Class NotesClick on a class year or scoll down.
--Editor's Highlights-- --Editor's Highlights--● Gabrielle Griswold ('44) has become the de-facto historian of the AALFNY. In previous editions of our newsletter, and to date, she has written seven lively articles memorializing what it was like to attend the Lycée in its early years. She has very graciously offered to combine them into one single article, which makes for fascinating reading. She has also contributed several old photos. Please click on the link below to access this new article. ● Got $34.9 million? If you do, you can now reside in your old but nicely renovated classrooms. [Click on link below} Our thanks to Steven Goldschmidt ('69) for sending us this article. ● The Feature Article from our newsletter of December 2011 --Les docteurs du LFNY-- is featured again here because several dozen alumni have been added since then. It is one of a series of listings of alumni in various categories. This one, and the other four --Performing Artists, Les auteurs, Les artistes, and Les 'YouTubiens' du LFNY-- can be accessed by clicking on the links below. ● ALUMNI DATA BASE PROJECT IS FINISHED Based upon a front-to-back review of every existing yearbook from 1942 to 2013, our data base now includes the names of 12,258 former students of the LFNY, which represents the entire population of LFNY alumni, from the beginning to the class of 2014. (This figure does not include a few hundred students from the very early years, and the 1,367 students currently attending the school.) In other words, it can be said that 14,000 is a fairly accurate estimate of the number of individuals who ever attended the LFNY. Please note that our definiton of an "alum", for lack of a better term, is anyone who ever attended the LFNY, for any amount of time. See the find-a-classmate section of this website to find all your classmates. We have email addresses for close to half of them. Our next project will be to complete the data base for former professors/staff (close to 1,600 names so far). ● In Memoriam: The most difficult and saddest aspect of issuing this newsletter two years after the previous one was in accumulating, and then reporting upon, notices of the passing of three former professors and 27 former students of the LFNY. While the departure of each individual is a sad event in and of itself, those who were cut down in their youth (one from the class of 2005 and two from the class of 2010) make the term "tragedy" particularly meaningful. The In Memoriam section of this newsletter gives further details about these colleagues and classmates. -- Souvenirs of the LFNY: A History, by Gabrielle Griswold ('44) -- In Memoriam -- Carhart Mansion Duplex Tries Again to Find Buyer at $34.9M -- Les auteurs du LFNY -- Performing Artists of the LFNY -- Les artistes du LFNY -- Les 'YouTubiens' du LFNY -- Les docteurs du LFNY Back to Top --Former Professors and Staff--● Annie Mathieu-Chesné (Prof. de jardin d’enfants, années scolaires 1972-1973) is now retired and living in Carqueiranne, France. ● Blandine Chelini-Pont (Prof. d’Histoire & Géographie, année scolaire 1991) "est Professeure d'Histoire contemporaine à l'Université d'Aix-Marseille et chargée de cours à l'IEP d'Aix-en-Provence. Elle est membre associée du GSRL-Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes de Paris." (http://www.babelio.com/auteur/Blandine-Chelini-Pont/119481) ● Agnès Kress de Villarson (Prof. de Maths, années scolaires 2003-2008) owns a floral design business (http://www.agnesdevillarson.com/). "Agnes de Villarson grew up in the French countryside, accompanying her grandmother gather fresh flowers from the garden which would later be arranged in large bouquets and placed around the house. This passion for hand picked flowers and floral arrangements has grown over the years. Having traveled the world and lived on all five continents, her tastes in floral design have broadened and been influenced by many different cultures. Now settled in New York, her arrangements reflect the elegance of European style floral creations...." ● Bertrand Montagner (Prof. d’Economie, années scolaires 1991-1992) est Directeur de Resources Humaines chez Laboratoires Omega Pharma France. ● Bernard Fronsacq (Prof. d’Histoire & Géographie années scolaires 1988-1990) est Proviseur du Lycée International ITER. (To read an article abut him, click on PdF file below) ● Emmanuel Bermon (Prof. de Lettres Classiques et Modernes, année scolaire 1993) "agrégé de philosophie, ancien élève de l'Ecole normale supérieure, est professeur à l’université Bordeaux III-Michel de Montaigne. Il est actuellement (2013) membre junior de l’Institut universitaire de France. Il est spécialiste de la philosophie de saint Augustin." (http://www.lesbelleslettres.com/livre/?GCOI=22510100182840&fa=author&person_ID=3082) ● Angelika Verch (Prof. de Langues Vivantes-Allemand, années scolaires 2000-2001) enseigne l'Allemand et le Français à l'Université Lumière Lyon 2. ● Fatiha Messaoudi (Prof. de Mathématiques, années scolaires 2010-2012) is the founder and head of Tutoring & Coaching Center - French & American Active Math Education (FAAME). ● Claudine Ducoeur (Prof. de sports, années scolaires 2010-2012 ) is a physical education teacher at the Lycée International Valbonne. ● Olivier Ponthus (Prof. de Sciences Economiques et Sociales, années scolaires 2001-2002) est Rédacteur en Chef chez YEMAYA productions, après avoir été reporter pour CAPA Television Agency. ● Daniel Stearns Russell (Prof. d'Anglais, années scolaires 1961-1963) is Professor emeritus of the University of Pittsburgh, where he taught French from 1968 to 2005. ● Philippe Watrelot (Prof. de Sciences Economiques et Sociales, années scolaires 2001-2003): « Je suis actuellement professeur de sciences économiques et sociales en lycée et professeur en temps partagé à l’ESPÉ de Paris. De fait, dans ces deux fonctions complémentaires, je me suis beaucoup intéressé à la pédagogie (et particulièrement l’évaluation), la didactique de ma discipline (co-auteur de plusieurs manuels), à la formation évidemment mais aussi au numérique ou à l’éducation aux médias [.....] J'ai auparavant été pendant de nombreuses années (de 76 à 95) animateur puis directeur de centres de vacances et formateur BAFA/BAFD aux CEMEA. J'ai aussi été secrétaire général et trésorier de l'Association des Professeurs de SES (APSES) durant les années 90. Actuellement président du CRAP-Cahiers Pédagogiques (depuis 2008) , je pense avoir développé des compétences dans l’animation d'équipes, de collectifs et de réseaux et acquis un peu de sens politique utile pour la négociation et l’élaboration de décisions [.....] Enfin, je pense avoir développé aussi une certaine “expertise” dans l'analyse du système éducatif. Je tiens un blog [click on link below] depuis 2004 où je fais une revue de presse sur l'actualité de l'éducation et produit également plusieurs textes sur ce même sujet. J'ai également écrit plusieurs articles dans la revue “Cahiers Pédagogiques” ainsi que d'autres publications. Je fais régulièrement des conférences et formations pour des publics variés sur des thèmes liés à l'École et à la pédagogie. » (fr.linkedin.com/pub/philippe-watrelot/42/162/255/en) ● Cécile Grangie (Prof. de Lettres Classiques et Modernes, années scolaires 1999-2004 ) is an ESL teacher at the Lycée Français International de Tokyo. Videos on the internet of former LFNY professors and staff: ● Sophie Anne Leterrier (Prof. d’histoire & géographie, années scolaires 1987-1988) professeure d'histoire contemporaine à l'université d'Artois -- Archives, former professors and staff -- Bernard Fronsacq -- Philippe Watrelot’s blog -- Sophie Anne Leterrier on YouTube Back to Top 1940-1946............................................... In Memoriam: ● Dr. Ginette (Girardey) Raimbault ('40) († February 19, 2014) ● Dominique (Framery) Dolmaire ('43) († 25 janvier 2013) ● Gérard Bauman (’46) († December 31, 2011) ● Renee Canitrot (’46) († August 6, 2013) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● « Impossible de raconter la vie de Fabio RIETI (prior to ’40) en une seule page. Fabio RIETI, ce voyageur aux trois patries - l'Italie, les Etats-Unis et la France - est un homme des villes. Il leur a consacré sa vie et son oeuvre. C'est aux Etats-Unis que sa carrière artistique va s'amorcer. En 1948 il migre en Italie et c'est pendant cette période qu'il va s'intéresser à la céramique qui va le conduire plus tard à l'art public. Pendant de nombreuses années il a ainsi "navigué" entre les Etats-unis et l'Italie mais c'est en 1956 qu'il décide de s'installer à Paris. Fabio RIETI a exposé ses toiles dans de nombreuses villes, à New York en 1963 et 1965, à Rome en 1969 et à Paris trois fois pendant les années 60. "je n'ai jamais fait d'expositions importantes à Paris. Il est vrai que je n'ai jamais fait une vraie carrière de peintre, je suis toujours resté quelque peu marginal. Là où je ne le suis pas resté, c'est dans l'art public, le mur peint." La carrière de muraliste de Fabio RIETI a commencé par le biais de la coloration de grands ensembles urbains comme à Bobigny. C'était le début d'une collaboration de quinze ans avec Émile Aillaud. Il a travaillé sur tous les projets ultérieurs de cet architecte comme la coloration des ensembles de Chanteloup ou de Nanterre (les tours bleues recouvertes de mosaïque sont visibles de loin). Puis il est passé maître dans l'art de réaliser de grandes mosaïques comme à Courbevoie ou à Nanterre. » (http://www.trompe-l-oeil.info/Trompeloeil/plus_fabio_rieti_01.htm) ● Jacques Mandelbrojt (’42 or ’43): “ Painter and theoretical physicist born in 1929 in Asnières, France. First oil paintings in 1943. His paintings have featured since 1954 in more than 30 one man shows and 20 international group exhibitions. Former Full Professor of physics at Université de Provence, he also created and directed from 1970 to 1973 the University Department of Visual Arts at Luminy. Member of LEONARDO editorial board since 1970. Member of MIM (Laboratoire de Musique et Informatique de Marseille), he created with the composers of MIM numerous painting-music works. His dual experience as painter and theoretical physicist led him to write since 1967, over 30 articles, published mainly in LEONARDO, on the comparison of creative processes in art and science, and two books, in particular "Les cheveux de la réalité", Editions Alliage, Nice 1991.” (http://www.imera.fr/index.php/fr/devenir-resident/83.html) ● Betsy Jolas ('43) kindly sent us a link to a video of her being interviewed on ina.fr. (Click on link below) ● Gabrielle Griswold ('44): In previous editions of our newsletter, and to date, she has written seven lively articles memorializing what it was like to attend the Lycée in its early years. She has very graciously offered to combine them into one single article, which makes for fascinating reading. She has also contributed several old photos. Please click on the link below to access this new article. ● Claudine Herrmann ('44) nous écrit : « J'ai pour ma part été avocat à la Cour de Paris et professeur de lettres à Boston University. J'ai publié quatre romans chez Gallimard , des essais dont le plus connu est "Les Voleuses de langue" aux éditions Des Femmes (traduit en anglais par l'University of Nebraska Press), un ouvrage de droit romain " le rôle politique et judiciaire des Femmes sous République Romaine " aux editions Latomus et plusieurs articles de droit et de critique littéraire. Pour l'instant j'écris un livre de souvenirs où le Lycée Français tient une grande place. Je suis restée l'amie de Francis Seyrig [‘44] et Delphine Seyrig [‘50] jusqu'à leur mort et je viens d'aller voir Ludmilla Alexeieff Rockwell [‘44] lors d'un voyage à Boston que j'ai fait en Octobre. J'ai revu aussi notre camarade Jean Alvarez de Toledo [‘44] peu avant sa mort. » (Claudine also sent us a wonderful photo of her, taken by famous photographer Charles Leirens, when she was attending the LFNY.) ● “In the late 1940s Mario Maurin (’45) had just begun his undergraduate studies at Yale and as a French speaker didn’t see much point in taking any French classes. But, based on the stellar reputation of the French scholar and professor, Henri Peyre, Maurin signed up for his class on the modern French novel and unknowingly determined his future. Under Peyre’s direction Mario completed his M.A. at nineteen and his Ph.D. at twenty-two, a remarkable accomplishment; and after two years in the Marines Peyre again assisted the young Maurin by recommending him for a teaching position at Bryn Mawr College where he’d begun his American career in 1925. Mario Maurin retired from Bryn Mawr nearly fifty years later as an Emeritus Professor of French. Toward the end of his career he began to collect the prodigious correspondence of Peyre, and under the editorship of John Kneller Yale University Press published this correspondence in 2005. It would have been near the beginning of his distinguished career at Bryn Mawr that Maurin published the review of Zola’s La république en marche in Les lettres nouvelles.” (http://andalusiabooks.wordpress.com/) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Jacques Mandelbrojt on YouTube (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1940 to 1946 -- In Mémoriam: Ginette (Girardey) Raimbault, Dominique (Framery) Dolmaire , Gerard Bauman, and Renee Canitrot -- Jacques Mandelbrojt on YouTube -- Betsy Jolas on ina.fr -- Souvenirs of the LFNY: A History, by Gabrielle Griswold ('44) Back to Top 1947...............................................In Memoriam: ● Francoise Lucette (Newman) Compagnon († February 23, 2013) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Edward Perry Gaskell wrote: "After enjoying the Military Officers Retirement facility in McLean for over two years, I discovered that I had no family nearby. At my age (old) that is not a good situation, so my son, (see bocagerc.com) found me a nice apartment (gee, I spelled that right, not the French way) in Baton Rouge, and I moved last January in the middle of a freeze and ice. My orchids survived, thanks to my taking them into the room each night (yes, I did drive to the dismay of my children). I write this in English, since none of you said you liked my poem (Le Vieux Livre) so I am not using the French language utility on Word. If anyone wants to chat in French, call me or tcxt me or email me anytime. I must be the oldest alumnus alive from my year, but I won't hold it against you if you are from a different year. I am enjoying the warmth in Louisiana, but am a bit disconcerted with the use of French words and names. No one speaks French, and they mispronounce everything! The food is too spicy so I'm learning to cook. Bœuf Bourgignon is easy. I wish I could find a nice little French restaurant that makes traditional French meals. Not Nouvelle Cuisine, please! I hope to visit Paris next May and walk around my old neighborhood (16e). In the meantime I keep busy with the Military Officers Association, the Orchid Society, and my Naval Reserve Intelligence unit in New York." Classnotes Archives, 1947 -- In Memoriam : Francoise Lucette (Newman) Compagnon Back to Top 1948● Paul Berçot nous écrit : « Salut les anciens du LFNY, Voila que le décès de Dominique [Dominique Bardinet (’49)] nous permet de reprendre contact au bout d'une bonne soixantaine d'années. J'ai revu Dominique vers 1972 en tant que conseil en design en vue d'augmenter l'impact du fameux rhum Negrita. Je me souviens d'avoir revu Sébastien [Sébastien Laurentie (’49)] lors d'un déjeuner dans la vallée de la Bièvre, en présence de Jacques Habert. Je revois souvent Nicole Minor (’48), et de temps en temps Michele (Delahaye) Ristich (’48) et Françoise (Deloraine) Revuz (’48). Sébastien était a l'époque a l'Aerospatiale si j'ai bonne mémoire....et depuis ...silence radio! Quid Chantal ? J'ai quitté les affaires en 1987, et suis devenu administrateur du Cercle de la Mer a Paris. J'habite Paris d'octobre à avril et le reste du temps à Fayence dans le Var. Je serai ravi de vous revoir. Amitiés......» ● Michèle (Delahaye) Ristich de Groote told us that on November 18, 2014, she and three classmates met for lunch in Paris: Françoise (Deloraine) Revuz ('48), Nicole Minor ('48), and Paul Berçot ('48). Also there were Paul's wife and Nicole's compagnon. Françoise also wrote to us and said: "Nous avons constaté que cela faisait plus de 70 ans que nous nous connaissions. Qui dit mieux?" -- Classnotes Archives, 1948 Back to Top 1949............................................... In Memoriam: ● Dominique Bardinet († February, 2014) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Nicole Baumann nous écrit: « En ce qui me concerne, je suis neuropsychiatre et neurobiologiste et ai dirigé pendant plus de 20 ans une unité de Recherche de l'Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale en Neurobiologie cellulaire moléculaire et clinique à l'Hôpital de la Salpetrière à Paris. Le résultat de mes recherches se trouve si vous tapez Google à "Nicole Baumann/Histoire de l'Inserm". [Click on link below] Actuellement, je préside, localisée toujours dans le même hôpital, une association de recherche en neurochimie (ARNC) intéressée tout particulièrement par des recherches sur le stress. Un livre sur ce sujet (Editions Mundexpand) intitulé “Le stress c'est vivre. Comment tirer profit de ses stress" a été écrit en collaboration avec Jean-Claude Turpin en 2011. Pour l'obtenir, il faut m'écrire. » -- Classnotes Archives, 1949 -- In Memoriam : Dominique Bardinet -- Nicole Baumann/Histoire de l'Inserm Back to Top 1950............................................... In Memoriam: ● Guy Casadesus († 18 octobre 2011) ● Jean (John “Tito”) Gerassi (†July 26, 2012) ● Baron Pierre de Guzburg (†March 14, 2013) ● Vera (Van der Reis) Krausz (†late 2014) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Marcel Kozuch nous écrit: ".....Que pourrais-je ajouter qui soit important aux autres anciens élèves ? Que ma fille, diplômée de Syracuse U, est mariée et a trois enfants tous diplômés universitaires, et que mon fils, diplômé de Syracuse U et de Fordham U, aussi marié, est père de deux filles, encore trop jeunes pour le lycée. [Quand à moi, je suis] diplômé ingénieur électronique(BEE) du CCNY et aussi (MSEE) du Stevens Institute. Ma femme Gladys a reçu son diplôme (Arts et Français) de Hunter College." Editor's Note: A touching story about Marcel's escape, as a child in France, from the Nazis during WWII and his subsequent life in the USA after the war, can be read at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum website. (Click on link below) ● Anne (Benech) Cirier shared this: “If little stories can be used to fill a small gap in your newsletter, here are two, dealing with alumni -- quite a long time ago. When I was in 6è and 5è during the 1944-1945 years, all girls had a "boyfriend.” It was the tradition. I do not remember in which class was mine, but his name was Roland Zaharo [‘48]. When the recess bell rang, everybody rushed to the stairs, and we were sure to find the "boyfriend". It meant we would walk down the steps, holding each other's hand. Once in the yard, we would separate to join our classmates. It meant very little, it lasted a short moment, but we knew our tradition was kept day after day. After 1945, many families went back to Europe. I lived rue de Rivoli for a time, and I found it very hard to accustom myself to the French way of living. So, one day, what a heavenly good surprise! I walked right into Roland Zaharo on rue de Rivoli, very close to my dwelling –a miracle! But we were young and easy going, so we only chatted a while and that was it. Later, I moved to Norway where I studied, learned Norwegian easily and got a job as a translator in a foreign consulate. One day, I was hiking quite close to the Holmenkollen ski jump, and whom did I meet there? --Jean Paul Weil [50] who was in 5ème at the LFNY in 1945. “You!! My God !! How come ? From New York to NORWAY!! Chat, chat !” He was actually living in Paris, and was in the family perfume business of the same name ! Now I live on Belle Ile in south Brittany (Bretagne). Why isn't there anyone from LFNY here? Tell me!” ● Nathalie (Muhlstein) Josso-Gastone is ”presently Chief Investigator (Directeur de Recherches, classe exceptionnelle) at I'Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) affiliated with Paris-Sud University Paris, France..... A Parisian passionate for her natal city, [she] developed her professional career as an Investigator at the INSERM and a consultant in Pediatric Endocrinology in top level Parisian institutions. Nathalie first led a research team at the INSERM Unit …. at the Hôpital des Enfants Malades for more than 20 years…… Nathalie has always pointed out the importance of applying novel technologies to enhance the advancement of a research project….. Using novel genetic and molecular techniques, Nathalie's team cloned the bovine AMH cDNA in 1986 (almost at the same time as the human gene was cloned in Boston by Dr Richard Cate) and mapped the human AMH gene to chromosome 19 in 1987. In 1986, [she] founded the Unité de Recherches sur l'Endocrinologie du Développement (INSERM), which she directed for 12 years. The research unit was hosted by one of the most outstanding French academic institutions, the Ecole Normale Supérieure….. Dr Nathalie Josso has devoted her intellect and efforts with passion to a clearly and brilliantly delineated research subject. Her work has led world-wide research on AMH for almost 40 years and has settled the basis for the relentless search of further knowledge on the subject.” (http://paediatric-urologyonline.com/2004.html) ● François L. Quinson “Principal of The Quinson Group, has consulted extensively on organizational, performance and compensation issues with senior management of corporations of all sizes from large multinationals operating around the globe to organizations with a regional or even local focus, in the industrial, financial and service sectors. [He] was educated in France and the United States. He earned a Baccalauréat ès Lettres in Philosophy, a B.A. in Chemistry from Williams College and an M.B.A. from Cornell University. He began his business career with American Cyanamid Company and Smith Kline and French Laboratories. After a 25 years consulting career with a number of firms, including the Hay Group and Mercer, he is now an independent consultant to a wide variety of organizations in the United States and abroad with primary emphasis on strategic organization design; planning for management selection, development and continuity; performance management and contracts; and compensation strategies. Over the years he has conducted seminars on these topics in North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. “ (http://www.quinsongroup.com/About-Us/) ● Denise (Bystryn) Kandel: "Health Alert: E-Cigarettes a Possible Gateway to Drug Use, Addiction, and Tobacco Smoking. An alarming report claims that using electronic cigarettes may lead to tobacco cigarette smoking and increase the likelihood of illicit drug use and addiction. The researchers discovered that when mice were exposed to nicotine, the substance triggered biochemical alteration in the brain and activated a gene linked to the reward response. This process enhanced a subsequent response to cocaine in the mice, suggesting that nicotine may be a gateway drug for cocaine. Study author Dr. Denise Kandel writes, 'We don't yet know whether e-cigarettes will prove to be a gateway to the use of conventional cigarettes and illicit drugs, but that's certainly a possibility. Nicotine clearly acts as a gateway drug on the brain, and this effect is likely to occur whether the exposure comes from smoking cigarette s, passive tobacco smoke, or e-cigarettes.' " (The New England Journal of Medicine, September 2014) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Nathalie (Muhlstein) Josso-Gastone provides her perspectives on research completed in the field of endocrinology. (Click on link below) --Classnotes Archives, 1950 -- In memoriam: Guy Casadeus, Jean Gerassi, and Pierre de Gunzburg -- Nathalie (Muhlstein) Josso-Gastone on YouTube -- Marcel Kozuch's story Back to Top 1951● Léon-François Hoffmann « est un écrivain, spécialiste de la littérature et de la culture d'Haïti. Après des études à l'université de Yale, Léon-François Hoffman obtient un Ph.D. en 1959 et devient enseignant au département de français et d'italien l'Université de Princeton l'année suivante. Il publie d'abord des manuels de français, comme L'Essentiel de la grammaire française et Le français en français, avant de se consacrer à l'histoire de la littérature romantique en France, supervisant notamment l'édition du roman Georges, d'Alexandre Dumas père, et de la pièce de théâtre Toussaint Louverture, d'Alphonse de Lamartine. Professeur de littératures française et haïtienne, Léon-François Hoffman s'est rapidement imposé comme un spécialiste de la culture et de la littérature haïtiennes. Son ouvrage le plus célèbre, Le Nègre romantique, a été couronné par l'Académie française. En 2003, Léon-François Hoffmann a coordonné l'édition des Œuvres complètes de Jacques Roumain. » (http://classiques.uqac.ca/contemporains/hoffmann_leon_francois/hoffmann_leon_francois_photo/hoffmann_leon_francois_photo.html) ● Dorothy Grace Barnhouse shared her fascinating biography with us. Click on Pdf file below to read it. -- Biography of Dorothy G. Barnhouse -- Classnotes Archives, 1951 Back to Top 1952............................................... In Memoriam: ● Jacques Rambaud († February, 2014) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Robert Daniel Vock nous écrit: "La classe de 1952 a tenu deux mini-réunions en Octobre/Novembre. A l'occasion du voyage en Amérique de Colette Newman Sluys ('52), Jeanine Parisier Plottel ('52) a offert un déjeuner à Colette et Daniel Vock dans le cadre convivial du Cosmopolitan Club. Nous avons fait un tour d'horizon de la scène culturelle et politique à Paris et New York. Quelques jours plus tard Daniel, Loïc Gallais ('52) et leurs épouses se sont retrouvés pour déjeuner au Marais de Paris et admirer les 500 toiles et objets du Musée National Picasso. Deux heures plus tard le verdict unanime de nous quatre est tombé: "laisse à désirer" comme l'écrivaient les profs des années '50 sur les Bulletins Trimestriels. Les liens amicaux transatlantiques continuent à nous unir dans la bonne chère et la bonne humeur! Nous nous retrouverons en mai pour rendre visite en Bourgogne à Loïc et Mireille." ● Anka (Muhlstein) Begley “was born in Paris in 1935. Muhlstein has published biographies of Queen Victoria, James de Rothschild, Cavalier de La Salle, and Astolphe de Custine; studies on Catherine de Médicis, Marie de Médicis, and Anne of Aus¬tria; a double biography, Elizabeth I and Mary Stuart; and, most recently, Balzac’s Omelette (Other Press). She has won two prizes from the Académie française and the Goncourt Prize for Biography. She and her husband, Louis Begley, have written a book on Venice, Venice for Lovers. They live in New York City.” (http://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2012/11/07/in-proust%E2%80%99s-library/) ● Henri Elink Schuurman “and his Spanish wife, Marta, are owners of a beautiful 19th-century farm (finca) with two granite houses, an olive press, a winery, and a house chapel 14 kilometers outside Trujillo (on the road between the lovely town of Trujillo and Guadalupe). With patience and love they have tucked guestrooms into the various buildings, taking great care not to disturb the ambiance of the farm that makes a stay here so special. Henri (formerly a Dutch diplomat) and Marta, a talented artist and decorator, have created a beautiful ambiance of rustic simplicity….. “ (http://www.karenbrown.com/Hotel_Guide/Spain/Extremadura/Trujillo/Finca_Santa_Marta/1203.php) ● Jeanine (Parisier) Plottel, “professor emeritus of French, CUNY Hunter College & The Graduate Center is the former executive director of the New York State Conference, American Association of University Professors (AAUP) and former chair of the Hunter Dept. of Romance Languages. The French government has decorated her twice for her contribution to French language, literature and culture. She is a former trustee of Barnard College and a current trustee of the Society for French-American Cultural Exchange (FACE). She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Maison Française at Columbia University, and Chair of its Executive Committee, a member of the Columbia History’s Board of Visitors and its Executive Committee, former member of the Board the Institute for French Studies at New York University, and the Henri Peyre French Institute of the City University Graduate Center, and the Hunter College Art Galleries. She also serves on the Board of Trustees of the Association du Mécénat de l’Institut de France (AMI). An author of numerous books and articles in both English and French, the editor and publisher of New York Literary Forum, she is an honorary life member of the Modern Language Association. A French major at Barnard College, she received her master’s and doctoral degrees from Columbia University. “ (www.linkedin.com/pub/jeanine-plottel/29/61b/4b7) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Anka (Muhlstein) Begley talks about why she loves independent bookstores (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1952 -- In memoriam: Jacques Rambaud -- Anka (Muhlstein) Begley on YouTube Back to Top 1953● Patrick de Koenigswarter was featured in an article --The Baron Next Door-- in the Filipino magazine Rogue (Jan-Feb 2014 issue). Click on the PdF file below to read the article. -- Patrick de Koenigswarter in Rogue magazine -- Classnotes Archives, 1953 Back to Top 1954-- Classnotes Archives, 1954 Back to Top 1955● Bruno Quinson wrote: "I have stayed in touch with my classmate Georges de Gramont ('55) who left the Lycée after 3e. We have lunch in NYC once every 2 months. He lives in Cliffside Park, NJ. Over the years I have communicated with Anne Segalen and Georges Ripka who were also my classmates, class of '55. They both live in Paris. After retiring from book publishing I started painting in watercolor. I have had a few exhibitions and my work can be seen on my website www.brunoaquinson.com. (Click on link below to access Bruno's website.) My wife and I live in NYC and Pittsfield, MA. My wife has been the President of the Barrington Stage Company for 20 years. I mention it here because the hit musical ON THE TOWN which just opened on Broadway to great acclaim was first produced by BSC in 2013. The NY cast and the production are the same as in Pittsfield. It's a terrific show which I recommend." ● Georges De Gramont wrote: "I was at the Lycée for four years ('48-'52). I enjoyed it, especially my fellow students. Illustrious individuals like "Le Baron" Jean Kaiser and Bruno Quinson. In '52 I went to boarding school at Portsmouth Abbey, a Benedictine monk school. I now consider myself an alum' of that school." ● Danièle Gorlin Lassner “(wife, mother, grandmother) retired after 35 years at Ramaz where she served as Dean of Admissions, Foreign Language Department chair and teacher of French and Spanish. She owns hundreds of cookbooks. She has translated several children's books from French into English. She has recently translated A Memoir of Sanctity by Mayer Moskowitz (Mazo Publishers, Jerusalem, Israel) from Hebrew into English. No matter the language, food is a ‘constant.’ " (http://www.jewishbookcouncil.org/book-reviewer/daniele-gorlin-lassner) Classnotes Archives, 1955 -- Bruno Quinson's website Back to Top 1956● Diane (Kolin) Moss is “President and Chief Executive Officer of the Helena Rubinstein Foundation. [She has been there since] since 1968 and became President and CEO in 1993. At the Foundation she has emphasized the advancement of women and the arts in education. Prior to joining the Foundation, she worked for a publication in Paris and was with the New York advertising firm, Ogilvy & Mather. Moss participated in the President's Task Force on International Youth Exchanges at the White House and was inducted into the YWCA's Academy of Women Achievers. She was a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater for 18 years and formerly served as a Board member of Louise Wise Services and on the Executive committee of the Board of Directors of the Children's Blood Foundation at New York Hospital. Moss presently serves on the Executive Committee of the Board of Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts in Katonah, New York, and also as a Board Member of Art in Public Places in Key Biscayne. Moss served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Whitney Museum of American Art, where she was also a member of the Education Committee. Until recently Moss also served on the Board of the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in North Miami. Diane Moss is married to Robert Moss and has been a Key Biscayne resident since 1995.” (http://www.miamiartmuseum.org/pdf/2-2-09Mormile.pdf) Classnotes Archives, 1956 Back to Top 1957............................................... In Memoriam: ● Patrick Coidan told us that François Palthey passed away in the 1960’s, and that Jean Jaouen was killed in action during the Algerian war on November 3, 1959 ............................................... ● Alain Giraud-Ruby « (né le 5 octobre 1938 à Marseille en France), nom de plume de Alain Giraud depuis la mort de sa mère, Suzanne Ruby, Juste de France, en 2009, est un scientifique et un écrivain. Il publie sous ce nom, en 2010, aux Éditions Actes Sud, une histoire de l'astronomie, Le Ciel dans la tête, premier tome d'une trilogie annoncée, qui comprendra également une histoire des géosciences et une histoire de la physique. Alain Giraud est l'aîné de dix enfants. Son père, Gilbert Giraud, entre à Air France à la Libération et installe sa famille au gré de ses affectations successives : à Paris en 1946, à New York en 1956 et à Casablanca en 1966. En 1957, Alain est parti faire des études supérieures à l'université du Michigan à Ann Arbor [.....] C'est le début de l'ère spatiale, et il travaille au laboratoire d'électro-magnétisme de l'université sur l'interprétation des échos radar renvoyés par la Lune et celle des observations radio-astronomiques de la planète Vénus. À son retour en France, en 1962, après avoir effectué deux ans de service militaire [.....] il est recruté au CNET (Centre national d'études des télécommunications) où il conduit pendant une dizaine d'années des recherches sur la haute atmosphère terrestre et les aurores boréales, à l'aide de radars [.....] et de fusées-sondes [.....] En 1975, il quitte la recherche [.....] pour redémarrer une carrière dans les nouvelles technologies de la communication dont on commence à présager l'ampleur du développement à venir [.....] De la direction scientifique du CNET, puis du Service de la Prospective et des Études Économiques de la direction générale des télécommunications, où il a participé notamment au lancement du projet Minitel, Alain Giraud entre, après l'élection de François Mitterrand en 1981, au cabinet du ministre des PTT. Il fait partie de l'équipe [.....] qui libéralise l'audiovisuel, promeut le plan câble, le projet de chaîne à péage (Canal+) et les satellites de télédiffusion. [Il] sera par la suite [.....] parmi les premiers à avertir le gouvernement français de l'importance politique que vont prendre les enjeux liés au réchauffement climatique [.....] En 1993, Alain Giraud, qui a rejoint France Télécom, retourne aux États-Unis en tant que vice-président de France Telecom North America et s'établit à San Francisco [.....] Tout en pilotant les contacts de France Télécom avec les industries du hardware et du software [.....] il y trouve l'occasion d'enseigner un cours sur l'histoire des médias à l'université Stanford à Palo Alto, où il reviendra pour un séjour d'un an après avoir pris sa retraite en 1998. [Il ] est titulaire de la médaille du CNES (Centre national d'études spatiales) et chevalier dans l'ordre de la Légion d'honneur. Depuis qu'il a pris sa retraite, [il] a vécu quatre années à Londres avec son épouse, Marie-Noël Stourdzé, avant qu'ils ne reviennent s'installer à Paris. Il s'est surtout consacré à la grande histoire de l'astronomie et de la géophysique qu'il a entrepris d'écrire, mais il a publié des traductions de l'anglais et participe activement aux travaux de l'Association pour l'Histoire des Télécommunications et de l'Informatique. Il a également appris à jouer du violoncelle. » (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alain_Giraud-Ruby) ● Marie-Paule Rondepierre: « Retraité; Education aux USA (New York) ; Carrière au sein d'entreprises internationales (French Line, Colgate Palmolive, Publicis pour De Beers, Cointreau, Grand Hotel Café de la Paix) ; Chambre d'hôtes aux Montils ; Adhésion à France Etats-Unis 41 pour maintenir des contacts Franco-Américains et faire de nouvelles connaissances dans cette région » (http://www.france-etatsunis41.com/marie-paule-rondepierre.html) Classnotes Archives, 1957 Back to Top 1958● Jean-Claude Sureau wrote: "Although I would be officially class of ‘58 , I left in ‘57 after “ la Première “ and proceeded to get all my degrees, through PhD, at the then Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn in 1971. I worked for a while at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory and recently sold my business Radant Technologies, Inc., (details can be found on-line), and will start a very gradual descent into retirement starting October, 2015. I have been married for more than 48 years to Carole (coincidentally she had Mme. Brodin as a teacher at Hunter), have two sons (Michael and Adam) and now two grandchildren (Alexander 3 and Sophie 1/3). We all live near one another in Stow , MA. At the tender age of 73 , I still play competitive soccer (with boys of my own age ), ski (aggressively ), play tennis (pretty well) and golf (not so well). I occasionally keep in touch with: Philippe De la Chapelle ['58], Daniel Labeille ['58], Alexandre Rossolimo ['58], all at one time or another in the same class but not all staying till 1958...... Amitiés, and with fond memories of the Lycée." Classnotes Archives, 1958 Back to Top 1959Classnotes Archives, 1959 Back to Top 1960............................................... In Memoriam: ● Pierre Wertz († August 9, 2012) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Gérard Sunnen wrote: "As an alumnus, I continue to lend my support to the French-American community of New York. Some information about my activities can be found on: www.triroc.com/sunnen. On that site [click on link below] can be found some articles that could interest readers, on psychiatry, hypnosis, French psychiatry, and history." ● Colette Maluski-Touchon nous écrit: « De bonnes nouvelles concernant mon fils Guillaume BORDIER, Chorégraphe dont la première de "Mistinguett" a eu lieu le 18 septembre dernier au Casino de Paris, superbe prestation qui se joue jusqu'en janvier et ensuite en province.(voir son site sur http://www.compagnieguillaumebordier.com/francais/la-compagnie/) Margaux (la fille ainée de ma fille Emanuelle) fait sa troisième année dans une école de Kiné à Gérone Espagne, et Marine passe son bac l'année prochaine. J'irai passer Noel en Belgique chez ma fille Annabelle (Marketing) dans la joie de revoir mes petits-fils Sam et Tom (9 et11 ans). J'ai fait 2 voyages magnifiques cette année : Amérique du sud (Argentine-Patagonie-Andes) et dernièrement l'Ouzbékistan et sa route de la Soie très impressionnant! La vie de retraitée à Aix en Provence est un vrai cadeau; spectacles, abonnement au concert, randonnées 2 fois par semaine, cinéma, conférences et excellente bibliothèque font que le temps passe si vite (sans oublier la visite hebdomadaire à ma mère qui va fêter en janvier ses 97 ans!) Dans l'attente d'avoir des nouvelles des anciens des années 58-60 …..Avec mon amical souvenir” » ● François Pettit shared this: "This is no big breaking news, but it might amuse some of our former classmates: I have finally traced the whereabouts of my good friend Jacques-Antoine Kosciusko-Morizet ('60), and we are meeting on December 1st in Paris for the first time in 54 years !!" ● Andre Pessis: “I have had 16 hit songs and been on 7 number one albums including the Bonnie Raitt “Luck Of The Draw” multi platinum CD that won 3 Grammys. In 2010 I had 27 cuts on major releases including the HBO Movie “Grey Gardens” that won 6 Emmies and 2 Golden Globes. I have 13 Platinum records and one Diamond album (ten platinum). I have won 4 ASCAP awards. I have been recorded by: Huey Lewis and The News, MR Big, Tim McGraw, Waylon Jennings, Journey, The Dead, Ratdog, Southern Pacific, Glenn Medeiros, Ann Wilson of Heart, Gregg Rolie, Paul Carrack and Laura Branigan. I have had songs on major Motion pictures including the theme song from “Pink Cadillac” (Clint Eastwood), a song on “I Love you Phillip Morris (Jim Carrey) as well as numerous TV shows including: Sesame Street”, the theme song for the CBS Prime time reality show “There Goes The Neighborhood” as well as the Theme song for “Pride Fighting.” I was President of the San Francisco chapter of “The Recording Academy” and a Governor for more than eleven years. And taught the business and craft of songwriting at WCS, Sonoma State and UCSF. In 2011 I had "The Song Of The Year" in Japan with MR Big with a song that we donated to the Tsunami victims and raised over $300,000 so far. I have 6 songs on the current Mickey Hart Album Superorganism.”