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Class of 1985 Individuals Found: 276 To see instructions, click here.
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To request several email addresses (limit of 5 per request) click here in order to send your request to Roger Liwer '68 at rogersanit@aol.com. Don't forget to enclose the name and class year of the persons you're seeking.
Name |
Email? |
Comments & Website(s) |
(AAA), Please Note | No | This is a complete list of class of 1985 alumni, based on a review of all yearbooks, from 13eme (nursery) in 1972 to Terminale in 1985.
| Abensour, Alexandre | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Abensour, Laurence | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this personBusiness Website
| Adji, Hacia | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Allaf, Anas | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Allaf, Annas | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Amestoy, Christian | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Ariche) Halimi, Catherine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Astorgue, Colette | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Aubry, Simone | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Aubry, Stephane | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Bailby, Stéphane | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Baly, Mohamed Chiraz | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Bares, Patrick | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Beauregard, Lynn | Yes,Request E-mail | Personal Website
| Beekmans, Pauline | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Belier, Corinne | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Bellfort, Sophie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Ben Larbi, Sonia | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Bendahmane, Ibrahim | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Benoit, Brigitte | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Bitar, Hanane | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Blanchard) Zissler, Marie-Louise | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Bodard, Julien | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Bonenberger, Marc | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Boulard, William | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Bourjini) El Euch, Besma | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Bouyat, Aline | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Brahmi, Raymond | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Braida, Cédric | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Brisard, Beatrice | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Brunner, Irène | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Bénéat, Caroline | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Bénéat, Daniel | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Camerini, Paolo | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Camu, Philippe | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Castaybert) Heery, Claudia | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Causing, Debra | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Caussarieu de Laage, Caroline | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Caws, Matthew | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Chapoteau, Chantal | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Chardon, Frederic | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Chevalier, Emmanuelle | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Chevallier, Charles-Henri | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Ciarnelli, Francesca | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Cissé) Idé, Fatoumata | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| (Cleveland) Van Buren, Alice | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Colas) Pierce, Marie-Noelle | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Coradin, Ahpaly | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Courcier, Jean-Edouard | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Coxon, Chris | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Croisier, Philippe | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Dale) Dunner, (Pamela) Grace | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Davin, Valerie | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Day, Regine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| de la Chapelle, Francoise | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (de Lailhacar) Darcet, Héléne | Yes,Request E-mail |
| de Laire, Georges F. | Yes,Request E-mail |
| de Larouzière, Olivier | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Dehais, Stéphane | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Della Seta, Galdina | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Desmoulin, Sophie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Diarra, Thomas | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Dine, Nora | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Doo Kingué, Bernard | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Draier, David | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Dumont, Eric | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Dupont, Nicolas - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (May 1994)
| (Durand Ruel) Snollaerts, Claire | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Dwek, Nevil | Yes,Request E-mail | Personal Website
| Eaton, Lucille (or Lucy) | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Ehsassi, Marjan | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Etemad Mogadam, Cyrus | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Evain, Anne-Laure | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Fadika, Youssouf | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Falcon, Adrienne | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Fall, Khady | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Favier, Alain | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Fety, Sylvia | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Fleury, Aude | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Flory, Pierre | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Fobe Coruzzi, Valérie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Foeillet) Pujol, Marianne | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Fontana, Benedikt | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Fournier, Nicolas | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Fox, Charles | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Francois, Alex | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Garelli, Sappho - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (December 20, 1998)
| Gaulis, Ines | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Gaye, Tamsir Abdourahmane | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Gembler, Andrea | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Gill, Nicole | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Goldschmidt, Vivienne | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Gordon) Ryan, Jessica | Yes,Request E-mail | Personal Website
| Gormezano, Carine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Gouamba, Ruth- Francoise | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Gozlan, Philippe | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Griffoulière Frere, Fabrice | Yes,Request E-mail | Personal WebsiteBusiness Website
| Gross, Valérie de Segovia | Yes,Request E-mail | Personal WebsiteBusiness Website
| Grumel, Anne-France | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Guillaumot, Michel | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Guillon, Xavier | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Haik, Sophie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Haizet, Géraldine | No | Lost" ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Haley, John | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Hamdy, Tarek | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Hautefort, Mathias | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Hawa) Tohme, Lynn | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Henry, Laurent | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Hertzberg, Sylvie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Hessler) Girard, Laurence | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Holtzman, Diana | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Holzman, Diana | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Houri, Christina - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (August 19, 2014)Personal WebsiteBusiness Website
| Idé, Saïdou | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Jaffee, Alexander | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Jamin Lasson, Carole | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Jancène) Jaigu, France | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Janin, Eric | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Janin, Patrick | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Janssen, Tina | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Jereski, Richard | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Jimeno, Alfredo | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Jubier, Xavier | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Jubilo, René | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Karp, Stephanie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Kekeh, Kossivi | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Kereh, Kossi | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Knott, Jean-Paul | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Kobayashi, Hajime | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Krudup, Eric | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Laffont, Philippe | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Lajoie, Nathalie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Lambert, Philippe | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Lambert, Stephanie | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Langerman, Nathaniel | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Langue Tsobgny, Gabin Christian - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (March 2020)
