Lettres des AnciensThe views expressed here are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Alumni Council or the Alumni Association of the Lycée Français de New York, Inc........On a separate note, we haven't received any negative letters; if we did we would publish them, honest! This newsletter section has two parts (scroll down for each one): Part 1: Letters received since last newsletter edition Part 2: Letters published in previous newsletters To see other messages related to the September 11th WTC tragedy, click on 'related link' to the right. To send us a message that will be posted immediately, see instructions at the bottom of this page. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** PART 1: Recent letters, received since last newsletter edition "Thank you for the terrific job you do!! It's a great alumni program." Kelly Ackerman, '90 "Thanks so much for this information........ No excuse for not contributing to as helpful an organization as yours!" Laura Jereski, '79 [in response to assistance we provided] "Pour ne pas être un trouble-fête, mais . . . j'ai devant moi la brochure du LFNY, Automne 2005, digne de celles des grands magasins de la 5e avenue. Le grand problème dans ce bouquin est l'existence d'une autre association des anciens régie par un C.B. Kende, tête du comité d'anciens élèves. Il y a aussi une longue liste d'anciens perdus. Le format - prénom/nom de famille - fait une comparaison avec le votre très penible. En plus, les recherches commencent en 1968. Est-ce qu'on nous considère comme croulants ou macchabées? :-) Et le site, alumni@lfny.org , est criblé de messages, 'en construction' ou 'page demandée est introuvable' Je m'excuse mais tout ceci m'a un peu tracassé car l'esprit cartésien est un legs de la 95e rue et les complications inutiles sont toujours de trop." John Clarke, '51 "I'd like to thank you for the many hours you devote to our alumni association. I really do appreciate the generous contribution of your time." Avram (“Butch”) Kaplan ('74) "Thanks for the info and all the work to keep us connected ;-))" Julia Roederer-Paretti ('84) "Your web site is dynamite." Diane Rivers ('74) "Thank you very much for all the work you put into the association." Daphne Silva ('97) "Congratulations on your work for the alumni association!" Nicolas Renard ('95) "Thank you for your great work." Manuel da Graça ('91) "Thanks for the good work and keeping in touch!" Guilaine Auguste ('75) "Thank you for everything you are doing for the LFNY Alumni Association." Emmanuelle Gras ('05) "Un tout grand merci à toi et à toute l'équipe de l'AALFNY ainsi que tous mes meilleurs voeux en cette fin d'année." Manoële (Jacques) Dochy ('71) "Encore félicitations pour le site." Henri-Armand Kohn ('66) "C’est toujours avec autant de plaisir que je consulte le site des anciens." Manoële (Jacques) Dochy (71) "Bravo on the website and all the efforts you have put into this. I used to be part of the AALF and it has come a long way." Denise (Raab) Jacobs ('69) "Merci d'avoir crée ce site qui,je l'espère,nous permettra après de longues années de retracer le passé, surtout qu'à cette époque, ureusement qu'il y avait les amis. Merci encore." Gwenaëlle Le Calvez ('90) "Good work, thank you!" Jordan Stern ('77) "Thank you so much for working on this project: I'm really glad to have news from my "old" classmates." Johann Leclercq ('96) "Thanks very much for....the great work you are doing that enables us to stay connected." Myriam (Ichbiah) Hajeri ('87) "You did a great job! Thank you. And I have forwarded the newsletter to the members of Alix Deguise`s family." Eléonore M. Zimmermann ('49) "I very much enjoyed reading your newsletter, though sad to read so many untimely deaths. Perusing my yearbook, I saw that Gerard Crouzillat had signed it with his inimitable wit! And I saw that Dominique de Villepin, France's present minister of the interior, was two classes ahead of me! Now isn't life funny!" Rachel Kaplan ('73) "Thanks for all you do to keep the Lycée spirit alive and allow us all to keep in touch." Stanislas Wojewodski ('92) "Congratulations on a job very well done!" Diana Henry ('66) "Kind regards and congratulations for the good job your are doing." Camille (Nathan) Maseda ('67) "Congratulations on a wonderful newsletter! Thank you so much for including my news. I greatly appreciate it." Carla Rosen-Vacher ('78) "Thank you so much for sending me this. I read it with great alacrity--and appreciation." Jill Newman Iversen ('61) "Fantastic newsletter. Thank you. This is a wonderful edition, a huge amount of work on your part, I