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In Memoriam

(Scroll to below the last article, for a full list of Lycee alumni and staff who are deceased, to our knowledge.)

Avis de Décès:

Mme. Helene Schettino, who was the school's receptionist from 1975 to 1996, passed away in April, 2007.

Pierre Blanchenay ('61)

Anne (Giraud) Lamassiaude ('61) nous a communiqué cette triste nouvelle: "Notre camarade Pierre Blanchenay qui a fait parti du lycée pratiquement de la maternelle à la première, s'est éteint le vendredi 1er juin. Je crois que pas un de ses 'classmates' ne sera indifférent à cette triste nouvelle. Il était l'élément fédérateur de la classe, le fondateur du club de théâtre, et un "malade imaginaire" inoubliable. Malheureusement cette fois, la maladie n'était pas imaginaire. Il a fait preuve d'un immense courage et ne s'est jamais départi de son humour, même dans les moments les plus durs."

Jill Newman Iversen ('61) also shared her thoughts: "I was horrified to hear about the passing of our classmate, Pierre Blanchenay, if for no other reason than as recently as May 29, Catherine Temerson, Jean-Claude Valode, Pierre and I were making plans to reunite at his home in Versailles at the end of June. For the past few years the four of us have been gathering together every summer when I go to Paris, to sit around and prendre un verre, as they say, and reminisce about the good old days (which were not necessarily always so good, but that makes it even more fun!) at the lycée. Last year, I remember he even drove me home at the end of the evening, because my hotel was at the end of nowhere and we weren’t sure if the metro was still running, and we sang old Georges Brassens songs en route....and even remembered most of the words!
That was Pierre Blanchenay in a nutshell. With all the kudos and the honors and the awards and the degrees, he could still sing out 'Pauvre Martin, Pauvre Misere' nearly a half century after we all had first heard it. It’s a heartbreak indeed."


(Copy the website address and paste into your browser window for further details, where available)


Mme. Louise Bégué
Mr. Pierre Brodin (http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A0DE4D61F3EF93AA35752C0A961958260)

Mme. Dorothée Brodin (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.23/50/599)
Mme. Nanette Cérisoles (http://lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.20/50/169)

Mr. Claude Choquet (http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D05EFDC1E3FF933A05757C0A96E958260)

M. Georges A. Deschamps (http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=10403&page=67)

Mme. Hélène Ettinger
M. Maurice Galy
M. Arje Hary
Mme. Tina Hess (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.22/50/431)
M. Claude Jacot
M. Martin Kieffer (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.20/7/279)
M. Jacques Lafon
Mme. Marie-Andree Mount
M. Alexander Obolensky
Mme. Ariane Popa (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.22/50/431)
M. Robert Roussel
Mme. Michèle Sampson
Mme. Helene Schettino


Jacques Leclerc, '40
Francois Mariani, '40

Victor A. Soskice, '41

François Chapman, '42
Françoise (Cohen) Monteagle, '42
Pierre Frye, '42
Claude Lebel, '42

Guillaume de Bourgoing, '43
François de Bourgoing, '43
Alix (Hamburger) Deguise '43 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.21/50/580)
Pierre Rosset-Cournand, '43
Charles de Ferry de Fontnouvelle, '43

Esther (Huisman) Asper, '44
Eleanor Cramer, '44
Raoul Grenade, '44

Natacha (Dorfmann) Ulmann, '45
David Mogoulosky, '45

Antoine Chapman, '46
Françion (Garreaud) Sonnery, '46
Léon Lambert, '46
Muriel (Landau) Michel, '46

Renata Chapiro, '47
Jacques de Panafieu, '47 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.21/50/580)
Dominique Eude, '47
Tanaquil (Leclercq) Balanchine, '47
Aniouta Pitoeff, '47
Arthur Robbins Jr. Griswold , '47

Maurice Godet, '48

Jean Kaminker, '49
Jacques Rouxel, '49 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.21/50/580)

Alice (Lorsy) Birner, '50
Jean Breffort, '50
Alexis Kalioujny, '50 (http://lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.20/50/169)
Chantal (Laurentie) Lusby, '50
Delphine (Seyrig) Youngerman, '50

Jules Huot, '51 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.22/50/431)

Jeanne (Blanchenay) Kerblat-Houghton , '52
Jacqueline (Contenson) Duguet, '52
Marc de Magnin, '52

