1996 (2) (July 2001 to Jan. 2009 newsletters)Class Notes Archives----- From January 2009 AALFNY Newsletter ----- ● Avis de Décès: Gérard Honig ('96) shared this sad news with us: "Diery Cissé, who attended LFNY with my sister Sylvie ('97) and me for several years through the mid-nineties, died of natural causes in his adopted home city of Rio de Janeiro on Monday, January 26th, 2009 at the age of thirty-four. Diery was a talented graphic artist and designer with great passion for art, music, fashion, language, dance, martial arts and life in general. Diery will be remembered by all those who knew him across the world for his great generosity of spirit and for his remarkable creativity." ● Loys Martin wrote: "Hi all.... Some of you I haven't seen in years, but I will be returning to NYC in January! I am taking a break from the distressed world of finance and will be an MBA student at Columbia. I hope to catch up with some of you then!" ----- From July 2008 AALFNY Newsletter ----- WEDDINGS/MARIAGES & BIRTHS/NAISSANCES ● Caroline Imbert-Fraiture and Pierre Fraiture ('95) wrote: "We got married in the Summer of 2006 and live in New York City. Pierre works in Real Estate and Finance. Caroline works in Marketing. We recently welcomed a little daughter in our lives: Nikita Marie-Sophie Fraiture who will hopefully be a future Lycee alumna." ● Loys Martin wrote: "Hi All! 12 years and this is my first note. After university I spent 4 years in London in Investment Banking (very original), came back to Paris in 2006, still working in finance, and left my job a couple of weeks ago. A little tour du monde (or something like it) is planned (sort of) until January '09. By that time I will probably be starting an MBA, either in Singapore or in NYC. On a related front: for those of you who don't know, Thibault is getting married in August! I hope to see you soon at some point (I really do!). Take care!" ----- From December 2007 AALFNY Newsletter ----- ● Aurélie Garrau wrote: "After I had my BAC, I went to Paris for my jewelry studies during 4 years. After I came back to Bordeaux, my home town, and then I finished my studies for one more year. I worked during one year for a jewelry firm in Bordeax as a jewelry-setter. Now I have my own company, and work alone. It's been 5 years. I'm doing well and setting stones for the jewelers. In my personal life, not much: I almost got married, but I ran away before!!! For now I'm on my own, with no kids." ----- From June 2007 AALFNY Newsletter ----- ● "Communiqué APAX PARTNERS: Loys Martin a passé quatre ans en banque d’investissement chez Lehman Brothers à Londres. Il a participé à de nombreuses opérations de financement et fusions-acquisitions en Europe, principalement dans les secteurs des nouvelles technologies et de l’électronique grand public. Loys Martin est diplômé de l’ESSEC." (http://www.actusnews.com/communique.php?ID=ACTUS-0-8761) ----- From December 2006 AALFNY Newsletter ----- ● WEDDINGS/MARIAGES: Caroline (Lautner) Voelckel (See her message below for further details.) ● Ines ter Horst wrote: "Hello everyone! Just a little update...I spent a year in Strasbourg where I saw Antti who was in Med School at the time, before I moved to Quebec City for Law School. Then Madrid was my destination for International Relations (focused on Latin American Studies), but somehow ended up in the Intellectual Property Department of a publishing house. (While in Madrid, I saw Leilah Broukhim - by the way, a phenomenal Flamenco Dancer.) Anyway, I liked my job in Spain so much that I decided to specialize in Copyright Law, and as a result did an LLM in Intellectual Property Law at Franklin Pierce Law Center, in New Hampshire. Emelie Pierrel came to visit, which was very nice. I've also been keeping in touch with Leonora Mallias, and Andrea Whannou. At this time I am working at Chicago University Press, managing all the licenses for their journals. Finally, I would also like to inform you that I will be getting married in June 2007, just got engaged!!! Sooo...if you are around, be prepared for a feast!!! Alex Dulac: Keep us posted for the alumni reunion :-) Hope to see you all soon." ● Gaia Albertini wrote: "Hey everyone! Just read all your notes. It's great to know what you've all become! Am an interior designer now and living in Paris. Would be great seeing you all. Got back in touch with Cynthia, Leilah, Sarah and lately Patrice! Would love to see Leonora Mallias and know what she has become! Lots of love to everyone, take care." ● Léonora Mallias nous écrit: "Bonjour tout le monde. Ca fait vraiment une éternité...J'ai gardé quelques contacts avec les gens du lycée (Johann, Céline), avais vu Andrea Whannou aussi au Canada...J'avais croisé également Diane plusieurs fois...Suis en Suisse depuis 10 ans et je travaille dans l'humanitaire pour des projets en Afrique de l'Ouest au sein de Terre des hommes, une org suisse. Je vous embrasse tous tres fort." ● De la part de Caroline (Lautner) Voelckel: "J'espere que ce message trouve tout le monde en forme et pret pour les fetes qui