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Class Notes Archives

----- From December 2011 AALFNY Newsletter -----

In Memoriam:
José Huertas-Jourda (†March 1, 2007)
Raymond Ostinett (†October 12, 2008)
Cecil Altmann (†July 28, 2008)
(See In memoriam section of this newsletter for further details, or click on link below)
Martine (Lazard) Higonnet wrote: "At a recent dinner party at the Cercle de la Mer, in Paris, I was happy to meet two LFNY alumni, not quite classmates but almost, one being Paul Berçot (48) and the other Nicole Minor ('48). At Théatre Montparnasse I saw Coralie Seyrig acting the part of Madame de Vilmorin: Coralie is Delphine Seyrig's ('50) niece. Another great pleasure was an encounter with Claude Duthuit ('50) who inquired about Claudette Jobin ('50), whose brother was in my class. Pour vous dire un mot de mes activités, je porte depuis un certain temps un intérêt croissant au personnage d'Othello et serait heureuse de pouvoir correspondre avec des collègues anglicistes. Let me address to all the former LFNY students of my generation who may remember me, or not, "Good Joy", a greeting I found in Shakespeare, and suitable for the New Year."

----- From November 2010 AALFNY Newsletter -----

John Clark nous écrit: "A 77 ans: Tout va tres bien, Mme la Marquise...."

Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet:
Ted (Sanche de Gramont) Morgan discusses his 19th book, "Valley of Death: The Tragedy at Dien Bien Phu That Led America Into the Vietnam War"
(Click on link below)

----- From July 2008 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Ellen (Ehrlich) Mimran wrote that her "interest in the theatre continues apace as she defends the new and hilarious London transfer to Broadway of "Hitchcock's The 39 Steps" at The Cort Theatre, now a nominee for several Tony awards."

John Clarke nous écrit: "Rien de neuf. Je suis en train de traduire les Églogues de Virgile, sous un arbre, avec un crayon et sans ordinateur. Passe temps qui bouche les trous."

● "Born in Paris, Pierre Gazarian came to the United States at the age of fifteen. Over the years he has been invited to give readings of his poetry at Barnes and Noble, the Huntington Arts Council, the Vanderbilt Museum, the Langston Hughes Library, and at such universities as Columbia, NYU, St. John’s, and Queens College. His short plays have been read or staged at John Jay College, UBU Repertory Theatre, and the United Nations. He is a columnist for The Suffolk Times. This is his first book of poems. He lives in New York City with 4,000 books, one penguin, three bears, two cats, one giant lady bug (all stuffed and silent), and two lively dogs, Nina and Ida Mae." (From: Allbook Books, http://www.allbook-books.com/html/new_books_.html)

----- From December 2007 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Anka (Anne Muhlstein) Begley "was born in Paris in 1935. After completing her studies at the Sorbonne she worked at publishing houses and settled in New York in 1974. Among her books are La Femme Soleil (1976), a study of women at the court of Louis XIV, biographies of Queen Victoria, Baron James de Rothschild and the Regent Queens of France. Her latest book is about Queen Elizabeth, and Mary, Queen of Scots (2004). She is currently working on The Burning of Moscow in 1812. She has twice been awarded the History Prize of the French Academy as well as the prestigious Goncourt Prize for the French edition of Astolphe de Custine." (From: Turtle Point Press, http://www.turtlepoint.com/catalogue/muhlstein-atasteforfreedom.html)

----- From June 2007 AALFNY Newsletter -----

● Click on link below for news of Ted (Sanche de Gramont) Morgan

----- From December 2006 AALFNY Newsletter -----

John Clarke sent us his "Biographie sommaire", which stated: "Présent: un doctorat me permet d'égrener mes dernieres années au rythme de la vie universitaire. Passé: une seule image me reste de la 6e et c'était d'une fillette qui me tancait de lire du Steinbeck au lieu de s'extasier devant les alexandrins de Racine."

----- From June 2005 AALFNY Newsletter -----

DECÉS: Jules Huot ('51) (Click on link for more details)

----- From Winter 2003-2004 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Nicole (Kaplan) Alenick writes: “I now have four grandchildren --18, 15, 11, and 3-- the joys of my life!”

Ellen( Ehrlich) Mimran wrote, when responding to our Networking-reunion invitation of October, 2003: "Sorry I won't be in New York for the party. I hope everyone has a good time. I did recently see Philippe de Bausset (my class in the early years of the Lycée), who continues to promote Franco-American friendship and is administrator of the Society of the Cincinnatti. He recently had a small dinner party that reunited Jean-Paul Weill, Monsieur Jacques Habert, -our surveillant general at the Lycée in the "old days", and me. We talked of nothing but the Lycée all during dinner."

----- From November 1999 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Nicole (Kaplan) Alenick is currently living in Hillside, New Jersey.

1971 London production of Showboat, with Andre Jobin
1971 London production of Showboat, with Andre Jobin

Ted (Sanche de Gramont) Morgan ('51)
Ted (Sanche de Gramont) Morgan ('51)
Anka (Anne Muhlstein) Begley ('51)
Anka (Anne Muhlstein) Begley ('51)
Pierre Gazarian ('51) and one of his works
Pierre Gazarian ('51) and one of his works
by Ted (Sanche de Gramont) Morgan ('51)
by Ted (Sanche de Gramont) Morgan ('51)
Martine (Lazard) Higonnet ('51) at the October 5, 2011 reunion in Paris, organized by the LFNY
Martine (Lazard) Higonnet ('51) at the October 5, 2011 reunion in Paris, organized by the LFNY