- In MemoriamAdel Pakzad ('84), Philppe Dehais ('78)(Scroll to below the last article, for a full list of Lycee alumni and staff who are deceased, to our knowledge.) Ahpaly Coradin ('85) shared this with us: "I have just learned today that Adel Pakzad (’84) passed away in New York in November 2004. Adel owned a construction company in New Jersey, Maradel General Construction Co.. He left behind a wife Maria and two children ages 8 and 9. Adel was one of the more memorable personalities at the Lycée and a true friend. Time, distance and careers conspired to keep us out of touch for many years, but I always assumed we would have time to get together again. We last spoke about three years ago and it was like old times. God speed, my friend." Gabriel Sylla ('85) also wrote a eulogy in memory of his friend Adel, that he posted at his web site (http://gabman__1.tripod.com/mesphotos/id1979.html): "Hommage à mon Ami Adel Mon ami était un résistant, un guerrier des temps modernes. Il n’hésitait pas à défier l’autorité lorsque ses principes étaient en jeu. Il fut un homme très intelligent qui adorait la vie. Il me donnait des conseils sur les arts martiaux, et il essayait de me transmettre sa vision du karaté, une passion qu’on partageait. Il avait une adororation pour sa mère et son père sans limites. On en a fait des bêtises ensemble avec notre groupe d'amis lorsqu’on était jeune au Lycée Français de New-York au debut des années 80, mais toujours dans un bon esprit! Adel était comme un garde du corps, il n’avait peur de rien; à 14 ans il était déjà bâti comme un homme, du haut de ses 6’2, 200 livres. Ils nous protégeaient des gangs de rue qui voulaient nous manger tout cru dans nos uniformes de petits "bourgeois". Il avait un regard de braise et je suis convaincu que personne ne pouvait l’intimider. Aujourd’hui, je suis champion national en karaté et c’est Adel qui m’a transmis sa force de caractère et d’esprit. Plus tard, étant plus mature j'attendais les week-ends avec impatience, j'attendais ces moments que j'allais passer avec mon grand ami Adel, qui était un jeune homme très élégant; on faisait du léche-vitrine ensemble, ensuite on allait sur Broadway pour voir les derniers films de kung-Fu. On a passé des heures à rigoler chez lui, des moments de pur bonheur! Ce sont des moments simples, mais tellement précieux qui resteront gravés dans ma mémoire pour toujours. Il se plaignait dans la semaine quand je ne l’appelais pas, j’avais des règles à la maison qui me limitaient mes minutes de téléphone dans la semaine.(Il trouvait mes parent trop stricts.) Adel tu étais un grand guerrier, un homme de classe et, j’en suis sur, un très bon père de famille! Que Allah ait pitié de ton Ame! Amin! Je te rends hommage cher ami, merci pour tout ce que tu m’as apporté! Ps: D'apres mon ami Ahpaly qui est allé voir ses parents, il parait que tout marchait pour Adel à l'époque ou il a tragiquement perdu la vie dans un accident de voiture, le business, avec deux superbes enfants. Il était le président fondateur de la compagnie Maradel Construction. Rest in peace dear old friend, we shall miss you!" **************************************************************************** In our newsletter #20 (December, 2003) we reported that Stéphane Dehais '85 informed us that his brother Philippe Dehais ('78) passed away on May 5, 1990 in London, England. One of Philippe's classmates --Frankie Mondjo-Leger ('78)-- wanted to share her remembrance of Philippe as well, and wrote: "In memory of Philippe Dehais. I recently came across a picture of Philippe Dehais that he had sent me and where he was in a tuxedo with a glass of champagne, and he wrote on the back of the picture «knowing me and knowing you, I’m sure you’ll get a good laugh out of this one» I did get a good laugh out of that one! But he sure was handsome in that tuxedo! I miss Philippe very much. Unlike I who stayed at the Lycée for 7 years (72nd to 95th street), Philippe made a short stay but I remember him dearly; he was my Lycée boyfriend and a wonderful guy. I also remember that when he had to leave NYC and the Lycée because his folks were relocating back to Paris, I went to JFK to say goodbye and we were clinging on to each other in tears. It was very melodramatic like most teenagers tend to be and years later we reminisced about this and we were hilarious. I miss Philippe very much. The last we saw each other was in the mid-80’s in NYC and then we lost track of each other, each going on with our own lives back and forth from NYC to Paris. I thought of calling his folks in Paris to ask about him, but never dared to. I miss Philippe very much. Philippe was the sweetest person, so considerate of others, the kind of guy with whom you could talk about anything and he would never judge you. We would stay hours on the phone talking about our respective love lives and just laugh about it. He never took himself seriously, and only wanted to have fun, enjoy life. I miss Philippe very much. I am usually a very discrete person and I hate talking about myself, and more so to talk about other people, but I had to do this for Philippe and his family. Philippe, Merci pour tout." ********************************************************************** DECEASED (Copy the website address and paste into your browser window for further details, where available) Professors/Staff/Administration Mme. Louise Bégué Mr. Pierre Brodin (http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A0DE4D61F3EF93AA35752C0A961958260) Mme. Dorothée Brodin (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.23/50/599) Mme. Nanette Cérisoles (http://lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.20/50/169) Mr. Claude