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----- From December 2011 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Marjorie (Zilliacus) Wright "and her 15 year old granddaughter, Melanie, spent a wonderful week in Paris last July. Photo taken [above] on the Seine boat ride after a busy (and crowded) visit to the Louvre. "

Jean-Michel Cousin wrote: "Thanks for your continuing efforts in favor of the class of 1962 ! You may want to inform the alumni that I am now retired and living in Nice. Should any of them wish to make contact with me I would be delighted to exchange news."

Madeleine (Barraud) de Bérard was kind enough to share with us a Conte de Printemps that she wrote, entitled L’aviateur et les hirondelles, "une histoire absolument vraie arrivée à mon grand oncle l’an dernier." (See Alumni Creative section of newsletter, or click on link below)

Claude Lestelle sent us a humorous discourse on "Franglais" which can be read in the Alumni Creative section of this newsletter (or click on link below).

Agnès Claret de Fleurieu: "Officier de la Légion d’Honneur, Commandeur de l’Ordre National du Mérite et Chevalier du mérite agricole. Diplômée de Sciences Po, ENA promotion 1976, et ancien auditeur de la 45ème session des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale.
Inspecteur Général de l’Equipement depuis 1995 et membre du Conseil Général des Ponts et Chaussées, elle est la première femme issue de l’ENA à y occuper les fonctions de Président de section.........Elle a préalablement à sa nomination à l’Inspection Générale de l’Equipement en 1995, occupé des fonctions de responsabilité croissante comme chargée de mission à la Direction des Affaires Economiques du Ministère de la Coopération (1966-1968), chargée de mission à la direction des Industries Agricoles et alimentaires; Assistant au Fonds d’Orientation et de Régularisation des Marchés Agricoles ;et chargée de mission au cabinet de Michel Cointat, ministre de l’Agriculture (questions budgétaires et internationales) (1970-1972). A la sortie de l’ENA, elle a, de 1976 à 1980 comme jeune Administrateur Civil au Ministère des Transports (Mer), été en charge des négociations internationales maritimes bilatérales. De 1980 à 1987 elle a été successivement été Attaché Financier près la Représentation Permanente de la France auprès des Communautés Economiques, Conseiller des Affaires Etrangères à la Direction d’Europe Etrangères et au Service des Questions Atomiques du Ministère des Affaires et Premier Conseiller à l’Ambassade de France à Yaoundé. En 1987, elle devient la première femme Délégué Général du Comité Central des Armateurs de France.
En 1994, elle est, au ministère des affaires étrangères, chargée de mission auprès du Directeur des Français de l’Etranger et des Etrangers en France. Elle rejoint en février de la même année, le Cabinet de Madame Simone VEIL et est nommée, en avril 1995, conseiller auprès du Ministre d’Etat, Ministre des Affaires Sociales de la Santé et de la Ville. De novembre 1996 à janvier 1998, elle est Secrétaire Général du Haut Comité pour le Logement des Personnes Défavorisées et, de janvier 1998 à janvier 1999, Secrétaire Général du Haut Conseil à l'Intégration." (http://www.femmesaaeena.com/interviews.html)

----- From November 2010 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Ronnie Hess wrote: "Last October, a book of my poems, "Whole Cloth: A Poem Cycle," was published by Little Eagle Press. This November, my "Eat Smart in France," a culinary travel guide, published by Ginkgo Press, will be out." (For more details on Ronnie's books, click on links below.)

Jean-Michel Cousin told us that "the Cousin family (Jean-Michel, Mariam, Diane-13 and Gabriel-10) has been living in Nice for three years now and we do like it here."

Svetlana (Bielosoub) Caton-Noble nous écrit: "Chers amis, Colette, Claire, Madeleine, Pierre, Claude, Peter, et tous nos "forever young" anciens de la classe '62 - salutations chaleureuses! Je regrette de manquer trop souvent l'occasion de contacter mes amis. Grand merci à Roger Liwer et Alessandra Gagliardi . Je ne manquerai pas l'occasion précieuse d'être en contacte.
Quelques nouvelles récentes de mon centre d'entrainement et ma companie de ballet classique à Long Island: Cet été nous avons présenté un ballet en trois actes - Le Lac des Cygnes. Au mois de septembre nous avons présenté un morceau de mon ballet "Fleur de Neige" (Snow Maiden) à un événement extraordinaire à Sea Cliff au bénéfice du 'Paul Klebnikov Fund'- une organisation Russo-américaine qui avance la liberté de la presse en dépit du danger. Au mois d'octobre quinze de nos élèves se présenteront au Concours de Danse Classique, The Long Island Ballet Competition- le 23 Octobre au Théâtre Maguire- SUNY College in Old Westbury.
Finalement nous sommes en préparations pour le ballet Casse Noisette qui aura lieu le 4 et 5 Décembre au Théâtre Maguire à SUNY College in Old Westbury. Tous les renseignements sont sur notre site www.lumiereballet.com"

Pierre Sauvage informed us that "his new documentary short, Not Idly By -- Peter Bergson, America and the Holocaust (www.chambon.org) won the documentary award at the Toronto Jewish Film Festival, and will be released in 2011."

Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet:
● Author Suzanne Slesin is interviewed by TV Host Cognac Wellerlane (at minute 4:22) (Click on link below)

----- From January 2009 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Geoffrey Morson shared this with us: "Together with Paul Smith (voted UK Lawyer of the Year 2008) Geoffrey has co-authored a book entitled How To Be An International Lawyer.
It is available here in electronic format (or, click on link below):
Geoffrey was also involved in all the Eversheds publications listed at the back of the book. Some are available electronically and others (like the French legal dictionary) are only in paper format. The Polish legal dictionary is available in both formats (https://www.eversheds.com/documents/PolishDictionaryOfEuropeanLegalTerms.pdf)."

----- From July 2008 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Madeleine (Barraud) de Bérard nous écrit: "Je ne sais si ça peut interresser les anciens: nous avons fait le chemin de Saint Jacques, el Camino Francés, comme on dit en espagne, en juin 2006; aux âges respectifs de 62 et 68 ans. Voici en pièce jointe un extrait des notes prises pendant ce temps merveilleux." (Go to Alumni Creative section of this newsletter, or click on link below, to read Madeleine's travel notes.)

----- From December 2007 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Svetlana (Bielosoub) Caton-Noble nous écrit: "Grand merci à Roger Liwer ('68) pour la chance de retrouver les amis inoubliables et les beaux souvenirs. J'ai revu Colette (Barbara) Friedlander ('62) lors de ses visites à New York et je rencontre souvent Alda Popa ('63). J'espère revoir un jour Claire Henderson, Madeleine (Barraud) de Bérard et Pierre Sauvage (all '62). Cette année, le 27 Avril 2007 je me suis retrouvée au Lycée avec ma companie de ballet ou plus exactement notre companie de ballet - mon partenaire est un danseur et choreographe d'origine Bulgare. Nous nous consacrons à développer un centre de formation et une companie de danse classique à Long Island, New York. Il est bien possible que nous reviendrons au Lycée ce printemps. Contactez moi, je serai très heureuse. [email address available from AALFNY upon request]

Francisco Zapata is a professor at El Colegio de México and Director of Sociological Studies. He received the Manuel Rodriguez Lapuente medal, a Social Sciences prize that was awarded to him at the University of Guadalajara’s Center for Social Sciences and Humanities.

Pierre Sauvage has allowed us to re-print a speech he gave to the Alliance Francaise of Kansas City on November 10, 2007, regarding Chambon-sur-Lignon, a small hamlet in France, which opposed the Vichy government, and saved 5,000 Jews from extermination during World War II. To read it, click on link below.

----- From June 2007 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Svetlana (Bielosoub) Caton-Noble wrote: « Un appel télephonique d’une ancienne amie de classe est une surprise incroyable ! Clairs et beaux souvenirs vont à M. Pierre Brodin, Mme Micheline Tison-Braun et M. Kieffer. Grand merci à M. Theze de m’avoir presentée à l’association. A present je m’apprete à retourner au Lycée et presenter un spectable avec ma compagnie de danse classique, Lumiere Ballet! » Click on link below for more news of Sveltlana

----- From December 2006 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Ronnie Hess works for the University of Wisconsin at Madison, where she is Director of Communications and Publications (Division of International Studies and Programs):
“Ms. Hess is responsible for all internal and external communications, including print and electronic media, campus liaison, press and media relations. She also oversees International Studies and International Institute Web sites. She represents International Studies on the Arts Institute’s Assembly……Prior to joining International Studies in 1998, Ms. Hess was an award-winning broadcast journalist. She began her career at Wisconsin Public Radio and for many years was a CBS News reporter and producer, based in New York and Paris. She returned to public radio in the 1990s with positions at Minnesota Public Radio and in Chicago. She has written and produced television documentaries for A&E’s ‘American Justice’ series.” (From University of Wisconsin, http://www.intlstudies.wisc.edu/deansOffice/facstaffBio.asp?facId=3)

● Click on link below for news of Dr. M. Andre Vasu

----- From June 2005 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Pierre Sauvage informed us that "Jean-Michel Giraud organized a wonderful reunion in Paris on Feb. 12."

-----From November 2004 AALFNY Newsletter -----

William Rodarmor ('60) was kind enough to send us these updates on two of his classmates:
Andre Vasu ('62), who practices thoracic surgery in Punta Gorda, Florida, avoided a close encounter of the blast kind with Hurricane Charley, whose 150-mph winds tore his roof and demolished his medical practice building. In his very grim photos, his office looks like a Baghdad bombing. Good thing André himself had the good sense to be 1,400 miles away in Rhode Island. He writes: "We watched on the radar screen as Charley went directly over our house. My wife Peg said, ‘Good thing we weren’t home. I would have been out of there at the last minute and would have been hit in the head with a flying 2 x 4.’ My F-27 sailboat went airborne, flipped 180 degrees, and smashed on the dock, amputating three ten-inch-thick pilings. Need new roof coverings but contents of home OK. Medical office destroyed. But all is well and we will come back to fight another day.”

