Name |
Email? |
Comments & Website(s) |
(AAA), Please Note | No | This is a as complete list as we could construct of class of 1951 alumni, based on a review of all yearbooks, from 5me in 1946 to Terminale in 1951 (the 1947 YB for 4eme is not available)
Adam, Monique | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Altmann, Cecil - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (July 28, 2008)Personal Website
Bagshawe, Marion - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (May 25, 1973).Personal Website
Barnhouse, Dorothy Grace - Deceased | No | (Also listed under class of '50) *DECEASED* (June 23, 2019 )Personal Website
Bonnet, Bénédict - Deceased | No | *DECEASED*
(Charlois) Poirel, Micheline - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (October 25, 2018)Personal Website
Clarke, John (Jean) | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
(Cote) Cott, Raymond - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (July 25, 2015).Personal Website
Cottrant, Jacqueline | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Daridan, Pierre | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
de Bausset Roquefort, Philippe - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (May 16, 2018)Personal Website
(Devys) Langan, Janine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
(Ehrlich) Mimran, Ellen Barbara | Yes,Request E-mail |
Fabre, Rolande | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Forgelle, Reine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
(Fourchtein) Vonderheyde, Josiane - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* ( July 13, 1989).Personal Website
(Friedman) Fink, Beatrice - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (January 29, 2017)Personal Website
Frédéric, R. | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
(Gadat) Bessborough (or Rossborough), Odette | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Gaetjens, Eric | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Gazarian, Pierre Andre - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (Feb. 6, 2017)Personal WebsiteBusiness Website
Gomez de Kanelba, Cécile ('Sita') | Yes,Request E-mail | No email address, but can be contacted via a friend of hers
Guy, Jean Eudes | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
Hesse, Roland | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Hoffmann, Léon-Francois - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (May 25, 2018)Personal WebsiteBusiness Website
Huertas Jourda, José - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (March 1, 2007)Personal Website
Huot, Jules - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (April 15, 2005)
(Irvington) Moore, Antoinette | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Jaime, Claudine | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Jamin, Micheline | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Jobin, André | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.Personal Website
(Kaplan) Alenick, Nicole | Yes,Request E-mail |
Kasem Beg, Alexandre | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Lacroix, Edmond | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Laurentie, Jean | Yes,Request E-mail |
(Lazard) Higonnet, Martine | Yes,Request E-mail |
Malaquais, Jean | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Marchal, Evrard | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Marx, Richard | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Mottin, Liliane | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
(Newman) Sluys, Anne Colette | Yes,Request E-mail |
(Nugent) Van Schendel, Erin | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Ostinetti, Raymond - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (October 12, 2008)
Progneaux, Francis - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (May 23, 2011)Personal Website
Radieszki, Marie-Claude (Claudette Radies) | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person
Saks, Eugene | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
(Sanche de Gramont) Morgan, Ted - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (December 13, 2023)Personal Website
Schock, Rolf - Deceased | No | *DECEASED* (December 5, 1986)Personal Website
Stolz, Eva | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Tanquerey, Robert | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Wick, Jean-Paul | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Wolf, Gerard | No | Lost ---Please HELP US LOCATE this person.
Zighera, Frédéric - Deceased | No | *DECEASED * (July1981) |
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