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Class Notes Archives

----- From December 2011 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Nicolas Zart wrote: "It has been a busy and unique year for us here. We traveled southern India for a few weeks, which was an eye opener. It reminded us how easily our lives get taken over with trivialities.
I tweaked my Coaching practice to reflect more what I have seen in India, integrating that sense of the sacredness, or spirituality in our every day life. I wondered how the business world would react to it but have been surprised at the amount of interest is has generated. Maybe Occupy Wall Street is raising awareness after all.
I've included new tools into my Coaching practice, the newest being an ancient Holy Numerology system rediscovered a few decades ago. After a most uncanny reading, I felt this would be a perfect tool for a Coach.
As the year winds down, I'm working on many projects, including a High Power Computing (HPC) project to allow companies to tap into super computer clusters. I'm always looking for help there if anybody if familiar with this. My business partner and I are also launching soon an electric car community website. We are still building websites and integrating social networks. Lastly, I will launch a parallel wholistic practice. Yes, that is wholistic with a "w", because if you don't approach life from the whole, then you are surely missing pieces.
After I finish revamping my website, which badly deserves it after a decade of letting it go, everything should be online, hopefully within the first few months of the new year."

----- From November 2010 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Nick Zart wrote: "After leaving the Lycee, I finished my high school years at Mamaroneck High and eventually left for Paris. After that I went to Nice for about a decade as an ESL teacher, coordinator and multimedia language director. I eventually left for Japan where I continued computer work, teaching languages and helped establish the World Craft Council. There, I met my wife, originally from Savannah, Georgia whom I've been married to for 13 years with no kids.
We lived in NY where I had a successful IT consulting company until we got tired of the weather and left for Long Beach, California, 20 minutes south of LA. I am a professionally trained business and life coach with an international accreditation. I write as the National Coach Examiner for the Examiner, as well as the National Electric Car Examiner.
I have always lived in a world of collectible cars and only drive old Italians. I have a passion for ancient civilizations and philosophies and I'm actively involved in different online esoteric groups as well as coordinating the Mystic Academy in Second Life.
Gosh, this sounds like a resume. I would love to hear more about old friends and see what they are up to. Hopefully some of them are near me."

Peter Moore told us that he "recently published a piece of fiction in the academic literary journal, the Massachusetts Review." To read his piece --The Nutcracker’s Overbite-- see Alumni Creative section of this newsletter, or click on link below.

Videos of LFNY alumni on the internet:
Amélie (Fabienne) Nothomb nous parle de son dernier roman, qui est sa propre histoire d'amour (Click on link below)

----- From December 2009 AALFNY Newsletter -----

Halimatou (Youssoufou) Bourdanné nous écrit: "Ça fait 4 mois 1/2 que nous sommes installés à Oxford, ma famille et moi. En effet, mon mari a été affecté ici dans le cadre de son travail. Pour le moment, je m'occupe de la famille pour aider les enfants à s'intégrer dans leur nouvel environnement. Si j'ai des promotionnaires qui sont en Angleterre, j'aimerais bien avoir leurs contacts."

● "Christopher Atamian is a New York-based writer, producer and filmmaker. He is currently producing several films and plays, including the 2006 OBIE Award-winning "Trouble in Paradise." He has produced and directed several short films, and has also directed music videos for singer Melissa Levis.
Atamian is also a columnist for http://www.yevrobatsi.org, and contributes to the New York Press, The New York TImes, The Village Voice and other leading publications. His writing has been selected for Voices that Must Be Heard, the Fulbright Fellowship and the Bronfman Scholarship.
Atamian is currently translating Nigoghos Sarafian's "Vinceni Andaruh" (The Vincennes Woods) from Western Armenian. He is the founder of Nor Alik, an association dedicated to bringing cutting-edge Armenian culture to the general public, and founder in coordination with AGLANY of the lecture series "Making an Armenian Difference." Atamian was president of AGLANY in 2006 and 2007. Atamian recently joined forces with Columbia classmate Anita Itty, founder of eCognoscente, to launch this new media start-up. eCognoscente is a free daily e-mail on matters cultural, both contemporary and classical, in New York city and the rest of the world. He is an graduate of Harvard University (BA) and Columbia University (MBA)."

Christopher Atamian ('84) and Sonia (Orlowski) d’Antin ('84)
Christopher Atamian ('84) and Sonia (Orlowski) d’Antin ('84)

Fruzsina Keehn ('84) & Philippe Reddan ('84)
Fruzsina Keehn ('84) & Philippe Reddan ('84)
Allen Mogos ('84) & Cornelia Messing ('84)
Allen Mogos ('84) & Cornelia Messing ('84)
TOP: Nick Zart (84); BOTTOM: Delphine Hibon ('84)
TOP: Nick Zart (84); BOTTOM: Delphine Hibon ('84)
TOP: Muriel Borna ('84); BOTTOM: Peter Moore ('84)
TOP: Muriel Borna ('84); BOTTOM: Peter Moore ('84)
TOP: Giulio Durini di Monza ('84); MIDDLE: Geneviève Bax-Mejia ('84); BOTTOM: Stefano Sani ('84)
TOP: Giulio Durini di Monza ('84); MIDDLE: Geneviève Bax-Mejia ('84); BOTTOM: Stefano Sani ('84)
TOP: Nathalie Fraise ('84); BOTTOM: Philippe LeRouzic ('84)
TOP: Nathalie Fraise ('84); BOTTOM: Philippe LeRouzic ('84)
TOP: Beatriz Margarita Heuze ('84); BOTTOM: Cédric Sarret ('84)
TOP: Beatriz Margarita Heuze ('84); BOTTOM: Cédric Sarret ('84)