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----- From December 2011 AALFNY Newsletter -----

In Memoriam:
Robert H. Abady (†March 19, 2008)
Marc Pelanne (†September, 2001)
(See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below)

Pierre Pelanne has retired from the United Nations staff where he had been in charge of professional recruitment.

Marie-Paule Rondepierre est "adhérente de l'Association France Etats-Unis de Loir & Cher, et membre du Conseil d'Administration. Retraitée, education aux USA (New York), carrière au sein d'entreprises internationales (French Line, Colgate Palmolive, Publicis pour De Beers, Cointreau, Grand Hotel Café de la Paix), chambre d'hôtes aux Montils, adhésion à France Etats-Unis 41 pour maintenir des contacts Franco-Américains et faire de nouvelles connaissances dans cette région." (http://www.france-etatsunis41.com/marie-paule-rondepierre.html)

----- From November 2010 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Pierre Kyriazides: « Né à Paris en 1938, Pierre Kyria est parti à dix-sept ans pour les Etats-Unis afin d’y achever ses études. Il a ainsi résidé plusieurs années à New York et a été diplômé des universités américaines. Sa vie adolescente à New York a inspiré son premier roman Manhattan blues (1961) et son passage sur un campus américain son second, L'Eté à cœur perdu (1967). Après son service militaire effectué en grande partie en Algérie, Pierre Kyria est entré dans le journalisme. Critique, traducteur (L'Homme qui n'avait pas d'ombre de Colin Wilson, Les Procès d'Oscar Wilde), il est aujourd'hui responsable du supplément littéraire au journal Combat et directeur de collections dans l'édition. Après son troisième roman, La Mort blanche (1972), il a fait paraître une étude critique consacrée à l'écrivain de la Belle Epoque Jean Lorrain (1973). Il va publier, au mois de septembre 1974, un nouveau roman: Mademoiselle Sarah. »

Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet:
Milou [Marie-Louise] De Montferrier talks about a hospice in San Miguel
Gilles Larrain talks about photography of Flamenco style and artists
(Click on links below)

----- From December 2009 AALFNY Newsletter -----

● "Jacques Lewin's parents had emigrated from Poland to Belgium in the 1920s, and in late 1939 had moved to France, where they stayed in a refugee camp. Jacques was born June 18, 1940 in that camp. Germany had invaded Belgium on May 10, 1940, and France surrendered to Germany on June 22, 1940. He and his mother returned to Belgium for 1940 to 1942, then returned to France and ended in Grenoble. Jacques came to the U.S. in 1953, he earned his BS at MIT in 1960 and his Ph.D. at NYU in 1964 with a dissertation under Gilbert Baumslag..... He joined the mathematics faculty at SU in 1965, was promoted to Professor in 1975 and has visited at Cal Tech, UC at Santa Barbara, Bedford College London and Virginia Polytechnic Institute. He has published 29 papers in group theory and ring theory, and he has directed 7 Ph.D. students...Jacques retired in May 2003." (Syracuse Dept. of Mathematics, http://math.syr.edu/Bios/lewin.html)

----- From January 2009 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Gilles Larrain celebrated his 70th birthday in January 2009. His friends threw him a big bash, and one of them --the artist Hayley McCulloch-- sent us this report: "You could say that to have a chance to pay homage to a man who has touched your life in a profound way is an honorable opportunity. A chance to seal the deal made in an unspoken pact. Sometimes that person is impossible to touch, an inspirational historical figure, a star in a photo in a picture on your wall, a beloved musician whose songs are forever repeating in your soul.
Being able to venerate such a person in the flesh, in his home, his studio, and on a stage where many great artists have stood under the gaze of his camera lens -the extension of his expert eye, played music, or danced in rhythm along side of him - and being able to tell him how much he means to you, is a heady thing.
Gilles Larrain's 70th birthday party was a colourful salon assembled in his honor. A reception of his talented friends lined up to share their appreciation of Gilles. That evening people came from far and wide to attend this milestone celebration and to entertain him and all those present, and all those present were treated to the beauty of Gilles as he played flamenco guitar - he himself playing tribute to all the magic made in his self made kingdom, whilst he ushered in the dawning of a future of things to come." Bon anniversaire, Gilles!!