(www.linkedin.com/pub/andre-pessis/6/5aa/470) ● Daniele (Ryvlin) Spellman : "[…..] I immigrated with my family to the United States in 1952 and spent the next twenty years in New York City […..] where I first learned about America, its language and its people, and where I began to develop my own imagery. I attended Parson’s School of Design where I studied graphics and in 1960 returned to Paris to spend a year at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs. I came back to New York, ended my studies to further explore image making. I left New York in the ‘70s to move to San Francisco, where I turned to printmaking first trying out a number of techniques but quickly settling on monotyping. I now also work with photo transfers adding another graphic element to the composition and design. Making what I call “art inside the cracks,” looks to translate life’s unseen and often critical moments into images that go beyond the personal. Titles and themes are often identified through key words and bits of phrases incorporated in each print. The use of language, French and English, serves as a graphic element and helps me label and group prints thematically. The prints included in the gallery pages are samples from series and commissions I have worked on.” (http://www.artselves.com/artist.html) Classnotes Archives, 1960 -- In Memoriam: Pierre Wertz -- Gérard Sunnen's website Back to Top 1961● Pierre Perrolle wrote: “I have very very fond memories of my years at the Lycée, and of my classmates and teachers. My Lycée education was the foundation of a very satisfying career, promoting international scientific cooperation. I am grateful to my parents for this gift, which influenced my life in many ways, both personal and professional. I would love to hear from some of my classmates. I like to believe that at least a little piece of our youth still resides within each of us.” ● Gilles d'Aigremont “was called to the Bar by Lincoln's Inn in 1978 and later admitted as an avocat to the French Bar (Court of Appeal of Paris) in 1992. Born in France but brought up in America and Canada, [he] read law at the University of Paris, Public International Law at the Institute of Political Sciences of Paris and undertook the English Bar course in London. His sphere of practice is French law, European law and private international law. He specializes in advising clients, both professional and private in the field of French property and commercial law, French inheritance, business and property taxes, French inheritance law, European Conventions and Regulations.” (http://www.1gis.co.uk/profile-6.html) ● Girard Pessis, Ph.D. “is a serial investor and Keiretsu Forum East Bay member focusing on high technology, Healthcare, and the due diligence process and standards. He was Chief Executive Officer of MEDePass, an Internet secure Identity company specializing in healthcare, Vice President and CTO of the California Medical Association, Vice President of Enterprise Architecture and Emerging Technology and Vice President of Trading Systems development for Fixed Income and Derivative Trading Systems at Bank of America. He is a former Professor at the Faculty of Business at the University of Alberta and Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley specializing in Management Science, Marketing, and Information Systems.” (www.linkedin.com/pub/girard-pessis/0/322/28b) ● Marie-Calixte (de Lagarde) Bordeaux-Groult : « Le château de Moncley, à une dizaine de kilomètres au nord de Besançon, non loin de la nouvelle gare TGV est un chef-d’œuvre de l’architecture néoclassique [.....] Le bâtiment représente un brillant et rare témoignage d’architecture néoclassique en France, et particulièrement en Franche-Comté [.....] Resté dans la même famille depuis sa construction, le château et ses dépendances sont classés au titre des monuments historiques depuis le 13 janvier 1944 et il est ouvert à la visite de mai à octobre. Aujourd’hui, Marie-Calixte Bordeaux-Groult, la propriétaire, maintient tant bien que mal cette demeure qui n’a jamais quitté la famille : « Chaque génération a contribué à faire vivre à sa manière ce château qui a toujours été ouvert au public », précise-t-elle. Pour faire vivre cette demeure la propriétaire aimerait créer une résidence, ce pour de jeunes artistes. « J’aimerais faire de Moncley un lieu de création et de partage, afin de mettre en valeur l’architecture et le paysage franc-comtois ». (http://www.lepays.fr/actualite/2012/09/03/moncley-reste-dans-la-meme-famille-depuis-la-construction-en-1778) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Charles Charles de Croisset talks about SciencesPo (Click on link below) Classnotes Archives, 1961 -- Charles de Croisset on Vimeo Back to Top 1962● Dyllia Zannettos wrote: "I'm still living in Athens and still working as a real estate agent. Béatrice Wellner Sikon ['62] and her husband Larry came to Greece in early October and we spent a very pleasant time together." ● Annette Vock Lucas: “During her 45 years at Ursinus, Annette Lucas taught French and served as an administrator in the Dean’s Office. Lucas was Chair of the Department of Romance Languages and later Chair of the Modern Languages Department. She has taught every French course in the curriculum. Lucas’ commitment to education was honored at the 1986 Ursinus commencement ceremony, where she received the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching, and was honored again in 2010 when she received the Laughlin Service Award. While in the Dean’s Office, Lucas served as an Assistant Dean and eventually became Associate Dean and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. Lucas held several leadership roles in projects related to curriculum development, diversity and external and internal program reviews. Lucas’ retirement plans include “catching up on the reading and research I have neglected in the past few years, learning a new language, doing volunteer work in educational programs and traveling.” (http://www.ursinusgrizzly.com/2013/01/24/distinguished-retirees-leave-ursinus/) ● Jean-Pierre Chalmin wrote that he has been “married for 46 years to Eileen. Two children (Alain -44; Laura -42.) Five grandchildren. Always connected to and visiting family and friends in France.” ● Baron Thilo Von Watzdorf “is one of the most eminent names of the nobility and high society, worldwide. He is also a very great name of the Art history [.....] Both French and German, son of Vollrath von WATZDORF and Simone ARNOUX, [he] is the cousin of H.M the Queen BEATRIX of Holland [.....] From a very eminent and historic German Family, [he] studied at the Lycee Francais , and is familiar with Kings and Presidents, everywhere in the world. But, he is always a very affordable, modest person, of a very rare humanity and solicitude for the others. Young, he became Director at SOTHEBY'S London and New York , playing a major role in the Art history of the 20th century,, for instance in the Diaghilev Ballet Auctions. [He] managed also - in 1988 - Habsburg, Feldman, a Geneva-based auction house , which opened a New York City office in a grand town house on the Upper East Side, with a department specializing in Impressionist, modern and contemporary art. Later, familiar with Japan and Asian cultures, [he] opened GARUDA , first gallery specialized in Contemporary international Masters, in the upscale district of Thong Lor-Ekkhamai in Bangkok. He was the first art dealer to sell Picasso, Andy Warhol, Donald Baechler, Yukinori Yanagi or Robert Rauschenberg,etc, in Thailand. After this unique experience, [he] chose to promote the Asian Arts with a Gallery of the same name, located at OP Place, a prestigious shopping centre close to the ORIENTAL Hotel. [He] is today retired. He lives in different properties in Asia and Europe.” (http://www.eastwestravel.net/Baron-Thilo-Von-WATZDORF-a-legend-of-the-Arts-of-the-20th-century_a931.html) ● Béatrice Shalit , « née à New York. Après des études en France et aux Etats-Unis, productrice et réalisatrice de télévision au Niger puis au CNDP en France. Auteur de dix romans chez Stock, Bernard Barrault, Flammarion et Julliard. Egalement auteur de scénarios pour la télévision, pour le cinéma et de pièces radiophoniques. Derniers livres parus : Familles et autres supplices (2000), Ne m’appelez plus Varsovie (2003), Merci d’être venu (2006), Danse avec ma mère (2009) [et] Qui veut tuer Rosa Hoffman (2011) » (http://www.babelio.com/auteur/Beatrice-Shalit/40618) ● Henri Georges Polgar “is a 1968 Charter-Trustee of the Panamerican-Panafrican Association and currently serves as the Foundation`s Executive [...]During his early years with the Foundation, M. Polgar was the protégé and piano student of the Pa/Pa`s Chairman, Dr. Robert Starling Pritchard and in 1972, accompanied Dr. Pritchard as a member of the Pritchard Concert Ensemble (PCE) during his concert tour of Africa. The Pritchard Concert Ensemble gave a Command Performance before Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda and toured major towns and cities in Zambia. One of the focal points of the PCE tour was the momentous meeting between Dr. Pritchard and African liberation leaders during their countries` fight for independence. In 1987, M. Polgar also accompanied Dr. Pritchard during his tour of China and the Pacific Rim countries The tour of China culminated in a Sino-US Sports and Cultural Exchange Agreement with the Shanghai, China Culture and Sports Commission and with All-China Sports Federation in Xinjiang Province [.....] In 1988, M. Polgar appeared in the Black History Month Founder`s Concert at “Applecrest” [.....] M. Polgar was a recipient of Lincoln University President`s Award during the 1988 Homecoming and Rededication Day Concert at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania (the nation`s oldest institution of higher education for African and African-American students) [.....] As Pa/Pa NGO Representatives to the United Nations ECOSOC, M. and Mme. Polgar collaborated with members of the Onondaga Indian Nation in Central New York to bring to public attention the dire circumstances of life on the Nation and the murder of a prominent and outspoken critic of the Nation leadership (Mr. Ronald Jones). They attended the UN Indigenous People's Day; gave their support to a complaint presented to the UN Commission on Human Rights, and assisted in publishing a newspaper, “The Onondaga Progressive,” as a voice for those on the Nation whose human rights have been violated [.....]” (http://site1.pacinternational.org/advisors2.html) Classnotes Archives, 1962 Back to Top 1963............................................... In Memoriam: ● Joan (Brenner) Dimanescu († September 20, 2013) ● Jocelyn Bertin Radifera († November 14, 2013) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Liselotte Waldheim-Natural wrote: “I was a student at the French Lycée in New York, but only for a very short time, I believe from memory and without checking in old files, that it was in 1955-56. My father was a diplomat and I continued my education in other French schools and finally graduated in 1963 in the French Lycée in Vienna. As an Austrian citizen, my French Baccalaureate was not recognized at the Vienna University and I had to sit for the equivalent Austrian Matura a few months later to enroll at the faculty of Law. After passing my first State Examination in Law, I moved to New York to enroll at Columbia University in the then School of International Affairs from which I graduated in spring of 1967. In August 1967 I joined the United Nations Secretariat and lived in New York until August 1970. During all this time I did not renew contact with the Lycée in New York and do not remember staff or other students. After 38 Years of continuous service in the UN Secretariat in various countries, I retired in June 2005 from active duty. I am a member of the Association des Anciens Elèves du Lycée Francais de Vienne, from which I had graduated after the last three years in school.” ● Daniel Bollinger wrote : « J'ai 4 enfants et 4 petits enfants. J'ai depuis l'année 1970 travaillé exclusivement comme consultant international en gestion du changement. Je sui devenu une sorte de citoyen du monde. Je suis toujours en activité travaillant d'un pays à un autre. A ce jour en 41 ans d'activité professionnelle j'ai travaillé dans 54 pays sur les 5 continents. Je suis devenu un expert de la réorganisation de gouvernements, de ministères et de services publics. J'ai entre autre travaillé à Moscou et travaillé avant et après l'effondrement du système soviétique. J'ai travaillé à Phnom Penh après le départ des Khmers rouges, puis à Hanoi en participant au passage d'une économie communiste à une économie de marché. Puis à Kaboul après le départ des talibans. Je viens de travailler au Caire pour participer à l'après Moubarak et en ce moment (2013) je suis à Tripoli pour participer à la création d'une nouvelle administration après l'élimination de Kadhafi...Une vie passionnante et qui n'est pas finie! Je souhaite entrer en contact avec mes anciens copains de la classe de première 1961-1962. J'ai conservé de tellement bons souvenirs de cette époque. » ● Jan (Arnold) Broecker wrote: “I love the Lycée. I was there from 11eme to 6eme --1951-1957-- a little American girl sent to the Lycée because my grandfather (English) did not want me to go to a NYC public school. It was a brilliant decision. After all these years je parle franglais très bien! I have forgotten so much, but because of the Lycée , I have a beautiful accent.” ● Yveline (Gastaud) Arnaud shared this with us: “My latest news.....is that I have finished an MSc in Addiction Psychology and Counselling at London South Bank University, for which I received a merit. My last year’s research was about “Alcoholics Anonymous members’ understanding of the Higher Power” and was very well received (with a distinction mark). It would be quite controversial in France as the general opinion is rather against both AA and the notion of a Higher Power. But I trust that the newsletter readers would be generally open-minded, having lived extensively outside the hexagon.....Before becoming an Addiction Counsellor, I trained and worked extensively as a Life-Coach, which I also still do. So anyone wanting or needing to be coached, drop me a line at: serenitycoach@tiscali.co.uk" ● Margot (Yanitelli) Birke sent this: "I have a successful law practice in Newburyport, Massachusetts. I practice in the field of Elder Law. I have four children and five grandchildren, a husband and a dog. I moved from NYC 18 years ago and live on five acres in the woods. [There are] big difference from West 56th street where I grew up but I love it here. It is a beautiful corner of the US and I can enjoy walking on the beach everyday. Even though I left the Lycée before finishing all of the class years, I remember my time there very fondly and a class of friends who had a lot of fun together. I hope they are all doing well and welcome hearing from anyone." ● Peter Caranicas sent us this update: "I've been an editor at Variety, the entertainment industry magazine, since 2008. This job caps several decades of working as an editor in trade journalism covering media and technology. Go to variety.com to access the digital version. I live in Culver City, which is part of greater Los Angeles, with my wife, Xiaoyun Zhang. My son, Kendrick, also lives in LA and works very successfully as an app developer for entertainment and other clients. My daughter, Devon, lives in New York and just got a job at the Museo del Barrio developing programs and social outreach. I try to balance a busy job with time off for travel, including recent trips to Korea, Thailand, France, England and China. People can email me at peter.caranicas@gmail.com." Classnotes Archives, 1963 -- In memoriam: Joan (Brenner) Dimanescu and Jocelyn Radifera Back to Top 1964............................................... In Memoriam: ● Éric Seydoux Fornier de Clausonne († September 20, 2013) ● Patricia (Laurence) Gorokhoff († June 8, 2013) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Josane (Mutel ) Calvert: “A first generation born in the US of French parents, Josane has been associated with International House for many years. She learned about International House through a friend and became a member of Doorways, our International Women's group. Josane has donned numerous hats at International House - that of a volunteer, staff member and now a Gala committee member. When asked about what has motivated her all these years, she said "My father came from France, and when he moved to the United States, he had a friend who helped him out. So, this is my way of paying it forward and the best way I can do it is through International House and what it does for the Charlotte community." It is people like Josane who have been involved with International House over the years, making us what we are today. Their support, encouragement and dedication have helped us promote diversity and culture in our community and assist immigrants most in need of our services.” (http://ihclt.org/read_story.php?cat=33) ● Dr. Robert Guedenet has a family practice in Keedysville, Maryland. He is a 1981 graduate of University of Dijon / U.F.R. of Medicine. ● Viviane Guerdan est « professeure-formatrice émérite, Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud, Lausanne (Suisse). Psychologue de formation, à l’Institut des Sciences de l’Education de Genève, alors dirigé par Jean Piaget, Viviane Guerdan s’est orientée très tôt vers des activités tant cliniques que de recherche et de formation des professionnels dans le champ du handicap. Depuis 1979, elle assure la formation des enseignants spécialisés du canton de Vaud, en Suisse romande ; en 2006, elle s’est vue confier la responsabilité de l’Enseignement et de la Recherche à l’Institut de Pédagogie spécialisée de la Haute Ecole Pédagogique (HEP Vaud), à Lausanne. Dès 1992, elle s’est impliquée activement dans l’Association internationale de recherche scientifique en faveur des personnes handicapées mentales (A.I.R.H.M.), occupant la fonction de vice-présidente et de responsable de la délégation suisse, puis de présidente à partir du mois de septembre 2004 pour une durée de 3 ans ; présidente d’honneur à partir de septembre 2007. Parallèlement, elle assure la présidence de l’Association suisse d’aide aux personnes handicapées mentales (ASA-Handicap mental). Par ailleurs, elle est auteure de plusieurs publications (articles, ouvrages), portant notamment sur le partenariat entre professionnels et parents. » (http://colloqueird.com/conferences/) ● Patrice Gélinet : « Ancien professeur d'histoire, il a débuté sa carrière à la radio dans une émission à France Culture en 1984. Jeune, il milite aux côtés d'Alain Madelin et de Gérard Longuet dans le mouvement d'extrême-droite Occident. À la fin des années 1960, il a appartenu au mouvement Action nationaliste. En janvier 2010, il commente son engagement passé à Occident dans la revue Stratégies : « Une connerie de jeunesse, comme d'autres ont été gauchistes. C'était il y a plus de quarante ans, c'est-à-dire plus de temps que celui qui sépare l'élection de Mitterrand en 1981 de sa francisque. Je ne renie pas le passé, mais je n'en suis pas particulièrement fier. » Patrice Gélinet a exercé les fonctions de directeur de France Culture de 1997 à 1999. Son mandat terminé, il crée sur France Inter l'émission 2000 ans d'Histoire. Cette émission, qui a permis de traiter de nombreux thèmes et personnages historiques de toutes les époques, était la plus podcastée sur France Inter. Patrice Gélinet a animé cette émission, jusqu'au 21 janvier 2011. Il a été nommé officier dans l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres en janvier 2010. Il est nommé par Bernard Accoyer, président de l'Assemblée nationale, membre du Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel le 21 janvier 2011, pour une durée de 6 ans. » (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrice_G%C3%A9linet) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Patrice Gélinet est l'invité de Grand Lille TV pour présenter les actions de l'organisme de régulation et faire le point sur l'état de santé des radios locales (Click on link below) Classnotes Archives, 1964 -- In Memoriam : Eric Seydoux -- Patrice Gelinet on Grand Lille TV Back to Top 1965............................................... In Memoriam: ● Jacques Amar († April 5, 2013) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Marie-Thérèse (Hermand) de Arango is President of the Museum of Popular Arts (MAP) of Mexico. ● Scott Helt gave us this update on his doings: “Served in United States AIr Force 1965-1969, two tours in South Vietnam. Also served four years in the Army National Guard. 43 years in healthcare and hospital administration. One daughter, two sons, four grandchildren. Enjoy shooting sports, hunting, fishing and reading.” ● Renee Marton’s "longstanding interest in cooking and foodways made her first career, as a chef. After 25 years in commercial kitchens, she revived her interest in food history while getting an M.A. at NYU. She is the author of the recently published Rice: A Global History. She teaches at the Institute of Culinary Education and writes about food and foodways." An article she wrote, Hunts Point -- New York's food market links past and future --was recently published in the Fall 2013 edition of NY FOOD STORY-The Journal of the Culinary Historians of NY. (To read her article, click on PdF link below)) ● Brigitte (Sallebert) de Svastich: BLAST FROM THE PAST (June 14, 1967) : "Chaque année l'on élit aux U.S.A. 'Miss France d'Amerique' choisie parmi les plus jolies françaises habitant aux États-Unis ou les americaines de descendance française. C'est la ravissante fille du journaliste de l'ORTF Jacques Sallebert --Mlle Brigitte Sallebert-- étudiante en philosophie, 18 ans, qui a été élue [.....]" Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Marie Thérèse (Hermand ) de Arango talks about how the Vochol, an important symbol of Mexican and Huichol Culture, is touring the U.S. (Click on link below) -- Renee Marton's article on Hunts Point -- Classnotes Archives, 1965 -- In Memoriam : Jacques Amar -- Marie-Therese (Hermand) de Arango on YouTube Back to Top 1966● Paul Oppenheim sent us a photo of him and Patricia Hesse and wrote: "Greetings to all the 1966'rs from Patricia and Paul and how about having a big reunion in 2016 – 50 years after the bac?" ● Lodovico Gasparini wrote: " After nearly 50 years I would love to get in touch with Chris Kende, Diana Henry, Georgette Temerson, Daniel Le Scieller ,Charles Pinto, Edward Sonnino, Paul Oppenheim, Catherine Viaud ,or Philip Engelhardt. If anyone of you has the same interest, my address in Rome, Italy is Via dei Podesti 7, Roma 00196, Italy. My telephone number is 0039 06 8075661. My cell phone is 3394690647, and my email is lodovicogasparini@gmail.com. I hope to have a response from anyone of you to share school memories, exchange views about the present, and talk about future projects." ● Yvon Allain nous écrit: « Je n'ai pas de photos ni de documents avec des camarades de classe de l'année 1966, mais si vous pensez que cela peut faire sourire les anciens, voici en pièce jointe 2 photos prises il y a une dizaine de jour en Afrique du Sud, à Johannesburg et au Cap de Bonne Espérance (avec mon épouse, Nicole ). » ● Elizabeth (Loudes) McLaughlin wrote: "I am loving my life in the Northern California countryside, near Sacramento. I travel a lot, have a bunch of beautiful grandkids, am a dedicated hot yoga aficionado. Would love to hear from my "old" classmates." ● Gary Marton wrote: "For three days in October I was in Paris with my older daughter (Simone) and we had a terrific time seeing/staying with a great host, Roger Liwer ('68), and his lovely wife Dori." ● George Pinkham “is co-head of the International Private Funds group and head of the Hong Kong office [of SJ Berwin]. He founded the Paris office and served as its managing partner from 2001-2012. George specializes in the creation of private funds (including private equity funds, infrastructure funds and debt funds) and has extensive experience with partnership structures (onshore and offshore), French fund structures, Luxembourg fund structures and Singapore based funds. He advises some of the largest private equity houses, both in Europe and in Asia.” (http://www.sjberwin.com/people/george-pinkham) ● Philip Engelhardt told us that René Asper “ became a grandfather on October 9, 2013, with the birth of younger daughter Alexia's baby girl Maé Léa, in Geneva. It's worth mentioning that he's the first Swingstone to earn this distinction.” ● Rina (Klausner) Spence “is the founder, president, and CEO of iEmily. She is a former junior high school teacher who went on to become a nationally recognized leader in health care administration. She has served as president and CEO of Emerson Hospital in Massachusetts. In 1994, she founded the widely acclaimed Spence Centers for Women's Health, a multi-site network of medical centers for women. She is a graduate of Boston University, where she received her BA and MEd degrees. She also holds an MPA from Harvard University.” (http://www.iemily.com/faq.html) ● Herve Gambliel is a research scientist at St Luke's Mountain States Tumor Institute in Boise, Idaho. He obtained his PhD in Molecular Biology in 1991from New Mexico State University. (www.linkedin.com/pub/gambliel-herve/45/ab3/69) ● Irène Finel-Honigman shared this: "I continue to teach at Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs. My new book "International Banking for the 21rst Century" (I. Finel-Honigman, F. Sotelino) will be published by Routledge in May 2015. I am frequently on Bloomberg Radio (see Bloomberg site) speaking on EU issues, also was quoted in Belgium "Trends" and Le Monde on the BNP sanctions and penalties. I remain involved in the very active French business and cultural community in New York." Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Lodovico Gasparini is interviewed about his television movie "Miacarabefana.it" (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1966 -- Lodovico Gasparini on RBcasting.com Back to Top 1967● Dominique de Ziegler has written two more articles in his continuing travelogue series. The first is about a trip with his son to Austria, Poland, and Auschwitz. The second describes his adventures, also with his son, along Le Chemin de Compostelle. Click on PdF links below to read his articles. ● Jean-Marc Bardy est Directeur des affaires juridiques à Air France-KLM depuis septembre 1993. « [.....] licencié en droit, ancien élève de l'Ecole nationale de la magistrature, [il] fut substitut du procureur de la République à Périgueux (1978), puis premier substitut à Rouen, de 1982 à 1984, avant d'être rapporteur au comité interministériel de restructuration industrielle. Mis à disposition du ministère de la Justice (1986), il fut ensuite détaché à la COB comme adjoint au chef du service juridique dont il prit la tête en avril 1990.» www.lesechos.fr ● In 2000, Francis Freedland produced, co-directed, and acted in a documentary for a television program called "The Scariest Places on Earth." It was about the catacombs in Paris. Someone put it on YouTube recently, and it has "gone viral" (somewhat). It's quite a piece, and you can watch it by clicking on the links below (it's in two parts). ● Jane Trigere shared this with us: ""I have been extremely busy. I bought a bank building next door and turned it into an art gallery & shop & community art classes. But, in January I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, operated on in February and that was followed by months of chemotherapy. In August I got my energy back and slammed into constant work for the gallery. A brush with death is not to be taken lightly. One stops to take stock. Am I doing what I want to be doing? Am I in the company of people I truly love? Yes. Gratitude is my biggest emotion, followed closely by humility. On another note, I feel great joy because I have all three grandchildren living within 15 minutes since May.” Editor's Note: As Jane said, she recently purchased a bank building in South Deerfield (Mass.) that was transformed into an arts center. (Cick on PdF file and on link below for articles describing her project) ● Henry Pinkham is Professor of Mathematics and Chair of the Mathematics Department at Columbia. He is the former dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Columbia University. Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet (click on links below): ● Francis Freedland in "The Scariest Places on Earth ● Jane Trigère interviews artists on "Talking Art" -- Jane Trigere Buys a Bank -- Oswiecim, l’histoire se passe de mains en mains, by D. de Ziegler -- Retour vers le Chemin, de Compostelle à Bénarès, by D. de Ziegler -- Classnotes Archives, 1967 -- Francis Freedland on YouTube (part 1) -- Francis Freedland on YouTube (part 2) -- Jane Trigère on fcat.tv -- Jane Trigere's project: 'Banking on Art' Back to Top 1968● Michael Jacobson wrote: "I was at the Lycee ..... from 1959 through 1963. I would have gone on to graduate (around 1968, I guess) had we not moved to Munich, where my father was transferred for the Voice of America. At any rate, after several twists and turns, including US Army High school in Munich, electrical engineering at MIT, and finally medical school in Strasbourg, France (1974-1981), I ended up in private practice in cardiology and internal medicine in New York. I'm still in practice and my French comes in handy -- I've been listed in the Guide du Routard for New York as a French-speaking doctor, and I get a fair number of French visitors as patients through the Guide. It's fun, and is a refreshing change from the usual practice issues. Any plans for class get-togethers in the near future?" ● A few old-timers from the class of ’68 had a brunch reunion in Paris in March 2013 --Francoise Rouillon, Joshua Cohen, Martine Aballea, Astrid Middelmann, and Roger Liwer. Also there were Sylvain Chayet (’70) and Emmanuelle (‘Manouche’) Remy-Gelzer ('69). Lots of hugs were exchanged. (Click on PDF file below for photos) ● Marilyn (Elson) Jacques told us that she and her husband Patrick Jacques ('69) have two sons who have recently gotten engaged: Jonathan Hofer to Tamar Senderowicz (wedding planned 11/30/14) and Michael Hofer to Elizabeth Beifel (wedding planned October 11, 2015). ● Margot Roosevelt told us that she "is living in Huntington Beach, California with her partner, George Girton. She is a journalist, covering economic news for the Orange County Register. Her older son, Sam Hornblower, is an associate producer at CBS's 60 Minutes and is married to Emily Allen, whom he first met in his 7eme class at the Lycee Francais. Margot's younger son, Luke Hornblower, is an attorney working for a jurist firm in Geneva, Switzerland." ● Frederic Cabaud nous a dit qu'il a récemment pris sa retraite, et qu'il vit paisiblement à La Baule, pas loin de la plage. ● Patrice Binet-Décamps is an executive at Omnicane Ltd. in Mauritius. ● Dr. Annabella Bushra (Ph.D) “teaches psychoanalysis, writes, and practices psychology in New York City. She is particularly interested in issues of diversity, and is active in working toward a better understanding of our obstacles to accepting Otherness.” ● J.P. Harpignies’ latest book was published in March 2014. Animal Encounters is a “collection of anecdotes about [his] remembrances of his most significant encounters with animals over the decades, recounted in the context of his personal evolution. It also captures a lot of the colorful flavor of some of the larger cultural transformations of the last half century.” ● Greg Gould: “If you’re a food lover, one of the best gifts you can give yourself might be to make a lunch date with [Greg Gould, self-made food scholar and foodology (the interdisciplinary study of food) devotee. I can assure you, there will be nary a dull moment. Greg might launch into the misbegotten origin of the European serf class, his favorite Greek origin myth or theories of why native tribes settled in lands rich in sage. He might crack open a soft-boiled egg for you and present to you the golden, sun-soaked interior of a garden tomato. Then, BAM!, he might turn the tables, and pump you, the interviewer, for information. That’s his specialty–collecting information, forming theories and spinning stories. A conversation with Greg feels like a throw-back to another age–the age of intellectual, storyteller and bon vivant all wrapped into one. [.....] Greg was born in France to a French woman. He speaks French fluently and applies his “foot in each culture” advantage to his ruminations on food, including comparisons between France’s highly developed food culture and America’s lack thereof. We’re a country of immigrants. His theory is that immigration forced great disruptions in food cultures, particularly in a land where there was a keen desire to assimilate and not stand out. Hence the still extant tension between “ethnic” food and “American” food. Greg considers this a lamentable development because “cultures embody wisdom in foodways. When they lose their foodways, they lose their culture.” (To read the full interview with Greg, click on link below) ● Michel Sauvage "office manager [of Lion Heart Autographs], is a native New Yorker born of French parents, and educated at the Lycée Français de New York and Richmond College of the City University of New York. The son of a prominent journalist and theater critic for the Paris daily Le Figaro, Michel has his own collection of autographs, which has at its core documents written to his father by friends Langston Hughes, George Grosz and Salvador Dalí. Prior to joining Lion Heart Autographs in 2002, Michel was a music recording engineer for more than twenty years, working in New York City recording studios as well as in Los Angeles, France, Senegal, Jamaica and St. Thomas. He has also worked as an escort-interpreter for the U.S. State Department, accompanying foreign dignitaries on 30-day tours of the United States." (http://www.lionheartautographs.com/about/#staff) ● Hervé Guilbaud nous écrit: « A toutes fins utiles, et pour ceux que la voile intéresse, je viens de publier chez Gallimard (en librairies le 2 octobre) un livre intitulé Défis océaniques, 50 ans d'exploits de Tabarly à Cammas, qui relate 50 années de succès français sur les mers depuis la victoire d'Eric Tabarly dans la Transat anglaise de 1964. Les photos viennent du fonds de l'Agence France-Presse (AFP) et la préface a été écrite par Franck Cammas, le plus titré des marins français. Le livre a été nominé pour le prix du Livre de mer 2014. Avis à tous les "voileux" de France et d'ailleurs! Amitiés à tous et à toutes. » ● Maria Oppenheim wrote: “Let’s start with the serious part: the paid work. I teach at a Catholic University of Applied Sciences – I’ve been doing that for 12 years and still having a lot of fun doing it. My subject is art as an educational medium or tool, and I am free to just inspire young people (future social workers) to create and watch out for the consequences when they work with other people. Art isn’t always harmless. Especially when you slip into Art Therapy and you haven’t had the training. I actually do have that training – it’s been 15 years now and I never actually used it in the context of medicine and psychology until now. A client asked if I could work with her and so I found an old friend – I studied Graphik-Design with her once and she moved on to Psychology – who is willing to work with me as a team. She is in the medical system, so I have no worry as to being sued. That’s what happens one year before you’re supposed to retire. I don’t believe I ever will anyway because there are more jobs waiting. I give art courses once a month, Art Therapy-inspired and I still rent out my paintings. Then there is my private life –one daughter and grandchild in London, one daughter and two grandchildren (Tingya, 3 and Yashan, 1) in Mainz, Germany . I take care of the two in Germany about three times a week. I speak French with them, their mom [speaks] German, and their dad Chinese. It’s working nicely. Better than my Chinese progress anyway. I’ve been trying for 6 years or so and I’m getting on at snail’s speed. Which is not saying I’m unsuccessful, but I was used to faster learning in the old days. At least we go eating in Chinese restaurants for motivation boosts which we lacked in Lycée days. Then there is my daughter Evelyne in London. She gave birth to her son Tuffel almost 3 years ago and Tuffel has no small bowel. He is still with us and we’re hoping for science’s progress via stem cell research. To help finance this, Evelyne just launched a book [Click on links below to see and/or support her by buying Evelyne’s book] It’s a moving story and not sad since he is happy and giving us all a lot of joy – we are going to be together for Christmas with him – my daughter Jessica, her two kids and me. Dad has to work selling swatches. Then there is my horse Pam. My Appaloosa girl is going to be 26 in January, fit and going and occupying 4 other persons to replace me when I’m all over the world. It is quite difficult to manage: 3 youngsters and one adult. A lot of rivalry and since they’re all girls….Let’s say thank God for our sense of humor. They keep WhatsApping me to tell me the other just didn’t do this or that or is always doing this or that. If you have no worrries in life, get yourself a horse and share it. It’s something like social work on a higher level. Then there is my actual private life – a man shared with two dogs – fun moments, good cooking and lots of dog brushing. The dogs grew – in Lycée times it was a dachshound, now it’s a flat coated retriever and a spaniel. It reminds me of that song: “The more things change, the more they stay the same”. I seem to be quite true to myself except for the pig tails. It’s down to chin length and curly now.....Lots of love and peaceful holidays!” ● And last, but certainly not least, these musings from J.P. Harpignies: "This October marked the 25th anniversary of the Bioneers Conference, a unique annual eco and social justice-themed conclave that takes place north of San Francisco (in San Rafael in Marin County) that I have been involved in producing and programming since its inception. It's one of the most diverse and multi-disciplinary events of its type, and it has helped highlight the work of a number of very promising figures in several fields and contributed to the launch of a number of significant campaigns, organizations, and initiatives. If any alums want additional information, they can check out the website at: www.bioneers.org. [Click on link below] 2014 also marked the fifth year of my involvement as a member of the Review Committee for the Buckminster Fuller Challenge, an annual prize that has been called "Socially-Responsible Design's Highest Award." There is information about the prize and the Buckminster Fuller Institute's other work on its website-www.bfi.org. I also marched in the Climate Change March in Manhattan back in September, along with some 400,000 other people from all over the world and found myself next to some French "Greens" (who had flown in from Paris just for the event) on West 72nd Street. I explained to them that the large gothic apartment building right above us (the Dakota) had been the site of John Lennon's murder, a place where several scenes of the classic 1968 Polanski horror film Rosemary's Baby were filmed, and also the home Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, whose daughter Leslie Bogart ('71) is a Lycée alum: I remember meeting Lauren Bacall (who just passed away this past August) for a brief moment at a party at Leslie's in the Dakota when I was 16 years old or so and being in deep awe. The Climate March was an upbeat, festive affair, but given current political realities it's hard to be optimistic about the odds of our species addressing this crisis with the resolve and haste it requires. Oh well. The repercussions will be felt most severely by subsequent generations, as we in the class of '68 are no longer spring chickens. Speaking of which, I can't believe how fast the decades have gone by: as I marched in that demonstration next to Central Park, images of our days hanging around that park after school flashed in my mind-flirting and making out, playing soccer, studying for tests (and later the Bac) on the lawns, getting high, going to free concerts at the bandshell, all in our silly blue blazers, and they felt like recent recollections. They were very far from universally good memories, as the anxieties, heartbreaks and humiliations are just as deeply etched in my neurons as the carefree and ecstatic moments, but they were thrillingly vivid. I've finally been (very slowly) reading my way through all of Proust's À la Recherche du Temps Perdu these last few years. I hated Proust when I was in the Lycée, as he seemed unbearably precious and irrelevant to the conflicts of the age I was growing up in, and memory obviously isn't of much interest to the young, but, while there are still some insufferably long passages about trivia I have trouble struggling through, this most sublime explorer of memory feels far more profound now. I still try to resist excessive nostalgia and try to stay focused on the present moment and future projects, but I'm reaching that age when stimuli of all sorts frequently trigger memories, and their vividness seems to have nothing to do with chronology, as some from childhood or adolescence sometimes seem far more fresh than more recent events. Ah, the mysteries of consciousness....Anyway, I could prattle on, as old geezers are prone to doing, but I won't....." -- March 2013 mini-reunion in Paris -- Classnotes Archives, 1968 -- Greg Gould on ‘foodology’ -- Bioneers website -- Evelyne Brink's book (to see or buy in the USA) -- Evelyne Brink's book (to see or buy in Europe) Back to Top 1969............................................... In Memoriam: ● Carmel (Rodriguez) Walter (†December 23, 2013) ● Richard Baron (†October 13, 2013) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Suzanne Dache wrote: "Roger Liwer ('68) is a genius sleuth at discovering and finding Lycée Francais former classmates! What a super surprise and delight to receive an email from him, and of my favorite school where I spent idyllic years prior to boarding school. My son, John Gordon Gauld, is in Manhattan exhibiting his paintings while creating annual Christmas window displays for Bergdorf Goodman. My second son, Douglas, married 15 years to beautiful Anita has three children and a busy electronics company with Amazon. I have lived and worked in Westport, Connecticut and might return to Manhattan. Greetings and best wishes to the Lycée Francais of New York alumni......" ● Jean-Marie Clarke wrote: "Though I did not make it to graduation (I switched schools in '66), I have 9 years of LFNY under my belt and that makes for a lot of memories. Memories of names and faces, of crushes, and of the parties danced to the early Beatles and Stones... Now (2014) I live at the edge of the Black Forest, making for a total of 23 years in Germany(!), something I never would have planned or even dreamed of. I am not retired but struggling to get by as a translator (day job), as an artist (photography and more) and as an art historian (hence "artistorian) specialized in the early Rembrandt. Although I live across the Rhine from Colmar I missed seeing Mr. Kieffer again... One of the friendlier (and earliest) faces I remember. I myself was born in Alsace (Strasbourg)... the rest is a long story of a sort of homecoming, finding my biological mother and family again..." ● Michel Alix wrote: I've been operating a non-profit organization in Gardanne, France, since 2008, as well as working as a "peintre d'art," mostly for myself. In my spare time, I write short stories and art theory texts in French and English. By my count, it's been 45 years since the Bac at the Lycée Français. I still remember many of my classmates with fond regards. After graduation from the Lyçée, I stayed on in NY for fifteen years, working as a printer and going to college nights (Thomas Hunter Honors Program). Afterwards, I spent 13 years in Dallas, Texas working as writer/editor in the publishing department of J. C. Penney, Inc.'s main office. During the Texas years, I obtained a Master's of Liberal Arts from SMU. In 2001, I came to France to fulfill an age-old dream of exploring and being active in the "arts plastiques". I feel grateful for the time spent at the Lyçée and thank my colleagues who made it pass pleasurably, or at least comfortably." ● Michel Alix also contributed a story for our newsletter, and said: "The following short story shares the humor of a late Peckinpah film and the science-fictionality of a Vonnegut work. Enjoy." (Click on PdF file below) ● Alexandra Bonfante-Warren shared this with us: "This is my second academic year as an educator for the Metropolitan Museum of Art's School Programs. It's fascinating and gratifying work and a lot of fun. I continue to conduct adult tours in French and Italian, as well as English, as I have been since 2008. I still translate and edit writing on art. For fun, I love New York and what it has to offer. I'm crazy about the High Line!" ● Florence (Amar) Thomas wrote: "My brother Jacques Amar (‘65) passed away in Washington DC on April 5, 2013 after a courageous battle against leukemia. In the wake of his passing, our mother also passed away on July 22nd of the same year in New York. Because I do not like to dwell on these sad times, I would like to share with everyone the more happy events of that same year: on March 22 our oldest daughter Jessica gave birth to her first child Maxence in Paris; our youngest daughter Sarah gave birth to her second child, Mathéo, on August 24th, in Brazil; he is the brother of Louane, four and a half. Happily my Brazilian gang is back in Paris now. And, I can concentrate on being thrice a grandmother and doing (much) less travelling. I have