am certain." Stephen Allen ('80) "....it's always nice to hear from fellow alumni!" Christine Oury ('87) ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* PART 2: Letters published in previous newsletters I am delighted to hear from you and read about the Association. It's like the distant past catching up with you. I shall look forward to reading your newsletter. Thank you for getting in touch. Michel Strauss ('54) I sure appreciate all the great work you are doing. Waldemar Kasriels, '56 et Prof. The site is vastly improved! Your tribute to Tibou is excellent - Thank you. Sandra Haas, '65 Seeing [the pictures of Martin Kieffer] and reading the related articles actually brought tears to my eyes! He really was one great guy and amply deserved the award. The world needs more of his kind. [My sister] Jacqueline will be very touched by his words because I know she cared for him very much. Raymond Morini, '66 Thanks to you and everyone involved in the web site and newsletter--great job! Alexandra Bonfante-Warren, '69 Bravo - great job re-organizing us all! Sherry Morse, '70 Congratulations. The newsletter looks great! Jacques Luben, '70 Just visited the AALFNY site and I want to congratulate you folks for the terrific redesign - I was deeply moved by the tribute to Martin Kieffer, the picture of Brodin in 1946, and all the other stuff. Jonathan Mandelbaum ('71) Sorry I could not make it to the reunion, it sounded wonderful. Anyway, you have done a great job of sparking enthusiasm amongst the "anciens". Lizanne Siccardi ('74) Tout d'abord merci pour le travail réalisé avec l'AALFNY. Les 30 ans de '76 approchent et c'est agréable de se reveiller un matin, se demander "que sont-ils devenus?" et de voir qu'une équipe a tenu la boutique et a fait tout le travail, même si on se sent un peu coupable de ne pas y avoir participé.......Meilleures Salutations. Marc Anger, '76 I can't tell you how much I look forward to receiving the announcement of the latest newsletter. It's a great way to keep up with news about friends from the past. Marc Hyman, '77 Congratulations, the revamping of the site is great. You'll be getting swamped by requests to find old classmates. Stéphanie Carson-Parker, '78 I really enjoyed looking around at the new web site, and it brought back some good memories. Philippe Massonet, '81 Great work on the site, restarting the newsletter, etc. Daniel de Segovia Gross, '82 This is a great initiative. Just finding the names of old classmates by browsing your site was great fun. Stéphane Massonet, '84 You guys are doing an amazing job! Thank you again! Gabriel Sylla, '85 I just had a look at the new web site. I had not been on the LFNY Alumni web site in a while. It looks great! I always have fun reading about old classmates and I was pleased to see there was a message from Christine Oury. Stephanie Mulot, '87 Thank you very much for this great web site, it is wonderful to hear from the Lycée and the friends we made when we were there ! Camille Levitte, ('90) Mes années au Lycée Français de NY sont inoubliables…L’Association peut compter sur mon soutien. Stanislas Lenack, '91 I wanted to tell you that I think you have done such wonderful work with this website and bringing everyone back together. Annabel Teiling, '92 ....je tenais à vous f éliciter du travail que vous avez effectué pour retrouver les adresses e-mail de tous nos anciens camarades. Un brin de nostalgie ne peut faire de mal à personne. Xavier Rouvroy de St Simon, '94 Bravo! le site est formidable: clair, organisé et aesthetically pleasing....Merci beacoup pour les infos et pour tout votre travail; le Lycée nous manque tous mais vous nous aidez un peu avec la peine. Chizoba Nnaemeka, '00 J'adore la photo de notre classe sur le site internet. Cela m'a permis de me souvenir de beaucoup de gens que j'avais oubliés. Carole (Vonderweidt) Hansen '69 Thank you so much for that new service you have established. You're doing a really great job! Helene (Nathan) Ikonicoff '71 Thank you for your mail. It is nice to have some news from LFNY. I was at the LFNY in the lower classes from 1982 to 1985. This period is one of the most fabulous I ever had. I'll be glad to receive the mails/addresses of the persons I was with during my stay in NY. Julien Kokocinski, '91 I'm very impressed with the Alumni Association and its commitment to keeping the LFNY community in touch. Emily Wood '97 Thanks for [your] encouraging welcome to the "post-bac" world. Kimberly Colas '03 Je viens d'apprendre la nouvelle de la mort de M. Claude Choquet, et en lisant les lignes que lui dédie Gabin Christian