Home > Newsletter > No. 21 > Networking

Increased Alumni visibility

Believe it or not, people are talking about the AALFNY!

Your representatives never waste an opportunity to spread the word about our organization. We have also taken action in many creative ways. Some of your Council members have donated door prizes to other non-profit organizations on behalf of the AALFNY. Others have mentioned their connection to the Alumni Association in press interviews or other media opportunities. Still others have added links to our site from their personal or business websites.

We have attended a variety of Franco-American functions and built bridges with groups such as FIAF, French-Amercian Chamber of Commerce and many others.

Just a few of the events at which your council members represented the AALFNY:

* UFE monthly dinners (Union des Francais l'etranger)
* Various cocktails at the French Consulate
* French Tuesdays gatherings
* Save Venice Ball
* Vienna Operastadt Ball
* The official Bastille Day Ball in NY