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Class of 1989 Individuals Found: 251 To see instructions, click here.
To request any single email address of a classmate, just click on the "Request E-Mail" to the right of his/her name. The only information you then have to send us is your name and class year.
To request several email addresses (limit of 5 per request) click here in order to send your request to Roger Liwer '68 at rogersanit@aol.com. Don't forget to enclose the name and class year of the persons you're seeking.
Name |
Email? |
Comments & Website(s) |
(AAA), Please Note | No | This is a complete list of class of 1989 alumni, based on a review of all yearbooks, from 13eme (nursery) in 1976 to Terminale in 1989
| (Abboud) Nsouli, Chrisline | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Abood, Michel Robert | Yes,Request E-mail | Personal WebsiteBusiness Website
| Abrous-Sasanka, Leila | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Abuhaidar, Sumaya | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Acakpo, Thierry | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Alptuna, Umit | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Amanci, Alina | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Amega, Ayowavi (Lys) | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Amsz, Ariane | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Anchisi, Lidia (HwaSoon) | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Angelinov, Vassil | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Anglin, Robert | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Anthonioz) Bouee, Alexandra | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Argenson) Lefevre, Cécile | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Ariche, Sonia | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Aristy Paul, Marie-Laure | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Assimacopoulos, Alice Elizabeth | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Aubert de Vincelles, Carole | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Ayachi, Laila | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Baer, Frederic - Deceased | No | *DECEASED*
| Bali, Samia | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Bartsich Parker, Ulla | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Beaujour, Thomas | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Benassi, Giordano | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Benouataf, Khadidja | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Bergé, Sophie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Bertel, Patricia | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Besnier, Emmanuel | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Betancourt, Sergio | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Bickert) de Saignes, Marine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Biffot, Rodolphe | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Blanc, Marie-Anne | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Bodereau, Franck | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Boehlen) Koski, Sophie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Bouchet, Valérie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Bouillet, Julia | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Bour, Gersende | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Bourgin, Valery | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Boutaleb, Shamsy | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Boutin Sanchez, Alejandro (Alexandre) | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Brisson, Ophelie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Brosseau, Benoît | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Bruneton, Claire | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Bähr (Baehr), Patrick | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Cahan, Adam | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Caplet, Nathalie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Capriata, Pedro | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Carriglio, Stephan | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| (Carrigue) Beguin, Laetitia | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Challamel, Brice | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Charlier, Christophe | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Charlot, Giznola | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Chaussonniere, Aurore | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Chriqui, Vincent | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Clavel, Sandrine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Clergé, Sabrina | Yes,Request E-mail |
| de Beauharnais Romanovsky, Alexandre | Yes,Request E-mail |
| de Grèce, Olga | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.Personal Website
| de Laboulaye, Agathe | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.Personal WebsiteBusiness Website
| de Plas, Romain - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (September 14, 2002)Personal Website
| de Saint Remy, Charles | Yes,Request E-mail |
| de Sercey, Guillaume | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (de Viel Castel) de Clermont-Tonnerre, Coralie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Denamiel, Paul | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| (Desbiez) Giauque, Nathalie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Destaing, Axelle | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Devineau) Gohn, Muriel | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Di Lorenzo, Pierandrea | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Diallo, Djamila | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Diamond, Gregory | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Dikkers, Melchior | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Doria, Francesca | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Doria, Silvia | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Dotte, Sophie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Dubroca, Sandrine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Dubus, Guillaume | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Ducange Geoffrey, Thomas | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Ducroux, Antoine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Dupasquier, Benedicte | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Dupont, Charles | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Dupont, Mathieu | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Durand Ruel) Mouraux, Flavie | Yes,Request E-mail | Click on links to access Flavie's Facebook and LinkedIn pagesPersonal WebsiteBusiness Website
| Durand Ruel, Agnès | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Ederer Schwartz) Naaz, Laura | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Edis, Rupert | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Edwards Anker, Nina | Yes,Request E-mail |
| El Hassen, Leila | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| El-Banhawy, Iman | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Elsafty, Omar | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Eng, Bibi | Yes,Request E-mail | Personal Website
| Etienne, Jean-Jacques | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Etienne, Sandra | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Farineau, Stephan | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Faure, Jean-Francois | No | Lost" ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Feeney, Patrick | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Fekhar, Ali | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Filali, Selma | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Fillières, Hélène | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.Personal Website
| Fleury, Odile | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Florin, Andre | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Flory, Odile | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Fontana, Barbara | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Fournier) Imbert, Albane | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Fouré, Laurence | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| François, Emmanuelle | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| François, Sidney | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Frasca, Valeria | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Freyssingeas, Pierre-Henri | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Frydlender, Sophie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Gallardo, Guillermo Francesco | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Gantard, Raphaëlle | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Gendrot) Sicardi, Loraine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Gendrot, Elodie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Gervais) Glaenzer, Virginie | Yes,Request E-mail | Personal Website