Langue Tsobgny ’85, je demeure frappé en y retrouvant exactement les mêmes traits que j'avais remarqués et appréciés comme élève de M. Choquet... vingt ans auparavant! Cette constance dans l'effort didactique et intellectuel de ce professeur exceptionnel, certainement celui dont les enseignements m'ont le plus marqué au cours de mon passage au Lycée, me semble digne de mention en ce moment où plusieurs générations d'élèves de Philosophie du Lycée new-yorkais lui rendent ce dernier hommage. Victor de la Serna '65 Thanks, team, for putting together the "Find a Classmate" service. It's great to see that so many alumni are listed! Eve Greenwood '80 Thanks again for your precious contribution to the Alumni Association. This site really bonds us back to our past and ties us to the present! Ramy Rakotomalala '88 It was so much fun looking through the database and seeing the names of people I knew so well once upon a time.....Thanks for doing a terrific job with this! Francine (Benzaken) Glick '74 Avant même de lire votre Email je me suis inscrit. J'applaudi votre initiative.......Vive l'Internet ! Cela redonne le moral à l'heure ou Le Pen passe au 1er tour. SHAME on France. Stéphane Barbé '87 I can't tell you what an emotional moment it was to read about some of my classmates mentioned on the website. When I started in 1953 (I have all the yearbooks if you need them) the classes were small and we all new each other. I knew Naomi Schor even though she was two years older. I was very sad to hear about her passing. I remember you [Roger Liwer ‘68] as being the tallest in your class (two years younger). Robert Ayache is the only person I kept in touch with on and off. I will now be keeping in touch with the Alumni. David Passigli ’65 I tried out your "find a classmate" What fun! You are doing a great job. Thank you. Elisabeth Loudes '66 I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the new website - it is user friendly and contains enough information to come back for a few more helpings. So much of the world uses computers and emails now, that establishing this new line of communication makes is easier for a lot of us to keep in touch. …I have stayed here in New York since graduating, and even though this city is not my place of birth, at this point in my life, I consider myself a native New Yorker. I had many friends working in the Towers, and I thank God on many occasions that every single one of them made it out alive…But as I was reading Pierre Oury (’85)'s class notes, I thought perhaps he was flying over New York yesterday, July 4th 2002, and felt reassurance that someone I had shared memories with so many years ago was taking care of us. Pascale Maré ‘85 Nice to hear from you and to know you're doing so much. I'm always visiting your website. Helene (Nathan) Ikonicoff '74 Thank you for your efforts in trying to find us (my sister and myself). It is most appreciated. I will be visiting the site and taking advantageous of the offer to find our classmates... Bravo pour l'excellent travail. Catherine Loudes '61 …By the way, that is quite a database you have there! Karin Link '70 Very surprised that Promotion ’72 is missing! Maybe with the help of the rest of my gang - Gerald (Sampson) or Arthur (Kulick) we could cover up that big blank. Hey guys have you lost your computers to write? Gerard Salomon ‘72 Wonderful work on the Lycée Alumni web page!...Fun to see names of classmates that I had forgotten about. Michel Vonderweidt ‘64 I think it's great that you have tried to keep the alumni connected in some way!!! Lisa Jordan, '75 What a wonderful site! I've periodically searched the Internet for info about the Lycée, and this time I hit the jackpot. You are doing a great job. I can't believe all the names I still recognize. I left the Lycée after Troisième as I left NYC, but I still have very fond memories of skating at Wollman Rink, fencing in the ballroom, New Year's Eve dinners at Patrick Jacques', parties in Glen Cove at the Marescot's, going to camp at M. Kasriels and on and on... Puck Wullenweber ’69 That looks really good! Marie-Pierre LeBris '79 Thank you so much for your information. Best wishes for all of you who are doing such great work!!! Hélène (Nathan) Ikonicoff ‘71 This website is just great! It’s good to read what some of you have been up to, after almost 12 years!!!! David Damiba ‘90 You are doing a wonderful job of helping us all to keep in touch with old friends--or, as in my case, to get back in touch with them. Hats off to you. I'm grateful to be able to peruse the whole web site. Michel-André Bossy ’61 I give you again