approchent. Comme l'année 2006 touche à sa fin et qu'elle a été pour moi riche en grands moments, je prends cette occasion pour donner à tous quelques nouvelles. Sur le plan professionnel, je suis en fin de cursus de medecine et presente ma these ce 11 decembre. Je prepare en parallele ma capacité de medecine d'urgence. Mes debuts de psychiatre ne laissaient pas imaginer que je terminerai un jour urgentiste au SAMU! Sur le plan personnel, je me suis mariée cet été en Alsace (www.caroline-matthieu.com, or click on link below). Mon mari est medecin comme moi, alsacien pure souche. Cette grande journée a été l'occasion de revoir Marianne Bedin-Pringot et ses deux fils. J'ai aussi des nouvelles de Caroline de Chalain-de Foucault, dont la famille s'agrandit aussi, d'Antti Kourula, medecin en Finlande, de Karine Leventis, qui attend son 1er bébé pour la fin de l'année, et de George Audi, qui lui aussi s'est marié cet été! Amitiés, Caroline" ● Click on link below for news of Alexandra Lumiere ------From February 2006 AALFNY Newsletter------ ● Celine Ottria nous écrit: "Bonjour! Bon, c'est difficile de raconter dix ans comme ça... Alors pour faire court, en gros depuis le bac j'ai suivi des études littéraires qui m'ont laissée assez perplexe... Puis j'ai fait du théâtre dans une école à Paris, et repris la musique que je pratique maintenant beaucoup... Actuellement je travaille donc sur plusieurs spectacles, comme comédienne, chanteuse (une pensée émue à tous ceux de Véronique et à monsieur Loumbrozo); j'accompagne parfois des chanteurs au piano ou au violon, et travaille en milieu scolaire en direction vocale. Tout ceci est un peu chaotique parfois mais ça me va! J'étais bien contente d'avoir de vos nouvelles en lisant les classnotes. Pour ma part je revois Johann Leclercq, j'ai revu également Leonora Mallias et viens de reprendre contact avec Malorie Game et Sarah Kember. A tous, plein de bonnes choses pour cette année et à bientôt par mail j'espère. Au fait, petite info pour ceux qui la connaissent, ma soeur Isabelle ('94) vit près de Toulouse dans l'Ariège, elle travaille dans l'agriculture et attend son premier bébé pour le mois d'avril...Céline." -------From June 2005 AALFNY Newsletter------ ● Johann Leclercq nous ecrit: "Bonjour à tous ceux qui tomberont sur le site des anciens du LFNY et notamment à tous ceux qui ont fait partie de la classe de 1996! Mais bon apparemment, nous ne sommes pas encore très nombreux... Je vis aujourd'hui à Paris IXè et, après trois années de remplacements, je viens de réussir un concours pour devenir, cette fois "officiellement", prof titulaire de français et d'histoire-géographie. Inutile de vous dire que je garde un très bon souvenir de mes quatre années passées au Lycée entre 1989 et 1993, notamment des activités extra-scolaires: théâtre, chorales... Je constate qu'il y a d'ailleurs pas mal d'artistes issus de la classe de 96 : Leïla qui fait du flamenco (incroyable !), Julian et Nikolaï des Strokes (j'ai franchement halluciné le jour où j'ai vu les pubs de leur premier album un peu partout dans Paris!), Céline Ottria (que je vois toujours) qui s'épanouit sur les scènes de théâtre de Paris (venez la voir, elle est vraiment douée!). Quant à moi je chante aussi (bcp plus modestement!!) dans une troupe parisienne, j'écris des chansons et je coanime une émission sur l'actualité théâtrale à la radio. Voilà, en quelques lignes, un résumé des ... 12 (!!!!!!) années qui se sont écoulées depuis que j'ai quitté New York. Je laisse mon adresse à ceux que ça intéresserait: [available upon request from AALFNY]. Un p'tit clin d'oeil en particulier à Gavin, Thibault, Malorie et Eléonore (mais il y en a tellement d'autres: n'hésitez pas à vous manifester!). Portez-vous bien les enfants !!" ● Marie-Josephe Horner wrote this: "I am trying to get in touch with a couple of people, namely Helene, Nicholas, Leila, Cecile, Valerie Rakotondramboa and Anne Apparu who have both dropped off the face of the planet. I really miss you guys! I moved to Montreal to do my undergrad in Biology at McGill University. After that, I left for a warmer climate: Sao Paulo, Brazil. I spent almost 2 years living there, and training in Capoeira on the beach (yes, it was a tough life, but I did work too! I also had a job as a researcher in a genetics lab at Unicamp in the city of Campinas). I now live in South Carolina, and am getting my master’s degree in Public Health. At the end of October I’ll be running my first marathon in San Francisco to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, so any donations are most welcome. You can check out my website for the race at [click on link below] Keep in touch, a’right." ● Samuel Hornblower works in documentary television in Washington DC. ● Sarah Kember wrote: "Hi everyone! Nearly ten years - scary stuff! I came across Leilah's message by accident and thought I should say hi too! I caught up with Diane Louvel who came to see me in NZ a few years ago and saw Gaia in Paris earlier this year which was fantastic. I'm living in London, practicing law and loving