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Class of 1972 Individuals Found: 196 To see instructions, click here.
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To request several email addresses (limit of 5 per request) click here in order to send your request to Roger Liwer '68 at rogersanit@aol.com. Don't forget to enclose the name and class year of the persons you're seeking.
Name |
Email? |
Comments & Website(s) |
(AAA), Please Note | No | This is a complete list of class of 1972 alumni, based on a review of all yearbooks, from 11eme in 1961 to Terminale in 1972.
| (Aberbach) Agar, Belinda | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Adams, Jan | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Akhavan, Soraya | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Alhadeff, Leslie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Amussen, Susan | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Andreu, Chantal | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Ane, Jean-Claude | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Appel) Goldstein, Kristina | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Arbace, Lisa | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Armand, Caroline | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Astric) Blanc, Patricia | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Azoulai Fontenay, Guy | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Ballis, Themistocle | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| BARTHELEMY, Christine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| BARTHELEMY, Eric | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Baudoin, Patricia (Patsy) | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Beddouk, Marc | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Bellocq, Denis | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Bellocq, Jean-Pierre | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Belmont) Rosenfield, Vivian | Yes,Request E-mail | Personal Website
| Benaim, David | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Bendelac) Huber, Mercedes | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Bergne, Giles | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Bernard) Gruloos, Marie-Françoise | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Berne) Vogelvang, Evelyne | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| BOEGNER, Denis | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Bornhauser, Dominique | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Bouvier) Robertson, Yolande | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Brugere, Beatrice | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Brugere, Catherine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Burger, Michele | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Busch, Margaret | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Cachelin, Alice | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Cahn, Gregory | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Cararon) Le Gac, Marie Francoise | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Caste) de Peyerimhoff, Françoise | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Castera, Florence | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Cerbu, Thomas | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Chaminadas, Marie-France | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Charton, Patricia | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Chetrit, Sylvianne | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Chounramany, Xayprani | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Collier, Kathleen | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Combe, Bruno | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Coulibaly, Amara | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Crenesse Cozien, Anne | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Crespi, Marc Antoine - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (June 27, 2005)Personal WebsiteBusiness Website
| Cross, Carol | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Crouzilhat, Gerard - Deceased | No | *DECEASED*
| Céra, Claire | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Cérisoles, Hervé | Yes,Request E-mail |
| d'Anethan, François - Deceased | No | * DECEASED * (March 21, 2011)Personal Website
| Daumec, Philippe | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| de La Begassière, Jacqueline | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| de Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Stephen | Yes,Request E-mail |
| De Nervaux Loÿs, Amaury | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| De Picciotto, Marcel | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| De Ziegler, Nicolas | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Deane) Swain, Marjorie Gregg | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| deMilly, Michèle | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Djeengue, Grace | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Dumas, Huguette | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Duschinsky, Carlos | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Eddison, David | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Egger, Anne Catherine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Eid, Jean-Francois | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Erville, Pierre | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Ferwerda, Thomas - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (2000)
| Flego-Wile, Catherine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Florin, Fabrice | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Fontaine, Ghislaine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Friede, Stephanie | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Frittz (or Fritts), John | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Frohlich, Jean-Pierre | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| Gamonal, Alfredo | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| GARCIA-ROBLES, Alfonso | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Ghorbal, Nahed | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Gill, Nina | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Golub, Philip | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Gontscharow, Valentina | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Gorek) Mannix, Isabelle | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Gross, Carol | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Guerin, Laurence | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Guyère, Jean-Paul | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Hall, John | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Haussman, Claude | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Healey, Catherine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Henry, Paula | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Hill) Simon, Ellen - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (July 2008)
| Hills, Piera | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Hirschler, Charles | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Holzberger) Braun, Carol-Ann | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Honorat, Daniele | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Horenstein, Nadine | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Huet, Marie-Carole | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Impellizeri, Robert | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Janis, Stefan - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (February 1, 2017)
| Jeffcoat, Lindsey | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Jerrems, Daniel | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Jumet, Jean-Paul | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Kaneff, Viviane | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Kaplan, Amy | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Kaufman, Iva | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Kelemen, Hervé | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Kennedy, Simon | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Kulick, Arthur George | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Lamaison, Dominique | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Lamaison, Jean-Pascal | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Lamarche, Guy | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Lavenir, Thierry | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Lazar, Erik | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Lazarus, Bruce | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Leamon, Richard | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| LeBris, Elisabeth | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Lefebure, Christophe - Deceased | No | *DECEASED*
| Lemonnier, Françoise | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Lestelle, Véronique | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Liebmann) Adams, Lisa Isabel - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (June 30, 2016)Personal WebsiteBusiness Website
| Littlejohn, Robert | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Loewy) Hagerman, Laurence - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (October 15, 2008)Personal Website
| Loheac, Brigitte | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Lowe, Tanya | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Lozach) Jaffre, Monique | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Luksberg, Marc | Yes,Request E-mail |
| MacGowan, Karin Annabel | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Malchin, Diana | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Mamelok, Jonathan | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Mareskas) Randall, Michele | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Marx, Curtis Guienther | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Mason, Sari | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Mayeur, Joelle | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| McCormick, Peter | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Miller) Guarnuccio Michael, Eve - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (June 30, 2013)
| (Mooberry) Hess, Michèle | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Nagler, Patricia | Yes,Request E-mail | Personal Website
| Negre, Frederique | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Nemo, Laetitia | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Nerfin, Catherine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Noel) Claisse, Valerie - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (October, 1995)
| Oger, Pascal | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Ordner, Frederic | No | Lost---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Osinski, Monika | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Paire, Claude | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Pascal, Marie-Nancy | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Perinel, Patricia - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (late 1970's)
| Philippot, Marc | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Plaja, Roberto | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Ponsolle, Jean-Yves | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Poser, Margaret | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Pretre, Jean-Reynald - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (17 septembre 2012)Personal Website
| Ramette, Aline (or Adine) | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Ratsaphong, Vasna | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Renaud, Jerome | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Retitov, Tatiana | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Reynaud, Virginie | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Rick, Amy | Yes,Request E-mail | Email is 'private' but we can forward a message.
| Rosenberg, Marianne | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Rosenthal, Marc | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Rossignol, René | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Rouffiac, Michel | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Rouillon, Alice | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Roux, Beatrice | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Rutten, Rosanne | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Salas, Claudette | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Salomon, Gerard | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
| Sampson, Gerald | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Schaeffer, Philippe | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Schless, Eric | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Schlossman, Nina | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Schweitzer, David | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Segre) Weil, Joanne | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Servant, Pierre - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (2 mars 2017)Personal WebsiteBusiness Website
| Silvie, Philippe | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| (Simon) Cummings, Sonia | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Singer) Reiner, Michèle | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Sloan, Bambi | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Soufi, Bernard | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Spears, William | Yes,Request E-mail |
| (Stanforth) Shoemaker, Jamie - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (November 2000)
| (Tomeh) Ibrahim, Hala | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Vallee, Brigitte | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Van Coppenolle, Patrick | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Van den Boom, Pierre | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Vareilles, Eric | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Velten, Agnes | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Waltner, Audrey | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Weaver, William | Yes,Request E-mail |
| Weiss, Walter (Wally) | Yes,Request E-mail | Business Website
| White, Caroline | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| William, Patrick | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Wiseheart, William | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Wool, Sarah | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Wyatt, Jocelyn | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Zander, Louis | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
| Zilkha, Donna | Yes,Request E-mail |
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