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Class Notes

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Promotions 1970-1979: Hiver 2002-2003
Promotions 1980-1989: Hiver 2002-2003
Promotions 1990-1999: Hiver 2002-2003
Promotions 2000-2002: Hiver 2002-2003

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Gabrielle Griswold writes: “Yes, I am still a full-time staff writer (not a reporter) for our local weekly newspaper, The Mountain EAR. I take photos for and write: feature stories, personality profiles, history stories, art stories, crafts stories, animal stories, school stories, seasonal (notably Christmas) stories, play reviews, veterans' stories, technology stories, some business pieces and some (generally few) news stories, plus a few other miscellaneous things besides. Our paper's circulation is roughly 15,000, (probably more during the summer season), and we recently won a New England Press Association award in the "General Excellence" category -- the first time we ever entered the competition!
I love my job, which comprises a great deal of variety and a pleasant balance between time spent at the computer and time spent on the road taking photographs and doing interviews. I meet some fabulous people, learn their life stories, am tied right in to the community and its activities, and am in the fortunate position of always learning something new, which I relish. The job keeps me mentally stimulated and, I believe, helps preserve my youthful spirit. (Isn't it nice that one can write at any age?) It is also a considerable satisfaction at the end of each week to know that at least 15,000 pairs of eyes will see the result of my efforts!
I am formerly married, presently divorced from Boston attorney Jerome Facher. (In case you read the book or saw the movie "A Civil Action," he was the lawyer who represented the corporate "villains" in the case.) Actually I was Gabrielle Facher during my marriage and only returned to my maiden name after my divorce. I don't know if I ever told you that I spent the decade of my 20s living and working in Paris and London, first for the Marshall Plan, then for its successor agency the Mutual Security Administration, and finally for N.A.T.O. (before it moved to Brussels).”
Elisabeth (Bertol) Moon wrote and told us that she is still in close contact with her childhood friend and classmate Dorrance (Velay) D'André and had been in contact for many years with Esther (Huisman) Asper until she passed away three years ago. Elizabeth and Gabrielle Griswold recently contacted each other thanks to the AALFNY “Find a Classmate” service!

Please see Feature section "The Early Years" for more reminiscences of Class of '44 alumni!

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Eleonore Zimmerman emails us: “I have lost contact with all my class mates. Of course, I was at the Lycée for only one semester, which means I had time to become close friends only with two or three. But it was a small, quite close-knit class, with many people I liked. I got my second bacho in 1949 (obtaining the first mention "Très Bien" in the Lycée's history, I was told at the time!). Any e-mail you may have of people in that class would be welcome.”

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Dr. Carl Weiss writes : « Enchanté d'entendre de votre groupe. Will happily keep in touch. I left the Lycée in 1950 for college and then Medical school. Regards ! »
● From Valentin Berger:"I attended the Lycée only in April through June of 1949, to complete the 3eme before launching into a U.S. High School. Thereafter my family moved to North Carolina where I graduated and immediately entered North Carolina State at age 16. In 1952, I transferred to MIT and graduated in the Class of 1956. In 1957-58 I returned to MIT, obtaining their SMCE. Still, I have a largish family in France and speak the language fluently. ......[I would like to know] whether any alumni of the Lycée live in the Seattle area and would be interested in getting acquainted. My wife and I are retired, although I occasionally do consulting work, and Jerry does Social Work as a volunteer for King County's Courts. We host foreign students each and every year, most recently a young Martiniquaise/Parisienne who has left for home only a few days ago."

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Peter Herford filled us in on a distinguished career in journalism: “After graduation: 3 years in Alaska as a reporter and anchor for KTVA-TV - CBS News Fellowship, Columbia University - 27 years with CBS News; Writer for Walter Cronkite first half hour network newscast, Bureau Chief Midwest, Paris, European Producer, Bureau Chief Vietnam, Producers CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite, Producer 60 Minutes, VP News, Producer CBS News Sunday Morning with Charles Kuralt. - Director William Benton Fellowships for Broadcast Journalists University of Chicago - Director of Communications Sentor Brock Adams (D Washington) - Associate Professor Graduate School of Journalism Columbia University - Resident Advisor ProMedia Zagred, Croatia - Consultant TV Cabo first all-news cable channel in Portugal.” At present, Peter is the Senior Executive Producer of Public Radio International.
Georges Ripka, a physicist in Paris, dropped us a line to say: “Anyone still alive, who might remember me, please make yourself known!”

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Rosette Tucker Teitel (nee Winger) has had her book, "THE HANDHOLDER'S HANDBOOK, A Guide for Caregivers of People with Alzheimer's or Other Dementias" published by Rutgers University Press. It is available in all major bookstores and online. Rosette has done many book signings all over the country, and is available to speak to support groups. She writes: “Any feedback or suggestions would be welcome.”

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Marie Christine (Comte) Schurmann is currently living in the U.S. though it is only on a temporary basis as her husband will finish his stint at the World Bank in a few months. They plan to return to Italy where they have a house.
William Rodarmor is a journalist and editor in Berkeley, California. He's also a French literary translator. The University of Chicago Press published his 12th book translation this spring: "The Fate of the Mammoth," by historian of science Claudine Cohen. He is divorced, has a 19-year-old son named Casey, and regularly visits New York to see his old Columbia Law School girlfriend. He has stayed in touch with a number of Lycee friends, including Neil Schachter, Lisa (Freymann) Wassong, Liliane Frizzole, Joanna (Alexander) Grossman '62, and Beatrice (Wellner) Sikon '62.

