam: ● Nicolas (Nick) Louvel († September 24, 2015) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Julia (Lutzke) Evans (LSY: 2nde in 1996) wrote: "Our family welcomed our second son, Ian Evans, on May 22nd 2015! We are now in the Baltimore area and both our boys are doing great." ● Bérénice (de Beaucé) de Roquemaure (LSY: Terminale in 1998) told us that she is married, has two children, and works for Boucheron in Paris as their Press & Public Relations manager. She remains in touch with with her classmates Daphné Haddock ('98) and Laura El Sidaoui ('98). ● Victor Chevallier (LSY: 7eme in 1991) is a Principal at The Boston Consulting Group. He has a Masters degree (Economy & Applied Mathematics) from Ecole polytechnique and a Masters (Strategic Management) from HEC (2005). ● Claire Vinchon (LSY : Terminale in 1998) : « Issue de Sup de Co Reims en 2004, [elle] a commencé sa carrière chez Danone en tant que chef de secteur. C'est chez Michael Page en tant que consultante en recrutement, qu'elle découvre la richesse des carrières proposées par les PME en même tant que leur difficulté à émerger sur le marché du travail. Crée en 2010, après une incubation puis un accompagnement en pépinière chez Paris Pionnières, small IZ beautiful compte aujourd’hui huit personnes et 70 PME clientes qui peuvent ainsi bien s'entourer afin de maximiser leur croissance. Expert du recrutement des PME en croissance, small IZ beautiful s’appuie pour cela sur un site internet d’emploi innovant www.smallizbeautiful.fr, un service de sourcing de CV et un conseil en optimisation des process de recrutement....» (http://lespionnieres.org/startups/small-iz-beautiful/) ● Soraya Broukhim (LSY: Terminale in 1998) “is an actress born in New York City with both an Iranian and European background. [She] is a graduate of Fordham University, British American Academy of Dramatic Arts, National Theatre Institute, and St. Petersburg State Arts Theatre Academy. Among her recent New York City theatre credits are Gut Girls, Woyzeck, Innocent Erendira, Logic of the Birds, The American Revolution, and Afghan Women by William Mastrosimone. She performed Antigone as part of an UNESCO/ITI International Theatre Conference. Broukhim has also starred in two independent films Love in Three Minutes and The Push. She is currently working with Ripe Time Co., on Betrothed, an adaptation of two short stories, Dybbuk by Anton Chekhov and The Treatment of Bibi Haldar by Pulitzer Prize writer Jhumpa Lahiri. Broukhim is slated to play Simone Weil in a documentary about her life.” (http://library.fora.tv/speaker/291/Soraya_Broukhim) ● Morgane Bitan (LSY: Terminale in 1998) is a Veterinary Professional. She "graduated from Glasgow University in 2008, where she developed a keen interest in orthopaedic surgery. During her degree she completed an externship at the Animal Medical Center in New York City in the department of surgery ..... After graduating, she worked in a fast-paced first opinion RCVS accredited small animal hospital for 5 years, where she gained great exposure to diagnosis and management of complex cases. Morgane also worked as a locum in Maui, Hawaii in a small general practice and in New York City as a night emergency vet. She is currently working towards completing a certificate in advanced veterinary practice in small animal surgery. Following the completion of her internship, Morgane intends to continue working towards becoming a specialist surgeon." (http://www.scvetspecialists.co.uk/our-team-interns.html) ● Noelle Detko (LSY: 5eme in 1993) married Dustin Wiatrak on June 21, 2014. Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Claire Vinchon talks about her company Small IZ beautiful ● Dara Darguste (LSY: Terminale in 1998) discusses chronic kidney disease with Professor Miguel Perez (Click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1998 -- In Memoriam: Nicolas (Nick) Louvel -- Claire Vinchon on YouTube -- Dara Darguste on YouTube Back to Top 1999● Sophie Fortier Beaulieu (LSY: Terminale in 1999) : « Je suis l'heureuse maman d'un petit Oscar qui a 18 mois. Son papa s'appelle Jean et est monteur audiovisuel. Nous habitons le 18ème arrondissement de Paris, où nous sommes très engagés dans la communauté de jeunes parents du quartier (crèche parentale, pédagogie active "Montessori", entraide). L'écriture créative, voilà mon métier. J'écris des scénarios, des pièces (dont deux écrites avec Emilie Rosanvallon (’99) il y a quelques années) et des newsletter pour des sites de mode. Je traduis beaucoup (pubs, pièces de théâtre, livres lifestyle et mode...) du français vers l'anglais et de l'anglais vers le français. Je réalise aussi des petits courts métrages (https://vimeo.com/user18296999). Et comme vous le savez, et plus que jamais, nous cherchons à partir nous installer en Californie. » (Click on link below to access Sophie’s website) ● Giles McGrath (LSY: 9eme in 1990): “I was born in Australia and have been fortunate enough to live all around the world. Unfortunately while surfing eludes me, I am great with a BBQ, and extraordinary at creating consumer behavior changing advertising. My area of expertise lie in creating digital centric advertising which span multiple media touch-points. I am truly a strategist, creative leader and exemplary presenter. While living in the United States I have taken up sailing, and snowboarding, both of which I briefly instructed. I also enjoy scuba diving when the opportunity arises. I reside in Manhattan with my wife and two dogs. I currently hold US, UK, and Australian citizenships. I am also bilingual in French and English which allows me to view creative problems solving through multiple lenses.” (http://www.gilesmcgrath.com/about-me/) ● Christine Milleron (LSY: 2nde in 1997): « J'intègre en 2005, l'équipe du Lucernaire en tant qu'assistante du directeur. J'obtiens, en 2008, un Master de Gestion et Management des entreprises culturelles (suivi à Dauphine) ce qui me permets d'évoluer, en interne. De 2009 à mars 2015, j'ai été à la co-direction du projet artistique et responsable du développement du Lucernaire. Parallèlement à ce poste, je multiplie les aventures professionnelles annexes en participant à des comités de lecture, des jurys professionnels, en effectuant ponctuellement de l'assistanat à la mise en scène, mais aussi en accompagnant des compagnies et des auteurs (dont ceux de la Coopérative d’écriture). Je suis régulièrement sollicitée pour intervenir à l'Université Paris 3 dans une option sur les Métiers du spectacle vivant et à L'ESCP en Master pro. Je dirige deux collections au sein des éditions de l'Harmattan. L'une a vocation à valoriser des écritures contemporaines, l'autre s'intéresse aux nouvelles tendance du management culturel. » (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/christine-milleron/76/5b2/463/en) ● Vanessa Thieffry (LSY: 8eme in 1991) « est titulaire d’une maîtrise en droit (Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas), d’un Master 2 en Droit international et comparé de l’environnement (Université de Limoges) et d’un Master 2 en Droit du commerce international (Université de Montpellier). Après une première collaboration au sein du cabinet Lazareff Le Bars, elle a rejoint ALTANA [Société d’Avocats à la Cour de Paris] en 2013. » (http://www.altanalaw.com/avocat/vanessa-thieffry) ● Douglas Werner (LSY: 8eme in 1991): “Raised in France and working in Brooklyn, Douglas Werner, owner and master fabricator at Oblik Studio Inc., makes custom, ready-made freestanding furniture and accessories. These pieces are made from sustainably sourced or reclaimed metals, primarily steel, aluminium, stainless steel, bronze, brass and copper. He uses his own creativity in designing and fabricating luxury furnishings with clean, modern lines and a strong, old time, vintage feel. “Growing up on the rustic coastline of Brittany, I was always fascinated with the corroding effects of time and the elements on metals. Beaches and coves are marked with the natural patina of steel, copper, bronze and aluminum wrecks left behind by maritime history,” says Douglas Werner ..... Working and dealing with the constraints of such tough and versatile materials can be a challenge, as well as an inspiration. My goal is to grow my business without sacrificing my strong belief in working locally and with unique highly detailed craftsmanship. Each piece is unique, and variations may occur in color and texture due to the nature of the materials.” (http://www.oblik-studio.com/about/index.html) ● Christine Phillpotts (LSY: Terminale in 1999) “is a Vice President and Equity Research Analyst covering sub‐Saharan Africa for AllianceBernstein’s Emerging and Frontier Markets portfolios. Prior to joining the firm in 2013, she was the Global Portfolio Manager for the Grassroots Business Fund (GBF), which invests in privately held companies in emerging and frontier markets ..... Christine first discovered Africa's significant growth potential when she traveled to Kenya in 2007 to volunteer with a microfinance organization focused on female entrepreneurs. Since then, she has invested in companies across the continent and has worked closely with entrepreneurs, corporations, non-profit organizations and investors seeking to scale in the region. Christine regularly gives presentations about investing in Africa, and has participated on investment forums hosted by AllianceBernstein, 100 Women in Hedge Funds, Harvard Business School, Wharton School of Business, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.” (https://about.me/christine.phillpotts) ● Zeynep Gunday (LSY: 3eme in 1996) “is an associate in the International Arbitration group [of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP]. Her practice focuses on arbitration proceedings ..... Ms. Gunday has extensive experience in the representation of sovereign and non-sovereign entities in investment and commercial arbitrations across a wide range of sectors with particular emphasis on construction, agriculture and energy. In addition, Ms. Gunday has experience in corporate law and mergers and acquisitions. Prior to joining Curtis, Ms. Gunday worked for a Turkish law firm based in Istanbul, advising Turkish and international clients on a wide range of corporate and commercial transactions, including share purchase agreements, joint venture agreements and business formations with a particular emphasis in the energy sector.” (http://www.curtis.com/sitecontent.cfm?pageid=8&itemid=534) ● Morgane De Pol (LSY: Terminale in 1999) “joined the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) in 2007 in the communications function. She develops and implements communications and public affairs programs that facilitate mutual understanding and dialogue between IFPMA and other global health actors. Morgane worked previously with MCI, a global communications and event management group, in its Pharma Unit. She holds a master’s degree in Languages and Literature from the University of Geneva and a post-graduate degree in Special Events Communication from the Advancia School in Paris.” (http://www.ifpma.org/about-ifpma/secretariat.html) ● Clément Duroselle (LSY: Terminale in 1999) est « Architecte D.P.L.G. de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris Belleville, 2007. En 2011, il fonde avec l’architecte Céline Moisy et l’architecte ingénieur Minh Man Nguyen, l’agence d’architecture WAO. Il a enseigné à Ecole d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires de Marne-la-Vallée (Etude lumière du jour – Studio 4e année).» (http://wao.paris/agence/clement-duroselle/) ● Elise Vanormelingen (LSY: Terminale in 1999) "has been working in CONCORD for the last two years as Policy Coordinator on European funding. Before CONCORD, she worked several years in Africa managing development programmes (in Niger for the United Nations and in Burundi for a Belgian NGO). Elise has also worked in Belgium in the European Commission (DG EuropeAid) as well as in several NGOs headquarters. (CONCORD is the European NGO confederation for Relief and Development. Its 26 national associations and 18 international networks represent 1,800 NGOs which are supported by millions of citizens across Europe. CONCORD leads reflection and political actions and regularly engages in dialogue with the EU institutions and other CSOs.)" (http://www.euclidnetwork.eu/projects/policy-and-advocacy-work/reform-of-european-funding/meet-the-people.html) -- Classnotes Archives, 1999 -- Sophie Fortier Beaulieu's website Back to Top 2000● Walid Hachani (LSY: Terminale in 2000) is the founder of El Tounsi Foods. “Born in Tunisia, Walid grew-up living in many countries (U.A.E., Senegal and U.S.A.) and travelling to many others. As a global nomad and a third culture kid, moving around exposed him to a plethora of foods and cultures. From an early age, Walid would spend hours in the kitchen observing Omi (Mom in Arabic), helping her prep dinner and watching patiently as mouth watering foods simmered on the stove. Omi would challenge him to guess the missing spices as he would taste, taste and taste some more. Food is how home was remembered, food is how each new country was explored and food is how commonalities between people were found. Ever since moving to Canada in the year 2000, his infinite quest for the best Harissa he could find outside of Tunisia carried on, until he decided to make his own. A few years and a couple of dozen batches later, Walid’s homemade Harissa is what