enclosed a picture of my threesome with our Thanksgiving Turkey. Happy Holidays to everyone!” ● Catherine (Golebiewski) Oryschak nous a envoyé ceci : « Pour ma part je travaille toujours. J’enseigne l’espagnol à un lycée à Bridgewater, VA. Je voyage souvent au Panama ou je passe du temps à explorer le pays et à visiter des amis qui y ont pris leur retraite. Je voyage aussi beaucoup autour des Etats-Unis pour visiter mes fils. Au mois de septembre mon 3eme fils s’est marié. Les nouveaux mariés ont passé trois semaines en France et en Italie --un beau voyage de noces. Ils habitent à San Francisco où ma belle-fille est avocate et mon fils a fondé une compagnie. Mon cadet continue sa carrière d’ingénieur aérospatiale avec la NASA et l'Air Force à Albuquerque, NM. Mes jumeaux vivent en Virginie pas trop loin de chez moi. Un est ingénieur et l’autre est officier dans l’Armée. Mon petit-fils vient d’avoir 5 ans et à commencé l’école cette année. Voila-- ma petite vie se passe paisiblement. J’ai ajouté une photo prise dernièrement avec mon petit-fils Alexandre Joseph. » ● Claudine (Clarke) Elian wrote: "I (enfin) finished the text of my book BE / Creating Reality, and am putting together a limited run Artist's Edition which will be available the first half of 2015. My website is ongoing (www.ccelian.com), even though I spent the last four years on my book rather than on visual artworks. This activity I am resuming, however, now that my time has opened again with the book text's completion. I especially like to work with ink on silk scrolls, and am already waiting for a new set to come back from being mounted in Beijing. My brain child, Elian script is doing well and continues to have its own following on reddit.com/r/elianscript." ● Et ceci de la part de Christopher Amy: "Salutations a la classe de 1969 ! Presque 50 ans ont passé depuis mon séjour au Lycée. Quel miracle que j'ai survécu toutes ces années. J'ai de bonnes mémoires de ce temps...sauf les 4 heures de devoirs chaque nuit! J'ai deux filles âgées de 23 et 26 ans. L'une est récemment revenu de France enseignant a Beaune. L'autre est une "automotive engineer." avec une compagnie américaine. Je suis accessoiriste de filmes et TV depuis 30 ans." ● Joshua Wattles: “Advisor in Chief to deviantART, the world’s largest online community for artists and art enthusiasts, Mr. Wattles has a distinguished career as a lawyer, executive and academic. Josh managed more than 60 lawyers as the deputy and acting general counsel at Paramount Pictures, responsible for the studio’s highest profile talent and content agreements and major litigations. He was also the senior intellectual property lawyer for Paramount Communications, advising film, book publishing, sports and cable television units, and was a key architect of the film industry’s anti-piracy programs. He helped to create the industry’s collective licensing organization for cable and satellite retransmissions of television programs and films in the EU. Josh is an adjunct law professor in copyright law at Southwestern University Law School, Loyola Law School and University of Southern California Law School in Los Angeles. He is a past president of the Los Angeles Copyright Society.” (http://www.visualconnections.com/blog/category/licensing/) ● Francis Dumanoir shared this with us: "This year has passed by in a flash! And we missed the chance to celebrate the 45 year anniversary of our graduating class. Anyway, it's been busy at the Dumanoir front. In May, I was "offered" the opportunity for early retirement from my company (Petroleum Geo-Services - a Norwegian Geophysical Services company). I jumped at the chance and decided to take a 6 month "sabbatical" after 40 years of employment. It was timely since we had made the plunge in doing a major renovation of our house in the yard. Mariam is a little jealous as she still slogs to work every morning to go to Chevron downtown. I also participated in the 40th year graduating class fund raising efforts for Rice University in Houston. We also made it to France - in the Gers region where our parents left us an old farmhouse. We also had our daughter Danielle's in-laws come join us for a week to go to the Marciac Jazz Festival (37 years now - and a huge draw in France). It's been a lot of fun - and now I have been seeking some consulting work to start in January. On the kid front, our eldest Danielle has been in Abu Dhabi since July 2012 where she and her spouse work for NYU - AD! We got to see them last November which was a real treat. Had a fun filled week of activities (Dubai visit / Burj Khalifah), The Grande Mosque in Abu Dhabi. We also went to the Formula 1 GP held at Yas Marina - itself worth a visit! Talk about oil money opulence!!! Our younger one, Katherine is really hitting her stride as a senior at U of Arkansas in International Marketing. She is setting her sites on working in New York! We are encouraging her - but also telling her to GET A JOB before going there with dreams and a suitcase. She was really smitten with New York since we took her up with us in 2009 when we celebrated our 40th LFNY reunion! I will finish on that note and encourage my classmates to let me know how they are doing - and are ALWAYS welcome if travels take them to Houston." -- Classnotes Archives, 1969 -- 'S’en est fini de Rififi' by Michel Alix -- In memoriam: Carmel (Rodriguez) Walter and Richard Baron Back to Top 1970............................................... In Memoriam: ● Francois De Nervaux Loÿs (†April 17, 2014) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Georges Michelsen Foy wrote: "I'm working on a book about navigation, with a big N; comment nous trouvons notre chemin dans l'espace. Which covers all movement, from how our cells figure out where to go, jusqu'à comment nous arrivons à naviguer les vaisseaux spatiaux. The last bouquin, called "Zero Decibels," est sorti chez Scribner in 2010. ... I'm living somewhere between New York City et Cape Cod, Mass. Mon fils est en 1ère, au Lycée, ma fille Emilie at Univ. of Edinburgh. The book ne sera pas in Franglais. Website: georgefoy.com. Salutations distinguées to all cohorts, I hope you're well and thriving." Editor's Note: Georges "is the author of eleven published novels and two nonfiction books.....His most recent novel, The Art and Practice of Explosion, won honorary mention in Foreword's Best Novel of the Year competition, and his novel Shift was finalist for the Philip K. Dick Award in literary science fiction. He's been an investigative reporter, writer, and/or editor for BusinessWeek, the International Herald Tribune, the Cape Cod Times, and the Register, and his articles, reviews, and stories have been published by Rolling Stone, The Boston Globe, Harper’s, and Men’s Journal, among others.” (http://cwp.fas.nyu.edu/object/cwp.faculty.georgefoy) ● Professor Alexander Skibine "received a B.A. in political science and French literature from Tufts University and a J.D. from Northwestern University School of Law. Before joining the faculty at the University of Utah , S.J. Quinney College of Law in 1989, Professor Skibine served as Deputy Counsel for Indian Affairs for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Professor Skibine has published many articles in the area of federal Indian law and he is frequently invited to speak on federal Indian law issues at venues around the country. He is a member of the Illinois and District of Columbia bar associations. Professor Skibine teaches administrative law, constitutional law, torts, and federal Indian law.” (http://www.law.utah.edu/faculty/faculty-profile/?id=alexander-skibine) ● Whether your political leanings are liberal or conservative, you'll surely enjoy William Kristol being interviewed by Jon Stewart during the McCain-Obama campaign. (Click on link below) ● Sylvia Flescher wrote: ".....Jonathan Mandelbaum ('71).....is the only person from the Lycee who has kept up with me over the years. I myself have been remiss in keeping up with old classmates. And so far I have resisted the seductions of Facebook. I did see Suzanne Singer ('71) a few weeks ago in Boca Raton, Florida, where we both were attending a conference about Holocaust Studies. As you may already know, she is now a Reform rabbi at a congregation outside of L.A. The decades fell away as we re-connected and reminisced with great pleasure. A thumbnail of my life: I am a psychoanalytically trained psychiatrist, still in private practice in Ridgewood, N.J., and still very much enjoying the challenges and satisfactions of my work with patients. My husband of 33 years, Tom Marcyes, is a free lance film--now video-- editor for ABC-TV, working mostly at the news show 20/20 and other news specials. Our two grown daughters, Rebecca and Sophia, live in California (alas!). Rebecca is a struggling song-writer and food activist, Sophia works in a film production company. In 2012, my memoir piece, "Googling for Ghosts: a Meditation on Writers' Block, Mourning and the Holocaust" was published in the journal Psychoanalytic Review. [Click on PdF file below to read the article] With it, I accomplished my goal of entering my parents' history into the public record. I am attaching the pdf of it. I am also dabbling in poetry which gives me great satisfaction. While I do not have a personal web-site, I can be found on Psychology Today' s list of psychiatrists." ● Dr. Sibylle Wieser shared this: "After graduating from Wellesley with a major in mathematics and theatre studies I spent a year in Krakow learning Polish in the hope of entering their film school and then a year in Paris for a licence d'anglais and a maitrise en études cinématographiques. After travelling to Latin America I returned to Geneva, studied medicine, specialized in obstetrics and gynaecology and spent two years in Johannesburg before setting up practice in Geneva in 1995. I have a daughter Sandra, a performance artist who after nine years in Berlin is currently in NYC, and a son Olivier, an environment engineer currently doing his Swiss civil service, recycling organic waste in Indonesia. Anybody passing through Geneva would be very welcome!" ● Claude-Agnès Reynaud « est Directeur de l'Unité INSERM 783 ("Développement du système immunitaire") à la Faculté de Médecine Paris Descartes. Elle a obtenu son doctorat à l'Université Denis Diderot (Paris VII) en 1981. » ● Philippe Egger is Director of the International Labour Association's Bureau of Programming and Management. ● Gretchen Amussen nous écrit que « depuis 1992 elle vit et travaille à Paris, où elle est responsable des affaires extérieures et des relations internationales au Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris. » Editor's Note: Gretchen is “Deputy director for External Affairs and Communication of the Conservatoire de Paris….[She was] born and raised in New York City, [and] studied music and French at the university followed by organ studies with Xavier Darasse at the Toulouse Conservatoire, where she was awarded a Gold Medal. In the United States she managed a chamber music festival and did fundraising for a symphony orchestra. Since 1992 she has worked at the Paris Conservatoire, where she created the international division. Today she is Deputy Director for External Affairs and Communication, which includes international relations, professional development, a multimedia sector, an observatory for the music professions, and the public relations department [.....]” (http://www.hanze.nl/NR/rdonlyres/671E1117-C321-4FC0-BF19-32A79BA0A1E1/0/Speakersandpresentersseminar2007.pdf) ● Karin Link told us that she "and a small number of participants from the Association for Preservation Technology International, (APTI), have been involved in the creation of an online database. OSCAR, (Online Sustainable Conservation Assistance Resource), is intended to give users - preservation architects, engineers, builders and the like - sensitive options for retrofitting historic buildings in light of sustainability goals, (energy conservation and other factors). I contributed content concerning wood and metal frame windows. We presented a Beta test, (wood frame windows), in New York in the fall of 2013 and a more comprehensive one at the APTI Conference at the Chateau Frontenac in Québec in October 2014. Both times, the reception was positive, but we also received very good criticism." ● Pamela Farland “was raised in France. Her early passion for ancient civilization led her naturally to the Ecole du Louvre where she studied art and archeology, while also pursuing an Art History degree at the Michelet Institute in Paris. When she moved to New York she worked as a picture framing consultant for major collectors artists and museums. From 1986 to 1989 she followed a 3 year jewelry making program learning techniques such as Byzantine cloisonné enamel, granulation, repousse, chain making, cabochon lapidary and various classical settings. Part of the program involved teaching new students. From 1989 to 2000 Pamela worked for the Metropolitan Museum of Art as Master Craftsman, where she made models and hand crafted pieces of jewelry from their collection to be sold in the museum's gift shops. From 2003 to present she has taught goldsmithing at 92 Street Y in New York where she enjoys sharing her love of jewelry making and design, with her students. From 1989 on she has been the owner of Pamela Farland Jewelry Designs where she creates her own line of jewelry, inspired from ancient designs [.....]” (http://www.92y.org/Uptown/School-of-the-Arts/Art-Center/Jewelry/Staff/Farland-Pamela.aspx) ● Pierre Etienne Lahaussois “was born in 1952 in Paris, France. He was raised in France and Spain. Pierre came to the U.S. in 1970. That year, after graduating from the French Lycée in New York, he started to work on his own jewelry. Louis Feron, the Master Goldsmith who was making Jean Schlumberger jewelry for Tiffany & Co., recognized his talents and took him on as his apprentice. After his apprenticeship, Pierre went on his own to make his jewelry, abstract paintings and surrealistic sculpture. He had his work shown at the French Embassy in 1974 along with works of Chirico, Salvador Dali and Marcel Duchamp for the 50th Anniversary of the Manifeste Surrealiste. In 1975 he was hired by Tiffany & Co. as a designer. He then moved on to be Jeweler, Foreman of the Jewelry Shop, Associate Design Director and finally was Divisional Vice President of jewelry Manufacturing. In 1988 Pierre left Tiffany & Co. to create his own consulting firm, which patented some of his inventions, designed and manufactured objects for the Museum of Modern Art. Paloma Picasso, the world renowned jewelry designer, whom he met in 1980 when she began designing for Tiffany & Co., contacted him. In 1989 he began working closely with Paloma, assisting her in creating the beautiful jewelry she is known for. This collaboration lasted 18 wonderful years. In 2007 Pierre decided that he wanted to return to his lifetime dream of creating his own art: abstract painting, photography and sculpture.” (http://www.pierregallery.com/bio.htm) ● Jean-Francis Perrot : « Fils de l'architecte Jean-Claude Perrot et de Sarah Gersten, petit-fils de Simone et Norbert Perrot, commerçants très connus et appréciés, Jean-Francis Perrot, dit Pouky, est né le 2 mai 1952 sur les Champs-Élysées, dans le taxi qui conduisait sa mère à la maternité, signe prédestiné d'une existence baignée par l'aventure et les voyages. Malgré une vie partagée entre Paris et New York, il est toutefois revenu régulièrement chez ses grands-parents pour y passer des vacances. Il adorait « la tranquillité campagnarde mais également les fêtes de la Saint-Roch avec ses chars, sa course aux ânes et ses bals avec Toto Laroumagne ». Mais c'est seulement aujourd'hui, à la retraite, que Jean-Francis Perrot est venu s'installer en Dordogne. Du lycée français de New York au bac à Bordeaux en 1973 puis à la faculté de Jussieu, il a pu éviter les guerres du Vietnam et du Tchad du fait de sa double nationalité. Plutôt qu'un engagement militaire, il préférait se consacrer à son projet de bateau en ferrociment pour faire le tour du monde, des voyages sur tous les continents. Puis, il est parti aux États-Unis, où il a été guide dans un office de tourisme pendant plus d'un an. Sa rencontre avec artiste peintre Patricia Durand et quelques pressions de la mafia locale qui l'ont conduit vers la Colombie en 1975. Il s'est intégré progressivement au milieu local, durant ses longues années au contact des indiens Koguis qui lui ont permis de retrouver la paix intérieure et de faire du commerce de poterie indienne. Ses céramiques ont rapidement inondé tout le pays puis le marché américain [.....] De retour aux États-Unis - où la mode était aux plastiques et autres matériaux pop art - il a eu l'idée d'utiliser des poissons tropicaux morts pour les plastifier et en faire des bijoux. Après deux ans de mises au point de son concept, il est devenu le roi «j'en fish» avec de nombreuses commandes. Mais, la toxicité des produits l'a obligé à arrêter de travail. C'est à Rouffignac qu'il a décidé de venir se poser mais Pouky a déjà de nouveaux projets : restaurer la demeure de ses grands-parents paternels pour faire un restaurant végétarien. » (http://www.sudouest.fr/2012/05/16/un-retour-aux-sources-pour-pouky-716117-2245.php) ● Jean-Christophe Paolini est Régisseur au Musée d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris, à la Mairie de Paris. ● Cyril Pervilhac “studied social sciences and international public health in the U.S. He has managed health and research programmes in Africa for ten years, particularly in the field of communicable diseases. His work has involved cooperating with CARE, John Snow Inc., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Swiss Tropical Institute. He has also worked as a free-lance consultant for ten years in over twenty countries in the Caribbean, Africa, Europe, and Asia for bilateral (USAID, GTZ, KfW, DSE, CDG), and international agencies (UNICEF, WHO, UNAIDS, the European Commission) primarily within the scope of reproductive health and MCH programmes, and short term training courses in management, epidemiology, and statistics. He is based in Bonn, Germany.” (http://www.tgpsh.or.tz/uploads/media/Hope_for_Tanzania2.pdf) -- Classnotes Archives, 1970 -- 'Googling for Ghosts.....' by Sylvia Flescher -- In Memoriam: Francois De Nervaux Loys -- Bill Kristol on the Jon Stewart show Back to Top 1971● Rafael Rodriguez sent us a fun-to-read reminiscence (with photos) about a Rallye Promenade organized by LFNY alumni in 1975. (Click on Pdf link below) ● Bernard Ellena "is a fine fragrance perfumer who works for Symrise. His father, Peter Ellena was a perfumer for Chiris, his older brother, Jean-Claude Ellena, and niece Celine Ellena are also perfumers." ● William McKee Wisehart nous écrit : « J'ai passé mon B.E.P.C. à la fin de la 3e au Lycée avant de le quitter et passer dans un High School américain. Plus tard, j'ai fait une maîtrise à Toulon et ensuite je suis allé habiter l'Allemagne, près de Nürnberg, où je me trouve actuellement avec ma femme. Nos enfants ont quitté la maison il y a longtemps et nous avons trois petits-enfants. » ● Daniel F. Spulber “is the Elinor Hobbs Distinguished Professor of International Business and Professor of Management Strategy at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, where he has taught since 1990. He is also Professor of Law at the Northwestern University Law School (Courtesy). He received his Ph.D. in economics in 1979 and his M.A. in economics in 1976 from Northwestern University and his B.A. in economics in 1974 from the University of Michigan. Spulber has taught at Brown University, the University of Southern California, and Cal Tech. Spulber has received eight National Science Foundation grants, three Searle Fund Grants, and three Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Grants for economic research. Spulber is the founding editor of the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy published by Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Spulber is the Research Director for the Searle Center on Law, Regulation and Economic Growth. He is also the founder of Kellogg’s International Business & Markets Program. Spulber's research is in the areas of International Economics, Industrial Organization, Microeconomic Theory, Entrepreneurship, Management Strategy, and Law. He was ranked 6th among economists in the United States in “Trends in Rankings of Economics Departments in the U.S.: An Update” ….. Spulber has published numerous journal articles in economics journals and law reviews ..... [and] is the author of twelve books.” (http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/Faculty/Directory/Spulber_Daniel.aspx) ● Cécile (Tardu) Delerue est « professeur de Yoga à Pau depuis plus de 35 ans . [Elle a ] été formée par des professeurs qui tous ont reçu leur enseignement de TKV Desikachar. Cette école transmet un Yoga classique qui s’adapte aux conditions de la vie moderne tout en respectant l’essentiel de la tradition millénaire. [Elle] est titulaire des diplômes suivants de Professeur de Yoga : Fédération Nationale des Enseignants de Yoga (1981), -Institut Français du Yoga (1994) , et Self Realization Meditation and Healing Center (2008). » (http://yogapau.com/YogaPau/Le_Professeur.html) ● George Acogny “was born in Africa in the mid fifties. He is a multi faceted talent, speaks 6 languages fluently and plays several instruments. In the early seventies, he started playing in bands in Europe, which led to a record deal with the WEA label Strings, under which he recorded two albums with guest musicians like Larry Corryel and Michael Brecker. In the early eighties, Acogny took a trip to Africa with Peter Gabriel, which carved both their careers and shaped what is now known as world music. They sampled new sounds and recorded different rhythms in collaboration with various artists like Youssou Ndour […… ] Acogny lived in England collaborating with Peter Gabriel on various projects and met with David Gilmour from the group Pink Floyd, who introduced him to various rock bands. In the mid-eighties Acogny scored the music to the film Playing For Keeps. In the early nineties, Acogny moved to Los Angeles and went on to music-supervise over 20 films including: City of Angels, The Crow II, Spawn, The Saint, Jungle 2 Jungle, The Ghost and the Darkness, Virtuosity, Save the Last Dance, The Bone Collector and Rabbit Proof Fence, which gave Gabriel a Golden Globe nomination for the instrumental score in 2003. Acogny also has a passion for animation, and music-supervised, wrote, and produced songs for The Rugrats in Paris, The Rugrats Go Wild and The Wild Thornberrys movies. He has worked with artists like Aerosmith, Sting, The Dave Matthews Band, Wycleff Jean, Snoop Dogg and many others. Acogny has also worked on very successful European projects like the record-setting Asterix, Mission Cleopatra, which is the biggest box office success in France to date, for which he wrote the end title with Snoop Dogg and executive produced the music. His pride is certainly the groundbreaking Manu Dibango album Wakafrica, which sold over one million copies worldwide. “ (http://www.radioswisspop.ch/cgi-bin/pip/html.cgi?lang=en&m=entity&sid=10586cef350f84b4912f8961f33e2a0733f7a) ● Robert Oliver Meyzen “is a distinguished family name in restaurant history. [His] father Robert Louis Meyzen was a co-founder of La Caravelle, a legendary French restaurant in Manhattan that was consistently rated four stars by the New York Times in the 1960s and frequented by members of high society. Growing up, Robert Oliver Meyzen went to school first at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs in Forest Hills and then at Lycee Francais de New York in Manhattan. At the age of 13, he traveled to Switzerland to continue his education staying until 1970 when he was accepted at the Ecole Hotelliere de Lausanne; he then returned to the U.S.A to attend Assumption College in Worcester, Mass. While in college he dabbled in music promotion ..... [He] worked for his dad at La Crémaillère from 1975 until 1991 when he left to look into other opportunities and contemplated buying a restaurant. In mid-1993, he found an unlikely prospective seller—his father. La Crémaillère had been closed since February, 1992. So after some negotiation, they struck a deal. "The interior was redecorated before reopening," said Meyzen "to replace formality with French country charm." The menu was essentially the same as before—traditional French cuisine with a focus on fresh ingredients.” (http://bedford.patch.com/groups/business-news/p/eric-krupnick-and-albert-astudillo-at-la-cremaillere) -- Classnotes Archives, 1971 -- Rallye Promenade, by Rafael Rodriguez Back to Top 1972● Philip S. Golub “is a widely published author and Contributing Editor of Le Monde Diplomatique. He teaches International Relations and International Political Economy at the Institut d'études europeennes, Université Paris 8 and at the American University of Paris (AUP).” (http://www2.lse.ac.uk/IDEAS/events/events/2010/101005golub.aspx) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Philip Golub talks about his new book, 'Power, Profit and Prestige', which discusses the rise of the American empire. (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1972 -- Philip Golub on YouTube Back to Top 1973● Liliane Morin wrote: "Bonjour tout le monde...This is my first submission, so just to bring everyone up to speed... Professionally, I started my career as a pediatric nurse at Northwestern's pediatric hospital in Chicago (Children's Memorial), after receiving my BSN from Columbia. After moving to the Bay Area in California in 1982, I chose a career in IT within the hospital setting, and after receiving a Master's degree in Health Care Administration from the University of San Francisco in 1993, I moved into Finance. I have been the Director of Financial Planning at multiple acute care hospitals in California since then, all of which were in the San Francisco Bay Area, except for a six-year period in Fresno. In my personal life, I am married and currently living in the Sacramento area. We have no children, by choice, simply because I saw too many children with birth defects as a pediatric nurse and became very risk-adverse. Instead, we are a household of dogs (all rescues), having three shelties and one collie (who thinks she is a sheltie). We also have two Dyson vacuum cleaners to help with all the fur! We are both very involved with NorCal Sheltie Rescue, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to re-homing Shetland Sheepdogs (shelties) who have lost their homes for a variety of reasons (relinquished to us, or who ended up in shelters). There is always at least one foster in our house. On two separate occasions, however, we had a total of seven dogs in our house, including our own. Thank goodness, it was for only one week each time. We visited New York City in April 2013, which was a trip down memory lane for me. I know that our Lycée has moved, but visiting the old Lycée on 72nd street, and then going through Central Park from there, and seeing the boathouse and lake brought many smiles to my face. It was fun reliving those years and talking about all of our adventures. We are planning a trip to France in January, as my niece had her first baby, the first for that generation. Trips to Paris and Alsace, to see extended family, are taken every three years and we are due, so I am very much looking forward to the new year. Je vous souhaite tous une très bonne fin d'année !" ● Dominique Noel wrote: "I am living in Ridgewood New Jersey with my wife and teenager Alex. Sophie my daughter is at McGill. My brother Xavier Noel ['76] and I still run our import business (30 Years) --visit us at www.parisgourmet.com. I see Francois Gendron ['73] three times a year and will be celebrating his 60th birthday on November 29th. Best wishes for 2015 to the Lycée community." ● Dr. Christine (Altorffer) Galakhoff est médecin radiologue au centre Hospitalier Hôtel Dieu à Pont l’Abbé, France. ● Marie-France Vareilles wrote: "I joined National Industries for the Blind about 18 months ago after retiring from the Federal Government. The organization assists non-profit agencies located across the country to identify jobs for people who are blind or visually impaired. Our mission is to enhance opportunities for economic and personal independence as nearly 70% of persons who are blind are not employed. I live on the outskirts of Washington DC in Falls Church, Virginia. When not working, I enjoy traveling to discover new parts of the world. I would be happy to reconnect with my classmates." (Click on link below for more détails on Marie-France's activities) ● Elisabeth Ignacio-Pinto nous écrit: "Après 29 ans avec les Nations Unies au Sénégal (UNDP and WFP) comme Finance Associate , je suis à présent à la retraite. J'ai eu deux enfants qui m'ont donné trois petits-enfants sur le continent américain (Montréal et Washington)." ● Yves Cloarec shared this with us: “On December 4th, at the Goodwin-Ternbach Museum on Queens College campus, Yves Cloarec (’73) read from and signed copies of his book INSIDE MY OWN SKIN published in May 2014. It is a translation of Guillaume de Fonclare’s DANS MA PEAU a personal narrative that won several literary prizes in France in 2010, a poignant and heartfelt account of one man’s journey along the arc from despair to hope. You are invited to find out more about Yves’ book and like its Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/insidemyownskin. (Click on link below) Yves currently teaches Writing, European Civilization and English Literature at City University of New York (CUNY)’s Queens College Campus. He is also working on several translation projects. One of these projects requires truly bilingual Franco-American or Amero-French people (in other words people like LFNY alumni) with a poetic and literary flair to contribute translations of either short stories or poems by an important but forgotten French Surrealist poet—Joë Bousquet. Please contact Yves for details if you think you might be interested in contributing. Yves sends his best regards to former classmates, and to all LFNY alumni.” Editor's Note: "Cloarec was born in Martinique, French West Indies, and grew up speaking Creole, Spanish and French in the Caribbean and on three continents. He received his French Baccalauréat at the Lycée Français de New York. He holds a Bachelor’s in Political Science and English from Columbia University and hopes the MFA degree he received last month will open doors to full-time university-level teaching or Teaching Artist opportunities in the U.S or Europe. Yves lives with his wife and children in Ridgewood, Queens.....” (Queens College News Release) ● “For over 30 years, Gabrielle Lansner has traveled between the worlds of dance, theater and film. Her creative work has crossed interdisciplinary boundaries, moving from pure dance works to dance/theater pieces to musical theater and film. In 1997, she formed gabrielle lansner & company and has created eight original full-length works for the company that have performed to critical acclaim: “Lansner has a gift for creating vivid dramatic landscapes out of an almost seamless merging of text and movement.” – (The New York Times) Lansner has recently shifted focus to filmmaking as a new way to create her work [.....] Her first short film “Dad” has been screened at NewFilmmakers Film Festival 2010 at the Anthology Film Archives/NY, the Baryshnikov Arts Center, The Newport Beach Film Festival and won the Award of Merit for Experimental Film from the Accolade Competition in La Jolla, CA.” (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1364710038/the-stronger-a-short-film) ● Winston Dutton is General Manager and V.P. of Nick Rail Music and “was born in Manhattan, grew up in Malibu and spent his teen years in France. After moving back to California, he graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BA in Music Composition from UCLA. He plays guitar, bass and piano, and enjoys songwriting in his spare time. Winston worked in the commercial real estate and hospitality fields prior to re-connecting with the wonderful world of music in 1998 when he came to work for Nick Rail Music.” (http://www.nickrailmusic.com/t-bio_winston_dutton.aspx) ● Nancy Connaly Zamboni “has a B.A. from Yale, where she received her basic art training, a B.F.A. in painting from Boston University, and an M.F.A in painting from Queens College in New York. She teaches at Mercer County Community College, the Princeton Adult School, the Princeton YWCA, and at NCZ Studios, in the Trenton / Hamilton area of NJ. Locally, she has exhibited at The Gallery at MCCC, Artworks, and at Ellarslie, The Trenton City Museum, as well as other venues in New York and New England.” (http://nancyczamboni.com/about/) ● Dr. Jean-Paul Janssens est « Médecin-adjoint agrégé, Service de Pneumologie, Hôpital Cantonal de Genève, et responsable du Centre antituberculeux (activité ambulatoire du Service de Pneumologie), Service de Pneumologie, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève. Il a obtenu son Doctorat en médecine de la Faculté de Médecine, Université de Genève, en 1987. » ● Anthony Blumka “is a fourth generation dealer in Medieval and Renaissance works of art and sculpture. His great-grandfather started the family business in Vienna in the nineteenth century and his father, Leopold, moved the gallery to New York in 1939, and was later succeeded by Tony’s mother, Ruth Blumka. In 1997 Tony opened Blumka Gallery at its current location in Manhattan. The diverse range of gallery inventory features Medieval and Renaissance ivories, enamels, bronzes and stone and wood sculpture [.....] Tony Blumka is a Past President and Honorary member of the Art and Antique Dealers League of America, and is on the Board of Directors of the National Antique and Art Dealers Association of America. He participates in The European Fine Art Fair each spring in Maastricht, the annual Munich Highlights fair every autumn and the Biennale des Antiquaires, Paris. In addition, Blumka Gallery mounts a biennial exhibition in conjunction with Julius Böhler Kunsthandlung of Starnberg, Germany, “Collecting Treasures of the Past.” (http://www.blumkagallery.com/about.asp) -- Classnotes Archives, 1973 -- ‘Inside my Skin’ translated by Yves Cloarec -- ‘Inside my Skin’ at Facebook -- Marie-France Vareilles' bio at NIB.ORG Back to Top 1974............................................... In Memoriam: ● Francis Deschamps († October 15, 2013) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Gonzalo De La Serna wrote: "[C'est] un plaisir d'avoir des nouvelles du Lycée Français de New York. Parti en 1966, j´envoie mes salutations." ● Lynne (Klinghoffer) Davis shared this with us: "I attended the Lycée from '62 to '73 and just became a grandmother on 5/5/14.....She is growing into a person so fast and has such a happy demeanor. Her favorite character is Mickey Mouse and I have to say that some of the tunes on TV are really catchy. One night of babysitting and the songs just stay in your head for days." ● Leo Wittmaekers Caproni wrote: " I live in the Bay Area of Northern California, am married with three children and have been involved in the graphic arts/printing industry for 35 years now." ● Julie Davis Canter “is the author of the new ebook series for children, Waddley Sees the World, which follows the travels of a young penguin as he learns about geography and makes new friends around the world. A seasoned writer and editor, her first book, 365 Ways to Say "Let's Be Friends for the YA market, was published when she herself was 16. She has written over 50 books for readers of all ages, including 18 books for children and over two dozen women's interest titles. She was inspired to write Waddley to encourage children to become as fascinated with the countries of the world as they are with lovable penguins; he's the perfect tour guide for fun global adventures. Canter was literally "born to be a writer." Her mother, Rochelle Larkin, started as a humor book writer, then went on to write romance novels, children's books, and music and film anthologies. She is married to Len Canter, also a writer, and they have two children, Alexandra, 25, and Sam, 21, who love books but have chosen decidedly different careers.” (http://www.amazon.com/Julie-Davis/e/B001H9RGI2) ● Raoul Björkenheim : “Born in Los Angeles in 1956, [he] has spent much of his life shuttling between New York and Helsinki. Descended from a family of musicians, Raoul first tried his hand at playing violin, trading that in for a trumpet before finally settling on the guitar. Having played in rock bands as a teenager, he studied first at the Helsinki Conservatory, then at the Berklee College of Music in Boston before moving back to Helsinki in 1981.Since then he has been an active member of many music scenes, developing a bold approach to playing electric guitar and composing eclectic music for big bands, symphony orchestras, films, modern dance companies and his own groups. Björkenheim formed several bands upon his return to Helsinki [..... and] has been a soloist with the Helsinki Symphony Orchestra, the Avanti Chamber Orchestra, the Radio Symphony Orchestra, the UMO big band and the Tampere philharmonic, with material ranging from Rachmaninov’s Vocalise to Turnage’s Blood on the Floor, as well as his own concerto Situations [.....] Björkenheim has been awarded the Georgie Prize for best jazz musician of the year, the Young Finland Award, the Emma prize (finnish grammy) for best jazz recording of the year, and been nominated three times for the Nordic Music Award.” (http://raoulbjorkenheim.com/index.php?page=bio) ● « Après avoir travaillé dans différentes structures professionnelles, Anne-Cécile ROUFFIAC a découvert la KINESIOLOGIE SPECIALISEE et décidé de se former à cette pratique de bien-être tout en poursuivant ses activités. Elle a suivi une formation professionnelle à l’EKMA (Ecole de kinésiologie et méthodes associées) au cours de deux années et exerce désormais à temps partiel ses deux métiers. Elle exerce la KINESIOLOGIE SPECIALISEE au sein de l’Association OBJECTIF BON’HEURE, dans un cabinet privé situé à Saint Germain en Laye (78) […..] Elle continue de se former très régulièrement comme préconisé par la FEDERATION FRANCAISE DE KINESIOLOGIE SPECIALISEE […..]» (http://objectifbonheure.blogspirit.com/tag/anne+cecile+rouffiac) ● Colette Michaan “ has been influenced by many genres of music, including: North and West African, Cuban, Jazz, R&B, Caribbean, Bayaka Pygmy, Gnaoua, Indian, Arab, and the music of Cape Verde. In 2004, Colette released her debut album First Cause [.....] Her second album Querencia, a recording of World Music with a Cuban core, was released in 2010 [.....] In 2012, Colette toured Morocco with her band, performing at the Lotus Club in Marrakech. The tour culminated with a concert at the renowned Essaouira Gnaoua Festival [.....] Michaan has performed with Youssou N’Dour in Senegal, Fathy Salama in Egypt, Toi Pinto in Cape Verde, Julio Cambara Palacio and the Cuban Express in Curacao, Harry Whitaker, John Stubblefield, and Hubert Laws. From 1999 to 2002 Michaan was an adjunct faculty member in the Jazz and Contemporary Music Department at the New School in New York City. Colette has recorded on albums by Harry Whitaker, Richard Bona, and Kaissa. She has also performed with Kenny Barron at the Jazz Yatra Festival in India (1986), Richard Bona at the St. Louis Festival in Senegal (1995), and Gnaoua Maâlem Abdelkebir Merchane at the Essaouira Gnaoua Festival in Morocco (2012) […..] In recent years, Colette has performed in NYC venues such as SOB’s, Havana Central, Son Cubano, Brooklyn Academy of Music, NJPAC, Shapeshifter Lab, Drom, Barbes, Cienfuegos, and more. Michaan finds her joy in music and communicates it onstage, ‘Playing music is vital to me,” she affirms, “I am grateful for the desire to play, the ability to play, and for each opportunity to play.’ " (http://colettemichaan.com/) -- Classnotes Archives, 1974 -- In Memoriam: Francis Deschamps Back to Top 1975● Omar (Fleischaker) Eton wrote: "I miss all my classmates immeasurably." ● Professor Colette Hyman of Winona State University “received her bachelor’s degree in American Civilization from Brown University before moving to Minnesota to attend the University of Minnesota to achieve her MA and PhD in history. Her teaching areas include U.S. History with specialties in the 20th century, women and the role of food in world history. [She] became a historian because of the first class in U.S. women’s history that she took in the spring of her sophomore year of college. Her senior thesis was on women in charitable organizations in the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era. By the time Colette Hyman got to her master’s thesis, she was fully in the Progressive Era, looking at the role of women in the massive strikes taking place in the first decades of the 20th century. For her doctoral dissertation, [she] stayed with the labor movement, but moved into the 1930s, a high-water mark for union activism and labor victories. This eventually developed into her first book, Staging Strikes: Workers’ Theatre and the American Labor Movement in the 1930s (1997). Since this research had taken [her] to archives all across the country, and along the way she had acquired a job and a family, she wanted her next project to keep her closer to home. What started out as a project about women in Winona became, ten years later, a book about Dakota women in Minnesota, South Dakota, and Nebraska: Dakota Women’s Work: Creativity, Culture, & Exile [.....]” (http://www.winona.edu/history/hyman.asp) ● Alice Harrison “an American of Austrian and British stock, is above all things a born and bred New Yorker. A graduate of Bryn Mawr, her school, high school and post college life were all spent in New York. Her proclivity for foreign languages is legion, speaking English, French, Russian and Spanish fluently with a liberal smattering of Chinese and German. She has put them to good use in three different vocations at the United Nations. They have accentuated her love for travel and she has explored widely on most continents including every country in Europe, big or small. She currently manages a UN Staff Fund for grass roots projects in developing countries.” (http://www.amazon.com/Mid-Manhattan-Alice-E-Harrison/dp/1480187941) ● Frank E. Dangeard “joined Symantec's board of directors in January 2007. He is Managing Partner of Harcourt. From September 2004 to February 2008 he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Thomson S.A. From 2002 to September 2004, he was Senior Executive Vice President of France Telecom. He joined Thomson multimedia in 1997 as Senior Executive Vice President, and was appointed Vice Chairman in 2000. Prior to joining Thomson multimedia, Dangeard was managing director of SG Warburg & Co. Ltd and Chairman of SG Warburg France. Before joining SG Warburg, Dangeard was a lawyer with Sullivan & Cromwell LLP in New York and London. Dangeard also serves on the Board of Directors of Atari, Telenor, Moser Baer, and Sonaecom SGPA. He graduated from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, the Paris Institut d’Etudes Politiques and from Harvard Law School. Dangeard is a member of the New York Bar and splits his time between Europe and the United States.” (http://www.symantec.com/about/profile/management/directors/bio.jsp?bioid=frank_dangeard) ● Leslie F. Greengard “is an American mathematician, doctor of medicine and computer scientist. He is co-inventor of the fast multipole method (FMM) in 1987, recognized as one of the top-ten algorithms of the 20th century. Greengard was born in London, England, but grew up in the United States: in New York, Boston, and New Haven. He holds a B.A. in mathematics from the Wesleyan University (1979), a M.D. from the Yale School of Medicine (1987), and a Ph.D. in computer science from Yale University (1987). Greengard is a professor of mathematics and computer science at and was director of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, an independent division of the New York University (NYU). Greengard is also a professor at Polytechnic Institute of New York University.