Class of 1954, On the Internet: Jean-Pierre CauvinJean-Pierre Cauvin Education: Ph. D. Princeton University, 1968 Academic Position: Professor of French, The University of Texas at Austin Director, Normandy Scholar Program Officier de l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques Fields of research instruction and interest: 19th and 20th century French poetry; Surrealism; Poetic prose and the prose poem; History of the arts in France; Cultural & intellectual history of France & Germany 1870-1960; France during World War II; French stylistics and composition; Comparative stylistics and translation; Aspects of contemporary France. National and other Academic Activities: Chairman, CLEP Test Development Committee in French, The College Board, 1998– Consultant, Educational Testing Service; The College Board; National Endowment for the Humanities; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; Phi Beta Kappa Publications: Books: Henri Bosco et la poétique du sacré, Klincksieck, Paris, l974. 292 p. Poems of André Breton: A Bilingual Anthology (with Mary Ann Caws), University of Texas Press, Austin, 1982. 260 p. Panaché Littéraire (with M. J. Baker), Heinle & Heinle, 3d ed., 1994. 360p. Articles: "Le surréalisme de Valentine Hugo". In Beatrice Seguin (ed.), Valentine Hugo: Ecrits et entretiens radiophoniques. Arles: Actes Sud, 2002, 163-181. "La genèse sous le manteau: Les Stupra de Rimbaud...et Verlaine". Histoires littéraires (Paris), No. 14. (April-June 2003) [with S. Murphy and J.-J. Lefrère], 35-46. "Les molles vapeurs d'une chaude atmosphère, ou l'espace idéal chez Baudelaire," Bulletin 1975 de la SPFA "L'exploration des hauteurs," in Le Réel et l'imaginaire dans l'œuvre d'Henri Bosco. José Corti, Paris, 1976 "Le poète des trois règnes," Connaissance des hommes, 66, 1976 "Literary Games of Chance": The André Breton Manuscripts," Library Chronicle, N. S. 16, 1981 "Foreign Languages and the College Board's Academic Preparation for College," Journal of General Education, 36, 1984 "Variations sur un préfixe," L'Esprit Créateur [on Henri Michaux], 26, 3, Fall l986 Valentine, André, Paul et les autres, or the Surrealization of Valentine Hugo," Dada/Surrealism, no. 18, 1990. Reprinted in: Surrealism and Women, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991 "Les manuscrits de Proust à l'université d'Austin: répertoire commenté," Bulletin Marcel Proust, no. 40, 1990 "Textes surréalistes: Jeu à Castellane", Pleine Marge, no. 12, December 1990 "Petites histoires d'almanach: tour du monde des inventions tolérables," Pleine Marge, no. 12, December 1990 "L'Antiquaire, ou l'anti-Teste". Cahiers Henri Bosco, no. 29 (No spécial, "Henri Bosco vivant – 1888-1988"), 1989 Contributions to: Alden, D. and Brooks, R. (eds.), A Critical Bibliography of French Literature, Syracuse Univ. Press, Syracuse, 1979; The Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature, 2d ed., Columbia Univ. Press, 1980; The World Book Encyclopedia, Chicago: World Book, 1991, 1994 Reviews in: Princeton Alumni Weekly, The French Review, Choice Conferences & Symposia organized / co-organized: International Symposium on Apollinaire and Modernism, Univ. of Texas, Austin, Dec. 4-6, 1976 International Symposium on the Bicentennial of the French Revolution, Univ. of Texas, April 26-28, 1989 Eighth International Colloquium on Twentieth Century French Studies, Univ. of Texas, March 21-23, 1991 SOURCE: http://www.utexas.edu/cola/depts/frenchitalian/faculty/frenchfaculty/cauvincv.htm |