Class Secretary: E. Neil Schachter, '60

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Catherine Loudes nous a écrit: « Divorcée, mère de 4 enfants (tous indépendants), 4 petits-fils et une autre naissance prévue fin octobre. Depuis l'été de 1963, je vis en Afrique, Côte d'Ivoire, à Abidjan (l'ex capitale). J'ai assisté à l'emergence de ce pays depuis pratiquement ses premiers jours d'indépendance. Mon premier mari, qui du reste fut la principale raison de ma venue en Afrique, était Ingénieur et Député à l'Assemblée Nationale de ce pays.
Côté travail, j'ai eu plusieurs postes intéressants au cours de ma carrière (entre autres 10 ans avec l'OMS (in English WHO)) et le dernier poste chez Apache Int'l, exploration et exploitation pétrolière, en tant que DAF, d'où j'ai fait valoir mes droits à la retraite pour aussitôt installer une cellule de traduction (home-based). J'ai un tantinet élargi la gamme de prestations et offre maintenant des "Services de la Paie" (payroll) et l' "Archivage électronique". A côté de cela, j'aide autant que possible ma fille (la plus jeune parmi mes enfants et la seule fille) qui a étudié la gestion hôtellière en France et s'est lancée depuis le début de l'année dans un "Service Traiteur" à Abidjan. Les autres enfants, 3 garçons, (un Informaticien, à Paris ; un Banquier -MBA en Californie, résidant à Abidjan, à la Standard Chartered Bank ; et un Chirurgien-Urologue, pratiquant à Paris) tous mariés. Mon point de chute pour les vacanes est Paris. Souvent j'ai eu à me poser la question que sont devenus mes ami(e)s de classe. Le premier contact avec une ancienne, Virginia Utermohlen, a été malheureusement motivée par la triste nouvelle concernant Naomi Schorr, que Virginia essayait de faire parvenir à un maximum de camarades. Grâce à votre rubrique "Find a classmate", j'ai eu l'agréable surprise de recevoir un mot d'Annette Somers.

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Paul Oppenheim writes, regarding the ’66 Musical reunion in Paris mentioned in the last AALFNY newsletter: “I remember having attended the first rehearsals in the Seydoux apartment on Park Avenue and making historic recordings of them on my portable tape recorder!” André Cappon also wrote us requesting more information on this. Please contact Philippe Engelhardtfor more information at ple@aviax.com.
Helena Goldstein Leslie writes: "Your e-mail network recently led to my reunion with long lost classmate Paul Oppenheim at our apartment in Ferney Voltaire, outside Geneva. Paul was in Geneva on business; we happened to be having a party, and much fun was had by all. It was wonderful to see him and to find that we still had a lot in common. Thanks to your terrific network, Paul is even suggesting that we might be able to have a 40th reunion for our class. All the best and keep up the good work. You are appreciated."
David D. Passigli writes: "When Roger Liwer ’68 (aka 'Roger Sanit') contacted me and told me about the alumni website, a rush of memories washed over me. Then when I actually visited the site, it was wonderful to read about so many of my classmates from 1963 to 1967. I am sure you all remember that it didn't matter what class we were in, we all knew each other and for the most part grew up together. So hearing of Naomi Schor's passing saddened me greatly, since even though she was an upper classperson, she always found time to say hello whenever we passed in the hallways. It was wonderful to hear of Oudi (Recanati) and Tessie (Arpels) getting together after all these years. Oudi and I went to Shearith Israel together and he was at my Bar Mitzvah (I have pictures!). Mazel Tov to you and Tessie. Steve Ditlea, Tibou Lubart, and Linda Urdang were also there. It was good to hear from Fabrizio Franzi, Francis Jacot, the "Swingstones", upper classman Pierre Sauvage '63 and his quest, Alain Letort from Brazil, Geneviève (Cérisoles) Edis from the UK, Jean-Pierre Marchand, Danielle Schulein-Steel, Charles Pinto, and Remi Ayache, brother of my best friend at the Lycée, Robert Ayache. After leaving the Lycée, I went to Pharmacy School practiced for 10 years and then went to Law School. Now I am Director of International Sales at a large vitamin company. I am married (in Jan ‘03 it will be 30 years) and have one son (15 years old). I live and work on Long Island."

Class Secretary: Elisabeth Galy

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Jane Pauline Trigère writes: “My life is divided into decades. I lived in Cambridge, MA. for 11 years and became an art bookbinder after my studies in theatre design and architecture. I moved to Israel (3 years in Jerusalem and 6 as a kibbutz member) and raised my 2 daughters on Kfar Giladi. Returned to Westchester, NY and finally arrived in Western Massachusetts where I have been for 10 years. I am finally happily married to Ken Schoen (bookdealer specializing in Judaica, World War 2, the Holocaust, etc.). I write for newspapers, teach, create and direct educational non-profits, paint, build a Jewish day school and more. My life is quiet now. I have a daughter (30) living in Israel who is an art director, a daughter (24) in Northampton who is a massage therapist, a son (23) who is working on privacy issues on the Internet and a daughter (16) at home in our converted fire station. We live upstairs and 25,000 books are the ballast downstairs. Come visit!”
Jacques Hirschler writes: « It was purely by serendipity that I fell upon this Internet site for the Lycée's alumni. I had attended the Lycée alumni meeting in May ‘02 (with a mixture of intense anticipation and trepidation) to visit the hallowed halls of my childhood and meet my former classmates. Trekking up the stairs to what was formerly Onzième (and before that some magnate's penthouse), I experienced with Proustian delight a flashback to 1955 when I climbed those very stairs my first day of school. Gregory Gould ‘68 and I then battled for a seat. (All would be well in this strange environment, I thought, as long as I could find a seat.) Anyway, the emotions ran very strong, forty seven years later... As I read those fond memories of Julie Krewer ‘69, I am saddened to inform all that my sister, Monique ‘66, passed away in 1991, also from breast cancer. She left three beautiful children to mitigate the pain of her departure. The horror of 9/11 reminded us all how fleeting and precious our lives and those of our loved ones are. I think we all hugged our family members a little harder that day and wished to renew with old friends. So thanks to all who made this web site possible. Speak to us, memory!”

Class Secretary: Isaac Nathan

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Marc Salz writes: "I want to say that I really appreciate all the work that you have done in researching our class (and others). It is sad to see how many are now deceased -Everett Wetchler, Francois Cailliarec, and the two Hugueny sisters( Frédérique and Carole). I remember how George Bibaud could tell jokes during the Cuban missile crisis and how he was in judo class when J.F.K. was assassinated. Keep up the good work and thanks for putting my own sites on."