inspired the creation of El Tounsi Foods.” (http://www.eltounsifoods.com/about-us.html) ● Maxime Bilet (LSY: Terminale in 2000) “earned his BA from Skidmore College in Creative Writing and Fine Arts before venturing out to explore his lifelong passion for food and cooking. He completed a brief stint at the Institute of Culinary Education and soon after became the head chef of Jack’s Luxury Oyster Bar in New York City at the age of 22. He moved to London the following year, and worked with Heston Blumenthal in the development kitchen at The Fat Duck. Maxime Bilet was more recently the Director of Culinary Arts and Sciences at the Cooking Lab, housed at the Intellectual Ventures Lab in Bellevue, Washington, where he co-authored “Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking” (March 2011) and “Modernist Cuisine at Home” (October 2012). Maxime led the research and development for all projects related to the Cooking Lab, conceptualized the photography and aesthetic of both books, and is the co-inventor on 16 pending patents that resulted from his experiments. In 2012, Forbes included Bilet on their top “30 under 30” list in the food and wine industry. He is currently working on ways to cultivate a better understanding of the ways food connects with the arts and sciences through the events and interactive food exhibits at his culinary arts think tank, Imagine Food, on the Seattle Waterfront." (http://maximebilet.com/?page_id=5) ● Claire Brunel (LSY: Terminale in 2000) is an Assistant Professor at the School of International Service of the American University in Washington D.C. Her “research focuses on policy-relevant issues at the intersection of international trade and environmental economics. She is particularly interested in providing empirical evidence of the links between environmental policies and international competitiveness. Her work includes a study of whether policies of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), encouraging the use and the development of renewable energies, led to an increase in domestic innovation and manufacturing, or rather to a rise in the licensing and importing of foreign technologies ..... Previously, she worked at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, the Research Department of the World Bank, and as trade policy attaché at the Embassy of France. She obtained an M.Phil from Oxford University and a BSc from Georgetown University. Brunel completed her PhD in economics at Georgetown University.” (https://www.american.edu/sis/news/20150903-SIS-Welcomes-New-Faculty.cfm) ● Thu-Nhi Nguyen-Petit (LSY: Terminale in 2000) is a 2011 graduate of Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs (Executive Master in Public Administration, International Economic Policy & Management) and is currently working as the Deputy Director of TREAT TB (International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease). Her spouse Frederic Petit (LSY: Terminale in 2000) is Vice President (Energy & Infrastructure Group) at Credit Agricole CIB. ● Regina Valdés Montalvá DePaola (LSY: 4eme in 1996) : "Born in the coastal city of Valencia, Spain, Regina moved with her parents to Manhattan at an early age. In 2004, she graduated from The Elliot School of International Affairs at The George Washington University with a B.A. in International Affairs and Political Science. In 2009, she graduated from New York Law School in New York with a J.D. While in law school, Regina advocated on behalf of low-income elderly New Yorkers at Legal Services for the Elderly. She then went on to work at the Litigation Support Unit of Legal Services NYC ..... Before she joined the Law Office of Joseph P. DePaola, she worked as a private tutor teaching law students and preparing them for law school exams ..... At the Law Office of Joseph P. DePaola, Regina is responsible for the intake of all new matters. Regina also assists with the litigation of all cases with an emphasis on legal research, the drafting of legal memoranda and briefs, and the drafting of discovery demands and responses. Out of the office, Regina is an avid fisherwoman and a boxing enthusiast. She lives in Manhattan with her husband Joseph P. DePaola and their two rescued dogs Gia and Chloe. In her spare time, she is teaching Joe Spanish and he’s teaching her how to drive." (http://www.jpdlawoffice.com/) ● Harold Cunningham (LSY: 10eme in 1990) “was raised in Geneva, Switzerland [and] went to London to complete a degree in Editorial Communication [at University of the Arts] . He was offered directly after his studies a full-time position with the world leading picture agency, Getty Images. During the five years he spent at Getty Images, he played successfully different roles from photographer to picture editor and has worked on [major] events, such as the Cannes Film Festival, the Paris Fashion Week or the World Economic Forum ..... [He] founded in 2010 The Image Gate ..... His experience of over 1500 events sets him at ease with protocols in place during political meetings with world leaders, celebrities or during major sporting events ….. Harold Cunningham with The Image Gate has been the in-house photography solution for several high profile organizations or brands such as UEFA and IWC for now many years .....” (http://www.haroldcunningham.ch/#!/about) ● Lucas Rangit Magasweran (LSY: 1ere in 1999) married Rachel Kilgore in June 2015. Lucas is a Linux Device Driver Developer at WD (a Western Digital company) and Rachel is a Sr. Solutions Architect at General Networks Corporation. ● Nora Lowinsky (LSY: 5eme in 1995) "is a visual artist, aq self-taught photographer and a darkroom printmaker currently based in the California Bay area. She was born in San Francisco and raised in New York City. She returned to California in her twenties and received two B.A.'s from the University of California at Berkeley. Since graduating from Berkeley in 2014, she has studied traditional darkroom printmaking at Rayko Center for Photography in San Francisco. In 2015, she exhibited at the Format International Photography Festival in Derby, U.K. Her work has been featured in a variety of international publications." (http://www.noralowinsky.com/about) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Violetta Donini (LSY: Terminale in 2000) talks about her composition in the context of the Films de Rêve project: She creates musical themes to accompany paintings about imagined movies. (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 2000 -- Violetta Donini on Vimeo Back to Top 2001● Akli Hadid (LSY: 7eme in 1994) shared a poem he wrote in Franglais entitled "So said Lafayette et Washington." (Click on PDF file below to read the poem) ● Paul Ziadé (LSY: 1ere in 2000) shared this with us: “When my parents told me we'd have to leave NYC, it came as a shock. I was madly in love with a LFNY student, but had no choice but to follow my parents. The year following NYC was horrible in more ways than one could imagine. But salvation came in 2002 when I started my Master in International Business & Management in Paris. I spent four years having fun and learning all about team management as the Student Association President. Despite a promising career, in 2007 I became bored and decided to travel the world. One year was enough to open my eyes and make me understand what I wanted to do with the rest of my life: Become a change maker and a doer! I started my humanitarian work in Cambodia in 2008, then spent almost 4 years in Haiti following the earthquake, met my future wife there, went to Kenya for less than 12 months, got married, and finally settled in Lebanon, with my wife and son, and launched U2GUIDE.COM. It is an ethical travel website for travellers to book local activities listed by local guides, worldwide, and dedicating, amongst other things, 50% of net profit to local charities in visited countries. Wishing all of you all the very best life has to offer.” (Click on link below to access Paul's website) ● David Benzaquen (LSY: 10eme in 1991) wrote: "My wife Karla and I welcomed our son, Oliver, on May 26, 2015." David “is the founder and CEO of PlantBased Solutions, a global strategic brand management and marketing agency headquartered in New York ..... [whose] work includes opportunity assessments, business planning & forecasting, new product development, market research, brand creation and the full range of marketing planning and execution. PlantBased Solutions also maintains one of the largest and most effective merchandising networks in Whole Foods markets throughout the United States ..... Prior to launching PlantBased Solutions, David worked as a natural products broker and spent 15 years in the nonprofit sector, where he led legislative, grassroots, corporate advocacy and fundraising efforts for leading national animal protection and public health nonprofits. David has spoken about health and sustainability issues and business solutions to crowds at over twenty university campuses and over a dozen state legislatures. David holds a Master of Science degree in nonprofit management from The New School and a Bachelor of Political Science degree from American University.” (http://newhope360.com/author/david-benzaquen) ● Rym Khene (LSY: 7eme in 1994) « Dans ses travaux de recherche et sa pratique de la photographie, Rym Khene interroge la mémoire des villes et les traces évidentes et secrètes des vies humaines qui les peuplent. Elle tente de capturer la façon dont les espaces physiques et imaginaires dialoguent et la manière dont s’inscrit dans leurs murs le récit des ruptures des villes en mutation. Alger et Dakar ont été les premiers témoins de ce travail sur les résonances des villes africaines. D’autres projets sont en préparation. Rym vit actuellement à Paris où elle travaille sur une thèse de Doctorat en Littérature portant sur la poétique de l’espace urbain dans un contexte de violence. » (http://www.rymkhene.com/about/) ● Chloe Temtchine (LSY: 4eme in 1997) : “To paraphrase what Amy Carlberg wrote in Bust Magazine, Chloe Temtchine, with supermodel looks, intoxicating sex appeal, and a sultry, soulful voice, would not look out of place on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine, with the possible exception of the breathing tubes that she must use, even while performing. Chloe Temtchine was rushed to the emergency room due to congestive rightheart failure on March 4, 2013. After having been misdiagnosed for five years by some of the most respected and acclaimed medical practitioners and institutions in NYC, she was finally diagnosed with severe Pulmonary Hypertension (PH). Misdiagnosis did not simply alter her life; it shook it to its core. However, the real story is not what happened as a result of the diagnosis; it's what happened afterwards. Just over a year after being handed a devastating diagnosis, Chloe debuted her song, “Be Brave,” which she wrote shortly after being released from the critical care unit, about making the choice to live despite life’s challenges ..... Ms. Temtchine was recently featured in the Huffington Post; she has performed on “Late Night with David Letterman,” she is the voice behind the national commercial celebrating the 100th anniversary of American Express, and she has been featured on NY-1 news, with “Where in The Truck is Chloe”; she has been on The Nate Berkus Show (NBC). Additionally, she has performed on “Fearless Music” (FOX 5); her song “Brand New Day” has been featured on “The Early Morning Show” (CNN), and she has had songs placed in various TV series and films. Some of her songs are in French and Spanish, as she is tri-lingual.” (http://chloetemtchine.com/biography.php?b=22) ● Lara Louise Telson (LSY: Terminale in 2001) « a récemment rejoint l’équipe d’Atypic après cinq années passées à New York, où elle a travaillé dans les secteurs pluriels et corporatifs. Passionnée de communication, Lara a collaboré avec des organisations œuvrant dans la santé publique, le développement économique, le cinéma et les Arts. Voyageuse inlassable, elle a visité et travaillé dans plus d’une quinzaine de pays, y compris la France, l’Afrique du Sud et le Mexique. Son expérience lui vaut aujourd’hui de pouvoir s’intégrer avec aisance dans divers milieux et de communiquer avec efficacité avec des personnes de cultures différentes, des atouts indéniables pour son rôle de coordonnatrice et dans ses rapports avec les clients d’Atypic. Lara est titulaire d’une Maitrise en affaires internationales décernée conjointement par la Columbia University et Sciences Po Paris, ainsi qu’un Baccalauréat en littérature espagnole du Bryn Mawr College, en Pennsylvanie. » http://www.atypic.ca/fr/equipe/lara-louise-telson/ ● Hans Augustave (LSY: 3eme in 1998) “ is a French-born, German-named, NY/NJ raised, Haitian American. Professional credits include: Mechanicals Understudy for Two River Theatre Company's run of A Midsummer Night's Dream (Equity), NY Credits: Happy Hour (45th St Theatre). He has also been seen in NJ Regional Theatre as: Tom Robinson in To Kill A Mockingbird (Villager's Theatre), Mike in Moonchildren (Circle Players), Dr. Frank-N-Furter in The Rocky Horror Show (Middlesex County College). He has studied with Tom McNeill and Lynn Winik.” (http://www.hansaugustave.com/) ● Emmanuel Poupelle (LSY: Terminale in 2001) is the Deputy General Manager of Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing & Shenyang Airports. « [Avant cela, il était] Directeur général adjoint chez JCDecaux