Fabienne (Laurentie) Harrison wrote: "I was at the Lycée in sixieme in 1951 and previously in septieme two years before, as my very enlightened parents decided to send me to an American school in between because I really was not the most gifted pupil on the planet and at least I would learn to speak, write and even count in another language and it might be useful...one day... you never know. And so it was that I found myself as an extremely assiduous pupil at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs in Forest hills (religion was thrown in as well, lots of it but very gently). My mother made me do my homework every day and I became proficient even in the art of arithmetic which so far had totally eluded me. Maybe she felt she had to keep up the honour of France.. but I progressed remarkably even though she was a hard master and I usually ended in tears.
Some years passed, change of country, change of schools, but the reluctant pupil, having gone back to the French system, ended in Rio de Janeiro with a half bac.
But never look back, and I went straight to the British Institute where I did not do too badly at all. By devious routes (with D.H.Lawrence as a milestone) I found a husband and have lived in Scotland for fifty years, often giving French lessons but, strangely enough, I have succesfully taken more exams in English and enjoy teaching the language of Shakespeare and Burns....Some of my classmates were Alain de Montebello, Mademoiselle Rondepierre, can't remember her first name
[it was Marie-Paule] Marie-Louise de Montferrier (we have met up in Mexico)Agnes de Rougemont (?) and others who might turn up in my dreams, such as Michele Wahl (she did ballet!)"

Alain de Montebello sent us his bio, stating that he "has over twenty years of experience in setting up, managing and developing non profit humanitarian development organisations in Europe, and over ten years in creating and managing the internal communication department as well as counselling the CEO of a large engineering and construction company with affiliates worldwide. His area of expertise covers all aspects of fundraising, major donor strategy, networking and lobbying as well as managing experts in these fields.
In his early years he worked as a professional development expert in the field in development countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America before starting up or developing specialised NGOs in community development and child- centered community development: Frères des Hommes in France, Great Britain, Belgium and Italy, and Plan International France in France. He was instrumental in creating and developing the NGO network for post Tsunami rehabilitation and the Malaria consortium in France under two former health ministers. He recently opened his own consultant firm, Cinétique Consultants, and has fund raising missions for the development of Ronchamp (constructing a new monastery under the world famous Le Corbusier chapel: Notre Dame du Haut). Alain de Montebello is a consultant for Brakeley and is working on cultural, educational and scientific projects. He benefits from a bi-cultural background, French and American and did his undergraduate studies in the United States at the Lycée Français de New York and Riverdale Country School and his graduate studies at Columbia University where he majored in philosophy, ancient Greek and nuclear physics. His hobbies include astronomy and baroque music."

● "Milou [Marie-Louise] De Montferrier, the owner of the small antiques shop COLECCION4VIENTOS lost her mother 2 years ago. Prior to that, due to her mother’s disease, Milou was totally alone, looking after her for 5 years. One day she got in touch with two other friends and found out that they shared exactly the same experience. Living in San Miguel Allende - a little town in Mexico - and seeing the local conditions, they felt that there was a big need for a hospice. Then the whole idea started in 2007 and turned into the first bi-cultural and bi-lingual hospice in the area. At the beginning, they had to educate doctors, nurses and social workers to understand the very meaning of the word hospice. Now they can proudly say that nearly 80% of patients have been Mexican, which is quite unusual....." (http://www.wwomenglobally.com/?p=223)

----- From July 2008 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Alain de Montebello nous écrit: "Je viens à new York en octobre, peut-être nous pourrions organiser un verre avec quelques anciens, quelquepart?"

----- From December 2007 AALFNY Newsletter -----

● “Danielle Haase-Dubosc was brought up in France and the United States and as a result is a bi-lingual person of dual citizenship. After the French lycée, she trained at Barnard College and Columbia University where she received her Ph.D. in Comparative literature. She was an assistant professor in French at Barnard College before returning to France where she became Director of Reid Hall, Columbia University's campus in Paris. She is now Executive Director of Reid Hall, Director of Columbia University's Institute for Scholars at Reid Hall and Associate Provost of her university. Her fields of research are gender relations in the 17th century and the contemporary world. Her latest books, "Ravie et Enlevée" ..... and "Enjeux contemporains du féminisme indien".....deal with the abduction and seduction of women in 17th-century France and Indian feminism, respectively. “ (From University of Florida Paris Reseach Center; http://www.clas.ufl.edu/PRC/events.shtml)

----- From June 2007 AALFNY Newsletter -----

● Click on link below for news of Danielle (Dubosc) Haase.

● Click on link below for news of Gilles Larrain.