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie_Greengard) ● Susanna Shannon: « Née à Washington D.C. en 1957. Vit à Paris. Graphiste. Co-fondatrice, avec Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié, et directrice de création de design dept. (commandes : Éditions du Centre Georges Pompidou, les Empêcheurs de penser en rond, galerie Neotu, Syndicat Sud). Directrice artistique du Nouvel Économiste. Visiting artist à Calarts (Los Angeles, 1996). Co-fondatrice, avec Jean-Charles Depaule et Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié, d’Irrégulomadaire. » « La pratique du design graphique par Susanna Shannon s’ancre notamment dans un goût profond pour la typographie contemporaine et ce qui s’imprime, avant et depuis l’avènement de la PAO [.....] elle aime aussi l’enseigner [à Los Angeles, Nantes, Washington, Nancy, Paris, Genève], montrer aux étudiants pour aiguiser leur regard - l’acuité s’émousse vite - photos et doubles pages de journaux, images et signes quotidiens, affiches et enseignes autour d’eux dans la ville, en les commentant et racontant ce qui s’y passe. Susanna Shannon dirige design dept, bureau de design graphique indépendant qu’elle a fondé en 1991. Elle a été membre du comité des rencontres internationales de Lures. Son travail, régulièrement présenté dans des publications françaises et étrangères, a fait l’objet d’expositions [Saint-Ouen, Nancy, Chaumont, Marseille, Paris] et a obtenu les awards de Graphis [1996], de la Society of publication designers [1991, 2007], Aiga [2007], TDC [2010]. » (http://www.cnap.fr/susanna-shannon AND http://www.cipmarseille.com/auteur_fiche.php?id=1270) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ●Rencontre avec Susanna Shannon, directrice artistique et créatrice de formules éditoriales pour magazines (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1975 -- Susanna Shannon on YouTube Back to Top 1976● Michèle Huff wrote: "It’s been so long that I don’t know where to start. My early years at the Lycée provided a valuable knowledge base, especially understanding linguistic and cultural differences. I went on to college and graduate school, finally landing as a lawyer in Northern California. I practiced intellectual property and technology licensing law for eight years at Sun Microsystems, working 80 hour weeks and making a six-figure salary. And then in 1995, at the pinnacle of a stellar career —promoted to director, supporting the Java team—I had an epiphany. Climbing the corporate ladder wasn’t getting me anywhere. I quit my job and moved to Taos, New Mexico where I spent three luxurious years writing, hiking, taking trips, and daydreaming. This is the time I began exploring Buddhism and the Chinese martial arts. I also worked for Canal+, using my French language skills to help negotiate a deal between their interactive TV division and a Colorado media company. At the turn of the century, the pull of Silicon Valley proved too strong and I co-founded a software start-up, not as a lawyer but as its business development director. The job didn’t last long; the events of 9/11 caused an untimely merger of the company. I was a bit lost, so I returned to Santa Fe, New Mexico and attended oriental medicine school for a semester. I forced myself to take the Bar and started my own law firm. After several years of helping technology and creative clients with their licensing and intellectual property issues, I found a job at the University of New Mexico, which is where I work today. I teach, mentor, and volunteer in my spare time. You can read more at Linkedin: profilehttps://www.linkedin.com/pub/mich%C3%A8le-huff/2/a12/3bb The most amazing news is that after many years, my first book is being published. It’s based on my experiences negotiating, combined with the lessons learned from Buddhist practice and Chinese energy work. The book comes out in April, but is available now for pre-order on Amazon [Click on link below] The next year will be devoted to giving workshops on negotiation (and intellectual property or licensing) at business, engineering, and law schools, legal and business incubation associations, technological, entrepreneurial, or educational events, non-profits, libraries, art schools or collaboratives, spiritual institutes, anywhere people need help learning and practicing these skills. My idea is to include a copy of the book in the workshop price, but not to charge the organization for my time. Then I would try to add a book signing at a local, independent bookstore in the area. If you know of any possible venues or candidates, please send me an email at mhuff9@earthlink.net. I would love to hear from you. And if you are planning a trip to New Mexico, please let me know. A bientot.” ● Marc Jensen ('76) sent us a fascinating account of his training aboard L'Hermione "a replica of the 216ft frigate that brought La Fayette to the American Colonies with word of King Louis XVI's support of the revolution." Marc intends to be part of the crew on its voyage across the Atlantic starting April 18th, 2015. [Click on Pdf file below to read the article] ● Judy (Kameny) Applebaum told us that she "is doing voiceovers, as well as film work. If you've heard commercials for Premio Sausage, Newsday, Carebooker, or Scholastic, it may be her voice you've been listening to! You can hear her at voice123.com/judykameny." (Click on link below) ● Denis Logerot: « Depuis toujours attiré par les animaux de toutes sortes, je deviens vétérinaire en 1981 et m'installe dans l'Ouest de la Lorraine (plus précisément en Meuse); je pratique déjà la photographie, et mes activités de loisirs sont orientées vers la Nature. Plus tard je passe le brevet de pilote ULM, catégorie multiaxes (avions ultralégers), autre activité qui m'attirait par le regard différent que le vol permet d'avoir sur la Nature. Mes sujets photographiques préférés sont les animaux en liberté dans leur milieu, les paysages dans lesquels l'Homme sait se montrer discret, et d'une manière générale tout ce qui témoigne de la beauté et de la diversité de la Nature. Logiquement amené à conjuguer vol et photographie, je suis contacté en 2002 par Réseau Ferré de France (RFF) pour un reportage photographique aérien sur le gigantesque chantier de la LGV Est (trois cents km de chantier comportant un ouvrage d'art tous les km). Je crée alors "Photargonne", petite entreprise me permettant la commercialisation de mes images. Ce reportage fut le premier d'une série se terminant en 2006 avec la fin du chantier. Je suis équipé en matériel de prise de vues numériques, ce qui offre l'avantage, entre autres, de contrôler mes images jusqu'au tirage papier final. Je pratique également la photographie aérienne pour d'autres entreprises (site web, illustration en communication), pour des collectivités territoriales (Communes ou Communautés de Communes), pour des particuliers désirant des vues aériennes de leur propriété, mais aussi et bien sûr pour mon plaisir personnel. » (http://www.denislogerot-photargonne.com/auteur/index.asp) ● Lavinia Branca Snyder “is a New York City based writer, photographer and digital artist. Her professional career began as a designer of illustrated photographic books in the early eighties. She began experimenting with digital images in the early nineties, developing the concept for three series of children’s books that combined her photographs with hand drawn characters. She has written and illustrated 12 children's books under the imprint of Lavinia's World and designed a plush toy collection: The Ooshes. 2005: Creative Child Magazine's Preferred Choice Award in the Character and Book category: Lavinia's cartoon won a place as a finalist in the Mipcom Jr. License Competition at Cannes. 2006: Her book was named Book of the year by Creative Child Magazine. In 2007 Lavinia started focusing on her art and began submitting her work- both photographs and digital assemblages- to competitions and produce pieces for exhibition.” (http://www.kiptonart.com/artists/lavinia-snyder/) ● Professor Romy Golan [of the Graduate Center at CUNY] “has previously taught at Vassar College and Yale University. She has curated exhibitions and written catalogue essays for museums in the U.S., France, and Canada. She received the Samuel and Ronnie Heyman Prize for outstanding scholarly publication by Junior Faculty Members of the Humanities at Yale for her book Modernity and Nostalgia: Art and Politics in France between the Wars (Yale Univ. Press, 1995) and the Henry Allen Moe Prize for Catalogues of Distinction in the Arts for co-authorship of The Circle of Montparnasse: Jewish Artists in Paris 1905-1945 at the Jewish Museum (New York, 1985). She is currently working on a book on Italian art from 1943-1973.” (http://www.gc.cuny.edu/Page-Elements/Academics-Research-Centers-Initiatives/Doctoral-Programs/Art-History/Faculty-Bios/Romy-Golan) -- Classnotes Archives, 1976 -- 'Trial by Wind and Water', by Marc Jensen -- Judy Kameny's website Back to Top 1977● Harold Hyman has just had his new book published -- Géopolitiquement correct et incorrect. « Brillant journaliste géopolitique sur BFM TV, Harold Hyman nous dévoile hors antenne sa vision des enjeux internationaux. Pragmatique et pédagogique, son analyse sur la marche du monde est souvent « incorrecte », toujours utile et sans langue-de-bois. En géopolitique, les spécialistes se divisent en deux courants. Les classiques, pour qui les États-nations ont comme objectifs l’obtention de matières premières, le contrôle des voies de communication, avec parfois l’exigence de protéger des populations alliées. Ils appréhendent le monde comme un grand jeu de société. L’autre courant regroupe les humanitaires. Pour eux, l’essence des relations internationales DOIT porter sur le progrès de la situation des Droits de l'homme, dans un tribunal mondialisé où le Bien combat le Mal.Reste au journaliste de porter son regard sur les réalités géographiques, sociales, économiques et politiques, et de scruter les passions et les excès qui façonnent le mélodrame humain de nos sociétés en pleine évolution. Fusionner ces approches est l’ambition de ce livre, « l’ambition irrévérencieuse » d’Harold Hyman, journaliste depuis vingt-cinq ans, passionné de politique internationale qu’il décode chaque jour sur BFM TV.» (http://www.amazon.ca/G%C3%A9opolitiquement-correct-incorrect-Harold-Hyman/dp/B00J2NU0G0) ● Olivia Gushine wrote: "After leaving the Lycée I attended Spence and graduated from Tufts University. I spent some time in Indonesia but returned to NYC where I continue to reside. I spent several years in the non profit sector before winding up in the online advertising/technology field." ● Alain Cloarec: « Né à Fort de France, Martinique, [il] immigre enfant pour New York et fut éduqué au Lycée français de New York. Après son bac, il étudie le cinéma à l'école de film de New York University (NYU Film School), et l'art dramatique au Lee Strasberg Institute. Il interprète plusieurs grands rôles au théâtre et plusieurs petits rôles au cinéma dans des films indépendants. Il travaille aussi dans la production à New York pour Claude Lelouch, Claude Zidi et Otar Iosseliani. Il enseigne l'art dramatique à NYU, et fut "speaker" à la radio pour Le Fonds des Nations Unies Pour La Population. Il occupe ensuite plusieurs emplois misérables pour se faire de l'argent afin de pouvoir créer son premier film LE BÉLIER D'OR sans aucune aide financière, mais avec l'appui de ses 15 cartes de crédit. Aujourd'hui il enseigne le cinéma et l'art dramatique à Film/Vidéo Arts dans Manhattan et apprends aux jeunes comment faire leurs premiers long-métrages sans avoir aller à la ruine. » (http://www.le-petit-bouquet.com/lpb3/belier/goldenram.htm) ● Nora El Goulli is the Director of Team Strategy at groupH Ltd and “holds a Doctor of Pharmacy degree [Faculte de Pharmacie de Tours] and an MBA [Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern U, 1994]. She spent 10 years working on mass vaccination programs in 80 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and has always been passionate about improving access to healthcare in the third world. At Pasteur Vaccins, the vaccine arm of the Pasteur Insitute in Paris, she was responsible for the world's first viral Hepatitis B vaccine. Her role involved working with public health authorities to promote the use of the vaccine in their countries. The vaccine is now a standard component of the standard vaccination program across the third world. During a holiday visit to Roatan, she witnessed the devastating shortages of medicines at the public hospital.The hospital pharmacist had no purchasing budget and no access to suppliers. She was disempowered by the system and frustrated. Nora thought that it was feasible to sustainably improve the situation. She founded Medicines for Roatan in 2006.” (http://www.medicinesforroatan.org/sub_sections.php?id=05105) ● Tom Mashberg “is an award-winning investigative reporter and the former Sunday Editor for the Boston Herald. During his 30-year career he has reported for The New York Times and The Boston Globe, as well as writing for Vanity Fair and many other publications. He was called “the quintessential newspaperman” by FOX-TV’s America’s Most Wanted.” (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/mashberg-tom/52938) ● David L. Phillips “is Director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University's Institute for the Study of Human Rights. Phillips has served as Senior Adviser to the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Bureau for Near Eastern Affairs, and Bureau for European and Canadian Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, and as Senior Adviser to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. He is author of Unsilencing the Past: Track Two Diplomacy and Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation (Berghahn Books, 2005), as well as Liberating Kosovo: Coercive Diplomacy and U.S. Intervention (MIT Press, 2012), From Bullets to Ballots: Violent Muslim Movements in Transition (Transaction Press, 2008), and Losing Iraq: Inside the Postwar Reconstruction Fiasco (Perseus Books, 2005).” (http://www.amazon.com/David-L.-Phillips/e/B001KIS968/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0) ● Dominique Treboux “earned her Ph.D. from Fordham University in 1989. Her dissertation focused on adolescent sexual behavior. She joined the Stony Brook Attachment Lab in 1992 and is currently Co-PI of our ten year longitudinal study of attachment representations in marriage. She has worked closely with Judy Crowell in the development on methods for assessing adult's representations of relationships to romantic partners and spouses. In addition, she has taken on several mentoring relationships with graduate and undergraduate students. (Kate Potenza's success as a Finalist in the Westinghouse Science Contest was typical of these relationships.) She is currently on the faculty at St. Joseph's College on Long Island..” (http://www.psychology.sunysb.edu/attachment/sunylab/) ● Chris Semal “was born in New York City in 1959 and has lived there all his life. He is aware that other places exist and likes to visit them from time to time, but the city is a hard mistress to resist and he keeps going back to her. A musician, singer and songwriter, he has played pretty much every rock club in Manhattan at one time or another since the late 70s and went to school at the University of Miami to study Music Engineering, coming back north to do the only obvious thing possible, becoming a municipal bond broker and eventually working as a consultant building financial models. In the early part of the millennium, between both consulting and band gigs, he thought it might be interesting to see what would happen if he expanded on the 80 or so words he used in writing song lyrics and went for the 80,000 he would need for a novel. And so Trial Of Tears was born, along with a passion for developing plots and characters.” (http://chrissemal.com/?page_id=31) ● Véronique Stanek recently published her first novel – L’ENFER CUIVRE – « L'histoire d'un femme fragile qui n'aura de cesse de se battre tout au long de sa vie. » (http://www.leseditionsdunet.com/lang-en/novels/2109-l-enfer-cuivre-veronique-stanek-9782312020099.html) ● “Of Italian and Anglo-American parentage, Martino Traxler has taught mainly moral and political philosophy at Cornell, Ohio University, and Agnes Scott Women's College. He lectures occasionally at the British Institute on contemporary Italian problems, and teaches courses in various periods of Italian history. Martino Traxler completed a PhD from Cornell University (NY) and Bachelor’s degree Tufts University (MA), both in Philosophy.” (http://www.ceastudyabroad.com/academic_matter/faculty/faculty_profiles.html?Item=flr_faculty7&pf=true) ● Deirdre Leber “grew up in New York City, frequenting museums and attending the Art Students League starting at the age of nine and throughout high school. She received her BA from University of Pennsylvania […..] and her MFA, with a concentration in painting, from Brooklyn College. During her time at Brooklyn College she was awarded three merit scholarships. In the summer of 1981 she attended the Skowhegan School for Painting and Sculpture program in Skowhegan, ME. Beginning to exhibit in 1986 she has had solo shows at the Coffey Gallery, Kingston, NY; be gallery, High Falls, NY; and Woodstock Artists Association, Woodstock, NY and participated in group exhibitions at commercial galleries, university galleries and not-for- profit art centers in locations across the country [.....] Her work has been included on the cover of the magazine Art Calendar and in the 2008 Women Artists Calendar [.....] For the past 10 years she has lived and worked in New Paltz, NY.” (http://www.deirdreleber.com/index.php?page=3) ● Nina Gerassi Navarro is an Associate Professor of Latin American Literature at Tufts University. Her university degrees include: Ph.D. Columbia University; M.Phil Columbia University; M.A. Columbia University; B.A. Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. Her expertise is in Nineteenth-Century Latin American literature; Nation building; The culture of outlaws; Visual culture and film studies; Travel narratives; Popular culture. “In Pirate Novels [she] examines an overlooked genre to reveal how history and fiction blend to address important issues of nation building in nineteenth-century Spanish America. In the figure of the pirate, bold and heroic to some, cruel and criminal to others, she reveals an almost ideal character that came to embody the spirit of emerging nationhood and the violence associated with the struggle to attain it.” (http://books.google.fr/books/about/Pirate_Novels.html?id=KHpUBiGNFWgC&redir_esc=y) -- Classnotes Archives, 1977 Back to Top 1978............................................... In Memoriam: ● Philippe Coursodon (†May 22, 2009) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Annabelle Cone wrote: "Hi, I published an article titled "The Humorous Erotic in Wolinski and Brétécher" in the "International Journal of Comics and Animation." I am now working on an article on the American West in Belgian bande dessinée. I saw Nathalie Hatgis ('78) last winter in New York. Here is a photo of us in Chelsea at the Richard Serra show. We then headed to the Maritime Hotel which has a really cool lobby decorated in a sort of aquatic modernist style. I highly recommend it! Brilliant idea, Nathalie!" ● Lianne Coleman wrote: "I am still working in films and television as an actress. In my spare time I am creative and have an online store at www.zazzle.com/liannescreations where I've designed hundreds of custom items. I still keep in touch with several of my Lycée classmates and would love to hear from anyone who would like to get in touch." ● Xavier Cabanne shared this with us: "Although I only spent one year at the LFNY in 1971-72 I remember many of my classmates and would love to reconnect. Feel free to look me up and contact me. After the LFNY I finished high school at UNIS in NY, returned to France, went to undergraduate business school and completed the then obligatory military service. Afterwards, I went back to the US for an MBA degree in IS at the University of Pittsburgh, moved to Los Angeles then to Chicago where I have been for the last 24 years and raised 2 boys. After 20 years working in IS in financial institutions, I was given the opportunity to head in a different direction so I created A Scenic Road, Inc. My company organizes trips to several regions of France where I have many contacts, family and otherwise. Please visit my web site (http://www.ascenicroad.com) and facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/aScenicRoad) to learn about what I offer. Hopefully we can reconnect and maybe arrange a reunion in Burgundy!. Best to everyone." (Click on link below to access Xavier's website) ● From Charles Giblain: "Bonjour à tous...quelques nouvelles de Madagascar où notre projet Bionexx continue d'opérer. Voici quelques vidéo récentes postées sur Youtube qui parlent de nos activités." (Click on links below) Ediitor's note: Charles is being overly modest. His company is not only a major producer of a component of a "miracle drug" for the treatment of malaria, but it also provides an income source for thousands of small farmers in Madagascar. " Bionexx est une jeune société malgache créée en 2005. Elle a démarré une activité de culture et de purification de l’Artémisia Annua (AA), plante de laquelle est extrait un principe actif permettant de lutter contre le paludisme. Elle entre ainsi dans la composition d’une nouvelle génération de médicaments contre le paludisme, qui présente une alternative efficace aux monothérapies traditionnelles qui ne parviennent plus à venir à bout du parasite. Ce projet s’accompagne d’un vaste projet de petit paysannat, puisque l’entreprise achète l’AA à des petits paysans qui la cultivent pour la société." (http://www.afd.fr/webdav/shared/ELEMENTS_COMMUNS/infos-projets/Telechargements/Societe-BIONEXX-ARIZ.pdf) ● Kriti Siderakis wrote: “Some ever brief news. I will never forget my years at the Lycée although I spent my last two years at Trinity, here in NYC. I want to give you some news, and can let you know I wrote a piece about the Lycée on an online site many years ago, as well as an interview with the architect of the new building. After graduation from Princeton University I spent many years in Paris and Nimes, working as an architectural designer and a design teacher for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champain. I am happy to say that over the years I have been in touch with Carla Rosen [‘78], Matthew Arndt [‘78] and Natalie Yates [‘78]. Carla and Matthew live in Luxembourg. I have also seen Susan Burger ['78] at a Trinity reunions. She is living in Westchester and is a psychologist. Last year we spent an out of the blue New Year's Eve at Matthew's apartment in Paris, It was so amazing to get together with a Lycée classmate after decades! I can say that Matthew looks much like he used to. Slight, intelligent, fabulous. I have been back in NYC since 1998, and am married to a French-born architect who is the director of Bernard Tschumi Architects. I continue my interest in drawing and writing, two skills that the Lycée greatly encouraged." ● David Kaplan sent us this update: "I'm currently an enrolled student at Columbia University in their MS Program in Sustainability Management and I'm exploring a second career in renewable/alternative energy." ● Carla Rosen-Vacher had some exciting news to share: "My "hobby" is taking off... the start-up film development and production company I invested in three years ago, Royal Road Entertainment (L.A.), made the front page of The New York Times worldwide in late October with the news of our finishing the great Orson Welles' last picture from the '70s, left unfinished in a vault outside Paris - in near-perfect condition. I was at the lab too (see photo!) In all, we have a slate of nine projects of diverse genres in various stages of development, some of which will shoot in Europe. Hope to connect with other folks interested or working in film and television! Also wanted to share this wonderful image I found in the Boston archives of my aunt Anne Revere, Academy Award winner for Supporting Actress in National Velvet (1945), and a descendant of Paul Revere, with her husband, my producer uncle Sam Rosen, who looks just like his brother here - my Dad. Rest in peace, all." (Click on PdF file below, too see the above-mentioned photo, and a newspaper article about the Orson Welles film mentioned by Carla) ● Philippe Erikson : « Membre du Laboratoire d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative (LESC) depuis 1984, Philippe Erikson (né en 1960) est titulaire d’un doctorat [.....] et d’une habilitation à diriger des recherches (2008) obtenus à l’université Paris X-Nanterre. Il a été allocataire du ministère de l’Éducation et de la Recherche, lauréat de la Fondation Fyssen et pensionnaire de l’Institut français d’études andines, avant d’enseigner à l’université libre de Bruxelles, à l’université Paul Verlaine de Metz puis à Nanterre où il a été recruté en 1996 et élu professeur en 2010. Ethnologue, spécialiste de la famille ethnolinguistique pano, [il] a longuement enquêté chez les Matis d’Amazonie brésilienne [.....] et les Chacobo d’Amazonie bolivienne [.....] En 2007, il a séjourné brièvement chez les Cashinahua du Pérou et a également pratiqué l’ethnologie en entreprise en France, aux États-Unis et en Grande-Bretagne [.....] Ses travaux portent essentiellement sur l’organisation sociale, l’onomastique et la construction des identités collectives chez les Pano ; la relation homme-animal ; les dimensions symboliques de la culture matérielle (masques, sarbacanes) et le travail rituel sur le corps (tatouages, chamanisme ) [.....] » (http://www.mae.u-paris10.fr/lesc/spip.php?article57) ● Karine Ancellin Saleck shared with us a sample of her recent academic work: "Hybrid Identities of Characters in Muslim women fiction post 9-11" (Click on PdF file below to read it) She also said: "I now teach English Literature for the OIB (A level style) British exams at the LYCEE FRANCAIS EUGENE DELACROIX in ATHENS Greece and I would love to find a partner teacher of Literature at the LFNY to do some work together and get the students to exchange and why not visit?" Editor's Note: : Karine “has worked as a journalist in Brussels for six years. She was formerly a journalist in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania where she co-founded a newspaper with her husband that was censured and then banned by the government. After this experience she came to Belgium with her four children and has taken to teaching […..] Karine received a master’s degree in sociology at the University of Paris VII Jussieu. She is presently researching the question of Muslim identity in novels for her PhD work in literature on “Polar identities in characters of Muslim descent in English language fiction” at the Vrije Universiteit of Brussels. Her hobby is astronomy.” (http://www.thewip.net/contributors/karine_ancellin_saleck.html) ● Laura Dodson “is an artist, educator and writer. She teaches photography and digital image-making at Pratt Institute and CUNY Queens College. From 1990 till 2007 she lived in Greece where she exhibited widely and was part of the faculty at AKTO School of Art & Design. A published essayist on photography and culture, she has been the New York correspondent for PHOTOgraphos Magazine, a journal based in Athens. She has a Masters of Fine Arts from Pratt Institute. Her artwork is included in numerous public and private collections.” (http://lauradodson.net/about) ● Marie-Florence Siclait Bell “was born in Port-au-Prince […..] She immigrated to the United States at 2 years of age and spent her formative years in New York City. As a teenager Ms. Bell co-founded Haitian Unified Girls (HUG). While at the University of Miami, she co-founded the Haitian United Student Association. She has resided in Miami since 1980. Ms. Bell has a long history of public service and has served on numerous civic and community boards. She is currently on the 11th Circuit Court Judicial Nominating Commission. She has been a board member of the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau; the Society of Haitian American Professionals; Work Force Florida; past Chair of Miami-Dade County Petit Goave (Haiti) Sister City Committee; the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce; the YMCA; the United Way Project Blue Print; Hands on Miami; Voices United; and One Nation. Ms. Bell has extensive experience in public/community affairs, including work for two Mayors. She is currently the Executive Director of Miami-Dade Land Acquisition and Facilities Maintenance Operations Advisory Board that provides oversight to the Miami-Dade County Public School system’s operating […..] Ms. Bell is a graduate from the University of Miami, and has studied at the University of Aix-en-Provence, France.” (http://edocs.dlis.state.fl.us/fldocs/TaskForce/haiti/AdvisoryFinal.pdf) ● Sonia Wieder-Atherton « est une violoncelliste française née en 1961 à San Francisco. Après ses études au Conservatoire national supérieur de musique de Paris dans les classes de violoncelle de Maurice Gendron et de musique de chambre de Jean Hubeau, elle étudie avec Mstislav Rostropovitch, puis deux ans au Conservatoire Tchaïkovski de Moscou […..] En 1986, elle est lauréate du concours de violoncelle Rostropovitch. Dès lors, elle joue en soliste avec l'Orchestre de Paris, l'Orchestre national de France, l'orchestre national de Belgique, l'Orchestre philharmonique de Liège, l'Orchestre philharmonique d'Israël, l'Orchestre Gulbenkian de Lisbonne, l'Orchestre de chambre de Lausanne, l'Orchestre philharmonique du Luxembourg. Elle est invitée régulièrement par de grands festivals internationaux. Des compositeurs lui dédient des œuvres : Henri Dutilleux, Georges Aperghis (Le reste du temps, Profils pour le duo qu'elle forme avec Françoise Rivalland), Pascal Dusapin (entre autres un concerto pour violoncelle, Celo), Betsy Jolas ('43) En 1999, l'Académie des beaux-arts en France lui décerne le Grand Prix Del Duca. Elle est aussi compositrice et occasionnellement arrangeuse, notamment pour son disque Un divan à New-York. Elle a composé la musique originale du film l'Amour conjugal. » (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonia_Wieder-Atherton) ● Claude Cernusch (Professor and Chairperson, Art History, at Boston College) shared his latest publications with us: -- “The Art of Wifredo Lam and the Anthropology of Lucien Lévy-Bruhl and Claude Lévi-Strauss,” in Elizabeth Goizueta (ed.) Wifredo Lam: Imaging New Worlds (Boston College: McMullen Museum of Art, 2014), pp. 25-68. -- “The Self-Portraits of Gustave Courbet,” in Jeffery Howe (ed.) Gustave Courbet: Mapping Realism (McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College, 2013), pp. 31-58. -- Classnotes Archives, 1978 -- 'Hybrid Identities of Characters in Muslim women fiction post 9-11' by Karine Ancellin -- From Carla Rosen-Vacher -- In Memoriam: Philippe Coursodon -- Xavier Cabanne's website: 'A Scenic Road' -- Documentary on Charles Giblain's production of Artemisinin -- Interview with Charles Giblain of Bionexx Back to Top 1979● Laura Jereski wrote: “I'm sure it has not escaped the notice of any wine-drinkers among us that Abe Schoener (’79) has become a leading vintner of the most adventuresome kind. I recommend that my classmates try his wines from the Scholium Project, which has been heralded (and yes, occasionally vilified) for their unusual depth of flavors. I don't know what wine merchants in New York carry his product (some of the runs are quite small) but he does ship cross-country.” Laura is correct, and ‘googling’ Abe’s name reveals many articles about him, including: Esquire: http://www.esquire.com/features/brightest-2010/abe-schoener-1210 New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/07/magazine/the-fearless-risk-loving-winemaker.html?pagewanted=all Wall Street Journal: http://magazine.wsj.com/hunter/second-chapter/from-philosopher-to-vintner/ Editor's Note: Laura Jereski “was a business reporter for 15 years and has been on Wall Street since 1998. While at The Wall Street Journal, she was a winner of the Gerald Loeb Award, the Overseas Press Award and the Deadline Award; she was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. As a Wall Street analyst, she has experience analyzing complex financial situations as the basis for stock recommendations. In August 2013, she will begin a federal clerkship with Judge Stewart R. Dalzell in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.” (http://law.fordham.edu/adjunct/28509.htm) ● Maria Bell-Salter “is an artist living in London. She paints in oils, pastels and mixed-media. Her training at Middlebury College in Vermont and later at the University of Paris X, was in art history as well as fine arts which after working in museum education and exhibition organisation inspired her to develop her own artistic career. Attracted to French Impressionism, she then had her studio in Paris for seven years before settling in England. Her Contemporary Impressionist paintings feature in private collections throughout England, Scotland, America (from Napa Valley to New York), France, Australia, Italy, Mexico and Japan.” (http://bell-salter.co.uk/about.html) ● Carol Gachet wrote: "My last year at the Lycée Français is full of fond memories and it was a heartbreak to leave all my classmates at mid year." Editor's note: « Psychologue d’urgence, Carol Gachet intervient dans les meilleurs délais sur le lieu d’un événement grave pour accompagner et soutenir les témoins ou les proches des victimes [.....] ‘Nous les soutenons dans le moment de l’état de choc pour les aider à revenir dans la réalité, pour qu’ils ne se sentent pas seuls avec des réactions irrationnelles. Nous allons sur place, alors que d’habitude les psychologues ne sortent pas de leur cabinet.’ Les psychologues d’urgence assurent aussi un suivi (débriefing psychologique) quelques jours après un événement grave. Une manière de prévenir l’état de stress post- traumatique. Métier récent, psychologue d’urgence nécessite un cursus universitaire complet (master) suivi d’une formation complémentaire. » (http://www.migrosmagazine.ch/au-quotidien/psychologie-et-sexualite/article/coup-de-balai-chez-les-psys) ● Olivier Camu “is one of the foremost specialists worldwide in the field Impressionist and 20th Century Art. [He] joined Christie’s London in 1994 in the Impressionist and Modern Art Department leaving behind a career in investment banking. After five years he was promoted to International Director in the 20th Century Art Department in London (Modern and Post-War Art) [.....] In 2000 Olivier launched the first Italian Sale of 20th Century art [.....] Since 2004 Olivier has been the Co-head of the Impressionist and Modern Art Department in London focusing particularly on the Evening Sale [.....] As well as his expertise in this area as a whole, Olivier brings special knowledge to Surrealist works. Olivier pioneered the critically acclaimed sale of The Art of the Surreal at Christie’s which has now been running for six years [.....] With Olivier’s guidance, Christie's has established many world records for Surrealist works [....]” (https://www.christies.com/special_sites/cta_sep06/harlap/team.asp?b=5) ● Leticia Petrie : « Associée-gérante de LCP Consultants et ex-Valeo, est nommée déléguée du Chancelier de l'Institut de France pour les relations publiques et les fondations. Elle est chargée des relations publiques et de la communication de l'Institut de France et de la communication et des relations extérieures des fondations ainsi que du secrétariat de la Commission des fondations. » (http://www.strategies.fr/guides-annuaires/nominations/112184W/leticia-petrie-chargee-des-relations-publiques-de-l-institut-de-france.html) ● Dr. Rania Habal practices emergeny medecine and is an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at New York Metropolitan Hospital Center. She attended medical school at Université Catholique de Lille, Faculté Libre de Medecine de Lille and graduated in 1988. ● Athena Viscusi “has worked as a clinician, supervisor, and trainer. She graduated from Howard University’s School of Social Work in 1990 and received advanced training in Solution Focused Brief Therapy and Family Systems Theory. She has 20 years of experience serving immigrant and other disadvantaged communities in Washington. She has completed two missions for Doctors without Borders/ Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) in Haiti and Liberia.” (facebook.com/events) -- Classnotes Archives, 1979 Back to Top 1980● Roxane (Roethlisberger) Feller nous écrit : « J'ai épousé Frédéric Feller (class of ‘79) et nous vivons à Bruxelles depuis 23 ans et sommes les heureux parents de trois magnifiques garçons. » ● Donatella Lorch shared this with us: "I moved to Kathmandu, Nepal in 2013 with my husband and nine-year-old son, Lucas. As for the older kids: Alex, 16, is graduating from Hotchkiss School (Connecticut) this May; Nico, 20, is a Junior at University of Toronto (UofT) majoring in physics and philosophy and Madeline, 22, is graduating this year from UofT in political science. I continue freelance writing. For more on life in Nepal: the quirky, the daily life, the history and anything else that catches my fancy (which is pretty much everything here), check out my blog: www.tangledjourneys.com. There is also my website: www.donatellalorch.com. [Or, click on links below]. I've reconnected with many of you through Facebook which is a great way to catch up on our lives and families and my never ending pictures of 'daily life in Nepal.' " ● Alix (Roth) O'Mara wrote: "I'm still in NYC and busy with my four sons ages 20, 17, 14 and 11 and doing film, tv and print location work. I keep in touch with Vivian (Preston) Dole ['80] who lives in Massachusetts and I was thrilled to run in to Suzanne Goldman ['80] on the north fork of Long Island this summer. Aline Amiel ['80] got in touch with me and we had a great visit a while back as well. Lastly, I connected with Corinne Franco Kopelman ['68] (sister of Leslie (Franco) Coch, '80) and we paged through old year books and I remembered all the fun I had with Leslie. Would love to hear from others in or visiting NYC: alixkevinhome@aol.com" ● “International artist Anjali Maazel is a 21st century Renaissance woman. Her mixed media works today reflect her experimentation in film, theatre, dance, literature and music, each enriching the other and all contributing to the power, structure and drama of her art.” (http://dawhois.com/site/anjalimaazel.com.html) ● Dr. Patrick S. Maidman practices adolescent and pediatric psychiatry in Biddeford, Maine. He is a 1989 graduate of New York Medical College. ● Anne Habiby “co-founded AllWorld Network (AllWorldLive.com) in 2007 to change the way the world does business.....In 1996, Anne was one of the founders of the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC), a non-profit launched by Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter to expand the job and business base of distressed urban areas. From 1996 to mid 2005, Anne led the organization as its Co-Executive Director, and collaborating closely with Michael Porter, pioneered strategies to advance the economic potential of inner cities……. Anne is a Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government. While a visiting scholar at the Illinois Institute of Technology she developed an MBA course entitled “Strategic Competitiveness in the Next Economy.” Anne has published numerous articles, including two Harvard Business School cases co-authored with Professor Michael Porter. Her most recent article "The High-Intensity Entrepreneur" appeared in the September 2010 issue of the Harvard Business Review…..Prior to her work at ICIC, Anne was an investment banker in the Public Finance Department of Morgan Stanley & Co. specializing in finance for hospitals and universities. She holds degrees in economics from Barnard College of Columbia University, and the University of Cambridge.” (http://www.allworldlive.com/about/team/anne-s-habiby) ● Claire Atherton "is a film editor born in 1963 in San Francisco. Attracted by taoist philosophy and by visual ideograms, she turned to studies of Chinese language and civilization. Then she enrolled in the professional branch of the Ecole Louis Lumière….. According to Atherton, editing shapes the film, giving it body and rendering it visible through a process of shared research, combining intuition and thought. It is from this particular dynamic, created with the filmmaker, that she draws her working force. Some encounters have been of major importance, particularly the one with Chantal Akerman. In 1986, she edited Letters Home, a little-known film with Delphine Seyrig (’50) and Coralie Seyrig....." (http://coalab.cinecoa.com/?page_id=546) ● Nina (Wolff) Feld’s new book -- Someday You Will Understand: My Father's Private World War II – was published in August 2014. “Telling the rousing story of a Jewish boy who fled persecution and returned to prosecute the Nazi oppressors, Walter Wolff’s daughter Nina has reconstructed these events from family lore and her father’s own cache of more than 700 wartime letters and 200 photographs, which he revealed to her shortly before he died.” Nina also shared this with us: "My dream now is for it to be translated into French and German and eventually to see the story on the big screen. Here is a link to the Kirkus Review: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/nina-wolff-feld/someday-you-will-understand/" [Or, click on link below] ● Roxane (Roethlisberger) Feller: “Since 2009, [she] is Director of the Economic Department in FoodDrinkEurope an umbrella organization which represents the Food and Drink manufacturing Industry in Europe, the single largest manufacturing sector in the EU both in terms of employment and turnover..... Prior to this position, she worked for 14 years at Copa-Cogeca, the European farmers and agri-cooperatives, on all food and feed safety-related issues (hygiene, labeling, Diet and Health, GMO, animal health and welfare, pesticides, cloning.) She started her career in the area of EU political advocacy in Brussels in 1992 for the European Sugar Industry, where she was in charge of social affairs. Roxane Feller studied in the United States and in Switzerland. She is a lawyer by training and speaks French and English, with an excellent knowledge of German, Spanish and Dutch." (http://www.sustainablefood.eu/site/index.php?id=300) ● Prof. Sasha Troyan is "a half-time instructor at Montclair State University [and] has published two novels, Angels in the Morning, in 2003 and The Forgotten Island, in 2004. The Forgotten Island has also been published in England, Germany, Australia, Holland, and New Zealand. Her short story, "Hidden Works," appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Ploughshares, guest-edited by the poet Eleanor Wilner and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and chosen as one of the "Distinguished Short Stories" in the Best American Short Stories for 2010.” (http://www.montclair.edu/profilepages/view_profile.php?username=troyans) -- Classnotes