it! Hope everyone is well! xox" ------From November 2004 AALFNY Newsletter------ ● Pamela (Guiraud) Darondeau ('91) sent us this news regarding her brother Laurent Guiraud: "Laurent is doing great, he just finished law school in France and is a brand new lawyer." ● Leilah Broukhim wrote: "Hello to everyone out there! Wow, class of ´96, has it been that long? I am currently living in Madrid, Spain! After the lycee I studied film at Columbia U. but instead of jumping into the film world after graduation, I decided to move to Spain for a year to learn all I could about flamenco. And after a lot of back and forth, I am permanently living here and working as a flamenco dancer! Crazy... My sister Soraya ('98) still lives in NYC and is an amazing theatre actress!!! I miss you Sorry!... I´ve been in touch with Helene Zivkovich ('96) in Paris and through her have heard about about the whole group. Antti Kourula ('96) got married!!! And so did Seny Kamara ('96)!!! Congradulations!!! I have also been in touch with Patrice Augustin, Karim Abbadi, Cynthia Moureto and Gerarg Honig (who also went to Columbia!). Kisses to everyone and I hope you are all well! Love, L." ------From Winter 2003-2004 AALFNY Newsletter------ ● Antti Kourula wrote: "I started my medical studies in Strasbourg, France, after graduating from the Lycée in 1996. After six long and fun years of studies, I finished Medical school in September 2002. I moved back to Finland and got legalized as a Medical Doctor over here. I am working as a General Practitioner at a Health Center in the suburbs of Helsinki. Right now, I think that I'm going to specialize in Cardiology, but I might change my mind yet. I keep in touch with Caroline Lautner, Nicolas and Helene Zivkovich in France, Gavin Kendall in Belgium, Gerard Honig in San Francisco, Diery Cisse in Senegal, Sarah Kember in Ireland. My brother Arno ‘98 also finished his studies in Economics and lives in Helsinki." ------From Winter 2002/2003 AALFNY Newsletter------ ● Eléonore Gounod nous écrit : « Guys et tout les autres! Juste un petit hello pour dire que je n’oublie pas le Lycée. Je suis toujours en contact avec the "Helene clan" comme elle dit. Je suis à Paris en architecture d'intérieur l'école à Camonodo et j'ai retrouvé Gaïa, pour ceux qui s'en souviennent. J'aimerais bien savoir si quelqu'un a des nouvelles de Caroline Imbert. » ● Omran Al-Kawari writes from Qatar: "I can't believe I still remember some of the people on the list of ’96. I hope everyone is ok. Take care." ------From March/April 2002 AALFNY Newsletter------ ● Hélène Zivkovich tells us that Thibault Gournay ‘96 is currently working in New York and that Celine Ottria ‘96 is currently studying theatre in Paris. Hélène herself sent us the following message : “Hello everyone. It's the Zivkovich clan. My brother Nicolas ‘96 and I have been living in Paris ever since the Bac. Nick is attending the American School of Modern Music and is a professional jazz musician and, for those of you who remember his bizarre musical tastes, has two other bands as a pianist and a bass guitar player. As for me, after a year in Hypokhagne Scientifique, I headed to Paris also for a law degree. I graduated last year in International Law and am now interning in a law office. I still hang out or have regular contact with Pauline Ogier, Eleonore Gounod, Federica Sainte-Rose, Dieri Cisse, Valerie Rakotondramboa, Cécile Guyot, Gerard Honig, Gavin Kendall, Antti Kourula, Leilah Broukhim, Anne Apparu, Loys Martin, and Thibault Gournay. I ran into Georges Audi at the FNAC Montparnasse 2 years ago and saw Anastasia Trifonoff when she was in Paris. That's all I can think of, off the top of my head. I would love to know what everyone else is doing. Gustaf (Demarchelier ’96), I heard you are working for Morgan Stanley and that you were in the World Trade Center on September 11th. Fortunately you got out all right. All our thoughts are with you. There it is, a slight update until next time. ● Laurent Guiraud fait des études de Droit à Paris. ● Marianne Bédin nous ecrit : « Voici un petit récapitulatif de mon parcours : En quittant LFNY après la Terminale, je suis allée à Paris pour faire Math Sup et Spé au Lycée Stanislas. Après deux ans de prépa, j'ai intégré l'ISMRA - ENSICAEN où j'ai passé trois ans avant d'en sortir Ingénieur Informatique. Je travaille actuellement à Paris, en CDI chez SIM@BAY, une société de service spécialisée dans la monétique. Ma famille est rentrée à Paris au mois d'août 2001.» ● Julian Casablancas and Nikolaï Fraiture ’97 are on their way to conquering the airwaves. Along with their bandmembers, Julian and Nikolaï make up The Strokes, one of the hottest bands in the new music circuit. ------From July/August 2001 AALFNY Newsletter------ ● Alberto Constain writes: «I would have graduated in class of 1996. I just graduated from Tulane University's AB Freeman School of Business, in Finance and Economics, and started working for Pernod Ricard Americas in New York. Pernod Ricard is a French liquor and alcohol group. I am a Brand Manager.» |