Chine. Il est franco-américain et est arrivé en Chine en 2005. Il a débuté dans de grosses entreprises internationales avec des postes plus ou moins variés avant de rejoindre la famille JCDecaux en 2012. Depuis il est en charge du développement médiatique de plusieurs aéroports chinois ..... Il a du apprendre rapidement à parler chinois afin de faire du commerce avec les entreprises locales. » (http://international-smi.org/tag/beijing/) ● Lara Ceppi (LSY: Terminale in 2001) “utilizes the resources available at Morgan Stanley to assist clients with their administrative needs and also handles the team’s marketing needs. Lara is the newest member of the team, having joined the KPK Group in November 2011 after 5 years at Merrill Lynch. Lara is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, MA and is Series 7 and Series 66 registered with the SEC. She lives in Manhattan.” (http://www.morganstanleyfa.com/kpkgroup/story.htm) ● Stéphane Lefebvre (LSY: Terminale in 2001) “is a professional engineer with over a decade of architectural, structural, and civil engineering experience in many of our private development and urban infrastructure projects in New York City. His expertise encompasses all project phases, from planning and design through construction including building design, structural engineering, systems modeling, and construction sequencing and inspection. He is well-versed in multiple design codes and standards including the NYS and NYC NYC Building Codes, NYC Fire Code, NYSDOT, and AREMA ..... He is currently serving as project manager for the design of One Vanderbilt’s public transit improvements to enhance the Grand Central Midtown District.” (http://www.stantec.com/about-us/people/l/lefebvre-stephane.html) ● Sarah (Bagley) Sanesi: “Hong Kong became my home in 2008. I’m French-American and am the proud parent of two young children who were born in Hong Kong, true “Third Culture Kids”! I discovered my life’s calling while my best friend in France was going through a difficult first pregnancy .....As I was looking for pregnancy groups that she could join for additional support, I came across the website of a French certified Baby Planner. A cartoon light bulb went off above my head. Things had never seemed so obvious or clear. I became a student of the International Academy of Baby Planner Professionals (IABPP) within hours and am now a busy certified Baby Planner, Eco-Consultant and Domestic Helper Placement Expert. While starting my business as a Baby Planner ..... I used my experience as a trained Baby Planner, along with that of being a volunteer for two domestic helper organizations in Hong Kong for several years, to provide my clients with the best domestic helper placement services this city has to offer! My varied expertise has allowed me to work with hundreds of parents from many different countries and backgrounds. I am a certified Holistic Health Practitioner (AADP), a certified Baby Planner (IABPP) and an Eco-Consultant (IMI).” (http://www.maidforyou.com.hk/about/) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● "Dialogue on Foreign Policy" with Thomas Cooper Patriota (LSY: 2nde in 1999) ● Chloe Temtchine sings an original song: "Be Brave" (Click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 2001 -- So said Lafayette et Washington, by Akli Hadid -- Chloe Temtchine on YouTube -- Thomas Cooper Patriota on YouTube -- Paul Ziadé's website Back to Top 2002● Eve de la Mothe Karoubi (LSY: Terminale in 2002) “is a Manager for the SDSN [Sustainable Development Solutions Network]. . Eve joined the SDSN in November 2012 and leads the work on indicators and monitoring for the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the development and management of regional and national networks in sub-Saharan Africa. Previously she worked for the OECD on various projects: capacity building in developing and emerging economies, strengthening governance in post-conflict and fragile states, and food security and sustainable development in the Sahel and West Africa. In 2007/08, Eve was an Insight Fellow, a fellowship program to pursue effective conflict management internationally, during which she worked in Liberia, Thailand, Lebanon, and at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Eve has also held positions with Mercy Corps’ Conflict Management Group in New York and the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in Tanzania. She holds a dual Masters Degree in International Affairs from the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) and from Sciences Po Paris, and a B.A. with honors from Smith College.” (http://unsdsn.org/about-us/people/eve-de-la-mothe-karoubi/) ● Julia Alexandra Livi (LSY: 4eme in 1998) is a French teacher at Fluent City and a Social Studies teacher with the NYC Dept. of Education. She ”is the author and the illustrator of Voltaire se Promène and Voltaire and Tonton Joe, two bilingual picture books for children, both in French and in English, about Voltaire, a ‘Franco-American Hipster dog’." (http://frenchculture.org/books/events/art-literary-translation-how-meaning-translates-across-languages) ● Justin Dreyfuss (LSY: 7eme/CM2 in 1985) "previously the Director of Digital Strategy at Universal Music Group’s Interscope Records, has joined Red Bull Records as their new Digital Marketing Director. (https://socialmedia.org/) ● Sarah Poyet (LSY: Terminale in 2002) is the founder and President of The Glass Files -- "The place for History on the Internet". (Click on link below to access her website) -- Classnotes Archives, 2002 -- Sarah Poyet's website Back to Top 2003● Danielle M. Comanducci (LSY: 3eme in 2000) “joined Shiboleth LLP in 2011 and practices primarily in the firm’s Intellectual Property and Not-For-Profit Groups. Her practice focuses on intellectual property law (domestic and international), Not-For-Profit organizations, as well as general corporate, regulatory and commercial matters. Danielle grew up in New York but moved to France at the age of fifteen. After obtaining a law degree specializing in Private and Business Law from the University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis in 2006, Danielle returned to New York to pursue a J.D. at New York Law School. After graduating from New York Law School, Danielle became a Public Service Graduate Fellow for the Bureau of Special Hearings of the New York State Office of Children and Family Services before joining Shiboleth LLP in April of 2011.” (http://www.shiboleth.com/attorney/Danielle_Comanducci/53) ● Ewa Maria Wojcik (LSY: 2nde in 2001): “Actress/Director: Since early childhood, Ewa Maria Wójcik was enchanted with reciting poems and at the age of eleven was awarded First Prize at the French Poetry Competition in New York for presenting the fables of Jean de la Fontaine. Born in Washington D.C. she attended the French-American School and the Lycée Français of New York for eleven years before graduating from Mamaroneck High School. To pursue her artistic studies, she chose the Stella Adler Studio and later continued for two years at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York, graduating with a Certificate in Acting. Then, Ewa Maria attended Hunter College and Fordham University at Lincoln Center, and in 2009, received her BA in Theatre. Currently Ewa is perfecting her Classical Acting Studies at The Central School of Speech and Drama in London. ..... She also directed Midsummer Night's Dream and played Helena/Snout as well presented in Brooklyn during the XIII International Chopin & Friends Festival in 2011. Her film credits include: The Present, directed Helen O’Reilly; Roost, directed by St. John Smith; What Makes Jada Click? directed by Raquel Roxanne, and En Passant by Georgia Roxon. For several years, Ewa Maria toured Poland, presenting recitals of 19th century Romantic poetry in their original languages - Polish, English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Ewa Maria taught theatre to young children at the New York French American Charter School in Harlem.” (http://chopinandshakespeare.com/artist-courses/ewa-maria-wojcik) ● Thalia Julme (LSY: Terminale in 2003) is a staff attorney at Brooklyn Defender Services. She “joined BFDP in 2012. Prior to joining BFDP, Thalia was a Tax and Policy researcher at Solutions for Progress where she researched low income tax law. Thalia graduated from Columbia Law School in 2010. After law school, she served as a fellow at the National Economic and Social Rights Initiative where she worked with NESRI and its allies to develop human rights-based legal strategies to complement ongoing economic and social rights work. At Columbia Law School, she served as Managing Editor of the Columbia Journal of Gender and Law, was on the board of the Tenants’ Rights Project, participated in the Davis Polk asylum project, and externed at the United Nation’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs ….. Thalia earned her bachelor’s degree with Honors is Sociology and Biomedical Ethics and Brown University. She was born and raised in Queens, New York, and attended the Lycée Français de New York for 14 years. She is fluent in French and Haitian Creole.” (http://bds.org/staff/julme-thalia/) ● Stephen Amar (LSY: 10eme in 1993) « ancien étudiant de l'ESIEA, Grande Ecole d'Ingénieur à Paris et Laval, fait partie de la promotion 2009. Il est également diplômé de NYU (New York University). Il a depuis rejoint les équipes de Google en tant qu'ingénieur support technique et travaille au siège social de la société à Mountain View. » (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27tVl7HmSWY) ● Olivier Grinda (LSY: Pre-nursery in 1989) graduated from the University of Miami, with a B.A. in economics with a double minor in political science and psychology in 2008. He “is an internet entrepreneur and has successfully transposed and adapted European and American business models to Latin America. In June 2011, he co-founded Shoes4you.com.br, the first fashion brand in Brazil, to sell exclusive collections through monthly online subscriptions. Until June 2011, Mr. Grinda was the Co-founder at Clickon.com.br, with the ambition to dominate the group buying market in Brazil..... Prior to Clickon, Mr. Grinda was the Co-founder of brandsclub.com.br, which he started in January 2009, in the hopes to be a category killer in the private sales club space in Latin America. As the Chief Marketing Officer and Co-founder, he drove the customer acquisition, customer relationship management, product development and branding efforts.” (https://br.linkedin.com/in/oliviergrinda) ● Louise Fafa « débute le théâtre à 10 ans sous la direction de Jean et Thomas Bellorini. Adolescente elle part vivre à New York, où elle continue de se former aux arts de la scène. Lorsqu’elle revient à Paris elle intègre à la fois l’École Claude Mathieu- Technique et Art de l’Acteur - et la formation Comédie Musicale du Conservatoire Nadia et Lili Boulanger. Bilingue (français-anglais) Louise s’essaie à de nombreux répertoires et travaille avec des compagnies de divers horizons : The Big Funk Company, le Théâtre de l’Équinoxe, la compagnie Scèn’art, AREDS cultural team en Inde, etc. » (http://www.louise-fafa.fr/accueil.cfm/590819_louise_fafa.html) ● Damien Ramage (LSY: 2nde in 2001) « est Conseiller Communication de l'Ugict, la CGT des Ingénieurs, Cadres et Techs. Depuis quatre ans il anime le secteur communication de cette organisation interprofessionnelle forte de 80 000 ingénieurs et cadres, après une expérience dans les syndicats lycéens et étudiants. L'accent est mis sur la communication numérique, par exemple avec la création d'une plateforme de blogs syndicaux, ainsi que sur le développement des outils de communication internes et externes ..... Explorant le champ professionnel de la communication syndicale et l'émergence du « dialogue social 2.0 », Damien est diplômé de Sciences Po et son Ecole de la Communication. Il siège aujourd'hui au Conseil d'Administration du CELSA. » (https://techdays.microsoft.fr/speakers/2015/fiche-intervenant.aspx?s=93198635-102b-4065-82fd-df3a29e9b7a6) ● Natalie Paul (LSY: Pre-nursery in 1989) “currently plays Doreen Henderson in the HBO new mini series, SHOW ME A HERO – which IndieWire has already dubbed one of the most highly anticipated shows of 2015 ..... Natalie previously guest starred as prosecutor Beatrice Carson on the final season of the acclaimed HBO series BOARDWALK EMPIRE. In the theater, Natalie played the iconic role of Juliet in ROMEO & JULIET at the Classical Theater of Harlem, where her performance was heralded as “winning” and “headstrong” and praised by publications such as The New Yorker, The New York Times, the Huffington Post and EdgeBoston. Natalie starred as Camae in the two-person tour de force by Katori Hall, THE MOUNTAINTOP at Portland Center Stage ..... Her very first job as an actress was originating the role of Judith in CRY OLD KINGDOM by Haitian-American playwright Jeff Augustin .....Natalie is committed to public service. Natalie is an EpicNext arts mentor and a volunteer with the 52nd Street Project. Natalie is also a Music & Arts Champion for Hope on a String, where she serves to advise, and support their work to strengthen communities in Haiti. Born and raised in Brooklyn New York, Natalie received her MFA from the NYU Tisch School of the Arts Graduate Acting Program and her undergraduate degree from Yale University.” (http://www.nataliepaulonline.com/bio/) ● Caroline Rochon-Gruselle (LSY: 4eme in 1999): “A self-taught Belgian-Canadian artist, [she] decided to dedicate her time to art two years ago. According to her, art is a way to convey and express feelings, a space for imagination and a means to transpose the reality that surrounds us. She likes to explore different mediums, though ink, charcoal and clay are her mediums of choice. She perfected her own style after attending a creative workshop at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in 2013. As a member of the Art Center of Montreal, her work was exhibited in their William Gallery. It was also seen at the Fine Arts Academy of Brussels, where she took part in two workshops during the summer 2015.” (http://hapfind.com/event/fb/art-exhibition-by-caroline-rochon-gruselle_2076582) ● Alfonso de Alba Aguayo (LSY : Terminale in 2003) « Félicitations à Alfonso de Alba Aguayo (ScencesPo promo 2009) qui a reçu a médaille d’or du Prix National de l’Administration Publique mexicaine [en 2014] » (https://www.facebook.com/sciencespo/) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Rencontre avec Stephen Amar ● Damien Ramage sur la communication syndicale ● Natalie Paul at the "Show Me A Hero" NY Premiere (Click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 2003 -- Stephen Amar on YouTube -- Damien Ravage on Vimeo -- Natalie Paul on YouTube Back to Top 2004● Giada (Skouras Sweeny) Randaccio (LSY: 12eme in 1992) was featured in April, 2015 in the Italian media -- IL TEMPO.it – in an article entitled “Un’artista romana illumina Manhattan” (Click on link below to access the article) ● Alexandra Chemla (LSY: 9eme/CE2 in 1995) “graduated from Brown University with Honors in Modern Culture and Media Studies. During her undergraduate years she interned at various museums including The Peggy Guggenheim in Venice, and The Whitney Museum of American Art. After completing undergraduate studies, Chemla worked at Gavin Brown's enterprise where she first conceived of the ArtBinder iPad application in 2010.” “Working as a successful art gallerist in the West Village, Alexandra recognized a need for a more efficient way to organize and show art. Not one to rest on her laurels, she founded ArtBinder in 2010, which has since become the leading mobile solution for the organization and visualization of artwork. The second version of the application (ArtBinder 2.0) launched at Art Basel in June of 2012.” (https://www.crunchbase.com/person/alexandra-chemla#/entity and http://www.refinery29.com/alexandra-chemla) ● Thomas Fillebeen (LSY: Terminale in 2004) is a PhD candidate at the University of Washington, specializing in energy decision modeling, empirical industrial organization, and energy, environmental & natural resource economics. He is also a Graduate Teaching & Research Assistant there. Thomas and Amelie Strohschank were married in July, 2015. ● Emilie Lacroix (LSY: 3eme in 2001) married Hugo Larricq in June 2014. She is a 2010 MBA (Luxury Brand Management, Food & Wine) graduate of INSEEC and is currently working as Account Director at Reflex in London. ● Daniel Nichanian (LSY: Terminale in 2004) "studies political theory [at the University of Chicago, which] he joined in 2010 [Ph.D. in Political Science, expected June 2016]. He also holds a BA in political science and in philosophy from Yale University (2008) and an MA in political theory from Université Paris VII-Diderot (2010). His research and teaching interests include democratic theory, political participation, critical theory, the role of experts in democratic institutions, constitutional theory, and the history of experiments in popular government. He has taught classes on early modern political thought and on contemporary democratic theory. His second field is comparative politics. He also worked as a journalist writing about American politics." (http://political-science.uchicago.edu/people/graduate-students.shtml) ● Noemi Wilson-Debriano (LSY: 4eme in 2000) “started riding at the age of 6 when her family couldn’t get her off of a pony ride ..... During quarterly trips to France, she was trained in Pony Club, Dressage, Eventing, and Vaulting. She became a working student from 11 years on to earn her lessons and showing opportunities. She got her first horse training job with Franklin Lakes Equestrian Center at 15 years old. In addition to working at the barn, she also worked several years as a Veterinary Technician at a local veterinary office. While at Delaware Valley College earning a degree in Animal Sciences and Psychology, without any horses to ride, she went door to door to find prospective horses to train and show ..... After graduating, she decided to purchase a small, quiet horse farm which she named A Bit of Luck Farm with the hopes of creating a safe haven for horses and their owners alike .....Her teaching and training philosophy is finding effective communication between the horse and the rider because not all horses are alike..... Her extensive knowledge in equine nutrition and behavior, coupled with her psychology education (of humans) fosters a happy, healthy environment for the horses and their owners ..... ” (http://www.abitofluckfarm.com/about-us/) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Nicolas François-Dainville (LSY: 4eme in 2000) déclare sa candidature (Maire de La Verrière) (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 2004 -- Giada Randaccio Skouras Sweeny in Il Tempo.it -- Nicolas Francois-Dainville on DailyMotion Back to Top 2005● Audrey Noeltner (LSY: 3eme in 2002) wrote: “After le Lycée Français, I obtained a B.A. from Concordia (Montreal) and then a master in political sciences from SciencesPo in Paris. I now run two NGOs. I would like to share some information about these two organizations and to find new volunteers and funding opportunities within the LFNY alumni network. The first is our project WOMENABILITY which aims at comparing women’s experience in cities, sharing best practices and creating the first worldwide guidelines for gender equitable and safe cities. Our process : travel to 30 cities and empower women and men to conduct "exploratory walks", create an easy-to-use digital platform to promote best practices and organize an international forum in Paris with women mayors to create gender equitable guidelines. For this project, we need connections in the 30 cities and funds. The second is One, Two, Three… RAP! , a cultural organization that provides academic support with an objective to motivate young French people to learn English through American Hip Hop music and culture. For this project, we need connections in NYC or South Africa as we wish to travel with 20 under privileged youth to one of those destination. We also need volunteers who speak English here in Paris. Any classmates wishing to help us with these two exciting projects should contact me at audrey.noeltner@gmail.com.” (Click on PDF files below to read more about Audrey’s projects) ● Arthur Azoulai (LSY: Terminale in 2005) “ was born in France. He received his Bachelor of Architecture at Carnegie Mellon University and his Masters in Architecture at University of Pennsylvania. Arthur worked as an intern at Asymptote Architecture in New York, and ECDM Architectes in Paris." He is currently the co-founder and designer at Slicelab,a think tank which specializes in digital design. (http://www.arthurazoulai.com/ABOUT) ● Nzinga Biegueng Mboub (LSY: 3eme in 2002) is a 2009 graduate of the University of Pretoria (BsC in Architecture) and a 2014 graduate of the University of Westminster (Master's in Architecture). She is currently employed as a Part II Architectural Assistant at Adjaye Associates in the United Kingdom. (https://uk.linkedin.com/in/nzinga-mboup-984ab94b) ● Andrea Feghali (LSY: Terminale in 2005) obtained a Bachelor of Science (Nursing) at New York University, College of Nursing in 2013. She currently works as a Registered Nurse at New York Presbyterian Hospital. (https://www.linkedin.com) ● Bianca Stifani (LSY: Terminale in 2005) “is a fourth year medical student at Alpert Medical School of Brown University. Originally from Italy, she grew up in Belgium and moved to New York City at age 14. Her international upbringing helped spark a true passion for global health. During her undergraduate studies at Harvard, she majored in Global Health and African Studies and traveled to Mali and Kenya. After college, she worked for two years as an HIV/AIDS case manager in New York, connecting HIV positive patients to health and social resources. Currently in medical school, she is completing a scholarly concentration in Global Health and has traveled to Ethiopia, Italy, and Brazil to pursue research and clinical projects. She has also worked with immigrant communities in Providence on issues of access to healthcare, and helped develop a health disparities curriculum for first-year medical students at Brown. Bianca plans to pursue a residency in obstetrics and gynecology and to continue to work internationally as she has become interested in the intersection between infectious diseases and reproductive health. As a Kean Fellow, she will be traveling to Mozambique in the spring to work with the Centers for Disease Control on an evaluation project for the country's Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV program.” (https://sites.google.com/site/2014keantravelfellows/home/biana-stifani) ● Calypso Montouchet (LSY: Terminale in 2005) obtained a BA in Visual Studies at the University of Pennsylvania in 2009, and an MPH in Public health at Imperial College London in 2010. She is currently employed as a Senior Business Analyst at A.T. Kearney (a global management consulting firm). (https://uk.linkedin.com/in/calypso-montouchet-91745924) ● Joanna Busby (LSY: Terminale in 2005) is a Communication Officer with the United Nations Development Programme in Guinea-Bissau. Prior to that, she was a Junior Consultant for the African Development Bank in Abidjan, and was interviewed by the digital magazine Jeune Afrique in July, 2014: "..... Joanna Busby, 27 ans, américaine et consultante en communication interne au sein de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD). Son job ? Gérer en interne l’information relative au (re)déménagement de la BAD et de ses employés du siège "provisoire" de Tunis à celui d’Abidjan. Diplômée de la prestigieuse université américaine Yale et de Sciences-Po Paris, elle est à Abidjan depuis février. 'Un choix de raison plus qu’un coup de foudre pour le pays', avoue-t-elle. Jolie robe, collier en perles et talons hauts, elle ajoute, en passant de l’anglais à un français teinté d’accent tantôt très franchouillard, tantôt ivoirien : 'Il n’y a pas vraiment de hasard, si on est de plus en plus nombreux ici, c’est qu’il s’y passe des choses, que tout explose ! Contrairement aux pays européens, par exemple, où c’est encore la crise.' " (http://www.jeuneafrique.com/47731/politique/c-te-d-ivoire-abidjan-et-ses-dr-les-de-dames/) ● Violinist Laura Lutzke (LSY: 3eme in 2002) “enjoys a musically versatile career, with a passion for solo playing, chamber music and new ways of making music. Born in 1987 and raised in New York, she served as Concertmaster of the New York Youth Symphony from 2004 to 2007. Her playing has been described as “liquid, radiant and shimmering, with beautifully played solo lines” by The New York Times. As a soloist, Laura’s most recent performances have been with the Santa Fe Pro Musica chamber orchestra and the Parahyangan Classical Music Festival Orchestra in Indonesia. She has given recitals at numerous venues and festivals ..... Laura earned her Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees from the Juilliard School as a student of Lewis Kaplan, and she has most recently completed a second postgraduate course in Violin Performance with David Takeno at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. She performs on an 1822 violin made by Pierre Pacherele, on a generous loan from The Christophe Landon Rare Violins Collection.” (http://birdfootfestival.org/laura-lutzke-violin/) ● Eloise Nosworthy (LSY: 9eme/Ce2 in 1996) is an Associate Partner at Instinctif Partners in London where she "advises companies on their video content strategy. She has a degree from University de Provence and a Masters from the London School of Economics. Fluent in French and Spanish, previously she worked for Business For New Europe in London, the British Brussels Network and Maison de la Radio in Paris." (http://instinctif.com/partner/eloise-nosworthy/) ● Stephanie Tardieu, MD (LSY: Terminale in 2005) is a 2015 graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. She is a resident physician at North Shore-LIJ Health System in the OBGYN Department. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephanie-tardieu-099a94b0) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Laura Lutzke performs in Mozart's Violin Concerto No. 3 in G Major (Click on link below) -- Audrey Noeltner's WOMENABILITY project -- Audrey Noeltner's One, Two, Three… RAP! project -- Classnotes Archives, 2005 -- Laura Lutzke on YouTube Back to Top 2006● Dr. Marthe Prisca Combari (LSY: Terminale in 2006) est interne en chirurgie digestive à l'Université Paris Sud. ● Tessa Schoor (LSY : 1ere in 2005) is the founder of Berlioz, in Mexico City, a company that provides gourmet “lunch boxes” for professional and corporate events. (http://berlioz.mx/) & (https://www.facebook.com/BerliozMx/timeline) ● Claire de la Mothe Karoubi (LSY: Terminale in 2006) told us that she "moved full-time to Nairobi, Kenya this year, to work for Sanergy, a well known social enterprise. Sanergy builds and sells toilets to entrepreneurs in Nairobi's informal settlements. The franchisees charge a small fee for use of the toilet. Then Sanergy collects the waste daily and converts it to useful by-products, such as organic fertilizer. Claire is responsible for the marketing of the by-products. Learn more about Sanergy's work here: http://saner.gy./" (Or click on link below) ● Gilles Amadou Ouédraogo (LSY: 10eme in 1996) “ is an International Development professional with over three years of experience in program management, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Gilles holds a Master's degree in International Development, with foci on Education and Public Health ..... Gilles is driven by his desire to work in and around sub-saharan Africa on viable sustainable development projects that will ensure the improvement of livelihoods for future generations. Gilles hopes one day to return to his native Burkina Faso, to contribute to its development of via sustainable use of resources and promotion of good and viable governance methods.” (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/gilles-amadou-ouédraogo/19/849/316) ● Alexandre Bibi (LSY: 11eme/CP in 1995) “is pursuing his MBA with a concentration in Finance - Investment Management at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. Prior to business school, Alexandre worked at Thomson Reuters Financial & Risk in New York City. He began his career supporting sovereign bond and interest rate derivative analytics for clients of Thomson Reuters' fixed income trading platform ..... At UCLA Anderson, Alexandre is a first-year director of the Anderson Investment Association. He has passed all three levels of the CFA program and hopes to pursue a role in credit research/fixed income portfolio management after business school. Alexandre graduated from Trinity College in Hartford, CT in 2010 with a B.A. in Economics. Alex will be serving as a Summer Portfolio Analyst at Western Asset Management in the Investment Management Group. He will be assisting with selecting and maintaining yield curve exposure, generating trading strategies and creating client reports of portfolio performance.” (http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/centers/fink-center-for-finance-and-investments/fellows) ● Alison Chemla (LSY: 8eme/CM in 1998) “is the creative director and designer of Alison Lou, a fine jewelry brand inspired by the deceptive simplicity of modern communication. Her signature first collection is a thoughtful and cheeky commentary on the expression of feelings–from the banal to the intimate–through the language of emoticons.” “[Her] jewelry is inspired by her hometown of NYC and its rich culture. With a background in art history and cybergraphics, she honed her craft at the House of Waris and Finn Jewelry. Soon after, Alison debuted her collection of witty and intellectual fine jewelry, perfect for the streets of the big city.” (http://www.alisonlou.com/pages/about-us) and (http://www.stoneandstrand.com/designer/alison-lou) ● Chantal Palacci (LSY: 3eme in 2003) married Nicolas Sagnes in May, 2015. Chantal is a 2014 graduate of Grenoble Graduate School of Business (MBA) and is currently the Director of Growth at co:collective. (Click on link below to read their story on their wedding website) ● Jean-Christophe Thiebaud (LSY: 8eme/CM1 in 1998) is a "PhD student in Economics at the Sorbonne Business School. He carries out his research both at the university and at the French Railway Regulatory Body where is is an economist. He received his Master’s degree from the Toulouse School of Economics in 2011." (http://chaire-eppp.org/thiebaud) ● Sochie Ursula Nnaemeka (LSY: 1ere in 2005) was "married Sunday [May 31, 2015] to Edward Stolper Fertik..... Ms. Nnaemeka, 27, is keeping her name. This month she completed her first year of law studies at Georgetown University. She graduated from Yale [with a BA in History in 2009]. Her father is a general and gastrointestinal surgeon in New Rochelle. Her mother teaches third grade at the lower school campus of the French-American School of New York, in Larchmont, N.Y. Mr. Fertik, 30, is a candidate for a doctoral degree in history at Yale, from which he also received a bachelor’s degree....." (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/31/fashion/weddings/sochie-nnaemeka-edward-fertik.html) ● Sarah El-Tamer (LSY: 4eme in 2002) graduated from the Dalton School in 2006 and obtained a BA in Art History from Columbia in 2010. She "is a Junior Specialist in Impressionist and Modern Art [at Christie's], responsible for assisting with the department’s business-getting efforts for the bi-annual Day and Works on Paper Sales. Sarah also serves as Head of Sale for the department’s E-Commerce channel in New York. She worked on the department’s inaugural Picasso Ceramics online sale in fall 2014....." (http://www.christiespartners.com/departments/) ● Manon Roux (LSY: 10eme/CE1 in 1996) "graduated from SUNY-Purchase College in December 2009 with a BFA in photography. She has been studying as an artist almost all her life, at Rhode Island School of Design as well as at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris. She has studied and worked in all fields of photography including landscape, architecture, still life, fashion, non-silver, digital, and is currently focusing on portraiture and fashion. Manon is part French, part American." (https://www.behance.net/manonroux) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Anna Hascoët's demo reel (click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 2006 -- Claire de la Mothe Karoubi's business website -- Anna Hascoët on YouTube -- Chantal Palacci's wedding story Back to Top 2007● Andre Thunot (LSY: 9eme/CE2 in 1998) ”is an Electrical & Electronic Ph.D. graduate student at the University of Cambridge. He graduated from the College International de Valbonne (France) in 2007 and obtained the French Baccalaureate in Science with Honours. Following this, he enrolled into the University of Warwick and completed a Master of Engineering in Electrical & Electronic Engineering with Communication Systems. Throughout his study in Warwick, Mr. Thunot was presented with the Dean's Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement on three separate occasions.....His current research interests include hybrid propulsion systems for aerospace applications, Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer simulation & modelling, and other battery related testing & applications. Other interests include developing and designing personal websites ....." (https://uk.linkedin.com/pub/andré-thunot/89/83a/46a) ● Julia Hechler (LSY: 4eme in 2003) “is an independent filmmaker based in Seattle. She has produced and directed documentaries and has experience working in many other roles in filmmaking. Her past projects include producing/directing a short documentary with Washington Filmworks entitled “A Gift.” It was an interstitial for the films in the Fly Filmmaking Challenge and was shown at the Seattle International Film Festival 2013. She is currently in post-production on a documentary she directed in Paris with a Fulbright grant. The documentary is about a form of language that thousands of youths in France speak, many of whom are of immigrant descent. She has worked for Screaming Flea Productions and Loaded Pictures, and has interned for KIRO 7 TV. Julia graduated from Seattle Central Community College's Film & Video program in 2013. She received a BA from Macalester College in 2011 with a French & Francophone Studies major and English minor.” (http://www.juliahechler.com/) ● Antoine Lefebvre (LSY: 1ere in 2006): « Je travaille pour Starboard en Thaïlande depuis un peu plus de 3 ans. Je suis un passionné de windsurf, surf et standup paddle depuis très jeune. J'ai un profil plutôt international car j'ai grandi entre les USA et l'Espagne et j'ai également beaucoup voyagé [.....] J'ai commencé à travailler pour Starboard à travers un stage de fin d'études. Après quelques mails et coups de téléphone, j'ai décroché un stage de 6 mois en Thaïlande pour Starboard SUP. [.....] A la fin de mon stage, on m'a offert un autre stage de 6 mois dans le département Windsurf. Et de là, on m'a offert un job en tant que Project Manager chez Starboard Windsurfing et j'ai décidé de m'installer en Thaïlande [.....] » (http://www.hardloop.fr/article/0245-paddle-entretien-avec-antoine-lefebvre-de-starboard) ● Alice Chauvel (LSY: 2nde in 2005) : "A Third Culture Kid raised mostly in the Americas, Alice originally hails from France. After an MA in Global Media and Communications from the University of Warwick where she specialised in online communities, Alice joined Skimlinks as an intern with the Approvals Team, becoming the first point of contact for many of our publishers. Thanks to her obsession with the internet, she successfully managed to wheedle herself into the marketing team and now dabbles in everything from social media to content marketing, event organising, and PR. In her spare time, Alice can be found pursuing her love of culture by learning new languages (currently Japanese) travelling to places near and far, and indulging in global popular culture forms – from London exhibitions to American TV shows and Korean pop music." (https://skimlinks.com/company/team) ● Andre Le Brocquy (LSY: 4eme in 2003) "is a diverse and talented actor, having trained in the UK and in the US. His experience ranges from roles in the theater to commercials, voice overs, TV and film work. Andre was brought up between Dublin, New York, London and Paris. He is fluent in French and Italian, and is now based in Central London." (https://vimeo.com/user34006293) ● Amital Isaac (LSY: Terminale in 2007) is a 2012 graduate of the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism (M.A., Broadcast Journalism, Health & Science Reporting) and is a Digital Journalist and Producer at ABC News in Washington currently on assignment at Good Morning America. ● Sophie Aziakou (LSY: Terminale in 2007) "currently works as the public relations coordinator at the U.S. Fund for UNICEF. Previously, Sophie managed communications, events and the philanthropic arm of a New York based design firm, and oversaw sales in Quebec and in the Caribbean for an international record label. She is of Franco-American of West African and Chinese descent. Passionate about human rights and social justice, Sophie serves on the board of the Thorn Tree Project, a nonprofit that funds educational programs in Kenya. She has also volunteered and completed internships at Human Rights First, where she helped asylum-seeking refugees find pro bono legal representation, MADRE - an international women's human rights organization, and the Food Bank for NYC. Sophie received her Bachelor's degree from Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, where she studied social and economic development and human rights in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Fluent in French, she speaks conversational Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin, and basic Swahili." (http://www.consultcatalina.com/sophie-aziakou-1/) ● Charles Saksik (LSY: Terminale in 2007) is currently pursuing an MBA (2016) at Columbia University where he is a member of the Student Leadership and Ethics Board. He "is a French citizen with a background in financial management consulting and business controlling. Prior to Columbia, he was working as a consultant for KPMG in Paris where he mostly participated in refinancing projects for industrial companies as well as performance improvement projects. He has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Duke University with a concentration on Personality and Social Behavior....." (https://www8.gsb.columbia.edu/leadership/about/sleb) ● Randa Medina (LSY: 7eme/CM2 in 2000) is a 2013 Communications graduate of Saint Louis University (Madrid Campus) and a 2015 graduate of Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (Masters in Multimedia Journalism). She is currently a journalist for EL CORREO in Spain. (https://es.linkedin.com/in/randamedina) ● Abdoulaye Maiga (LSY: 2nde in 2005) is a 2013 graduate of Ecole Centrale de Paris (Master's in Engineering) and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Computer Science at Keio University in Tokyo. (https://fr.linkedin.com/in/abdoulaye-maiga-99410522/en) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Amital Isaac’s reel (click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 2007 -- Amital Isaac on YouTube Back to Top 2008● Vladimir Weinstein (LSY: 6eme in 2002): “Born and raised in Paris, France, Vlad is now a New York City based photographer specializing in street, food, music, fashion photography and documentary-style filmmaking.....Vladimir furthered his studies at the New York Film Academy. Thus far throughout his career, Vlad has shot for NYTimes, WSJ, L’Oreal, Vogue, Bravo, Uber, Morgan Stanley and many more. Prior to dedicating his full schedule to imagery, Vlad worked for Apple Inc, mastering his communication, troubleshooting and leadership skills.....”