Archives, 1980 -- Review of Nina Feld's new book -- Donatella Lorch's blog -- Donatella Lorch's website Back to Top 1981.................................... In Memoriam: ● Leslie (Franco) Coch († December 31, 2013) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) .................................... ● Baret Boisson wrote: "I spent three wonderful months in France this summer with my dog Blueberry. I lived in Versailles and spent weeks traveling all over the south of France, namely in Provence and Les Cévennes. I was inspired to create a few pieces that spoke to my vie en rose experience, which included dining in amazing Michelin starred restaurants and touring the beautiful landscape. I'm attaching a link to a blog called "Dog Jaunt" which did a little story about my travels with Blueberry as well as the attached photos which I'm happy to share with my fellow Lycée alums. (To access Baret's blog, click on link below. To see Baret's art creations during her travels, click on PdF file below) ● Dr. Monique Kaim-Moadel (PhD) "is a New York state licensed psychologist. She graduated from Mount Holyoke College with a BA in Psychology and French, and received an MA in general psychology from NYU, before completing her doctorate in Health Psychology at Yeshiva University. She completed her internship at International Center for the Disabled developing skills to work with clients coping with the emotional impact of living with physical disabilities, chronic, and acute illness..... [She] went on to complete a fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center conducting research on symptom management in Cancer and AIDS and stayed on as a project coordinator for an additional 3 years. For the last 13 years she has continued to work in medical settings, primarily in skilled nursing facilities serving diverse populations ranging from young people living with MS or HIV to geriatric populations struggling with multiple medical problems including dementia." (http://www.northportwellnesscenter.com/autism?id=335) ● Alex Haas “was born in New York City but grew up in France and Switzerland. After studying computer music at MIT and guitar/composition at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, he moved back to New York in 1982 to work at the famed Power Station recording studio and to start building a career in music engineering/production. Such seminal artists as U2, Eric Clapton, Kronos Quartet and Pat Metheny credit Haas on dozens of award winning albums. A talented musician in his own right, Haas co-founded Cypher 7, a band at the forefront of the electronic ambient music scene of the 1990’s. Since 2001 he has been creating and exhibiting his visual works that apply theoretical concepts used in his recordings. Haas lives in Paris and New York." (http://alexhaas.com/wordpressnew/biography) ● Dr. Catherine Bernard “is the founder and President of International Regulatory Affairs, Inc. [She] has a Ph.D. in cell biology and biochemistry, and over 10 years of industry experience. Since 1995, she has worked in the Regulatory Affairs field. She started her career in research in the US and later moved back to Europe, to work as a regulatory affairs manager in two different CROs based in the UK. There, she gained extensive experience in European registration (mutual recognition procedure and centralized procedure) for a wide variety of products and was involved with all the different parts of an EU dossier, including writing expert reports on the three main sections, clinical summary, assembly, submission and follow-up. Since 1999, Dr. Bernard has been consulting on FDA and European regulatory affairs, and has attended several pre-submission meetings with European Agencies as well as the FDA....." (http://www.hottopicsworkshops.com/contact.html) ● “Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, Kent Ertugrul, has been a member of Phorm's Board of Directors since the company began in 2004. Kent has built up a number of businesses in finance and technology over the past 20 years. He started his career in investment banking, working at JP Morgan, Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley before going into business on his own. His early ventures included Migs Etc, which offered tourists flights on Mig aircraft as the Soviet Union embraced market economics. Additionally, as director and chief financial officer, he oversaw the growth of Compass Technology into a leading PC-based voice mail company.....Prior to starting Phorm, Kent founded Life.com, a desktop software and online interactive diary, and Voxster, a company enabling instant messaging from email.....Kent attended St Paul's School, London and holds a Bachelor's degree in Politics from Princeton University.” (http://www.phorm.com/about-us/board-of-directors/kent-ertugrul) ● Dr. Cybele Ghossein (Nephrology) is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago, IL. She graduated from Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in 1990. ● Marco Joachim “is one of the new generation folk singers. Often referred to as the "NY troubadour".....From the cobblestone streets and the coffee house music circuit based in Greenwich Village, he interjected rock and pop elements to acoustic folk, drawing new listeners to The Baggot Inn on Sullivan Street. He writes original songs and is well-versed in traditional folk songs and blues. Marco is from NYC and plays solo acoustic guitar.....with his trusty harmonica. Marco's first CD, "Changing Times,".....is comprised of original songs and new arrangements of folk songs and some blues. His original songs feature strong melodies and hooks with poetic and sometimes dreamy and poignant lyrics. His melodic singing voice can cut through the iciest heart, yet he also can belt out a powerful, soulful blues.....His influences are folk and blues, as well as Woody Guthrie, Ramblin’ Jack Elliot, The Beatles and Bob Dylan, as well as most 60s groups. His dynamic finger picking and strumming, and wide range as a singer, make his shows a special experience. His irreverent humor and sometimes-sardonic wit is often heard between songs.....He won the Woody Guthrie Songwriter Award for his composition "Chaplinesque." .....Marco performed at The Kennedy Center in Washington DC in October 2003. You can see his show in the archives at kennedycenter.com.....He has been called "a natural" for his inherent musical ability, and as a folksinger his tuneful singing, ingratiating personality and showmanship have earned him a legion of fans.” (http://www.livingroomny.com/artist/marco-joachim) ● Njack Kane “has been running Novel Commodities since its inception in December 1999. Mr. Kane joined the Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa Board of Directors in 2010. He began his career in commodities trading, to Africa in particular, at the Continental Grain Company more than 20 years ago. Between 1993 and 1996 he was Sales Director for the Glencore International Rice Department, then worked as Executive Director for Ascot Commodities prior to joining Novel Commodities. Mr. Kane is an active member of the Winds of Hope Foundation, a group dedicated to the eradication of Noma, a devastating disease linked to conditions of poverty. He graduated with a degree in Political Sciences from the University of Geneva.” (http://www.partnership-africa.org/content/njack-kane) ● Pola Antebi “is Senior Vice President, Senior Director and Head of Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art Department for Christie’s Hong Kong.....She travels extensively, sourcing objects for sale and introducing works of art to perspective buyers all around the world, and meets regularly with the most important collectors, curators and members of the trade in her field. Ms. Antebi began her career in the Chinese art field in 1985 in New York. In 1989, she moved to Hong Kong to continue to build her skills and experience in the field, quickly establishing herself in a market that is the most important centre of the world trade in Chinese Imperial ceramics and works of art. Ms. Antebi joined Christie’s Hong Kong in 1990....Under her leadership, Christie’s Hong Kong has offered some of the most important private collections including the Jingguantang and the Robert Chang series of auctions, the Manno Museum collection, the Yuen collection of Imperial ceramics, the J&J collection of important snuff bottles, and most recently the Alan and Simone Hartman Collection of jades.....Ms. Antebi holds degrees in French Literature and Art History from the University of Vermont in the United States.” (http://www.google.com) ● Sophie Fillières « née le 20 novembre 1964, est une réalisatrice et scénariste française. Issue de la première promotion de l'école, elle obtient le diplôme de la Femis en 1990 (section "Réalisation"). Sœur de l'actrice Hélène Fillières, elle est la mère de l'actrice Agathe Bonitzer née de son union avec le scénariste et réalisateur Pascal Bonitzer. » (See Archives, Performing Artists of the LFNY for more details) (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie_ Fillières) ● Sylvain Pascaud « a fait ses études de cinématographie au New York University, à l’Institut National des Techniques de la Mer. De 1986 à 1982, il exerce le métier de Plongeur professionnel et photographe, participe à des expéditions scientifiques et fait notamment trois plongées sur le Titanic. De 1987 à 1988, il rejoint le Cousteau Society et participe en tant que plongeur, photographe et marin sur Calypso. En 1988, il réalise des documentaires pour TF1, pour France 2, France 3 et bien d’autres chaines. En 1997, il intègre l’Ellipse programme où il n’hésite pas à mettre en valeur ses expériences précédentes, notamment en participant à la réalisation du documentaire Titanic : Anatomie d’un Naufrage. Il est également l’auteur d’un CD-Rom de voyage interactif sur le même thème. Sylvain Pascaud multiplie les expériences dans la réalisation et la production et devient Directeur Général et producteur exécutif de Libre comme l’air où sera réalisé le reportage l’A380 : l’aventure des essais en vol. » (http://prixroberval.utc.fr/outils/interface/?menu=auteur_details&id=2278) ● Rime Allaf “is a Syrian researcher and writer. An Associate Fellow at London’s Chatham House think tank (Royal Institute of International Affairs) from 2004 to 2012, she has published numerous analyses and op-eds on Syria and the region, and advises governmental and corporate clients on geopolitical, socioeconomic and cultural issues. She is currently advising the presidency of the National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces. She is on the Board of Directors of The Day After, a Syrian-led civil society organization working to support a democratic transition in Syria. She is also on the Board of Directors of the Syrian Economic Forum, a think tank working on building a strong economy to support a free, pluralistic and independent state [.....] Born in Damascus, she has been brought up and educated in Europe and the US, with a BA in Management and an MA in Marketing. She is trilingual in Arabic, English, French, and also speaks Spanish and German." “She studied Political Science in Switzerland before acquiring an American Bachelor's in Management and a Master's in Marketing. Born in Syria, Allaf has spent most of her life living, studying and working in Switzerland, the United States, Austria and Britain, regularly visiting the Middle East. She is married and currently lives in London.” (www.linkedin.com/pub/rime-allaf/6/923/2b0) AND (http://www.rimeallaf.com/bio.html) ● Caroline Casadeus, chanteuse lyrique, soprano: « En mai 2004, son disque « Hypnoses » sort chez Universal Classics. Les 12 mélodies symphoniques composées sur mesure par son mari et complice Didier Lockwood, explorent les tourments amoureux d'une femme.....A Paris au théâtre Pépinière-Opéra, du 25 mai au 30 juin 2005, elle partage la scène avec l'homme de sa vie dans un spectacle explosif et plein .....: « Le Jazz et la Diva » ! Repris à la Gaîté Montparnasse à Paris du 12 octobre au 31 décembre 2005 et en tournée nationale et internationale. Nommé aux Victoires de la Musique, le « Jazz et la Diva » remporte le Molière 2006 du meilleur spectacle musical. En 2006, sortie chez Ames, du Stabat Mater de Boccherini et de Soleils Noirs de Dominique Preschez. L' Académie du disque lyrique lui a remis en 2007 l'Orphée du meilleur enregistrement d'opérette ou d'opéra bouffe pour Le Jazz et la diva..... Caroline Casadesus est mariée au violoniste et compositeur Didier Lockwood. Trois enfants : Thomas, David et Mathilde. » (http://www.casadesus.com/famille/caroline-casadesus2.html) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Marco Joachim performs "A Love Like This" song from his "Songville" album (Click on link below) -- Baret Boisson's art -- Classnotes Archives, 1981 -- In Memoriam: Leslie (Franco) Coch -- Baret Boisson's blog -- Marco Joachim on YouTube Back to Top 1982● Nicolas Delcourt wrote: "I moved to Rye (NY) this summer with my wife Marion and two kids Felix and Eleonore after 16 years in Paris. I look forward to developing my private equity investment activity in the US and would be interested to connect with alumni as potential co-investors or partners." Editor's Note: "Après une expérience de conseil en stratégie chez Bain & Co à Boston, Nicolas Delcourt a exercé pendant 12 ans le métier d’investisseur au sein des deux fonds Apax Partners puis Silverfleet Capital en tant qu’associé avant de cofonder Intuitis. Nicolas est diplômé de Supélec et du MBA de Wharton." (http://www.intuitis.fr/equipe/) ● Gilles Rollet shared this update with us : “I have set up my own Private Bank in Dubai and received my license in February this year. After 8 months of activity, we are currently managing $150mln of client assets. My website is: www.latresorerie.com. My son graduated from Northwestern University last June and received a fellowship from Princeton University to be a reporter at the Phnom Penh Daily in Cambodia. My daughter is a Sophomore at University of Chicago." ● Iris Anna Regn wrote: "I've been living in Los Angeles for long enough to have raised my twelve year old daughter, Milla, as a real California girl. I'm trained as an architect and have a multidisciplinary design practice working on spaces, objects, and public artwork. I also have a long term collaborative art and design project called BROODWORK, which focusses on the interweaving of creative practice and family life. This year, Wendy Riss ['82] and I had a lovely catch up and I'm hoping to see her again soon -- by extreme coincidence, she actually lives very near me." ● Mitchel Maidman is the “President and Chief Executive Officer, Townhouse Management Company. [He] is a founder of Herald National.....Mr. Maidman serves on its Board of Directors, is Chairman of the Board’s Credit Committee and serves on its Audit, Compliance and Governance Committees.....[He] is Vice Chairman of the Men’s Division of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine; is a Trustee of Community Synagogue (Port Washington, NY); is a member of the Executive Committee of UJA Federation of New York s Real Estate and Allied Trades Division and a member of the Real Estate Board of New York. [He]was previously with the law firm of Dreyer and Traub, LLP where he practiced primarily in the areas of litigation and real estate. [He] received his J.D. from Cardozo Law School ( 88), his B.A. in Political Science from Bard College ( 86) and was a special student at the Yale School of Law (87-88).....” (http://www.thmny.com/App_Pages/UserMenuData.aspx?folder=01_About/03_Management) ● Claudia Senik : « Ancienne élève de l’Ecole normale supérieure (Ulm), agrégée de Sciences sociales et des Universités, docteur en économie, Claudia Senik est professeur à l’Université Paris-Sorbonne et à l’Ecole d’économie de Paris et membre de l'Institut Universitaire de France. Ses travaux portent sur l’économie du bonheur, et en particulier sur le lien entre revenu, croissance, inégalités et bien-être subjectif. Elle travaille également sur les préférences politiques, notamment dans les pays en transition. Auteur de nombreuses publications dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture, elle est actuellement directrice [....] du programme "Public Policy and Redistribution" du CEPREMAP, ainsi que d’un programme de recherché intitulé "Revenu et Bonheur" » (http://www.journeeseconomie.org/index.php?arc=p4&num=509) ● Dr. Desiree Ratner is the "Director of Dermatologic Surgery and the Co-director of the Multidisciplinary Melanoma Center at the Columbia University Medical Center, and Clinical Professor of Dermatology at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University. [She] earned her medical degree at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine [in 1989], and did her residency training in dermatology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. She completed two years of fellowship training in Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Surgery..... at the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, MA and the New England Medical Center in Boston." (http://www.womensderm.org/events/mediaday/bios/) ● Bruno Brochenin est associé de Mozart Consulting, expert en conduite du changement et systèmes d’information, et auteur du livre "Où va l’entreprise ?" ● Dominique Malaquais « est historienne d'art et politologue. Chercheuse au Centre d'Etudes des Mondes Africains (CEMAf / CNRS), elle a enseigne quinze ans aux Etats-Unis (Columbia, Princeton, Sarah Lawrence). Elle est l'auteur d'un livre intitulé "Architecture, pouvoir et dissidence au Cameroun" (Karthala, 2002) et de nombreux articles en anglais et en francais sur les versants politiques de l'art et de l'architecture en Afrique. Elle se consacre en ce moment à un livre sur les espaces et les cultures urbaines au sud du Sahara, qui l'amène a passer autant de temps qu'elle le peut à Douala. Dominique Malaquais est membre du Comité de rédaction de la revue Politique africaine et Associate Editor de la revue Chimurenga. » (http://www.africultures.com/php/index.php?nav=personne&no=13155) ● For news of Vasilios Arabos, click on link below to access his website. ● « Carrément biscuits de Juliette Nothomb vous propose 50 recettes sucrées et salées à la mode de Delacre. [Elle est] la soeur d’Amélie Nothomb, mais pas que… elle est surtout auteure de romans pour enfants et de livres de cuisine. Carrément biscuits, son dernier livre nous montre comment donner une nouvelle dimension à ces biscuits que l’on a tous dans le placard, en les transformant à votre guise en gâteaux, charlottes ou autres millefeuilles. Moi qui aime les biscuits russes, les sprits et les spéculoos, par exemple, j’y ai trouvé de bonnes idées de customisation. Il y a aussi quelques recettes pour enfants et salées. » (http://www.lecoindejoelle.com/2012/12/carrement-biscuits-juliette-nothomb.html) ● Wendy Riss "is a television writer, screenwriter, and playwright based in Los Angeles. She was a story editor on HBO's Hung and a staff writer on F/X's The Riches. Wendy has also written the plays Wildfire and A Darker Purpose at Naked Angels, which became the movie The Winner starring Rebecca DeMornay, Vincent D'Onofrio, and Billy Bob Thornton. Wendy received her MFA at NYU's Dramatic Writing Program, where she was named Best Graduate Playwright. She is a member of Israel Horovitz's Playwrights Lab and has received numerous playwriting commissions including the New York Shakespeare Festival's new playwright commission." (http://www.mediabistro.com/Wendy-Riss-instr792.html) ● Maria-Teresa Bresnan “is a National Board certified Acupuncturist, a Doctor of Oriental Medicine ..... and certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. She received a Masters degree in Oriental Medicine from the International Institute of Chinese Medicine in Santa Fe NM, and Bachelor degrees in Biology and Geography from the University of Colorado Boulder. Additionally certified as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner from the Nutritional Therapy Association, Yoga instructor from the Yoga Institute of Colorado, and Therapeutic-Touch Practitioner. Her knowledge and experience in the healing arts began in 1990 embracing such different areas as: yoga and meditation instructor, Therapeutic Touch energy balancing, and Physical Therapy assistant at the University hospital Denver, CO. In 1995 Teresa Bresnan began private practice as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Licensed Acupuncturist, focusing on Traditional Chinese Medicine, nutrition and Natural Medicine....." (http://acupunctureessentials.com/about.htm) ● George Lindemann “is passionate about art and collecting. Moving to Miami from New York in 1997, he was attracted to the local contemporary art scene. Shifting gears, he sold his traditional, 19th century American art collection and began assembling a diverse and exciting collection of paintings, sculpture, ceramics and more. Many of the pieces were so large, he has hung them in a warehouse size space that includes his company office.....Lindemann not only focused on building his own collection, but got involved in supporting the arts for the public by serving as the chairman of the board of trustees of the Bass Museum of Art and as vice chairman of the board of directors for the Miami-Dade Performing Arts Foundation. Lindemann is equally creative with his career, serving as president of B.C. Property Investments.....At the same time, he is heading a surface water management project at part of the Florida Everglades Restoration project with the State of Florida. The project will help create a network of lakes, canals and marshes that will naturally clean dirty water and make it available for public consumption.....” (http://www.nova.edu/alumni/profiles/george_lindemann.html) ● George Fraise "is a principal and portfolio manager of Sustainable Growth Advisers, LP. He is also a member of the Investment Policy Committee and co-founder of the firm. Prior to founding Sustainable Growth Advisers in 2003, Mr. Fraise was executive vice president and portfolio manager and a member of the Investment Policy Committee of Yeager, Wood and Marshall, Inc. Previously, Mr. Fraise was a portfolio manager for Scudder Kemper Investments. Mr. Fraise also held senior analyst positions with Smith Barney and Chancellor Capital Management. He began his investment career in 1987 with Drexel Burnham Lambert. Mr. Fraise earned a B.A. from Trinity College and holds an M.B.A. in finance and international business from New York University." (http://www.jhfunds.com/Fund/ManagementCommentary.aspx?ProductType=MutualFund&FundID=28800&BackToFundTableType=Price&ClassCode=A) -- Classnotes Archives, 1982 -- Vasilios Arabos' website Back to Top 1983● Matthieu Rougé told us that his new book was recently published -- L’Eglise n’a pas dit son dernier mot. Petit traité d’antidéfaitisme catholique. From LibertéPolitique.com: "Est-il moderne de croire en Dieu ? Croire à une seule vérité est-il intolérant ? Les chrétiens sont-ils ringards ? Le père Matthieu Rougé, qui vient de faire paraître L'Eglise n'a pas encore dit son dernier mot ! est l'ancien responsable du Secrétariat pastoral d'études politiques du diocèse de Paris. Aujourd'hui, curé de Saint-Ferdinand-des-Ternes, il secoue les chrétiens de leur torpeur et nous propose une petite leçon d'optimisme face au défaitisme ambient [.....]" (http://www.libertepolitique.com/Actualite/Videos/Antidefaitisme-avec-le-pere-Matthieu-Rouge) ● Marc Brice shared with us a touching and humorous excerpt --entitled "The Reality of Brice"-- from a book he is writing. [Click on Pdf file below to read the story] ● Barron Rachman “is a New York City artist and master black and white printer. He worked as a photojournalist in Afghanistan and the Balkans, amongst other regions, in the 1990's and early 2000. His work has appeared in such publications as The San Francisco Chronicle, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Time Out Magazine, the annual report for the Soros Foundation in addition to a book on Kosovo A Journey Home. He is now primarily concentrating on his photographic art and teaching at such institutions as the International Centre of Photography, Brooklyn College, Kingsborough Community College, and New Jersey City University.” (http://barronrachman.com/about.html) ● Dr. Lindsey R. Baden “is the Director of Clinical Research in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, as well as the Director of Infectious Diseases at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. He also holds the appointment of Associate Professor at the Harvard Medical School, all in Boston, Massachusetts. He received his medical school training at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, followed by a residency in Internal Medicine at the Beth Israel Hospital in Boston. He completed a Fellowship at the Beth Israel and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Infectious Diseases and is board certified in Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine. His current research interests focus on the impact of infection in the immunocompromised host (primarily recipients of hematopoietic stem-cell transplants).” (http://www.ragoninstitute.org/portfolio-item/baden/) ● Dr. Tuan Minh Nguyen "..... finished his secondary education at the Lycée Francais de New York. He graduated from State University of New York Stony Brook with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. He then attended New York University Dental School and was on the Dean's List.... When he completed his residency dental program [at Woodhull Medical Center] he went into private practice and had an office in Queens, NY and Manhattan. Dr. Nguyen is joined [in his practice] by his wife Dr. Cathleen Domingo-Nguyen. ..... [who] also attended New York University College of Dentistry..... [They] moved from New York in 1995. They have been in their Encinitas practice since 1997." (http://tuannguyenddsencinitas.com/) ● “With 20 years of experience in the public service, Monik Beauregard has a strong understanding and appreciation of the Canadian security and intelligence community. Throughout much of her career, she has focused on developing, maintaining and enhancing coordination amongst Canadian intelligence organizations. Ms. Beauregard began her career with the Department of National Defence (DND) as a policy analyst and progressed to a leadership position within DND’s Directorate of Strategic Intelligence. Prior to joining the Integrated Terrorism Assessment Centre (ITAC) in 2009, she served first as Director, Europe Division and subsequently as Deputy Executive Director of the International Assessment Staff with the Privy Council Office (PCO).....As Director of ITAC, Ms. Beauregard is responsible.....for a multi-disciplinary team of security and intelligence representatives from 13 federal organizations. The primary objective of ITAC is the production of integrated, comprehensive and timely assessments of the terrorism threat to Canada and Canadian interests abroad.....Ms. Beauregard holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and a Master’s degree in Political Science with a specialization in Military and Strategic Studies.” (https://www.regonline.ca/builder/site/tab3.aspx?EventID=988175) ● Marina Talley Chatterton, “LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist with over 15 years of experience working in the mental health field. She graduated from Smith College School for Social Work in 1996, and completed a post-graduate fellowship in College Mental Health at Harvard University in 1997. She has worked as a therapist at Pratt Institute and Sarah Lawrence College, and moved to San Francisco to become Director of Counseling Services at SFAI in 2006. As field faculty, she trains graduate students from Smith and UC Berkeley, and has a private practice in San Francisco. Particular interests include: psychodynamic psychotherapy, group and organizational dynamics, professional identity development, and cross-cultural challenges.” (http://www.sfai.edu/counseling-staff) ● Kourosh Mahboubian "was born in 1965, in New York City. He is currently the CEO of Wild Blue, a children's education company specializing in teaching about world cultures, geography, the environment and exploration. Prior to that, his life experiences took him down two distinct paths - one as a professional underwater explorer and the other as a successful art gallery owner." (http://www.naymz.com/kouroshmahboubian791033) ● Laurence (Hurel) Mulliez “is CEO of Eoxis since 2010. Privately held Eoxis produces energy from renewable sources. [She] was previously CEO of Castrol Industrial Lubricants and Services at BP from 2007 to 2009 and held various positions in BP starting in 1999, including Head of Strategy for Gas, Power and Renewable Energy. From 1993 to 1999, she held several positions at Amoco in finance, business analysis and business development. Ms. Laurence Mulliez started her career at Banque Nationale de Paris as a Financial Analyst. [She] is also a non-executive director at Voltalia, a renewable electricity producer in four countries and quoted on the second market in Paris, after spending ten years as a non-executive director at a leading international do-it-yourself retailer, Leroy Merlin, where she was also a member of the Audit Committee. [She] holds a degree in business from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Rouen and an MBA from the University of Chicago.” (http://www.aperam.com/who-are-we/investors-shareholders/corporate-governance/cv-of-the-members) ● Dr. Georges Mesplou studied chiropractic at the Franco-European Institute of Chiropractic in Paris and graduated in 1992. "Since then I have specialized in soft techniques. I have worked as a chiropractor since 1992 and came/moved to Holland in 1999. I grew up speaking French (was raised in the French language). My mother is from Switzerland, my father from France. In my youth, I lived in the US for a while. It was there that I was introduced to chiropractic. I was always impressed by how my father felt better after each treatment. After five years in the French Navy, I was searching for something more "humane" and began studying chiropractic. In the world of/field of chiropractic, there exist many different methods, wherein each chiropractor is unique in his/her treatment. My approach with what I learned is to only use what I feel will be the most effective. I am proud of the results which after 20 years still continue to develop/grow." (http://chiropractorharderwijk.nl/chiropractoren/georges-mesplou/) -- Classnotes Archives, 1983 -- 'The Reality of Brice', by Marc Brice Back to Top 1984● Olivier Brochenin wrote: “Right now I am in South Africa after more than 3 years back in the USA, as the French consul in New Orleans. We'll be back in Paris next summer, at the French MFA. Married to a journalist (Israeli - Swedish) and three boys as far as I am concerned.” ● Nicolas Zart shared this: "I've been reporting about electric cars, energy storage and renewable energy for the past seven years and I'm published on Teslarati, CleanTechnica.com, CarNewsCafe.com, Michelin's Bibendum Challenge and more. I'm now consulting with a few companies on how to bring out their products to the market. This is very exciting." ● Anne Moleli Lihau-N'Kanza specializes in general surgery, trauma surgery and surgical critical care, and practices in Hackensack, New Jersey. She graduated in 1995 from the Boston University School of Medecine. ● “After graduating from Art Center in1987, Christophe Dupont joined Renault’s advanced design studio, where.....he designed the exterior of “Ludo”, a concept-car exhibited at the Paris Motorshow in 1994. Dupont’s strong interest in digital design tools led him to join Alias/Wavefront in 1995, where he worked as an application engineer. He would later return to Renault to take charge of digital modeling, class A, computer graphics and IT activities there. In 2007, he relocated to South Korea with his wife and three children to become executive managing director for Renault Samsung Motors Design.” (http://www2.artcenter.edu/outercircle/11/talk/dupont.php) ● George B. McAuliffe, III told us that his new book "Wealth & Wisdom is for sensible people interested in wealth, appreciative of good quotations, and seeking clear commentary and advice. There are no graphs, formulas, higher mathematics, or shortcuts; just common sense, for that is all you really need to wisely invest." Editor's note: George McAuliffe, "CFA, is a Portfolio Manager at Tocqueville Asset Management L.P. Mr. McAuliffe joined Tocqueville in 1998 and manages discretionary portfolios for individual and family clients, as well as for trusts. He also manages the firm’s Intern Program. Mr. McAuliffe a appris le français au Lycée Français de New York, earned a B.A. from Columbia University, and an M.B.A. from the London Business School. Mr. McAuliffe lives in New York City with his wife and children, and occasionally goes fishing on nearby waters.” (http://www.amazon.com/Wealth-Wisdom-Timeless-Quotations-Investing/dp/0991527402) ● “ ‘I was born during intermission,’ states spirited and internationally-renowned jewelry designer Margo (Gewirtz) Manhattan. Daughter of New York City Prima Ballerina Karin von Aroldingen and god-daughter to Ballet Master George Balanchine, Margo was born into a life of beauty and culture, one that prized precision, hard work and originality..... [She] began making jewelry in the Byzantine technique at the tender age of 15..... After graduating from FIT, Margo perfected her knowledge of jewelry design in Paris at the Studio Bercot. She then immersed herself in the fashion industry, landing jobs with Karl Lagerfeld and Patrick Kelly, and with famed Vogue photographer Arthur Elgort. When her jewelry was discovered in a styling shoot by Patrick Demarchelier, Paris Vogue decided to prominently feature her work.....In the 1990's Margo combined her love of jewelry with her other great passion—philanthropy. This took the form of symbolic, ground-breaking designs: first the Earth pin for Earth Day (1990) followed by the original Red Ribbon lapel pin for AIDS awareness (1991).....She then developed the Pink Ribbon for Breast Cancer for Estée Lauder’s Breast Cancer Research Foundation and for other breast cancer fund-raising efforts. These ribbons have become icons over the two decades.....The new Margo Manhattan boutique opened to great fanfare in December 2010 on 88th and Madison Avenue, featuring sterling, alluring gemstones, diamond, gold and platinum jewelry.....” (http://shop.margomanhattan.com/index.php?cpage=about) ● "I am Anne-Laure Brunhes-Michel, 47 years old, French nationality and traveler. I like people and I enjoy helping them to be happy and efficient in their professional life. I’ve spent 15 years in consulting firms specialized in human resources, economic development and strategy in Europe (France, Spain, Italy but also Russia for a European Union contract). Then as soon as I arrived in Belgium in 2009 I created my own business called UPTOTHENEXT, as coaching you up to the next step. As a professional coach certified and expert in starting new business, I coach people to enjoy and improve their professional life......" (http://uptothenext.com/html/about_me.html) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● "Le 13 mars 2013, le business du vin et notamment des vieux vins a été le sujet abordé par Angélique (Droulers) de Lencquesaing, directrice générale déléguée de Idealwine.com" [click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1984 -- Angélique (Droulers) de Lencquesaing on YouTube Back to Top 1985● James Lasry wrote that he: "has been a hedge fund lawyer in Gibraltar for the past 15 years, [and] has founded the Gibraltar American Chamber of Commerce which has recently been accredited by the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington DC. AmCham Gibraltar is now the 117th international AmCham. The AmCham held a trade mission in Gibraltar last May in the presence of the Hon. Ken Salazar, former U.S. Secretary of the Interior and, last month, a trade mission to Washington DC and New York. James would love to hear from LFNY alumni travelling through the south of Spain or Gibraltar at James.Lasry@gmail.com." ● « Née à New York d'une mère brésilienne et d'un père américain, Daria (Maazel) Steketee a très tôt vécu dans un environnement artistique où la diversité de toute forme d'art rythme sa vie. De New York, elle garde le souvenir d'expositions de peintures, de rencontres improbables, de musique expérimentale contemporaine. Très vite, elle découvre et fréquente les musées et suit des cours d'art, s'enrichie au spectacle de nombreux opéras [.....] En elle, aussi une autre racine : ce "coté" sud américain, essentiel dans son œuvre. Il livre une approche passionnée, viscérale exprimant une sorte de mélange d'énergie et de poésie. Là, pas de censure. Pas de séparation. Pas de limites intellectuelles. Pas de catégories. Pas d'antinomies, même si la joie est présente dans la danse brésilienne, celle-ci invite aussi à la profondeur... c'est une de célébration de la vie [.....] Ce rythme là, c’est celui du cœur, qui vibre dans les danses ancestrales. Ce qui intéresse Daria, c'est bel et bien de travailler avec les énergies profondes, primordiales que l’on retrouve sans barrières. C'est sous ce prisme que le Brésil en elle s'exprime [.....] Jeune, elle sillonne les sites archéologiques et s’imbibe de mythologie grecque et romaine. Ces voyages font naître un questionnement sur l'origine des choses et des civilisations, un désir de retrouver ce qui est caché, enfoui. [.....] Daria a commencé ses études d’art au Cleveland Institute of Art à Lacoste, sous la direction de Bernard Pfriem. Après des études universitaires de religions comparées et théatre à Bryn Mawr College et New York University, elle s’installe à Paris. Elle continue sont apprentissage de sculpture et peinture aux Ateliers Beaux Art de la Ville de Paris avec Daniel Jodet, aux Ateliers du Carrousel avec Véronique Jestin, à l’ADAC, aux ateliers Terre et Feu, taille de pierre avec Paula Gellis Reboulleau, et morphologie avec Jean-François Debord. [.....] » (http://dariasteketee.com/) (Click on link below to access Daria's website) ● Mono Schwarz-Kogelnik “(1967, London) lives and works in New York City. He studied philosophy at the University of Chicago and Kings College, London, and holds an M.Arch from SCI-Arc and an MFA in fine arts from Cal Arts. He works across a wide range of media, including sculpture, photography, drawing, painting, installation and conceptual interventions. At the core of his artistic research are the questions of representation, originality, authenticity and perception of art within Western art historical traditions. His work has been shown internationally, in venues such as the Belvedere Museum, Vienna, the UCLA Wight Gallery, Los Angeles, the Santa Monica Museum of Art, Los Angeles and the ISCP International Studio and Curatorial Program, New York. He was an artist in residence with RU Residency Unlimited (New York) in 2013, and is currently developing a book project based on his recent X90 Project.”(http://www.monoschwarzkogelnik.com/bio.html) ● Lynn Beauregard “is President of the Canadian Society of Corporate Secretaries, an association which represents governance professionals across industries in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors in Canada. She is also President and Owner of T.O Corporate Services Inc., a company which provides comprehensive management solutions for small or medium sized trade and professional associations.....” “.....she holds a university degree in Business Administration and Psychology from Bishop’s University. Her mother tongue is French and she is also fluent in Spanish." (http://www.cscs.org/LynnBeauregard) AND (ca.linkedin.com/pub/lynn-beauregard/6/659/a12) ● Olivier de Larouzière "was born in Neuilly-sur-Seine in Paris in 1967. He graduated from Dauphine Paris IX University where he studied applied mathematics. Olivier started his career as a bond portfolio manager at Ecureuil Gestion in 1994 and in 1997 he joined BNP Paribas where he was a proprietary trader. In 2000 he joined Credit Lyonnais Asset Management where he was a senior aggregate portfolio manager and since 2003 he has been a director and head of Euro bonds at Natixis Asset Management. Outside of fund management he enjoys golf and the cinema and theatre." ● Valérie Fobe Coruzzi (Coach de Vie et de Relation chez VALUES & CHANGE): « De nationalité belge, née au Japon, ayant vécu aux Etats-Unis, en Argentine, en Italie, en France, en Turquie, au Cameroun et en Belgique. Destinations variées qui ont contribué à développer son goût pour les différences entre individus, tous riches et uniques.....A travaillé dans le monde de la communication chez CONDE NAST Publications à Milan et Paris. Aujourd'hui, sa passion pour les relations humaines l'ont menée à développer ses connaissances du leadership, du coaching individuel ou collectif via le Playground Paris, le Coaching Training Institute et une certification I.C.F. » (http://www.valuesandchange-coaching.com/qui-sommes-nous/) ● The Rev. Georges F. de Laire, JCL, was appointed as Judicial Vicar and Vicar for Canonical Affairs for a five-year term in July 2013, in the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire. ● Jennifer Steinmann "who has been with Deloitte Consulting since 1995, was named Deloitte's chief talent officer (CTO)....She oversees all facets of the Talent organization, including Acquisition, Delivery, Development, Specialties, Operations, Partner Matters, the Women's Initiative (WIN), Diversity & Inclusion and Alumni Relations....Jen received an Masters of Business Administration from Columbia School of Business and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Colgate University. She speaks French and Russian fluently." (http://www.deloitte.com/view/en_US/us/Insights/Browse-by-Content-Type/people_profiles/sorter/jennifer-steinmann/) ● Siddhartha Mitter: "I’m of Indian and American origin, with family roots in Calcutta and Boston. I grew up mostly in Paris, France, where I attended public schools, earning my baccalauréat from the Lycée international de St.