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Alumni Council Elections Are Here!

Deadline to Vote: February 7th, 2003

The term of office of the current Alumni Council is up. We are happy and proud to have served you for the past two years. We would especially like to thank the outgoing members who are now stepping down from the Council:

Susan Schwenger ’80 and her brother Paul Schwenger’84 both served as Council Members at Large.

Gloria Tulliu ’73, outgoing Vice President, promises to continue attending council meetings.

The contributions of Natalie Yates Cacciato ’78 have been invaluable. Her insights, vision and tireless efforts, as well as her willingness to make available her firm's resources in creating the AALFNY’s online community have brought our Alumni Association to a new level and extended our reach and ability to serve both the global alumni family and students at the Lycee.

Vivianne (Hanania) Kurzweil ’74 has been with the Council since the latest resurgence of the AALFNY ten years ago, as President and Secretary, and her commitment, energy, vision and dedication to serving the students and alumni have been exemplary.
Once again, we express our thanks to our outgoing members who have agreed to remain active in our Association. The slate of candidates for the 2002-2004 term of office was chosen from all years and countries in order to best reflect the alumni community's phenomenal diversity. We look to the candidates with great confidence, and we trust that they will further our mission to reach out to and serve the entire Alumni Community.

Please Vote