(http://www.vladimirweinstein.com/about/) ● Leah Mishkin (LSY: 6eme in 2002) is a reporter at News 12 Long Island. ● Mikaël Schinazi (LSY: Terminale in 2008) « est doctorant en deuxième année de thèse à l'École de droit de Sciences Po. Il effectué son échange à l'Université de Columbia. Il prépare une thèse sous la direction des Professeurs Emmanuel Gaillard et Mikhaïl Xifaras. Il a étudié le droit à l'Université de Cambridge et détient également un BA en histoire et en littérature de l'Université Harvard. » (http://www.sciencespo.fr/ecole-de-droit/fr/profile/schinazi-mikael) ● Agathe Joly (LSY: 7eme in 2001) « Après quatre ans passés à New-York à étudier l'histoire de l'art, Agathe Joly habite désormais en France où elle [est guide conférencier] . Formée au sein de prestigieux musées new-yorkais tels que le Met ou la Frick Collection, Agathe aime à partager sa passion auprès du grand public. Convaincue que c'est en regardant qu'on apprend, elle aime aussi, tel un détective, sonder les objets à la recherche d'indices et lire les œuvres comme on lirait des histoires . » (http://www.artips.fr/mobile_redac.html#!folio/agathe_joly.html) ● Alexandra Pianka (LSY: 1ere in 2007) is a model in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. ● Gabrielle Letalon is a flight attendant at Emirates Airline. ● Jessy Epstein, RD CDN, is a Clinical Dietitian at Montefiore Medical Center. ● Chloé Goirand (LSY: Terminale in 2008): “Born in Paris but raised between France, Germany and the United States. Now 25, graduated from HEC Montreal and after an exchange program in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Singapore, I am studying at ESSEC Business School and working for CHANEL fragrances in Paris. Passionate about cinema especially the French new wave, the aesthetics of Wong Kar Wai, Ingmar Bergman and the poetry of Christophe Honoré and François Truffaut..... My deep interest in travels has always been connected to my curiosity for beauty, novelty and cultural exchange. Always looking forward for challenges and unknown territories, I lead my steps to the luxury industry.” (http://chloegoirand.flavors.me/) ● Joyce Bukuru (LSY: Terminale in 2008) "is an Associate in the Africa Division at Human Rights Watch. Prior to joining Human Rights Watch, Joyce was a Program Assistant for the African Peacebuilding Network and a UN Advocacy and Research Intern at the International Crisis Group. Joyce graduated from McGill University with a B.A. in Political Science." (http://ossic.weebly.com/panelists.html) ● Yasmin Monayair: “Dedicated and Inspired to making a difference in the system of education by pursuing a career as an elementary school teacher, I graduated with my Associate of Science degree in May 2013 from Lackawanna College. I am looking forward to transferring to a 4 year university to fulfil my Bachelor requirements for early childhood education. Goal in the long run is to be a Principal. I am very passionate, driven and motivated to work with children above and beyond just teaching ..... I was born in NYC, but currently [live in] Whitehall, PA. You can take the girl out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the girl..... I enjoy writing, I have found it to be a very peaceful and blissful thing for me. I am a fan of free styling, and I create my own free style pieces. I always try to empower, and be the change I wish to see in the world. I march to the beat of my own drum, and coming from a Middle Eastern background this is not something very common for Muslim Women, but from this I have become a very confident, outgoing young woman following the path of her dreams.” (https://www.linkedin.com/in/yasmin-monayair-a2959766) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Leah Mishkin reports on a missing boy in Myrtle Beach (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 2008 -- Leah Mishkin on YouTube Back to Top 2009● Cecilia Iliesiu (LSY: 9eme in 2000) wrote: "I was promoted to a Soloist dancer with the Carolina Ballet in Raleigh, NC and performed countless roles by choreographers George Balanchine, Jerome Robbins, and Robert Weiss. This season, I have joined the well-renowned company, Pacific Northwest Ballet in Seattle, WA. Alongside my ballet career, I am pursuing my college degree at Fordham University in Communications and Visual Arts." (Click on link below to see an interview with Cecilia) ● Lino Meoli (LSY: 3eme in 2006): “Hailing from NYC, DJ Lino has been carving his niche in the international nightlife scene. His father was a New York DJ who mixed some of the earliest house music while his mother, the legendary icon Maripol, created Madonna’s early look and worked with Grace Jones, Blondie and many more renowned artists of the 80's. This unique upbringing and cultural exposure helped Lino shape his original and refreshing sound that he has been refining since the age of 17. Already now, at the tender age of 23, Lino Meoli has played for or alongside a slew of major artists and Hollywood figures, including Kanye West, Jay-Z, Prince, Alicia Keys, Deborah Harry, Dicaprio, Jessica Alba , Robert Deniro, Martin Scorsese and many more, as well as at major events such as the Cannes Film Festival and other celebrity studded events ..... As a result of his impact on DJ culture he has been invited to perform in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Paris, London, Milan, Berlin, Morocco, LA, and Miami.” (https://www.linkedin.com/pub/lino-meoli/88/1ab/322) ● Clélia Simpson (LSY: Terminale in 2009) “earned an M.A. in Architectural History and a B.A. in the History of Art from University College London (U.K.). Her work focuses on documentary photography, and in particular on the ways in which photography is used to construct histories of the built environment. She examines the cultural politics that underlie those histories. Most recently, she was a Graduate Research Intern at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.” (http://clelia-m-simpson.com/Clelia-M-Simpson) ● Zoe Flammang (LSY: Terminale in 2009): “I am a london based photographer passionate about food, product, still life advertising, as well as fashion and luxury accessories for editorial compositions. I studied set design in Lyon for 3 years before I attended a studio photography course at "Speos School of Photography" in Paris and London, specialized in commercial, still life and fashion. I am fascinated by visual presentation, I love to explore the textures and forms of my subjects and present them in various moods by utilizing light, color and composition.” (uk.linkedin.com/in/zoeflammang) ● Sophie Riemenschneider (LSY: Terminale in 2009) “is a first-year PhD student at the Graduate Center [of the City University of New York]. She received her BA in Comparative Literature from the University of Chicago. Her research interests include questions of trauma and memory, especially literature of 9/11, autobiography, and visual literature such as comics.” (http://gcenglish.commons.gc.cuny.edu/profile/riemenschneider-sophie/) ● Maurice Forget (LSY: Terminale in 2009) “is the Executive Director of the International School of Management (ISM) based in Paris and New York with seminar programs hosted in leading emerging markets. ISM's mission is to provide business professionals with a strong and knowledgeable foundation in international business to further their careers. Mr. Forget completed a Master of Law (LL.M.) at Panthéon-Assas University, specializing in International Law with a concentration in International Investment Law, International Trade & Commerce Law and International Private Law. During this time, he joined the ISM team in Paris as the school’s Risk Officer. He was appointed as ISM’s Executive Director in 2014 and was also elected to the ATHEA Board of Directors as Secretary of the Board in 2015. Mr. Forget is currently pursuing an additional master's degree in Educational Leadership & Management at the UCL Institute of Education in London." (http://www.athea.org/home/board-member) ● Hugo Martorell (LSY: 1ere in 2008): “Born and raised worldwide, I’ve been living in Montreal, Québec, for the last five years. I’m an apho-interactionist: I enjoy weaving networks and unraveling the potential of popular & citizen organizing, collaborative designs and multi-stakeholder partnerships on anything surrounding agriculture, food systems and food sovereignty ..... I am inspired by the vibrant food movement in Montreal and Canada, which drove me to co-found the JAM – Justice Alimentaire pour Montréal – which strives to be at the crossroad for activists, entrepreneurs, academics and institutions to connect, converge and co-create new projects, events and campaigns ..... I studied international development and political science at McGill (2009-13) – as well as another of my passions, Hispanic and Latin American culture, until I realized that much of the work that needs to be done is directly with our community. After two year of JAMing, I am now in the Individualized Program of Concordia U, right around the corner. It was the natural step to avoid the job market, a skewed game for a lot of youth with big ideas. I speak Spanish and French, learnt some Portuguese and Bahasa Indonesia on the treadmill of life. I’m enthusiastic about biking, running, and meditative practices, outside.” (https://openfoodpolicy.wordpress.com/about/bio/) ● Margaux Donnellier (LSY: 4eme in 2005): " I am a student at Parsons, the New School for design, undertaking a Masters in Fashion Studies. I am French but have previously lived in NY (2000-2005, where I went to the Lycée Francais), Washington DC, and more recently in London where I studied History of Art." (http://www.newyorkinfrench.net/profile/MargauxDonnellier#.Vit_hyvfv9M) ● Sumner Murphy (LSY: 8eme (CM1) in 2001) “took the college dropout route to entrepreneurship when he realized he could make more money consulting than working two jobs--one at a restaurant, another at a software company--to put himself through NYU. Now he's the founder of edtech startup Mobento which is providing content to both the academic and corporate worlds. Mobento provides a searchable library of educational content from the likes of Khan Academy, Yale, TED and Bozeman Science which schools can use to create their own digital courses using content on the Web. The New York- and London-based startup raised $1.7 million in seed funding in 2013 and in March [2014] released an enterprise platform that businesses can use for staff training.” (http://upstart.bizjournals.com/companies/startups/2014/04/08/sumner-murphy-mobento-founder.html?page=all) ● Melodie Carli (LSY: Terminale in 2009) is the Managing Director of the UN Society & Diplomatic Review. (Formerly the Diplomatic World Bulletin, it is the leading diplomatic society publication based in New York and officially accredited to the United Nations.) ● Maximilian Mulitz (LSY: 3eme in 2006) “has devoted his work to the practice of western herbalism and has a focused interest in the treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity “Disorder” ..... Max started developing an interest in medical studies in high school and wanted to pursue a career in the western medical field. After spending time working in a pharmacy in his hometown of New York City, he learned a lot from the actions of pharmaceutical drugs and quickly recognized the emotional, physical and spiritual damage such drugs can cause in the body. Max studied Nursing at the University of San Francisco [and] then pursued a course of study in Horticulture and Nursery Operations, where he discovered his love for plants and all earth-bound beings. Max traveled to Ecuador in 2011 to volunteer on a medicinal plant and Cacao farm called Wisdom Forest. There, he learned the power and elegance of the plants that reside in the Amazon jungle. He also helped to restructure their nursery practices and develop a more sustainable way to propagate these medicinal allies. With this newfound knowledge, Max went on to follow a path with Ohlone Herbal Center and has so much pride in serving his community with this knowledge. Max’s intention as a clinician is to provide healing from a place of love, cultivating and enriching the physical, emotional and spiritual being within each of us. Alongside his work at the student clinic, Max makes and sells herbal products, under the name Grateful Herbals.” (http://www.ohlonecenter.org/uncategorized/max-multiz/) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Ballet dancer Cecilia Iliesiu is interviewed ● Pauline Dunoyer talks about her experience as an undergraduate student at Haverford. (Click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 2009 -- Cecilia Iliesiu on YouTube -- Pauline Dunoyer on YouTube Back to Top 2010............................................... In Memoriam: ● Cecilia Alexandra Fulton Vicuna († April 27, 2015) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Andrew L. Waldan (LSY: 2nde in 2008) [CEO of Waldan Internationa] “was born in New York, NY in 1992. As a child, Waldan was a student of the arts, learning and successfully playing the violin, piano, bass guitar and acoustic guitar. By age 12, Waldan had experimented with composition and had played in a junior orchestra for Queen Noor of Jordan at a private reception at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City. Aside from time spent nurturing a passion for music, Waldan attended the Lycée Français de New York, a private independent French school where he developed a curiosity for European History, which only intensified as he grew older and learned of his father’s background. By the time he was 15 years old, Waldan was trilingual and had gathered a wide