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Class of 1972 40-year reunion in New York

by Pierre Erville ('72)

(Click on "related link" to the right, below, for photos taken at the event)

The LFNY class of 1972 held a reunion in New York, on Saturday, October 6, 2012, on the occasion of the 40th year since graduation. The evening was split between two venues: the alums first met at the new Lycee building, where school official Claude Aska hosted a generous start to the evening, including an art show, a guided tour of the new building, and some tasty catered food and wine. The group then moved on to a hopping scene some three blocks away, a friendly local music and dance pub, where the party continued until midnight. Several spouses and significant others joined in on the fun, as did two daughters (of Nancy Pascal and Lisa Liebman). Towards the end of the evening, which lasted until
midnight, those in attendance vowed to organize more such reunions. There was talk of a ski trip and of a possible reunion in Martinique.
All agreed the next reunion should not take another 40 years to arrange!

The 2012 reunion, organized by Pierre Erville, was attended by the
following alums:

Belinda Aberbach
Patricia Baudoin
Vivian Belmont
Gregory Cahn
Thomas Cerbu
Pierre Erville
Iva Kaufman
Arthur Kulick
Veronique Lestelle
Lisa Liebmann
Michele Mooberry
Nancy Pascal
Marianne Rosenberg
Sonia Simon
William Spears
and Walter Weiss.