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Carole (Vonderweidt) Hansen writes: "I loved the last newsletter. It was so full of news. It's funny that so many of my classmates write in and are in touch with each other.....I toured the Voice of America in Washington, and it turns out Andre Denesnera who was in my class, is their news director. I didn't see him, but I thought that was pretty neat. I'd like to work on a 35th reunion for 2004.Thanks for all your efforts on behalf of the LFNY Alumni Association. You do a great job."…
● News from Peter Laurence: “I moved back to Rome in September. Am I glad to be back? I think, in fin di conto, yes. But of course I miss New York. Here you have more time to meet with your friends and you can almost afford a spacious apartment to have your friends over in. And the rare days that the traffic is not too bad, you realize that you are there where civilization began, especially now that we moved to San Giovanni, from where Rome emerged from the dust. By the way does anyone have class pictures of class of ’69, back in ’60 say, and/or in ’68? If so I'd love to have laser copies if possible.”

Charlotte (Coleman) Tyler, '69

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Promotions 1970-1979: Hiver 2002-2003

Promotion 1970

Carole (Hanania) Pinto, currently living in Paris, has established herself as an art dealer, « specializing in late XIX and XX century oils and works on paper by lesser known European artists. The works include colorful seascapes, intimate portraits, provincial landscapes as well as scenes of Paris; many of the artists have extensive bibliographies, and are represented in museums and collections throughout Europe. » Carole writes: “It's rather fantastic to run into old school friends half way round the globe, thirty years after graduation! That's just what happened last week, when I heard someone call my name at the Hotel Drouot in Paris. I turned around and recognized Sabine Hugueny, who was not only at the Lycée with me but also worked on Wall Street with me after we both finished Business School. She is now running an antique business out of London. We got together with a third alumnus, Laurence Falzon, who lives in Paris and spent the evening talking about so many things - it was amazing how much we had to catch up on! »
Debbie (Heller) Lifschitz writes : « Married To Dr. Moshe Lifschitz (Orthopedics) for 27 years. 5 children (2 married), youngest 12 yrs. 5 grandchildren. We host tourists and lecture on current events. I am heavily involved in teacher training,TESOL, Holocaust studies(including group trips to Poland),and Midrash."
● We are devastated to learn that Philip Haentzler perished in the WTC tragedy 9/11/01. For further information, please see "In Memoriam" section.

Promotion 1971

Martine (Fougeron) de Monès writes: "I am a true bi-cultural product of the Lycée Français, having spent half of my studies/professional and personal in Paris and the other in NY......I have had an international career.......Until 6 years ago I spent my professional life in Paris as European Marketing Director in the field of Creations of Fine Perfumery. From 1988 to 1996, I saw all the facets of the different Europeans tastes via the fragrances they wore... By 1986, those tastes were more and more uniting with the Amercian ones....I moved to NY in 1986 as Creative Director ......It is then I discovered how cosmopolitan and truly universal New York is. In my staff of 20 perfumers and 65 technicians, we had 34 nationalities...I have now opted to stay and live in New York where I am since 2001 an Independant Consultant in the firm I head ("Martine Paris-New York”) whose mission is to "discover, design and direct Creative Shifts in the World Market for Beauty". My passion is for the exploration of the 6 senses, and foremost perfumes, as they are interlinked with the other senses and arts....I live in Manhattan with my two sons who go to the Lycée Français de New York. And history continues..."

Promotion 1972

Rachel Kaplan writes: "After graduating from the Lycée Français in New York, I went on to attend Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. Since April 1994, I have been residing in Paris. I have developed a cultural tourism company French Links, which has hosted Tom Daschle, President Gerald Ford and Gov. Ann Richards, and since then have developed two others, British Links and European Jewish Tours. I have also published a series of illustrated art guides for Harry N. Abrams, Inc. “Little-Known Museums In and Around Paris, London, Berlin and Rome,” as well as a book in French, and an electronic guide to shopping in Paris, “Best Buys to French Chic.” While I am not married, I am happily in love with a Frenchman who happens to appreciate many aspects of American life and women. Now that's luck!"
Gerard Salomon writes: "Very surprised that Promotion ’72 is missing! Maybe with the help of the rest of my gang - Gerald Sampson or Arthur Kulick we could cover up that big blank. Hey guys have you lost your computers to write?"