| Giauque, Nicolas | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Gillard, Daniel | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Goarant, Thierry | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Granatino, Nicolas | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Guetat (or Guettat), Paul-Henri | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Guttman, Audrey | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Guyader, Lisa-Iris | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Hamody, Mohamed | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Harbin, Alexandre | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Hawa, Grace | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Hohler, Emily | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Hollins, Colleen | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Holzer, Alexandra | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Hottlet, Emmanuel | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Houngavou, Francois Jean-Paul | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Houssin, Alexandra | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Houstoun-Boswall, Alexander | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Hubert, Nadege | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| (Hurel) Martin, Amelie | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Huynh, Alice | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Ide, Boubacar | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Inomata, Kazuna | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| (Jondot) Grimault, Clara | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Josserand, Stephane | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Kaba, Mariame | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Kalenzaga, Denny | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Kante, Sadio | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Karoui, Hakim | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Katri) Fallas, Ilanit | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Katri, Yaacob | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Kusmierek, Etienne | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Laguerre) Wilkinson, Magalie | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Lahlou, Mehdi | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Lanier) Bernhardt, Caroline | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Latino Benmoussa, Cecilia | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Le Chatelier, Patrick | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Le Faou, Grégoire | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Le Morzellec, Yann | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Lefevre) Ancel, Olivia | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Lemaire) Perrot, Sigrid | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Lewin, Luigi | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Lidome, Pierre Vincent | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Lodeon, Jeremy | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Logbo, Desiré | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Lopes, Pascaline | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Lumière, Justin | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Lévitte) Vernerey, Camille | Yes,Request E-mail |
| MacCarthy, Nathalie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Maitre, Ariane | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Makobero, Arlette | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Malraison, Benoît | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Manset) Montironi, Marie-Laure | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Marchadier, Ludmila (or Ludmilla) | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Marciel, Stephane | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Martin, Isabelle | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Masson, Eleanore | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Masson, Sophie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Mc Lane, John | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Milner, Lina | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| (Moinet) Mauvais, Catherine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Moor Jankowski, Bernard | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Morbelli) Henry, Laetitia | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Morris, Alexander | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Murcia, Stéphane | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| N'Diaye, Karine (Kenila) | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Nasi, Allegra | Yes,Request E-mail | Personal Website
| (Naudin) Pinson, Caroline | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Neulist, Lizabeth (Liz) | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Niaré, Mohamed | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Nida, Vincent | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Ouattara, Myriam | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Paulhiac, Thierry | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Peardon, Olivier | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Pelissie, Veronique | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Pelletier, Béatrice | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Perzow, Alissa | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Petitbois, Jean-Francois | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Pillet, Violaine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Poncet, Nicolas | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Porcher, Laurence | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Posada, Jorge | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Postman, Agatha (Aggie) | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Poudade, Olivier | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Pougnand, Christine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Poujol, Pascale | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Prach, Bénédicte | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Puglia, Caroline | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Puydebois, Sebastien | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Rakotoarivony, Mahery | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Rakotoarivony, Mahitsy (or Mahisty) | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Rakotondramboa, Sandra | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Ray, Ashley | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Recanati, Maurice-André | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Reinholt) Makarigakis, Christine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Revault d'Allonnes, Sebastien | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Reverdin, Dominique | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Rieger, Antoine - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (July 15, 2003)
| Rieupouilh, Christian | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Robert, Estelle | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Robinet, Marie-France | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Ronsin, Axel | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Rosso, Isabelle | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Rumble, Lotti | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Samake, Anna | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Samama) Attaiech, Leslie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Sanogo, Alimatou | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Schapiro, Mark | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Schlumberger, Marceau | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Schlup, Cyril | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Sicart-d'andrea, Laureen | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Silla, Virginie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Silver, Albert | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Sofer) Sherman, Orly | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Sokal, Sophie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Sossi-Ndom, Marthe | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Soumaharo, Massesse | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Spottorno Rubio, Maria-Pia | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Taïx) Babin, Emmanuelle | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Thiemele, Jean-Louis | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Tomita, Fumi (Shigefumi) | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Torres, Veridigna Juliette | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Tran Ba Huy, Ronald | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Trehet) Skik, Sonia | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Trigano, Benjamin | No | Lost" ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Valle, Christine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Van Den Driessche, Hugh | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| (Van der Zyppe) Vial-Grattier, Emmanuelle - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (14 juin 2023)Personal Website
| Vanyi-Robin, André | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Vaz-Pinto, Maria | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Vernes, Alexis | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Villepontoux, Loic | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Villoingt, Arnaud | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Vital, Ferdinand | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Vry, Raphael | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Watkins, Dana John | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Yansane, Ciré | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
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