| Lapaz, Michelle | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Lappas) Kotara, Michelle Adrienne | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Lasry, James | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Le Lay, Loïc | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Le Lay, Yannick | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Le Navenec) Schultheiss, Régine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Leclair) Neve, Maud | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Lemaire, Delphine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Lemaistre, Jean-Christophe | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Lemaistre, Jean-François | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Levy, Cinthia | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Lindemann) Barnett, Sloan | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.Personal Website
| Lipsey, Jeanne | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Littell, Jonathan | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Littlefair, Bertrand | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Livingstone, John | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Logbo, Roger | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Lourie) Fremont-Smith, Samantha | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Léonhard) Lavenant, Nathalie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Maazel) Steketee, Daria | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Majid, Nerissa | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Mallaby, Emily | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Manset, Nicolas | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Marchal, Gaëlle | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Marie, Patrick | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Maré) Zeynali, Pascale | Yes,Request E-mail |
| May, Alexander | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Mensah, Henri | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Milard, Olivier | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Milard, Thierry | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Mitter, Siddhartha | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Modiano, Paul | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Moinot, Philippe | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Morales, Ayesha | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Mouloudji, Annabelle | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Mélamède, Yael | Yes,Request E-mail |
| N'Diaye, Sira | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| N'jine, Catherine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| N'jine, Florence | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Nacoul, Patricia | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Neuteboom, Alexandra | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Nida, Olivier - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (June 2016)
| Oelbaum, Francine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Olivier de Sardan, Gilles | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Orlowski, Wanda | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Ortolani, Christina | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Ouassenan, Nelly Patricia | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Ouattara, Abdel-Kader | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Oury, Pierre | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Pape Moss, Jennifer | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Parodi, William | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Pastel) Dubanton, Anne-Sophie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Patat, Valérie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Paul, William | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Pedanou, Jean-Louis | No | Lost" ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Pepe, Stefano | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Pepin, Claudine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Pewinski, Pascal | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Phelan, Melissa | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Pieters, Laurent | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Pinto Da Silva, Paulo | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Pinto, Carlos | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Piot, Anne | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Plottel, Philip | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Pochat, Thierry | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Poitou, Sandrine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Pompei, Philippe | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Porcher, Amélie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Prach, Francois-Xavier | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Prieto Castro) Lorca, Daniel | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Pépé, Mario | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Périssé) Lucas, Catherine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Quarroz, Stephanie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Ragueneau, Edouard | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Rakotosihanaka, Hery | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Rapp, Ashley | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Rault, Phany | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Ray) Valli, Sabrina | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Renzaho, Angelique | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Robinson, Leland | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Roederer) De Belloy, Laeticia | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Rollet, Florence | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Romain, Louis | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Rondon, Jean | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Rougé-Carmel, Odile | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| (Rozental) Fillip, Barbara | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Rupert, Renaud | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Rupert, Rhea | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Sako, Ahmed | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Savy, Pascal | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Schiff, Ariel | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Schnieders) Cota, Isabelle | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Schwarz-Kogelnik, Mono | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.Personal Website
| Semichi, Yacine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Senik, Juliette | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Serot Almeras Latour, Aude | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Shashoua, Deanne | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Sherman, Derek | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Simkin, Frederic | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Sivel, Eric | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| (Smith) Seutin, Catherine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Smith, Jeannot | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Stambolis O'Neal, Victoria | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Steckel, Adrian | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Stein, Wendy | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Stein, William | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Steinmann, Jennifer | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Stern, Claudia | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Stokner, Ingrid | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Stutch, Pamela | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Svensson, Marc | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.Personal Website
| Sylla, Gabriel | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Tadlaoui, Fayçal | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Thiébaut, Laurent | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Thomas, Owen | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Thorup Tostain, Helene | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Tiphaine, Alain | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Tissier, Christophe | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Tokheim) Davis, Allison | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Tomahatsch, Denise | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Tornay, Christopher | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Traore, Alpha-Sidi | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Troyan, Brett | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Turman, Christine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Unger, Melissa | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Valayer, Clémentine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Velasquez, Maria-Victoria | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Vesine de la Rue) Yardeni, Valerie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Vidil, Jérôme | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Vigier, Denis | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Virondeau, Bernard | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Vry, Sebastian | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Williams, Marc | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Wisskirchen, Tanja | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Woodruff, Prescott | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Yem, Kolsakd | Yes,Request E-mail | .
| (Youssoufou) Keita, Zouera | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Zart, Alexandre | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Zuvic, Denise | Yes,Request E-mail |
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