Promotion 1974

Nadejda Kondratiev is still residing with her husband and son Vseva in Manila.
Helene Mokus de Barcza writes: "I saw Duncan Youngerman, Dan Chayefsky, and Claudia Baena-Soares in the last few months, and am in touch with Supriya (Sabrina) Swerdlick, and Berthe Ake. I continue to have my own business, styling photoshoots for advertising (Camel, Absolut, Toshiba, Saks Folio) and doing most of the i.t. stuff for my husband's business (he rents hard surface backgrounds to stylists and photographers) as well. We’re celebrating our 22nd wedding anniversary in April! It doesn't seem that long, and we have 2 wonderful godsons, a niece and a nephew for that family feeling! For info on Helene's recent event, see "Alumni Spotted."
Michèle (Schenck) Zefferi nous écrit à propos de la réunion organisée par un groupe d’anciens à Paris le 9 avril. « C'est avec un peu d'appréhension que je me suis rendue avec mon "petit" frère Claude à la première réunion organisée pour les anciens du Lycée à Paris. Nous étions une quinzaine à avoir fait le déplacement. Les classes s'échelonnaient de '71 à '93 et, à défaut de s'être connus à NY, les anecdotes sur la vie du Lycée, les profs et les surveillants nous ont ramenés, souvent dans le rire, quelques années en arrière. Certains avaient également partagé quelques moments inoubliables chez Barthélémy où c'était l'occasion de rencontrer les frères et soeurs des copains et de connaître les élèves des autres classes. Malheureusement le « very short notice » ne nous a pas permis de rameuter tous les anciens que nous cotoyons encore chacun de notre côté. La prochaine réunion devrait donc réunir bien plus de monde. Je souhaite également profiter de ce message pour suggérer que la liste des anciens par année précise la ville et le pays de résidence. Bravo encore pour cette initiative! »
Marzena Laszewski writes: “Hi everyone! What can one say 28 years after graduating from the Lycée Français? I'm glad I found this website and am looking forward to hearing from some of my old friends. I went to college in Boston (at the suggestion of Sylvie Kleinman) and took a roundabout route to get to medical school also at Boston University. I trained at Beth Israel Hospital/Harvard Medical School in Internal Medicine/Primary Care and finished in 1990. I married my college sweetheart while still living in Boston. We then moved to Fairfax, VA for about four years where my husband studied Historic Preservation at Mary Washington College. We are now happily settled in Rocky Mount, North Carolina (half-way between NY and Florida) where I am enjoying my practice in a large multi-specialty group. We like the warmer climate and the "small town" atmosphere. Everyone here is into golf and basketball. We have two wonderful girls, Sophie, age 10, and Emily, age 7. Unfortunately, these days I don't get to use my languages much--only when singing in the church choir or with an occasional patient. We only get back to NY about once or twice a year to visit my dad who still lives in New York and will be turning ninety this year! I would love to hear from my classmates--Dan, Alix, Chantal, Phillipe, Odile, Marie-Jose, Sylvie, Diane--to name just a few. Best regards to everyone and hope to hear from you soon. I guess that our thirtieth reunion is around the corner!”
Vivianne (Hanania) Kurzweil was lucky enough to meet up with two very close Lycée friends during August and September: Ioana, who was in from Europe for the summer with her 4 children and Diana Flescher, currently a women’s doctor in Jerusalem and mother of 2 girls. Vivianne is in her 12th year of teaching Math at the Lycée; her husband Bob is a Senior VP at Alliance Capital Management, their daughter (19) is in her second year at NYU and son (16) is currently a junior in high school. Vivianne also decided she had better catch up with Francine (Benzaken) Glick after too many 3 minute phone conversations and did so this October: Francine and her husband Paul are currently living in Livingston, New Jersey and their eldest daughter, Joelle, is currently a freshman at the University of Rochester. Their second daughter, Natalie, is in tenth grade. Francine started her own business several years ago and is currently seeking early stage financing. Her website can be found at www.waterjourney.com. Her husband, a computer scientist, is a consultant at Bell Laboratories. Francine's parents are living in New York and are doing fine. Her mother, Mme. Benzaken (former teacher and Directrice du primaire) is retired and volunteers several days a week at The Alliance Francaise. Francine would love to hear from any of her classmates."

Promotion 1976

Isabelle (Baudry) McDonald writes: "I now have 3 children: Alex age 14, Katherine age 12 and Emily age 10. Would love to hear from Fredie Adelman, Jean Baum, Denis Logerot, Emmanuel Jaeger and more."

Promotion 1977

Valérie-Luce Rambourg s'est mariée à Bénarès, sur le Gange, le 20 juillet 2002, avec Shree Prakash Pandey; les rites du mariage hindou ont été achevés et complétés au temple Hare Samajh de Old Delhi. Elle nous écrit : « Nous nous partageons entre l'Inde et Paris dans l'attente d'une installation définitive aux bords du Gange... »
David Kaplan writes: “I attended the Lycée from 12eme to 9eme and returned to complete 1ere C (after having lived 4 years in Paris). Much as I loved the French educational system, I opted to go straight to Brown University rather than remain for Terminale. What's new? After graduating from Harvard Business School in 1985, I embarked upon a 16 year career at Bear Stearns & Co. ending as a Senior Managing Director in Fixed Income Institutional Sales. In April 2001, I started a new career as a Fixed Income Portfolio manager at the New York branch of Credit Industriel et Commercial. Working at a French bank has encouraged me rediscover my French "roots". I am married with 2 boys (13 and 10) and live in Scarsdale, New York. I would welcome getting together with former classmates for a beer (or 2)."