range of experience in the watch industry not typically available to someone his age.” (http://waldanwatches.com/history/) ● Marie-Lilas Onanga Ozavino (LSY: Terminale in 2010) is pursuing a Master in Management (MiM) at HEC Paris and expects to graduate in 2018. She obtained a Bachelor's Degree (European Social and Political Studies - International Relations with German) from the University College in London in 2014. (https://fr.linkedin.com/pub/marie-lilas-onanga-ozavino/37/a76/698) ● Sebastian Oppenheim (LSY: 3eme in 2007) is an Assistant Lead Commercial Specialist at CORE. "[He hails] from a bicultural (French American) background with fluency in French as well as proficiency in Spanish, Sebastian ..... His studies in International Relations and Communications from his alma mater College of Charleston ensures a dedicated customer service orientation as well as cross-cultural understanding. Sebastian currently resides on the Upper East Side and in his spare time enjoys playing sports and traveling to the Hamptons on the weekend." (http://corenyc.com/sebastian-oppenheim) ● Amelie Desazars (LSY: Terminale in 2010) is a student at l'Institut Français de la Mode in Paris, where she expects to obtain a Masters Degree in 2016, in the Fashion, Design and Luxury Management Program. ● Malcolm Pei (LSY: Terminale in 2010) " was born in New York City, is well traveled, especially Europe and Asia, and has a unique perspective on the world. Descendant of the great I.M. Pei and C.C. Pei, he is a graduate of the Lycée Français de New York with a Baccalauréat Général, and the New York Film Academy with an Associates degree in 3D animation. [He is expecting to obtain] a Bachelors of Fine Art from the Academy of Art University [in 2016, and hopes to have] developed the tools to be a great filmmaker." (https://www.linkedin.com/in/malcolm-pei-a0105182) ● Alex Rosner (LSY: CE1 in 2000) told us that his current job is Trader & Investor Relations at Annaly Capital Management. ● Carlos Biaou (LSY: 13eme/MS in 1997) "is a 1st year PhD student in Electrical Engineering here at the University of California, Berkeley. After completing his undergraduate studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, he now focuses on research on semiconductor devices, especially 3rd generation solar cells." "[He] is a native of Benin (West Africa) where problems with electricity outages inspired him to study engineering so he could return home to his native land and improve the infrastructure. He came one step closer to achieving his dream when he became one of 60 students nationwide to be awarded a Jack Kent Cooke Transfer Scholarship worth $30,000 per year ..... Biaou has been recognized for a host of academic honors including membership in the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta (National High School and Two-Year College Mathematics Honor Society), Dean's List, Honors Academy ....." (https://www.pgcc.edu/Profiles/Carlos_Biaou.aspx & https://www.facebook.com/events/794693700600630) ● Lily Masco (LSY: 8eme/CM1 in 2002): "..... I was born in the West Village of Manhattan .....Eventually, we moved to the Upper East Side to shorten the commute to my elementary school, the Lycée Français of New York. My mother grew up in the South of France and moved to New York City when she married my father in the eighties. It was crucial to her that my sister and I grow up speaking French. At the age of nine, shortly after 9/11, an opportunity abroad was presented to my mother: Athens, Greece.....I watched myself gradually become Greek—living peacefully and enjoying every minute of it. I learned the language and adjusted my palate to their foods.....Five years later, it was time to learn about my mother’s homeland. Next destination… Paris! Although I was reluctant to leave my Greek El Dorado, Paris lured me with her beauty and I found love for her too ....Once I graduated high school, having experienced the French school system .....I wanted to transfer into an American college to provide me with a more social, creative, and personalized experience.....In my third year [at Marist College] , my desire to travel enticed me to spend a semester studying abroad in Florence, Italy. There, I was able to learn Italian and even get a job as a bartender and waitress to accompany my studies. It was a perfect job to familiarize myself with my clientele, both locals and tourists, of all ages. It allowed me to develop my language and communication skills. Thanks to my job, I was able to save up enough money to spend my summer traveling Europe.....I travelled with friends, in groups, and even alone—not even a cell phone. I craved the true local experience but also enjoyed meeting backpackers and other travelers. In my senior year of college, I am now searching for the next paragraph to include in the “About me” section in my life....." (https://lilymasco.wordpress.com/) ● Malika Mouflet (LSY: Terminale in 2010) is a Quality Assuranace Analyst at JobDiva. "Languages are my passion. As a native French, Spanish and English speaker, I am able to empathize and connect with a wide range of people internationally. I am interested in the business industry (more specifically in either music, cosmetics or media), looking for opportunities in human resources and recruiting roles. I recently graduated from Williams College with a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and Sociology. I am also a dancer, choreographer and musician....." (https://www.linkedin.com/in/malikamouflet) -- Classnotes Archives, 2010 -- In Memoriam: Cecilia Alexandra Fulton Vicuna Back to Top 2011● Ann-Sophie Kaemmerle (LSY: Terminale in 2011) is a freelance blogger at The Huffington Post and “a native New Yorker who recently graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in English. She is an avid writer, and will be publishing her first series of essays in the coming months, entitled An Ignorance of Beards. The essays cover events from her own life, and focus on sex and relationships.” (Click on link below to access Ann-Sophie’s articles) (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/annsophie-kaemmerle/) ● Alexandra Blanc (LSY: 9eme/CE2 in 2002) "is currently completing her undergraduate degree in Business Administration at the George Washington University as well as pursuing her Graduate degree in Information Systems Technology Management. Upon graduation, Alexandra would like to start her career in IT Consulting to acquire the tools and experience to then create her Tech Startup oriented towards social entrepreneurship. Alexandra has had the opportunity to grow up in Sao Paulo, New York, Paris and Brasilia. Along the years her interest in computers and technology has grown stronger, leading her to pursuing a career in Technology. She has a special interest in new and emerging technologies and how they affect and aid development in emerging economies." (https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandra-blanc-93000658) ● Sacha Djorkaeff (LSY: Terminale in 2011) is a 2015 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania (The Wharton School, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration and Management) and is currently the founder and CEO of Owl Technologies. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/sacha-djorkaeff-b0b73353) ● Alexandra Bousquet-Chavanne (LSY: Terminale in 2011) is a 2015 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, with a Bachelor's degree in English (major with a Creative Writing concentration, minor in Hispanic Studies). She is currently working as the Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief of Condé Nast Traveler. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandrabousquet) ● Thomas De Metz (LSY: 3eme in 2008) obtained a Licence (Histoire de l'art) in 2014 from Université Paris-Sorbonne and expects to graduate from HEC in 2017. He is concurrently a Mergers & Acquisitions analyst intern at BNP Paribas Corporate and Institutional Banking. (https://fr.linkedin.com/in/thomas-de-metz-a30b5282/en) ● Anna Lapomme (LSY: 4eme in 2007) is a 2015 graduate of McGill University (Bachelor of Arts, Environmental Science and Economics) and is currently working as Adviser at the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Tonga to the United Nations. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/anna-lapomme-19057964) ● Angèle Cossée (LSY: 9eme/CE2 in 2002) nous informe qu'elle a obtenu son Baccalauréat (Sciences Economiques et Sociales) au Lycée Chateaubriand de Rome en 2011, et ensuite un Diplôme du College Universitaire de Sciences Po (en Droit) en 2014. Elle poursuit un Master Affaires Publiques à Sciences Po (2016). Elle a été Chargée de Projet à la Transplanisphère (une compagnie théâtrale qui développe un projet interrogeant des thématiques politiques et citoyennes par le théâtre). Elle est actuellement Assistante en Communication à l'Institut français Italia/Ambassade de France en Italie. (Angèle's LinkedIn page can be accessed here: https://fr.linkedin.com/in/angèle-cossée-3580bba3/en) ● Claire Bouillon (LSY: terminale in 2011) obtained a Bachelor's Degree (major: Environment and Development, minor: Communication Studies) at McGill University in 2014 and is pursuing a Master’s Degree (City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning) at University College London (2016). (https://uk.linkedin.com/in/clairebouillon) ● Andrew Dadoun (LSY: Terminale in 2011) obtained a Bachelor of Science (Economics and Finance) at Bentley University in 2015, and is currently employed as an analyst at Natixis CIB Americas. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-dadoun-61b08175) -- Classnotes Archives, 2011 -- Ann-Sophie Kaemmerle at the Huffington Post Back to Top 2012● Lorenzo Falchi (LSY: 5eme in 2007) is pursuing a Master's Degree in Economic Law at Sciences Po in Paris. After leaving the LFNY, he obtained his Bac at the Lycée Chateaubriand de Rome, and then a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Government at Sciences Po. ● Anne Chantal Léon Pernet (LSY: 10eme/CE1 in 2002) is currently a student at the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, and expects to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management in 2017. (https://ch.linkedin.com/in/annechantalleonpernet) ● Sabrina Tager (LSY: Terminale in 2012) is majoring in international Comparative Studies with a Certificate in Markets and Management Studies at Duke University, and expects to graduate in 2016. She is also a founding member and Editor-in-Chief of Duke University's on-campus digital publication --The Standard. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/sabrina-tager-959306aa) ● Roman Finkelstein (LSY: Terminale in 2012) was quoted in the press regarding the April, 2015 riots in Baltimore: "..... A CVS Pharmacy located in downtown Baltimore was looted and burned by protestors. Roman Finkelstein, a junior at Maryland Institute College of Art, says that his classes were cancelled for the day of the curfew. He walked into the abandoned CVS that had just been looted with the alarms blaring saying, “It was very eerie. It seemed like something out of a movie. I went in just to check it out, but honestly I was scared. There were no cashiers or anything. It was like it was Doomsday or something.” (https://hmullaney.wordpress.com/2015/04/30/baltimore-in-shambles/) ● Alexandre Vandeville (LSY: 4eme in 2008) a eu son Bac au Lycée Saint-Louis de Gonzague en 2012, et a fini sa Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles (CPGE), Economique et Commerciale / voie Scientifique (ECS) au Lycée Saint-Jean de Passy en 2014. Il est étudiant à ESSEC Business School (2014-2017). Il a fait un stage d'Assistant Contrôleur de Gestion chez BNP Paribas en 2015. (https://fr.linkedin.com/in/alexandrevandeville/en) ● Scherezade Khan (LSY: 3eme in 2009) graduated from Phillips Academy Andover in 2012, and currently expects to obtain a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Government at Tufts University in 2016. “Politics is undeniably [my] first love, but I would argue that this love has only grown stronger through my experience in communications and marketing. I've had the opportunity to write media advisories, make pitch calls and generate social media content for a wide variety of foundations, non-profit and for-profit organizations through incredible internships with The Raben Group and BerlinRosen Public Affairs. I've applied the same skills to everything I do on-campus, from running my civics education program to being a leader in Greek life. I can't wait to take these skills to the next level after college, while always staying up to date on breaking news.” (https://www.linkedin.com/in/scherezadekhan) ● Jeanne Biteau (LSY: 2nde in 2010) obtained her Baccalauréat (Sciences) at La Salle Passy Buzenval in 2012. She is currently a student at IESEG School of Management, enrolled in the Master's program specialized in Audit and Control. She is also the head of Consulting at IESEG Conseil Paris (a student association of IÉSEG School of Management which follows the operating model of a consultancy firm). (https://fr.linkedin.com/in/jbiteau) ● Driss Bel Hadj Soulami (LSY: 5eme in 2007) obtained his Baccalauréat (Section Scientifique, mention très bien) at the Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle in 2012. He is currently a student at Imperial College London, expecting to obtain a Masters in Mechanical Engineering