----- From December 2006 AALFNY Newsletter -----

● "Danielle Haase-Dubosc a reçu son Ph. D. en littérature comparée à Columbia University où elle est Adjunct Associate Professor dans le département de français et de philologie romane. Elle dirige le centre universitaire de Reid Hall pour Columbia à Paris, a publié plusieurs articles sur la problématique des rapports de sexe en littérature et prépare actuellement un livre sur les enlèvements au XVII` siècle." (Payot-Rivages,http://www.payot-rivages.fr/asp/fiche.asp?id=3890)

● "NOBODY TOUCHES ME WITH IMPUNITY. That is the warning, in Latin, that is posted over Robert Abady's kennel. It refers to the fierce bouviers des Flandres guard dogs he raises, but the motto might well be Abady's own.....Abady's education was classically French, and when the family moved to New York he attended the Lycee Francais which was for him 'a terrible school. It was too rigid and I was basically rebellious.' Once when he was briefly living on his own after a spat with his father, he was called in by the headmaster and informed he was going to be expelled. "I said, O.K., I won't pay the bill." He remained in school......" (Sports Illustrated Vol. 34, http://www.bouviers.net/info/abady.html)

● Click on link below for news of Patricia Calabi

----- From February 2006 AALFNY Newsletter -----

● From Patricia Calabi: "I live in Rome where I have a private practice of psychotherapy and am the happy grandmother of four. I have long lost track of my old school friends and would love to get in touch with someone again. My e-mail address is on your list."

----- From November 2004 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Patricia Calabi wrote: "I left the Lycée and New York in 1956 and did my Philo class in Rome, where I have lived ever since. I am a graduate in Economics but in the 80s I gave it all up and turned to my true passion, Psychotherapy. Now I am a happy psychotherapist, mother of two sons and grandmother of three boys. My Lycée years were unforgettable and I hold those memories very dear."

----- From March 2000 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Alain De La Chapelle est médecin à New York ou il habite avec sa femme et ses deux enfants, Robert (au Lycée en 4e) et Christine (en 8e).

DECES: Anne-Marie Chapouton (1939-2000) créatrice de Ti-Michou et Gros Cachou, est morte le 16 janvier 2000 à Lourmarin (Vaucluse). Anne Marie était ecrivain pour la jeunesse, et comptait prés de deux cents titres à son catalogue. Soeur de Gilles Maluski ’67 et Colette Touchon-Maluski ’60. Biographie: "Anne-Marie Chapouton est née à Millau (Aveyron). Elle a passé une partie de son enfance en Tunisie, en Hollande, puis aux Etats-Unis. Très jeune, elle est passionnée par la littérature et écrit en secret. Anne-Marie Chapouton est diplômée de littérature française de l'Université de Columbia (New-York). De retour en France, à partir de 1964, elle s'installe dans le Lubéron et écrit des histoires pour sa fille. Elle se découvre alors une véritable vocation pour la littérature de jeunesse et partage son temps entre l'écriture et la traduction de romans anglo-saxons. Anne-Marie Chapouton a publié albums, poèmes et romans pour la jeunesse. Elle est décédée en 2000.
Des textes justes souvent emplis de poésie sont le reflets du travail d'illustratrice d'Anne-Marie Chapouton. Les sujets abordés ne sont pourtant pas toujours faciles à traiter!" (Ricochet-Jeunes, http://www.ricochet-jeunes.org/auteur.asp?id=1387)

TOP: Patricia Calabi ('57); BOTTOM: by Daniele (Dubosc) Haase ('57) and Eliane Viennot
TOP: Patricia Calabi ('57); BOTTOM: by Daniele (Dubosc) Haase ('57) and Eliane Viennot

TOP: Eliane (de Gunzburg) Beckman ('57); MIDDLE: Jacques Lewin ('57); BOTTOM:  Kate (Dowling) Pferdner ('57)
TOP: Eliane (de Gunzburg) Beckman ('57); MIDDLE: Jacques Lewin ('57); BOTTOM: Kate (Dowling) Pferdner ('57)
TOP: Marie-Louise (Milou) de Montferrier ('57); BELOW: Gilles Larrain ('57)
TOP: Marie-Louise (Milou) de Montferrier ('57); BELOW: Gilles Larrain ('57)
Pierre (Kyriazides) Kyria ('57)
Pierre (Kyriazides) Kyria ('57)
Paolo Romani ('57)
Paolo Romani ('57)
TOP: Marie-Paule Rondepierre ('57); BOTTOM: Jaquine (Turrel du Caillaud) Arnold ('57)
TOP: Marie-Paule Rondepierre ('57); BOTTOM: Jaquine (Turrel du Caillaud) Arnold ('57)