Promotion 1978

Daniel La Mothe Jost, MD writes: “It is a pleasure to find this Association. I have spent a good moment reading and scanning the content. I will let Charles Giblain and Jean-Paul Pietro Castro know about this site. There are many other alumni in NY but I have lost touch. The promotion of ‘78 was quietly dispersed after the BAC. I was left back a year and a lot of old friends went off in ‘77. I was not surprised to note the failed relationship between the Lycée and the Alumni Association. From 5ème to Terminale the powers-that-be never seemed to care much. The only people who matter are our friends, and some exceptional teachers who I remember and continue to love deeply. In my time the administration was a mere annoyance. I look forward to a new Lycée for the new century. The challenges are going to be great. That the Lycée will be present for our children excites me. I have married and my daughter Chloe is 3. I live in the Midwest, practice medicine, raise horses, and have lasting memories of the Lycée. You have all done a superb job with this site. If anyone knows where Tarik Rahal ’77 is, please let me know. Please feel free to contact me.”
Carla (Rosen) Vacher writes: “After graduate school, I moved to Duesseldorf, Germany to work in consumer product marketing for Henkel for almost two years and then was transferred to Henkel France in Paris as part of the executive rotation program. I stayed on for five years and was promoted up to group product manager for laundry detergent and loved it. Subsequently I was asked to apply for the position of Protocol Officer as part of the State Department in the U.S. Embassy in Paris and was hired by the late Ambassador Pamela Harriman for whom I worked for two years in the Residence. I became close to the Ambassador and miss her very much, as well as the tremendous experiences I was privileged to have. After staying on for Ambassador Felix Rohatyn, I left my position to get married and moved into my husband's home in the suburb of St-Remy-les-Chevreuse near Versailles. We moved within a year to Pittsburgh for his promotion to CEO of the U.S. subsidiary of his engineering firm.
I continue to volunteer in Democratic politics, after having served as elected officer for Democrats Abroad in Paris for six years and also delegate for President Clinton in Chicago in 1996, the highlight of my political involvement. Professionally I found a new career in fundraising for non-profit organizations, including social service agencies and cultural institutions and am a Trustee of the Pittsburgh Film Office and member of the Alumni Board of the Lycée.” [Since emailing us this information, Carla sent us the following update announcing her return to Europe:] “After four years back in the United States (Pittsburgh, PA), I am returning to Europe, specifically Luxembourg, for my husband's new position as Vice President for Industrial Investments for Arcelor, the multinational steel conglomerate. It is rewarding to settle into such a diverse and thriving international community where I can put my French and German to good use again. I hope to return to the public sector there eventually, after enjoying my time at the U.S. Embassy in Paris so much, once work on our landmark farmhouse is completed. While it will be painful to be away from dear friends in the U.S., I am happy to retain active ties as a trustee of the Pittsburgh Film Office, class of 1982 chair of the John Harvard Society Council for Harvard College and long-standing volunteer in political campaigns.”
Dr. Ann (Kraus) Hansen is the primary veterinarian at Pacific Equine. She graduated from Tufts veterinary school in 1985, and completed an equine internship and surgical residency at Tufts. Dr. Kraus-Hansen worked at the Animal Health Trust, a lameness and orthopedic specialty practice in Newmarket, England, and subsequently took a position as a Research Fellow at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine. She was a faculty surgeon and Chief of Service at Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine, prior to moving to the Pacific Northwest and establishing a private practice. She has authored a number of professional articles, and has lectured nationally and internationally on lameness and physical therapy topics.
At the time of the Alumni Association’s Soirée at the Avignon-New York Film Festival in April (brainchild of our own classmate and master promoter Beck Lee, Natalie Yates Cacciato received several bits of news and commentary. ● From Alain Benzaken: "Great job with the web site once again. The News stories were great, esecially that fighter pilot over NYC. It's always fun to read that newsletter, there are tidbits everywhere... I wish I had a 13 year-old daughter to send over to Stephanie's, sounds like a great thing to do. Hell, I would go, I still have a crush on her from 9eme! Anyhow, I just reserved for the Film Festival, I'll see you there next week. I've been very busy with my new job and I haven’t had time for anything else..."
● And from Daniel Lamothe Jost : «I wish I could be there, but I have to stay with my patients. I do hope to join a meeting soon. And I too, had a crush on Stephanie. Is anyone out here in Missouri?"
Annabelle Cone reported: "I am still at Dartmouth, still living in Cornish N.H. Still have two daughters. Different husband though. He is Dutch, his name is Remko and he now works at NOAA in Maryland, which shortens the commute quite a bit (the KLM flight from Boston to Amsterdam was getting a little tiring not to mention costly). Now we are regulars on Southwest Airlines, Baltimore to Manchester. I have seen a great deal of Stephanie Carson-Parker in the many years that separate us from graduation so long ago. Her daughters and my daughters get along well together, I just wish they could see each other more often. I also see Carla Rosen from time to time. Have her penned in for June!" Carla wrote: "So sorry to miss Beck's event!!! Our first hearthrob!!! Please say hi and congrats from me."
JP Clejan shared this bit of news and an appeal « [I’m] single now and happily living in Long Island (where I will stay to be near my children). Fortunately, I'm only 1/2 hour from Manhattan, so I can be in town at will (I also have customers and business events there). I am doing the singles scene (the modern way using networking and match.com), and both getting used to dating again, and adjusting to the way things have changed since I was last single. I see my sons a great deal, and have done a ton of skiing this winter with them… FYI - my ex-wife has the house in Manhasset, where the kids live; I'm sharing an estate in Sands Point (Port Washington) with a Senior Citizen who lost a lot in the tech stocks and needs a boarder to pay her property taxes - her house is incredible. I still have the ski house at Stratton, which I run as a share house in the winter and a rental property the rest of the season." JP is especially interested in meeting Cancer, Aries, Sagittarius or Pisces women looking for a long-term relationship, and will furnish his match.com ad to classmates interested in fixing them up. [To get in touch with fellow classmates, use the Find-A-Classmate service on this website.]

Promotion 1979

● “Where is Class of '79? Phillippe Gouamba here .... looking for the rest of our team. I am here in NYC, wondering where everyone else is! I am married, one daughter (10), one son (5). I’m working for Skyline Windows as V.P. of H.R. My job keeps me quite busy. Where are, to name just a few of our friends: the Coletta brothers, Shawn Warren, Magalie François, Marie-Françoise Baker, Frederic Feller, Dr. Ozbert Blow, Charles Wolf, Adam Lindeman, Eric Jacobson, Mark Bengualid?? I could go on forever........if I have not mentioned you, please forgive OUR old age. Someone, please write in for our class. We cannot be forgotten!”
Nadine Orenstein is a curator at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in the Department of Drawings and Prints. She curated most recently “Pieter Bruegel the Elder: Drawings and Prints” (Fall 2001). Her next exhibition “Hendrick Goltzius (1558-1617): Prints, Drawings, and Paintings,” will open in Amsterdam in March and come to the Met in June 2003.
Ignacio Pérez Caldentey writes: "Just a few lines to let you know that I have moved from Buenos Aires to Pretoria, South Africa, always working for the Embassy of Spain. Pretoria is a small and well kept city, quite a change from Buenos Aires. The country is spectacular and fascinating."
Hillary Ray wrote: "Apologies for not writing sooner but things have been very hectic. On 7 December 2001 I gave birth to Sean Davidson, weighing a whisker under 8lbs. He has a big and energetic boy ever since. On 2 february 2002 his father Mark and I got married (we had been engaged for over a year-- just goes to show how you can be overtaken by events!). I went back to work in May on a part-time basis, going full-time in August. It is very tiring and I seem to be very busy all the time but you do what you ahve to do. Mark is working part-time as a lawyer and helps to look after Sean at home. I am now working in the corporate legal department of Westpac, the Australian bank where I work in Sydney. I am really enjoying the work, probably more so than I did in intellectual property because you get to look at "bigger picture" issues. Of course corporate governance is of great concern at the moment. Westpac is listed on the New York stock exchange and I am doing quite a bit on the filing of forms required by the SEC. I am really enjoying having a new York angle to my practice and hope it will mean I can work in the New York office for a few weeks next year, as well as visit. I have not been to east Timor, Aceh or anywhere dangerous in a while now as Sean and Mark won't let me. I miss it but I have been outvoted. For now anyway. However there is still plenty of opportunity to do pro bono work from Sydney.I will try to set up some pictures and a little movie of us on our website and will send on details when I do. Most days though it seems a major effort just to get out the door! I hope everyone is doing well. I miss my old Lycée pals and look forward to reading about your news on the AALFNY bulletin."