-Germain-en-Laye. I moved back to the U.S. and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1989. My studies there focused on political economy of development, Africa, and South Asia. I did graduate work in political economy of development at Harvard from 1990 to 1996. I spent five months in 1992 and ten months in 1994-95 based in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, conducting fieldwork on the development and politics of the electric power sector in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. In 1996 I left graduate school for the private sector. I worked for CERA, the energy sector consultancy .....until 2002. In CERA’s global electric power and Africa practices, I advised major oil and electricity investors, banks, and government agencies, and ran a research partnership with the World Bank.....Since 2002 I have been a freelancer, with the exception of three years on staff at WNYC public radio in New York from 2006 to 2009, as the station’s culture reporter. I’ve written and reported about the arts and music since 2004, particularly for the Boston Globe.....My freelance work includes journalism as well as consulting projects that draw on my background and continued interest and involvement in political economy, public affairs, and international development. I’ve been based in New York City since 2006....." (http://siddharthamitter.com/bio/) ● Sloan (Lindemann) Barnett: Click on Pdf file below for her biography ● Melissa Unger's new book ('Gag') has been published: http://melissa-unger.com/gag/ (or click on link below) ● Xavier Jubier “is an engineer and currently works as an IT Manager in a multinational French company outside of Paris. He started to get involved with solar eclipses in the early 90’s and now tries to combine three of his passions : solar eclipses, travel and photography. He maintains a website related to eclipses and has been directly involved in a few world premieres notably in Antarctica. (http://xjubier.free.fr/) In early 2007 he released the Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses (5MCSE) web tool to allow the exploration of 11,898 solar eclipses. A simplified version of this tool was later adapted for NASA's website and the same tool was later released for the corresponding 12,064 lunar eclipses (5MCLE). The year after he released Solar Eclipse Maestro a new software to automatize the photography of solar eclipses and soon after Lunar Eclipse Maestro for lunar eclipses." (http://eclipsechasers.in/image/xavier-jubier-bio.pdf) ● « Après des études de lettres et de cinéma, Juliette Senik travaille comme assistante réalisatrice, réalise des Nuits magnétiques pour France Culture et des documentaires. Son premier court métrage Entre nous (le GREC, 1995), est sélectionné entre autres à Pantin et Locarno. En 2004, elle réalise un premier 52’ pour France 3, Dans la force de l’âge, un documentaire sur des adolescents en BEP confrontés au 4ème âge, 1er prix au festival de Lorquin. Elle poursuit avec des films qui suivent de près des jeunes gens aux prises avec le monde : Flics de France (France3), Classe Louvre (France5), Thomas (Arte). Elle réalise aussi un film sur une chef d’orchestre allemande, Judith (Arte), et une histoire de Marcel Frydman, PDG débarqué de Marionnaud, Les tontons parfumeurs (Planète).» (http://www.chazproductions.fr/2010/08/juliette-senik.html) ● Annabelle Mouloudji, « fille de Nicolle Tessier et de l’acteur et chanteur Marcel Mouloudji, dont elle est le deuxième enfant, est née le 26 juillet 1967. Elle vit à Paris avec son compagnon David et leurs deux fils. Après avoir brillé dans le domaine de la danse, sa carrière débute au cinéma en 1984 dans Un été d’enfer, aux côtés de Thierry Lhermitte, Véronique Jannot et Corynne Charby. Mais le grand public la découvre véritablement à la rentrée 1987. Au mois de septembre, le TOP 50 tombe simultanément sous le charme de trois nouvelles artistes de talent : Vanessa Paradis, Patricia Kaas, et Annabelle, avec la chanson Fuis, Lawrence d’Arabie, qui atteindra la 12e place des meilleures ventes de disques en France. L’année suivante, la chanteuse renoue avec le succès avec Casanova Solo, son deuxième titre. Fait rare à l’époque, ses clips vidéo sont tournés comme des films grand écran. Le troisième et très osé Impunément, sera d’ailleurs censuré [.....] Annabelle est une artiste complète : elle chante, elle danse et assure le show comme la comédie. On la retrouve ainsi simultanément sur un disque au profit des enfants du Liban, dans une comédie musicale, au cinéma ou dans une série télévisée américaine. Au début de la décennie 90, Annabelle réalise pourtant que la variété n’est pas sa vocation et décide de se consacrer à sa passion : le jazz. Au grand damne de ses fans, elle quitte la France pour les Etats-Unis. Pendant deux ans, elle apprend auprès des meilleurs artistes de jazz américain. Après de nombreuses représentations à New York, elle intègre le Sunset Jazz Club de Paris en 1996, puis le Quartet en 1999. Elle écume alors les festivals aux côtés des plus grandes, Nina Simone ou Tania Maria. Alors que de nombreux ex-chanteurs des années 80 tentent désespérément des retours souvent inattendus, Annabelle a depuis bien longtemps quitté le show-biz pour une carrière délibérément discrète, personnelle et décalée. Dès lors, la qualité et le caractère priment sur la popularité. En 2000, c’est un magnifique album de contes pour enfants [.....] On la retrouve encore dans Bonne Nouvelle Louisiane, une comédie musicale d’un genre nouveau. Après avoir préfacé un ouvrage dédié à son père, Annabelle publie en 2011 La P’tite Coquelicot aux éditions Calmann-Levy. Un ouvrage biographique à l’image de l’artiste et sa carrière, pudique, sincère et résolument vivante.» (http://www.misscorail.com/Pages/AnnabelleMouloudjiPortrait.aspx) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Jennifer Steinmann encourages young leaders to 'say yes' to new opportunities and expériences (Click on link below) ● Annabelle Mouloudji is interviewed (Click on link below) -- Sloan (Lindemann) Barnett's biography -- Classnotes Archives, 1985 -- Daria (Maazel) Steketee's website -- Jennifer Steinmann on YouTube -- Melissa Unger's new book -- Annabelle Mouloudji on YouTube Back to Top 1986● Alessandra Gagliardi wrote that she "is a Founder and Board member of The NY Arts & Sciences Salon, a monthly dinner series whose mission is to bring artists and scientists together for their mutual enrichment. She is also one of the founding members of the Research Foundation to Cure AIDS (RF2CA), a non-profit international alliance of researchers, clinicians, artists, fundraisers, activists and others committed to the cause of finding a cure for AIDS and distributing it to people in third-world countries. A freelance consultant for non-profits and small business, she runs a curated event listing site called Scoop du Jour: http://Scoopdujournyc.blogspot.com. Many events are attended by her alumni friends." [Click on link below to access her website] ● Anne Bax told us that she has "has settled with her husband, Guillermo Trejo, and her two children, Natalia and Julian (both 13 years old), in South Bend, IN. She is working at the University of Notre Dame, building the administration and finance of a brand new school, the Keough School of Global Affairs. When she comes home at night, she loves to hear her children say that French is their favorite subject (they were raised in Spanish and English), even if they do not agree that the music of the 80's is the best!" ● Zoe Reverdin: « Zoé étudie la danse à New-York puis à Genève auprès du Ballet Junior Béatriz Consuelo et enfin à la North Carolina School of the Art aux USA. Elle danse au Grand-Théâtre de Genève pour la Cie Philippe Saire, la Cie Laura Tanner et la Cie Tane Souter. Elle travaille à New-York avec le chorégraphe Merce Cunningham et successivement pour le metteur en scène Robert Wilson. En 1990, Zoé se lance dans la chorégraphie et crée la Cie Cliché, rebaptisée par la suite Cie Deep’n’Dance. Elle travaille aussi en tant que chorégraphe et assistante à la mise en scène pour divers opéras au Grand Théâtre de Genève et en Italie. Elle enseigne depuis 2002 la méthode Swissbody Pilates. » (http://www.studiodesbains.ch/V1/) ● Alexandra de Grèce « est la fille aînée du prince Michel de Grèce et de la princesse Marina, née Karella.....Alexandra a vu le jour le 15 octobre 1968 à Athènes. Elle a grandi entre la Grèce et la France, passant ses étés sur l’île de Patmos puisque son père l’écrivain Michel de Grèce avait renoncé à ses droits au trône lors de son mariage, l’interdiction du territoire grec ne s’appliquait pas à lui-même et sa famille à l’inverse du reste de la famille royale grecque. Alexandra est très liée à la France, étant du côté paternel la petite-fille de la princesse François, sœur du défunt comte de Paris. [Elle] a suivi des études en pédagogie au Bank Street Collège de New York et complété sa formation par un BA à l’Université de Brown. Elle a épousé Nicolas Mirzayantz, vice-président du développement commercial international de Flavors & Fragance lors d’une très belle cérémonie religieuse sur l’île de Torcello à Venise.....Le couple a eu deux fils : Tigran né en 2000 et Darius né en 2002. La princesse Alexandra et sa famille résident à New York..... Même si elle se consacre tout particulièrement à ses deux fils, [elle] déploie aussi toute son énergie au sein de l’association « Room the Grow » dont elle est membre fondatrice et qui vient en aide aux enfants déshérités au cours des 3 premières années de leur développement..... » (http://www.noblesseetroyautes.com/2009/01/portrait-alexandra-de-grece/) ● Carla Hilber del Pozzo “is the founder and Director of Philanthropica S.A., a Geneva-based consulting firm working with non-profit organizations.....She helps them navigate safely in a changing environment where, more than ever, making strategic choices is determinant in order to make a difference.....she established her consulting firm in 2009. She started her career as a Communication and Philanthropy professional (Republic National Bank, Lombard Odier & Cie) and rapidly joined general management positions (SPG Group, Artveras).....She is the author of “Advisors as change agents in philanthropy”, an academic research conducted across Europe and the USA.....She holds a Master in Consulting and Coaching for Change (Oxford Said Business School and HEC Paris Business School) and an MA in History (University of Geneva). She is also a professional coach and registered journalist…..Of Swiss and Colombian origins, she has lived in 9 cities in Africa, Europe and the Americas and is fluent in French, Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and Swiss German.” (http://www.philanthropica.ch/pdf/biography_carla.pdf) ● Laurent Duveau is CIO and Group Information Systems Director at VICAT. ● Kadiatou Cissé Abbassi is an education and project management specialist at USAID in Mali. "I contribute to the management of USAID/Mali’s basic education portfolio, serve as technical advisor and support the basic education team in developing projects focused on the improvement of reading skills for primary school students in Mali; youth and children in the North of Mali in the post-crisis environment." (www.linkedin.com/pub/kadiatou-abbassi/14/247/45) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Claude Arpels is interviewed (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1986 -- Claude Arpels on YouTube -- Alessandra Gagliardi's website Back to Top 1987● Mireille (Langue) Ngazo wrote: "Living in Congo Brazzaville since 2010 after having stayed in France for 28 years. I'm now running the Fonds d’Investissement Solidaire du Congo (FISCongo) a fund created to promote entrepreneurship in Congo. We give advices to business creators, build business plans and finance profitable businesses. Family event : married since 1995 and three children." ● Vincent Larroque nous ecrit: "Je vie dans le Sud de la France avec mon épouse et deux garçons (Matéo, 16ans et Giovan, 9 ans)" ● Nicholas Grunnet Nicholas Grunnet “has been working as a coastal engineer in the Department of Coastal & Estuarine Dynamics at DHI since 2004. Based on research work on the evolution of shoreface nourishments conducted in the Netherlands and in the USA, Nicholas Grunnet has acquired an extensive knowledge of sediment transport processes and coastal dynamics. His main interest relates to the morphodynamics of the littoral zone. He is mostly engaged in international projects related to sediment bypass at harbours, coastal erosion studies and beach nourishment projects. Based on his expert knowledge of DHI’s modelling software, his work relates to detailed 2D coastal process modelling of waves, flow and sediment transport.” (http://www.dancore.dk/files/coastal_processes/nicholas_grunnet.pdf) ● Le Docteur Anouk Herszkowicz est médecin esthétique chez Clinic 135 a Bruxelles. « Après une longue formation en chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique, le docteur Anouk Herszkowicz sʼest spécialisée dans les traitements plus doux, de médecine esthétique. » (http://www.clinic135.be/index.php) ● Alexandre Carter, MD, PhD “is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury in the Department of Neurology [Washington University, School of Medicine] and sees patients at the Comprehensive Outpatient Stroke Clinic in the Center for Advanced Medicine and at The Rehabilitation Institute of Saint Louis.....Dr. Carter's work is centered on understanding the mechanisms of brain plasticity at the network level to help promote better recovery after stroke….....Dr. Carter is also active in promoting stroke awareness and the message of primary and secondary stroke prevention through his involvement in The Rehabilitation Institute's Patient and Family Stroke Education Series and in the wider Saint Louis community. [He] received his B.A. magna cum laude from Brandeis University in 1991 with a major in neuroscience and worked as a research associate for the RWJ Pharmaceutical Research Institute. He then entered the Medical Scientist Training Program in the Harvard Medical School/MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. He was awarded his M.D. and Ph.D. in 2003 after completing thesis work on the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in synapse formation and synaptic plasticity. This was followed by a residency in neurology at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine and a T32-sponsored research fellowship in stroke rehabilitation at The Rehabilitation Institute of Saint Louis and WUSM.....Dr. Carter focuses on patients recovering from stroke and stroke prevention and his work benefits from the support of an Amos Medical Faculty Development Program award from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a Mentored Clinical Scientist K08 Award from the National Institute of Neurologic Diseases and Stroke, and a grant from the James S. McDonnell Foundation.” (http://neuro.wustl.edu/aboutus/facultybiographies/carter/) ● Ariana Bundy "was brought up in New York, London, Switzerland and Paris. She inherited her love of food and cooking from her grandparents - who grew cherries, plums, apricots, apples, wheat and barley, bred sheep and goats for dairy, and had beautiful vineyards producing prized grapes - and from her father, who owned the first fine-dining French restaurant in Iran and later in Beverly Hills. Ariana was Head Pastry Chef for the Mondrian Hotel in LA. Graduate of Le Cordon Bleu and Le Notre in Paris, she trained at Fauchon Patisserie and attended the European Business School in London. She has cooked for celebrities such as Tom Hanks, Nicole Kidman, President Clinton, Brad Pitt and Madonna to name a few. Her latest book 'Pomegranates and Roses: My Persian Family Recipes' won an award at the Gourmand Cookbook Awards in 2012 and was shortlisted as the Best Cookery Book at the Writer's Guild Awards in 2013. In her beautiful part cookbook part culinary memoir, Ariana pays tribute to the rich heritage, cultural and culinary, that has shaped her approach to life, cooking, and eating. Her books have been featured in [many] magazines.....Ariana has appeared on TV shows such as the BBC's Good Food Live, Sky's Taste, Euronews, FOX and Top Billing. She is also the author of 'Sweet Alternative' the first ever gluten-, dairy- and soy-free dessert cookbook (Conran-Octopus UK) written in 2005 due to her family's and her own food intolerances." ● Delphine Munro is Head of Arts at the European Investment Bank Institute. "[She] joined the EIB Group in 2005, first as Head of Marketing Communications at the European Investment Fund, then as Head of Arts.....in 2009. In this capacity she is responsible for the development and implementation of the Arts & Culture programme of the EIB Institute: this includes the day to day management and enhancement of the art collection, the development of a mentoring/artist in residence scheme, the promotion of emerging artists in different disciplines, the formulation of employee engagement programmes, and the preservation of cultural heritage. Prior to that, Ms Munro had 20 years’ experience in arts management and marketing communications. She worked for museums (Musée National d’Art Moderne-Centre Pompidou, Paris), cultural institutions (Fondation Cartier, Paris; Institut Français, Prague), an auction house (Sotheby’s, London) and the corporate world (BNP Paribas and HSBC, both in London).....Ms Munro has a twofold education, in Economics and Finance (Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris – Sciences Po) and in art history (post graduate, Courtauld Institute, London)....." (https://institute.eib.org/delphine-munro-head-of-arts-eib-institute/) ● Vanessa von Zitzewitz “was born 1970 in Hamburg. The artist grew up between USA, France and Monaco. [She] visited the well-known school Parsons School of Design in Paris, where she discovered and developed her artistic talent. Already as a young photographer she was very successful, signed first major contracts with well-known luxury brands and photographed film stars, fashion icons and artists, as well as important political personalities. The artist has published her photographs in a number of books, and exhibited in NYC, Paris, Rome, Milan, Turin, London, Tokyo, Berlin and Los Angeles.” (http://www.bernheimer.com/photography/en/photographers/vanessa-von-zitzewitz) ● Laurence Gormezano "is an actress, known for her work on Le transporteur II (2005), La Vie en Rose (2007) and L'empire des loups (2005)." (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1159076/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm) ● Elizabeth Rottenberg “is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Comparative Literature Program at DePaul University. She received her Ph.D. at The Humanities Center at Johns Hopkins University and has studied at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris and the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg, Germany. She is the author of Inheriting the Future: Legacies of Kant, Freud, and Flaubert and has translated books by Lyotard, Derrida, and Blanchot. She is the editor and translator of Negotiations: Interventions and Interviews (1971-2001) by Jacques Derrida (Stanford, 2001) as well as the co-editor (with Peggy Kamuf) of the two volume edition of Jacques Derrida's Psyche: Inventions of the Other (Stanford, 2007/2008). She has published many articles on themes in late modern and contemporary philosophy as well as in psychoanalysis in journals such as Kant-Studien, Philosophy Today, Mosaic, MLN, and theory@buffalo. She is currently a candidate at the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis.” (http://las.depaul.edu/philosophy/People/Faculty/Elizabeth_Rottenberg.asp) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet (Click on links below): ● Ariana Nazanine Saadlou-Bundy browses the French markets and then prepares a Pumpkin Flan and roll of Sweet Chestnut Truffles, from her book 'Sweet Alternative' (Click on link below) ● Delphine (Giraud) Munro explains the EIB Institute Arts Programme ● Vanessa Von Zitzewitz discusses the making of her book --"The Horses of Qatar" -- Classnotes Archives, 1987 -- Ariana Nazanine Saadlou-Bundy on YouTube -- Delphine (Giraud) Munro on Vimeo -- Vanessa Von Zitzewitz on Vimeo Back to Top 1988● Carole (Devèze) Dupeyron wrote: "Thank you for your offer to share with our classmates our accomplishments. Actually, I became an artist. My website is www.caroledupeyron.com [click on link below]. Also, I started writing short stories this year and I would like to share my first one with LFNY Alumni. Please find it enclosed. [click on PdF file below]" ● "Based in Miami, Alexander Marin runs Sony Pictures Television's (SPT's) content distribution across all platforms and windows in Latin America and the Caribbean." (http://www.todotvnews.com/scripts/templates/estilo_nota.asp?nota=33566) ● Grégoire Poux-Guillaume "joined Alstom in January 2003 as Vice President Strategy. He was then successively head of Alstom Power’s Hydro turnkey power plant activities and head of its Environmental Control Systems activities. In July 2011, he was appointed President of Alstom Grid and Executive Vice-President of Alstom. Grégoire began his career in 1993 with Total Exploration & Production as a drilling engineer, before becoming successively Offshore Drilling Supervisor and head of Drilling R&D. In 1999, he joined McKinsey & Company and subsequently worked as a private equity investor. He was a Senior Managing Director at CVC Capital Partners from 2009 until rejoining Alstom in 2011. Grégoire is a graduate of Ecole Centrale Paris and Harvard Business School.” (http://www.alstom.com/about-us/corporate-governance/executive-committee/Gregoire-Poux-Guillaume/) ● Friday,9 April 2010: “Her Majesty The Queen has appointed Jemima Rellie to the new position of Director of Publishing and New Media at the Royal Collection. [Currently Director of Content and Audiences] Ms Rellie joins the Royal Collection in May from the Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles, where she had been Assistant Director, Communications and Information Resources since 2007. In 2001 she was appointed Tate’s first Head of Digital Programmes. As the Director of Publishing and New Media, Jemima Rellie will be responsible for the Royal Collection’s Publishing and Education sections, Photographic Services and Collections Information Management..... At the Getty Conservation Institute, Jemima Rellie managed the dissemination of research through publishing, public programmes and online resources. Previously she established the award-winning Tate Online, creating digital content for all Tate sites and collections. Before joining Tate, Jemima worked in art-book publishing at Phaidon and Macmillan, and in commercial new media development. She was a Trustee of the 24-Hour Museum and sits on the advisory committees of several cultural bodies, including Museums and the Web, and CHArt (Computers and the History of Art). Jemima has an MA in Art History from Leeds University.....” (http://www.royalcollection.org.uk/press-release/appointment-of-director-of-publishing-and-new-media) ● Jean-François Barsoum told us that he "has been back in Montreal for the past 10 years, with his wife Naomi Goldapple and three girls (Amélie 12, Chloé 10 and Cassandre 6). He's in his 19th year at IBM and is looking after the Smart Cities and University collaborative research projects in Quebec. He's up to a brown belt in karate but isn't quite sure he'll ever make it to black -- should have started earlier! Feel free to contact him at jean-francois@barsoum.ca" Editor's Note: Son travail « consiste à aider les organismes de transport, les villes, les gouvernements et les autres intervenants à concevoir et mettre en œuvre des stratégies destinées à rendre les villes plus intelligentes.....En 1998, il a fondé la Communauté verte IBM où les conseillers et les autres employés de la multinationale peuvent concevoir l'avenir écologique de l'entreprise......En 2008, Jean-François a été invité par la Fondation Al Gore (le Projet climatique, maintenant le Projet de la réalité climatique) à devenir Ambassadeur du climat. Il siège au conseil d'administration de l'organisation canadienne d'Al Gore depuis 2011.....Jean-François détient une maîtrise en administration des affaires de l'Université McGill ainsi qu'un baccalauréat spécialisé en sociologie de l'University of Western Ontario qui lui a décerné la Faculty Medal en 1992, la plus haute distinction pour un étudiant de premier cycle. Depuis qu'il est entré chez IBM, il a poursuivi sa formation à l'université de Boston et à l'Institut de la Banque Mondiale..... » (http://productivite.lesaffaires.com/ambassadeur/jean-francois-barsoum) ● Sandra J. Vrejan “is a partner in Morgan Lewis’s Business and Finance Practice. She represents lenders and borrowers in a broad range of domestic and international commercial finance transactions, secured and unsecured transactions, and financial restructurings. Ms. Vrejan serves a diverse client base, including lending and financial institutions, investment funds, borrowers, emerging growth, and public and private companies across a range of industries…… Ms. Vrejan also has been cited by President Bill Clinton for her pro bono accomplishments in political asylum cases. Prior to joining Morgan Lewis, She was a partner in the banking and leveraged finance group of an international law firm. After graduating from law school, Ms. Vrejan clerked for Judge James B. Haines, Jr. of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Maine. She received her J.D. from Hofstra University School of Law in 1995 and her B.A. from Boston University in 1990. Ms. Vrejan is fluent in French, Spanish, and English….” (http://www.morganlewis.com/index.cfm/personID/bbf82efa-967b-4ecb-bd0e-02c5970e7c83/fromSearch/0/fuseaction/people.viewBio) ● Marwan Elaraby wrote and told us that he "recently re-joined Shearman & Sterling LLP as Managing Partner - Middle East. He is based in Dubai." Editor's Note: Marwan “is based in [Shearman & Sterling’s] Abu Dhabi office where he serves as Managing Partner of our Middle East practice. He previously served as Managing Director at Citadel Capital, one of the leading private equity firms in the Middle East and Africa. Marwan also served as Executive Director in EFG-Hermes’ investment banking group, where he worked as an investment banker advising clients on numerous capital markets and M&A transactions in the Middle East. In recent years Marwan has focused on sourcing and executing investments in a variety of sectors, with a particular emphasis on energy. A regular speaker at conferences, Marwan is also a frequent guest on CNN, BBC, CNBC, and Bloomberg business programs.....Marwan first joined the firm in 1995 and became a partner in 2004.” (http://www.shearman.com/en/people/e/elaraby-marwan) ● Jean Durand-Ruel is “Director of MENA Operations at SI Capital Partners. Jean worked for over eight years at Mazars in Paris.....He was subsequently appointed as director of the Mazars office in Budapest.....providing services to major international companies such as BNP Paribas, Danone and Bouygues. He later joined Iveco Fiat, serving as CFO of the financial companies operating in the CEE region. .....Jean has a degree in Fiscal and Private Law from the Pantheon-Assas University in Paris. He has a DESCF in Accounting & Finance and studied the history of art at l'Ecole du Louvre." (http://www.si-cp.com/advisory.html) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Jean-Francois Barsoum on IBM's Social Media Analysis of Traffic in Five Canadian Cities (Click on link below) -- 'Premier mensonge', by Carole (Devèze) Dupeyron -- Classnotes Archives, 1988 -- Carole (Devèze) Dupeyron's webite -- Jean-Francois Barsoum on YouTube Back to Top 1989● Mohamed Niaré wrote : “ I am leaving in Mali and work in the mining sector (Iron/Ore) mostly in West African countries. I am General Manager of International Goldfields Mali Ltd., Newmont Ventures Mali Ltd., Corvette Resources CIV Ltd. and International Goldfields CIV Ltd. On the personal front, I am married since 2006 and father of three (one girl and two boys). The youngest was born less than two weeks ago in Los Angeles on the 16th of May.” ● Greg Diamond told us that he "resides in LA, earned his law degree, and has worked in law and in film and TV production. Gregory’s fondest memories of Le Lycée include two of his favorite teachers during the late 70’s: Mme. Nguyenne and M. Dorion. He recalls both the times when M. Dorion brought his guitar to class and taught a song he wrote; and also the yearly 80’s pop dance nights at the former LFNY Vanderbilt estate ballroom on 72nd Street and 5th Ave." Gregory added: “When it came to the most exclusive venue in Manhattan, comparable to Le Chateau de Versailles, we were certainly not deprived.” ● Amelie (Hurel) Martin wrote: “Iman El Banhawy (’89) , my classmate from my NY years (79-81) has beautifully linked a lot of us via emails / Facebook, etc. Last year, she stayed in Paris a few days and paid me a visit. It was great to see her again, after about....32 years! Thanks to her, I connected with another ex-classmate, Michel Robert Abood (’89) who is in the wine business. He paid us a visit when he came to Paris this year, and my husband (a sommelier) and he are in touch and could very well start some business together.” ● Hélène Fillières « née à Paris le 1 mai 1972 (41 ans), est une actrice, scénariste et réalisatrice française. Fille d'un chef d'escale d'Air France, Hélène Fillières grandit entre l'Europe, le Brésil et les États-Unis. Sa sœur aînée Sophie (’81), réalisatrice et scénariste, la fit jouer, adolescente, dans ses premiers travaux. Après le court-métrage Les Sirènes de Pascal Bonitzer [.....] la cadette apparaît en 1991 dans le film de fin d'études de sa sœur, Des filles et des chiens [.....] Mais elle se lance ensuite dans des études d'anglais - elle publie d'ailleurs plus tard des traductions d'ouvrages de Dorothy Parker. Dans les années 1990, [elle] fut brièvement mannequin [.....] Mais c'est encore grâce aux films de sa sœur qu'Hélène Fillières prend le métier d'actrice au sérieux : après un second rôle dans Grande petite en 1994, elle incarne en 2000 l'extravagante héroïne de Aïe, déployant dans cette comédie loufoque un charme non dénué de mystère. Nouveau visage du cinéma français, Hélène Fillières, sollicitée surtout par les réalisatrices, campe une adorable râleuse dans Reines d'un jour de Marion Vernoux en 2001, puis la fille de Catherine Deneuve dans Au plus près du paradis de Tonie Marshall, en 2002 [.....]Souvent à l'affiche de premiers films, de Bord de mer (2002) à De particulier à particulier (2006), elle fait en 2006 ses débuts de réalisatrice avec le court métrage Mademoiselle Y, une réflexion sur le métier d'actrice. En janvier 2004, dans une interview dans l'émission Tout le monde en parle, elle évoque brièvement sa lutte contre un cancer. En 2006, elle s'impose au grand public dans le rôle de Sandra Paoli dans la série Mafiosa, le clan. Elle fut la compagne de l'acteur Thierry Neuvic dont elle se sépare en 2011. » (http://fr.wikipedia.org/) ● Ronald Tran-Ba-Huy “is currently the Regional Manager for Central Africa at the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria where he is notably in charge of overseeing a portfolio of programs amounting to over U$ 1 billion. Ronald joined the Global Fund in 2004 shortly after its creation (2002) following the G8 Summit in Okinawa, Japan.....Recently, Ronald was actively involved in developing the 2012-2016 Global Fund strategy which aims at saving 10 million lives and preventing 140-180 million new infections from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria between 2012 and 2016. Prior to joining the Global Fund, [he] worked for seven years as a Manager in the ‘Strategy and Business Architecture’ department of Accenture, an international management consulting firm.....Ronald Tran-Ba-Huy studied at the University of Edinburgh, the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania, and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris.He grew up in France, the United States, Singapore and Great Britain.” (http://graduateinstitute.ch/fr/home/executive/masters_executive/negotiation-policy-making/faculty-negotiation/skills-experts-inp.html) ● Laura (Schwartz) Naaz “is a Human Resource professional with over 12 years of experience. She began her career as a generalist and has developed an expertise in recruiting, strategic staffing and client relationship management. During her career, Laura has gained diverse corporate experience ranging from Internet start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.....Before her career in HR, Laura was a professional dancer with the Pennsylvania Ballet and is a certified Yoga Instructor. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English and American Literature from Columbia University. In 2005, Laura and her husband relocated to New Mexico, where they live with their two sons, Zach and Lucas.”(http://peopleperfect.com/about-us/) ● Nina Edwards Anker “ graduated with a Master in Architecture from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design in 2001 after having completed two years at the Architectural Association and a year at Sotheby’s in London. After a couple of years of teaching at Pratt and 4 years of experience in architectural firms in Manhattan and Oslo, Nina started nea studio in 2006. In 2008 she was awarded a Research Fellowship at AHO, the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. Her doctoral thesis bridges phenomenological theory and solar design.” (http://www.neastudio.com/profile.php) ● Dr. Isabelle Rosso is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the Harvard Medical School. She obtained her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania in 2002. ● Agathe de la Boulaye “was born in Paris, France. Versatile and easily-appealing, Agathe began her acting career in 1995 and has since then, forged lengthy line of film and television credits. Her work primarily has been in French film and television series, however notable film credits include the French-made film The Girl (2000) and more notably the comic book science-fiction cult favorite Alien vs Predator (2004). It is in this movie, that Agathe played a member of a expedition team who provided audiences with the nostalgic and famous moment when an "Alien" was born out of a human chest; as seen in the 1970s original Alien (1979). This is also the movie in which she is best recognized for by American audiences.” (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0209169/bio) ● Fumi (Shigefumi) Tomita : “A hard swinging bassist with a driving beat, Fumi Tomita has been consistently entertaining audiences with his music. His first CD, Impromptu, a collaboration with pianist Lou Rainone and drummer Robert Weiss has just been released.....As a sideman in New York city, Fumi has played at Carnegie Hall, Town Hall, Gracie Mansion, The Up Over Jazz Café, The 55 Bar, Cleopatra's Needle, the Garage as well as Cecils and Trumpets in New Jersey. He was the bassist on the national tour of the Nat King Cole tribute, Unforgettable. Festival appearances include the Montreal International Jazz Festival, Mt. Hood Festival of Jazz, the Henry Mancini Institute, and the Banff International Workshop in Jazz.....In addition to his work as a sideman and with Impromptu, Fumi began to find his own voice as a composer and led a number of his own gigs at the Garage, Miles Cafe/Somethin', and Tomi Jazz. His compositions are featured on an upcoming CD, Untold. A native New Yorker, Fumi has studied bass at McGill University and the Manhattan School of Music. Before moving back to New York, Fumi has also lived and played in Montreal and Portland.....After residing in New York for many years, he has recently relocated to Rochester, NY where he is working on his doctorate in Jazz studies at the Eastman School of Music." (http://www.fumitomita.com/about.html) ● Dana Watkins “was last seen in The Culture Project’s production of Tennessee Williams last full length play In Masks Outrageous and Austere. Other roles include Achilles among others in Verse Theatre Manhattan’s production of Kings, My First Time (which enjoyed a two and a half year run at New World Stages), F. Scott Fitzgerald in the world premiere of Allan Knee’s The Jazz Age, Marat/Sade (Corday), Native Son (Jan Erlone), Macbeth (Banquo) and The Cherry Orchard (Trofimov) at the Classical Theatre of Harlem, Charles in The French Lieutenant’s Woman at The Fulton (world premiere), Kafka in Stanley Walden’s Letter to My Father .....and Poe in the one man show An Evening with Edgar Allan Poe. TV: ”Christmas with Holly”, “OLTL,” “Guiding Light,” “The City.” Film: The Empath, Dreamgirl, Unbridled. Graduate of SUNY Purchase.” (http://www.guysinahottubtalking.com/cast-and-crew.html) ● Allegra Nasi: “On September 21st...1971, in Torino and feet first, Allegra Nasi is born.....In New York where she lives until 1973 and then again from 1975, while her classmates play, Allegra memorizes the musical “Evita” (and forces her parents to take her to see it on Broadway repeatedly).....[In 1984] at Bedgebury School in Kent England, Allegra discovers acting.....[In 1985] in Lyons, Colorado, Allegra goes to high school, acts in the school’s plays and falls repeatedly from her horse Sandokan. [In 1992] Allegra returns to live in Italy.....[In 1997] Allegra works as press officer for the Italian National Ski Team.....[In 2008, she] publishes her first novel: “Il Segreto dei Vanderloo”.....[In 2009] Allegra starts working as anchor with LUXE TV and as associate executive producer with BRW Filmland.....[In 2010] Allegra starts working with Class Horse TV for which she hosts talk shows, interview series and other programs. From 2011 on, Allegra continues her studies in psychology, learns Armenian - which becomes the seventh language she speaks, objective being getting to ten - and continues to play polo (though very badly). Today she is a working anchor, producer and writes for several magazines. She published a second novel “La Grande Avventura”, directed her first films and has returned to her first big love: acting.” (http://www.allegranasi.com/default.asp?Lang=EN) ● For a Wikipedia biography of Olga de Grèce, click on link below. Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Hélène Fillières interview: 'Mafiosa' (Click on link below) ● Bande-démo anglo-saxonne de la comédienne Agathe de Laboulaye ● Allegra Nasi's hosting reel ● Khadidja Benouataf, responsable du FIFO hors les murs invité du journal de Polynésie 1ère -- Classnotes Archives, 1989 -- Hélène Fillières on AlloCiné -- Agathe de Laboulaye on YouTube -- Allegra Nasi on Vimeo -- Olga de Grece on Wikipedia -- Khadidja Benouataf on YouTube Back to Top 1990● Alexander Schnieders : “Prior to joining Perella Weinberg Partners [as a Managing Partner], [he] was a Managing Director in the U.S. Financial Institutions Group at Goldman Sachs & Co. and Co-Head of its U.S. Insurance M&A team.....He joined the firm as an Associate in 2001. Previously, Mr. Schnieders spent four years at J.P. Morgan & Co. in its London and Paris offices, where he focused on advisory engagements for the firm's Healthcare and French Coverage Groups. Mr. Schnieders received a Bachelor's degree in History and Literature, magna cum laude, from Harvard College and a Masters in Business Administration from Columbia Business School.”