Mini-Reunion in Paris: --'68'69'70--
On Friday, May 27th, Francoise Rouillon and Roger Liwer ('68), Perrine Rouillon ('69), and Sylvain Chayet and Sylvie Ehrlich ('70) all dined together at LouLou La Bastille , a local dive somewhat reminiscent of the old "Greasy Spoon" by its accoutrements, but not its cuisine. They had a wonderful time, alternately mocking each other acerbically in true Lycee tradition, amazing themselves at how well preserved they were for mid-fifty-year-olders, bemoaning the fall of American (e.g. Bush) and French (i.e. the upcoming vote on the EU constitution) civilizations, and yawning while listening to Sylvain taking business phone calls in Chinese.