Hélène Delgado Chalbaud, '53
Georges de Montebello, '53
Hubert-Michel Ripka, '53
Claire (de Reinech) Sreenivasan, '53

Claudine Brasseur, '54
Angelica Guidotti, '54
Dorita Lochak, '54
Charles de Toulouse Lautrec, '54
Bernard Mendes France, '54
Christian Segard, '54

René Blanchenay, '55

Patrice de Gramont, '56
Claude Toselli, '56

Anne-Marie (Maluski) Chapouton, '57

Ariel Brun de Pontet, '58 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.21/50/580)

James S. Abrams, '59
Olga Georges-Picot, '59 (http://www.aveleyman.com/ActorsG/P00006460.HTML)

Franklin Darmory, '60

Keith Brenner, '61
Pierre Blanchenay, '61 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.25/50/1044)
Naomi Schor , '61 (http://www.yale.edu/opa/v30.n13/story6.html)

François Hervé, '62

Liliane Kahn, '63
Nicole Le Vien, '63

Thomas Taylor, '64

Tibou Lubart, '65 (http://hometown.aol.com/rogernyc/TibuObituary.html)

Liliane Francais, '66 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.23/50/599)
Francois Ganem, '66
Xavier Gélin, '66
Monique Hirschler, '66 (http://lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.20/50/169)
Martine Sironneau, '66

Nancy (Anholt) Tabor '67 (http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F03E6DB1F3FF933A15751C1A961958260)
Yves Bizien, '67
Laurent de Montmollin, '67
Peter Warren, '67

Georges Bibaud, '68 (http://hometown.aol.com/rogersanit/GeorgeBibaud.html)
François Cailliarec , '68 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.15/50/600)
David Cohen, '68
Michel Herckens, '68 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.23/50/599)
Frederique Hugueny, '68
Carole Hugueny, '68
Marc Verine, '68
Everett Wetchler, '68
Jacqueline Wolff, '68
Aziyade (Venus) Mimran, '68

Alicia (de la Serna) Peel, '69 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.23/50/599)
Richard Gorka, '69
Julie-Ann Krewer, '69 (http://hometown.aol.com/rogersanit/Krewer_Eulogy.html)
Eva Lewin, '69

Victoria Blumka, '70
Philip Haentzler, '70 (http://www.silive.com/september11/lr/index.ssf?/september11/lr/haentzler.html)

Carlos de la Serna, '71 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.23/50/599)
Georges Dremeaux, '71 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.22/50/431)
Eric de Villepin, '71

Marc Antoine Crespi, '72 (http://www.lafayette.edu/news.php/view/7903/)
Gerard Crouzilhat, '72 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.21/50/580)
Christophe Lefebure, '72 (http://lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.20/50/169)
Valerie (Noel) Claisse, '72 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.21/50/580)
Patricia Perinel, '72

Alain Chèvre, '73
Christina Duff '73
Axel Jahan, '73
Corinne Le Fresne, '73

David Cahn, '75
Bénédicte Martin, '75

Sylvie Bassette, '76

Yvan Antich, '77 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.22/50/431)
Nicolas Reynard, '77 (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/11/1112_041112_reynard_crash.html)

Philippe Dehais, '78 (http://lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.20/50/169) and http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.24/50/860
Marina Vaillaud, '78
Frederic Kapner, '78 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.23/50/599)

Julien Lanoé, '79
Gabriella (Tussusov) Morey, '79 (http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE7DE163DF930A1575AC0A9659C8B63)
Dr. Charles Wolff, '79

Françoise Lepeltier, '81
Lofti Mestiri, '81

Pierre Combes, '82
Francis de Montebello, '82

Jenny Kleinman, '83
Chantal Konda, '83
Oulimata Sarré, '83
Makram Tueni, '83

Costanza Anchisi, '84
Hélène (Nguyen) Ommont, '84 (http://hometown.aol.com/rogersanit/Ommont_Eulogy.html)

Sappho Garelli, '85 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.23/50/599)

Didier Martheleur, '87

Olivier Du Pont, '88

Frederic Baer, '89
Patrick Bahr, '89
Romain de Plas, '89

Benjamin Gumuchdjian, '91

Edem Adjoyi, '92

Bianca Pujol, '95 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.22/50/431)

Edward Zeltser, '97

Bertrand Fournier '98 (http://www.lfnyalumni.org/en/news/no.22/50/431)

Pierre Blanchenay (in Seconde, from 1959 yearbook)
Pierre Blanchenay (in Seconde, from 1959 yearbook)