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Births / Naissances

"Marc de Saint Phalle '84 and his wife, Karen, had a second child and son, Remy Charles de Saint Phalle, on October 18, 2004. Remy's sister, Claire, is also thrilled with the new addition to the family."

Alexandra (Cavignaux) Ansaldi, '88 nous informe que "La famille s'agrandit! Juste quelques mots pour vous annoncer la naissance de notre fille Francesca le 08 juin 2004. Elle se porte très bien et grandit à vue d’œil! Par ailleurs ma sœur, Dorothée Cavignaux–Bros ('90), a accouché le 05 octobre 2004 d’une petite, Juliette, après la naissance le 04 mars 2003 d’Alice. Enfin ma sœur Charlotte ('93) s’est mariée le 06 juillet dans le Sud de la France. Voilà pour les dernières nouvelles de la famille Cavignaux!"

Rachel Viain ('90) writes: "My spouse Patrice and I welcomed our first child, daughter Romane Marie Goyer on June 10th, 2004. Romane and parents are doing extremely well. She is the light of our lives. My best friend Myriam Damdami (1990) is Romane's Godmother. I am enjoying a well deserved maternity leave with her. Here in Canada we are lucky enough to receive a complete year off. I plan to return to my job as Marketing Coordinator for Roche Diagnostics Canada, next spring. Hello to my 1990 classmates, hope all is well. Please feel free to write. Best regards."

Marc Jacquand '91 wrote: "My wife Rhona and I are now the happy parents of a bay girl by the name of Théa, born this past June."

Pascaline (Allez) De Mesmay '92 and her husband welcomed a baby girl, Philippine, in June 2003.