Choquet (http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D05EFDC1E3FF933A05757C0A96E958260) M. Georges A. Deschamps (http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=10403&page=67) Mme. Hélène Ettinger M. Maurice Galy M. Arje Hary Mme. Tina Hess (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.22/50/431) M. Claude Jacot M. Martin Kieffer (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.20/7/279) M. Jacques Lafon Mme. Marie-Andree Mount M. Alexander Obolensky Mme. Ariane Popa (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.22/50/431) M. Robert Roussel Mme. Michèle Sampson Students Jacques Leclerc, '40 Francois Mariani, '40 Victor A. Soskice, '41 François Chapman, '42 Françoise (Cohen) Monteagle, '42 Pierre Frye, '42 Claude Lebel, '42 Guillaume de Bourgoing, '43 François de Bourgoing, '43 Alix (Hamburger) Deguise '43 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.21/50/580) Pierre Rosset-Cournand, '43 Charles de Ferry de Fontnouvelle, '43 Esther (Huisman) Asper, '44 Eleanor Cramer, '44 Raoul Grenade, '44 Natacha (Dorfmann) Ulmann, '45 David Mogoulosky, '45 Antoine Chapman, '46 Françion (Garreaud) Sonnery, '46 Léon Lambert, '46 Muriel (Landau) Michel, '46 Renata Chapiro, '47 Jacques de Panafieu, '47 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.21/50/580) Dominique Eude, '47 Tanaquil (Leclercq) Balanchine, '47 Aniouta Pitoeff, '47 Arthur Robbins Jr. Griswold , '47 Maurice Godet, '48 Jean Kaminker, '49 Jacques Rouxel, '49 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.21/50/580) Alice (Lorsy) Birner, '50 Jean Breffort, '50 Alexis Kalioujny, '50 (http://lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.20/50/169) Chantal (Laurentie) Lusby, '50 Delphine (Seyrig) Youngerman, '50 Jules Huot, '51 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.22/50/431) Jeanne (Blanchenay) Kerblat-Houghton , '52 Jacqueline (Contenson) Duguet, '52 Marc de Magnin, '52 Hélène Delgado Chalbaud, '53 Georges de Montebello, '53 Hubert-Michel Ripka, '53 Claire (de Reinech) Sreenivasan, '53 Claudine Brasseur, '54 Angelica Guidotti, '54 Dorita Lochak, '54 Charles de Toulouse Lautrec, '54 Bernard Mendes France, '54 Christian Segard, '54 René Blanchenay, '55 Patrice de Gramont, '56 Claude Toselli, '56 Anne-Marie (Maluski) Chapouton, '57 Ariel Brun de Pontet, '58 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.21/50/580) James S. Abrams, '59 Olga Georges-Picot, '59 (http://www.aveleyman.com/ActorsG/P00006460.HTML) Franklin Darmory, '60 Keith Brenner, '61 Naomi Schor , '61 (http://www.yale.edu/opa/v30.n13/story6.html) François Hervé, '62 Liliane Kahn, '63 Nicole Le Vien, '63 Thomas Taylor, '64 Tibou Lubart, '65 (http://hometown.aol.com/rogernyc/TibuObituary.html) Liliane Francais, '66 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.23/50/599) Francois Ganem, '66 Xavier Gélin, '66 Monique Hirschler, '66 (http://lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.20/50/169) Martine Sironneau, '66 Yves Bizien, '67 Laurent de Montmollin, '67 Peter Warren, '67 Georges Bibaud, '68 (http://hometown.aol.com/rogersanit/GeorgeBibaud.html) François Cailliarec , '68 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.15/50/600) David Cohen, '68 Michel Herckens, '68 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.23/50/599) Frederique Hugueny, '68 Carole Hugueny, '68 Marc Verine, '68 Everett Wetchler, '68 Jacqueline Wolff, '68 Aziyade (Venus) Mimran, '68 Alicia (de la Serna) Peel, '69 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.23/50/599) Richard Gorka, '69 Julie-Ann Krewer, '69 (http://hometown.aol.com/rogersanit/Krewer_Eulogy.html) Eva Lewin, '69 Victoria Blumka, '70 Philip Haentzler, '70 (http://www.silive.com/september11/lr/index.ssf?/september11/lr/haentzler.html) Carlos de la Serna, '71 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.23/50/599) Georges Dremeaux, '71 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.22/50/431) Eric de Villepin, '71 Gerard Crouzilhat, '72 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.21/50/580) Christophe Lefebure, '72 (http://lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.20/50/169) Valerie (Noel) Claisse, '72 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.21/50/580) Patricia Perinel, '72 Alain Chèvre, '73 Christina Duff '73 Axel Jahan, '73 Corinne Le Fresne, '73 David Cahn, '75 Bénédicte Martin, '75 Sylvie Bassette, '76 Yvan Antich, '77 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.22/50/431) Nicolas Reynard, '77 (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/11/1112_041112_reynard_crash.html) Philippe Dehais, '78 (http://lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.20/50/169) and http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.24/50/860 Marina Vaillaud, '78 Frederic Kapner, '78 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.23/50/599) Julien Lanoé, '79 Gabriella (Tussusov) Morey, '79 (http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE7DE163DF930A1575AC0A9659C8B63) Dr. Charles Wolff, '79 Françoise Lepeltier, '81 Lofti Mestiri, '81 Francis de Montebello, '82 Jenny Kleinman, '83 Chantal Konda, '83 Oulimata Sarré, '83 Makram Tueni, '83 Costanza Anchisi, '84 Hélène (Nguyen) Ommont, '84 (http://hometown.aol.com/rogersanit/Ommont_Eulogy.html) Sappho Garelli, '85 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.23/50/599) Didier Martheleur, '87 Olivier Du Pont, '88 Frederic Baer, '89 Patrick Bahr, '89 Romain de Plas, '89 Benjamin Gumuchdjian, '91 Edem Adjoyi, '92 Bianca Pujol, '95 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.22/50/431) Edward Zeltser, '97 Bertrand Fournier '98 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.22/50/431) |