● William continues: "Geoffrey Morson ('62) has made a splash of another kind, by contributing half a dozen biographies to the massive new Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. “All my articles are on fairly specialized subjects,” Geoffrey writes from Cambridge, “but Hamilton will have a quite wide appeal.” That’s putting it mildly. An 18th century diplomat, Sir William Hamilton was famous both as an art collector and a jilted husband. His lovely young wife Emma took up with Lord Nelson, the already-married hero of the Nile, and they all then lived together openly in London. “That would create a stir even today,” writes Geoff. “In 1800, it was an outrage, but people had to swallow it. Nelson was the military hero of his era and was needed to defeat Napoleon at sea (which he did). It would be as if Laura Bush ran off with Dominique de Villepin. Or Madonna with Bill Clinton. Or Dolly Parton with Vladimir Putin.”
[Editor's Note: We don't know whether Geoffrey knew it when he quipped about Laura Bush and Dominique de Villepin, but Dominique is a LFNY graduate, class of '71.]

Ronnie Hess wrote: "I'm in France for the year and will reconnect with Colette Friedlander and Violaine Coulondres. Colette has remained a close family friend over the years……I'm teaching school in Dijon for the year and will return in May to the United States where I am director of communications in the Division of International Studies at the University of Wisconsin. I'm in Dijon not only to teach English at the "college" level but also to do research on French education. Reconnecting with some anciens eleves would be interesting for me. Similarly, if you know of any anciens profs who are in France I would also like to get in touch with them. My mother, Tina Hess, who taught English at the Lycee, lives in Florida and will be 94 on October 24. She still thinks fondly of her many years at the Lycee."

----- From Winter 2003-2004 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Jocelyn Radifera writes: “I retired from the World Bank in 1997, but have been appointed by my government to be Ambassador of Madagascar in Tokyo from this September 2003.”

----- From July/August 2001 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Marjorie Zilliacus Wright recently sent in this news: «I just found the Lycée website. I have lived in Marlboro, VT for the past 30 years and visit New York often, but I have lost contact with all my classmates. I have seen Suzanne Slesin's name in the Times and in books for years! Also saw Pierre Sauvage's film about his life in WW 2 on TV. Does M. Kasriels still run his summer camp? I see the ad in the New York Times every year! I married soon after leaving the Lycée in 1962. My husband is a potter (his work can be seen at Gallery Dai Ichi Arts on 57th St.) We lived in Washington DC for 4 years, followed by 3 years in Japan, and since then have been here in Vermont. We have two sons and a 5 year old granddaughter. My French is probably OK, but difficult to write after too many years of no practice. I studied towards a MAT degree in teaching ESL and French, but ended up as a travel agent for 17 years. (Didn't really want to teach high school French!) Just stopped working in December. I would love to hear from anyone who may remember me.»

----- From March 2000 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Jean-Michel Giraud nous écrit, à propos de notre bulletin: ”Je profite de la présente pour exprimer toute ma reconnaissance à l’excellente équipe qui nous adresse ces nouvelles qui font renaître tant d’heureux souvenirs et, par la mémoire déjà, relient nos liens du passé.”

----- From November 1999 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Dr. M. Andre Vasu writes to us from Punta Gorda, Florida, to express his condolences on the passing of Prof. Martin Kieffer.

Pierre Sauvage ('62) and his award-winning documentary
Pierre Sauvage ('62) and his award-winning documentary

TOP: Ronnie Hess ('62); MIDDLE: by Suzanne Slesin ('62) and others; BOTTOM: Jacques Fombrun ('62)
TOP: Ronnie Hess ('62); MIDDLE: by Suzanne Slesin ('62) and others; BOTTOM: Jacques Fombrun ('62)
TOP: Jacques Toselli ('62); BOTTOM: Geoffrey Morson ('62)
TOP: Jacques Toselli ('62); BOTTOM: Geoffrey Morson ('62)
TOP: Svetlana (Bielosoub) Caton-Noble ('62); BOTTOM: by Francisco Zapata ('62)
TOP: Svetlana (Bielosoub) Caton-Noble ('62); BOTTOM: by Francisco Zapata ('62)
TOP: Jean Noel Pettit ('62); BOTTOM: Madeleine (Barraud) de Bérard avec son mari Gabriel, sur le chemin de Saint Jacques
TOP: Jean Noel Pettit ('62); BOTTOM: Madeleine (Barraud) de Bérard avec son mari Gabriel, sur le chemin de Saint Jacques
Both books by Ronnie Hess ('62)
Both books by Ronnie Hess ('62)
TOP: Jean-Michel Cousin ('62); BOTTOM: Claude Lestelle ('62)
TOP: Jean-Michel Cousin ('62); BOTTOM: Claude Lestelle ('62)
TOP: Marjorie (Zilliacus) Wright ('62) and her granddaughter Melanie; BOTTOM: Agnès Claret de Fleurieu ('62)
TOP: Marjorie (Zilliacus) Wright ('62) and her granddaughter Melanie; BOTTOM: Agnès Claret de Fleurieu ('62)