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- Births / Naissances

Valérie-Luce Rambourg ('77) a donné naissance à Leela, Brigitte, Anjali, le 19/12/04.

Hillary Ray ('80) wrote: "Here are some pictures of Rose Davidson taken right after her birth at 3AM local time (!) on 11 October 2006. My husband Mark Davidson is in a couple of the pictures. He was kept very busy during the labor as I took my exercise ball with me into the labor ward and we did a so-called natural birth!.....As you can imagine, I have been really busy since so apologies for the late email! All is going well though, Rose now weighs 5 kilos and is feeding every 3 to 4 hours instead of every 1 or 2, so that is a welcome development. I am still up two to three times a night though and am getting used to seeing the sun rise very morning...."

Nicolas Boillot ('83) informed us that he "and his wife Jennifer welcomed their first child, Samuel, in February 2006."

Hortense Porcher ('87) nous écrit: "Maman d'un petit garçon Hippolyte né le 28 janvier 2004. Je vis maritalement avec le papa. La vie est bien faite!"

Jean-Michel Huet ('87) wrote: "My wife, Alexandra, and I are pleased to announce the birth of our first child, Sebastian, on September 22. Thankfully, he took on his mother's good looks and is only waking us up a couple of times per night."

Amaury de Barros Conti ('88) shared this with us: "My wife, Alicia, and I are very very happy to announce the birth of our first child -a son- Adrien, on August 22th 2005."

Sandrine (Pettit) Moussally ('88) nous écrit: "Bonjour, je vous fais part de la naissance de notre 5ème (!) enfant, Charles, né le 28 juillet 2006. Ses trois frères et sa soeur l'ont très bien accueilli. Amicalement, Sandrine."

Christelle Ferris ('98) informed us that her classmate and good friend Marie Piganeau ('98) gave birth to a lovely little girl, named Margaux, four months ago.

Martine (Gren) Ureña ('00) wrote: "My husband, Alex Ureña, and I are the proud parents of a baby girl, named Giselle, born November 3rd, 2006."

Top: Nicolas  ('83) and Jennifer Boillot's son Samuel; Bottom: Hillary (Ray) Davidson  ('80) with husband Mark and daughter Rose
Top: Nicolas ('83) and Jennifer Boillot's son Samuel; Bottom: Hillary (Ray) Davidson ('80) with husband Mark and daughter Rose