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Promotions 1980-1989: Hiver 2002-2003

Promotion 1980

Laurent Fairhead nous écrit : « Après des études à Londres et à Paris, j'ai décroché une thèse en astronomie à l'observatoire de Paris. J'ai ensuite passé 18 mois à l'université de Berkeley en séjour post-doctoral avant de rentrer à Paris en 1990 et d'intégrer le CNRS comme ingénieur de recherche dans un laboratoire étudiant le climat (son observation, son évolution). L'été dernier ‘01, je suis tombé presque par hasard sur le site web www.lfnyalumni.org et ai ainsi pu trouver l'adresse de Cécile Le Péchoux qui était elle-même restée en contact avec plusieurs anciens élèves. Nous nous sommes retrouvés récemment à dîner chez moi (la chère y fut bonne si j'en crois les commentaires de mes anciens codisciples) et la soirée très agréable et sympathique. J'y ai donc retrouvé (avec plaisir): Cécile le Péchoux qui est médecin cancérologue à Villejuif, Anne-Marie Van Bockstaele qui donne des cours d'anglais en fac, Florence Bauchard qui est journaliste dans le groupe "Les Echos" et ●Emmanuel Barré qui travaille dans la finance chez Solomon Brothers; tous habitant Paris. Une grande partie de la soirée fut passée, un peu (beaucoup) au détriment de nos conjoints, à éplucher mes anciens Year Books et à échanger souvenirs et anecdotes sur nos années au LFNY. Nous nous séparâmes vers 2 heures du matin en nous promettant de remettre ça assez rapidement (en tout cas avant vingt ans) en essayant, entretemps, de retrouver d'autres anciens camarades de classe et de ne pas laisser passer les 25 ans de la promo sans les fêter. »
Alexandra Roth O'Mara fills us in: “Having practiced corporate law for many years, I'm now staying home with my three boys, Nicholas (8 yrs.), Ian (5yrs.) and Peter (2 yrs.) and enjoying every minute. My husband Kevin is tending to the law as a partner at Clifford Chance, as head of their private equity group. Would love to hear from other people in the class.”

Promotion 1985

Ahpaly Coradin writes: "I have been living in Miami for almost 3 years now, after having spent 3 years in Tokyo. My practice is in corporate law and corporate finance, with a focus on Asia and Latin America. I have been married almost 2 years to my wife Sae Iguchi Coradin. Our son Akira was born Feb 3, 2002. I would love to hear from you."
Pascale Maré writes: "I am still living in New York City. I've been in the Home Furnishing industry for the past 12 years and am now working for one of the top 5 five businesses in the nation. I would love to get back in touch with ’85 classmates and compare decades! I am most interested in participating (or even creating) an ’85 class reunion. It will 20 years (gulp!!) in a few years, and I would love to see as many of us as possible attend......On a personal note, I have stayed here in New York since graduating, and even though this city is not my place of birth, at this point in my life, I consider myself a native New Yorker. I had many friends working in the Towers, and I thank God on many occasions that every single one of them made it out alive. I still have not made it down to Ground Zero. It's such a terrible reminder to me of what we have lost. But as I was reading Pierre Oury's class notes, I thought perhaps he was flying over New York yesterday, July 4th 2002, and felt reassurance that someone I had shared memories with so many years ago was taking care of us. Perhaps I will make it down to Ground Zero this weekend, a most special weekend for this country.”
Pierre Oury writes: "My wife Jennifer and I have moved from Burlington, VT to Washington DC. I am an Airbus A320 first officer based in DC with United Airlines. I am also an Air Force Major and just transferred from the Vermont Air Nat'l Guard to the DC Air National Guard at Andrews AFB, MD flying the F16. I am originally from DC and just moved back into the neighborhood I grew up in before attending the LFNY."
Gabriel Sylla nous écrit : « Je suis encore très nostalgique quand je pense à mes camarades de classe et aux professeurs du Lycée. Je tiens à remercier l'association, car, grâce à vous j'ai pu retrouver beaucoup d'amis. Je suis encore un athlète de haut niveau au Canada, je viens de monter sur le podium à l'age de 37 ans au niveau national (argent) et je vais représenter le Canada aux prochains championnats PanAméricains de karaté. Sinon, je me suis rendu en quart de final aux derniers championnats du monde de Shotokan au Japon. Pour ceux qui veulent en savoir plus je vous suggère de visiter mon site web: http://gabman__1.tripod.com/gabkarate/ »
Stéphane Bailby nous a envoyé des nouvelles sur deux camarades de classe : « Daniel Prieto Castro se nomme maintenant Daniel Lorca. Il est bassiste de 'Nada Surf' et pour ceux que cela interesserait, il fait une tournée en Europe en octobre 2002. Je n'ai pas son email, mais toutes les infos et les dates de concerts sont sur www.nadasurf.com.... Le guitariste et chanteur du groupe est Matthew Caws. Voilà donc une formation musicale née sur les bancs du LFNY et qui tourne toujours. »

Promotion 1986

Davide Traxler writes: "Wasn't it great to read words from Bubu (Mboahangisoa Rabetafika) who still remembers what great friends Lance Brown and I used to be in those happy days of childhood. Great to hear Lance is doing well too! Would love to see them both, so they could meet my wife Coco and my kids (Marta 12, Bianca 4 and Vieri 2) . I'm living in Swizerland and working for an Italian jewlery company called Bvlgari. Haven't seen anyone from the Lycée in years then I bumped into a classmate of my brother's (Manoli '80), called Coralie Turettini ‘80: she’s doing fine, lovely and smiling married and expecting!!"

Promotion 1987

Natasha Bult writes: « Thank you so much for this wonderful Newsletter with information on classmates. I am trying to get in touch with Helen Nguyen's mother to write my condolences. How sad. As for an update, I wished to let you know that I am living in London. I graduated in 1991 from Princeton where I studied Art History and Visual Arts, concentrating on Photography. Photography became my passion and I went out to Arizona to study with my teacher's teacher, the eminent Frederick Sommer, in an apprenticeship. Thereafter, I began setting up a Photographic Programme in London, which was no mean feat! Four years ago, I was joined by my associate Margaret Mann, and we have formally founded The School of Black and White Photography, fully accredited, and offering many exciting Programmes in all aspects of Photography. We are slowly linking up with some schools in the US. I see Julien Sevaux, now a banker, here in London, as well as his sister, Claire. Astrid Froidure has, I heard, moved away although I am not sure where. I am always happy to have news of anyone...” Sebastian Fernandez says hello from NY, where he lives with his wife, Mara Leventhal, and two children, Maximilian and Gabriel. Silène Braida habite maintenant La Grande Motte en France.