(http://www.pwpartners.com/our-team/professionals/advisory/biography?id=2135) ● "Adrienne Simms grew up in New York City, and moved as a teenager to San Francisco, where she currently resides. Inspired by history, horror movies and her dreams, she seeks to create a world that is her own. The female form is invariably the starting point of her imagery, the face and hands specifically are the means of expression. She enjoys exploring the tension between the macabre and the humorous." (Click on link below to access Adrienne's website) ● Dr. Adeline Kell “is a Naturopathic physician and Midwife, licensed in Oregon and Washington. Graduating from the four-year program at the National College of Natural Medicine, she also completed a two-year preceptorship in midwifery and pediatrics. Dr. Kell is an adjunct faculty member in the clinical medicine department at the National College of Natural Medicine College as well as Birthingway College of Midwifery. She has had advanced training in homeopathy, and botanical medicine.....Adeline lives on seven acres in SW Washington with her husband, their six children, and an assortment of two and four legged creatures.” (http://www.betterchoiceforhealth.com/meet-the-doctor/) ● Andrea Perugini is the Commercial Attaché at the Embassy of Italy to Mexico. ● Gabrio Marchetti: “July 25, 2013: An adventurous American of Italian descent shares his business success story in Russia: from Italian engineer to the founder of an industrial buildings repair company." (Click on link below to see a recent article in the Russian press about him) ● “[In his new book] Erwan Rambourg adopts an engaging, conversational voice to explain the complexities of the Chinese market—as if inviting his readers to a dinner party at his Hong Kong flat. He answers the questions on so many minds with clear explanations peppered with parables, literary references, hard data and genuine, wide-eyed discovery.” (Miles Socha, European editor of Women’s Wear Daily -- http://erwanrambourg.com/?p=122) ● Carole de Ruyt « est née en 1972. Après avoir passé plusieurs années aux Etats-Unis, ce qui fait d’elle une parfaite bilingue, elle rentre en Belgique pour obtenir sa licence en droit à l'Université Libre de Bruxelles en 1996. Elle fait ensuite une licence en droit des transports (droit maritime et aérien) également à l’ULB . Inscrite au barreau de Bruxelles depuis 1997, elle occupe, de 1999 à 2001, la fonction de commissaire responsable des activités scientifiques au sein de la Conférence du Jeune Barreau de Bruxelles. Elle suivra également un stage en marketing au sein d’une société spécialisée en management des cabinets d’avocats ainsi qu’un stage de deux mois dans un cabinet d’avocat à New York durant l’été 2003. Elle a collaboré à la rédaction de nombreux ouvrages et a publié différents articles notamment dans le quotidien financier l’Echo. Elle pratique essentiellement le droit immobilier et plus particulièrement le droit de la construction. » (http://www.celes.be/les-avocats/carole-de-ruyt) ● Ramsey Elia is Vice President, Programming at Galavisión & Cable Networks -- Classnotes Archives, 1990 -- Adrienne Simms' website -- Gabrio Marchetti in the Russian press Back to Top 1991● Marcel Faivet shared this with us: "On March 30th, my wife gave birth to a little Zoé, picture attached. I have also just celebrated my 10 years at Movado Group International here in Bienne, Switzerland and currently working there as Sales and Operations Director. Anyone I know from the days of the LFNY is welcome to come for a visit in the new house we moved into one year ago." ● Manuel da Graca wrote: "My wife and I visited NYC in December 2013 and we met with Vivian Holtzman Connolly ['91]. I had not seen her since 1982 but it was as if we had spent time chatting the month before. It was a great reunion, since I had left NYC with no notice due to family affairs. We truly enjoyed being around her family and mother. This was somewhat of a healing session for me as I was able to express how I felt leaving my friends without knowing. Vivian is a wonderful person and I am happy to be re-connected. In 2014, I obtained an MBA ... adult learning is no joke but worth it :-) My wife and I are moving to Lisbon, Portugal in Q1 of 2015. I no longer work for the French Embassy Trade Office - Ubifrance, and will offer consulting services for global small/medium businesses with innovative services or solutions seeking to enter the U.S. market. In the U.S. I work with leading retail, telecom and health care companies interested in testing, integrating and acquiring. Details pertaining to this new endeavor should be up and running once established in Europe. My wife just finished a motivational book: TOMORROW CAN’T WAIT - An Inspirational Book Offering Persistence for a Lifetime" (Click on link below to see Allana's book) Note: Manuel sent us a photo of him and his wife, and Vivian and her husband, but it was too large to post here. However, you can see it in the Classnotes archives PdF file below. ● Dr. Edward Attiyeh is a pediatric oncologist in the Cancer Center at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, with expertise in liver tumors and neuroblastoma. He obtained an A.B. in Molecular Biology from Princeton University in 1995, and an M.D. from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1999. ● Fabrice de Saint Remy is the Head of Music for France & Benelux at Apple iTunes. ● Jean-Philippe Lamarcade est Adjoint au directeur regional de EDF. ● Nicolas (Nic) Morel ia an information services & technology consultant, and a senior manager at CapTech Ventures. ● Géraldine Thuillier est gérante de Le Clos Saint Saourde et co-gérante de La Maison des Remparts (deux maison d’hôtes en Provence) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Dr. Eddie Fathi Attiyeh discusses the genetic factors of neuroblastoma (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1991 -- Dr. Edward Attiyeh on YouTube -- 'Tomorrow Can't Wait', by Allana Todman - Da Graca Back to Top 1992● Windy Gancayco wrote: "I moved to Cebu City, Philippines, over a year ago, and opened a restaurant called Café de Genève with my husband. Here is our website: http://cafedegenevecebu.weebly.com" [click on link below] ● Stanislas Wojewodzki wrote: "Stan has been working in Haiti now for over three years. After managing the presidential commission for investments co-chaired by President Clinton and Prime Minister Lamothe for 2 years, he is now a special advisor on the president's private cabinet, as well as special advisor to the Prime Minister and to the Minister of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Haiti. In this capacity, he is amongst other things responsible for setting up Haiti's very first high impact investment fund working closely with Lazard Freres government advisory practice, hired by the government for that purpose. His wife, labrador and three cats live in Miami where he returns on weekends." ● Etienne Lenack nous écrit: "Etienne vit à Paris avec sa femme et ses 3 enfants. Il a fondé LAMBERT LENACK architectes urbanistes à Paris en 2012. L’agence connait un développement rapide avec des concours remportés auprès de collectivités publiques et de promoteurs privés. Elle intervient autant dans les domaines du logement, des équipements publics, de l’urbanisme et de l’aménagement urbain (www.lambertlenack.com). Un concours récemment gagné en juillet 2014 est un ensemble mixte commerces-bureaux-logements sur l’Avenue de France – Paris 13e devant la Bibliothèque Nationale de France. LAMBERT LENACK a reçu le 15 décembre une distinction par Mme Sylvia Pinel, Ministre du Logement et de l’Égalité des territoires (Palmarès des Jeunes Urbanistes 2014)." ● Laurence (Buenerd) Marot told us that she is "still in touch with Etienne Lenack ('92), Pierre Nahon ('92), Alexandre Bouchet ('92), and Cecile Becker '92). Married to an architect, Gabriel Marot. Mother of 4 children (Pierre, Constance, Charlotte, Louise). Partner at the Litigation Boutique Farthouat Asselineau & Associés (complex litigation for domestic and foreign clients)." Editor's Note: "Laurence Marot a rejoint le Cabinet en 2004 et est devenue associée en 2013. Elle a obtenu un DEA en droit communautaire et européen de l’Université Paris I – Sorbonne en 1997. Elle a précédemment travaillé à Bruxelles avec plusieurs avocats lobbyistes du cabinet La Giraudière Larroze & Associés pour un groupe spécialisé dans le secteur de l’alcool industriel ainsi qu’à Paris au sein des cabinets Vivien & Associés et d’Alverny-Demont & Associés. Laurence Marot est inscrite au Barreau de Paris. Ancienne élève du Lycée Français de New-York, ses langues de travail sont le français et l’anglais." (http://www.farthouat.com/avocats/laurence-marot/) ● Fabrice Grinda: On Friday, December 5, 2014, the French Institute/Alliance Française (FIAF) "will celebrate the extraordinary achievements of Fabrice Grinda with the Pilier d’Or [award]. Fabrice is a young internet entrepreneur, a business angel, and a symbol of France’s success in the digital world." The event will take place during the Trophée des Arts Gala 2014. (Click on PdF file below for the full text of an interview with Fabrice. Cliick on other link to access Fabrice's blog) ● Chloe Sladden “is vice president of media at Twitter.....She is responsible for Twitter’s media and entertainment partnerships [and] Twitter’s relationships with its most influential users, including athletes, actors, musicians, politicians, journalists, civic leaders and others. Her team imagines and implements new approaches to storytelling and audience engagement, with a special focus on interactive TV. Her team’s work is covered regularly in The New York Times, Fast Company, Vogue, the Hollywood Reporter and more. Before Twitter, Chloe worked at Current TV as a vice president on both the online and broadcast sides, where she produced the Webby Award-winning Hack the Debate. Previously, she co-produced and directed Headstrong, a documentary broadcast on public television. She was also a management consultant in Booz Allen Hamilton’s media and entertainment practice.” (http://www.niemanlab.org/riptide/person/chloe-sladden/) ● Alexis de Maud'Huy "is an entrepreneur and founder of the first collaborative cultural encyclopedia of love, Wikilove.com. When he fell in love with and got married with Tatyana Franck, he thought of a wedding gift that would measure the extent of his love for Tatyana and that is the Wikilove.com, a wiki site where all the people contributes articles of love all the while touches the hearts of people of all walks of life and of all ages. Alexis wanted to share that kind of love, spread the love and expound the ideas or the diversity of love in the most interesting way through an instrument of cultural references and cultural context....." (http://www.wikilove.com/Alexis_de_Maud%27huy) ● Marietou Diakité is a Public Diplomacy Specialist at the USA embassy in Gabon. ● Luca Perugini is a scholar at Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo in Rome, where he performs "research and analysis..... concerning geopolitical topics, especially focusing on relations between humanitarian affairs and international security; care of editing activities on specific documents and analysis reports realized by the Foundation." (it.linkedin.com/pub/luca-perugini/56/a57/5b2) -- Classnotes Archives, 1992 -- Interview with Fabrice Grinda -- Windy Gancayco-Proham's website -- Fabrice Grinda's blog Back to Top 1993● Dr. Marie-Caroline Piché referred us to her website, which says: ".....I am a family practice physician and recently became an Arbonne consultant. I am a mother of three children, Jean-Sébastien (10), Sarah-Frédérique(8) and Emilie-Rose (6). I am originally from Montréal, Québec. I live in the United States since 2003 and became a US citizen in 2012...." (Click on link below to access her website) ● Dr. Sophie Bartsich wrote: "After obtaining a graduate degree in design, I traveled a bit, then decided to go to medical school after all. In the end, I found a way to pursue medicine without sacrificing my creativity: plastic surgery. I am currently in practice on the upper east side, and affiliated with New York Presbyterian and Lenox Hill hospitals. As a new mom, I long to reconnect with my Lycée family and rejoin it as a parent. I would also be delighted to provide my services for any students, families, or staff that may require them. A bientôt!" ● Dr. Stéphanie (Benzaquen) Levey sent us this update: "Stephanie is a clinical psychologist in private practice in New York City, who specializes in treating mood disorders with cognitive behavioral therapy. She lives with her husband, Stephen and their four children, Julie (12), Daniel (8), Alexandra (7) and Eliana (7)." ● Julien Fronsacq "is a curator, teacher, and art critic based in Paris. He is a graduate of the Ecole du Louvre and the University of Paris/La Sorbonne. He was an assistant to Professor Michel Frizot at the Ecole du Louvre before becoming a teacher at the University of Art and Design Lausanne (ECAL, 2002). Since 2010, he has been involved in ECAL’s visual arts Master's degree program. In parallel to his curatorial practice, Fronsacq has worked in institutions including La Galerie, Noisy-le-Sec and Gallery Jean Brolly. He was director of Forde, Geneva and co-director of the artist-run space Glassbox, Paris. Since 2007, he is curator at the Palais de Tokyo, Paris..... (http://www.banffcentre.ca/event/6307/lecture-series-julien-fronsacq-curators-talk/?d=2013-11-13+16:00) ● Dr. Larisa (Jovanovic) Taylor “has been with Harbour Medical Group since August of 2005. She did her training at Stanford School of Medicine and her internship at University of Southern California- Los Angeles County Medical Center. She went to medical school in New York at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine [MD in 2001]. Going into medical school she was sure she was not going to be an OB-GYN after seeing her father working long hours and doing many middle of the night deliveries. However she fell in love with the field as soon as she started her rotation and has never regretted the decision to go into the same field as her father and brother. Having two children, she understands the joys and tribulations of being a mother. She speaks Spanish.” (http://www.harbormedicalgroupinc.com/meet.php?SectionID=40) ● Dr. Cédric Dassas « est urgentiste au Samu-Smur de Rouen, et chargé de mission d’urgences pour Europ Assistance et Médecins sans frontières. [Il est] l'auteur de Saignant ou à point ? Histoires crues mais tendres d'un médecin urgentiste dans son ambulance. » (http://www.franceculture.fr/emission-grantanfi-medecine-une-formation-tuante-2013-01-09) ● Dr. Pierre Chanoine is a Board Certified pediatrician who received his medical degree from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and completed his residency in pediatrics at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Class of 2001. ● Boris Rothermundt est en charge du Haut Niveau à la Fédération Française de Baseball et Softball. ● Scott Weber “was appointed as Director-General of Interpeace in 2005 by the then-Chairman (2000-2009) of the Governing Council, 2008 Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former President, Martti Ahtisaari. In 2010, Scott was renewed for a second 5-year term. Created by the UN in 1994, Interpeace is an independent international peace building organization and a strategic partner of the United Nations.....Under his leadership, Interpeace has grown significantly in terms of its geographic scope, impact and budget.....Scott was selected as a Young Global Leader (2009) by the World Economic Forum (WEF), an honor bestowed by the WEF each year to recognize the two hundred most distinguished young leaders below the age of 40 from around the world.....Scott began his career in the United Nations. Scott is a member of the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), Chatham House (UK), the Steering Committee of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, and the Advisory Boards of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) & the Center for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF). He holds a BA from Georgetown University and has completed Executive Education Programs on Global Leadership & Public Policy for the 21st Century at Harvard University’s JFK School of Government, and on Transformational Leadership at the Oxford University Saïd Business School. Scott is French and American.” (ch.linkedin.com/pub/scott-weber/4/974/48a) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour voir Olivier Plusquellec, co-fondateur de Odealarose.com dans l'émission le Grand Journal de New York. ● Julien Fronsacq interviewed about 'Les dérives de l’imaginaire' -- Classnotes Archives, 1993 -- Marie-Caroline Piché's website -- Olivier Plusquellec on BFM Business -- Julien Fronsacq on France24 Back to Top 1994● Pauline Fraisse wrote: "A new website for Pauline Fraisse Art & Culture was released in October: www.paulinefraisse.com [or click on link below]. It presents my artwork, but also the classes and workshops I teach in Paris, and occasionnally abroad. It is now possible to register to all classes online, and also to purchase artworks. I will have an exhibition in Lyon, starting [in November, 2014]. It will take place at the LYINC, an international club in Lyon (http://www.thelyinc.com)...... Finally, attached are a few pictures of my work (some on NYC, and some on Lucca, in Tuscany!), and a picture of myself." ● Andrea Zarate shared this: "I didn't graduate in New York with my classmates because my family left to Colombia, South America in 1989, when we were in 6eme. I then moved back to the United States in 1996 to study journalism at the Florida International Univesity in Miami and graduated as class of 2000. Then, in 2004, I moved back to NY for a while and studied Digital Film at the New York Film Academy and then, I moved back to Miami and started working as a freelance journalist for the New York Times. I was what they call a "stringer" or street reporter because I was in charge of going out to do the reporting that was needed on the ground. In 2008, I moved to Peru, South America, where I continue to work for The New York Times and as a freelancer, I also work for a variety of news channels, newspapers, magazines, etc. I am now married to a TV journalist whose name is René Gastelumendi. He's the anchorman for the night time news in Lima's America TV station and he is also a reporter for a Sunday show where he presents in depth reports on the each week's most outstanding political news stories. We are now expecting our first child. My linked in page has more on my career and some of my videos. [click on link below] Many of my classmates are on Facebook and we have each other on our friends list, but there's a few that I have not been able to find like Alex Sales ['94] and Mathieu Lorenzini ['94]. I'd like to send them a shout-pout in case they are around and hope that some day we will make a class reunion in NY!" ● Mélanie Chappuis “grew up between Guatemala, Nigeria, Argentina, Bern and New York before studying literature at the University of Geneva. After obtaining a BA in modern/contemporary history and a DEA from the European Institute of Geneva, she worked as a freelancer in several newspapers. In 2005, while she was working for the Swiss Roman radio, she obtained her BA in Journalism. Her first novel, Frida, was published by Bernard Campiche Publishers in 2008 followed by Des baisers froids comme la lune (Kisses as Cold as the Moon) in 2010. In September 2012, she was granted the Canton of Vaud La relève award , which rewards emerging talents with great potential. In 2013, Maculée conception (Maculate Conception) was published by Luce Wilquin. Mélanie is also the author of the column ‘In the head of’ which is published in the Tuesday edition of the daily newspaper Le Temps.” (https://www.emirateslitfest.com/melanie-chappuis) ● Amy Lyne “is a freelance documentary photographer, whose work focuses on social issues.....After attending La Sorbonne in Paris and Bogazici’s University in Istanbul, Lyne received her BFA in Photography from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, as well as her BA in Art History and French Literature. Lyne has exhibited in galleries and festivals throughout the US and abroad.....Lyne has worked on various humanitarian projects, including a collaboration with Michel Comte from 1999-2002 on “People and Places with No Name”, benefiting the International Committee of the Red Cross’ activities in Angola, Ethiopia and Afghanistan. Lyne was involved in “We are the Future”, a joint effort between Quincy Jones’ Listen Up Foundation and The Glocal Forum, a coalition committed to giving a voice to children living in the world’s most war-ravaged regions. Lyne has also collaborated with Nicolas Hulot, one of Europe’s most respected environmentalists, on “Ushuaia Nature”, a television series about indigenous cultures around the world.....Lyne is currently working on “Seeing”, a project about people living with visual impairment and “Innocence”, a book of her photographs of children from around the world. “ (www.linkedin.com/pub/amy-lyne/6/9/889) ● Agathe (Apparu) Snow “was born on February 1, 1976 in Fontenay-sous-Bois, a village East of Paris, before joining her parents in their newly settled, remote home in the mountains of Corsica, France. Her mother, a Tunisian Jew, and her father, a Corsican, raised goats, sheep, and pigs crossed with wild boars. Under the name U’Spuntino, they prepared and served food to tourists. In late 1987.....Snow moved to New York.....but continued to spend half of each year in Corsica. Upon graduating high school from the Lycée Français de New York, Snow enrolled at McGill University..... After receiving her [BA] in History and Political Science in 1998 she moved to New York. This same year she wed the young artist Dash Snow..... Over the next several years they helped establish an influential community of artists in downtown New York.....Prior to making the sculpture, installations, video, and communal gatherings for which she became known, Snow engaged with the city and her community through undocumented public performances centered on food and dancing. For an early project she provided three meals a week to the public in various sites around the city. This later developed into a collaborative, nomadic kitchen specialized in conceptual feasts. Snow has exhibited widely in international group shows......In 2005.....Snow hosted a 24 hour dance marathon at Ground Zero in lower Manhattan. In 2007 she had her first solo exhibition at James Fuentes LLC in New York, followed by her Berlin solo debut at Peres Projects.....As a culmination of her earlier projects, she hosted a weeklong dance marathon.....preparing a large feast for the closing of the Biennial at the Park Avenue Armory.....At the end of 2008, Snow had her third solo show in New York and then moved to Orient Point, Long Island. In 2009 Snow had her first solo museum show at the Jeu de Paume in Paris. This same year, she completed a solo project at the New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York and performed at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum as part of the 24 -Hour Program on the Concept of Time. In 2011 Snow’s work will be featured at the Deutsche Guggenheim in Berlin.”(http://www.vogtgallery.com/files/agsnbio.pdf) ● Hassiatou Idé Oumarou is an educator at the American International School of Niamey, Niger. Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet (click on links below): ● Vijaya Souri works toward promoting the orderly and humane organization of migrants for the benefit of migrants and societies. ● Portrait de Melanie Chappuis, écrivaine et journaliste. -- Classnotes Archives, 1994 -- Pauline Fraisse's website -- Vijaya Souri on YouTube -- Melanie Chappuis on VIMEO -- Andrea Zapate's LinkedIn page Back to Top 1995............................................... In Memoriam: ● Youssef Damdami († September 30, 2010) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● Athina Vassilakis wrote: "Athina and her husband, Angelo, are living in NYC. They welcomed their first little girl, Artemis Lampousis, this past June." ● Christiana Sciaudone told us that her 3-year-old daughter will be starting at the Lycée Pasteur in São Paulo in February. ● Nicolas Remy nous écrit: "Pause dans le tour du monde à la voile depuis mi-2013 à Nouméa (Nouvelle-Calédonie). Nous reprendrons probablement la mer à la mi-2015 après avoir travaillé deux ans. Entre temps, j'ai réalisé quelques diaporamas de notre dernière destination : la fabuleuse Nouvelle-Zélande. A voir sur https://vimeo.com/channels/fleurdesel !" (Click on link below) ● Anne-E. (Anne-Eizabeth) Wood “is a fiction writer. She has a BA in Dramatic Arts and English from Macalester College and an MFA in Fiction from San Francisco State University. Her collection Two If By Sea won the 2006 Michael Rubin Award. She has taught writing at San Francisco State University, Rutgers University, the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Gotham Writers' Workshop and in homeless shelters, juvenile halls, public schools, and community centers all over the country. She currently lives in Brooklyn where she is at work on a novel.” (http://anneewood.com/about.html) ● Laurent Guiraud-Le Maresquier est avocat associé au Cabinet Guiraud Avocats. ● Laura Poretzky-Garcia “is the Creative Director of Été Swim. Born in France and raised between Paris, Rio de Janeiro and New York, Laura’s international upbringing has strongly influenced her work, which blends French femininity, Brazilian sensuality and American simplicity. Prior to launching Été Swim, Laura founded Abaeté, a complete line of ready-to-wear.....She has presented her collection at New York Fashion Week, where she received wide acclaim and was awarded the UPS Sponsorship for New Designers. A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, Laura’s designs have appeared in Vogue, Elle and Harper’s Bazaar, and her creations have graced the likes of Kate Moss, Rachel Bilson and Jennifer Aniston.” (http://eteswim.com/ETE_Swim/ete_founders_Laura_Poretzky-Garcia_Lily_Maddock_Lauren_Santo_Domingo.html) ● Charles de Bonnecorse is the Director/Head of Sales Spain and EMEA Hub Ambassador at American Express Business Travel Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Christiana Sciaudone is a reporter for Bloomberg News in São Paulo, Brazil. She discusses Apple’s loss of rights to ‘iPhone’ name in Brazil. (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 1995 -- In Memoriam: Youssef Damdami -- Christiana Sciaudone on YouTube -- New Zealand wildlife, on Vimeo, by Nicolas Remy Back to Top 1996● Samuel Cohen Solal is Managing Director & Founding Partner of Sweetwood Capital. “[He] started his career as a corporate/capital markets lawyer at Weil Gotshal & Manges. After a successful experience as an analyst at Rothschild, he joined ABN Amro – Neuflize OBC where he has been working for the past 5 years. He started as a fund manager where he managed three listed funds.....The funds were awarded and quoted in various finance reviews. Following this experience he was promoted as Head of Strategy for Asia and Commodities for the Bank.....Finally, two years ago, he has been appointed on the board of Neuflize Chine Selection and moved to the private banking side of the Bank to manage ultra high and high net worth individuals. Samuel graduated with honors with a BA in political science from the University of Chicago, and with a master in Management at HEC.....while studying law at the Sorbonne. Samuel also serves on the board of Neuflize Chine Selection, the University of Chicago Alumni Board of Governors as well as the board of trustees of La Fondation des Etats-Unis." (http://www.sweetwoodcapital.com/management-team/) ● Daniela (Shafir) Weitzman is the chapter service manager at the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners. ● Leilah Broukhim gave a Flamenco performance at the LFNY on October 21, 2014. Photos of her performance can be seen by clicking on the link below. ● Timothée Fraisse “is an investor and partner at MFGI, a privately held investment holding. Before joining MFGI, [he] worked 3 years for McKinsey & Company, a leading management consulting firm where he served a range of clients, from global public institutions to pharmaceutical majors, healthcare providers and banking corporations […..] Before joining McKinsey, [he] spent 6 years at the Geneva University Hospital as a resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Beside his 10-year clinical experience, he has significant understanding of clinical trials methodology and pharmacological products development and led more than 30 scientific articles or international congress lectures in the field. [He] holds an MD from Université de Lausanne (2008), a Master in Biological Sciences and Pharmacology from Université de Lyon (2006), a Master in Management from the Ecole Sup. de Commerce de Paris (2008) and was awarded the European Diploma in Pharmaceutical Medicine (2004).” (fr.linkedin.com/in/timotheefraisse) ● Andres Santo Domingo “also known as Dre to his friends.....is heavily involved in the indie music scene as he is the co-owner and president of Kemado Records.....a Brooklyn-based independent label that is devoted to helping vinyl maintain a foothold in the modern world.....Growing up in New York, [he] attended St. Bernard’s school for Boys, and later went on to get his Bachelors in Art (Comparative Literature) at Brown. Andres married Lauren Santo Domingo (née Davis) in 2008 in a lavish ceremony in Cartagena, Columbia in which she wore a Nina Ricci gown that took 1,200 hours to make. Andres met Lauren in Paris in 2001. Andres..... supports quite a few non-profits through both the Santo Domingo family and personally. He is a supporter of Conservation International, an organization which defends natural resources throughout the world, and has donated money to the family charity: the Fundación Mario Santo Domingo which is dedicated to developing programs for the poorest members of society in Colombia. Andres serves on several boards and committees with his wife.....Lauren and Andres live in [the] Gramercy area.....with their son, Nicolas and young second child.” (http://www.andres-santo-domingo.com/) ● Jocelyne Khau est chef des ventes (STEINER et Dunlopillo) chez Cauval Industries, et marketing manager chez La Ric Cosmetics. ● Dr. Valerie Lemithe est chirurgien dentiste (Stomatologue-orthopediste maxillo-facial) à Port-au-Prince, Haïti. Elle est diplômée en 2004 de Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco, au Mexique. -- Classnotes Archives, 1996 -- Leilah Broukhim at the LFNY Back to Top 1997● Ki Mae Heussner “covers New York startups, with a particular focus on companies in the retail/e-commerce, health, finance and education sectors. She joined GigaOM from Adweek, where she was a staff writer covering technology. Prior to that, she produced the science and technology section for ABCNews.com and reported on topics ranging from social media and innovation to space and science fiction.” (http://schedule.sxswedu.com/speakers/speaker_537671) ● Aymeric Suncic est « journaliste spécialiste d’Internet et des nouvelles technologies. Il travaille actuellement pour l’émission ‘Sur le Net’ diffusée sur France 24. Amateur de séries US et de films d'animation, il est membre fondateur de l’association ‘Les Grands Manitous'. » (http://www.edysseus.com/editions/auteur-template.php?auteur=Aymeric%20Suncic) ● Sylvie Honig “is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago. Her research interests include life course theory, with an emphasis on the transition to adulthood, gender, family, and urban sociology. She specializes in qualitative methods, including ethnography and interviews. In her dissertation, Untangling the apron strings: Making sense of the delayed transition to adulthood, she explores the connection between gender, parental dependence, romantic partnership, and subjective feelings of adulthood. Relying on over 1000 pages of qualitative data from in-depth interviews with college-educated young adults, she finds gender differences in the construction of adult identity. Because relational work is deeply embedded in feminine identity, family roles remain more salient for women’s subjective feelings of adulthood. In postponing marriage, parenthood, and the adoption of new family, women are more likely identify primarily with the default role of child and feel financially and emotionally attached and indebted to their parents.” (http://sylviehonig.weebly.com/index.html) ● Maria Salazar-Ferro “became a coordinator for the Committee to Protect Journalists’ (CPJ) Assistance Program and the Campaign Against Impunity in January 2009 after working for four years as research associate for CPJ's Americas program. She is a native of Bogotá, Colombia, and grew up in New York. Fluent in Spanish, English, and French, Salazar-Ferro has a master's in anthropology from Universidad de los Andes, in Bogotá, and graduated from the University of Virginia with a bachelor's degree in anthropology and comparative literature. She has worked for the United Nations Fund for Population Aid as a researcher in a project on sexual and reproductive health among young refugees in Colombia. She also conducted research on HIV/AIDS prevention in Latin America for the International Planned Parenthood Federation and has worked for Inter-Press Services in New York as an associate reporter.” (https://cpj.org/press/maria-salazar-ferro.php) ● Malek Djoudi is the Head of Supply Chain at the Middle East Consumer division L'Oreal. ● Dr. Henri-Charles Ozarovsky "is currently part of the Group Strategy & Development senior management team at International Airlines Group (IAG)." He obtained a PhD (Turbulent Reacting Flows) in 2006 from the Imperial College, London. ● Elisabeth Madec Foley is a Project Manager III at Pharm-Olam International. ● Robin Burke is the Director of Communications at Serge Doré Sélections (an importer of signature wines) --Classnotes Archives, 1997 Back to Top 1998● Julia (Lutzke) Evans wrote: "I am now living in the Baltimore area with my husband and my 20 month old son. My husband found a better paying job and I have the full time job of being a mother. We are expecting our second child in May, 2015!" ● Grégoire De Monicault wrote: "Dear all, it is with great pleasure that I present to you Thomas my son. Born on May 29th in Paris. He is the pride of our eyes, even if he isn't letting us sleep a lot yet." ● Anouk Lloren “holds a postdoctoral research fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation (February 2014-August 2015). Her research proposes a general assessment of how socially disadvantaged groups influence (or not) policy outcomes in democracies. Within the field of political behavior, her work relates to political participation, representation, gender and socio-economic inequalities.....She was formerly deputy lecturer at the Department of Political Science (University of Geneva) where she taught political behavior. She received her PhD in June 2012 from the University of Geneva. Her thesis analyzed the link between descriptive and substantive representation of women in the Swiss Parliament.” (http://alloren.net/) ● Vanessa Wildenstein is a self-employed art critic and copy editor. (Click on link below to access one of Vanessa's articles) ● Nicolas Tritsch obtained a PhD in neuroscience in 2010 at The Johns Hopkins University School of Médicine. He is currently a postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard Medical School. ● Sushanti Campana is an international contracting manager at ByHours.com (an online international booking platform that offers hotel rooms by the hour and the flexibility to choose the time of check-in and check-out) ● Stéphane Béchio is the supervisor of operations at the Canadian Stock Transfer Trust Company. Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet (Click on link below): ● Soraya Broukhim's reel -- Classnotes Archives, 1998 -- Soraya Broukhim on Vimeo -- A Thousand Doors: A Journey into Knowledge and Language, by Vanessa Wildenstein Back to Top 1999● Luke Hornblower wrote: "After four years of law school in the US and an additional year studying in a Russian law school on a John Hazard Fellowship, Luke Hornblower has joined a partnership of financial jurists in Geneva, Switzerland." Editor's note: Luke "is a Partner of Deschenaux, Hornblower & Partners, LLP. A graduate of Wesleyan University (BA, ’05), Loyola Law School, Los Angeles (JD, ’12), and Georgetown University Law Center (LLM in Securities and Financial Regulation, ’13), where he graduated with distinction and on the Dean’s List, Mr. Hornblower was awarded the second iteration of the prestigious John Hazard Fellowship, a grant established in 2008 by The John Hazard Institute to advance understanding, through the study of foreign legal systems, of countries that have had a historically strained relationship with the United States. As the John Hazard Fellow for Russia from 2013 to 2014, Mr. Hornblower studied Russian law at National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia with a diverse cohort of law students from various parts of the former Soviet Union. Prior to law school, Mr. Hornblower worked for [several] investment firms..... During law school he gained additional experience in the Summer Honors Law Program at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the Division of Trading and Markets, as an extern for two judges at the United States District Court, Central District of California, at the Investment Adviser Association (IAA) in Washington D.C, finally returning to the SEC to participate in the Law Student Observer Program in the Division of Investment Management. A fluent French and Russian speaker, Mr. Hornblower is a member of the Bar in New York and New Jersey.” (ch.linkedin.com/in/lukehornblower) ● Giles McGrath: “I was born in Australia and have been fortunate enough to live all around the world. Unfortunately while surfing eludes me, I am great with a BBQ, and extraordinary at creating consumer behavior changing advertising. My area of expertise lies in creating digital centric advertising which span multiple media touch-points. I am truly a strategist, creative leader and exemplary presenter. While living in the United States I have taken up sailing, and snowboarding, both of which I briefly instructed. I also enjoy scuba diving when the opportunity arises. I reside in Manhattan with my wife and two dogs….. I am also biligual in French and English which allows me to view creative problems solving through multiple lenses.” (http://www.gilesmcgrath.com/about-me/) ● Laura Mamelok is a literary agent (foreign rights) at Susanna Lea Associates ● Alienor de Béjarry est Formateur Vacataire dans la Prévention des risques professionnels ● Saran Camara est Gestionnaire Sinistres Loyers Impayés chez Verspieren ● Aristia Kinis is the Director of Development at the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Partnership Fund, Inc. -- Classnotes Archives, 1999 Back to Top 2000● Amandine Goy wrote: "I relocated to NYC last year, as director of marketing for Givenchy. And, I am expecting a baby girl for December 15th." ● Stéphane Gallet shared this with us: "I am currently located on three continents, running Halcyon Tours, dedicated to active holidays and adventures in Europe, Asia, and South America. Halcyon is based in Brasilia, Brasil, with operations in France and the US. We design private tours and family tours, and our motto is Halcyon Tours: Active Body, Peaceful Mind. Come cycling the vineyards of Provence with us, or enjoy a cooking/fashion tour of Paris or Milan.....To all alumni, connect with me on Linkedin for alumni deals: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sgallet or visit www.halcyontours.com.....Pedal on" ● Basil Agrocostea told us that he: "attended the Lycee Francais de New York from 1989 to 1996. To his chagrin, he didn't complete his studies at the Lycée alongside his dear classmates. Nonetheless, he credits the beloved institution for developing his intellectual agility and grueling work ethic. He moved his Accounting and Tax office (www.agroaccounting.com) at 49th Street and Madison Avenue this year. Ever the hard worker, he is in the process of starting a real estate investment firm with profits made on a deal in his personal name." ● Evelyne White wrote that she "is happy to be back in NYC after 10 years of moving around Europe and various cities on the East Coast. She's even happier to have taken the entrepreneurial plunge and launched a startup for food-loving globe-trotters.....www.BookaLokal.com, a network that connects [people] to private culinary events hosted by local food entrepreneurs - chefs, local restaurants, supper club hosts - all around the world. Born in Brussels, the network has grown to over 10,000 members in 43 countries.....Evelyne would love to connect with other food lovers and entrepreneurs or old classmates in the NY area. Just email her at evelynecwhite@gmail.com." ● Laura Lehmann “is the founder of website 20to30 [http://20to30.com/], a collection of interactive video interviews of global thinkers and shapers speaking about their professional and personal journeys. She seeks to aid our generation’s difficulties in forging a life path and balancing one’s true passion with a professional vocation, in order to become a go-to resource for wrestling with these existential and universal issues.” (http://spiderwebmeblog.com/2014/03/12/laura-lehmann-on-asking-the-right-questions/) ● “Born in New York City, Mar Urrestarazu is a Scenic and Production Designer holding an MFA from NYU/Tisch School of the Arts. With a background in architectural design, Mar has developed her interest in space and its relationship with the characters that inhabit it, as well as their emotional attachment to their environment.” (www.linkedin.com/pub/mar-urrestarazu/29/8b5/a86) ● Anthony Sandrik is Vice President for Executive Recruitment at WPP ● Alienor Schricke Régis est infirmière a l’Hôpital Robert Debré ● Kalygan Poletto est assistante parlementaire à Assembleia Legaislativa do Paraná (Brazil) ● Pierre Julien Tritsch est rédacteur scientifique chez Alma Consulting Group ● Eric Seburyamo is a senior consultant at Veeva Systems ● Laurence Harvey est Conseillère senior en vérification d'optimisation des ressources, au Vérificateur général du Québec -- Classnotes Archives, 2000 Back to Top 2001● Olivia (Wildenstein) Abittan shared a story she wrote --"The Brink"--and said : "I had a bit of mid-life (hopefully not mid-life -- more like a third-of-my-life) crisis, thus was born the following story. I wrote it on my actual birthday and this is the first time it will be printed. I also have a writing blog www.oliviawildenstein.com." (Click on PdF file below to read the story, and click on link to access Olivia’s blog) ● Camille Wiart wrote: "I am happy to share the arrival of our newborn son: Paul was born on August 13th 2014 to Pierre-Alexandre Bourdel and Camille Wiart ('01). We currently live in Brooklyn, New York. Attached is a photo of the three of us." ● Akli Hadid shared this with us: "It's been over 20 years since I left the lycée. I was in 8eme and 7eme between 1992 and 1994 in Mr. Poupon's class (8eme) and Mr. Denisot's class (7eme). I was in touch with some of my former classmates through Facebook but three-dimensional communication makes me really anxious so I decided I did not belong to the world of Facebook and lost touch with most of my former classmates since. Anyway, since leaving the lycée I lived in Mozambique for a year, Colombia for a year, Turkey for 4 years, and Algeria for 2 years where I obtained my bac L. I went on to study LEA (basically English and Spanish) at the University of Nanterre and got my licence there. I then did an MA in Peace Studies at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Korea and decided to settle in Korea with my fiancée. I'm in the final stages of my Ph.D. in Korean Studies, and have taught English at several venues in Korea. Currently I am the Foreign Affairs assistant coordinator at a local university, taking care of exchange students' needs. After completing my Ph.D. I hope I can pursue a career in academia. I publish in academic journals and am a guest columnist at the Korea Times and the Diplomat Magazine [click on link below] and a frequent guest on the Korean radio. I specialize in language education in Korea and multiculturalism so most of my publications are ethnographies of language teachers, language learners and immigrant populations in Korea. My fiancée is a Korean diplomat, so who knows, we might end up in the City and send our kids to the lycée!" ● From David Benzaquen: "Married in June of 2014 to Karla R. Benzaquen (née Jovel). Stepfather to Chloe Kent. Founded PlantBased Solutions, a marketing agency for plant-based products, in 2012." ● From Maria Livia Brauzzi: "I got married on the 6th of September in Rome and had the immense pleasure to have Marie-Amélie (Deucher) Fournier Montgieux ('01) as my bridesmaid, and Amélie Petit ('01) ,and Emmanuel Pasquier (our Philosophy teacher) as guests." ● Aurelie Dilain wrote: "Unfortunately I lost contact with everyone I was with at the Lycée (from 1992 to 1998). I would love to get back in touch with former classmates. Please write to me at: aurelie.dilain@noos.fr" ● Paul Ziadé wrote: “My associate and I have just launched our social business, and I would love to introduce it as I believe that it could be inspiring to highlight a social entrepreneurship created by an Alumni! And of course, our platform could benefit from some publicity :-) The concept is simple: alternative tourism funding social activities.... So we put together guides or service providers (professionals or amateurs) and travelers seeking a unique customized journey through our website. And we invest 50% of our net profit to fund humanitarian, cultural or environmental actions in the countries visited! Please check it out - www.u2guide.com - and let me know what you think?” (Click on link below to access Paul's website) ● Bruno Ly : « Ce jeune entrepreneur a connu ses débuts en humour sur la scène anglophone de la métropole, mais c’est en 2009, lors d’une représentation mémorable au Saint-Ciboire que Bruno Ly a découvert l’univers de l’humour francophone. Depuis plus de 3 ans, cet humoriste au charisme hors pair ne cesse de se produire dans les soirées d’humour de la relève Québécoise [.....] Bruno a eu le privilège de jouir d’une expérience inoubliable avec En Compagnie Créole aux côtés de l’excellent Richardson Zephir et l’énigmatique Dorothy Rhau. Cette année, Bruno animera un show du tonnerre bilingue, puisque l’humoriste est reconnu pour ses performances en français et en anglais dans son parcours professionnel. » (http://zoofest.com/fr/artistes/bruno-ly) ● Aurora Ixchel Pellizzi “was born in Mexico City to an Italian father and an American mother. Her parents, both anthropologists, raised her between Cuernavaca's tropical canyons and the island of Manhattan in New York. Growing up, she regularly visited Mexican indigenous communities with craft traditions; she visited the homes and studied the work of textile weavers from southern Mexico and amate painters from central Mexico. In Taxco, she practiced silversmithing in the studios and workshops of master silversmiths. She studied contemporary and modern art history at NYU (B.A. 2005) and painting, video and sculpture at The Cooper Union School of Art (B.F.A. 2010). Her work as a painter incorporates her experiences with traditional craft while employing contemporary materials and technology….. She is now living and working in New Haven, Connecticut, after a yearlong practice in Bogotá, Colombia.” (http://artspacenh.org/artists/Aurora_Pellizzi) ● Youssef Benlamlih “is half Moroccan and half Panamanian and grew up in Morocco, Oman, Djibouti, Malawi, Kuwait and the United States. