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2000 (2) (July 2001 to Jan. 2009 newsletters)

Class Notes Archives

----- From January 2009 AALFNY Newsletter -----

"Frédéric Petit et Thu-Nhi Nguyen (promo de 2000), mariés le 26 juillet 2008 à Paris. Camarades de classe au LFNY, nous nous sommes retrouvés à Montreal où nous avons tous les deux poursuivi nos études de premier cycle (Fred à McGill et Thu-Nhi à Concordia). Tout commence lors de notre dernière année... Après Montréal, Fred s'installe à Lyon afin d'obtenir son Master en business, tandis que Thu-Nhi revient sur New York où elle se joint à IBM. Nous sommes de retour à Manhattan depuis 2006 et habitons dans le Upper West Side. Fred travaille actuellement chez Calyon en gestion du risque. Après s'être essayée au secteur des ONGs chez Doctors of the World-USA, Thu-Nhi a récemment été embauchée chez ICAP (International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment Programs) à l'université Columbia en contrôle de gestion. Nous vous souhaitons à tous et à toutes une très bonne année 2009!"

----- From July 2008 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Albert Sara wrote: "I thought I’d give you a quick update on myself: I will be starting a full-time MBA at the Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania) this fall. The program is two years, which means I’m part of the MBA Class of 2010. In the past few years, alongside my regular full-time jobs, I have developed an event planning business, Mobius Events, which focuses on nightlife entertainment and charitable fundraising. Voila!" (Click on link below to access Albert's website.)

----- From June 2007 AALFNY Newsletter -----

● "Despite the fact that Oberlin alumni have fared splendidly in the corporate world, some liberal arts students and recent grads are convinced that the business world is off limits; they assume recruiters will bypass a job applicant without some type of business major.............Among them was graduating senior Evelyne White-D’Amico, who planned initially to major in environmental studies and harp performance, but then developed an interest in public policy that led her to David Cleeton’s class in financial management. (She’d heard it was a practical class that taught about calculating a mortgage and handling student loans.) After connecting with an alum at one of the New York networking events, she successfully pursued a job as an analyst at Bear Stearns. Although some of her friends don’t quite understand her attraction to investment banking—or know what it is—most applaud both her ambition and the fact that a program was developed to help her succeed." (Oberlin Alumni Magazine, http://www.oberlin.edu/alummag/summer2004/feat_wallstreet_05.html)

----- From December 2006 AALFNY Newsletter -----

BIRTHS/NAISSANCES: Martine (Gren) Ureña wrote: "My husband, Alex Ureña, and I are the proud parents of a baby girl, named Giselle, born November 3rd, 2006."

Martine (Gren) Ureña also wrote that she and her husband, Alex Ureña, are "very proud to annouce the opening of our restaurant Ureña at 37 east 28th street." [click on link below for further details on her restaurant]

● Click on link below for news of Albert Sara

-----From Winter 2004 AALFNY Newsletter-----

Laura Gerchik writes: "After spending a year studying abroad at the Universite de Paris IX- Dauphine in 2002, I graduated in December 2003 from the University of Massachusetts Amherst,with a B.A in Integrated Marketing Communications. I'm currently working as an Investment Advisor for the Invest in France Agency - the French government agency for international investments. I'm happy to say that I am still in touch with several LFNY alum, and retain a wonderful memory of my time at the lycee."

-----From Winter 2003-2004 AALFNY Newsletter-----

Eric Jabart writes: "I am a senior at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md, majoring in Biomedical Engineering and Spanish."
Edouard Langlois étudie le droit à la faculté de Rouen.
Stephanie LeBlanc wrote, in response to our Networking-reunion invitation of October, 2003: “Je suis toujours très touchée de recevoir des nouvelles du lycée par les newsletters et les emails, et je voulais remercier les organisateurs de l'association. Je ne peux malheureusement pas assister aux cocktails, puisque j'habite désormais en France. Mais je trouve l'idée d'une coopération entre anciens très bien et qui s'avèrera certainement être très profitable pour chacun d'entre nous. Je suis encore étudiante (Sciences Po) et je ne travaille donc pas….”

-----From March/April 2002 AALFNY Newsletter-----

Edouard Langlois étudie le droit à la faculté de Rouen.

-----From November/December 2001 AALFNY Newsletter-----

Stephanie Gout-Arjona is currently at the University of Pennsylvania studying International Relations.

-----From July/August 2001 AALFNY Newsletter-----

Alexandre Boutebel, like his brother Sébastien '99, is at Concordia University, Canada. He is majoring in English Literature with a Minor in French Literature

TOP: Camille Mauger ('00); MIDDLE: Edouard Langlois ('00) : BOTTOM: Frédéric Petit ('00) &Thu-Nhi Nguyen ('00)
TOP: Camille Mauger ('00); MIDDLE: Edouard Langlois ('00) : BOTTOM: Frédéric Petit ('00) &Thu-Nhi Nguyen ('00)

TOP: Alain Lemithe ('00); BOTTOM: Guillaume Fillebeen ('00)
TOP: Alain Lemithe ('00); BOTTOM: Guillaume Fillebeen ('00)
TOP: Laura Gerchik ('00); MIDDLE: Amelie Cesar ('00); BOTTOM: Amandine Goy ('00)
TOP: Laura Gerchik ('00); MIDDLE: Amelie Cesar ('00); BOTTOM: Amandine Goy ('00)
TOP: Kloe Korby ('00) ; MIDDLE: Gerard Ouedraogo ('00); BOTTOM: Bastien Chenaux-Repond ('00)
TOP: Kloe Korby ('00) ; MIDDLE: Gerard Ouedraogo ('00); BOTTOM: Bastien Chenaux-Repond ('00)
TOP: Alexandra Breitenstein ('00); MIDDLE: Sandra Hamai ('00); BOTTOM: Guillaume Fournier ('00)
TOP: Alexandra Breitenstein ('00); MIDDLE: Sandra Hamai ('00); BOTTOM: Guillaume Fournier ('00)