Promotion 1988

Aida Wane writes: “After leaving the Lycée I went to Allegheny for college. I graduated in ‘91 and lived in 3 different African countries until settling back in the States in 1995. I'm now a Chicagoan working for an educational publisher. Thanks for the great work in helping us reconnect.”
Virginia Mennesson writes: "It's great to have found this site at last! I have been living in London for the last 8 years and work for the Financial Services Authority (the main regulating body for the financial industry in the UK) as a Policy Adviser. I have not been back to NY since I left the Lycée to study law in France and the UK. I have fond memories of my 2 years in NY (those endless runs around Central Park in gym class!) I hope to hear from other alumni soon!"
Clothilde (Teiling) Perbost nous écrit : « J'ai récemment déménagé de la Californie au Connecticut où je ne travaille plus pour l'instant car je viens d'avoir un petit garçon, Georges Enguerrand le 29 mars 2002. Cela fait toujours plaisir de lire les dernières nouvelles sur tout le monde de notre classe; Je recherche toujours Christophe Fraise- quelqu'un sait où il est ? »

Promotion 1989

Magalie (Laguerre) Wilkenson writes: “I'm married since October 1999 to Bruce Wilkinson. As for children, we have one on the way, due in August [2002]. I'm a producer with NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw here in New York and my husband is also in the TV business. After the Lycée I was in France at l'Ecole des Roches, then back to NY for my last two years of secondary school and did my Bac Inernational at the United Nations International School... I went to Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY and majored in English Literature. I've been at NBC since 1996 and before that I was at Fox 5 TV from 1993 to 1996.” Benoit Berthou writes: “I left the LFNY in 1991 and live in Paris since that date. My Philosophy teacher was M. Olives, and he certainly influenced my professional orientation. I'm actually completing a thesis in Philosophy ("Rules and games in art"). I taught Philosophy in "classes préparatoires HEC" (preparing students for the business schools exams) and will join this year the pedagogical staff of the University Paris X (in Nanterre, near Paris). I'm sending my best regards to Marcel, Moya, Cédric, Zouzou, Marcelle, Eva and all my classmates.”

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Promotions 1990-1999: Hiver 2002-2003

Promotion 1990

Esra (Ansay) Munnell writes: “Since I have been gone from the Lycée since quatrième, here is a quick recap of what I have been up to: after finishing high school at the Dalton School, I went to Brown University. I then worked for 2 years at Bloomingdale's in the Buying Offices before attending NYU to receive an MBA degree. I am now the General Merchandise Manager of agnès b. in New York. I am married to Clark Munnell and we have a wonderful 18 month old daughter, Olivia. I travel to Paris quite regularly and have many an occasion to see Vanessa Dubs and her 2 lovely daughters, Jeanne and Daphne. This website is truly a wonderful resource for all alumni! Thank you for setting it up.”
Valerie Colas adds: “After having studied French Medieval Literature and Environmental Science at Barnard College, Columbia University, Valerie continued on to graduate school at Brown University to study environmental policy. After receiving her Master's, she worked for the International Institute for sustainable Development, and wrote for the Earth Negotiations Bulletin, reporting on (and from) environmentally-related United Nations conferences all over the world. She is currently a Program Coordinator at the Rockefeller Foundation in New York, working with a partnership between four foundations and the World Bank called the Partnership for Strengthening Higher Education in Africa. She is also working with a decentralization program in Uganda, as well as performing research this summer on universities in francophone and lusophone Africa. Her parents are still in New York and her sister Marie-Noelle (Colas) Pierce ‘85 is married and living in London. The only other LFNY alumni she is still in contact with are Nevil Dwek '85, Christopher Atamian '84 and one of her closest friends for over 20 years (!) Paolo Audiberti '90.
● Coralie (de Viel Castel) de Clermont-Tonnerre
nous écrit : « Quelle joie d'avoir des nouvelles des uns et des autres gràce au site. Aujourd'hui c'est mon tour! Je me suis mariée il y a deux ans et Joseph est né cet été en Grèce. Après avoir vécu à Paris depuis mon retour des USA, nous sommes arrivés l'année dernière à Athènes. Alexandre travaille au service culturel de l'Ambassade de France, et nous sommes là jusqu'aux Jeux Olympiques. Même si je ne suis restée qu'une année au Lycée Français, je me suis fait des amis pour la vie. Je vois et parle regulièrement au téléphone ou par mail à Alexandre Schnieders, Sandrine Cormary et Benoit Malraison ‘89. Et je suis en contact avec d'autres de manière plus épisodique. J'éspère que les élèves de la promo ‘90 vont plus se manifester sur le site. A bientôt tout le monde ! »

Promotion 1991
Class Secretary: Françoise Plusquellec, '91

E-mail: fplusquellec@hotmail.com

Alejandro Muñoz-Ledo writes: “Hello from Mexico! Actually, I left the Lycée in late 1985, but was unable to complete my ‘premier cycle’ (12ème-5ème). I am now living in Mexico City, working for a major commercial bank (Bancomext), married and have two baby boys. I remember my classmates quite well, and have actually tried to contact them (unsuccessfully I might add!) The only person I kept in touch with for a while was Carine Salvy, who was working in New York for Paribas until about 2 years ago. Anyway, I am glad to be back in touch with the Lycée community, and not at all surprised to find Francoise Plusquellec as class secretary! Finally, I was really glad to read Marina Treves’ note. Congratulations to her! By the way, will there be (or has there been) a class reunion? Is there one in the making?”
Marcel Agueros writes: « I am currently between my 2nd and 3rd years of graduate school at the University of Washington pursuing a PhD in astronomy, and am spending two months in Japan as part of an NSF summer program. My plan to go to every World Cup from 1994 on is still on track, as I managed to get a ticket (at less than face value!) for the Brazil-Turkey semifinal."
Karine (Leonhard) Beers writes: "I attended the Lycee Francais from 1986 to 1989. I would have graduated with my class in 1991, but moved back to France and went to the Lycee International de Saint Germain en Laye my senior year. I went to law school at Nanterre in Paris and graduated William & Mary in Virginia with a LLM and currently work in a law firm in North Carolina whose main practice is criminal law. I would appreciate hearing from those that I knew back then and in particular Corinne Hascouet with whom I would pass notes in English class!»

