1985Class Notes ArchivesFrom November/December 2000 AALFNY Newsletter: **Fatoumata Cisse Ide is married and lives in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso with her 4 children. **Samantha Ellenwood Lourie was married last summer in New York, where she is a private chef and caterer. She graduated from the American University and Peter Kump's New York Cooking School. She also trained at the Ecole de Gastronomie Française Ritx-Escoffier in Paris. **MARIAGES et FIANÇAILLES: Samantha Ellenwood Lourie and Matthew Thayer Fremont-Smith were married last summer in New York at the Roman Catholic Church of St. Jean Baptiste. From February/March 2001 AALFNY Newsletter: **Leila Abrous is finishing a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania and is currently interviewing for a position in the pharmaceutical industry. She is hoping to end up within commuting distance of NYC. From July/August 2001 AALFNY Newsletter: **Henri Mensah writes: «It's great to (at last) have the opportunity to renew contact with the LFNY, which I left in '81. Back then, I was in 4è, with Bernard Doo Kinge, Marc Bonenberger, Nathalie Lajoie, Ingrid Stockner, Marie-Noëlle Colas, Delphine Lemaire ...I attended the Lycée with my brothers Alain '83, Francis '81 and with my sister '83. I am presently Director of the Burkina Faso office of groupe PRISM, a French advertising agency. I am married (no kids for the moment), my wife lives and works in the U.S. for Western Union, North America, as an international business development manager in the Washington DC area…. I regularly travel to see her, and visited the Lycée during summer vacation.I hope a get-together can be set up some time this year.» **Ahpaly Coradin is an international corporate attorney at Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP. Ahpaly graduated from Harvard Law School in 1992, has clerked on the Supreme Court of the Federated States of Micronesia, has advocated for human rights in Haiti, and has worked as a corporate lawyer in Japan. Ahpaly is married and currently lives in Miami, Florida, where he specializes in Latin American transactions. **Gabriel Sylla writes: «Je suis au Canada où je suis champion de karaté après avoir fréquenté les HEC Montréal. J'ai retrouvé Ahpaly Coradin, avocat pour une grande firme New-Yorkaise; Abdalah Sarré est un grand homme d'affaire au Sénégal; Alain Konda '86 est une vedette de la chanson africaine et world beat.» Good luck to Gabriel, who is in training for the 9/01 World championship in karate in Japan, and the Jeux de la Francophonie this June. **Zouera (Youssoufou) Keita writes: «In August of 1999, my husband Moise Keita and I had our first child, a baby boy named Modibo Joshua Keita.» From March/April 2002 AALFNY Newsletter: **From Georges de Laire: “Upon graduating in ’85, I attended St. Lawrence University in upstate NY. I earned a BA in history in ‘89. I then worked in NYC for a year before returning to St. Lawrence for an M.Ed. in Counseling and Human Development. I worked for St. Lawrence as a Residence Director during that time as well as at Clarkson University as a Counselor. I earned my M.Ed. in ‘92. I then entered St. John's Seminary in Boston, Mass. to start my studies and my discernment to become a Catholic Priest. I earned an M.Div. and an M.A. before being ordained in 1997. I have been working in different Parishes in New Hampshire since that time and became a Pastor or "Curé" in 2000 in the town of Pittsfield, NH outside Concord. I am still in touch with several Lycée friends, most of whom live in France: Isabelle (Schnieders) Cota is married to Philippe, and they have two children, Maxime and Zoe-Rose. I have also kept in touch with Jean-Paul Knott ’85 and Caroline (de Laage de Meux) de Nadaillac ‘85. In the States I am in touch with Lynne (Hawa) Thome ’85 who lives in Houston TX with her husband, Alberto, and their triplets. I correspond with Colette Astorgue ‘85 and with Zouera (Youssoufou) Keita ’85 and her husband, Moise Keita, who live in Atlanta, GA. From Winter 2002/2003 AALFNY Newsletter **Ahpaly Coradin writes: "I have been living in Miami for almost 3 years now, after having spent 3 years in Tokyo. My practice is in corporate law and corporate finance, with a focus on Asia and Latin America. I have been married almost 2 years to my wife Sae Iguchi Coradin. Our son Akira was born Feb 3, 2002. I would love to hear from you." **Pascale Maré writes: "I am still living in New York City. I've been in the Home Furnishing industry for the past 12 years and am now working for one of the top 5 five businesses in the nation. I would love to get back in touch with ’85 classmates and compare decades! I am most interested in participating (or even creating) an ’85 class reunion. It will 20 years (gulp!!) in a few years, and I would love to see as many of us as possible attend......On a personal note, I have stayed here in New York since graduating, and even though this city is not my place of birth, at this point in my life, I consider myself a native New Yorker. I had many friends working in the Towers, and I thank God on many occasions that every single one of them made it out alive. I still have not made it down to Ground Zero. It's such a terrible reminder to me of what we have lost. But as I was reading Pierre Oury (’85)'s class notes, I thought perhaps he was flying over New York yesterday, July 4th 2002, and felt reassurance that someone I had shared memories with so many years ago was taking care of us. Perhaps I will make it down to Ground Zero this weekend, a most special weekend for this country.” **Pierre Oury writes: "My wife Jennifer and I have moved from Burlington, VT to Washington DC. I am an Airbus A320 first officer based in DC with United Airlines. I am also an Air Force Major and just