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Networking Cocktail at Opia

You Asked for It, You Got It

We received a number of emails requesting Networking opportunities in addition to our usual social events. In addition, many of you checked off "Networking" as an interest when registering. So the AALFNY listened to your feedback and organized this event.

The first-ever Alumni Networking Cocktail was held at Opia on November 4th,2004. The success of this event underscored the desire of alumni to come together for networking as well as social events. Many friends of alumni attended and profited as well, making contacts possibly leading to employment opportunities. The Networking Cocktail follows the AALFNY's tradition of mutual support, in accordance with past programs previously run with the Lycee for the graduating classes, such as Bridge to Business and Alumni Speakers. The AAFLNY Alumni Council looks forward to seeing even more Alumni and friends at the next networking cocktail in the Spring.

Alumni who could not be with us in person sent in business cards and brochures about their companies and services.

To see photos from the event, click on the link at right.

Micheline Dugué, MD '87 was the Event Chair. She received raffle prize donations from the following generous alumni:

Raffle Winners:
Jackie Tolkowski: "The 36 Hour Day" donated by Micheline Dugue, MD
Alice Olivia Fox Cabane: "Best Buys to French Chic" by Rachel Kaplan
Alexandre de Bordes: "Life & Breath: Preventing, Treating & Reversing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary" , by Neil Schachter,MD
Michel Brogard: "Ultimate Game" by Christian Lehmann, translated by William Rodarmor

Winners should contact Micheline at the email address below to arrange for delivery of their prizes. CONGRATULATIONS to all!

Attendees and alumni who RSVP'd:

BUSINESS: Robert Kulick and guest, Natalie M. Yates, Richard Cacciato (Guest), Claude Chaouloff, Stephen G. Allen, David Zara,Jackie Tolkowski,Shamina De Gonzaga,Laurent Lisimachio, Vannessa Kaufmann, Alexandre De Bordes
FINANCE: Dan Kaufmann (Guest),Anastasia Trifonoff,Olivier Plusquellec,
J. Stéphane Lautner,Christine Phillpotts, Joelle Tahindro, Gregory Habay,
Vanessa Der Calousdian
HEALTH: Francine Glick, Micheline Dugue’ MD
LAW and GOVERNMENT: Roger Liwer, Karin Lestelle,Francoise Plusquellec, Laurence Beaurain, Diane Rivers, Philip Westfall
EDUCATION: Viviane Kurzweil, Natasha Bult, Christian Gudefin
ARTS and MEDIA : Alice Olivia, Fox Cabane (Guest), Olivier Imbert
Alessandra Gagliardi, Kriti Siderakis, Judith Mlokier

Absent alumni who sent greetings and promotional materials:

BUSINESS: Ghislaine Desbois, Nathalie Poux-Guillaume, Olga Bensadoun (Kokkinopoulos),Benoit Durteste, Karim Abbadi, Alexandra Lumiere, Joanna De Plas,Marc Doo-Kingue, Antoine Hollande
TOURISM: Rachel Kaplan, Pauline Ladsous, Patrice Binet-Descamps
HEALTH and HUMAN RIGHTS: Antoine Fobe, Murhaf Jouejati, Ph.D, Neil Schachter MD
LAW: Isabelle Sajous
EDUCATION : Irene Finel-Honigman
ARTS AND MEDIA: Erica Lumiere, Paula Robinson,
OTHER FIELDS: Nicole Perrier, Lynn G Bochner, Karin Link, Eric Noel,
Ellen Ehrlich Mimran

Micheline Dugué

Olivier '90 and Karin '76
Olivier '90 and Karin '76