Promotion 1992

Stanlislas Wojewodzki is currently living in Paris and working for Disney. He writes: « I have been working for Euro Disney in Investor Relations for over eight months now. I love what I do, though I don't know how long I will be staying in Paris. I have been offered a job in Singapore, and I must say it is so tempting I am strongly considering for the midterm (12-24 months). A lot of people from the ‘92 class are now in Paris. We have this group of about 20 alumni that get together quite regularly for dinners or parties. It seems those are our best years and we're all having a great time. We were all very saddened to hear about Edem Adjoyi's passing last September, a couple of days after the Twin Towers. I think this might have brought us closer and more appreciative of what life has to offer.”
Helga McIntyre writes: “I was at the Lycée for the period 1987-1988....a great year...I spent a year in Venezuela after graduating from high school and then entered law school in Jamaica, which takes 5 years. After graduating from law school, I worked for a year as a 'pupil' in Legal Chambers and then moved to Barbados, where I spent the next year and a half, practicing Criminal Law. I have now been back in Jamaica since June 2001. I am a Civil Litigator, dabbling once in a while in my beloved Criminal Law, at Myers, Fletcher & Gordon. I am always looking to make contact with Priscilla Lingaya, Sophie Raven, Sandrine Bodereau and Johann and Pierre who were all there during that year, spread out into 4ème AB1 and 4ème AB2...” ● Alix (Perrot) Verney writes: “After getting my Bachelors degree at NYU, I moved to Paris in 1996, where I worked for Gucci and Gucci Timepieces as PR for several years. I have now been working for KCD Paris, an American PR firm's French subsidiary since 2000. I also got married last year to a Frenchman whom I met before leaving NY, and who owns French travel agencies.”
Nathalie Sajous sent us these updates : « Sarina Basta is in Geneva preparing a book for Christmas with the Beaux-Arts and still working for the arts in the private collection. She reports that Windy Gangayco was married last year and is living in Switzerland with her husband and gorgeous baby girl. Also recently married is Jessica Pasquet who is currently working in New York in banking. Alex Oller is in Barcelona enjoying life and working in sports marketing. As for me, I will be starting business school at UCLA in the Fall and am loving the West Coast. »
Nathalie Moureto writes : « I am currently doing an MBA at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France. My expected graduation date is July 2003.»

Promotion 1993

Estrid Teynier nous écrit : « Au niveau professionnel, je fais actuellement partie de la Direction Juridique France/Belgique d'IBM France basée à la Défense (92), et m'occupe plus spécialement des aspects juridiques relatifs au software. Au niveau personnel, je suis toujours célibataire mais vis avec mon ami à Paris. » Olivier Bardet writes : « Some news about the people of Promotion ‘93 : Veronica Boboc still lives in Paris and works for Cartier ; Etienne Bernard works for the Natexis Bank. Federica Albertini and I both live in London now (not together, though). I will move in with my Italian girlfriend in September. I've been working in London for two years now and am a trader for TotalFinaElf. I would like to get back in touch with Scott Weber (congratulations on your baby!) and Sophie Bartsich, Karl Massou, Pierre-Patrick Chanoine. For those who knew my brother Stephane ‘87, he is a father of a little girl Lucy since yesterday in Aix-en-Provence!”

Promotion 1995

Maï Nguyen writes : « I've been living in Paris for 7 years now. I've finished my studies, and I'm searching for a job at the moment. After a degree in philosophy, I changed fields. I studied fashion design for a year, worked with a couple of young fashion designers, then got a master in fashion management.I keep in contact with Vincent Giraud and Fabienne Bego, who are two of my closest friends; I occasionally see Séverine de la Rivière who also lives in Paris. »

Promotion 1996

Eléonore Gounod nous écrit : « Guys et tout les autres! Juste un petit hello pour dire que je n’oublie pas le Lycée. Je suis toujours en contact avec the "Helene clan" comme elle dit. Je suis à Paris en architecture d'intérieur l'école à Camonodo et j'ai retrouvé Gaïa, pour ceux qui s'en souviennent. J'aimerais bien savoir si quelqu'un a des nouvelles de Caroline Imbert. » Omran Al-Kawari writes from Qatar: "I can't believe I still remember some of the people on the list of ’96. I hope everyone is ok. Take care."

Promotion 1997

Charles Mulliez nous écrit : « Je suis en ce moment en stage à New York, c'est-à-dire depuis octobre dernier et jusqu'en juillet prochain. Enfin, j'effectuerai ma dernière année d'Ecole d'Ingénieur (Ecole Centrale de Lyon) l'année prochaine en Espagne, à Madrid plus précisement. J'ai retrouvé récemment des anciens élèves du LFNY notamment grâce au site. Je vous en remercie! »

Promotion 1998

Julia Lutzke writes: “I graduated from the Mannes College of Music with a Bachelor of Music in May of 2002. I am now a first year graduate student at NYU (Steinhardt School of Education) as a music performance major. It's a year and a half Masters degree program that just got started. I also just started to teach violin in two music schools this year.”

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Promotions 2000-2002: Hiver 2002-2003

Promotion 2002
Jonathan Teper is currently studying at Tufts University.

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Interested in being your Class Representative?

Curious about your classmates? Disappointed not to see more information for your class year? Why not become a class representative? You can help us collect information and keep your class network alive and connected. It will not take up a lot of time, and it is quite fun! And who knows, you might even reconnect with that little red-haired girl from Latin class...

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Notices that arrived too late to be included in the current newsletter will appear in the next edition. Stay tuned and keep the news flowing!

Les annonces qui sont arrivées trop tard pour être publiées dans le bulletin actuel, paraîtront dans la prochaine édition.


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