transferred from the Vermont Air Nat'l Guard to the DC Air National Guard at Andrews AFB, MD flying the F16. I am originally from DC and just moved back into the neighborhood I grew up in before attending the LFNY." **Gabriel Sylla nous écrit : « Je suis encore très nostalgique quand je pense à mes camarades de classe et aux professeurs du Lycée. Je tiens à remercier l'association, car, grâce à vous j'ai pu retrouver beaucoup d'amis. Je suis encore un athlète de haut niveau au Canada, je viens de monter sur le podium à l'age de 37 ans au niveau national (argent) et je vais représenter le Canada aux prochains championnats PanAméricains de karaté. Sinon, je me suis rendu en quart de final aux derniers championnats du monde de Shotokan au Japon. Pour ceux qui veulent en savoir plus je vous suggère de visiter mon site web: http://gabman__1.tripod.com/gabkarate/ » **Stéphane Bailby nous a envoyé des nouvelles sur deux camarades de classe : « Daniel Prieto Castro se nomme maintenant Daniel Lorca. Il est bassiste de 'Nada Surf' et pour ceux que cela interesserait, il fait une tournée en Europe en octobre 2002. Je n'ai pas son email, mais toutes les infos et les dates de concerts sont sur www.nadasurf.com.... Le guitariste et chanteur du groupe est Matthew Caws. Voilà donc une formation musicale née sur les bancs du LFNY et qui tourne toujours. » From Winter 2003-2004 AALFNY Newsletter ● Matthew Caws writes: “Thank you Stephane Bailby for sending in some news about us last time, that was very nice. Yes, indeed, Daniel Lorca [Prieto-Castro] and I are in a group called Nada Surf (which, contrary to first appearances, is not a surfing reference, it means being lost in your imagination). We've just released our third album, Let Go. We've had some ups and downs in our career, but everything's going very well right now and we'll be touring most of the year. As if by coincidence, we play the most concerts in France. If anyone's in New York on February 17th, we'll be at the Bowery Ballroom. As for Paris, I think we'll be at the Olympia in June, but I don't have the exact date yet. Our email addresses are very simple-[email address available upon request from AALFNY] -and it would be great to hear from old classmates. And absolutely, do go to www.nadasurf.com and look at tour dates, in case we're playing near you and you have a free evening." ● Daniel Bénéat writes: “I recently started an investment company called Globaleye Capital, Inc. I graduated with a B.S. in Int'l Bus. & Marketing from NYU in 1988 and graduated with an M.B.A. in Int'l Bus. & Finance from NYU in 1992.” ● Régine (Le Navenec) Schultheiss writes: “[I] quit my job to stay at home and raise my two children: Roland Alexandre (age 4) and Martine Alix (age 2)” ● Odile Rougé nous écrit qu’elle est en cours de mutation professionnelle. ● De la part de Gabriel Sylla : «Grâce à votre site j'ai retrouvé beaucoup d'anciens camarades de classe 15-16-17 ANS après notre graduation. Ce site est précieux et très important. Je tiens à laisser des traces pour ceux qui aimeraient avoir de mes nouvelles. Je vie à Montréal au Québec (Canada.) J'ai fait mes études en administration des affaires (HEC-Montréal) et en économie. En suite j'ai décidé de suivre ma passion: le karaté. C'est au Lycée que j'ai découvert que j'avais des aptitudes pour le sport. J'y ai passé six années et chaque fin d'année je récoltais le premier prix d'éducation physique au grand regret de mes parents qui auraient préféré le prix de mathématiques par exemple. Aujourd'hui en 2003 je suis, à 38 ans l'athlète le plus âgé à monter sur le podium au championnat Canadien de karaté. Je suis dans un sport de combat où la plus part des combattants prennent leur retraite à 28, 29 ou 30 ans. Je suis fier d'être toujours en forme et de niveau pour rivaliser avec des jeunes fougueux qui ont par fois 20 ans de moins que moi. Je vais bientôt terminer ma carrière avec les prochains championnats du monde de karaté Shotokan.» ● From Régine Day: “What wonderful memories after so many years! Thank you for the website! Je tiens à saluer TOUS les copains et copines de la 2nde en 1982-83. Des années super-cool ! De temps en temps, je visionne les photos prises lors de notre picnic à Central Parc le dernier jour de classe en Juin 1983. Vous y êtes pratiquement TOUS, figés à l'age de 16 et 17 ans sur papiers glacés dans mes archives!! Grosses bises à Ahpaly, Gabriel (Bilou) mon voisin citadin, Zouera, Marie-Noelle, Lyne et al.! Gros bonjour aux cinq folles Isabelle, Patricia, Claire, Amélie, et sa soeurette, Hortense, qui sont venues me rendre visite par la suite en Haiti. Cheers to all!!” From November 2004 AALFNY Newsletter ● Jean-Edouard Courcier wrote: "My wife, Astrid Macintosh Carver, and I are living in Zürich, Switzerland. We have two daughters, Léonore (2002) and Célia (2004). Astrid works for a video software company (Artsum) and I work at the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)." ● Sabrina Ray wrote: "I'm in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, now (Kazakhstan and Ukraine before). My Italian husband Emilio attended the Lycee Francais Chateaubriand, Rome, and works for the EU. Based in Brussels, Rome & Croatia, we live in the former Soviet Union. I'm raising 2 beautiful kids (nearly 8 & 10!) and working here and there in project development while not doing homework or in the bazaar scoping out tonight's treat. Life is a trip and a half!" ● Pierre Oury wrote: "I was recently promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in the USAF. I am serving with the DC Air National Guard at Andrews AFB as an F-16 pilot and was sent to Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom in Mar-Apr 2003. I am also a pilot for United Airlines currently living in Washington DC with my wife Jennifer." |