in 2016. (https://uk.linkedin.com/in/driss-bel-hadj-soulami-74091978) ● Ioan Delice (LSY: Terminale in 2012) : "Born January 13, 1994, the Brooklyn native of French/Haitian descent is inspired by an eclectic range of artists – from Hip Hop legend Big L, to France’s most popular and enduring singer Charles Aznavour. As an ambassador to his generation, Ioan also pays homage to the cartoons that formed his childhood and taps the creative influence of reputable composer Jim Lang and Japanese Hip Hop producer Nujabes – who have written scores for Hey! Arnold and Samurai Champloo respectively. Ioan’s artistry also draws it’s inspiration from having grown up in Kings County, widely recognized as the rap capital of the world, at a time when its gritty reputation held true. The musician’s explorations of romantic, spiritual, interpersonal, and societal themes, mixed with his playful and unorthodox style of rapping, breaks hip-hop boundaries with new artistic expression. Through his soulful meandering and multi-cultural influence, Ioan fearlessly delves into the creative process of his talent and is continuously expanding his audience by delivering songs that escape the fleet of trends." (http://ioandelice.com/) ● Poline Tchoubar (LSY: Terminale in 2012): "Down from my Russian roots to the tip of my French leaves, I believe that careful research and honest reporting are essential to make reliable information and critical thinking stand out in the buzzing noise of the media era. I’m a political science student at the French German European campus of Sciences Po in Nancy, and am currently doing an internship in international relations in the magnetic city of Berlin. Events are never one-sided, and writing helps to make sense out of them." (https://nynsolite.wordpress.com/2015/03/21/about-me/) ● Pierre Lataillade (LSY: 4eme in 2008) "I studied at the preparatory school at Lycée Privé Sainte-Geneviève and I am now a student at Supélec. I'm interested in anything that has to do with computer science, be it on the software or hardware level or even on a more conceptual algorithmical level." (https://fr.linkedin.com/in/pierre-lataillade-039b2ab6) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Daniela Suarez-Rebling (LSY: Terminale in 2012) talks about being a Harvard student and a member of its swimming team. ● Olivia Adechi (’12), Selin Yurtsever (’12) and Luke Henderson (’12) talk about their experience at the LFNY. (Click on links below) -- Classnotes Archives, 2012 -- Daniela Suarez-Rebling at Harvard -- Olivia Adechi, Selin Yurtsever and Luke Henderson on Vimeo Back to Top 2013● Kristina Alexandra (Makarian) Gliklad (LSY: Terminale in 2013) wrote: “I am currently the captain of the Columbia University Equestrian Team. We compete through IHSA (Intercollegiate Horse Show Association) throughout the east coast against other colleges like NYU, STONY BROOK, CORNELL, PRINCETON, BROWN, DARTMOUTH etc. The multi-lingual and multi-cultural background with which the LFNY has shaped me from Nursery all the way to Terminale were some of the biggest assets to running my team, organizing our horse shows, and connecting with members from all around the word. This year, we have already qualified for Regionals in Hunt Seat Equitation both on the Flat and Over Fence. As I ride with my team with the Columbia logo on my back, I travel, recruit, and connect with riders throughout the world with the LFNY in my heart. I've attached some pictures of myself with my team ! (The dog in the second photo is Jack, you may remember him as Sandy from Comédie Musicale's production of Annie is 2012. He is now our mascot)” (Click on PDF file below to see Kristina’s photos) (Editor's note: Kristina is an undergraduate student at Columbia University where she expects to obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Comparative Literature French/Russian in 2017. She has also guest-starred on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit in the episode "Flight" as Dominique Moreau in 2011.) ● Amairaní Hernández (LSY: 6eme in 2007) shared this with us: « Amai a étudiée au LFNY du CM2 à la 6ème. Même si cela n'a duré que deux ans, elle se rappelle de tout le monde et en a gardé de très beaux souvenirs. Elle est ensuite retournée au Mexique pour continuer ses études au Lycée de Mexico et a eu l'opportunité de séjourner à nouveau à New York pendant un cours d'été en 2012 à Pratt Institute. C'est alors qu'elle a définitivement su qu'elle s'orienterait dans les arts. En 2013, elle a obtenue son Bac STI2D puis elle est partie effectuer pendant un an une prépa d'art à l'ESAG Penninghen de Paris. Aujourd'hui, elle étudie à l'Université Iberoaméricaine de Mexico afin de devenir architecte. Vous pouvez la retrouver sur son blog afin de suivre son travail (celui-ci sera finalisé début Février) : http://amaihca.wix.com/art-chitecture » (Click on link below to access her blog) ● Camille Williams (LSY: 8eme in 2005) is a student at Concordia University in Montreal, expecting a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience in 2017. ● Jonah Sherman (LSY: terminale in 2013) is the founder of Pintact (“a new website and smartphone application enabling rapid, secure, personal and business contact information exchange”) and a student at Duke University. He is majoring in political science and government, and expects to obtain a B.A. in 2017. [Click on link below to access Jonah’s website] ● Chloé Kaston (LSY: Terminale in 2013) shared this with us: "I’m currently a Junior at SUNY Purchase College, majoring in Media, Society, and the Arts, and minoring in History. I am an academic advisor for freshmen and I work as an events photographer for the college’s Communications and Creative Services Department as well as for the Office of Institutional Advancement. My photos have been published in the college’s Alumni magazine. I also photographed the cover of Napoli Sotto Traccia, written by Jason Pine, published in Italy this year." ● Katia Tamer (LSY: 11eme in 2002) is a student at the University of Pennsylvania, majoring in Communications and Consumer Psychology and expecting a Bachelor’s degree in 2017. ● Winona White (LSY: 2nde in 2011) is a student at the University of Bristol (United kingdom) and is majoring in History of Art. ● Kaledora Kiernan-Linn (LSY: terminale in 2013): “Like tech-whizzes, talented artists are often presented with time-sensitive opportunities. At 3 p.m. on a Friday afternoon, Kaledora Kiernan-Linn (who goes by Kaledora Fontana), a former member of the class of [Harvard] 2018, has just finished rehearsal ..... It’s a short day for Fontana, whose rehearsals often go from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m .....Fontana is starving—rehearsal often goes through lunch—so we order some food and coffee and sit down to talk. As hectic as her days might be, Fontana feels relieved that she’s no longer juggling a full course load along with dance. When the Boston Ballet first hired her before her freshman year at Harvard, Fontana asked her director if she could commute from Cambridge. He said yes, but Fontana soon realized that she had taken on too much. ‘If I had five minutes during rehearsals, I’d be reading a book,” she says. “That was really fun because I like being really busy, but eventually I got to the point where I thought I was superhuman and could survive on four hours of sleep.’ Though Fontana tried to manage her schedule by finding a fourth class whose lectures she could watch online, midterms and finals brought unavoidable conflicts—she had four exams at the same time as performances. After a weekend of two performances per day, Fontana scheduled three make-up exams back-to-back on a Monday. ‘I set up a meeting with my resident dean and I was like, I can’t do this anymore.’ While Fontana can come back to Harvard anytime, age matters in ballet; this might be her only opportunity to dance. After all, as a graduate of the School of American Ballet, she’s been training for it her full life. ‘This was the only time I could do this, so it would be stupid not to,’ she says.” (http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2015/2/19/scrut-dropouts-silber/) ● Nathaniel Benzaquen-Ouakrat (LSY: 5eme in 2008): “I am currently a junior at Carnegie Mellon University studying Decision Science with an intended double major in Business Administration. I am interested in pursuing a career in the financial services industry, specifically equity research or asset management.” (https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathanielbenzaquen) ● Alexia Bourgeois (LSY : 7eme in 2006): « Une mère littéraire, un père voyageur? Ce genre d'influence ne peut que laisser sa marque. En seconde année d'études de communication/événementiel à Lille, j'ai des rêves plein la tête et surtout celui de percer dans un milieu créatif: l'organisation de campagnes publicitaires et/ou d'événements. Les livres, le vieux cinéma, la musique, la danse et autres domaines m'ont donné l'envie de créer à mon tour. Ce site montre mon travail, personnel ou scolaire, et des éclats de voyage ou d'inspiration. » (http://alexbartworks.wix.com/alexiabourgeois#!about/cjg9) ● Stefan Chevreux (LSY: 6eme in 2007) is pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in psychology at the New School in NYC. -- Classnotes Archives, 2013 -- Kristina Alexandra Makarian with members of her Columbia University equestrian team -- Jonah Sherman's website -- Amairaní Hernández' blog Back to Top 2014● Juliette Petit (LSY: 3eme in 2011) a obtenu son Baccalauréat Scientifique (Spécialité Mathématiques, mention Très Bien) au Lycée Institution Saint Malo La Providence en 2014. Elle est étudiante en classe préparatoire Ciné-Sup (section son --classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles de cinéma et de son) au Lycée Gabriel Guist'hau (https://fr.linkedin.com/pub/juliette-petit/ba/371/842) ● Marianne Ruelle (LSY: Terminale in 2014) is an undergraduate student at McGill University and is pursuing a B.Sc. in Anatomy and Cell Biology, with a minor concentration in East Asian Language (Mandarin). She expects to graduate in 2017. (https://ca.linkedin.com/in/marianne-ruelle-26bb84b0) ● Paul Le Gloan (LSY: Terminale in 2014) is studying Economics and Philosophy at University College London where he expects to graduate in 2018. He is also writes reviews for the online jazz (and other music) magazine Djam. (Click on link below to read some of his articles) ● Cecile Pin (LSY: 5eme in 2009) obtained her French Baccalaureate (Literary Section) at the Institut Sainte Geneviève in 2014. She is currently a student at University College London where she expects to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy in 2017. She does occasional volunteer work for the Orangutan Foundation ("the foremost orangutan conservation organization.....protecting their tropical forest habitat, working with local communities and promoting research and education"). (https://uk.linkedin.com/in/cecile-pin-019374101) -- Classnotes Archives, 2014 -- Paul Le Gloan at Djam Back to Top 2015............................................... In Memoriam: ● Côme Barroux († January 2, 2013) ● Jassim Mazouni († July 9, 2014) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Oan Djorkaeff (LSY: 3eme in 2012): « Visiblement, les stars de France 98 ont des enfants talentueux... Quelques-uns d'entre eux suivent les pas de leur père en tentant une carrière pro dans le monde du ballon rond. Dernier candidat en date, Oan Djorkaeff, fils de Youri "The Snake" Djorkaeff. Ce dernier, champion du monde au côté de Zinédine Zidane et compagnie et toujours aussi affûté comparé à d'autres anciens joueurs, a vu son fils intégrer l'équipe des U19 nationaux de l'Evian-Thonon-Gaillard, équipe qui évolue en Ligue 1. Oan Djorkaeff, c'est son nom, avait auparavant foulé les prés verts de Saint-Étienne où il était en formation, qu'il terminera désormais en Haute-Savoie puisqu'il a intégré depuis cet été le centre de formation, l'antichambre du monde professionnel. Le fiston de bientôt 18 ans a connu quelques difficultés avec son patronyme, déjà rendu célèbre par son grand-père, Jean Djorkaeff, international tricolore à 48 reprises [.....] En intégrant le club d'Evian-Thonon-Gaillard, l'adolescent intègre le cercle des enfants de joueurs sur le point de devenir des pro. Et notamment ceux de France 98. Zinédine Zidane a ses enfants, Enzo et Luca, au sein du Real Madrid, et tous les deux ont récemment porté la tunique de l'équipe de France. Lilian Thuram a quant à lui vu son fils Kephren intégrer l'INF Clairefontaine, le pôle excellence des jeunes joueurs de foot, quand son aîné Marcus parfait sa formation à Sochaux. » (30 Juillet 2014, Purepeople.com, http://www.purepeople.com/article/youri-djorkaeff-papa-fier-son-fils-oan-discret-heritier-des-talents-du-pere_a145235/1) ● Margaux Giles (LSY: 7eme/CM2 in 2008) is a Co-founder and Creative Director of Disaster Mesh. ● Léa Pierret (LSY : 3eme in 2012) completed her studies at the Lycée Jacques Monod in 2015, and worked as Conseiller Académique à la Vie Lycéenne at the Académie de Versailles. She is currently studying Social Science at Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. ● April Meerzoumen (LSY: 4eme in 2011) went on to study for one year at the Lycée Français International de Hong Kong and then obtained her HS diploma from the Eleanor Roosevelt High School in 2015. -- In Memoriam: Côme Barroux and Jassim Mazouni Back to Top |