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from Drew University, and a Master’s degree in International Affairs from the New School in New York City. While pursuing his education he studied abroad at the University of Asmara in Eritrea, and also worked on the easternmost Indonesian Island of Papua as a Research Intern interviewing indigenous entrepreneurs. Prior to starting his real estate career, he worked with the United Nations, the International Rescue Committee, and the United States Agency for International Development. On the side he is an avid musician, singer and a long-time rock music fan, and currently plays with various bands in NYC. As a fluent French speaker, with strong Spanish conversational skills, Youssef enjoys any opportunity to interact with people from a variety of backgrounds.” (www.linkedin.com/in/youssefbenlamlih) ● Clarisse Lehmann “is the founder of Ramblingmuse.com, a website featuring travel stores, recipes, food reviews, snarky charts as well as videos all centered around the bon vivant lifestyle. She grew up in Switzerland and New York City and has lived in Tokyo and London.” (http://globallivingmagazine.com/letters-to-the-editor-clarisse/) (Click on link below to access Clarisse’s website) ● Igor Hansen-Love: « Après une enfance passée entre l’Asie et les Etats-Unis, [il] est arrivé en France en 2001 pour y étudier la philo à l’université de Paris I. Avec un master en poche, il rejoint LEXPRESS.fr en 2009 où il s’occupe des rubriques télé et musique en particulier et de la culture de façon plus générale. » ● Anne-Christine Ophèle est Chef de produit Senior, Joaillerie chez Cartier ● Lucette Akplogan is a project financial consultant at Corporate Finance Advisors ● Stephen D'Incelli is Vice President at Sun Capital Partners Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Interview with Aurora Ixchel Pellizzi (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 2001 -- 'The Brink', by Olivia Wildenstein ('01) -- Aurora Ixchel Pellizzi on YouTube -- Clarisse Lehmann's website -- 'English Education in Korea: Unrealistic Expectations', by Akli Hadid -- Olivia (Wildenstein) Abittan's blog -- Paul Ziadé's U2Guide website Back to Top 2002● Victor Demarchelier “was born and raised in New York. Having grown up in the fashion industry, he had an appreciation very early on for photography and fashion. Victor studied economics and fine art at Vassar College with a particular focus on printmaking. Shortly after graduating from college he began working with Patrick Demarchelier. Victor’s work has appeared in Vogue, Vogue Paris, Vogue China, Vogue Japan, Vogue Spain, Vogue Germany, Vogue Russia, Teen Vogue, Bazaar, Bazaar Australia, Interview, V, 25Mag, and Wonderland.” (http://victordemarchelier.net/biography) ● Sibile Marcellus "is a broadcast journalist. Sibile worked at the U.S. Embassy in Paris as a junior Foreign Service officer. She began her journalism career as an intern at ABC’s World News Tonight with Peter Jennings and quickly became one of ABC News’ youngest anchors. At age 23, she delivered her first live news brief on ABC News Now, providing on-air coverage of breaking domestic and international news stories.....As a production associate and translator for ABC News Nightline, Sibile led ABC to the Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism “How to Buy a Child in Ten Hours.” At Yale University, Sibile majored in French, Italian, and German. She competed for Yale’s Varsity Track Team and produced the very first Yale figure skating show “Ivy on Ice.”........At 15, she became a Miss NY Teen USA pageant finalist. From 14 to 18, she competed in Olympic figure skating trials and is a two-time medalist at the Empire State Games. In high school, she was a champion at the Horace Mann Model United Nations competition three times. She has done piano and theater performances at Carnegie Hall, the Merkin Concert Hall, and Florence Gould Hall. She won six consecutive “Prix d’Excellence” awards of the Banque Nationale de Paris at the Lycée Français.....Sibile, who was born and raised in NYC, knows France, Italy, Germany, Haiti, and has been around several states in the U.S.” (http://www.dwight.edu/podium/default.aspx?t=204&nid=833632&bl=back&rc=0) ● Adel Oberto is an Italian director and editor, currently at the National Film & Television School in London. "I was born and raised as a hard working and creative person by my parents, a painting restorer and a visual artist who has participated to the Biennale exhibition in Venice. I lived in New York City, Genoa and Pisa until I eventually moved to London, where I graduated at the NFTS (National Film and Television School) in 2012. While studying, I edited short films, music videos, promos and documentaries. I am a free-lance collaborator, as Editor and Assistant Editor, to several features and TV-productions in the United Kingdom and Italy. I have also been collaborating for international cultural institutions like the Venice Film Festival, the University of Sorbonne in Paris, the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa and the Bjcem - Biennal of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean. The films I worked on have been screened and awarded by film festivals all over the world.....This intense and successful practice, which allows me to follow and be responsible of the whole post-production process, helps me to refine myself as a storyteller, creating high-class films and stories out of very low budgets. This side of my career experience is fortunately continuing during my staying in the UK. I look forward to working in the UK, Italy and Europe as as Editor and Assistant Editor, cutting short and feature films, commercials and documentaries." (http://www.filmandtvpro.com/uk/view.php?uid=437560) ● Nazim Djoudi is a body system engineer at Ford Motor Company. ● Raphael Vergnaud is a marketing & communications project officer at SportAccord. ● Chiara Molinari Giorgi is an operations manager (conferences) at UBM Canon. ● Adela Khadir is a commodities derivatives broker at SCS Commodities Corp. ● Kerstyn Dioulo is a publicist at Glow Connection. -- Classnotes Archives, 2002 Back to Top 2003● Celine Leboeuf: "I'm a Ph.D. candidate in the Harvard Philosophy Department. My academic interests include 20th century French and German philosophy, feminist philosophy, and the philosophy of race. My dissertation examines the thesis that the body is socially constructed from the perspective of phenomenology. It offers an ontology of the body, according to which the body is socially constituted, and which lays the groundwork for phenomenologies of sexed and racialized experience. I have over three years of experience teaching undergraduates in the Philosophy Department and in the Program in General Education at Harvard. I have also advised undergraduates studying philosophy in my capacity as Assistant Head Tutor in the Philosophy Department." (www.linkedin.com/in/celineleboeuf) ● Claudine Ivari: “The elegant silhouette of a busy pin-up! That’s the impression that [she] leaves on you when you meet her. Gentle yet firm, vibrant yet determined, brimming with poetry an intense energy: a series of contradictions that give her the perfect profile of a designer. So where does this vocation come from? A mother and a grandmother passionate about fashion and, a multi-cultural family.....Claudine studied History of Art and Business Management at the American University of Paris. And, from art to fashion, there was just one step ... that Claudine eventually took by integrating the famous Esmod fashion school. She graduated from the New Couture section, and in 2009, supported by her family, she created her very own fashion house.....She set up an haute couture studio and surrounded herself with the finest masters of this art: embroiderers, modelists, technicians. An historic building situated at 79 bis, avenue Marceau houses her showroom, a magnificent champagne-colour boutique and with and four sisters as models and muses the adventure begins. The designer develops a ready-to-wear concept, 100% made in France….. With her attentive ear and the generosity she shows by sharing her know-how, she offers women the rare luxury of being, quite simply unique!” (http://www.modemonline.com/fashion/mini-web-sites/fashion-brands/references/claudineivari) ● Jana De Asis Benitez: "Have you heard of Jana Benitez? She's a US-based Filipino artist who made her debut at the young age of 12 and had her first exhibit at Ayala Museum. She grew up in Manhattan's Upper East Side, not surprising being the daughter of Jose Conrado Benitez, president of PWU and Joanne De Asis, a New York investment banker. She's an alumna of Brown, a prestigious Ivy League university, she graduated Magna Cum Laude in Visual Arts. She's been to Chile, France, China and New Zealand to name a few. And now she's back in the Philippines to display her new work entitled Life Force." (http://theglasssneakers.blogspot.fr/2014/08/life-force-by-jana-benitez.html) ● Thomas Travis is an associate at McKinsey & Company ● Stefan Portay "is a French-America citizen living in San Francisco. He [was] the Director of Business Development for Desmo, a social entrepreneur, and has experience and interest in marketing and communications of CSR initiatives." (http://socialcapitalmarkets.net/social_entrepreneur/stefan-portay-desmo/) Presently, he is the Global Citizen Manager at the Global Poverty Project. ● Salwa Benyaich is a digital video sales planner at Condé Nast Entertainment & TheScene.com Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Claudine Ivari interview: AvantgardistsTV (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 2003 -- Claudine Ivari on Vimeo Back to Top 2004● Hugo Yoshikawa “is a French-Japanese freelance illustrator. He has travelled the world from a young age, growing up in places such as Tokyo, Bangkok and New York. He discovered his love for drawing when he was 10 years old, reading his first French comic (Belgium to be precise) "Spirou et Fantasio". Taking inspiration from this comic and experiences from different cultures, Hugo went on to study illustration at Camberwell College of Arts (University of the Arts London). Since graduating in 2008 he's built his portfolio, from his comic blog to internships at design houses in Madrid and Tokyo. After spending some time as an apprentice in the mountains of Gunma Japan with artist Hitoji Tsukagoshi, he now lives in London.” (http://www.behance.net/luckyriver) ● Natalie Musteata “is a Ph.D. student in Art History at The Graduate Center, CUNY, and an adjunct lecturer at Kingsborough College. She earned a B.A. with Highest Honors from The University of California, Berkeley. In 2008 she collaborated with Jens Hoffmann on “The Wizard of Oz”, an exhibition at the CCA Wattis Institute. From 2009-2010 she worked as Curatorial Fellow and Research Assistant at Performa. Her essay, “Wired to History: Romanian and Lithuanian Video Art Post 1989” was published on the Former West website. More recently, she participated in “To Act or Not to Act: Ethics in Romanian Cinema”, a conference at the University of Pittsburgh.” (http://curatorsintl.org/collaborators/natalie_musteata) ● Vanessa Terrier is Senior Specialist, PR & Corporate Communications, at Bridgestone Europe ● Simon Seroussi is a co-founder of ProDev Israel. "I am a French/Israeli University of Cambridge graduate and young professional interested in the fields of International Relations, Business in Africa, Strategy and Research. I recently completed a masters of International Relations at the University of Cambridge (focus on Economics and African Studies). I also hold a BA of International Affairs and Middle Eastern studies from the IDC in Herzlyia, Israel....." (il.linkedin.com/pub/simon-seroussi/65/6b1/621) ● Perri Ravon “is currently pursuing an LL.M. degree at New York University. [She] joined Power Law in 2014 after having worked for two years at a national law firm. In 2011-2012, Perri clerked for the Honourable Madam Justice Marie Deschamps of the Supreme Court of Canada. Fully bilingual, Perri focuses her practice on constitutional law, judicial review and appellate litigation. Perri obtained her degrees in civil law and common law at McGill University, where she received several distinctions for her academic achievement. During law school, Perri won the Laskin national moot in constitutional and administrative law with the McGill team, and finished third best oralist in the competition. Perri's experience in international human rights law enriches her practice pertaining to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Perri clerked at the Inter American Court of Human Rights, and interned with several human rights organizations, including Equitas, Rights and Democracy, and Human Rights First. Perri also holds a degree in philosophy from McGill University, where she graduated with the Prince of Wales Gold Medal.” (http://www.juristespower.ca/english/bios/bio-ravon.php) ● Julien Decanali is an associate buyer for Men's Designer Collections at Barneys New York ● Marie-Elise McNeeley is currently an Operations Assistant at the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra. She "began her violin studies at the age of 3 with Yvrose Phillipe-Auguste in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She was made a permanent member of the Orchestre Philharmonique de Sainte Trinité, Haiti’s only professional orchestra, at 9 years of age. In 1998, she was admitted into the Pre-College Division of the Juilliard School, where she joined the studio of Shirley Givens. In 2002, she was the winner of the annual concerto competition, making her Lincoln Center debut playing Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 5 with the Pre-College Symphony. In 2007, Marie-Élise won First Prize at the NANM Local, Regional and National Competitions. She has also won permanent positions in the Flint Symphony and the Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra. Marie-Élise received her Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Michigan, where she was a recipient of the Sphinx Scholarship.....” (http://www.mayomusic.org/outreach_bio.html) ● Irina (Paroz) Krier has a PhD in science, specialized in bioinformatics and genomics. Elle est "membre de l'assemblée communale de Renens [Suisse], dans le groupe des Verts. Membre de la commission d'urbanisme depuis plusieurs années, présidente pour l'année 2013-2014, je m'engage particulièrement dans les thématiques de l'urbanisme durable et de la mobilité douce. D'autres thèmes qui me tiennent à cœur sont la mixité sociale, la gestion des déchets et la conservation de l'énergie." (ch.linkedin.com/pub/irina-krier/16/664/942) ● Marie-Laure Dubois is a NYC Teaching Fellow and a dual language (French-English) 3rd grade teacher at PS 133 in Brooklyn. -- Classnotes Archives, 2004 Back to Top 2005............................................... In Memoriam: ● Jean-Abraham Py († October 2, 2013) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ............................................... ● 10 YEAR CLASS REUNION IN 2015: Message from Justine Goy:"Hello Class of 2005! I'm sure you've all been leading busy lives and doing fantastic things, so much so that you failed to realize that we graduated almost 10 years ago! I know I find it a bit difficult to believe - time has just flown by. To mark this momentous occasion, I'd like to invite you to a 10-year reunion with laughs and booze galore. Where: The rooftop, LFNY; When: 08/08/2015 Can you please fill out this very quick form by December 12, 2014 to let me know if you're coming? http://goo.gl/forms/lKCJQxaa8K (Click on link below) Many thanks and see you soon!" ● Nicole Bucyana Bushayija is a Business Development and Research Assistant at Social Development Direct. Prior to that, she had “joined the World Bank in 2008 and [worked] in the Finance and Infrastructure division of the World Bank Institute as a Program Assistant. During the past two years Nicole, a native speaker of French interned in several place where she closely worked with the United Nations Development Program and the Ministry of Education in Niger, where she assisted women development programs in rural areas i.e women with Fistula programs. In Early 2008, she interned at the United Nations Credit Development Fund where she worked on Legal and Institutional systems for Local Governments for low income countries. Ms. Bucyana holds a BA in French literature and International relations from Wheaton College in Norton, MA (2008).” (http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/WBI/WBIPROGRAMS/PPPILP/0,,contentMDK:20268183~pagePK:64156158~piPK:64152884~theSitePK:461102,00.html) ● Imad Mesdoua told us that he " is a political analyst at Africa Matters Limited. He specialises in the Maghreb (North Africa) and West Africa. He previously worked as a political risk analyst for a number of consultancies including the Mintz Group and Pasco Risk Management. Imad monitors political risk, security, and terrorism threats in these regions. He regularly provides on-air analysis as a guest commentator for the BBC, Al Jazeera and France 24. Imad previously worked as a political consultant in the MENA region, advising political officials, electoral candidates and international organisations, including the United Nations, on policy and political communication. He also worked as a freelance journalist, writing extensively for a wide range of international and regional publications. Imad has appeared before several government hearings. He holds a master's degree in International Public Policy from the University College London (UCL) and is fluent in Arabic, French, English and Spanish." ● Pierre-Alexandre Pont is a program coordinator at Soccer Shots. ● Samantha Elghanayan is Chief of Staff at Tugende, which creates "opportunity through ownership by kick-starting financial independence for Ugandan motorcycle taxi drivers (boda bodas)" (www.linkedin.com/pub/samantha-elghanayan/a/399/746) ● Marie Grob told us that she is the guest services and front office supervisor at a Kimpton hotel. She also does graphic design and illustration as freelance contracts part-time these days. ● Kharis Gonzalez is an account executive at DHL ● Alice Townes is a tax associate at Shearman & Sterling LLP. ● Valentina Calastri is a Registered Nurse at NYU Langone Medical Center. Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet (Click on links below): ● Marie Grob introduces herself ● Imad Mesdoua "talks to the BBC [regarding] PM Cameron in Algeria" -- Classnotes Archives, 2005 -- In Memoriam: Jean-Abraham Py -- Marie Grob on Vimeo -- RSVP for 10 Year Reunion -- Imad Mesdoua on YouTube Back to Top 2006● Lys-Aelia Hart wrote: "A short message from the Hart sisters! Joy ('05) and I have been living in Paris for about four years now. We both work as producers, organizing photo and video shoots for ad campaigns, editorials, digital marketing content etc. We certainly miss New York but European life is proving to be quite lovely as well, especially since our parents moved here two years ago. As always, we will continue to have only the fondest of memories of [LFNY and] FASNY and hope you and all students, faculty and alumni are doing well!Attached is a photo of the both of us this summer." ● From Yasemin Gunday: "I am currently living in New Orleans and working as an attorney at a national law firm down here. I practice commercial litigation and employment law, including employment based immigration law. I love New Orléans, especially for its international feel, unique culture and joie de vivre attitude. I try to keep my ties to French by serving as a board member of the alliance française in New Orleans and speaking French whenever I have the chance." ● Matthieu Hauret : "I am a recent graduate from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama where I have studied a Masters program in Acting for Screen. So far, I have had the honour to work with notable people such as Martin McKellan (Voice Practitioner at Shakespeare's Globe), Paul Harris (choreographer / movement director best known for his work on Films: Entrapment and Harry Potter; and TV series: Bleak House) and Rebecca Gatward (director BBC TV series: Doctors, EastEnders, Casualty), amongst many others. This and my previous experience working in Theatre and Musical productions in London, Paris and New York has not only allowed me to grow as an artist but also as a person....." (http://www.castingcallpro.com/uk/view.php?uid=523524) (Click on link below to access Matthieu's website) ● Adam Zivkovic told us that he "is a Los Angeles based actor, dancer and choreographer. He has worked in theater, film, television, concert dance, music videos and dance film." Editor's Note: Adam "was born and raised in New York City, graduated from Princeton University, and lives in Los Angeles.....[where] he recently appeared in the Jipe Moyo Benefit Dance Concert at Diavolo Dance Theater downtown, and is currently working with C. Eule Dance Company. Coming up soon, he will be dancing in The Nutcracker Unbound at the El Portal Theater in North Hollywood on December 6th and 7th. Look out for Adam in upcoming feature films Fidelio and Life of an Actress!" (http://www.adamzivkovic.com/about/) ● Alexander Jares is a graduate student in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology and an M.D./Ph.D. candidate in the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) at Stony Brook Medicine. "I am interested in developing pre-clinical models for safe and efficient regenerative medicine therapies for hematologic diseases. My research training is focused on cell therapy, stem cell biology, and novel reprogramming and in situ genomic editing strategies for the generation of target therapeutic tissues." (www.linkedin.com/in/alexanderjares) ● Denise Buna is an enterprise consultant (Account Development Team) at Dow Jones. ● Thomas Jaspers est Stratège Junior chez FCB Global. ● Ferroudja Smaili is an account executive at Insight Enterprises, Inc. ● Yasemin Gunday “joined Phelps Dunbar as an associate in the firm’s commercial litigation practice group. Ms. Gunday attended Tulane University Law School, where she received her J.D. magna cum laude in 2012. She completed her undergraduate studies at New York University in 2009, where she received a B.A. in Politics and Romance Languages. Fluent in French, Spanish, and Turkish, Ms. Gunday is licensed to practice law in Louisiana. She is a member of the American Bar Association.....Prior to joining Phelps Dunbar, Ms. Gunday was a judicial intern for the Hon. Eldon E. Fallon of U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana and the Hon. Mary Ann Vial Lemmon of U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana." (http://phelpsdunbar.com/news-events/news/?action=detail&id=125) ● Marie Lancino: "Having completed a Master’s degree in Business Administration at ESSEC in Paris, I now work for a social business, Station Energy, as Country Manager in Burkina Faso since April 2014. As a French and American citizen, I first acquired a Bachelor’s degree at McGill University in Montreal in Political Science and International Relations. I then entered ESSEC Business School where I majored in social entrepreneurship. I worked for six months in Haiti as an administrative and logistics coordinator for Emergency Architects towards a housing rehabilitation project before signing a two-year contract at Société Générale.....Finally, as a first-aid volunteer at the French Red Cross since 2009, I regularly support the Parisian emergency team units (Pompiers, SAMU)." (www.linkedin.com/pub/marie-lancino/32/b53/848) -- Classnotes Archives, 2006 -- Matthieu Hauret’s website Back to Top 2007● Adrian Landon wrote: "Hey LFNY, I am still full on in metal sculpture, busier than ever trying to finish my newest and most awesome piece yet, a life-size, stainless-steel, suspended, mechanical galloping horse. Days, weeks and months are going into it and I'm almost done hopefully. Earlier this year in July, I installed my two Dung Beetle sculptures in the beautiful scenic sculpture park of Salem Art Works, Salem, NY, which can be seen on my website:www.adrianlandon.com. [Click on link below] My metal shop is in Gowanus, Brooklyn. My message to the kids is: Hold onto your dreams, as wild as they may be, for they are the most precious things you have. Don't let anyone take them away from you. One of your greatest missions on this earth is to fulfill them." ● Vanessa Bamba is "an actor and model based in East Sussex, United Kingdom." ● Simon Van Zuylen Wood is a staff writer at Philadelphia Magazine, and a contributing writer at National Journal. ● Maya Catherine Popa "is a writer, reviewer, and teacher. Her poems appear or are forthcoming from FIELD, Colorado Review, Kenyon Review, ASH, Oxford Poetry, Poetry London, Southword, Locuspoint, and elsewhere. She was a 2013 finalist for the Rona Jaffe Award and winner of the Oxford Poetry Society Martin Starkie Prize." (www.linkedin.com/pub/maya-catherine-popa/40/97a/878) ● Luisa Conlon “is an independent filmmaker and producer sharing her time between Los Angeles and New York. She is a graduate of the Tisch School of the Arts. She has produced video content for a varied roster of clients including Interscope Records and EMI, and has worked under renown filmmakers including Kenneth Branagh, Joe Berlinger and Samuel Pollard. Luisa served as Associate Producer on Gillian Robespierre's forthcoming feature comedy Obvious Child, produced by Elisabeth Holm and starring Jenny Slate. She most recently co-produced Five Star, directed by Keith Miller (Welcome to Pine Hill).” (http://www.luisaconlon.com/about/) ● Charlotte Henley’s “path began to flourish between France and India. Through fusing both worlds, the jeweler commenced her journey on the route of adornments. Once her passion revealed, she spent much time in Italy learning the arts of the craft. Now a Jewelry Designer, and founder of her jewelry line, she travels with her ideas, from the colorful saris of India to the incredible sights of France. The jewels narrate her stories, depicting the world’s melting pot of beauty and energy, through gemstones her passion she draws her inspirations.” (fr.linkedin.com/pub/charlotte-henley/38/6ab/58b) ● Alessandra Bonetti: “I am an actress living in Los Feliz, Los Angeles, CA with four other college friends, and a chameleon. I practice Yoga, and pursue my acting career on a consistent basis. I am hungry for compelling stories, and strive to tell them with as much truth as possible. I received my BFA in Acting from the School of Dramatic Arts at the University of Southern California.” (https://plus.google.com/103470341978839954137/about) ● Amedeo Fasanella d'Amore is Marketing and Product Manager at Hot Topics. "I’m an American, Italian, and German citizen with a strong cross-cultural sensitivity and a passion for making people aware about the amazing products and services that innovative companies create along with a track record of successfully driving engagement online. In addition to an MSc of Management, Organisations, and Governance from the LSE, I have experience working in marketing within both the non-for-profit and for-profit sectors, within developed (UK & USA) and developing (India) economies, and within established companies and fast growing startups." (uk.linkedin.com/in/amedeodamore) ● Cyrgue Dessauce is a graduate student at University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne (Master's degree, Philosophy, expected 2016) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet (Click on links below): ● Vanessa Bamba's showreel ● Alessandra Bonnetti in an audition ● Melhia Kyra Piot auditioning for Rent: the Musical -- Classnotes Archives, 2007 -- Vanessa Bamba on StarNow -- Alessandra Bonnetti on YouTube -- Melhia Kyra Piot on YouTube -- Adrian Landon's website Back to Top 2008● Ivan Chauveau de Quercize wrote: "I would like to share with you and the LFNY community in the next newsletter a project I am currently working on: We are three old friends from France and together we have launched the Sharing Bros project: the first crossing of the American continent from Canada to Brazil in 7 months using only the collaborative economy (Airbnb, Couchsurfing, Carpooling, Hitchhicking...) Our mission: Explore the collaborative economy and share our findings by means of a web-series during the trip as well as a documentary when we get back. You can find more information on our project and the first 4 videos we have published on our website: www.thesharingbros.com." (Click on link below) ● An article about Nicolas Jaar appeared in the October 11, 2013 NY Times Magazine. (Click on Pdf file below to read it.) ● Leah Mishkin “is a Digital Journalist at WBTW News13. She reports during the week and is one of its weekend reporters. Before coming to News13, Leah worked for WCTV, the CBS affiliate in Tallahassee, Florida as an Associate producer and Website Producer.....Leah is a multimedia journalist who received a Bachelor's degree in Broadcast Journalism at Emerson College. She is currently completing her Master's in Criminal Justice from Boston University. Leah was raised in the United States but holds dual citizenship from the United States and Belgium.....Leah covered the aftermath of Hurricane Isaac. She has also extensively covered the 10 year anniversary of 9/11, a family whose son was killed as a result of PTSD from the Iraq war, and ongoing coverage of the Occupy Boston movement. She has done in-depth story coverage of the Middle East conflict, while studying at a communication school in Israel. She was also a writer, anchor, reporter and producer for WEBN-TV, an Associated Press award-winning station. Leah completed an internship at ABC News, where she helped ABC affiliates across the country find footage for their newscasts and reporter packages.” (http://www.wbtw.com/story/22228711/leah-mishkin-bio) ● Julien Hamer is a strategic planner & marketing manager (Belgique) at TravelBird. ● Bianca A. Egalité is a production assistant at ESPN and a writing contributor to JointInterest.com. She is a graduate of Hofstra University (Bachelors of Arts, Broadcast Journalism, 2014). ● Pénélope Lefort is a project finance analyst at Société Générale. -- Classnotes Archives, 2008 -- Nicolas Jaar Tests the Limits of Dance Music -- The Sharing Bros Back to Top 2009● Daisy Soderberg-Rivkin wrote: "I graduated from Bard College in 2013 having majored in political studies with a concentration in Security Studies. I wrote my thesis with the West Point Military Academy on the Reconstruction of Iraq post 9/11 with a focus on counterinsurgency strategy. Currently I work as a legal assistant at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom in their international arbitration department, working both in the New York office and in London." ● Cecilia Iliesiu told us that she "is a Soloist dancer with the Carolina Ballet in Raleigh, NC. She has been nominated for the Princess Grace Award and has performed in countless roles choreographed by George Balanchine, Jerome Robbins and Robert Weiss. In addition to being a professional dancer, she is pursuing her college education through Fordham University and is a ballet instructor at CC&Co Dance Complex. Cecilia has a blog dedicated to her dance career (Twirling Terpsichorean - https://exploretheballet.wordpress.com) and another to her travels (Capturing Cecilia’s Canon -- https://capturingceciliascanon.wordpress.com)." (Click on links below to access those websites) ● Amani Al-Kidwa "was born in New York to French and Palestinian parents. She moved to London a few years ago to study Art & Design and, as well as studying, she works with dancers and acrobats with whom she creates, directs and designs physical theatre pieces. In her spare time she is an avid ‘doodler’, likes to cook and has started to train as an acrobat!” (http://epoc.co/?q=content/h-g-designers) ● Theodor Kung: ”Originally from Switzerland, Theodor attended the Conservatoire Populaire in Geneva and was a national finalist in the 2008 Concours Suisse de Musique pour la Jeunesse. In 2009 he moved to the United Kingdom to read music at Clare College Cambridge, where upon completing his undergraduate degree he was awarded the Royalton Kisch Prize for the highest academic music grade in College as well as the Donald Wort Award for the highest final recital score of the year. While at University he studied with Remus Azoitei and worked with various ensembles including the Cambridge University Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, as well as the Opera Society. He is scheduled to return to Cambridge in November to perform the Bruch Violin Concerto with CUSO following his success in the 2012 CUSO Concerto Competition. Currently, Theodor is studying violin with Maurice Hasson at the Royal Academy of Music, and is scheduled to play as concertmaster and section leader in several projects between October and December. Theodor is also an active conductor, and since 2007 he has attended master classes in Austria, Switzerland and the UK with orchestras including the Graz Philharmonic Orchestra and the Orion Symphony Orchestra. His conducting professors have included Peter Stark (Royal College of Music), Toby Purser (Orion Orchestra) and Achim Holub (Firebird Ensemble). He was a finalist in the Cambridge University Music Society Conducting Competitions of both 2010 and 2011, and having won the 2011 CUSO conducting competition he directed the orchestra during the academic year of 2011-12, which included concerts in both Cambridge and London.” (https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=168184564&authType=name&authToken=WblE&trk=mirror-profile-memberlist-name) ● Gabriella Romanos is a litigation paralegal at Richards Kibbe & Orbe LLP ● Tiphaine Chaumont est étudiante, 2ème année, à l'Ecole Supérieure de Commerce et de Management (ESCEM) à Tours ● Christian de Dalmas is a trainee at Tartinery. ● Arturo Fruchard is in his final year at ESCP Europe (Master in Management Grande Ecole, Finance d'entreprise, expected 2015) -- Classnotes Archives, 2009 -- Cecilia Iliesiu's blog -- Cecilia Iliesiu's travel website Back to Top 2010............................................... In Memoriam: ● Henri Gibson(† September 4, 2011) ● Amr Bebars († June 6, 2009) (See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below) ................................................. ● Marie Moriani wrote: "After the Lycée, I went back to France to finish my studies. In February 2015 I will be done with my Master's program in Human Resources Engineering. I am currently looking for an internship in HR in NYC so hopefully I will be able to come back to NY to start my career." ● Benito Solomon Fernandez V told us that he "received his B.A. in Public Policy and Law from Trinity College, Hartford, Ct. in May of 2014. He is currently completing his first year at Cornell Law School, where he is enrolled in a 4-year JD/Maîtrise en Droit Program. As part of this program, Solomon will complete two years of study at Cornell Law and two years of study at Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne. Upon completing this program he will be licensed to practice law in both the United States and France." ● Alan Zaki “was born in France. French mother and Egyptian father. He moved to London when he was two years old and lived here until 2007 where the family moved to NYC for three years and where Alan’s theatrical passion and love for the cinema started to grow. Then Alan came back in London to continue his studies at Regents University to study global theatre and acting.” (http://www.nicknightmanagement.com/profile/alan-zaki/) ● Yamee Couture is an actress, singer/songwriter and a student at McGill University. ● Salim Alfa Zerandouro is a student at Université d'Abomey-Calavi, Benin (Licence en Géographie Physique/Climatologie, 2011–2015) ● Christine Ulysse is a data management intern at Standard Media Index, and a graduate of Cornell University (Bachelor's of Science, Biometry and Statistics, 2014) ● Clara Halber Dessaint is a marketing intern at Maybelline and a student at McGill University (Bachelor's Degree, Psychology and Cultural Studies 2011–2015) Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet: ● Yamee Couture stars in "Slap", a short feature by Wediawix (written and directed by Shaan Couture '06) (Click on link below) -- Classnotes Archives, 2010 -- In Memoriam: Henri Gibson and Amr Bebars -- Yamee Couture on YouTube Back to Top 2011● Andrew Kaston wrote: "Three LFNY Alums, Timothée Plazol ['07], Michael Moyal ['11] , and myself have started a music curating website. Operating as Bodega Beats, our team of six sifts through the internet’s inherent information overload in a very specific musical style range. We look to create a global approach to the realm of “music blogging,” running off of community involvement in the form of curated submissions, but also through having curators of different heritages and backgrounds in different cities across the globe. At the moment, we have a small but growing presence in music production hubs such as New York, Boston, Montreal, Paris, and London, and constantly looking to grow. Here is the link to the website: http://bodegabeats.net/" (Click on Link below) ● Flora Cross "(born January 11, 1993) is a French-American actress. She currently resides in Los Angeles, CA. Her two brothers are also actors (Eli Marienthal and Harley Cross ['96]). Cross attended French schools since childhood (Lycée français de New York), and speaks French, Spanish and English fluently. For high school, she switched to the American school system, and attended a private school on Los Angeles' Westside. She graduated from New Roads School in 2012. She attended Sarah Lawrence for a year and is now back in California going to West Los Angeles college and plans to transfer to UCLA where she plans on becoming a teacher. Cross played the lead role of Eliza in the 2005 film Bee Season, opposite Richard Gere, Juliette Binoche and Max Minghella. She auditioned for the part shortly before moving to Argentina, where she was living when offered the role. 'My manager sent the tape in, and then I was called in for an audition that was very long and very tiring," recalls the actor. "It went on for five hours. Two weeks later I was told I got the part'....." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flora_Cross) ● Loic Forneri is a student at Ecole Superieur des Professions Immobilières. ● Doïna Becker is a student at the University of St. Andrews. She expects to obtain an M.A. (Hons) in English and Art History in 2015. ● Annika Ussel is an Urban Planning student at Concordia University. ● Léa Germano is a student at Parsons School of Design. She expects to obtain a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Fashion Design in 2015. ● Antonio Corbia studies English at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst --expected graduation in 2016. -- Classnotes Archives, 2011 -- Bodega Beats Back to Top 2012● Manon de La Selle is a student at the University of Cambridge (Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, expected 2016). ● Nicholas von Horn is a student at the The University of Chicago (Bachelor of Science, Law, Letters and Society, expected 2016). ● Nathaly Aucar is a student at the American University of Beirut (Bachelor of Arts, Communication and Media Studies, expected 2015). ● Grace K. Melinda Zinsou is a student at the City University of New York-Hunter College (Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies, expected 2016) and a research assistant at NYU Langone Medical Center. ● Dorian Wilson Debriano is a student at Les Roches International School of Hotel Management (Bachelor of Applied Science, Hospitality Administration/Management, expected 2016) and a sales and marketing management intern at the Plaza Athenee Bangkok. ● Teresa Cebrián Aranda is a student at Brown University (expected graduation 2016). -- Classnotes Archives, 2012 Back to Top 2013● "At 9:30 a.m., when most students are struggling to get out of bed, Kaledora F. Kiernan-Linn ’18 is already starting her pliés in company class. As a dancer in Boston Ballet II, Kiernan-Linn is in the studio weekdays from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.—a schedule that will only become more hectic as Boston Ballet begins its performances at the end of October. She will be performing in her first company role in the corps de ballet of “Swan Lake” this October. A New York City native, Kiernan-Linn (who goes by the stage name of Kaledora Fontana, using her middle name rather than her last) started taking ballet lessons at a young age, “like everyone does in New York” ….. “Some of my earliest memories of ballet are of facing the barre and working on positions and trying to perfect something,” Kiernan-Linn recalls. “I didn’t care that I wasn’t on the music….I would always be the person who stays after to ask questions about different moves and combinations.” At the age of 11, Kiernan-Linn and her family decided to settle down back in New York City. “Dance was a big factor in my life at that point,” Kiernan-Linn recounts. “I probably knew when I was eight that I wanted to be a dancer. But it wasn’t weird to me, and I didn’t think it made me special or something. I just took it for granted that some people want to do other things but that I wanted to be a dancer.” Though they were not moving for another year, Kiernan-Linn decided to try out for the prestigious School of American Ballet (SAB) to see if she could make the cut. She did. When it came time to apply to colleges, Kiernan-Linn focused on Columbia, but her mother suggested she apply to Harvard for fun. “I never even imagined I would get in,” Kiernan-Linn remembers. After acceptances to Columbia, Stanford, and Harvard came in….. She accepted her spot at Harvard and deferred for a year to finish her ballet training and look for a contract with a ballet company. The following year, Kiernan-Linn signed a contract with Boston Ballet…..In order to be able to both dance for Boston Ballet and attend classes at Harvard, Kiernan-Linn had to pick her schedule very carefully…..Kiernan-Linn is the first to admit the intensity of her scheduling, which leaves her little time to finish her coursework, let alone sleep.’It’s hectic, but I could never imagine myself giving up dance.’ " (http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2014/9/30/kaledora-kiernan-linn-fontana-boston-ballet/) ● Gaetano Guarducci wrote: "I recently launched an application on the AppStore called "Here" -- a free social networking application for iOS that allows users to share their location with friends all around the world. So far I have over 700 users in just over a couple of months. Check it out! Our website : http://www.here-app.co iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/here-stay-connected-your-friends/id895309132?mt=8 Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/hereapp Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/here_app " ● Mireille Alexandra Combari is studying Law at Université Paris Descartes. ● Clémentine Guelton is a student at The Johns Hopkins University (sophomore at the Krieger School of Arts & Sciences, B.A., International Studies & East Asian Studies, expected 2017). She is also a hiking and climbing instructor (at Experiential Education at Johns Hopkins University). ● Victoire Scherer is a student at McGill University (Bachelor of Commerce, concentration in International Business and Managing for Sustainability, minor in Cultural Studies, expected 2016). ● Elliott Rogasik is a student at McGill University (Bachelor of Arts, Honors Economics - Statistics - Computer Sciences, expected 2016). He is also "in charge of a multi-person team responsible for securing McGill Robotics financial support from sponsors in both the corporate and educational worlds." ● Anne-Chantal Leon left the LFNY after 10eme (CE1) in 2002, and then completed her studies at the LF de Madrid (2002-2009) followed by Markham College (2009-2012). She is a "current student at [the] Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, leading to a Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management in 2017." (ch.linkedin.com/in/annechantalleonpernet) Back to Top 2014● Lauren Benson-Armer is a student at McGill University ● Chloe Bousquet-Chavanne is a student at the University of Pennsylvania (Bachelor's Degree, expected 2018) ● Laurena Dehlouz is a student at Goldsmiths, University of London ● Jeffrey Dewu left the LFNY after 4eme, attended the Lycée Français de Los Angeles (2011-2014), and is currently a student at the University of California, Los Angeles (Bachelor's Degree, Mathematics/Economics, expected 2018) ● Fiona Piccoli is a student at the Fashion Institute of Technology (Fashion Merchandising and Marketing) and is the CEO of Sugar Tops (click on link below to access her website) ● Tristan van Biema is a student at Columbia University ● Homer Vergniaud is a student at the University of Virginia Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet (Click on link below): ● Fiona Piccoli on "How to start your own Clothing Line/ Business!" -- Fiona Piccoli’s website -- Fiona Piccoli on YouTube Back to Top |