many, many thanks and really lots of appreciation for your hard work keeping everyone networked, it is wonderful to have this net to fall back on, especially with events like this. Cornelia Messing ’84 I just got an email from an old friend from the Lycée. He got my address from the alumni bulletin and I wanted to personally thank you for all the work you put into that program. It is a special feeling to reconnect with old ties. Natalie Sajous '92 J'ai eu connaissance de votre association et de votre site grace à Marie Christine (Fontanet) Gooseland '78 qui m'a retrouvé en Touraine 25 ans après mon départ de NY. C'est avec plaisir et émotion que je redécouvre des noms familiers faisant surgir des souvenirs et des visages que je croyais enfouis à jamais dans ma mémoire. Bravo pour votre dynamisme et continuez! Jean Christophe Turot '78 Thanks! Keep up the great work! We all really appreciate your efforts in getting everybody reconnected. Sov Leang '86 By the way, thanks for the good work you guys (and girls) all put up, and for the initiative of the website. Overall, very convenient. Olivier Paul '74 Congratulations on your work and the expansion of the database. I think it's a great way to get and keep in touch with former Lycée classmates. Ignacio Perez '79 "La nostalgie n'est plus ce qu'elle était," some say. Well, to judge from the AALFNY website, nostalgia is certainly alive and well with the Lycée alumni. It brings back wonderful memories. I unfortunately haven't kept track of many of my classmates, apart from one obvious one - my wife, Jacqueline Moreau '69!- which is why it was such a joy to have discovered this website. Thanks and congratulations. Alphonse Bernard '69 Fantastic job putting all of these contacts together and in pulling the Alumni Association together. Nadia Altomare '88 I have to say I am impressed with the effort you are all putting into this. The school was very different only a few years ago. Aline Attiyeh '94 I was delighted and astounded to get a call last week from Peter Laurence '66,with whom I hadn't spoken in more than 30 years. I have since looked at the alumni web site and the "Find a Classmate" feature. Congratulations on setting all this up. It was a great idea. I plan to contact some other old classmates - people I had given up hope of ever locating. Paul Bernstein '69 These email/internet communications for the Lycée Alumni Association are terrific, especially with, as you well know, former Lycéens spread out allover the world. In our family, we 3 sisters (Nadine '81, Isabelle '79 and Viviane '81) are in 3 different countries! It is really a perfect global medium for us alumni to stay (electronically) connected. Because the Lycée was such a special experience, it makes you want that much more to stay connected and be kept informed on what's up with other alumni- strangely, even more so as the years go by. Please send me absolutely anything and everything having to do with Lycée alumni news. I'd be interested in a reunion in Paris of Lycéens too I would expect there's quite a bunch of us here, mine de rien. Viviane Schiavi '81 Merci pour tout ce gargantuesque, mais néanmoins fantastique travail. Emmanuelle (Munera) Van Vleet '82 Congratulations for the LFNY Alumni website, its very existence is a powerful statement and link. Jean-Marc Jacot 1975 What a wonderful accomplishment! Here I was, sitting down at my desk trying to figure out shortcuts so I could let my staff out early, and waiting for some documents, and I become mesmerized by the Classnotes for the Class of '69, each name a memory, figuring out how to get in touch, etc. Just a note, though, is in order first to thank you for all you've done and are doing. Steven O. Goldschmidt 1969 Bravo pour ce magnifique website! Sandra (Boulgaris) Somnolet 1990 et Eric Somnolet 1990 First of all let me thank you for the wonderful job you're doing. It's a great thing to get in touch with friends we haven't seen for more than 19 years, but it seems like it was only yesterday, because we had such great moments at the Lycée. Thank you very much. Fayçal Tadlaoui 1985 Parlez vous encore Francais? English or French is fine with me.Thanks for your mail. Your response was very quick... I'm glad about the lfnyalumni.org site. Pascal Renucci 1991 I appreciate the e-mail and am glad that someone is doing this work. Keep up the good work. God Bless. Gilles Seburyamo 1994 Thanks for organizing this wonderful list. I was contacted by one of my best friends. Odette Springer 1974 ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************* contact@lfnyalumni.org |